View Full Version : spurs fans. no more slander.

06-09-2009, 04:28 AM
wow... how pathetic....

okay i can play this game too.......in 2007 tim donaghy got that gift basket from the spurs...

the card reads: Dear Tim: thanks for all your "extra" help we couldnt have done it without you

Love: R.C. Bufford

when i read the initial post i thought there was finally a lakers fan posting on a spurs page who wasn't a numbskull spewing rhetoric and propaganda. i thought, wow, there's gonna be an actual conversation without another team's fan.
i think name slander is REALLY JUVENILE AND LAME. it's not funny or witty. and i can't believe i'm agreeing on something with a lakers fan(i seriously don't think kb24 is the greatest player ever). as much i hate the lakers in principal you won't hear me refer to purple los angeles team as 'the fakers' it's just a stupid waste of time to put down another team rather than root for your own team.

if fans care so much about their team they should do things more than just watching them win. watch them lose and get involved in the solutions for their problems. pay attention to the style of play, the rotations, the matchups, not just the end result. there's a great joy in being there for the whole season and seeing the progress to the title. that might mean you watch for 1-2-4-20 years, but that could only make the title sweeter(like 1999, and 2003, and hopefully a few in years that start 201_) if you listen to duncan and popovich talk about the championship years they'll tell you that the title is the whole process, not the fourth win of the finals. the title is playing the game, not reminding someone that you won a title x-years ago.

and lakers999 successfully made a point that the process of 'playing the game of name calling and slander' is 'pathetic'

rockettes, spurms, sperms, bobkittens, thuggets, jizz, queens, smeltics, pissedons, whorenets, fishnets, whorlando, gizzards, pacemakers, spacers, timberpuppies, mavs and cav nots. :wgaf:

namecalling just begets more namecalling.
it's a neverending, very immature and ignorant game of tomato/tomahto

Anonymous Lakerfan: "4 titles in 9 years means that you suck balls, cause you don't have kobe bryant on your team"

Hopefullymorematurespursfan: "i'm pretty sure that 4 titles with tim duncan is more than 3 titles with kobe bryant. plus tim duncan is such a great player that he's made the spurs contenders for 9 years."

Anonymous Lakerfan2: "4 titles in 9 years means that you suck balls cause you don't have shaq the most dominant center in the nba"

Hopefullymorematurespursfan: "yes, i'm glad we agree on talking about the nba, but i'm pretty sure that you don't have shaq either. but at least we agree that he was dominant. in fact, so dominant that you haven't been able to win a title since he left. you even lost a title with him. i guess the spurs have done pretty well...."

Anonymous Lakerfan3: "yeah, but we're gonna win this year's title while you spurms watch from your filthy san antonio tvs. go lakers go."

Hopefullymorematurespursfan: "if you win, congratulations. but until you do, duncan has more titles than bryant. and for the sake of argument we'll start counting from the limitations of this decade and say we are tied at 3 titles each. but in that case, shut the hell up until you win. and hopefully you can celebrate on your OWN PAGE. i've never/will never boast the spurs' success on a lakers forum/fan page. BUT for the record, insisting on counting titles from when the lakers first won theirs is pretty lame. it's as dumb as saying justin timberlake is a pure musical genius cause he writes hits that people of all ages enjoy. that would be ignoring the fact that he was in the 'band' N'Sync and that they sucked as much as the kobe/shaq lakers pre-phil jackson. the '99 spurs championship season was cut short by the lockout but '99 lakers NON-championship season was cut even shorter by a 4-0 sweep at the hands of the spurs."

Reallyannoyinglakersfan1: spurms suck. lakers are a dynasty. spurms call themselves 99 champions but asterisk. lakers are a dynasty. go lakers go. sperms asterisk. dynasty. spurms old asterisk. dynasty dynasty. go dynasty lakers dynasty go!. dynasty.

Confusedspursfan: are you a cheerleader?

LessbraindeadButStillAnnoyingLakersFan: tell you're spurs to all retire cause they are old. your just hating cuase san antonyo grandfathers can't are to old to win back to back titles. lakers are a dynasty. we're gonna beat orland and win back to back. kobe is better than lebron. he will win 3 more back to back titles starting now. go lakers go!

ReasonableSpursfan: good luck with predicting the future. meanwhile i'm going to watch game 3 of the finals. of course i hope the lakers lose, but i'm watching simply because i love basketball. but i can't deny that i really really really hope the magic win the series cause then all you annoying lakers fans will stop writing all this crap on our page and we can all go back to talking about fun stuff regarding our favorite team, the san antonio spurs on SPURSTALK.COM

SuperAnnoyingLakersFan: you're web page should ww.spurmstalk.gay
cauze your old and lose. we won't lose because the lakers have kobe bryant. your joke team has tim duncan the boring player who can't win back to back. kobe bryant will bring 3 more back to back titles cause he's the best and he will laugh when he thinks that spurms are not a dynasty. go lakers go!

ReasonableAndPossiblyMoreRealisticSpursFan: sorry ReasonableSpursFan, even if the lakers lose the fans will still come to our forums and impose their annoying opinions on us. there's no way to avoid the lakers fans except to become one. and to become one you have to stop liking the game of basketball and then devote all your time to telling the world that the lakers are the best team ever. you have to learn how to believe that your opinion is fact. anyone who is not a lakers fan like you is automatically wrong and you must do whatever you can to make sure they know that the lakers are the best. that will include suddenly losing all of your elementary mathematic skills in order to make attempts to prove that the spurs did not have success in the past 10 years or the 10 years before that. you have to be as resilient as a cockroach cause the boston celtics will remind you that they have more championships than you by DESTROYING you in a 39 point loss in the deciding game 6 of the 2008 nba finals and you will have to be able to still say, "the lakers are the best team in the nba"
so give up on the lakers fans. they are subhumans. take pride in the fact that you are a fan of the model franchise of the nba and possibly all american sports. the san antonio spurs practice sportsmanship, respect, and competitive attitudes. you can congratulate a team when they win, when they beat you, cause you are a true man. and if/when they boast their victories you will be happy to know that your children behave better than these animals. and if you don't have children yet think of it this way: the lakersfans that do this crap to our pages do so because of their cowardice. they know that if they pulled stunts like this in the real world they would get their butts kicked. imagine a lakers fan who had the brains enough to play poker in a casino. if they won and got in everyone's face about how they are superior they'd probably end up with a black eye. and they'd be asking the world to rob them once they had a chance.
if a lakers fan, a spurs fan, and an anybody else fan were all chasing the same girl and the lakers fan 'won'. when the girl heard him bragging to the world that he 'tapped dat ass' there's a good chance she'd slap him in the face, kick him in the nuts, and/or no longer 'give it up' that is, unless she's also a stupid lakers fan.....:hat
if these lakers fans were smart enough to get a decent job, get a raise, and then announce to rest of the staff how much better their salary is they'd get fired.

and to answer the original question:
first of all, i won't use the term. i don't think it's right to mock other teams and their fans. but damn i really think lakers fans suck. they represent cultures in addition to the standard local/displaced team fanatics, things having nothing to do with the team, the sport, the league, and competition in general. the lakers are a magnet for brand-name consumers. the lakers get thousands of new fans every year in which they are winning. there are millions of fans NOT from l.a. that have NOT been long/lifetime followers of the team. the age group of 0-30 years possibly starting 'liking' the lakers anywhere between 2009 and 2000. or the 30 year olds might date back to 'showtime'. there's no hard and fast rule, but in the 20 or so years i've followed basketball/spurs i've met a lot of lakers fans but never one who's been there since minneapolis. most of the fans i've run into are born again kobe/shaq lakers fans. those individuals ran their mouth a whole lot during the 3peat and either shut their mouth or did a lot of bitching from '04-'05 til feburary 5, 2008. bandwagon sports fanatics are really lame. hence, 'fakers'

the culture of sports fanatics is about consistently following a team. this includes sticking with them when they lose, and celebrating them the same when they win. the sportsmanship expected of the players should also be expected of the fans. selectively proclaiming yr team's superiority, coincidentally when they are playing at a high level is lame-fakers.
the level of bragging many lakers fans participate in, especially in venues where it is inappropriate(i.e. other teams' fan forums) is reprehensible. it is antithetical to the nba and the entire world of sports. if kobe behaved like his fans before/after the games he would be fined thousands of dollars by the league. if he did so during the game he would receive technical fouls and disqualifications. eventually those technical fouls would rack up and result in a suspension from play. antagonizing and harassing opposing teams' fans is lame. it has nothing to do with basketball. hence, 'FAKERS'
it seems like some lakers fans are more interested in saying they are a winner than they are in seeing a great game of basketball. FAKERS.
and plus when they are posting on the forum they're not participating in a conversation. they just spew their ill-informed opinions and ignore counter arguments.
plus there's that whole hollywood culture at the games. it's hip to be seen at a lakers game. especially at playoff games. if i watch a lakers game at home i have to watch the cameras on the 'stars' who probably don't even know how the game is played beyond 'put the ball in the basket' instead of on huddles, or presentations/analysis of the game/season/week/etc

i feel like, at least from my perspective, if the lakers fans never wrote stupid shit on spurs forums and news sites then spurs fans(following the example of the gentlemen that play for our team) would concede that the lakers for the most part have been great in recent years. we would have more respect for lakers/fans and i for one would not want to lobotomize every laker fan on the planet. actually, most spurs fans will simply say, "damn i hated seeing the lakers win a 3peat. i hated all 9 of those painful playoff games against them but it was so sweet to beat them in 2003. there were some very questionable calls in 2008 but i can't deny that they were a great team"

lakers fans ACT AS IF WE DIDN'T BEAT THEM in 1999 and 2003. and when spurs fans say, "we're proud of our team. for a long time we were tim duncan with an aging david robinson and a bunch of role players. we still won a couple titles while managing to take risks in the draft that eventually paid off and helped us shape into a 'big 3' and win a couple more titles. we're so fortunate to have won so much with so 'little' ...etc...etc..... teamwork, etc.....coach popovich...etc --lakers fans say "you are no dynasty you are a joke we are better you are old we are better, blah blah blah blah"

sore winners and sore losers are fakers.

AND BY THE WAY i thought this would be a decent discussion, but like all posts by lakers fans i'm disappointed with the fiction slinging.

1) tim donaughy officiated a total of ONE san antonio playoff win in 2007. it was game 3 of round 2 with phoenix. ONE GAME.

2) yes there was a card to tim. tim duncan. duh.

3) it's r.c. buford. not bufford.


Kori Ellis
06-09-2009, 04:33 AM
First of all... Does it make sense when I close a thread to start a new one talking about the same stuff? :wtf

Second of all... You are talking just as much crap as the guy who originally posted the other thread. Do you believe that it's all about "reasonable and mature" Spurs fans, and that the Laker fans are the only ones who talk trash or cause trouble? :rolleyes

Lastly... If you capitalize your sentences, you'll have a better chance someone reads your posts. I'm not being the grammar/punctuation police. It's just extremely hard to read when people don't capitalize.

06-09-2009, 05:06 AM
First of all... Does it make sense when I close a thread to start a new one talking about the same stuff? :wtf

Second of all... You are talking just as much crap as the guy who originally posted the other thread. Do you believe that it's all about "reasonable and mature" Spurs fans, and that the Laker fans are the only ones who talk trash or cause trouble? :rolleyes

Lastly... If you capitalize your sentences, you'll have a better chance someone reads your posts. I'm not being the grammar/punctuation police. It's just extremely hard to read when people don't capitalize.

nope i don't believe it's about 'reasonable and mature spurs fans. that's why i wrote that we shouldn't use 'faker' or any other team slander. the ridiculous laker/spur argument reenactment said 'HOPEFULLYmorematurespurfan' not 'righteoussuperiorwellbehavedalwaysplayingbytherul esspursfan'
it's disappointing when spurs fans stoop to 'lakerlevel'

i didn't even think the original post was crap talk. it seemed legit yet kinda funny that a lakers fan wouldn't notice the numerous fellow fans trying to ruin the fun of a spurs page. so i took the time to offer my opinion, use examples, cite fact, and promote talking about BASKETBALL.

guess i should should take the time to capitalize so long time members don't completely miss the point. maybe next time

06-09-2009, 09:39 AM

06-09-2009, 12:47 PM
draft 87 is actually a long winded closet Faker fan.

06-09-2009, 02:36 PM
Excuse me for a moment. I think my brains overheating. Such a long post, I was too lazy to finish it. Short version if you please! :nerd

Oh, Gee!!
06-09-2009, 03:01 PM
Luck_The_Fakers_Luck_The_Fakers_Luck_The_Fakers_Lu ck_The_Fakers_Luck_The_Fakers_Luck_The_Fakers_

06-09-2009, 03:42 PM
I call them the Jakers, after J.J. Gittes. :toast

06-09-2009, 07:21 PM
Brevity is the soul of wit. Just saying.

06-10-2009, 12:29 AM
I didn't read the post. Did he mention Greeks at all?

06-10-2009, 12:52 AM
When the Lakers lose, LAPD gets nervous. Domestic Violence goes up. Its a proven stat.

06-10-2009, 12:59 AM
suck my balls already...

06-11-2009, 01:22 AM
Here's my question: What exactly do Laker fans have to be sore about?

They've gotten the best free agent signings (Shaquille, Karl Malone, etc), inexplicably beneficial trades (Gasol for Kwame Brown), their top player is now on billboards again instead of being in jail for 25 to life, plus they've gotten every borderline call over the last 25 years.

Being a Laker fan is like being born into a royal family. I mean, how bad can it really get? Before the Gasol trade the team was doomed to be mediocrewith Bryant gunning them into oblivion. Yet they wake up one day and find out they've swapped Kwame Brown (the most disappointing big man in the last decade) for the most skilled big man in the league.

And what do you know, the team is a title contender again.

If they win the title this year, the MVP should go to Chris Wallace, or to David Stern. They were responsible for bringing the title back to LA.

06-11-2009, 01:35 AM


Im still trying to forget that.

06-11-2009, 04:39 AM
What is it with these insecure attention whore Laker fans? Were they bottle fed or something or just trolling for attention lost, ignored and forgotten in their mundane Laker fan circle jerk websites?

Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick!

06-11-2009, 07:36 AM
Big wall o' text

06-11-2009, 09:27 AM