View Full Version : If you were coach of the Lakers....

05-27-2009, 10:37 PM
Would you play Derek Fisher 28mpg?

05-27-2009, 10:38 PM
Would you play Derek Fisher 28mpg?
Hell no

Dude just passed up an open 3.......

05-27-2009, 10:55 PM
God lay off Derek.

05-27-2009, 10:58 PM
shoulda kept shannon brown in there

Bob Lanier
05-27-2009, 10:58 PM
I'd play him 32.

05-27-2009, 11:03 PM
Why does Laker Fan crap on Fisher so much? He's about 23452391234uj013h13049 times better than Michael Finley and Finley played damn near 48 minutes per game in the playoffs.

Fisher has lost a step defensively but he's still a good defender in the halfcourt sets, he's unafraid to take the big shots and he has a history of making big shots. On top of that, he's a battle tested veteran who keeps his teammates calm and seems like the one player who isn't afraid to bark at Kobe to keep Kobe in line.

You take Fisher off the team and the Lakers wouldn't be in the position they are right now. Farmar and Brown are good backups but if the Lakers didn't have Fisher steadying the ship, they'd be much more prone to meltdowns and self destruction. Fisher's stats are pretty bad but he provides intangibles by the bus load.

He's basically moved into an Horry-esque category. Horry's stats with the Spurs were always bad but his intangibles were invaluable. And you just know Fisher is going to hit a big shot somewhere in the Finals to win a game.

05-27-2009, 11:25 PM
Why does Laker Fan crap on Fisher so much? He's about 23452391234uj013h13049 times better than Michael Finley and Finley played damn near 48 minutes per game in the playoffs.

Fisher has lost a step defensively but he's still a good defender in the halfcourt sets, he's unafraid to take the big shots and he has a history of making big shots. On top of that, he's a battle tested veteran who keeps his teammates calm and seems like the one player who isn't afraid to bark at Kobe to keep Kobe in line.

You take Fisher off the team and the Lakers wouldn't be in the position they are right now. Farmar and Brown are good backups but if the Lakers didn't have Fisher steadying the ship, they'd be much more prone to meltdowns and self destruction. Fisher's stats are pretty bad but he provides intangibles by the bus load.

He's basically moved into an Horry-esque category. Horry's stats with the Spurs were always bad but his intangibles were invaluable. And you just know Fisher is going to hit a big shot somewhere in the Finals to win a game.

Def Rowe
05-27-2009, 11:26 PM
Defense wins championships.

05-27-2009, 11:27 PM
I'd play him 48 just to fuck with Karl.

05-27-2009, 11:40 PM
Phil's playing mind games with Karl. He's confusing GK by playing Derek so much :lol

05-28-2009, 08:42 AM
I would be an asshole who looks like KFC

06-12-2009, 12:02 AM
Why does Laker Fan crap on Fisher so much? He's about 23452391234uj013h13049 times better than Michael Finley and Finley played damn near 48 minutes per game in the playoffs.

Fisher has lost a step defensively but he's still a good defender in the halfcourt sets, he's unafraid to take the big shots and he has a history of making big shots. On top of that, he's a battle tested veteran who keeps his teammates calm and seems like the one player who isn't afraid to bark at Kobe to keep Kobe in line.

You take Fisher off the team and the Lakers wouldn't be in the position they are right now. Farmar and Brown are good backups but if the Lakers didn't have Fisher steadying the ship, they'd be much more prone to meltdowns and self destruction. Fisher's stats are pretty bad but he provides intangibles by the bus load.

He's basically moved into an Horry-esque category. Horry's stats with the Spurs were always bad but his intangibles were invaluable. And you just know Fisher is going to hit a big shot somewhere in the Finals to win a game.

Got damn timvp if you weren't married I'd marry you.

baseline bum
06-12-2009, 12:08 AM

06-12-2009, 12:09 AM
Lol, good one.

06-12-2009, 12:09 AM
I still like DFish. I don't think Phil should play him against Aaron Brooks. But versus the Magic, I think Fish is great.

06-12-2009, 01:33 PM
I still like DFish. I don't think Phil should play him against Aaron Brooks. But versus the Magic, I think Fish is great.

I bet you do.

06-12-2009, 02:40 PM
With Fisher you get alot of intangibles, as Timvp mentioned.

Psst...here's another intangible you get with fish... the refs let him get away with assloads of fouls every game which generally causes havoc for the opposing teams he plays against. Word.

For example, he's given Howard all kinds of grief (along with Bryant) being pests when Howard has the ball in the paint. This has been a big factor in the lakers minimizing Howard's damage in the paint, that no team has been able to do as of yet.

In game 1, quarter 1, right off the bat the refs established that they weren't going to be too picky what the lakers did to Howard when Fisher slapped down extremely hard and happened to hit most of Howard's arm and they ended up calling a jump ball after Howard just stopped and stared in disbelief.

Yep when you are given a free pass to do stuff like that it is a big advantage to have Fisher in the game, as I doubt Farmer and Brown would get away with 1/3 of the stuff Fish does.