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06-12-2009, 03:32 AM
Accepting the award for the Lakers, NBA Commissioner David Stern.

Why not, he made it possible.

I refer to the February 1, 2008 trade of Pau Gasol to the Lakers in exchange for (drumroll please):

The man, the myth, the uniform stuffing known as Kwame Brown. (Who Memphis chose not to resign).

Sir Marc the Lesser, younger brother to Pau. In fairness, an adequate NBA forward, but no Pau Gasol.

Jarvis Crittenton. Traded (along with his 5 ppg) to the Wizards for a future draft choice.

Aaron McKie. A retired player included to make the cap space work under trade rules.

A 2008 draft choice. This became Donte Greene and then Darrell Arthur (5 points, 4 rebounds per game).

A 2010 draft choice. Considering the Lakers will likely win the title, this would be the last pick of the first round. Essentially, a worthless pick.

In other words, Pau Gasol (19 points, 10 rebounds) for the basketball equivalent of chum (fish bait).


Easy enough. Memphis has never made money. Things were getting bleak before the trade got made. The Grizzlies might have needed an escape hatch, a buyer, or backing for a line of credit. Maybe even dibs on a relocation site.

Suddenly the Grizzlies traded Gasol and all the talk about moving or folding went away. Just recently Memphis tapped into a $20 million loan from the NBA.

Funny thing.

The Grizzlies didn't entertain a single offer from any other team in the league. Went straight for the Lakers lousy deal. Stuck the fans in Memphis. Stuck the rest of the league.

But made David Stern a happy man.

Next up, LeBron James.

Stern will eventually do for King James what he has done for Kobe. A marquee player will appear on the Cavaliers roster for a pocket full of magic beans. Or maybe it will end up being the Knicks roster. That would make Nike happy. And Nike and NBA seem to smile at the same moment an awful lot.

It will happen.

Just as surely as the league chastised a referee for calling LeBron James for travelling earlier this season. As surely as the Lakers caught all the breaks against Denver. As surely Pau Gasol is a Laker.

Congratulations Kobe, you did it all by yourself.

Sort of.



NBA Championships so easy even a caveman could do it!(See Pau Gasol) If there is any dispute that the NBA is not rigged we can now completely put it to rest. We know that the NBA will NOT miss out on extra playoff series tv ratings and revenue.

It is not possible for so many series to go to seven games. David Stern to staff, Do not forget the conference calls with the referees for tonight's finals! "Now guys (and gals) we need you to stretch things out a bit. Only call charges on the Magic and load up Dwight Howard with early fouls and DO NOT blow the whistle against Kobe!

After our meeting last week, I thought we had an understanding about LeBron. You guys don't seem to get it! Nike has bought a $10 million campaign from us with the puppets! We MUST have your cooperation or NO playoffs for you next year!

Now let me get this straight, in February 1, 2008 the Memphis Grizzlies traded Pau Gasol to the Los Angeles Lakers for Kwame Brown (stiff and a bust),Javaris Crittendon(OK?),Aaron McKie(who?)and the the draft rights to Mark Gasol.

When the trade was announced General Manager for the Lakers Mitch Kupchak said "We are extremely pleased to acquire Pau Gasol."You BET he's pleased. The Memphis Grizzlies give up the centerpiece to their franchise for nothing. Here's how it went down: Memphis Grizzlies can I help you?

Yes this is Commissioner David Stern can I speak with the GM on duty please. Yes Mr. Stern! Hello Chris I need your help. Los Angeles, our largest market, is hurting for some playoff action out there and we need you guys to ship out Gasol to them. I'll make it up to you later. "No problem Sir we'll get on it right away."

It doesn't seem unreasonable that the same thing occurred with the Boston Celtics acquiring Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen before they won last year's NBA Championship.

It is public knowledge that Tim Donaghy th NBA referee pled guilty to passing along insider information and had a nasty gambling addiction. He also alleged that the NBA refs altered the outcomes of playoff games in 02' and 05'.

It's not a reach for a reasonable person to believe that manipulations occur for the benefit of the large market team, even if the trade isn't a good deal for the small market team.Where there's smoke there's fire. Just like Wrestling, the NBA playoffs feature an outcome so easy even a caveman (or a commissioner) could do it.


06-12-2009, 03:35 AM
pink this baby

06-12-2009, 04:37 AM
lmao, Spur fans in complete disarray tonight, just hunting for any way to discredit their arch rival that is better then them.

06-12-2009, 06:53 AM
pink this baby
they're not his own writings, though the two articles both revealed the very truth.

06-12-2009, 07:12 AM
You know, that's the one difference between the KG/Ray Allen trades and the Pau Gasol trade. At least the Celtics gave up Al Jefferson, a promising young big. The Lakers gave up... nothing, really.

06-12-2009, 07:21 AM
You know, that's the one difference between the KG/Ray Allen trades and the Pau Gasol trade. At least the Celtics gave up Al Jefferson, a promising young big. The Lakers gave up... nothing, really.

+ a top 5 draft pick

06-12-2009, 08:21 AM
While there very could have been a "behind closed door" trade with Gasol going to the Lakers, let's assume up front there wasn't. Is this really good for the NBA? Having one team dominate the league by appearing in the Finals 50% of the time? I know many NBA fans - (well, non-Laker fans, anyway) - looked on in disbelief as the Lakers signed on Karl Malone and Peyton as well they should as they went on to appear in the Finals yet again. Again, is this really good for the NBA's image?

And people wonder why the Lakers provide perhaps one of the biggest fan polarities in professional sports. As is the case in just about everything else, don't necessarily do what's right - do what makes the most money.

06-12-2009, 08:27 AM
While there very could have been a "behind closed door" trade with Gasol going to the Lakers, let's assume up front there wasn't. Is this really good for the NBA? Having one team dominate the league by appearing in the Finals 50% of the time?

Sure. Look at how popular the NBA was in the '80s when at least one of two teams appeared in the Finals every single season. Look at how attendance jumps in American League ballparks when the Yankees come to town. Like it or not, every league needs a brand-name, whether it's the Cowboys in the NFL, the Yankees in MLB, or the Celtics-Lakers in the NBA.

06-12-2009, 08:44 AM
That is a pretty damning trade The fact he made no other attempts to get something better suggests a conspiracy but if that was the case you would think some other teams would do something about it.

06-12-2009, 08:44 AM
fine with me..we get a ring.

06-12-2009, 09:17 AM
Oh man Spur fans are a complete mess. Love it :toast

06-12-2009, 09:18 AM
Oh man some of these Spur fans are a complete mess. Love it :toast

fify :toast

06-12-2009, 09:19 AM
Sure. Look at how popular the NBA was in the '80s when at least one of two teams appeared in the Finals every single season. Look at how attendance jumps in American League ballparks when the Yankees come to town. Like it or not, every league needs a brand-name, whether it's the Cowboys in the NFL, the Yankees in MLB, or the Celtics-Lakers in the NBA.

Yes. We all know the polar fan base the Yankees have (just ask Boston fans). Here's what is interesting when comparing the Lakers, the Yankees, and the Cowboys WRT appearing in their respective sports' championship over the last 30 years:

Lakers - 15
Yankees - 9
Cowboys - 3

So, the Lakers have been there 66% more times than the second place Yankees and 5x more than the Cowboys, which would suggest (to me, anyway) that the polarization of the NBA's fan base should be (and probably is) a LOT more than in MLB or the NFL.

06-12-2009, 09:23 AM
It's ridiculous to think the Grizzlies would give up a franchise player coming off his best career year in his best basketball prime for absolute dogshit.

They could have been a contender for a playoff spot this year with Gasol manning the center.

If I was a grizzly season ticket holder I wouldn't show up to any game, and let my empty seat do the talking.

06-12-2009, 09:37 AM
I have to agree, that trade f'd up the league forcing everyone to suffer more years of LA smack. It lined up perfectly with the Boston trade to to recreate teh LA vs Boston thing that didn't happen this year due to an injury.

That said the officiating in the finals has been fine. LA is the better team. They got far less favortism that Cleveland did vs Orlando.

sedale threatt
06-12-2009, 11:22 AM
why did the grizziles make this deal? i keep forgetting. did someone promise them laker season tickets? did david stern hold a gun to their heads? i'm pretty sure that they wanted the biggest expiring contract out there, and they got it.

sedale threatt
06-12-2009, 11:25 AM
Is this really good for the NBA? Having one team dominate the league by appearing in the Finals 50% of the time?

it's a bit much to blame a 2008 trade for sixty years of domination!

turiaf for president
06-12-2009, 11:27 AM

06-12-2009, 12:36 PM
if spurscenter is spamming threads and pissed im happy

06-12-2009, 08:51 PM
That is a pretty damning trade The fact he made no other attempts to get something better suggests a conspiracy but if that was the case you would think some other teams would do something about it.

there were rumors that Kerr offered Amare Studamire and Memphis said no because of $

06-12-2009, 09:33 PM
fine with me..we get a ring.you will get your ring but, did you earn it without the NBA mafia?

06-12-2009, 09:36 PM
it's a bit much to blame a 2008 trade for sixty years of domination!There was no playoffs hopes for the lakers before the trade, why do you think kobe was crying in the radio demanding better players

06-12-2009, 10:09 PM
:lmao at Spur fan in complete disarray

06-12-2009, 11:11 PM
:lmao at Spur fan in complete disarray

Spurs fans are completely out of line for insisting on fairness in the leauge - they should know better that it's not about them or any other small market team. In fact, it's the small market teams that just fill out the schedule.

The Celtics helped the league with their championship, but if the Lakers win it's really a product of forced success with a d-bag star player and a d-bag coach leading the way. I'm sure if I was a Laker fan, I'd be defending this lop-sided trade all the way but in reality it only cheapens the success that this team has had - sorry there are no arguments for that.

06-13-2009, 02:51 PM
There was no playoffs hopes for the lakers before the trade, why do you think kobe was crying in the radio demanding better players


06-13-2009, 03:16 PM
It's ridiculous to think the Grizzlies would give up a franchise player coming off his best career year in his best basketball prime for absolute dogshit.

They could have been a contender for a playoff spot this year with Gasol manning the center.

If I was a grizzly season ticket holder I wouldn't show up to any game, and let my empty seat do the talking.

This is why comments by you are taken as if you are talking out your ass. Cause you are. Season ticket holders in Memphis were fed up with Gasol and had been for 2 years. They had yet to win a SINGLE playoff game with him. There were articles at the time talking about 20 to 30 percent not renewing their tix if Gasol wasnt traded. Do some research instead of spewing bullshit.

The Griz, after fielding offers for Gasol over many months, decided they were not going to get anything substantial for him (as in franchise player) and decided to rebuild with youth by obtaining young pontential, expiring contracts, and draft picks very much the same way Portland has developed their core of youth and talent. They got JUST THAT. The largest expiring contract in the NBA tfor the following year, 2 potentials in Crittington and Marc Gasol (in the ROY talk all season), and 2 first round picks.

Your definition of dogshit is absolutely absurd as are YOU. :whine

06-13-2009, 03:51 PM
Memphis got a super great trade.

1) Marc Gasol, an NBA Top 10 Center in his rookie year
2) #1 Draft Pick and Salary Cap
3) Lotto pick

All that for a 2nd tier star? That's pretty good to me...I think Chris Wallace got a VERY shrewd deal out of it.

Kori Ellis
06-13-2009, 04:00 PM
Spurs fans who are butt hurt about the Gasol trade and everything else the Lakers do are embarrassing.

The Spurs weren't going to win a title this year with Manu out and Tim hobbled. So let it go.

This year, the league wasn't very strong but that doesn't take away anything from the Lakers pending title. They did whatever they needed to do on the court to get where they are. Their role players have stepped up when they had to (Ariza has been huge in the playoffs, DFish doing what he does, etc). Give them credit as a team and show some freakin' dignity.

Cry Havoc
06-13-2009, 04:46 PM
Spurs fans who are butt hurt about the Gasol trade and everything else the Lakers do are embarrassing.

The Spurs weren't going to win a title this year with Manu out and Tim hobbled. So let it go.

This year, the league wasn't very strong but that doesn't take away anything from the Lakers pending title. They did whatever they needed to do on the court to get where they are. Their role players have stepped up when they had to (Ariza has been huge in the playoffs, DFish doing what he does, etc). Give them credit as a team and show some freakin' dignity.


I hate the Gasol trade, and think it was ridiculously unfair, but I'm not going to make threads whining about it.

If you really think it's that stupid, stop watching basketball. Whining about it to make yourself feel better is the kind of thing a Lakers fan would do.

Show some class and respect. Lakers battled to win (probably) a title this year.

06-13-2009, 05:46 PM
Spurs fans who are butt hurt about the Gasol trade and everything else the Lakers do are embarrassing.

The Spurs weren't going to win a title this year with Manu out and Tim hobbled. So let it go.

This year, the league wasn't very strong but that doesn't take away anything from the Lakers pending title. They did whatever they needed to do on the court to get where they are. Their role players have stepped up when they had to (Ariza has been huge in the playoffs, DFish doing what he does, etc). Give them credit as a team and show some freakin' dignity.

yea lets be classy to the Lakers organization. :rolleyes

save the whole "everyone think like me or else you're a looney" speeches at the end of arguments just to try to look classy by showing fake love to the Lakers (of all teams)

Lakers cheat in the off season, regular season and post season.

It's a fact. period. From Phil Jackson whining to Kobe Bryant to NBA to the Referees.

Combine that with their fans, there is nothing to like about the Lakers or show respect. They sure don't when we won titles. (Asterisks, make excuses for our titles, etc.)

You know about the refs and the media love for the Lakers. C'mon save the "lets take the higher road and congratulate them" crap.

It's the Lakers (our biggest foe) and I'm just a fan in a message board forum, let's not take the $179 vbullentin license too seriously now.

If I don't care to congratulate the Lakers or it's fans or stop calling out the league's bullshit, it does not make me less of a fan of the Spurs or the NBA.

Staying quiet and taking the high road is for the coaches and players. We're the fans. No one gives a shit if I or all fans collectively take the high road and that's just a fact.

It's just like Democrats vs. Republicans, you won't see them hold hands and take the high road either. It's just the way we're all programmed to be.


Kori Ellis
06-13-2009, 05:52 PM
Lakers cheat in the off season, regular season and post season.

It's a fact.

Then stop watching basketball. You believe it's a corrupt sport.

Combine that with their fans, there is nothing to like about the Lakers or show respect.

Laker fans on the board have generally been fine this year. Much better than Mavs fans, Suns fans and Hornets fans have been when they are winning.

You know about the refs.
Again, you think it's corrupt, stop watching. Or else watch it like people watch wrestling with the understanding that it's fake entertainment.

C'mon save the "lets take the higher road" crap.

It's not the higher road. It's the normal road.

06-13-2009, 05:55 PM
Kori I wasnt attacking you personally. In general.

Kori Ellis
06-13-2009, 05:56 PM
Kori I wasnt attacking you personally. In general.

I didn't think you were.

06-13-2009, 06:04 PM
This is why comments by you are taken as if you are talking out your ass. Cause you are. Season ticket holders in Memphis were fed up with Gasol and had been for 2 years. They had yet to win a SINGLE playoff game with him. There were articles at the time talking about 20 to 30 percent not renewing their tix if Gasol wasnt traded. Do some research instead of spewing bullshit.

The Griz, after fielding offers for Gasol over many months, decided they were not going to get anything substantial for him (as in franchise player) and decided to rebuild with youth by obtaining young pontential, expiring contracts, and draft picks very much the same way Portland has developed their core of youth and talent. They got JUST THAT. The largest expiring contract in the NBA tfor the following year, 2 potentials in Crittington and Marc Gasol (in the ROY talk all season), and 2 first round picks.

Your definition of dogshit is absolutely absurd as are YOU. :whine

Whether the OP likes it or not everything mentioned here^ is 100% true. Gasol has been on the trade block for over a year prior to the trade.

06-13-2009, 06:16 PM
Dammit, cobbler and DOK, why are you introducing facts to this thread?

Stop it and let spurscenter stay on his soapbox.

I swear it's funnier than anything on Youtube.

Spurscenter...keep it going, bud....I love it! :)

06-13-2009, 06:22 PM
Bad collusion deals are MUCH better than tanking to get the #1 over-all draft choice TWICE!!!!
Tell me how Thr Celt felt BEFORE last year about Spurs stealing Duncan from them ...