View Full Version : R.C. Buford...redeemed [My Bad R.C.]

06-27-2009, 02:29 AM
I started a thread on this forum months ago, before the Spurs even lost in the playoffs, concerning my negative opinions with R.C. Buford and the draft picks the FO had made within the past years [Manu and Tony not included].

Since the big 3, none have actually made long term commitment, and it seemed [to me] that the picks they were selecting were nothing more than trade bait, D-League players, or trapped in Euro leauges, never to make any impact to the team.

The wise and kind [alright, maybe not all the time :toast] members of this forum helped reveal some blame that was not being given to ownership, and made me think that I might've been to hard on ol' R.C.

After seeing the changes that were made this off season, and hearing that Buford apparently either hinted or flat out told Peter Holt that he would have to fork out some dough to make this team a contender again, I've lost many assumptions about R.C. Buford. [Sorry Pal...next drink is on me for you!]

This team is finally making some significant roster shakeups, and it seems like we are back enroute to another title. :lobt:
And this time, I can give Mr. Buford full credit for this. So to Mr. R.C. Buford, my peers her at ST have opened my eyes and redeemed my thoughts on you. GO SPURS GO!!!

Let's get Timmy that 5th...and while your at it, 6th, 7th...etc.



06-27-2009, 02:30 AM
You better be sayin sorry

06-27-2009, 02:33 AM
Humbly, I have.:flag:

06-27-2009, 04:23 AM
I started a thread on this forum months ago, before the Spurs even lost in the playoffs, concerning my negative opinions with R.C. Buford and the draft picks the FO had made within the past years [Manu and Tony not included].

Since the big 3, none have actually made long term commitment, and it seemed [to me] that the picks they were selecting were nothing more than trade bait, D-League players, or trapped in Euro leauges, never to make any impact to the team.

The wise and kind [alright, maybe not all the time :toast] members of this forum helped reveal some blame that was not being given to ownership, and made me think that I might've been to hard on ol' R.C.

After seeing the changes that were made this off season, and hearing that Buford apparently either hinted or flat out told Peter Holt that he would have to fork out some dough to make this team a contender again, I've lost many assumptions about R.C. Buford. [Sorry Pal...next drink is on me for you!]

This team is finally making some significant roster shakeups, and it seems like we are back enroute to another title. :lobt:
And this time, I can give Mr. Buford full credit for this. So to Mr. R.C. Buford, my peers her at ST have opened my eyes and redeemed my thoughts on you. GO SPURS GO!!!

Let's get Timmy that 5th...and while your at it, 6th, 7th...etc.



Actually the picks of last season were very good ones... GIST is a BEAST and Hill is a great defender that can shoot... This yea's draft though were all steals... best draft we have had in a long time...RC and Pop are two of the best; probably the best on finding the gems on draft day...Very excited at how the picks from last year and this year along with the RJ trade are all coming together...:flag::lobt2:

06-27-2009, 04:42 AM
everyone can have his own opinion about the FO and RC. he did well or bad, he could have done better or worse, he had Duncan to ease everything etc etc...

but as long as you want to judge the FO work, you just cannot start by saying "Manu and Tony not included".

manu and tony have been a huge part of this team and his titles, they were drafted low (and very lowfor manu) picks and are now considered among the best at their position. they're still in this team making it a contender every year with our franchise player Tim.

you just cannot judge RC and FO's work without including them. that's not fair. not as long as they're here.

and anyway, i still think they've done a good work with Hill, Scola, Splitter.....even if it ended bad for some of them. if wasn't because of a bad draft choice.

06-27-2009, 05:05 AM
redeemed? that implies that he was a dissapointment first, and i never thought that was the case. he has been the spurs GM in 3 of their 4 title runs, he's had a tremendous influence. he hasn't been perfect all the time, but nobody on the spurs has.

we have jefferson now and we had a kickass draft. something tells me we're not done yet. it's a great time to be a spurs fan :flag: