View Full Version : 48MOH: Interview with James Gist

06-16-2009, 12:17 PM

The Spurs do things differently. We all know this is true, but it helps to stop and check the score once in awhile. One thing that sets the Spurs apart from other teams is there use of the Austin Toros and international leagues as part of their player development. “Yes, I know,” you say. “Why remind us now?”

As we’re busy thinking about the upcoming draft, let’s not forget that Marcus Williams, Malik Hairston and James Gist are better than almost any player the Spurs will draft in the second round. It may well be the case that San Antonio will add youth and athleticism to their 2009-10 roster through the fruit of their 2007 and 2008 drafts, not to mention their work through the Toros and friendship with Angelica Biella.

Last July James Gist captured the attention of Spurs Nation with his strong summer league play, and most fans would like to see a reprise this July. I had a chance to catch up with Gist last week.

TV: How was the experience of living abroad for a year?

JG: I don’t really have any crazy stories about living in Italy. For the most part, things went how I expected. When I first arrived in Italy I was a bit upset–I felt that I belonged in the NBA, not overseas. After the first couple months went by I decided to accept that fact that I’m over here and to make the best of my situation. One thing my agent, Bill Duffy, told me was that “life is like a card game at times, your not always given the best cards, but you have to play the hand your dealt. So why not make the best of it.” Around November I took that into consideration and did the best I could to make the situation positive. Looking back on the decision the Spurs and I made for myself to come overseas, I think it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. This is definitely an experience I will always remember. I am very happy that I made the decision to come to Italy for a year. I grew as a basketball player learning a lot more about the game, but, more importantly, I grew as a person.

TV: Tell me about Biella, the city and the team. From your perspective, how does the level of talent of Serie A compare to the ACC?

JG: The city of Biella fits me because I have a laid back personality and I enjoy relaxing and not always being in the limelight. Biella has about 50-60,000 residents. Everyone I meet or walk by always has a smile, they’re very nice, and say thank you for coming to Biella. The people were supportive whether we won or lost.

As far as the competition goes, international basketball is a lot more competitive than the collegiate level. In college you usually have 1 or 2–if your lucky 3 good players–on your team. That’s enough to carry you to a national championship. In Europe, every person on the team makes nearly a million dollars and they have been playing together for years. Countries stand behind their hometown team. It’s bigger and the competition is greater.

In college when a team or player misses a defensive assignment, the opposing team may not be good enough to execute and punish the team for messing up. If you leave someone open in Europe they will punish you every time. Through my experience I feel like individually one person can’t beat a team overseas, as opposed to the States where teams usually have one go-to-guy that will carry the team the entire game. However as a team, Europe is perfect for learning how to play the game right. Knowing when to make the right passes, when to run on a fast break or slow the tempo down, who to get the ball to when the time is right, all comes in to play when you play team basketball. I think in the States we have more of an individual game, not to say that we don’t have great teams. But during NCAA games you see more isolation sets than you do overseas.

TV: Last year, you had a phenomenal summer league. You quickly became a fan favorite amongst Spurs fans–they were disappointed not to see you camp with the team. How has your game improved since then? What specific skills did you work on in Biella?

JG: I became more mature as a basketball player. I had the chance to play with and against some good veteran players. They may not have been as young or as athletic as me, but they made it work and found other ways to be effective on the court. That helped me understand how to play the game and the important things I needed to know, whether a small trick and how to effectively use technique without relying on pure athleticism. I learned how to be more physical, improved my shooting, and worked hard on being at full energy the entire time I’m on the court. But most of all, I improved my basketball IQ. I understand the game much better now than I did even a year ago.

TV: Do you plan to summer league and camp with the Spurs? If not, is a team like Maccabi in your future?

JG: My plan is to play in the NBA summer league this upcoming July, preferably with the Spurs. My overall goal is to be on an NBA team this upcoming season, again preferably the Spurs. If for some reason that does not happen then I’m sure I can play overseas.

TV: One of the things Spurs fans debate amongst themselves is whether you’re a long 3 or a high energy, small ball 4. Assuming you come to the NBA next season, what position do you think is a more natural fit?

JG: I’m a little bit of both. I have the potential to develop into a 3 offensively, but defensively I’m comfortable guarding small and power forwards, as well as some point or shooting guards if necessary. I’ve played in the post area my entire life so naturally I can play the 4, but I can see myself developing into a solid 3 man in the near future.

TV: The Spurs feature a “stretch 4″ in their offense. That is, a forward that is able to knock down threes and create space for Tim Duncan. Based on your play for Biella, it looks like you could fill that role. How does a Robert Horry type role appeal to you?

JG: Robert Horry did great things while playing in the NBA, so those are big shoes to fill. I want to come into the NBA and start my own legacy, if possible. I plan to work hard and do whatever I can to help the team I play with win games. If I work hard enough maybe I will hit game winning shots and win championships too.

TV: I was at the Draft Combine a couple weeks ago. Every player there expected to be on an NBA roster next season. Obviously, that isn’t going to happen. What advice would you give to guys who will soon find themselves in your position? That is, of being asked to play abroad for a season or two to improve their games prior to coming to the NBA. What advice might you give Greivis Vasquez?

JG: I would say that if a team suggest you do one or two years overseas, take that opportunity to learn and grow and experience new things. In the end it will pay off. Before I came over here I thought I knew everything and thought I was more grown up than I actually was. This was my first time living by myself with no family or friends nearby. I had to try and learn a new language so that I could communicate with people here, and I had to adjust to my surroundings. Now that I’ve completed my year I’m better ball player and, more importantly, a better person. As for Greivis, I wish him nothing but luck in whether he decides to stay in the draft this year or go back to Maryland. (Ed. Note: Vasquez has decided to return to school.)

Thanks for your time, James. Good luck.

06-16-2009, 12:41 PM
Great interview. He can speak Italian with Manu!

I’m a little bit of both. I have the potential to develop into a 3 offensively, but defensively I’m comfortable guarding small and power forwards, as well as some point or shooting guards if necessary. I’ve played in the post area my entire life so naturally I can play the 4, but I can see myself developing into a solid 3 man in the near future.

I wonder if the Spurs see it the same way. It will be interesting to watch.

I learned how to be more physical, improved my shooting, and worked hard on being at full energy the entire time I’m on the court. But most of all, I improved my basketball IQ.

This all sounds great. You can tell he reads ST by the last statement he makes. :lol

06-16-2009, 12:41 PM
good read thanks. Nice to have good questions for a change...

06-16-2009, 12:56 PM
Excellent interview. I think James said basically what everyone wanted to hear. Here's hoping he makes the 15-man roster this season. :toast

06-16-2009, 01:05 PM
Sounds good. Let's hope he does well in Summer League and into Training Camp.

06-16-2009, 01:22 PM
He's done his time overseas. Time to bring him in.

06-16-2009, 01:48 PM
Good interview. Can't wait to see him playing for our team.

06-16-2009, 01:51 PM
Rebounding? check

Athleticism? check


Shooting? check


Ladies and Gentleman...

James Gist for y'all

06-16-2009, 01:55 PM
We need guys like Gist..we're at the point where we need low-cost options and hope they can surprise the team..

06-16-2009, 02:13 PM
Good interview :tu

Let's hope that he can take a step forward in summer league and give the Spurs no choice other than to bring him over for this coming season.

06-16-2009, 02:30 PM
It would be nice to get a poor man's, but more beefed up Ariza out of him. I hope he can steadily improve his 3 ball to where he can be effective.

06-16-2009, 02:50 PM
If he plays for the Spurs next season, I will be completely psyched! The man played really well during the Summer League last year.

06-16-2009, 02:52 PM
Nice interview.

Gist sounds far from sure to be with Spurs next year.

Spurs need a mobile PF for years. So if Spurs decides to let Gist overseas for one more year, I hope it will be because they have fixed that need with another player. Otherwise, and even if Gist isn't that great, it would be a mistake.

06-16-2009, 02:53 PM
Nice interview.

Gist sounds far from sure to be with Spurs next year.

Spurs need a mobile PF for years. So if Spurs decides to let Gist overseas for one more year, I hope it will be because they have fixed that need with another player. Otherwise, and even if Gist isn't that great, it would be a mistake.

He is mobile, but he is very undersized. Spurs need some size up front to go along with mobility. Hopefully Ian can provide a small lift there.

06-16-2009, 03:47 PM
Nice interview.

Gist sounds far from sure to be with Spurs next year.

Spurs need a mobile PF for years. So if Spurs decides to let Gist overseas for one more year, I hope it will be because they have fixed that need with another player. Otherwise, and even if Gist isn't that great, it would be a mistake.

Sounds like hes far from sure to have his rights be owned by the Spurs period.

06-16-2009, 03:51 PM
Gist @ 3 > Gist @ 4

Bring him in for sure. Even if we miraculously get someone like Travis Outlaw through a trade, or Ariza with the MLE, our other options at the 3/4 are still shit. Worst comes to worst... actually, there is hardly a downside or risk to this plan.

Him and Mahinmi are going to be huge for us next year, I can sense it lol

06-16-2009, 04:26 PM
nice read. hope he continues to work hard until he gets his opportunity.

06-16-2009, 04:41 PM
If we don't sign him, I think we owe it to the guy to trade him so that he can fulfill his dream - the situation is completely different than us drafting someone like Scola or Splitter. It's a shame we scratched Tolliver, because these two could have been our Von Wafer / Lowry style players.

06-16-2009, 04:47 PM
I think Gist is likely to put up huge numbers next year...with the Toros.

06-16-2009, 05:09 PM
I think his future will be the 4. I'm not sure he can develop the ball handling for playing the 3 and he also isn't mobile enough to guard the quick SFs. he also played PF this year in Italy. and as we know, a 4 who can hit the long ball does have his niche with the Spurs.

06-16-2009, 05:23 PM
That worries me MB. He does not have the size to consistently guard 4's (Boozer, West, Amare). I know he is pretty quick and a good athlete, but the height bothers me. I have not seen enough of him to know how he is able to make up for that size (really good instincts, quick hands, shot blocking in the post). He seems like he would be good on perimeter bigs.

There are some good low post defenders who are not the tallest, but it still worries me and it would be much more useful if he could play the 3 effectively imo. But you cannot make someone into something they are not.

06-16-2009, 06:14 PM
He is mobile, but he is very undersized. Spurs need some size up front to go along with mobility. Hopefully Ian can provide a small lift there.

Gist is 6'8.5" with a 7'4" wingspan. He isn't that undersized for a PF.

06-16-2009, 06:25 PM
Too much worrying about his size and where he plays. IF he can play, he can play, and the Spurs need help everywhere on the front line, doesn't matter what position. They would have killed for just one frontline player who could defend and provide some kind of energy, whether it be rebounding or scoring.

If the guy can play at all, the Spurs have plenty of minutes for him.

06-16-2009, 06:31 PM
I hope the Spurs bring this guy over. Next year with a core of Tim, Tony, Manu, Bruce, Mason, Hill, Gooden?, and maybe a FA signing or draft pick...and now throw along into camp Mahinmi, Gist, and Hairston we may be looking at the 2003 championship team all over again. A good mix of vets (Tim, Tony, Bruce, Manu) mixed with some young blood (Gist, Mahinmi, Hill, etc.). As in 2003 the vets were (David, Kerr, Willis, Ferry, Smith) and the young unproven guns were Ginobili, Tony, S Jackson, Claxton.

Vic Petro
06-16-2009, 06:45 PM
That worries me MB. He does not have the size to consistently guard 4's (Boozer, West, Amare). I know he is pretty quick and a good athlete, but the height bothers me. I have not seen enough of him to know how he is able to make up for that size (really good instincts, quick hands, shot blocking in the post). He seems like he would be good on perimeter bigs.

There are some good low post defenders who are not the tallest, but it still worries me and it would be much more useful if he could play the 3 effectively imo. But you cannot make someone into something they are not.

Gist is listed at 6'9" 235. West is listed at 6'9" 240. Amare isn't exactly a post player backing down smaller guys...in today's NBA, Gist would work out just fine at PF in terms of size. Talent, of course, is yet to be determined.

06-16-2009, 08:16 PM
let's see what he can do in the SL. gauging from his plays last summer, i would rather have him over bonner.

06-16-2009, 08:41 PM
Gist will be a Spur next season...im pretty sure of it.

Pop wants to get the youth movement started pronto.....

D-ROB 50
06-16-2009, 09:21 PM
Gist will be our next Capt. Jack. Mark my words.

06-16-2009, 09:22 PM
Gist is 6'8.5" with a 7'4" wingspan. He isn't that undersized for a PF.

He would probably do well in the small-ball environment.

06-16-2009, 09:36 PM
Rodman, Ben Wallace, and Barkley were all undersized...yet all were very very effective at what they did.

i dont care about his size. i want effort, energy, and activity out there. He will bring youth, hustle, hunger, athleticism, and energy.....something we are lacking.

06-16-2009, 10:10 PM
I just want Gist to improve his 3s and play 3. We're really lack of SF...

06-16-2009, 10:25 PM
Gist kinda reminds me of a poor man's Ariza. Let's hope he is somewhat like that.

06-16-2009, 10:29 PM
It is high time RC gets his fountain pen out and turn some ink loose!!! We need the young man on this coming season's roster. Maybe time to do a little arm twisting. I'll make a quick run up to Nuu Joisey and bring some heavy hitters down to get the job done!

06-17-2009, 02:09 AM
Gist is listed at 6'9" 235. West is listed at 6'9" 240. Amare isn't exactly a post player backing down smaller guys...in today's NBA, Gist would work out just fine at PF in terms of size. Talent, of course, is yet to be determined.

without shoes Gist measured 1'' smaller than West (which is negligible IMO) and he has a similar huge wingspan. (7'4'')
in terms of combination of size, weight and wingspan Gist is pretty much the same type of player like Tyrus Thomas. (TT is the even better athlete, Gist is a good one, but TT is a freak). I agree that he should do well against players like West and Odom. for a pure post defender he will never be strong enough, even if he added some bulk.

06-17-2009, 05:33 AM
Gist in the league will be interesting. But its a toss up between him and a few others.

06-17-2009, 07:23 AM
Gist will never be the savior that Ian Mahinmi is, but the time for digging into the Seasoned Veterans Bag has past.

06-17-2009, 09:05 AM
1) Gist mainly played the post with Biella. Cetainly not the 3.

2) He was the number 3/4 option in the team, and for a reason. He could go a whole quarter without touching the ball, other than for defensive rebounds.

3) He was a non factor in the series with Milano, which could have brought Biella to the Finals.

4) He is not ready for the NBA yet. He seems to know he needs another year in a more competitive environment.

06-17-2009, 09:28 AM
Rodman, Ben Wallace, and Barkley were all undersized...yet all were very very effective at what they did.

i dont care about his size. i want effort, energy, and activity out there. He will bring youth, hustle, hunger, athleticism, and energy.....something we are lacking.

Rodman, Wallace and Barkley were all great players, Gist is not. He is undersized, and I may be overstating the impact that will have, but I know the Spurs have to beat the Lakers and Pau and Bynum and Odom are not undersized.

06-17-2009, 09:41 AM
1) Gist mainly played the post with Biella. Cetainly not the 3.

2) He was the number 3/4 option in the team, and for a reason. He could go a whole quarter without touching the ball, other than for defensive rebounds.

3) He was a non factor in the series with Milano, which could have brought Biella to the Finals.

4) He is not ready for the NBA yet. He seems to know he needs another year in a more competitive environment.

-Gist has been a natural 4 most of his career; anything he is planning to do at the 3 is a work in progress, and he knows that. His number of 3 point attempts suggests that he's attempting to extend his range beyond a typical PF, but for the Spurs his position flexibility on the defensive end is more important than on the offensive end.

-His role on the Spurs would be more of a rebounder and defender than offensive weapon. San Antonio already has a lot of scoring options, they need more defense, rebounding, and athleticism to mix with it.

-I've heard a lot of people talk about "NBA readiness," and most of the time I'm not sure what they mean. Is Gist ready to start on any NBA team and play 30 minutes per game? Probably not, nor are most of the guys who will be selected in the first round of this year's draft. However, I think Gist IS ready to play 10 mpg as a rebound and energy guy, or at the very least learn the Spurs system in detail and spend some time in Austin. In either case, experience is the best teacher.

06-17-2009, 10:10 AM
1) Gist mainly played the post with Biella. Cetainly not the 3.

2) He was the number 3/4 option in the team, and for a reason. He could go a whole quarter without touching the ball, other than for defensive rebounds.

3) He was a non factor in the series with Milano, which could have brought Biella to the Finals.

4) He is not ready for the NBA yet. He seems to know he needs another year in a more competitive environment.

sorry, but this is a bit harsh.
he was the teams #2 scorer and #1 rebounder. Bizo (who saw many games with him) called him the best player on this Biella team.
he wasn't good against Milano, but also not a total disaster. he had one really bad game, the other were average. he was quite good in the surprising win over Roma in the first round and a big factor why Biella won the series.
if he's ready or not.....I don't know. it's not that he would come in and claim a starting spot. if he gets 10-15 MPG it's ok.
but I would disagree with all who say he should play with the Toros. this would be a regress. in this case he should better stay in Europe for another year.

06-17-2009, 10:11 AM
He is undersized, and I may be overstating the impact that will have, but I know the Spurs have to beat the Lakers and Pau and Bynum and Odom are not undersized.

Bynum I'll give you, but based purely on size, I don't see how Gist is incapable of guarding Gasol or Odom.

Gist will be listed at 6'9" in the NBA, at least 235 pounds, and has a 7'4" wingspan.

Odom: 6'10", 230 pounds, 7'0" wingspan (according to a Pat Riley quote on Odom's website).

Gasol: 7'0", 250 pounds, 7'5" wingspan (according to an SI article).

06-17-2009, 10:14 AM
san antonio has a lot of scoring options?

Do you seriously think James Gist needs to be a scoring option if he's on the floor with Tony Parker, Manu Ginobili, Tim Duncan, Roger Mason, or (to a lesser extent) Michael Finley or Matt Bonner? (don't pan me on the last one, Bonner averaged 8 ppg in 24 mpg last year)

06-17-2009, 10:18 AM
Bynum I'll give you, but based purely on size, I don't see how Gist is incapable of guarding Gasol or Odom.

Gist will be listed at 6'9" in the NBA, at least 235 pounds, and has a 7'4" wingspan.

Odom: 6'10", 230 pounds, 7'0" wingspan (according to a Pat Riley quote on Odom's website).

Gasol: 7'0", 250 pounds, 7'5" wingspan (according to an SI article).

Gasol is a legit 7'0 and was shooting over the top of Dwight Howard. If you are relying strictly on wingspan to make up the difference, I am not sure.

Oberto is listed as 6'10 and that is taller than Gist and he was not one of the bigger PF's/C.

Odom is very long and is still listed as an inch taller, I would like to see them side by side.

Point is, any combo of Gist and another big man will be a dramatically smaller front line than Bynum/Pau/Odom and that is who the Spurs have to beat. I am not saying Gist will have 0 success, but that it would be more helpful if he could fulfill the long 3 role rather than the very mediocre sized PF role. His wingspan is nice and if he can be a Tyrus Thomas type body and player that would be a huge bonus, but he seems pretty far off of that as of right now.

Having said all of that, I would still like to see him in some role on the Spurs. I think he has shown some potential, and the Spurs need youth/athleticism/energy. It would be nice if he could give some minutes off the bench in various situations.

06-17-2009, 10:19 AM
He would probably do well in the small-ball environment.

as tall as west

06-17-2009, 10:21 AM
as tall as west

How does West do guarding Bynum/Pau/Odom?

06-17-2009, 10:24 AM
i can tell just from looking at pictures of him that he would be a vast improvement over Bonner

06-17-2009, 10:27 AM
i can tell just from looking at pictures of him that he would be a vast improvement over Bonner

With regards to what? Not 3 point shooting. Not height and strength.

Gist will be a better all around defender I think, but Bonner did a decent job on the perimeter and down low except when he was asked to guard West, Amare...I am not so sure that Gist would do much better against those type of offensive players, he might and he is certainly more athletic and "long".

He will be much better at running the floor and finishing at the rim.

06-17-2009, 10:37 AM
CRC21209 stole my post. Well done! I don't expect anything from the draft. The team became too, too dependent on 3's from Mason and Bonner. Against Dallas they disappeared an so did our offense. Gist, Mahimni and a "free agent' big should add size and athleticism. The Spurs also really need to find one backup point guard to relieve Tony and contribute--- not just maintain[a la Speedy Claxton]. If George Hill can fill the void that would be great. Mainly we need to build a bench so that Tim, Manu and Tony don't have to play too many back to backs or too many minutes. Build a better bench and the Spurs will be back.

06-17-2009, 10:56 AM
-I've heard a lot of people talk about "NBA readiness," and most of the time I'm not sure what they mean. Is Gist ready to start on any NBA team and play 30 minutes per game? Probably not, nor are most of the guys who will be selected in the first round of this year's draft. However, I think Gist IS ready to play 10 mpg as a rebound and energy guy, or at the very least learn the Spurs system in detail and spend some time in Austin. In either case, experience is the best teacher.

This really sums it up best. Gist is the ultimate low risk/high reward investment they can make.

As a second rounder, he can be paid the absolute minimum allowed and the contract does not have to be guaranteed until January. In the months from July to December, the Spurs should be able to determine if he can contribute enough to stay on on the active roster. If not, perhaps he at least shows enough promise to keep as a project for those first two inexpensive seasons when he can get PT in Austin.

06-17-2009, 11:12 AM
This really sums it up best. Gist is the ultimate low risk/high reward investment they can make.

As a second rounder, he can be paid the absolute minimum allowed and the contract does not have to be guaranteed until January. In the months from July to December, the Spurs should be able to determine if he can contribute enough to stay on on the active roster. If not, perhaps he at least shows enough promise to keep as a project for those first two inexpensive seasons when he can get PT in Austin.

Do you think Gist would rather play in Austin or overseas? What would be better for his basketball development and his pocketbook?

Some players Austin benefits, some it does not as much as playing overseas.

06-17-2009, 11:32 AM
Do you think Gist would rather play in Austin or overseas? What would be better for his basketball development and his pocketbook?

Some players Austin benefits, some it does not as much as playing overseas.

If he is under contract with the Spurs and on assignment in Austin, then he will make more money here. He can make much more in Europe than playing in Austin without an NBA contract.

He makes it pretty clear he would prefer to play in the US, but would go back to Europe if it would be best for his development.

As to whether he would make better progress in Austin or in Europe, I don't have the information or expertise to make that call. One thing is for sure, if he is on assignment in Austin and the Spurs suffer an injury, he will be able to join the team immediately. That will not be the case if he is under contract to a European team.

06-17-2009, 11:40 AM
If he is under contract with the Spurs and on assignment in Austin, then he will make more money here. He can make much more in Europe than playing in Austin without an NBA contract.

He makes it pretty clear he would prefer to play in the US, but would go back to Europe if it would be best for his development.

As to whether he would make better progress in Austin or in Europe, I don't have the information or expertise to make that call. One thing is for sure, if he is on assignment in Austin and the Spurs suffer an injury, he will be able to join the team immediately. That will not be the case if he is under contract to a European team.

The overall level of play in Europe is much higher (at least in many leagues) than in the D-League. He would have to make the active roster in order to make league minimum and have guaranteed salary, but I believe that even if he does not make the roster, he can still sign in Europe with his team (but I am not positive about the timeline).

I think he meant that he would rather be in the NBA, not the D-League. We will see. I think it is time to invest in some cheap youth that way if the Spurs wanted to add salary via FA or trade, they can minimize the potential luxury tax hit.

06-17-2009, 12:45 PM
You're looking into it too much in regards to the Lakers matchup DPG..Gist is going to be a bench player for energy and production..if he's a starter, then we're obviously in trouble..so I wouldn't look for him to be our main big guy next to Duncan, because that would kill us..

06-17-2009, 01:06 PM
You're looking into it too much in regards to the Lakers matchup DPG..Gist is going to be a bench player for energy and production..if he's a starter, then we're obviously in trouble..so I wouldn't look for him to be our main big guy next to Duncan, because that would kill us..

No, I understand that. That is why I said all things considered I would like to see him. I understand he will not be a starter, I was just refuting some of the claims that he can guard certain players and do something with regards to certain match ups for the Spurs.

Spurs do need rotational bigs to match up with the Lakers because that is the team to beat and I feel too many are expecting crazy things from Gist.

06-17-2009, 01:16 PM
I feel too many are expecting crazy things from Gist.

True. Let me be clear- if Gist comes to the Spurs next year, I do not expect him to average any more than 15 minutes per game. He would be the 2nd or 3rd big man off the bench, and would be brought in as an energy and rebounding guy.

At this point, the only thing about Gist's game that I would label as "exceptional" is his rebounding. I think he has the potential to develop into a guy we can rely upon for defense and perhaps slide into the 3 slot, but anything we get from him offensively or beyond 15 mpg this year would simply be icing on the cake.

06-17-2009, 01:19 PM
True. Let me be clear- if Gist comes to the Spurs next year, I do not expect him to average any more than 15 minutes per game. He would be the 2nd or 3rd big man off the bench, and would be brought in as an energy and rebounding guy.

At this point, the only thing about Gist's game that I would label as "exceptional" is his rebounding. I think he has the potential to develop into a guy we can rely upon for defense and perhaps slide into the 3 slot, but anything we get from him offensively or beyond 15 mpg this year would simply be icing on the cake.

So you think it will go something like KT starts, Bonner is first sub, then Ian or Gist?

06-17-2009, 01:33 PM
So you think it will go something like KT starts, Bonner is first sub, then Ian or Gist?

I think it's very possible that the starting center is not yet on the roster. Drafting someone who would start at the 5 seems unlikely, but free agency and trades seem very likely.

Also, call me crazy, but I wouldn't be surprised if Oberto is released, resigned for somewhere around the minimum, and ends up starting some games throughout the year.

I also think every single one of the Spurs big men (minus Duncan) could be traded. Barring trades, however, I think you're on the right track with Bonner/Ian/Gist being the order of the big man rotation.

06-17-2009, 01:37 PM
Nice interview. I really want to see this guy get some playing time in a Spurs uniform. We need the youth, energy, athleticism in the lineup.

06-17-2009, 01:40 PM
Ya, we have to assume, at least for now, who the Spurs have is who they are rolling with. I agree the biggest need is a starting caliber Center/PF to pair with Tim and unless we trade extraordinarily high in the draft (which would still be a gamble) a FA must be signed or a trade must be made.

That is if the Spurs want to legitimately compete this year. If they want to wait until next year, then they might not trade or sign a FA that adds on salary to any large degree.

That is why I hope Gist works out at the SF spot, I feel he could help the most there if he is able to play that position.

06-17-2009, 01:44 PM
I think it's very possible that the starting center is not yet on the roster. Drafting someone who would start at the 5 seems unlikely, but free agency and trades seem very likely.

Also, call me crazy, but I wouldn't be surprised if Oberto is released, resigned for somewhere around the minimum, and ends up starting some games throughout the year.

I also think every single one of the Spurs big men (minus Duncan) could be traded. Barring trades, however, I think you're on the right track with Bonner/Ian/Gist being the order of the big man rotation.

If that's the route we're going, then we're gonna NEED high expectations for Ian and Gist, even though it's unfair and probably unrealistic..

06-17-2009, 01:47 PM
I also don't see Gist as a permanent PF at all..it just doesn't make sense to me..yes, he's accustomed to playing the 4, but we can just use that to our advantage..have him post up other 3s..I want him playing at the 3 though, because he's long and quick..with some work, he could fill a big need..

potentially, Gist would help more at the 3 in the long run IMO..he'll never be a starter at the 4 at any point during his career, at least at the 3 he could have a shot in the future with some improvements in his game..he just looks too small to be starting at the 4, even if he puts on some weight..he doesn't look like a big gainer..

06-17-2009, 01:56 PM
I talked with his coach in Biella yesterday. I asked him about James and his future position.

Exactly words: " He'll be surely with Spurs next year, I can image him learning from Bowen. If he'll do thatn, and Bruce's mentality he will be one of bigger steals of the draft for Spurs, not as Manu but not far away. Image a younger Bowen who could attack the rim and catch cray dunks and block. But first of all he've to gain mind strength. He should be a factor during regular season next year and I'll bet he'll be a stone of Spurs youth line for years."

06-17-2009, 02:06 PM
:tu Thanks a lot, bizio.

06-17-2009, 02:07 PM
I talked with his coach in Biella yesterday. I asked him about James and his future position.

Exactly words: " He'll be surely with Spurs next year, I can image him learning from Bowen. If he'll do thatn, and Bruce's mentality he will be one of bigger steals of the draft for Spurs, not as Manu but not far away. Image a younger Bowen who could attack the rim and catch cray dunks and block. But first of all he've to gain mind strength. He should be a factor during regular season next year and I'll bet he'll be a stone of Spurs youth line for years."


06-17-2009, 02:08 PM
That is nice to hear, thanks for the info. If he is looking to be a 3, that would be so money. Keep working hard, hopefully we can get an Ariza out of him!

45 bank shot
06-17-2009, 03:16 PM
bring in the gist

06-17-2009, 04:23 PM
I talked with his coach in Biella yesterday. I asked him about James and his future position.

Exactly words: " He'll be surely with Spurs next year, I can image him learning from Bowen. If he'll do thatn, and Bruce's mentality he will be one of bigger steals of the draft for Spurs, not as Manu but not far away. Image a younger Bowen who could attack the rim and catch cray dunks and block. But first of all he've to gain mind strength. He should be a factor during regular season next year and I'll bet he'll be a stone of Spurs youth line for years."

I have talked to others and they see it differently.

Most importantly, I watched him myself and my opinion is that he needs another year in a Euroleague team.

He is way too inexperienced in defense and tends to run into foul trouble.

I agree with the Biella coach that he needs to improve his mind strength.

That's probably the reason why we went with other players in the clutch.

06-17-2009, 04:25 PM
I have talked to others and they see it differently.

Most importantly, I watched him myself and my opinion is that he needs another year in a Euroleague team.

He is way too inexperienced in defense and tends to run into foul trouble.

I agree with the Biella coach that he needs to improve his mind strength.

That's probably the reason why we went with other players in the clutch.

I think biz's post agrees with yours. It says that if Gist is willing to learn from Bruce and others, in time he will develop into a solid player. I do not think they meant next year.

Getting some experience force feed to him in the NBA could be just as beneficial as playing another year overseas imo.

Mr. Body
06-17-2009, 04:27 PM
Pop wants to get the youth movement started pronto.....

Yer funny, dude.

06-17-2009, 04:29 PM
sorry, but this is a bit harsh.
he was the teams #2 scorer and #1 rebounder. Bizo (who saw many games with him) called him the best player on this Biella team.
he wasn't good against Milano, but also not a total disaster. he had one really bad game, the other were average. he was quite good in the surprising win over Roma in the first round and a big factor why Biella won the series.
if he's ready or not.....I don't know. it's not that he would come in and claim a starting spot. if he gets 10-15 MPG it's ok.
but I would disagree with all who say he should play with the Toros. this would be a regress. in this case he should better stay in Europe for another year.

Yes. Toros would be absolute nonsense.
All this guy needs is another good sound year in a top contending Euroleague team. Give him to Ivkovic or Messina.
If he keeps improving he could THEN be ready for some meaningful action in the NBA.

06-17-2009, 04:35 PM
I think biz's post agrees with yours. It says that if Gist is willing to learn from Bruce and others, in time he will develop into a solid player. I do not think they meant next year.

Getting some experience force feed to him in the NBA could be just as beneficial as playing another year overseas imo.

My point is if the Spurs feel they NEED him now.
In fact, with the oldies under contract at the moment, this might indeed be the case.
I am not sure Pop will be patient enough to stick with him, after the first set of very foreseeable mistakes.

06-17-2009, 04:40 PM
Please don't bring the Gist-Mahinmi parallel.
As green as Gist might be, he is still a serious basketball player, not a semi-retired youngster that actually played 7 games over the last 3 years.

06-17-2009, 04:47 PM
Gist will likely start out as a situational big playing limited minutes. It's going to be a feeling out process as to where he can contribute the best this year...similar to the situation with George Hill last season. The biggest thing Gist will benefit from is a healthy Manu with him on the second unit. If Manu comes back in full form then Gist is going to get a lot of opportunities both from the outside and at the rim.

As far as guarding SF's go, he may not be quite ready but he most certianly won't get abused like some of our other players have. I doubt he will ever be a great post defender but if he works on his timing and footwork then he could develop into a better than average perimeter defender. Thankfully there are lots long forwards in the West for him to get experience against.

06-17-2009, 05:16 PM
Gist will likely start out as a situational big playing limited minutes. It's going to be a feeling out process as to where he can contribute the best this year...similar to the situation with George Hill last season. The biggest thing Gist will benefit from is a healthy Manu with him on the second unit. If Manu comes back in full form then Gist is going to get a lot of opportunities both from the outside and at the rim.

As far as guarding SF's go, he may not be quite ready but he most certianly won't get abused like some of our other players have. I doubt he will ever be a great post defender but if he works on his timing and footwork then he could develop into a better than average perimeter defender. Thankfully there are lots long forwards in the West for him to get experience against.

Exactly, heshowed great quality on perimeter and on the helps with block, not in 1on1 post position.

@Temujin: I saw him live something like 10 times this year, i talked with him and with Angelico Biella staff. And i'm agree with them...and half with u. Honestly i think a year more in an Euroleague team should be perfect for him but...Spurs r a sistem, he cannot learn it away, and i'm pretty sure Pop will be patient with him becuse his not coming to be a star or to be a important backup NOW, but he could show us his skills during regular season. Maybe he will be a great surprise for us, if will not...all is in the Spurs plan. he's not our bet to win a champ in 09 10, James will surely a SOLID player for '10 '11.

06-17-2009, 05:30 PM
So you think it will go something like KT starts, Bonner is first sub, then Ian or Gist?

god help us.

06-17-2009, 05:31 PM
god help us.

That is assuming the Spurs do not trade or sign a FA or draft a center/pf. I have a feeling they will to some degree.

06-17-2009, 06:07 PM
sorry, but this is a bit harsh.
he was the teams #2 scorer and #1 rebounder. Bizo (who saw many games with him) called him the best player on this Biella team.
he wasn't good against Milano, but also not a total disaster. he had one really bad game, the other were average. he was quite good in the surprising win over Roma in the first round and a big factor why Biella won the series.
if he's ready or not.....I don't know. it's not that he would come in and claim a starting spot. if he gets 10-15 MPG it's ok.
but I would disagree with all who say he should play with the Toros. this would be a regress. in this case he should better stay in Europe for another year.

There is no surprise they beat Roma. Roma was a horrible team.

06-18-2009, 11:59 AM
Exactly, heshowed great quality on perimeter and on the helps with block, not in 1on1 post position.

@Temujin: I saw him live something like 10 times this year, i talked with him and with Angelico Biella staff. And i'm agree with them...and half with u. Honestly i think a year more in an Euroleague team should be perfect for him but...Spurs r a sistem, he cannot learn it away, and i'm pretty sure Pop will be patient with him becuse his not coming to be a star or to be a important backup NOW, but he could show us his skills during regular season. Maybe he will be a great surprise for us, if will not...all is in the Spurs plan. he's not our bet to win a champ in 09 10, James will surely a SOLID player for '10 '11.

I thought the same of Tolliver -who has a higher BB IQ in my opinion- and after a couple of months, he was gone.
He had a chance and he blew it.
I agree that Gist is expected to play some serious defense a-la-Bowen, way more than scoring. He just seems so naif sometimes....

Let's put it this way: If I were Gist, I'd wait another year. On top, all the oldies will be gone by then.

06-18-2009, 12:38 PM
"The city of Biella fits me because I have a laid back personality and I enjoy relaxing and not always being in the limelight"

...this statement shows he would fit in well here

The Truth #6
06-18-2009, 01:31 PM
He probably could use another year in Europe. However, if we don't bring him over this year he'll probably end up on another team. From what I remember, we don't even own his rights. For all the talk about his playing position and experience, if we don't sign him to a contract this year, then there's no reason to expect he'll end up a Spur.

06-18-2009, 01:50 PM
He probably could use another year in Europe. However, if we don't bring him over this year he'll probably end up on another team. From what I remember, we don't even own his rights. For all the talk about his playing position and experience, if we don't sign him to a contract this year, then there's no reason to expect he'll end up a Spur.

The Spurs own his rights and would continue to do so if he signed to play another season in Europe. Of course, if they sign him to a non-guaranteed contract and then cut him they would lose their rights.