View Full Version : Top 25 Spurs Bigman Free Agent Targets

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06-28-2009, 03:27 PM
Heading into free agency, the Spurs have a large need -- a bigman to put next to Tim Duncan in the starting lineup. Last year's starter Matt Bonner won't return to his starting role and backups Drew Gooden, Kurt Thomas and Fabricio Oberto are no longer with the team. Besides Bonner, the only other bigmen on the roster are the inexperienced duo of Ian Mahinmi and DeJuan Blair.

The good news for San Antonio is that there are a number of interesting bigman prospects in the 2009 free agency class. In a perfect world, the Spurs can find a starting bigman who can rebound, block shots and defend both in the block and out on the perimeter. On offense, it'd be preferred if he can hit shots from the outside, pass the ball well and be comfortable as a fourth or fifth option.

In past years few years, an athletic, running bigman would make the most sense. Right now? Not necessarily. Mahinmi and Blair should give the bigman rotation enough athleticism and energy. The Spurs actually need a player with enough experience and basketball savvy to be able to close out games. Otherwise, we are likely to see a ton of small ball -- especially in fourth quarters.

Here are the top 25 attainable bigmen free agents who can fit the role for the Spurs:

1. Rasheed Wallace
Coming into the offseason, I had Antonio McDyess as the number one bigman free agent target and Rasheed Wallace at two. After the Richard Jefferson trade, I still wanted McDyess slightly more than Wallace. However, after landing Blair on draft day, that addition changed the equation of what the Spurs need just enough to push Wallace up into the number one spot.

Trying to figure out Wallace's value to the Spurs is extremely complicated. There is so much to factor in when it comes to Wallace's game, his on-court combustible nature and the future of his production. After considering everything, I think the Spurs should make Wallace the first person they call when free agency officially begin on July 1st.

When figuring out what Wallace can do for the Spurs, I use Robert Horry as a guide. While there are definitely differences between the two players, they have a lot of similar attributes. They both have extremely high basketball IQs. They both can stretch a defense with their outside shooting. They are both very good post defenders. They are both unafraid of big situations.

Wallace brings a few things to the table that Horry didn't. He's a better rebounder, blocks more shots, turns the ball over less and has the ability to score on the low block. Wallace is also unquestionably the better regular season player.

On the other hand, Horry's mellow personality meshed really well with his teammates -- especially in the playoffs when his calm play helped the team execute even in the most intense situation. Wallace, as everyone knows, isn't calm at all. Horry was also a better passer and knew how to silently impact a game.

That said, I think Wallace could successfully play an Horry-like role with the Spurs. His on-court antics give me pause but everything else about him fits too perfectly to pass him up. Besides, Duncan has a history of responding to emotion (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFXj4DigFr0).

His three-point shooting has been frowned upon in Detroit for the last few years because they've needed him to be a post presence. In San Antonio, that three-point shooting will come in handy. With Duncan, Manu Ginobili, Tony Parker and Richard Jefferson all most effective near the rim, the fifth player on the court needs to be a able to shoot to keep teams from packing the lane.

In four consecutive seasons, Wallace has shot between 35.1% and 35.7% from beyond the three-point arc, so it's safe to expect a similar number. On the Spurs, I'd expect at least half of his field goal attempts to be from downtown. Considering that his three-point percentage is equal to a two-point percentage of approximately 53%, I have no problem with him shooting as many threes as he wishes. He could give the Spurs a few low post looks each game but his main value will be his outside shooting.

Wallace's knock offensively over the years has been a lack of assertion. He just has never prospered in a go-to role. On the Spurs, that shouldn't be a factor. His overly unselfish offensive play is actually preferred due to the other options available. I can picture him flourishing in a fourth or fifth offensive option role. Add in his ridiculously low turnover rate and his offensive game should fit like a glove with the Spurs' talent.

Defensively, the Duncan and Wallace combination should be effective. It's not the quickest duo anymore but they both have good length and should be able to protect the rim reasonably well. You can stick Wallace on the other team's best post player on most nights and let Duncan concentrate on weakside help defense. Wallace is also a quality rebounder on the defensive end.

If the Spurs are to sign him, the Spurs should tell him to lose about 15 pounds. He's gotten a little chunky in recent years, perhaps in response to having to play down low on both ends more often since Ben Wallace left. But on the Spurs, he'd be more of a perimeter player and could use the extra mobility.

Wallace will be 35 years old by the start of next season, so there is a little bit of a risk that he may be near the end of his road. But he's coming off of a season that saw him play 32.2 minutes per game and with Pop likely slashing that to around 25 to 28 minutes, Wallace should have a couple of quality years left.

Speaking of Pop, it'd be really interesting to see how he responds to Wallace's technicals. Pop hates technical fouls but he would have to know that technicals are a part of the package with Wallace. And really, I think his emotion could keep the players and the fans engaged during the regular season. With the Pistons, I'm sure his emotional outbursts got old after five seasons. But in San Antonio, I don't see it being too huge of a problem in the short term.

All in all, I'd offer Wallace the full MLE for two years. He's evolving into a perimeter-oriented player but that would work perfectly for San Antonio. Put Wallace into Horry's role and the Spurs have a talented complementary piece both for the starting lineup and to close out contests.

2. Antonio McDyess
If Wallace can't be had, McDyess makes a fantastic Plan B. He's coming off of a very good season and I'm not sure any player in the NBA is as hungry for a championship as McDyess. He gives 110% effort to win and would fit perfectly off the court for San Antonio as well.

On the court, his rebounding would be a major asset. Even though he's 34, he's coming off of his second best per-minute rebounding season. He averaged 9.6 points and 9.7 rebounds in 30.1 minutes per game last season. Mathematically speaking, McDyess was a better rebounder than Duncan in the 2008-09 campaign.

Outside of his rebounding, McDyess is a good post defender and constantly fights for his position. He's not a great shotblocker but he adjusts a fair amount of attempts at the rim.

On the offensive end, he's a really good jumpshooter. Last year, he knocked down 47.3% of his two-point jumpers -- the seventh best mark in the league. Only Jason Terry, Ray Allen, Steve Nash, Chris Paul, Derek Fisher and Dirk Nowitzki shot better. While McDyess doesn't shoot three-pointers, his ability to drain mid-range jumpers would keep teams from leaving him open.

There's really not much of a downside to McDyess' game. I put him behind Wallace because Wallace has a higher basketball IQ, can spread the court a little bit better, has a better feel for the game out on the perimeter and doesn't have a history of knee problems. But that said, with McDyess, there would be absolutely no worries about whether his personality can fit on the team and health-wise he has actually held up quite well in recent years.

The addition of Blair makes rebounding slightly less important and makes spacing slightly more important, but I'd still be ecstatic if McDyess lands in San Antonio. Like Wallace, I'd give McDyess two years at the MLE.

3. Chris Andersen
It was difficult to figure out where to put Andersen on this list but one thing about him makes him desirable -- his shotblocking. Andersen is coming off of a season where he was just a tremendous shotblocker. He blocked 5.75 shots per 48 minutes -- a full block better than anyone else in the NBA.

Last year, the Spurs were the fourth worst shotblocking team in the league. Averaging just 4.01 blocks per game is very un-Spurs-like and played a big part in the defense falling off. Andersen would drastically change that and could single-handedly make the lane a much more fearful place to be for the opposition.

Other than his shotblocking, Andersen is also a capable rebounder. His post defense is decent and his perimeter defense is slightly above average.

On offense, Andersen is a good finisher at the rim. He has a knack for offensive rebounds and his hands are good.

Andersen's downsides are many. He's not really built to be a starter. His character and personality have to be in question following his drug suspension. He is old enough (31) that you can't expect much improvement. Plus his offensive game isn't varied at all. However, his shotblocking, athleticism and energy makes him an intriguing Plan C.

4. Anderson Varejao
I'm not sure anyone likes Varejao. He flops constantly, isn't pretty on the offensive end and seems to whine non-stop. That said, his defense makes him quite valuable.

On the post against power forwards, there are few defensive players as effective as Varejao. He uses boundless energy and a great ability to flop to shut down his opponents. Varejao also racks up rebounds, steals and blocks at quality rates.

Offensively, he's not much to write home about but he has a lot of experience playing off of great players. He usually knows where to be and is coming off of a season in which he hit 53.6% of his shots.

Considering everything, Varejao would be an extremely safe option who would undoubtedly help the Spurs on the defense end.

5. Marcin Gortat
If the Spurs want to roll the dice, Gortat could be an interesting gamble. In limited minutes, Gortat has been quite impressive. His rebounding is off the charts and he blocks shots at a very high rate.

Even though he's a big and strong seven-footer, Gortat can move his feet. He's also capable of running the court and finishes with authority around the basket. The native of Poland oftentimes did a remarkable Dwight Howard impersonation during his minutes on the court.

That said, there are a lot of risks regarding Gortat. First of all, he's a very, very limited offensive player. He's a poor passer and hit a total of three shots from the perimeter all season. He doesn't seem to have a good feel of the game when it comes to spacing and knowledge of where to be to help out his teammates.

Increasing the risk is the gimmick system he played in while with the Magic. He was almost always surrounded by four players who are best out on the perimeter. With the Spurs, he'd spend a lot of time playing with teammates who thrive near the rim. Could he adjust? There's a chance. But there's also a chance that the Magic's system accentuated his strengths and camouflaged his weaknesses.

6. Drew Gooden
It might be unfair to Gooden to put him this low on the list considering the statistical production he gave the Spurs last year during his stint. In his 19 games with San Antonio, he averaged 9.8 points and 4.4 rebounds in only 16.8 minutes per game. Stretch that production out to 36 minutes and his numbers are 21 points and 9.3 rebounds. Those numbers are hardly anything to ignore.

Offensively, Gooden has a good jumper. He can finish around the rim and his post-up skills are deceptively very good. Scoring-wise, he pretty much has it all in his game.

Where Gooden struggles is defensively and in the intangibles department. On D, he's doesn't make quick rotations. He's not a shotblocker. His rebounding seemed to get worse and worse while playing for the Spurs. In terms of basketball IQ, Gooden will always be poor. He just doesn't have a good feel for what's going on and his decision-making is lacking.

With the addition of Jefferson, I just don't see Gooden as a very good fit. Although, if the above five players aren't available, Gooden's scoring talent would be enough to look his direction again.

7. Zaza Pachulia
Pachulia has to be one of the most underrated bigmen in the league. He's big, strong and plays unafraid. In fact, sometimes he plays with too much confidence and too much anger that it gets him in trouble.

Two years ago, Pachulia averaged 12.2 points and 6.9 rebounds per game in 28.1 minutes per game. With the addition of Al Horford in Atlanta, Pachulia has been a bench player the last two seasons. He's coming off of a campaign that saw him average 6.2 points and 5.7 rebounds in 19.1 minutes per contest.

Even though he's a good rebounder, Pachulia doesn't block shots and makes a lot of bad decisions on the defensive end. He fouls a lot and has a lot to learn position defense. Pachulia would need to improve his defense to survive under Pop. Thankfully he's just 24 so it's possible he could still be improving.

Offensively, he's a good finisher around the basket and he's more coordinated than you'd expect. His outside jumper isn't horrible but it's definitely a work in progress. Pachulia does turn it over a little too much and he tends to try to do too much when he's isolated in one-on-one situations.

All things considered, Pachulia has a potential to grow into what the Spurs need but right now he's a little too raw to be any higher on this list.

8. Charlie Villanueva
If the Spurs want to go after a young player who could blossom into a star, Villanueva is a good choice. Though he's more of a small forward, he could get away with playing power forward on the Spurs.

At 6-foot-11, Villanueva is a capable rebounder, picks up a decent amount of blocks and steals, and has improved his passing over the last year. However, where he shines is offensively. He put up 16.2 points per game this past season in only 26.9 minutes per game.

Villanueva can shoot from the perimeter, score around the basket and knock down the mid-range jumper. When it comes to scoring, sky is the limit for him.

The neon question mark is his defense. Villanueva right now is a poor defender who often seems to have trouble with motivation and keeping his energy at a high level. He has the size to improve but does he have any interest in becoming a passable defensive player?

9. Brandon Bass
The Spurs tend to like to go after players who play well against them. Since Bass has been a thorn in their side for the last couple of years, the Spurs might take a look at Dallas' backup power forward.

The good thing about him is he can score both at the rim and from the perimeter. His outside jumper would help him fit offensively on the Spurs. On the defensive end, he's a deceptively good shotblocker and gives good energy in his post defense.

His biggest negative is his rebounding. He's 6-foot-8 and struggles to rebound his position, especially on the defensive end. Bass also isn't much of a passer and his feel for the game is questionable.

10. Glen Davis
In the playoffs, Big Baby came to play. Filling in for Kevin Garnett, Davis averaged 15.8 points and 5.6 rebounds in 36.4 minutes per game. He also hit a number of clutch baskets and appeared to be confident enough to let it fly from the perimeter -- not matter the situation.

At 6-foot-9 and 290 pounds, Davis is big dude. But the main problems are that he doesn't rebound or block shots nearly enough. He rebounded decently as a rookie but his rate fell off his sophomore season. Davis isn't an overwhelming athlete and despite his girth, he gets pushed around easily. That hurts him both in terms of rebounding and on the defensive end.

11. Linas Kleiza
If the Spurs want to copy the Magic and find a small forward to play power forward next to Duncan, Kleiza might be a good choice. Even though he's only 6-foot-8, he's a physical player and that allows him to play against opponents who are bigger him.

Offensively, he'd be a good fit on the Spurs. He shoots it relatively well from the perimeter and usually makes smart decisions. On defense, he doesn't rebound too well or block many shots, so the Spurs would basically be in a small ball formation from the get go.

He'd be a surprise target but if Pop and the front office believes that the NBA is trending toward smaller and quicker lineups, Kleiza is one of the few small forwards on the market who could do a decent Rashard Lewis impersonation.

12. Chris Wilcox
Wilcox has tons of athleticism and a healthy amount of talent. The problem is that he's long been undermotivated and doesn't play with a consistent amount of energy. If you just watch highlights, he looks like a superstar in the making. But in reality, he's close to winning the Stromile Swift Lifetime Underachievement award.

Perhaps the Spurs could motivate him. Unlikely but theoretically possible. As is, he doesn't play defense or anything else that requires something other than natural talent and the ability to jump really high.

13. Rasho Nesterovic
Since being traded away, Nesterovic has become a much better offensive player. He has more confidence in his outside shooting and he's not afraid to attempt difficult passes. He's also shooting much better at the line and overall is more confident than the last time he was in silver and block.

His post defense is still good. He can still move his feet deceptively well. However, last season his rebounding and blocks were at career-low marks per minute. It'd be nice to add a player who doesn't need to learn the defense from scratch but if his rebounding and blocked shots are trending south, that's not a good sign.

14. Leon Powe
If it weren't for a torn ACL, Powe would make a lot of sense. He can score, rebound and even protect the rim reasonably well. His best attribute of all might be his great ability to get to the free throw line.

But with an injury that will keep him out for the beginning of the 2009-10 season and likely slow him for the rest of the year, he'd be a risky signing.

15. Hakim Warrick
Offensively, Warrick is quality. He can score both on jumpers and by using his elite athleticism. He gets to the line and at 26, there's a chance he could blossom into a good player.

The problem is that he's a horrible defensive player. He's shown no ability to guard the power forward position and his skinny build will likely never allow him to even become even an average defender.

16. Shelden Williams
Since being the fifth pick of the 2006 draft, Williams has been a disappointment. He was billed as a defensive player who could be dominant on the glass. While he's shown some potential, his production has been negated by a blatant lack of basketball smarts. He turns the ball over a lot, fouls a lot and can't pass.

In a short stint with the Timberwolves last season, Williams had very good rates in rebounding, steals and blocks. Perhaps the Spurs sign Williams with the hopes that they can help him to finally live up to his potential as a defensive stopper and rebounder.

17. Fabricio Oberto
Spurs fans know what Oberto brings to the table. He's an extremely crafty player who can pass the ball, move without the ball and defend the post reasonably well. Last season, Oberto fell out of favor mostly due to his sudden drop in rebounding. Seemingly overnight, he went from capable rebounder to poor rebounder -- especially on the defensive end.

But if the Spurs can't land a more talented player, Oberto could be brought back in as veteran insurance. He'd be a solid piece deep on the bench but it'd be foolish to go into next season depending on Oberto to produce.

18. Joe Smith
Like Oberto, Smith is a decent veteran filler at this point in his career. When waived last season, the Cavaliers made a quick push to acquire his services. While with Cleveland, he produced decently well but nothing too impressive.

His positive aspects are that he can hit the outside shot, defend the post, block shots at a decent rate, pass adequately and not turn the ball over. But he came up short last year in the playoffs and his lackluster rebounding and lack of footspeed limit his value.

19. Ike Diogu
Ever since he came into the league, Diogu has seemed on the brink of figuring it all out. What has hurt him most is that he's never really been given a fair chance to show what he can do. On a per-minue basis, he's been very productive despite his sporadic play.

Offensively, Diogu thrives in the low post. He's only 6-foot-8 but he's strong and has a good touch around the hoop. He has also become a pretty good rebounder despite his size.

Defense, though, is his problem. He doesn't guard the post well and is slow out on the perimeter. He tends to lose focus and will oftentimes find himself pushed underneath the rim.

On the Spurs, Diogu would give the team a second post scorer. But his poor defense will likely cause San Antonio to look elsewhere.

20. Ryan Hollins
As Spurs fans saw last year in the playoffs, Hollins is an extremely athletic seven-footer who can block shots. He's still learning the game and has shown good progress on the defensive end. Offensively, Hollins is basically just a dunker.

The problems with him as a prospect are he's not a good rebounder, not a good passer, turns the ball over a lot and has a low basketball IQ. That said, if the Spurs want a seven-foot gazelle on the cheap, he's their man.

21. Chris Mihm
The Spurs have shown interest in Mihm in the past. When healthy, he can score, rebound and block shots. He turns the ball over way too much, fouls too much and isn't a good passer but he can do other things well enough to help out.

The problem is he's been injured constantly for much of the last four years. If the Spurs think he's finally healthy, they could sign Mihm without spending much money.

22. Mikki Moore
The Celtics signed Moore last year in hopes that he could help provide bigman depth. By the playoffs, he had played himself out of the rotation.

Moore plays with good energy and his jumper is accurate. But he doesn't rebound too well, he doesn't block shots and his defense is mediocre at best.

23. Sean May
May has undergone microfracture surgery already in his short career and has struggled with his weight as of late. However, prior to his surgery, his per-minute numbers were good. He has good hands and supreme touch around the basket. May can also pop the jumper.

Defensively, he's not very good at all but he does rebound and may have room to improve if he can drop some extra pounds. If the Spurs sign May, they'd have to bring him along slowly and hope that he could eventually regain his former level of play.

24. Theo Ratliff
At 36, Ratliff is well past his prime. He has a difficult time staying on the court and he may have very well reached the end of his usefulness. But the one thing he still does very well is one thing the Spurs need -- shotblocking. He averaged one block per game last year in only 12.6 minutes per game. The rest of his game isn't very helpful but he can still be used as a defensive sub when needed.

25. Channing Frye
Frye's main attraction from the Spurs point of view would be his outside shot. He has range that extends out to about 20 feet and has even started shooting three-pointers. But everything else about Frye is underwhelming. He's a soft player who doesn't rebound, protect the rim or give quality effort. Overall, he's basically a worse version of Bonner.


When July 1 hits, it'll be interesting to see who the Spurs talk to first. I think Wallace and McDyess should be the first two players contacted. If either one of those two players agree to come aboard the San Antonio ship, the Spurs have the answer to who starts next to Duncan.

If the Spurs strikeout on both, the rest of the options aren't as perfect but there is plenty of talent to be had. Equipped with the MLE and a gaping hole in the middle of their staring lineup, I'm confident the Spurs can attract a solid bigman.

06-28-2009, 03:36 PM
I agree Wallace should be the top target.

06-28-2009, 03:38 PM
At what point of your list do you think the full MLE is too much?

Would you prefer an overpaid middle ranked guy or a lower ranked guy for the minimum?

06-28-2009, 03:38 PM
Good list, I don't know about Vaj though, i'd rather them go after some of the others first, Wednesday should be interesting.

06-28-2009, 03:41 PM
I agree Wallace should be the top target.

Slam dunk, Sheed is the MAN! :toast:toast:flag:

06-28-2009, 03:43 PM
Most shooters' numbers go up when they join the Spurs, sometimes drastically so. Rasheed is a very good shooter. I'd bet his numbers would go up.

If the Spurs strike out on both of the top two guys, expect to see the MLE split between more than one player. They can do that, right? :)

06-28-2009, 03:44 PM
Respectfully disagree with putting the Birdman #3 on the list. He thrives in George Karl's helter-skelter system where he's pretty much got free reign to do his own thing, but I don't think he'd be nearly as effective on a team that relies on structure and discipline like the Spurs. I'd also move Pachulia up a few spots.

06-28-2009, 03:44 PM
Good list, I don't know about Vaj though, i'd rather them go after some of the others first, Wednesday should be interesting.

He's a really good defender, and he's really tough. I could actually live with the ridicule the Spurs would invite by signing him.

Kori Ellis
06-28-2009, 03:45 PM
... I'd also move Pachulia up a few spots.

So would I. I think he's who the Spurs would go after if they miss on the first two on the list.

06-28-2009, 03:45 PM
there's life after 2010/TD, whenever you think the window closes. We should get someone who will be around for a while, I like Andersen, (whoops he's 31, oh well, he's probably got 3-5 good years left) Gooden, and Varejao

06-28-2009, 03:46 PM
If Spurs can't get Wallace or McDyess I'd roll the dice with Villanueva. With Duncan or Blair in the post CV would give the Spurs a different look and create some matchup problems potential. CV and then one cheap banger.

06-28-2009, 03:47 PM
At what point of your list do you think the full MLE is too much?I'd guess the first 11 players have a relatively good shot of getting something close to the MLE. But it depends on how many teams will be willing to spend this summer.

Would you prefer an overpaid middle ranked guy or a lower ranked guy for the minimum?Depends on the specific two players in question.

If it's something like Wilcox for the MLE or Rasho for the LLE, I'd bring back Rasho. Not sure if you remember him but he played pretty decent defense for the Spurs a few years ago.


06-28-2009, 03:47 PM
I know, what happened to all the Gortat man love??? :lmao

06-28-2009, 03:49 PM
Most shooters' numbers go up when they join the Spurs, sometimes drastically so. Rasheed is a very good shooter. I'd bet his numbers would go up.

If the Spurs strike out on both of the top two guys, expect to see the MLE split between more than one player. They can do that, right? :)

What happened to gortat #1?:lol

06-28-2009, 03:49 PM
He's a really good defender, and he's really tough. I could actually live with the ridicule the Spurs would invite by signing him.

If he's gonna come off the bench then I guess it would be alright, but a big no to starting.

06-28-2009, 03:51 PM
Slam dunk, Sheed is the MAN! :toast:toast:flag:

to the nth degree

06-28-2009, 03:52 PM
Respectfully disagree with putting the Birdman #3 on the list. He thrives in George Karl's helter-skelter system where he's pretty much got free reign to do his own thing, but I don't think he'd be nearly as effective on a team that relies on structure and discipline like the Spurs. I'd also move Pachulia up a few spots.Birdman is really difficult to figure out. It depends a lot on whether the Spurs think he's past his problems. If he is, I think his shotblocking makes up for a lot of faults.

I like Pachulia. I just worry he's too much "bull in a china shop" right now for Pop's liking. Personally, he won me over by punking KG.

06-28-2009, 03:52 PM
Gortat scares me. I can't help get a feeling of Gortat being like the college basketball player who has a good tourney and everyone falls in love with, despite never having heard of the guy before March. Are "we" interested in Gortat because he's a good player, or are "we" interested in him because we saw him be Dwight Howard's backup and Orlando made it to the finals?

06-28-2009, 03:53 PM
If the Spurs strike out on both of the top two guys, expect to see the MLE split between more than one player. They can do that, right? :)


06-28-2009, 03:56 PM
Great analysis as always. I think they need to make finding someone who can defend Gasol a top priority. He is able to shoot over players who are shorter than him unless they are strong enough to force him out of position.

The Spurs lost Thomas and he was the best at defending the Shaq, Yao type 7 ftrs and stronger low post players. That needs to be replaced.

06-28-2009, 03:56 PM


06-28-2009, 03:56 PM
Gortat scares me. I can't help get a feeling of Gortat being like the college basketball player who has a good tourney and everyone falls in love with, despite never having heard of the guy before March. Are "we" interested in Gortat because he's a good player, or are "we" interested in him because we saw him be Dwight Howard's backup and Orlando made it to the finals?

Be carefull, don't talk bad about Gortat, or you will get his little two minute youtube clip of easy rebounds in the Finals and a couple little open dunks... According to some guys on the board, he is THE MAN or should I sa the HAMMER!!! :lmao :lmao :lmao

06-28-2009, 03:57 PM
Nice list. :tu

To me, there is quite a big drop in quality between Sheed and Dice and the rest of the list.
I'm also not sure that players after Diogu are even worth being signed.

Question: If Bonner was a FA, where would you put him in that list ?

06-28-2009, 03:59 PM
Be carefull, don't take bad about Gortat, or you will get his little two minute youtube clip of easy rebounds in the Finals and a couple little open dunks... According to some guys on the board, he is THE MAN or should I sa the HAMMER!!! :lmao :lmao :lmao

Some think this guy should be #1 on the list...:lol

06-28-2009, 03:59 PM
Which are restricted? That would seem to be a critical factor.

Excellent analysis although I might disagree with the top 2. Both are old and don't play as big on D as the Spurs need. The Spurs will need to guard Pao Gasol and, perhaps, Bynum to advance. I don't see Rasheed doing that.

Varejao would be nice and, maybe with Shaq's arrival, could be attainable. Then maybe Pachulia and Villanueva.

Camby is also possible via trade -- he plays good D, runs and can score. :)

06-28-2009, 04:02 PM
Gortat scares me. I can't help get a feeling of Gortat being like the college basketball player who has a good tourney and everyone falls in love with, despite never having heard of the guy before March. Are "we" interested in Gortat because he's a good player, or are "we" interested in him because we saw him be Dwight Howard's backup and Orlando made it to the finals?

Yeah, I'm far from sold on Gortat. He looked good in his limited minutes but a lot of fans fail to understand the fact that he had four perimeter players around him at almost all times and how much that made life easier for him. Not to mention how much that inflated his states.

On the Spurs, it'll be the opposite. Suddenly he'll have to learn about spacing and playing with others instead of having the entire paint to roam solo.

There's a reason why SVG never played Howard and Gortat together. And when he did, it was usually a disaster.

Another reason he's risky is that he's definitely a buy-high. If the Magic had been bounced by the Sixers, he probably would have gotten a $4-6 million contract. Now he could get $20 million plus.

That said, I have to admit he's really intriguing . . .

06-28-2009, 04:02 PM
no thanks to gorat or zaza

i would rank them

glen davis
sheldon williams

american style please

06-28-2009, 04:04 PM
So if we did get Sheed, who would be the official C? If i'm not mistaken Sheed plays C in Detroit.

06-28-2009, 04:04 PM
The Spurs need 2 bigs-
1- a starting C who can guard legit 7 ftrs when needed ala- Shaq, Yao
2- a backup PF who can score some points when Duncan rests

06-28-2009, 04:07 PM
Which are restricted? That would seem to be a critical factor.

Excellent analysis although I might disagree with the top 2. Both are old and don't play as big on D as the Spurs need. The Spurs will need to guard Pao Gasol and, perhaps, Bynum to advance. I don't see Rasheed doing that.

Varejao would be nice and, maybe with Shaq's arrival, could be attainable. Then maybe Pachulia and Villanueva.

Camby is also possible via trade -- he plays good D, runs and can score. :)

Marcus Camby is also 35, and has been overrated his whole career. Denver got better when he left, or was that Iverson? :lol anyways Camby is a paper tiger.

06-28-2009, 04:07 PM
The Spurs need 2 bigs-
1- a starting C who can guard legit 7 ftrs when needed ala- Shaq, Yao
2- a backup PF who can score some points when Duncan rests

there was an NBA draft on thursday :toast

also duncan is pretty much a C now

06-28-2009, 04:08 PM
marcus camby was overrated early in his career when he was always hurt and scoffed by everyone?

06-28-2009, 04:09 PM
nice list. :tu

to me, there is quite a big drop in quality between sheed and dice and the rest of the list.
I'm also not sure that players after diogu are even worth being signed.

Question: If bonner was a fa, where would you put him in that list ?


06-28-2009, 04:10 PM
there was an NBA draft on thursday :toast

also duncan is pretty much a C now

So Blair is player #2 ?

06-28-2009, 04:10 PM
When July 1 hits, it'll be interesting to see who the Spurs talk to first. I think Wallace and McDyess should be the first two players contacted. If either one of those two players agree to come aboard the San Antonio ship, the Spurs have the answer to who starts next to Duncan.


Great writeup as usual:toast

Who they go after first is the big question. How likely is it that the Spurs can actually get the player they target? When you look at the top eleven names on the list, three names go to the top of the list of most obtainable.

First, the 4 RFAs (Gortat, CV, Davis, and Kleiza) can't be the number one target. The Spurs can't risk tying up their money for seven days and come up empty while other players are signing elsewhere.

I would also argue that Birdman, Varejao, Zaza, and Bass will be difficult to pry away from their current teams who hold their Bird Rights.

That leaves three names. Most indications are that Detroit will not be interested in keeping either Sheed or Dice, so both will have to find new homes. And no team holds Gooden's Bird Rights, so he will likely be looking for the best situation that offers the full MLE.

So, IMO, Sheed and Dice are 1a and 1b with Gooden in third. The talent level drops off quite a bit after that. I favor Dice by a very small margin over Sheed, but the Spurs would be quite formidable with either one. Gooden would be a decent consolation prize if the Spurs can't get Sheed or Dice.

06-28-2009, 04:10 PM
Marcus Camby is also 35, and has been overrated his whole career. Denver got better when he left, or was that Iverson? :lol anyways Camby is a paper tiger.

He helped the Knicks to the Finals in '99 after Ewing went down.

As far as age goes, look at Camby's stats from last year, they are better than anyone on the above list.

06-28-2009, 04:11 PM
Camby also commands more $$$

06-28-2009, 04:11 PM
No Odom on this list? I will admit he's quite the longshot to sign, but purely from a basketball perspective I would rather have Odom than Sheed or anyone else on this list. Also, would you consider making a similar assessment of possible trade targets? We will likely (IMO) have the expiring contracts of Finley, Bonner, and Mason as ammunition. That would work by CBA for Troy Murphy, for example.

06-28-2009, 04:12 PM
Would you, could you package the expirings of Bonner, Finley (if he didn't opt out) and Mason for Tyson Chandler. Salaries are off by about $1 million. Hornet's seem to want to dump him.

Just pipe no doubt.

06-28-2009, 04:12 PM
Yeah, I'm far from sold on Gortat. He looked good in his limited minutes but a lot of fans fail to understand the fact that he had four perimeter players around him at almost all times and how much that made life easier for him. Not to mention how much that inflated his states.

On the Spurs, it'll be the opposite. Suddenly he'll have to learn about spacing and playing with others instead of having the entire paint to roam solo.

There's a reason why SVG never played Howard and Gortat together. And when he did, it was usually a disaster.

Another reason he's risky is that he's definitely a buy-high. If the Magic had been bounced by the Sixers, he probably would have gotten a $4-6 million contract. Now he could get $20 million plus.

That said, I have to admit he's really intriguing . . .

It is hard not to get intrigued by someone with his combination of size, age and athleticism. Personally I'd prefer someone with the ability to pull a defending big out of the paint especially now with Blair on board.

06-28-2009, 04:13 PM
Great writeup as usual
we love you timvp!

06-28-2009, 04:14 PM
There's a reason why SVG never played Howard and Gortat together.

Neither of them can score from more than three feet from the basket.

06-28-2009, 04:14 PM
If it's something like Wilcox for the MLE or Rasho for the LLE, I'd bring back Rasho. Not sure if you remember him but he played pretty decent defense for the Spurs a few years ago.

You'll have to refresh my memory. Those white guys from Europe all look the same to me. :)

Seriously, I spent an entire season preparing myself for his return to Europe, so I won't even let my mind go there.

06-28-2009, 04:16 PM
He helped the Knicks to the Finals in '99 after Ewing went down.
Wasn't he like the sixth or seventh best player on that team, though? Not all that impressive for a number one pick.

06-28-2009, 04:18 PM
So Blair is player #2 ?

do we need to have proven all stars all the way down to 10 on the depth chart? have a little faith in the guy, rookies and unproven players in general are almost always an important part of successful teams, what was Ariza before this year? If you wait until after a guy proves himself to get him and play him then you become the Yankees or the Knicks.

06-28-2009, 04:21 PM
TimVP - where would you have Javtokas?

Between Wallace and McDyess, I would factor in the "Would he be willing to come off the bench?"-factor.

IF, and yes, it's a huge, unlikely if, Ian Mahinmi or Dejuan Blair play so well that one of them is trusted to start . . . would the FA big be okay with that?

McDyess I'm sure could handle it no problem. He'd still be in great shape and come to play no matter what the situation, he's still hungry for the ring.

Wallace I have my doubts. Say he has a minor injury, misses two weeks, and Mahinmi has been tearing it up in his absence and Pop keeps him as starter. Here comes the pout-express. Wallace would go from typically fat and out of shape to even worse shape.

06-28-2009, 04:21 PM
Timvp great write-up. Thanks for the FA fodder.

I'd go after Sheed or Dice in that order.
Then Villanueva or Varejao (hate the hair and flopping but like his energy)
Davis, Anderson.

06-28-2009, 04:22 PM
No Odom on this list? I will admit he's quite the longshot to sign, but purely from a basketball perspective I would rather have Odom than Sheed or anyone else on this list. Also, would you consider making a similar assessment of possible trade targets? We will likely (IMO) have the expiring contracts of Finley, Bonner, and Mason as ammunition. That would work by CBA for Troy Murphy, for example.

The Spurs have no shot at Odom. The lakers aren't going to let him get away for just the MLE, and they're sure as hell not going to sign and trade him to us.

06-28-2009, 04:24 PM
He helped the Knicks to the Finals in '99 after Ewing went down.

As far as age goes, look at Camby's stats from last year, they are better than anyone on the above list.

that was a long time ago, you have to do something to become overrated and overpaid, his inflated stats also help.

24 year old camby for the MLE would be better than anyone on this list, 35 year old camby for 7.7 will be less help to this team than Bonner, by a large margin.

El Jefe
06-28-2009, 04:27 PM
I don't know what the FA list looks like at the 3, but I can see why the Spurs FO was excited to get RJ into the mix and take their chances in a FA at the 4. There are some quality names on that list.

I like Gortat and Pachulia, but as someone said in another thread, there is a fear of the Spurs going TOO young and inexperienced. As is, we're already penciling in Hill and Blair (or Mahinmi/Gist) into significant roles. Add in RJ and FA Big into the list, and we're talking at least 4 players with very little experience in the Spurs system (include Mason if you'd like as he barely got to play with Manu last year)

The more I think about it, the more bringing Oberto back makes sense. Not to pick up significant minutes mind you, but to act as a coach/tutor/practice player to help the new bigs out.

06-28-2009, 04:29 PM
Rasheed is the better player but Id pick McDyess over him because as you are certain he wont go nuclear in the locker room or on the court. Rasheed is just too much a gamble and not really a Spur-type player.

06-28-2009, 04:30 PM
Just as an FYI, the restricted FA's on that list:


Spurs Brazil
06-28-2009, 04:31 PM
Great read timvp

If we can sign Wallace or McDyess I'd be damn happy

Anderson and Gortat are great options on D but when I look at their offense game I can't see the Spurs sign them. I think our PF/C need to have a average J, on those two are horrible.

The rest of the list I like Varejao, Pachulia, CV and Diogu but I think Anderson and CV will want 5yr deals and I don't think the Spurs will offer it.

El Jefe
06-28-2009, 04:32 PM
Just as an FYI, the restricted FA's on that list:


Doesn't that pretty much rule out going for Gortat first? Can't afford to tie up money while other FA's are getting signed.

06-28-2009, 04:35 PM
Doesn't that pretty much rule out going for Gortat first? Can't afford to tie up money while other FA's are getting signed.

Believe me, Gortat is not 1st on no ones list. :lmao He is the guy you go after when you have no other options.

06-28-2009, 04:36 PM
I agree, Sheed should be the top target bigman this offseason and would be absolute icing on the cake. As its been stated, his game now fits perfectly with what the Spurs have. Dice is 2nd, but not too close. Gortat is interesting but there r a lot of ??? about what he can do on a championship contender as a starter. Everyone else wouldn't be that much of an improvement in my eyes, maybe Anderson but I don't see him leavin Denver

El Jefe
06-28-2009, 04:36 PM
Great read timvp

If we can sign Wallace or McDyess I'd be damn happy

Anderson and Gortat are great options on D but when I look at their offense game I can't see the Spurs sign them. I think our PF/C need to have a average J, on those two are horrible.

The rest of the list I like Varejao, Pachulia, CV and Diogu but I think Anderson and CV will want 5yr deals and I don't think the Spurs will offer it.

Pretty much agree except I don't like going after Diogu. We need a proven player here who has succeeded at the NBA level, and for whatever reason that just hasn't been Diogu yet. I'd prefer to spend money on someone we KNOW will contribute, we already have enough guys that we're HOPING will contribute.

El Jefe
06-28-2009, 04:38 PM
Believe me, Gortat is not 1st on no ones list. :lmao He is the guy you go after when you have no other options.

Oh I imagine he's first on SOMEONE'S list out there.

But I agree with you that he almost certainly is not 1st on the Spurs list.

Spurs Brazil
06-28-2009, 04:38 PM
One more thing timvp

Okur's agent told he'll probably be a FA on Wednesday. Where would you rank him?

06-28-2009, 04:46 PM
Great analysis.

I imagine at this point that a few sign and trade options are being looked at too. I'm still finding it hard to believe the Spurs would keep Bonner and Mason (the two largest salaries after the big 4) and sign a big to something close to the MLE. If they do, I'll be very happily surprised, but that would put the payroll somewhere in the area 75+ mil, with a few more back up positions still needed to be filled. Would Holt give the OK for a 77 or 78 million dollar payroll? Whatever happens, it's going to be a great July, with the FA situations, the summer league, trade rumors.... I'm really looking forward to it.

I think the sleeper on that list is Shelden Williams.

06-28-2009, 04:55 PM
I don't think I want anyone below Villanueva, Gortat is gonna get way more then he deserves, Milwaukee 'gave' us Jefferson JUST so they could resign Charlie and/or Ramon, Anderson has more negative then positive, and Varajao is a joke.

Any of the other guys between 1 and Charlie I would be ok with, but I feel like anything but 'Sheed or McDyess wouldn't really bring us much.

06-28-2009, 04:55 PM
One thought: if the Spurs think DeJuan will be playing 20 mpg and he is statistically the best offensive rebounder to come from the college ranks in the last ten years, it might be nice to get a more mobile center who can race back on D, leaving DeJuan to do what he does best and attack the offensive glass. If the top guys on the list decide against the spurs, Hollins, being a gazelle, would be an inexpensive sleeper pick. His blocks per 48 numbers are among the best from this group too.

06-28-2009, 04:59 PM
Doesn't that pretty much rule out going for Gortat first? Can't afford to tie up money while other FA's are getting signed.

There are a few guys on that list who I think the Spurs could get away with asking them to wait around to see what happens with Gortat, but not Sheed and Dyess.

06-28-2009, 04:59 PM
Question: If Bonner was a FA, where would you put him in that list ?

Probably 12 or 13 ... as long as he's not the starter. This will be his fourth season with the Spurs and in the regular season his shooting and perimeter defense is helpful.

But if Bonner is on your team, you have to make sure there are enough other bigman options that he's not depended on at all in the playoffs.

06-28-2009, 05:03 PM
24 year old camby for the MLE would be better than anyone on this list, 35 year old camby for 7.7 will be less help to this team than Bonner, by a large margin.

Look at it this way, Camby is an "expiring contract." :)

(BTW, it was a low blow to bring up Bonner is a discussion of Camby. Shame on you. :lol).

06-28-2009, 05:04 PM
Excellent analysis although I might disagree with the top 2. Both are old and don't play as big on D as the Spurs need. The Spurs will need to guard Pao Gasol and, perhaps, Bynum to advance. I don't see Rasheed doing that.The Spurs aren't going to find a player who can potentially guard Gasol better than Duncan. I'd take Rasheed or McDyess on Gasol more than probably anyone else on the list other than maybe Varejao.

Then maybe Pachulia and Villanueva.
Villanueva is the opposite of playing big on D. He's 6-foot-11 but he plays like he's 6-foot-8.

Camby is also possible via trade -- he plays good D, runs and can score. :)I think Camby's D -- all things considered -- is overrated and quite average. Plus, he doesn't score much at all anymore and he certainly doesn't run :)

That said, Camby would be third on this list if he were a free agent due to his rebounding and shotblocking.

06-28-2009, 05:05 PM
no thanks to gorat or zaza

i would rank them

glen davis
sheldon williams

american style please
Frye at 7? You must be easy to please.

06-28-2009, 05:07 PM
No Odom on this list? I will admit he's quite the longshot to sign, but purely from a basketball perspective I would rather have Odom than Sheed or anyone else on this list. Also, would you consider making a similar assessment of possible trade targets? We will likely (IMO) have the expiring contracts of Finley, Bonner, and Mason as ammunition. That would work by CBA for Troy Murphy, for example.
Odom isn't attainable. I omitted him, Millsap and David Lee because they are too much of a long shot.

And yeah, I'll try to put a bigman list of trade targets.

06-28-2009, 05:08 PM
Did anyone ever verify that Rasheed really was in SA?

06-28-2009, 05:10 PM
Would you, could you package the expirings of Bonner, Finley (if he didn't opt out) and Mason for Tyson Chandler. Salaries are off by about $1 million. Hornet's seem to want to dump him.

Just pipe no doubt.Probably not. I think he's broken. He failed a physical for his toe and then struggled with an ankle all year.

Plus, his offensive game is primitive and would be exposed without CP3. Add in his dip in rebounds last year and the fact that he was never much of a shotblocker and he's probably not worth the risk.

06-28-2009, 05:15 PM
we love you timvp!
:makeoutTrue, I love that guy :tu

Neither of them can score from more than three feet from the basket.Then it would kinda suck to have a center who can't play with the new backup power forward.

TimVP - where would you have Javtokas?Meh, I'm not to high on Javtokas ... especially now. He was drafted for his athleticism and now after the bike accident and the decline from his prime, he's probably like a poor man's Gortat. I'd probably put him 16.


Between Wallace and McDyess, I would factor in the "Would he be willing to come off the bench?"-factor.

IF, and yes, it's a huge, unlikely if, Ian Mahinmi or Dejuan Blair play so well that one of them is trusted to start . . . would the FA big be okay with that?

McDyess I'm sure could handle it no problem. He'd still be in great shape and come to play no matter what the situation, he's still hungry for the ring.

Wallace I have my doubts. Say he has a minor injury, misses two weeks, and Mahinmi has been tearing it up in his absence and Pop keeps him as starter. Here comes the pout-express. Wallace would go from typically fat and out of shape to even worse shape.

Wallace is definitely a character risk. Then again, if he had McDyess's personality, he'd be getting that $8 million he wants.

06-28-2009, 05:20 PM
my ranking would be:

1.) R. Wallace: he is a big long body at 6-11. he is pretty mobile even for his age. he really have a good basketball IQ. on offense, he has a post up game and he could also step out to hit the 3 point shot; on defense, he is a good defender, a decent rebounder, and a decent shot blocker. 2 year for the MLE.

2.) A. McDyess: not the biggest guy since he's only 6-9. he is pretty mobile even for his age. he plays very hard. on offense, he has a good mid-range j and some solid post moves. on defense, he is a good defender, a good rebounder, but not a good shot blocker. 2 years for the MLE.

3.) D. Gooden: a big body at 6-11. he is pretty mobile. he doesn't have a very good basketball IQ. on offense, he could post up or hit the mid range J. on defense, he is a solid INDIVIDUAL defender and a good rebounder, but his rotational defense is very poor and he doesn't really block lots of shots. 2-3 years for the MLE.

I think for the MLE, these are the only 3 big man that have the ability and skill to make it worth it. some of these guys are bench and energy players at best and would be even more riskier than D. Gooden.

C. Anderson: his energy and shot blocking really hides the fact that he is a horrible low post defender. his game is purely based on athleticism and energy, doesn't bode well for someone who is 31.

M. Gortat: i felt that of all the big man in the free agency, M. Gortat has got to be the most overrated one. he is a mobile big man who is a decent defender and rebounder, but his offensive game is absolutely non-existing. if M. Gortat is as good as advertised, why doesn't he play more for the Magics alongside D. Howard against the big Lakers front line. He is a serious offensive liability who would clog up the lane if we sign him.

Z. Pachulia: his basketball IQ is almost as bad as D. Gooden. he's tough for sure, but his individual defense and team defense isn't much better than D. Gooden, while D. Gooden has a way better offensive game than his.

06-28-2009, 05:30 PM
I think Camby's D -- all things considered -- is overrated and quite average. Plus, he doesn't score much at all anymore and he certainly doesn't run :)

Last season, Camby averaged a double-double plus over two blocks per game. That said, I'd rather have Splitter than any of the above, including Camby.

06-28-2009, 05:32 PM
You have convinced me that it should be Sheed. I want him and his High-B-Ball IQ on my team. He's generally regarded as a great team guy, and I want to see him make those championship belts for the Spurs after we win the title!

06-28-2009, 05:35 PM
Pretty good list...though I agree with those that said ZaZa is too low and I would probably put Gortat at #3. The big factor is one that has already been mentioned. We can't really afford to wait on the Magic to make up their mind on matching the offer. We should definitely be on the phone with Sheed/Dice at midnight on Wednesday.

El Jefe
06-28-2009, 05:37 PM
I know Camby was only mentioned in passing in this thread, and is not a FA. But keep this in mind....

Last season 25% of Camby's offense came in spot up situations. In these situations he shot 38.2%, resulting in .74 points per possession. That's bad. Really bad. That's "my god, why are you shooting? You're killing your team" bad.

The year before that was even worse. The idea that Camby "spreads the floor" is every bit as overrated as his defense.

06-28-2009, 05:37 PM
Last season, Camby averaged a double-double plus over two blocks per game.You have to factor in he averaged 31 minutes per game when saying he's a good scorer. Per minute, most players on the list scored more than Camby. I wouldn't classify him as a good scorer.

Hist rebounding and shotblocking are high, though. And that's why I would have to place him third on the list despite his other shortcomings.

That said, I'd rather have Splitter than any of the above, including Camby.Prior to Blair, I would have rated Splitter pretty high. But it'd be crazy to go into a season with the three main bigmen next to Duncan being Splitter, Blair and Mahinmi. As weird as it is to say, the Spurs need some veteran savvy to fill this hole. For that reason, I easily take Wallace and McDyess over Splitter.

The thought of Finley being the closing power forward has me scared enough to be against have a young and exciting bigman rotation :lol

06-28-2009, 05:40 PM
Pretty good list...though I agree with those that said ZaZa is too low and I would probably put Gortat at #3. The big factor is one that has already been mentioned. We can't really afford to wait on the Magic to make up their mind on matching the offer. We should definitely be on the phone with Sheed/Dice at midnight on Wednesday.

How much are you (and others) willing to pay for Gortat and Pachulia? Gortat is likely to get paid. Pachulia probably won't go under the radar, either.

06-28-2009, 05:41 PM
The idea that Camby "spreads the floor" is every bit as overrated as his defense.

Anybody who ever said that Camby "spreads the floor" on offense is a dope (no pun intended Chris Anderson).

06-28-2009, 05:43 PM
I know Camby was only mentioned in passing in this thread, and is not a FA. But keep this in mind....

Last season 25% of Camby's offense came in spot up situations. In these situations he shot 38.2%, resulting in .74 points per possession. That's bad. Really bad. That's "my god, why are you shooting? You're killing your team" bad.

The year before that was even worse. The idea that Camby "spreads the floor" is every bit as overrated as his defense.

Yeah, Camby is extremely overrated. His DPOY was a disgrace. His pick-and-roll defense might be second worst in the league behind Shaq. His offense is pretty damn bad ... and he's a ballstopper.

But his value is in his rebounding and shotblocking. Those two things, plus his expiring contract, would make him valuable in a trade. But I certainly wouldn't give up Hill in return.

El Jefe
06-28-2009, 05:49 PM
Anybody who ever said that Camby "spreads the floor" on offense is a dope (no pun intended Chris Anderson).

You are correct, but that hasn't stopped people from saying it. Looking back in this thread, I realize no one has come out and said it, but I still for some reason feel the need to nip it in the bud.

Basically Camby is efficent scoring off of cuts to the basket and O-rebounds. Anything else is an adventure. I just find it shocking what percentage of his offense is taken up by actions that directly hurt his team.

Course he did play for the Clippers last year. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised?

06-28-2009, 05:56 PM
I don't know what the FA list looks like at the 3, but I can see why the Spurs FO was excited to get RJ into the mix and take their chances in a FA at the 4. There are some quality names on that list.

I like Gortat and Pachulia, but as someone said in another thread, there is a fear of the Spurs going TOO young and inexperienced. As is, we're already penciling in Hill and Blair (or Mahinmi/Gist) into significant roles. Add in RJ and FA Big into the list, and we're talking at least 4 players with very little experience in the Spurs system (include Mason if you'd like as he barely got to play with Manu last year)

The more I think about it, the more bringing Oberto back makes sense. Not to pick up significant minutes mind you, but to act as a coach/tutor/practice player to help the new bigs out.

I don't understand wasting roster spots on mentors or tutors. Pop, Duncan Parker and Manu can mentor the new players into the system.

06-28-2009, 06:01 PM
How much are you (and others) willing to pay for Gortat and Pachulia? Gortat is likely to get paid. Pachulia probably won't go under the radar, either.

I don't think either are full MLE guys, but you're still probably talking about $4 mil being the minimum you'd need to offer. Gortat's price might a little higher since everyone just saw him play in the finals and that he's restricted, so you pretty much have to overpay if you don't want Orlando to match.

Given their age both are going to be looking for 4 or 5 year deals too. So you're getting into the 4yr/$20 mil range for those two. This could be a reason the Spurs might prefer the vets like Sheed or Dyess. They'll take a 2 year deal. Basically it boils down to whether or not you think Gortat/Pachulia are guys you want to keep around after the championship window has closed, or whether you just want to blow it all up and start from scratch.

El Jefe
06-28-2009, 06:06 PM
Prior to Blair, I would have rated Splitter pretty high. But it'd be crazy to go into a season with the three main bigmen next to Duncan being Splitter, Blair and Mahinmi. As weird as it is to say, the Spurs need some veteran savvy to fill this hole. For that reason, I easily take Wallace and McDyess over Splitter.


The Spurs have worshiped at the altar of the experienced vet for so long, it's exciting to see them actually look to some youth for a change. This has a chance to be the most athletic Spurs roster since...... which past team would be considered the most athletic? 2003?

It's easy to get swept up in the potential of the unknown. I find myself dreaming of a Duncan/Splitter/Blair/Mahinmi rotation, before remembering that only 25% of that rotation has every played meaningful minutes in the NBA. Whoever we pick up with the mid-level HAS to be someone that is a proven NBA rotation player. Taking a gamble and missing would be disastrous to any title hopes this team has.

El Jefe
06-28-2009, 06:16 PM
I don't understand wasting roster spots on mentors or tutors. Pop, Duncan Parker and Manu can mentor the new players into the system.

Pop, Parker and Manu have never played the 4-5 spot in the Spurs system. I grant you that Pop might have an idea of what that entails, but he has a lot on his plate already.

Duncan could of course do a lot of teaching, and probably will. However, I can easily imagine the team trying to reduce the amount of time he spends on the practice floor in an effort to preserve him for games.

That all being said, the Spurs have several coaches and player development guys for this very reason. You may be right, and if it comes down to choosing between talent or a mentor for that last roster spot, talent is probably the way to go.

But if you have an open roster spot, it makes sense to me to bring in someone who has 4 years of experience in the system, who played with a high basketball IQ, at a position where you'll have a lot of young guys and some coaching to do.

06-28-2009, 06:37 PM

The Spurs have worshiped at the altar of the experienced vet for so long, it's exciting to see them actually look to some youth for a change. This has a chance to be the most athletic Spurs roster since...... which past team would be considered the most athletic? 2003?

It's easy to get swept up in the potential of the unknown. I find myself dreaming of a Duncan/Splitter/Blair/Mahinmi rotation, before remembering that only 25% of that rotation has every played meaningful minutes in the NBA. Whoever we pick up with the mid-level HAS to be someone that is a proven NBA rotation player. Taking a gamble and missing would be disastrous to any title hopes this team has.

That 2005 team was pretty damn athletic.

There were times they ran the Suns oout of the building wich no one thought could be done.

06-28-2009, 06:41 PM
We are all in agreement that the Spurs need a legit starting Center. Who on this list do you think qualifies as such?

06-28-2009, 06:51 PM
If they wiff on the first two on your list (job well done by the way, per usual) I could see them bringing in Theo Ratliff on the Caldwell Jones plan for mentoring the young uns.

06-28-2009, 06:54 PM
My wish list:


El Jefe
06-28-2009, 07:04 PM
That 2005 team was pretty damn athletic.

There were times they ran the Suns oout of the building wich no one thought could be done.

That they did. It was mostly Parker and Manu burning them up in transition, with the occasional Brent Barry sighting (not sure I'd say he was athletic at that point, but ran the floor/moved the ball well, plus you had better damn well find him behind the 3 point line in transition, at least in that series) Is my fragile memory forgetting some other key contributor from that year?

I still side with 2003 though, mainly just for Claxton coming off the bench instead of Beno. Am I wrong?

Mr. Body
06-28-2009, 07:09 PM
There is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge drop after Dice and Sheed. We need to land one of those two guys. Either one - they're both excellent - and I think we will.

06-28-2009, 07:11 PM
There is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge drop after Dice and Sheed. We need to land one of those two guys. Either one - they're both excellent - and I think we will.

Agreed!! The way this offseason is going I would not expect anyone else.

06-28-2009, 07:11 PM
Did the Bucks extend the QO to CV? I do not think many of these guys are upgrades over Bonner/KT starting. There are a few, but the Spurs must get a legit starter.

If not this year, then the next.

06-28-2009, 07:15 PM
Yeah CV got a qualifying offer.

That said, I think hes a stiff and its Rasheed or McDyess or bust.

06-28-2009, 07:19 PM
So would I. I think he's who the Spurs would go after if they miss on the first two on the list.

Zaza pachulia to me would be the perfect pick up and he would be the player I would most likely expect us to sign. Under the radar and then he comes in to put up solid numbers and becomes a good side kick to tim. I think he will be the big that we sign with another veteren big at the league minimum.

06-28-2009, 07:26 PM

In your sig, is that after game 6 against the Lakers in 2003? :)

06-28-2009, 07:29 PM
Zaza pachulia to me would be the perfect pick up and he would be the player I would most likely expect us to sign. Under the radar and then he comes in to put up solid numbers and becomes a good side kick to tim.

Zaza made $4M this season. I would think he expects the full MLE for four years- do you want to invest that much in him?

06-28-2009, 07:30 PM
We should use the entire MLE on Diop...
Oh wait!

06-28-2009, 08:22 PM
How much are you (and others) willing to pay for Gortat and Pachulia? Gortat is likely to get paid. Pachulia probably won't go under the radar, either.
If the Spurs are sold on Gortat, then they have no choice but to make a decisive offer even if it means paying him a little more than he might be worth. If they go too low and the Magic match it could have disastrous consequences in that they could see all other solid big man options dissolve in the waiting period. I was for the full MLE initially but after seeing an exact number on that I think it would be a bit steep. The other side of that coin is that 3 million a year is probably not going to be enough and the Magic will wind up matching.

We could probably pull him away with something between 4.5-5 million a year over 4 years with the final year partially guaranteed...and I would be ok with that type of money for him.

06-28-2009, 08:31 PM
If the Spurs are sold on Gortat, then they have no choice but to make a decisive offer even if it means paying him a little more than he might be worth. If they go too low and the Magic match it could have disastrous consequences in that they could see all other solid big man options dissolve in the waiting period. I was for the full MLE initially but after seeing an exact number on that I think it would be a bit steep. The other side of that coin is that 3 million a year is probably not going to be enough and the Magic will wind up matching.

We could probably pull him away with something between 4.5-5 million a year over 4 years with the final year partially guaranteed...and I would be ok with that type of money for him.

20 mil over 4 years...This would ruin the one of the best offseasons in recent spurs history..SAY NO TO JEROME JAMES, i mean GORTAT:nope

06-28-2009, 08:34 PM
My personal top 3: Dice Sheed and Good

06-28-2009, 08:37 PM
20 mil over 4 years...This would ruin the one of the best offseasons in recent spurs history..SAY NO TO JEROME JAMES, i mean GORTAT:nope

Don't worry, Gortat will be in Europe in a few years. The Spurs are not even looking at him. But, Sheed is on the radar.

06-28-2009, 08:39 PM
Sheed is going to bring attitude and swagger to the team!!! Hell Yeah!!!

06-28-2009, 08:51 PM
I would stay away from Gortat. The only role i could see him fulfilling successfully if he were to sign, would be strictly as a backup for Duncan - much like he was for Howard. Im not sure how much he can help playing with Timmy, clogging up the lane, because he doesnt have a jumpshot. Not that i have seen anyway.

So, paying the full MLE, or close to it for a 10-15 MPG backup is too much IMO.

06-28-2009, 08:54 PM
no way I pick Anderson over Varejao. Varejao has 5x more impact on the game

06-28-2009, 08:55 PM
20 mil over 4 years...This would ruin the one of the best offseasons in recent spurs history..SAY NO TO JEROME JAMES, i mean GORTAT:nope
Not the Jerome James thing again. Didn't you go there in the Think Tank thread too? Seriously, if you can't come up with anything better than that then just don't bother responding.

Marcus Bryant
06-28-2009, 09:19 PM
I'd go with McDyess over Wallace. I'm not sure Wallace's 3 point ability makes up for the Ts, and McDyess' jumper is very solid out to the range where opposing defenses will give TD the space he needs. That said, if it's Wallace instead of McDyess, I'm not losing any sleep.

While getting a shotblocker would be nice, I'm not sure it's a prerequisite for another championship. They do need a starting big opposite TD who can make his defensive rotations and hit the boards. McDyess is the man for that. Plus he also tends to play closer to the rim and his rebounding stats should that, in contrast to Wallace's.

Varejao makes a lot of sense if the Spurs strike out on the top two. He's been a very good frontcourt role player in Cleveland. Above all else, you need someone who can defend the post and rebound. Plus he has plenty of postseason experience.

I think if the Spurs don't land either of the top two, then in addition to whoever they sign to start they also need to add a cheaper, solid defensive bigman for the bench who can defend the bigger centers in the NBA (Yao, Shaq, etc...). At the top of that list is Radoslav Nesterovic. I think he can be had in this market for the LLE. I'm not sure if he'd be inclined to return to SA, but I never got the sense that he held any grudge for being traded. I've never been a fan of his, but there's a difference between being the starting center and coming off the bench in spots. I think the Spurs will need someone other than just TD as capable of matching up against true 5s. Nesterovic fits the bill.

Bringing Gooden back and adding Nesterovic might not be a bad Plan C or D. I think that the longer Gooden plays with TD the better chemistry they can develop, plus with Gooden you get a post threat when TD is out of the game. And Gooden can definitely rebound the basketball.

The Spurs will probably end up with a good starting bigman out of free agency using the MLE. If it doesn't work out, they should have a tradeable asset on their hands.

The wild card in all of this is Mahinmi and Blair. If those two are good for 35 minutes a night, then the Spurs should be able to get by with an average starting big.

06-28-2009, 10:03 PM
my personal top 3: Dice sheed and good


06-28-2009, 10:37 PM
Excellent summary of available options. I ask the question " If the worst case scenario becomes a reality and TD continues to be hobbled by his knees next season, who is the Big FA who can best approximate what TD does? Spurs bought insurance in the form of RJ just in case Manu continues his physical struggles but what about TD insurance?

Looking at the choices, my guesses would be:

1. Rasheed
2. Rasheed
3. Rasheed

It just goes to show how unique and valuable TD is that it was so difficult to find a replacement to fill his shoes just in case. Rasheed has the size, length, talent, BBIQ.. can play offense, defense.. not the best in each category but the overall package he's the best. Now, if only we could transplant McDyess' blue-collar, no-nonsense personality into Rasheed's body.

06-28-2009, 10:47 PM

In your sig, is that after game 6 against the Lakers in 2003? :)

Yep -- the game that ended the Lakers' threepeat.

Or as it is sometimes known to Spurs fans, "The Crying Game." :lol :lol

06-28-2009, 10:58 PM
Yep -- the game that ended the Lakers' threepeat.

Or as it is sometimes known to Spurs fans, "The Crying Game." :lol :lolDid you rehearse that?

Best sig on ST :tu

06-28-2009, 11:14 PM
I'd probably go:

1. Gortat
2. McDyess
3. Wallace
4. Pachulia
5. Javtokas
6. Anderson
7. Villanueva

Don't like anybody else on the list who I think could actually be signed or is worth having.

06-28-2009, 11:17 PM
I've re-thinked some things, and here's my list:


06-28-2009, 11:18 PM
I'd probably go:

1. Gortat
2. McDyess
3. Wallace
4. Pachulia
5. Javtokas
6. Anderson
7. Villanueva

Don't like anybody else on the list who I think could actually be signed or is worth having.Damn, Gortat number one? You aren't worried about the drastically different system or the small sample size we've witnessed thus far? How much would you be willing to give him?

Another thing that makes me hesitate about Gortat is he sucked in D-League. He didn't play there long but I find it odd that he didn't do much better.

06-28-2009, 11:19 PM
I've re-thinked some things, and here's my list:


No McDyess?

06-28-2009, 11:26 PM
Damn, Gortat number one? You aren't worried about the drastically different system or the small sample size we've witnessed thus far? How much would you be willing to give him?

Another thing that makes me hesitate about Gortat is he sucked in D-League. He didn't play there long but I find it odd that he didn't do much better.

Actually, yes, I am worried about all those things. And posted about all those things on the various Gortat threads during the playoffs, riling up the pro-Gortaters.

I have him there by a razor thin margin. But I like the fact that at his age the wheels aren't just going to fall off at a moment's notice like they might do with Dice and like I believe has already happened with Sheed. He may be a bust, but a young bust. At worst, he's a proven, legit back-up to TD for the rest of his career.

MLE I'd be fine with. I'm not gung ho, but considering that the other under-30 candidate, Pachulia, is coming off a 4/16 deal, the market for young bigs is a lot of money.

Besides, I'm thinking he'll get a bigger than MLE deal from one of the few teams with caproom, maybe Detroit.

06-28-2009, 11:32 PM
If there are two categories, big men that could be theoretically had for LLE or less ($2 mill approx for 2 years) and big men who would take up the majority of the MLE ($4 mil +) . . .

Then my ranking for Javtokas goes higher with the lower price tier. He's limited, but knows his role. He won't turn the ball over like crazy like Pachulia (who should be in the higher $ category) and actually blocks shots. Pachulia is tough and stands up to people, but so is Javtokas. I don't think anyone else on the list has put a player in the hospital with a broken face from a deliberate fighting elbow smash. He'll set picks, finish strong, and be a useful utility big man.

06-28-2009, 11:32 PM
I forgot to mention it somewhere but I lowered Gortat and Pachulia a little bit because Pop specifically said that they were going to spend the MLE on a "4". If you have Gortat or Pachulia in mind, you aren't going to say 4. It's questionable to me whether a starting lineup featuring Duncan and a center is quick enough to survive in today's NBA.

Wallace and McDyess aren't very quick but they are definitely 4s. Anderson is more 4 than 5.

Sideshow Bob is the wild card. He supposedly wants more than the MLE. If he can't get it, I wonder if the Spurs look at him as the third option with a short, lucrative contract. He very well could be the best defender on the list.

06-28-2009, 11:39 PM
my top 5- sheed, gooden, mcdyess, pachulia, villanueva

06-28-2009, 11:40 PM
Rasheed has been known to play pretty good D when motivated, and block a shot here and there.

06-28-2009, 11:41 PM
I don't think at this point in his career Wallace can qualify as a 4. He was the starting center for Detroit this year. When he played, he was the center. Sometimes they started at power forward Amir, sometimes McDyess, sometimes they even went small with Tayshaun at the 4.

But Rasheed is so broken down now he's a center. In fact he's been the starting center ever since they let Ben Wallace go.

06-28-2009, 11:46 PM
If there are two categories, big men that could be theoretically had for LLE or less ($2 mill approx for 2 years) and big men who would take up the majority of the MLE ($4 mil +) . . .

Then my ranking for Javtokas goes higher with the lower price tier. He's limited, but knows his role. He won't turn the ball over like crazy like Pachulia (who should be in the higher $ category) and actually blocks shots. Pachulia is tough and stands up to people, but so is Javtokas. I don't think anyone else on the list has put a player in the hospital with a broken face from a deliberate fighting elbow smash. He'll set picks, finish strong, and be a useful utility big man.

I don't think Javtokas would come for LLE money. He can likely get more money and more perks in Europe.

And Javtokas would only really make sense as a Mahinmi replacement. Going with Javtokas, Mahinmi and Blair as three of the main bigs in the bigman rotation is too much inexperience, IMO.

06-28-2009, 11:50 PM
I would rather have McDyess then Rasheed, simply because Antonio is a better compliment to Duncan and he is a man who will bust his ass. Damn we are speaking about him as a center, and when he was starting his career he was a SF.
Anyway second guy is Wallace, if those both guys will go elsewhere, we should try Gortat.
It's really tough to say how is his IQ will go on. He seemed to be lost many times on O (like LJ said) but IMO SVG was screwing this.

Umm, Gortat is a Pops kind a player. Hard worker and with geat attitude and a guy that can level up the chemistry.

Damn it's pretty tough to find a really usefull big man this days.

06-28-2009, 11:51 PM
I forgot to mention it somewhere but I lowered Gortat and Pachulia a little bit because Pop specifically said that they were going to spend the MLE on a "4".

Maybe. But I don't know if the exact wording equals so strict an interpretation. After all, Pop when he was talking about getting a "4" didn't strictly say MLE or mid-level. He said "middle class". Of course, we all know he means mid-level exception aka MLE. So I feel comfortable assuming that when he says "4" he could mean any big.

06-28-2009, 11:58 PM
Damn we are speaking about him as a center, and when he was starting his career he was a SF.McDyess has always been a bigman . . .

Maybe. But I don't know if the exact wording equals so strict an interpretation. After all, Pop when he was talking about getting a "4" didn't strictly say MLE or mid-level. He said "middle class". Of course, we all know he means mid-level exception aka MLE. So I feel comfortable assuming that when he says "4" he could mean any big.

To be fair to Pop, that's what it used to be called. :)

I just don't think if Pop's plan is to sprint after Gortat or Pachulia as even second or third options that he'd say 4. Maybe I'm wrong but that sounds like Wallace, McDyess, Varejao and Gooden.

And yeah, despite Wallace slowing down, I still consider him much more 4 than 5. Especially on the offensive end, he has drifted far away from the basket. Perhaps he's more of a 5 these days in terms of his lack of quickness but that's about it.

I'd consider McDyess more of a 5.

06-29-2009, 12:04 AM
I don't think Javtokas would come for LLE money. He can likely get more money and more perks in Europe.

And Javtokas would only really make sense as a Mahinmi replacement. Going with Javtokas, Mahinmi and Blair as three of the main bigs in the bigman rotation is too much inexperience, IMO.

I wouldn't be so sure about the money, I posted an update on the Jav thread in the thinktank about an interview with the Lit press the past couple of days where when talking about wanting to play in the Euroleague again said he would take less money to do it, admitting than when he was younger the money was more important but now with a family with young children he has other quality of life issues that are more important to him.

Sure, he wasn't talking about the NBA and was strictly saying he wanted into Euroleague competition, but the gist may hold for the NBA as well. No guarantee, but hey, it's not like he never played in America before.

I view Javtokas different from Mahinmi in what they bring. Mahinmi obviously is more mobile, a much better scorer regardless of what level of basketball it is and is not an enforcer. Javtokas is strictly a specialist at this point in his career if he were to play in the NBA, but for the LLE he would be much preferable to many options. And considering how fragile Mahinmi has been, maybe some Ian-insurance in the form of Javtokas isn't a bad thing.

I agree that it would be unlikely for the Spurs to bring him in for the reason you cite though, experience. I think that can be a flawed approach, as in 06 when the public reasoning for Javtokas being the back-up plan if either Elson or Butler had their deals matched was that the Spurs wanted A: an experienced NBA vet (Elson the 30 y/o 3rd stringer) and B: a young player with potential (Butler, Javtokas was already 26 and with no illusions about his ceiling not being reached).

That plan from the Spurs was a failure. Say this summer the big names turn them down, Wallace, Dice, Gortat, Villanueva, Birdman all off the board . . . If the Spurs were to go with the same kind of reasoning, i.e. not interested in Javtokas due to NBA experience issues and end up signing an NBA scrub with NBA experience (like Mikki Moore), they will be worse off for it.

06-29-2009, 12:05 AM
nice list timvp.

my top 5 would be: sheed, mcdyess, birdman, zaza, gooden

06-29-2009, 12:05 AM
Nice writeup.:tu (Probably could have been a bit more thorough. though.:hat)

You actually echo a lot of the same sentiment and rationale I've been using when it comes to Rasheed, although, I have to say you took the time to go a lot more in-depth, but I almost 100% agree with your assessment.

In short, Rasheed's presence, at least in basketball-terms, is a proven winner on this team. If Rasheed wants to know if he'd have success on this team, all he has to do is give Horry a call, because that's what he'd be. A bigger, more talented, Robert Horry.

Rasheed should be getting the full-court press from the Spurs as soon as that clock reads 12:01 on July 1st. He's just too good of a fit for what they need at this particular point in time and a 2 yr. MLE deal seems, at least to me, a better option than committing around 20M over 4 yrs. to a Gortat/Pachulia-type player. (Especially considering the likelihood of Splitter next year who should command a contract near the mid-level to bring him over.)

McDyess would be a nice second-option but he'd definitely be my second-option.

He's definitely a knockdown mid-range shooter who'd fit right in in the locker room and give you a more consistent, workman-like, effort night-in and night-out than 'Sheed, (really almost a lighter, more athletic, Kurt Thomas) but he is undersized and still a risk physically.

McDyess, from what I've gathered, is a very superstitious dude. I've got to believe his going back to the Pistons last year, while in part due to loyalty, actually had more to do with him not wanting to screw up a good thing. As in his health.

The guy's finally enjoyed a good stretch of health, and as snake-bit as he's been, you've got to wonder if he really wants to up and leave the one place that's brought him some good fortune. Completely speculative on my part, but it'd definitely be something I'd consider if I had to battle through the amount of surgeries and rehabs he did.

Of the free-agents available, Rasheed and to a lesser extent McDyess, would be the only ones I'd feel comfortable going into a stretch-run with.

Given 'Sheed's combustability on the court and 'Dyess' injury history, they're definitely not without flaws, but that's why they're actually a possibility with the MLE.

06-29-2009, 12:08 AM
I like these guys and think they can help in different ways. They don't have to be stellar but provide the help inside that Duncan needs.

These 3 you'd know what you're getting right away. Not much to worry about.


These 3 don't jump out at you but I think they'd be passable options.


06-29-2009, 12:13 AM
Nice writeup.:tu (Probably could have been a bit more thorough. though.:hat)

You actually echo a lot of the same sentiment and rationale I've been using when it comes to Rasheed, although, I have to say you took the time to go a lot more in-depth, but I almost 100% agree with your assessment.

In short, Rasheed's presence, at least in basketball-terms, is a proven winner on this team. If Rasheed wants to know if he'd have success on this team, all he has to do is give Horry a call, because that's what he'd be. A bigger, more talented, Robert Horry.

Rasheed should be getting the full-court press from the Spurs as soon as that clock reads 12:01 on July 1st. He's just too good of a fit for what they need at this particular point in time and a 2 yr. MLE deal seems, at least to me, a better option than committing around 20M over 4 yrs. to a Gortat/Pachulia-type player. (Especially considering the likelihood of Splitter next year who should command a contract near the mid-level to bring him over.)

McDyess would be a nice second-option but he'd definitely be my second-option.

He's definitely a knockdown mid-range shooter who'd fit right in in the locker room and give you a more consistent, workman-like, effort night-in and night-out than 'Sheed, (really almost a lighter, more athletic, Kurt Thomas) but he is undersized and still a risk physically.

McDyess, from what I've gathered, is a very superstitious dude. I've got to believe his going back to the Pistons last year, while in part due to loyalty, actually had more to do with him not wanting to screw up a good thing. As in his health.

The guy's finally enjoyed a good stretch of health, and as snake-bit as he's been, you've got to wonder if he really wants to up and leave the one place that's brought him some good fortune. Completely speculative on my part, but it'd definitely be something I'd consider if I had to battle through the amount of surgeries and rehabs he did.

Of the free-agents available, Rasheed and to a lesser extent McDyess, would be the only ones I'd feel comfortable going into a stretch-run with.

Given 'Sheed's combustability on the court and 'Dyess' injury history, they're definitely not without flaws, but that's why they're actually a possibility with the MLE.


Sheed is the MAN we will target, without a doubt. :lobt2::lobt2::lobt2::lobt2::lobt2:

06-29-2009, 12:17 AM
Varejao is our best option in my opinion. I think we need a defensive minded big and I really do like the way Varejao plays. If you look at Birdman yes he is a great shot blocker but he is a lousy low post defender that tends to get eaten up by players with a higher IQ. The dude is all energy but he is not our best option especially if we are going up against teams like LA. I think Varejao would play the best defense or help defense on most bigs in the west, I really do have faith in the guy he plays his heart out.

06-29-2009, 12:19 AM
1. Sheed
2. Varajeo(he will last for the future and most likely continue to improve under a guy like TD).
3. Dice
4. Birdman
5. Gooden

my list!

Sean Cagney
06-29-2009, 12:23 AM
Nice list. :tu

To me, there is quite a big drop in quality between Sheed and Dice and the rest of the list.
I'm also not sure that players after Diogu are even worth being signed.

Question: If Bonner was a FA, where would you put him in that list ?

Near last, dude sucks IMO.

06-29-2009, 12:36 AM
Sheed for MLE and Rasho for the LLE would be ideal. If Mahinmi develops the Spurs will have several options.

06-29-2009, 01:11 AM
The Spurs should probably go after the players in this order:
1. Rasheed
1a. Varajao
3. Dice
4. Gooden
5. Anderson

Looks to me like it'll just be 1, 3 and 4, since Pop mentioned he wanted a 4 and not a 5.

They should only consider going after anyone that's restricted if it looks like they can steal them. That said, the last time I recall the Spurs pulling that off, they ended up with Jackie Butler and Francisco Elson.

06-29-2009, 01:23 AM
No McDyess?

Shit. I meant to put McDyess right under Wallace.

06-29-2009, 01:36 AM
okur is opting out of his contract also according to news ticker on realgm

06-29-2009, 01:43 AM
okur is opting out of his contract also according to news ticker on realgm
Okur would be in the unattainable category.

06-29-2009, 02:01 AM
My list would be-
1. Sheed
2. Dice
4. Varejo- i like him til the finals when I realized how much of an elite flopper he was. Did he can any heavy fines this past season, conidering how the NBA was "cracking down" on floppers?
5. Gortat
6. Gooden
7. Anderson
8. Javtokas
9. Rasho

06-29-2009, 02:02 AM
My list would be-
1. Sheed
2. Dice
4. Varejo- i like him til the finals when I realized how much of an elite flopper he was. Did he can any heavy fines this past season, conidering how the NBA was "cracking down" on floppers?
5. Gortat
6. Gooden
7. Anderson
8. Javtokas
9. Rasho

06-29-2009, 02:29 AM
My personal top 5 list would be

1. Rasheed Wallace (if he is motivated and stays motivated)
2. Antonio McDyess (if he is willing to leave Detroit)
3. Anderson Varejao (sure he may flop but who cares)
4. Marcin Gortat (the hate by 4rings on Gortat is hilarious and stupid, if only he is not restricted)
5. Zaza Pachulia (not really old, can play a little.)

Huge drop after Sheed and Dice though.

El Jefe
06-29-2009, 02:47 AM
I don't think at this point in his career Wallace can qualify as a 4. He was the starting center for Detroit this year. When he played, he was the center. Sometimes they started at power forward Amir, sometimes McDyess, sometimes they even went small with Tayshaun at the 4.

But Rasheed is so broken down now he's a center. In fact he's been the starting center ever since they let Ben Wallace go.

True, Sheed played center last season, but I think it was more out of necessity than any limitations on Sheed. The Pistons really had no one on the roster to fill the starting 5-spot.

Sheed has been slowing down however. His ability to play the 4 next to Duncan is a legitimate question. I think the hope is the motivation to chase one last ring gets him to drop a few pounds and find some extra spring in his legs.

06-29-2009, 02:58 AM
I confess i'm split between Rasheed/McDyess/Gortat
Although Sheed is talented and proven, he's old and set in his ways...
McDyess i dont even know if he wants to leave Detroit first of all and like Rasheed hes no spring chicken himself.
Gortat is a guy that i know a lot of are split on, rightfully so he is young and has only been to the finals once last year and he was only a backup center to boot! But then again he plays great D and is athletic and has good #'s while he's starting. A lot of us are falling on either side of the pendulum, Hes going to be a flat out BEAST or Hes a total waste of money and too young! Personally i think he can be Rasho 2.0 somebody who will not score a lot, grab a decent amount of rebounds and block shots here and there. As where you can make the argument about Sheed and McDyess being proven you gotta also take in to consideration with the facts that i mentioned earlier and that those are still in some case BiG NAMES, gortat is a Blue collar guy who i think will work well with Pops philosophy, he can fill the role that we lost when Kurt and Oberto left. Wallace, i love the guy and i would never compare his career of somebody like Bonner but with Bonner we already have the center that can shoot the 3 and i think we need somebody who can just go in there and focus on D and grab rebounds.

another confession i have is i really didnt watch that much Detroit ball last year so i dont know what kind of shape McDyess is in but if you can prove to me he is as "durable" as a youngin' like Gortat then by all means lets bring him in!

Man In Black
06-29-2009, 03:11 AM

Rasheed Wallace is not a problem for this team. In fact, Rasheed Wallace is having his best season in three years. Check the basic stats: 13.0 points (highest average since 2005), 7.6 rebounds (highest since 2004 and a full rebound over last year's average), 1.2 blocks (down slightly, but still solid), shooting 43.5 percent (highest since 2004), shooting 37.3 percent on three-pointers (highest since 1999 [!!]). He is also 17th in the league in defensive rating and 10th in the league in defensive rebounding percentage. (Check Basketball Reference)

Man In Black
06-29-2009, 03:18 AM

Yet Wallace and Duncan are quite similar. They both played in the Atlantic Coast Conference. They each enjoy bowling. They share an uneasiness with the news media. For Wallace, the issue is less about discomfort than disdain. Mutual disdain I might add - earned and unearned.

Yesterday, for example, Wallace came half an hour late to a scheduled interview feast, where reporters ask the questions we've asked all week and players give the answers they've given all week. Wallace finally arrived, left to change shoes, came back, put his clothes down, then finally came to the podium, where reporters stood with notebooks out, cameras rolling.

He asked what we wanted. Somebody asked what he was listening to.


How will San Antonio adjust to Detroit's defense against Duncan? Wallace said that would be the Spurs' problem.

There were a few more questions, but basically the "interview" was over, and there was plenty of grumbling by reporters. Yet, if Detroit wins Game 7, Wallace should be the most valuable player of the finals.

For all of the news media angst over Wallace, practically every former or current teammate raves about him. The only thing Antonio McDyess knew about Wallace is what he heard from the news media. Based on that, he wasn't a big fan. Now he calls Wallace the greatest teammate he's ever had.

"He's all about team togetherness," McDyess said. "He's team-oriented and he's easy to be around."

After Game 4 at the Palace of Auburn Hills, Wallace took the team and their families out to dinner. "He paid for the whole team to eat after the game and their families," McDyess said. "He does things like that. Before I knew him, I would have thought the same thing the media thought."

McDyess and Wallace came into the league in 1995. "I knew he wasn't a bad person, I just didn't know how he was as a teammate," McDyess said.

Robert Horry has never been Wallace's teammate, but his wife is friendly with Wallace's wife and he has gotten to know Wallace. "You really can't judge a person by the way they play this game of basketball, because what a guy does on the court doesn't tell you what kind of man he is," Horry said.

06-29-2009, 03:20 AM
Great OP, LJ. :tu :toast

The more I think about it, the more Sheed sounds like the best option. Before the RJ trade, I was worried that Sheed was a little too old. However, now that Tim is the only big man we have who's older than 30, I agree that we need another veteran presence in that spot.

One benefit to signing someone Sheed's age is that you can get away with only giving him a 2 year contract. The last thing I want the Spurs to do is give 4-5 years, $24-30 million to a guy like Gortat, and then regret it 2-3 years down the line when they're trying to scrape up some money to resign/extend Tony.

Sheed has always been a great fit for the Spurs system. Among other things, his shooting ability from 12-20 feet is a huge asset. His baseline jumper would be money after Tim gets doubled, or after Tony or Manu drive and dish.

In addition, Sheed has always seemed to play well against Duncan, being able to shoot over him and hit those shots at a high clip. It would make the Spurs road a lot tougher if he signed with a Western Conference contender other than San Antonio.

Believe it or not, I also think Sheed's personality is actually a good fit for the Spurs system, and I've always been under the impression that he could control his technical fouls if he really wanted to. The last 5 regular seasons, his technical foul totals have been: 27, 19, 21, 12, 19. Bold prediction: if Sheed signs with the Spurs, he will have 10 or less technical fouls next year.

06-29-2009, 03:34 AM
Nice article, MIB, about Rasheed being a good teammate. Almost all of his teammates say he's a great teammate. And while he's been a headache for coaches, there is a big difference between Pop and a pushover like Flip Saunders or a guy in over his head in Michael Curry. As far as I know, Larry Brown loved Rasheed.

In addition, Sheed has always seemed to play well against Duncan, being able to shoot over him and hit those shots at a high clip. It would make the Spurs road a lot tougher if he signed with a Western Conference contender other than San Antonio.Very good point. Sheed probably has been the best defender against Duncan over the years. I wouldn't want to see him end up with a team like Cleveland or Orlando.

C Howard
PF Wallace
SF Lewis
SG Carter
PG Nelson

Avoiding that lineup alone might be enough to sign Wallace :lol

06-29-2009, 04:19 AM
Any thoughts on which teams we will be competing with for the top bigs and what they have to offer over us?

06-29-2009, 04:19 AM
Well, I thought a lot about what the Spurs might do. I really think they will go for McDyess and Wallace first. The are the best big men available in this price range.

Even if the manage to get one of them, I would still like them to go for a "real" 5. Those three would be my choice:


Their role would be to battle the likes of Yao, Shaq, Howard, Bynum,... so my ideal lineup for next year would be:

1.Parker/ Hill/
3.Jefferson/Bowen/Gist (also at the 4)

I would keep Bonner just because I like pairing a shooting big with Duncan. It would help stretching the floor. We all agree Bonner should not start and play a lot of minutes but I think in a limited role he could be very valuable to the team, Especially if the Spurs miss out on Wallace. I would want at least one big who can shoot the 3 ball.

06-29-2009, 04:36 AM
Nice article, MIB, about Rasheed being a good teammate. Almost all of his teammates say he's a great teammate. And while he's been a headache for coaches, there is a big difference between Pop and a pushover like Flip Saunders or a guy in over his head in Michael Curry. As far as I know, Larry Brown loved Rasheed.

Very good point. Sheed probably has been the best defender against Duncan over the years. I wouldn't want to see him end up with a team like Cleveland or Orlando.

C Howard
PF Wallace
SF Lewis
SG Carter
PG Nelson

Avoiding that lineup alone might be enough to sign Wallace :lol

I'm pretty sure also Mavs and Rockets will inquire about Sheed, reportedly also the Celtics. and as every year Rockets will look for another PF/Center to play with Yao and there are also some worryingly reports about Yao's injury that doesn't heal.
and the interest from Dallas was reported some weeks ago.

so one thing can be assumed for sure: there will be a lot of competition for Sheed and he will get some MLE offers and very likely he will also get offers for 3 seasons. (IMO this 3rd season will be the needed teaser to get Sheed, it's worth about 6.5 million $)

06-29-2009, 04:41 AM
Well, I thought a lot about what the Spurs might do. I really think they will go for McDyess and Wallace first. The are the best big men available in this price range.

Even if the manage to get one of them, I would still like them to go for a "real" 5. Those three would be my choice:


Their role would be to battle the likes of Yao, Shaq, Howard, Bynum,... so my ideal lineup for next year would be:

1.Parker/ Hill/
3.Jefferson/Bowen/Gist (also at the 4)

I would keep Bonner just because I like pairing a shooting big with Duncan. It would help stretching the floor. We all agree Bonner should not start and play a lot of minutes but I think in a limited role he could be very valuable to the team, Especially if the Spurs miss out on Wallace. I would want at least one big who can shoot the 3 ball.

And how do you propose the spurs are going to obtain Rasheed Wallace AND Pachulia? They going to split the MLE right down the middle? Cmon....

And... the spurs have not 1 but TWO promising big men (and another stashed in Europe that might be a possibility soon) .. they only need 1 more "Vet" and they'll be set. Let the fucking young guys get some PT already!

06-29-2009, 04:54 AM
I'm pretty sure also Mavs and Rockets will inquire about Sheed, reportedly also the Celtics.

Mavs and Rockets have a 2010 plan. I'm not sure that they want to eat a quite big part of their cap space for an aging Sheed.

06-29-2009, 05:02 AM
Marcus Bryant's post has made the most sense to me. With one minor tweak.. the spurs should stay the hell away from Rasheed Wallace. The guy would be a team cancer and a momentum killer. I don't think he's got the heart or the hustle to play a full 82 game season plus playoffs anymore. Spurs should stay the hell away from this guy. And like MB said, they wouldn't need him launching up 3's they need someone closer to the basket getting offensive putbacks and second chances. Someone to help clean up the missed layups of TP and Manu or be ready to finish from a dump off pass. The spurs will already have enough sharpshooters stationed out on the perimeter. Jefferson has shown he can hit the 3 at a 40% clip so he'll should be taking those shots, not Wallace. For chrissakes.

And yes, the spurs got a promising rebounding rookie who will hopefully see some quality PT this year. But that doesn't mean shit right now. The guy the spurs hopefully obtain to start next to Duncan should be able to hit the offensive boards as well. And that just ain't Rasheed's game.

The only plus I see Rasheed giving the spurs is being able to play some decent halfcourt man to man defense. But McDyess can do it just as well IMO. Varajao plays good hard nosed defense, he wouldn't be a bad option either.

The spurs needs complimentary players, who are willing to take a backseat role, and I mean way in the back of the bus. I just don't see this being agreeable with Rasheed Wallace. McDyess otoh would savor it just like he has in Detroit all these years.

My wish list (only players i think are somewhat attainable)

1. McDyess
2. Anderson Varajao (prob going to stay in CLE anyway)
3. Gooden
4. Oberto
5. That guy, Sheldon Williams in another thread, could add depth for LLE

I put Oberto on this list because the guy still can ball and knows the spurs system.. health being a risk however.

I can't stress this enough.. stay away from Rasheed Wallace or I gaurantee the season will go up in smoke. That is all.

06-29-2009, 05:03 AM
I'm starting to warm up to the idea of Varejao. He has an ugly game and he's annoying flopper but he helps teams win. In every year of his career, his plus/minus stats have been good. He can defend, he's relatively young, he's not new to the playoffs and he brings elements to the game that mesh well with Blair, Mahinmi and Bonner.

That said, his commitment to the game got red flagged prior to the draft. The Spurs had been really high on him but the supposedly the Spurs background checks resulted in them thinking that he was too aloof and had "too much of a surfer attitude" to risk a first round draft pick on him. So instead, the Spurs drafted Beno :shootme

I wonder if the Spurs like Varejao more now and if their character concerns have subsided. Defensively and roster-wise, he's a pretty damn good fit.

06-29-2009, 05:19 AM
I'm starting to warm up to the idea of Varejao. He has an ugly game and he's annoying flopper but he helps teams win. In every year of his career, his plus/minus stats have been good. He can defend, he's relatively young, he's not new to the playoffs and he brings elements to the game that mesh well with Blair, Mahinmi and Bonner.

That said, his commitment to the game got red flagged prior to the draft. The Spurs had been really high on him but the supposedly the Spurs background checks resulted in them thinking that he was too aloof and had "too much of a surfer attitude" to risk a first round draft pick on him. So instead, the Spurs drafted Beno :shootme

I wonder if the Spurs like Varejao more now and if their character concerns have subsided. Defensively and roster-wise, he's a pretty damn good fit.

I'm feeling the same way. Most people don't realize how tough this kid is. On the court he's Rodman with far less danger of submarining the team. The only problem I see is that he seems to have some damn crisis about his contract every other year.

He also opted out of a 6.2 million dollar year, and I read somewhere that he's looking for four years at ~8 million per. Can the Spurs even afford to get him to answer the phone?

06-29-2009, 05:41 AM
I wonder about the Varejao situation.
I don't know if he is on the Spurs list at all, thanks to his agent. (who once forced Sjax to reject the Spurs offer, that was quite fair back in 2003)
however, let's guess the Spurs contact him, will he listen? the arrival of Shaq didn't exactly bring extended minutes for Varejao and reports that the Cavs will woo Sheed might also cool down his love for Cleveland. (which wasn't that much of a love story most of the time)
the question is, why would he chose SA?
well, they can likely offer a starting job, less of a risk that the team falls apart 2010 (what might happen in Cleveland), warmer weather, a coach who will like and facilitate his qualities and the chance to team with fellow countryman Splitter. (I don't know if this would help, don't know about their relationship. Varejao once called Splitter the best NBA prospect from Brasil though.)
overall I really like the idea of getting Varejao. compared to Sheed the upside is his youth and energy. the major question would be: who is better suited to defend Gasol and Dirk. as good a defender Sheed was, currently I take Varejao for this job. either of them doesn't like this high energy hustle defenders, who they also can't easily take off the dribble.
on offense his limitations are well documented. but there is one quality, that shouldn't be ignored when evaluating his impact. Varejao is a pretty smart player, who moves well, sets good screens and does a nice job on the pick and roll. with Jefferson as another option to drive to the rim, Vareajo will get plenty of opportunities to play an important role also on offense.

06-29-2009, 06:29 AM
If one of Blair or Ian can produce for 20 - 25 mins then we can beat anyone in the West other then the Lakers with the team we already have.

To me this FA bigman needs to be about the Gasol Match up.

I cant help but think of the 2008 finals where the celtics bigs rattled and even intimidated Gasol. This last playoffs was better for him,... he held his own against Denver but let some of the more physical rocket bigmen have their way at times. Maybe he's over it now that he's been through the war and got a ring but whoever we sign has to go in with the mindset to dominate him physically.


If we cant get one of those 3 then Id start looking at trades.

Sheed may be a little slow for Gasol but has the best chance of rattling him with his attitude and physical play. On top of that he has the length to bother his jumper, lets TD have more chances to protect the rim and spreads the court on offense. Dice and Vaj are nice consolations

06-29-2009, 07:01 AM
Id move Zaza second on that list. He plays physical and can defend. And he is young. If we cant get Sheed, Zaza would be great pick up.

06-29-2009, 07:18 AM
From what i saw in the play-offs Anderson Varejao would be a great addition to this Spurs team. I thought the kid showed a lot of poise on offense, often being in the right position and doing the little things for his teammates. What i liked most though was that he didn't shy away when challenging shots and his post-up D even with the flopping was adequate. He's a smart player and young, a good fit for the Spurs.

06-29-2009, 07:39 AM
I don't see why people think Wallace is so much bigger than 'Dice. They are about the same size as one can see from this photo from last year's playoffs.

http://s3.supload.com/thumbs/default/Philadelphia+76ers+v+Detroit+Pistons+Game+-KICyQeUwtBl.jpg (http://s3.supload.com/free/Philadelphia+76ers+v+Detroit+Pistons+Game+-KICyQeUwtBl.jpg/view/)

You also get a much better complimentary player in McDyess, no potential headcase antics that Wallace is famous for and a guy who has consistently showed up for the playoffs the past couple years.

06-29-2009, 08:10 AM
1) Dice
2) Sheed
3) Kleiza
4) Varejao
5) Gooden
6) Villanueva
7) Gortat
8) Zaza
9) Rasho
10) Birdman

06-29-2009, 08:38 AM
I'm starting to warm up to the idea of Varejao. He has an ugly game and he's annoying flopper but he helps teams win. In every year of his career, his plus/minus stats have been good. He can defend, he's relatively young, he's not new to the playoffs and he brings elements to the game that mesh well with Blair, Mahinmi and Bonner.

That said, his commitment to the game got red flagged prior to the draft. The Spurs had been really high on him but the supposedly the Spurs background checks resulted in them thinking that he was too aloof and had "too much of a surfer attitude" to risk a first round draft pick on him. So instead, the Spurs drafted Beno :shootme

I wonder if the Spurs like Varejao more now and if their character concerns have subsided. Defensively and roster-wise, he's a pretty damn good fit.
Between last night and this morning I have thinking about him and have been warming up to him as well. Behind Sheed/Dice, his game is probably the best fit for us. All things considered, I would take him over Gortat. I have a feeling that it might take more than an MLE deal to get him, but there is always the possibility that no one is willing to part with that much cash and he is forced to go to a team offering the MLE.

06-29-2009, 08:43 AM
Can Varejao be had for MLE?

06-29-2009, 08:54 AM
I don't see why people think Wallace is so much bigger than 'Dice. They are about the same size as one can see from this photo from last year's playoffs.

http://s3.supload.com/thumbs/default/Philadelphia+76ers+v+Detroit+Pistons+Game+-KICyQeUwtBl.jpg (http://s3.supload.com/free/Philadelphia+76ers+v+Detroit+Pistons+Game+-KICyQeUwtBl.jpg/view/)

You also get a much better complimentary player in McDyess, no potential headcase antics that Wallace is famous for and a guy who has consistently showed up for the playoffs the past couple years.

+1. Damn straight.

06-29-2009, 08:56 AM
I can't understand people who actually think anyone outside of Sheed and Dice could possibly be the first option, since they're the only ones of the first 10 who are gettable and unrestricted. I'd exclude Gooden because I really don't think he'll be back and even if the Spurs fail to land either Dice or Sheed, I'd expect them to look for a trade or at another big before turning their attention to him.

I'd go with Sheed over Dice, he's the closest thing to a Robert Horry and I also believe it'd be reasonable to expect him to behave while he's here and to be interested, unlike last season in Detroit.His skillset would fit like a glove in out system, there really is no one better, on paper at least. Question is, is he worth $10+ mil a year ( including the impending lux tax ). I would have said a deffinite no earlier this summer, but I guess right now things look different and way more exciting for Spurs fans.

Another thing which is a plus if we persue Sheed/Dice is that they would probably demand 2 or 3 years at the max, with an option for the third year, whereas if we're looking at Gortat/Zaza, etc, we'd have to be looking at a 4 year near-MLE deal minimum. Where does that leave Splitter? IMO, the Spurs will try to land one of these two, preferably to a 2 year deal and would stay away from long term deals for anyone of that group of 25 players.

06-29-2009, 08:57 AM
Can Varejao be had for MLE?

If you ask Varejo he'd say no. IIRC, his last bout in free agency he was looking for $8 mil / yr. Clearly he's got an over-inflated view of his self worth, but in reality he's probably going to have to "settle" for someone's MLE.

06-29-2009, 09:11 AM
I'm starting to warm up to the idea of Varejao. He has an ugly game and he's annoying flopper but he helps teams win. In every year of his career, his plus/minus stats have been good. He can defend, he's relatively young, he's not new to the playoffs and he brings elements to the game that mesh well with Blair, Mahinmi and Bonner.

That said, his commitment to the game got red flagged prior to the draft. The Spurs had been really high on him but the supposedly the Spurs background checks resulted in them thinking that he was too aloof and had "too much of a surfer attitude" to risk a first round draft pick on him. So instead, the Spurs drafted Beno :shootme

I wonder if the Spurs like Varejao more now and if their character concerns have subsided. Defensively and roster-wise, he's a pretty damn good fit.


you are seeing the light. Varejao puts his signature on the game probably on a more consistent basis than any of the other available big men. He is one annoying mofo and in the Spurs he'd drive the other team's bigmen crazy. that's what we need.

Plus Varejao is young but still a veteran with tons of playoff games under his belt.

I still pick Rasheed over him just because it would be a dream to see both Duncan and Sheed together. but my #2 option is Varejao

not to mention, once we get Varejao, we again comfortably back in the most hated team in basketball.

06-29-2009, 09:16 AM
If you ask Varejo he'd say no. IIRC, his last bout in free agency he was looking for $8 mil / yr. Clearly he's got an over-inflated view of his self worth, but in reality he's probably going to have to "settle" for someone's MLE.

I think Cleveland would match an MLE and Varejao would likely take the deal unless the Cavs are using their MLE for some other player(s).

06-29-2009, 09:19 AM
I think Cleveland would match an MLE and Varejao would likely take the deal unless the Cavs are using their MLE for some other player(s).

Cleveland would deffinitely match a MLE offer, but I doubt he'd even sign such an offer, especially in the begining of the FA period. He may have to agree to it at some point but I don't think he would in the first week of july.

06-29-2009, 09:28 AM
Cleveland would deffinitely match a MLE offer, but I doubt he'd even sign such an offer, especially in the begining of the FA period. He may have to agree to it at some point but I don't think he would in the first week of july.
So basically by your and my thinking Varejao is likely not an option for the Spurs. MLE is the best offer the Spurs can make, if Varejao could only get an MLE offer Cavs would agree to match (unless the Cavs are not using or are targeting their MLE for other players) and all things being equal if Varejao's best offer is an MLE and Cleveland matches, he'd likely just stay in Cleveland.

06-29-2009, 09:30 AM
If cavs can get Sheed, I don't think they would keep Varejao. Could they financially?

They'd pick Sheed over Varejao because they already go Shaq clogging the paint

06-29-2009, 09:35 AM
So basically by your and my thinking Varejao is likely not an option for the Spurs. MLE is the best offer the Spurs can make, if Varejao could only get an MLE offer Cavs would agree to match (unless the Cavs are not using or are targeting their MLE for other players) and all things being equal if Varejao's best offer is an MLE and Cleveland matches, he'd likely just stay in Cleveland.

Yea, this sounds about as logical as it gets. If we're going to spend our MLE we might as well throw it at an unrestricted FA than waiting for 7 days only to see our other options sign with other teams and be left with nothing in the end.

As for Varejao, he's a good player, but I don't think he'll get any offers bigger than MLE in free agency, so he might have to look at sign and trade scenarios, in which case, if we're really high on him, there's a slightly more realistic chance of getting him. However, I don't see us interested in such a deal and for that matter Celeveland either, unless they're getting a really good package in return.

06-29-2009, 09:49 AM
Maybe with Shaq, Bonner has some appeal to the Cavs as a guy who can stretch the floor and is more mobile on defense than Z. Package him with Mason for Varejao, Cavs picking up his option and agreeing to a sign and trade with ther Spurs. But then Spurs don't have a bbig than stretch the floor something Pop likes to have.

06-29-2009, 09:50 AM
I think Cleveland would match an MLE and Varejao would likely take the deal unless the Cavs are using their MLE for some other player(s).

I'm not so sure he's in Cleveland's plans anymore now that they've got Shaq.

06-29-2009, 09:54 AM
Maybe with Shaq, Bonner has some appeal to the Cavs as a guy who can stretch the floor and is more mobile on defense than Z. Package him with Mason for Varejao, Cavs picking up his option and agreeing to a sign and trade with ther Spurs. But then Spurs don't have a bbig than stretch the floor something Pop likes to have.

No thanks. The last thing I want to see is Mason popping game winning 3's with the freaking Cavs.

06-29-2009, 09:54 AM
If you ask Varejo he'd say no. IIRC, his last bout in free agency he was looking for $8 mil / yr. Clearly he's got an over-inflated view of his self worth, but in reality he's probably going to have to "settle" for someone's MLE.

I wouldn't blame Varejao. I bet Fegan told him like: "I got 70 million for Dampier, 60 million for Murphy, 50 million for Croshere.........I will get at least 40 million for you"
(which absolutely doesn't look outrageous, if you just compare to the numbers the other guys got)

06-29-2009, 09:57 AM
I'm not so sure he's in Cleveland's plans anymore now that they've got Shaq.

yeah, that's what I thought. and Cavs reportedly will make a bid for Sheed, this as well indicates they won't pay any price for Varejao.

06-29-2009, 10:01 AM
Sheed is probably number 1 on the Cavs, Celts, Magic and Spurs list. Three of those teams are probably going to know July 1, if not sooner, that they need to go to plan B right away. I'm betting the Cavs are one of the plan B teams.

06-29-2009, 10:03 AM
yeah, that's what I thought. and Cavs reportedly will make a bid for Sheed, this as well indicates they won't pay any price for Varejao.

It sure looks like things are shaping up for a 3 way battle between Cleveland, Orlando and San Antonio for Sheed and McDyess. Hopefully the Spurs aren't teh odd man out.

06-29-2009, 10:09 AM
I would take Rasheed first, if not him Chris Anderson.

06-29-2009, 10:10 AM
McDyess has always been a bigman . . .

I'd consider McDyess more of a 5.

Was Larry Bird a bigman?

06-29-2009, 10:10 AM
There is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge drop after Dice and Sheed. We need to land one of those two guys. Either one - they're both excellent - and I think we will.

Agree. If they don't get one of these guys or pull off another steal of a trade to land Camby then it will still be an up hill battle to knock off the Lakers.

06-29-2009, 10:12 AM
If we're going to spend our MLE we might as well throw it at an unrestricted FA than waiting for 7 days only to see our other options sign with other teams and be left with nothing in the end.

I thought I read that the Spurs might spend some of their MLE to sign Blair. Is this true? If so, then they couldn't even offer the full MLE to a free agent.

06-29-2009, 10:12 AM
It sure looks like things are shaping up for a 3 way battle between Cleveland, Orlando and San Antonio for Sheed and McDyess. Hopefully the Spurs aren't teh odd man out.

don't forget the Celtics. they were also mentioned as likely interested, they tried hard to add a veteran big man during last season (impatience made them take Moore, I'm pretty sure they will look for more quality this summer) and Sheed at some point mentioned he wants to stay in the East.

06-29-2009, 10:13 AM
It sure looks like things are shaping up for a 3 way battle between Cleveland, Orlando and San Antonio for Sheed and McDyess. Hopefully the Spurs aren't teh odd man out.

Yep, three teams going after the top two targets. I would say the spurs are the favorite to get shut out on these two guys. McDyess to Cleveland and Wallace to Orlando.

06-29-2009, 10:14 AM
The thing Sheed/Dyess need to worry about if they go to Cleveland is what happens if Lebron bolts to New York next year? If they come to SA or Orlando on a 2 year contract they're guaranteed 2 shots at a title. In Cleveland they're only guaranteed 1.

06-29-2009, 10:16 AM
Between last night and this morning I have thinking about him and have been warming up to him as well. Behind Sheed/Dice, his game is probably the best fit for us. All things considered, I would take him over Gortat. I have a feeling that it might take more than an MLE deal to get him, but there is always the possibility that no one is willing to part with that much cash and he is forced to go to a team offering the MLE.

I couldn't agree more:toast

Im a Anderson fan. If we can't get Sheed, I'd like to sign him. Im thinking seeing him and Gasol go up against eachother would be a bit comical too, with all their flopping and hair flailing, lol

But I think Sheed can really take Gasol out of his comfort zone and frustrate him.

06-29-2009, 10:17 AM
The thing Sheed/Dyess need to worry about if they go to Cleveland is what happens if Lebron bolts to New York next year? If they come to SA or Orlando on a 2 year contract they're guaranteed 2 shots at a title. In Cleveland they're only guaranteed 1.

Good take. Hadn't thought of that.

06-29-2009, 10:18 AM
I would think Cleveland would be one team that would be out, especially if they resign Varejao. I don't know what their big man status is, but figuring they have Shaq, Ilgauskas, and probably Varejao, who else do they have as bigs?

06-29-2009, 10:21 AM
The thing Sheed/Dyess need to worry about if they go to Cleveland is what happens if Lebron bolts to New York next year? If they come to SA or Orlando on a 2 year contract they're guaranteed 2 shots at a title. In Cleveland they're only guaranteed 1.

James will not be leaving. Cleveland is committed to putting a good team around him at all cost.

06-29-2009, 10:26 AM
James will not be leaving. Cleveland is committed to putting a good team around him at all cost.

If you're Dyess or Sheed are you willing to bet one of the last few years of your career on that? Maybe they are, maybe they aren't.

06-29-2009, 10:37 AM
Sign Rasho to start next to TIM again. He has legit 7' size, plays team D and knows the system. With Tim, Tony, RJ and Mason starting our center doesn't have to shoot much at all. Give him the LLE. Then sign Sheed or Dice to the full MLE. Either on becomes Tim's backup and a game finisher when necessary.

06-29-2009, 12:17 PM
Kleiza would make us be able to match up well with Lewis, Ariza and Odom wherever they are... it also generates match up problems everywhere... Linas would thrive on our system...

06-29-2009, 03:48 PM
For some reason, i can't picture sheed playin for us next season, he will be perfect, and i don't fear for the chemistry, just can't see us gettin' him

But i'd like varejao and wilcox in our system, especialy varejao, cavs would think about mason and bonner for sure, shooters would help them a lot creatin space for shaq and lebron

06-29-2009, 03:57 PM
C'mon people last season was Roger Mason Jrs first season with the silver and black and when Manu went down he stepped up, at least in the regular season, but none the less he was put in a position that he wasnt ready for and still hit some big shots against LA and Phx so i think we keep him and give him another season to grow into the system..

06-29-2009, 04:01 PM
After thinking it over, there's only a few big man that i want the Spurs to spend there MLE on. And there are also a few big man on this market that are clearly overrated and hopefully Spurs won't use it on them.


1.) M. Gortat: C, 6-11, 240 lb, 25 yrs old: he is a big who is tough and have a fair athletic skills. he plays good defense and is also a pretty good rebounder; but he absolutely have no offensive skills, he doesn't have a mid-range J which would clog up the lane, and he also don't have a very good post game either. if M. Gortat is really as good as advertised than why didn't Magics play him next to D. Howard more especially against the big Lakers front line. it been said that he would probably get a 4 year deal worth around 16-18 million; that is too much money to be paid for someone who only average 3.8 pts and 4.5 reb last year; and is also a big offensive liability.

2.) C. Anderson: PF, 6-10, 228 lb, 30 yrs old: he is a high energy big who has good athletic skills and block lots of shot. he is one of the best shot blocker in the league based on minutes basis and is often used as a spark plug off the bench for the Nuggets; but his energy and shot blocking hides the flaws in his game, he is a horrible offensive player with no post game and a mediocre midrange J at best. he is also a horrible individual post defender due to his slight frame, he even had a hard time guarding P. Gasol and L. Odom who isn't the strongest of the PF in the league. He is a good guy to have coming off the bench for energy and spark, but definitely not starting material. it been said that he could command a 3 years 12-15 mil contract in the open market; that's a lot to be paid for a 30 yrs old energizer who can't be relied upon to start.

Z. Pachulia: C, 6-11, 275 lb, 25 yrs old: he is a big who is tough to go along with some decent skills set. he is a solid offensive player with a solid post game and midrange game, and he is also a solid rebounder; but the problem with him is that he doesn't have the highest IQ and does take some bad shots, and on defense, he isn't the smartest defender and will commit a lot of dumb fouls. it been said that he will command 4 years deal worth around 16-18 mil; doesn't his skill set sound like a player we already have last year in D. Gooden, except that D. Gooden is still better than him in most aspect of the game.

06-29-2009, 04:49 PM
After reading that Manu article in the other thread, one factor that I hadn't thought about really favors McDyess. In 2007, it seemed like the Spurs were highly motivated to get Finley (and Oberto, to a lesser extent) a championship ring. It was practically the team's rallying cry.

McDyess would fit that exact mold. Like Finley, McDyess is a grizzled veteran on his last leg who desperately wants a championship. In fact, I'm not sure if there's a player in the league right now who is as desperate as McDyess. Not only will McDyess give it his all in what would be his final attempt at winning a championship, that fire and season-long energy would likely rub off on his teammates.

During the regular season, the Big 3 can sometimes get bored. But having someone like McDyess who will play like it's life or death would be a good thing.

It's not quite enough for me to bump McDyess over Wallace but it cements McDyess as a damn good Plan B. Really, it's basically a 1A and a 1B at this point. And I think I'm warming up to Varejao as a solid third option.

06-29-2009, 04:54 PM
Would Varejao take the MLE however?

His shotblocking that I remember isn't that great either.

I agree 1000% about McDyess, its really a tough choice between the two.

It's a shame there isn't a way to convince both to split the MLE then trade off Bonner, but thats getting into fantasyposterwith5postswantingtoknowifthisworks territory.

06-29-2009, 04:56 PM
You think Andy would be a legit starter?

Spurs Brazil
06-29-2009, 05:05 PM
I'm starting to warm up to the idea of Varejao. He has an ugly game and he's annoying flopper but he helps teams win. In every year of his career, his plus/minus stats have been good. He can defend, he's relatively young, he's not new to the playoffs and he brings elements to the game that mesh well with Blair, Mahinmi and Bonner.

That said, his commitment to the game got red flagged prior to the draft. The Spurs had been really high on him but the supposedly the Spurs background checks resulted in them thinking that he was too aloof and had "too much of a surfer attitude" to risk a first round draft pick on him. So instead, the Spurs drafted Beno :shootme

I wonder if the Spurs like Varejao more now and if their character concerns have subsided. Defensively and roster-wise, he's a pretty damn good fit.

Varejao may be a good option but I'm a little worried about him finishing games. With the Cavs he made some stupid passes and and tried terrible shots in the end of games. I hope working with Pop and TD make him play smarter.

My biggest doubt is about the length of the contract. I think one team will offer him a 5 year deal and I don't think the Spurs will go with that many seasons

06-29-2009, 05:09 PM
One thing I've noticed Varejao has really improved in is his offense.
Before if he took a jumper you laughed your ass off. Now, he can actually knock it down from time to time and has a mediocre hook shot.

His defense in the post is good, my only problem is shot blocking.

IMO getting Varejao is like getting the brazilian version of Dejuan Blair.

Spurs Brazil
06-29-2009, 05:13 PM
One thing I've noticed Varejao has really improved in is his offense.
Before if he took a jumper you laughed your ass off. Now, he can actually knock it down from time to time and has a mediocre hook shot.

His defense in the post is good, my only problem is shot blocking.

IMO getting Varejao is like getting the brazilian version of Dejuan Blair.

Actually he was a good shooter from the outside when he played here but than he went to Barcelona and the Cavs and stopped shoting long Js.
I think the coaches asked that. But when he played on the Brazil NT he even tried some 3s.

My biggest concern about him is finishing games

06-29-2009, 05:14 PM
Nice article....there is so many to choose from....here is my list in no order, Rasheed, Nesterovic, Andersen, McDyess, Gortat, and Warrick, maybe even more too!

06-29-2009, 05:20 PM
http://insider.espn.go.com/nba/insider/columns/story?columnist=ford_chad&page=FreeAgents09-090629&action=login&appRedirect=http%3a%2f%2finsider.espn.go.com%2fnba %2finsider%2fcolumns%2fstory%3fcolumnist%3dford_ch ad%26page%3dFreeAgents09-090629

now Chad Ford has his TOP 30 FA of 2009

06-29-2009, 05:20 PM
this is like a thread at Bizzaro Spurstalk

varejo is fucking worthless, we want to sign GOOD players, who can HELP the team

we might at well sign mike doleac or mike madsen

06-29-2009, 06:19 PM
James will not be leaving. Cleveland is committed to putting a good team around him at all cost.

Well, but haven't they constantly been failing at doing that for about five years now?

I agree with almost everyone here that it should either be Sheed or Dice. I think both would be great for the Spurs, and it almost wouldn't matter which one of those two we would get if we could. Of course, neither is exactly young, but who cares? They wouldn't be asked to "last" five years, just two would be enough.
I'm not that thrilled with the Birdman, who is a rather unrealistic option anyway. The same goes for Pachulia; Varejao would be an interesting option though, if we fail to land either Sheed or McDyess.

06-29-2009, 06:26 PM
looks like you can add Mehmet Okur to the list he is going to opt out of his deal

06-29-2009, 07:40 PM
looks like you can add Mehmet Okur to the list he is going to opt out of his deal

He'll likely command more money than the MLE, so it's moot. But I guess I am curious where he would be on LJ's list.

06-29-2009, 08:56 PM
David Aldridge on NBA.com.

If Rasheed Wallace is such a pariah, and finished as a player, why do so many good teams want him?

The reality, of course, is that Wallace is only offputting to referees and many in my line of work (personally, 'Sheed and I have gotten along just fine). His teammates have always considered him one of the smartest, most loyal guys around. When he smells a chance at a title, he's fully engaged. When he knows his team has no shot, as he knew last season's Pistons didn't, he's somewhere else.

And many teams that figure to be in the hunt next season -- Cleveland, Boston, San Antonio and Orlando -- are all interested in the 34-year-old, who'll become a free agent Wednesday morning. While there's a slight chance he'll re-up in Detroit, the likelihood is that Wallace is moving on, taking his low-post defensive excellence (no one guards Tim Duncan and Dwight Howard better on the block, which each of those teams knows) and spread-the-court shooting ability with him. (Give Charlotte, where Wallace's favorite coach, Larry Brown, currently resides, a 1 percent chance.)

The Cavs are the longest of long shots; Wallace has had enough of cold Midwest winters. The Celtics are hoping Garnett's longstanding friendship with Wallace could convince him to sign up in equally cold Beantown. That leaves the Spurs and Magic, which just happen to be the two leaders in the clubhouse for Wallace's services. Both teams have done extensive homework and both have the thumbs-up to proceed.

One potential pitfall: if Wallace, who'll turn 35 in September, signs a multi-year deal, it could be considered an "Over 36" contract by the league. For reasons way too complex to get into here, such contracts are harder for teams to swallow, because more money is put into the earlier years of the deal. (The last-year salary of such contracts is amortized into the earlier years of the contract. Happy now? I'm confused all over again. This is why God gave Larry Coon, the CBA guru, his own Facebook page. Go read it.).


06-29-2009, 09:26 PM
looks like you can add Mehmet Okur to the list he is going to opt out of his dealHe'll get more than the MLE so he wouldn't go on the list.

He'll likely command more money than the MLE, so it's moot. But I guess I am curious where he would be on LJ's list.

I'd probably put him third. His three-point shooting would be deadly as a fourth or fifth option. He's not too old and has been very durable in his career. Defensively, he's strong enough to put up a decent battle in one-on-one situations and he rebounds his position pretty well.

On the other side of the coin, he's pretty damn slow and that wouldn't mesh too well with Duncan on defense against certain teams. He also doesn't strike me as a playoff warrior or a guy burning for an NBA championship.

But you'd have to take him over anyone outside of Wallace or McDyess. He's too good of a scorer and a better shooter than anyone else on the list. Memo would get tons of open shots when teams are forced to protect the paint against the Fab 4. I also think he'd match-up pretty well against Gasol and/or Bynum.

06-29-2009, 09:28 PM
My favorite Stat, the on court/off court

1st # is net 2008/2009, 2nd # is Adjusted 2007-2009 (Plus-Minus results adjusted to account for both the teammates and the opponents on the floor with a player over the course of the season. This value is based on two years of data including the playoffs. Playoffs are weighted at 2x the weight of the regular seasons with each regular season rated equally.)

Wallace . . . +4.39 . . . +6.49
McDyess . . .-3.42 . . . +1.07
Andersen . . -0.84 . . . -0.60
Varejao . . . +2.48 . . . -2.11
Gortat . . . . -12.69 . . -2.46
Gooden . . . -6.43 . . . -2.35
Pachulia . . . +3.47 . . . +2.99

Bonner . . . . +8.89 . . . +5.36



06-29-2009, 10:07 PM
One potential pitfall: if Wallace, who'll turn 35 in September, signs a multi-year deal, it could be considered an "Over 36" contract by the league. For reasons way too complex to get into here, such contracts are harder for teams to swallow, because more money is put into the earlier years of the deal. (The last-year salary of such contracts is amortized into the earlier years of the contract. Happy now? I'm confused all over again. This is why God gave Larry Coon, the CBA guru, his own Facebook page. Go read it.).

I'm pretty sure that the over 36 rule doesn't kick in until contracts get 4 years in length. I don't see the Spurs or anyone else for that matter giving Sheed 4 years.

06-29-2009, 10:09 PM
I'm pretty sure that the over 36 rule doesn't kick in until contracts get 4 years in length. Don't see the Spurs giving Sheed 4 years.Yeah, I was about to post that. For the over-36 rule to come into effect, Rasheed would have to sign him to a four-year contract. If it comes down to that, I'd move on to McDyess.

At the very longest, I'd go three years on Wallace. And even then, I might switch to McDyess if McDyess would go for a two-year contract.

06-29-2009, 10:12 PM
you are right i think 2 years is what he will get form spurs max years being 3 years

06-29-2009, 10:17 PM
Yeah, I was about to post that. For the over-36 rule to come into effect, Rasheed would have to sign him to a four-year contract. If it comes down to that, I'd move on to McDyess.

At the very longest, I'd go three years on Wallace. And even then, I might switch to McDyess if McDyess would go for a two-year contract.

A 3 year deal to either one of those guys would create some nice synergy with Duncan's deal expiring in 2012. A 2 year extension for Manu would also line up nicely. It would set the Spurs up for a nice cap run in 2012. Not sure how important the Spurs would view that, but it's something to consider.

06-29-2009, 10:25 PM
A 3 year deal to either one of those guys would create some nice synergy with Duncan's deal expiring in 2010.

Typo? Duncan's contract ends in 2012.

06-29-2009, 10:26 PM
Typo? Duncan's contract ends in 2012.

Doh! Nice catch.

06-29-2009, 10:29 PM

Damn, McDyess is money from the side of the court where Duncan prefers. I could see a lot of two-man action between McDyess and Duncan. McDyess enters the ball to Duncan on the post and if the big sags, McDyess gets the return pass in his wheelhouse.


06-29-2009, 10:34 PM
Don't forget Houston in the mix for big men like Sheed and others. Yao is done for next year and probably forever.

06-29-2009, 10:35 PM
Don't forget Houston in the mix for big men like Sheed and others. Yao is done for next year and probably forever.If Yao is out for the season, they'd likely go in tank mode.

06-29-2009, 10:42 PM
I would be very happy if we end up either Sheed/Dice. I know it is not realistic. But is it possible that we get both of them?

06-30-2009, 12:40 AM
Don't forget Houston in the mix for big men like Sheed and others. Yao is done for next year and probably forever.

Without Yao, the only thing the Rockets can offer a prospect is a chance to start and money. The Spurs have a chance to start and a chance to win.

06-30-2009, 01:09 AM
I would be very happy if we end up either Sheed/Dice. I know it is not realistic. But is it possible that we get both of them?

I was actually wondering this; Sheed would probably want the MLE, but I think McDyess is more interested in the championship. If they're close (anyone know?), McDyess might just throw in with him for the vet min and a great shot at a ring.

06-30-2009, 01:37 AM
Let's get one of them, before we talk about both..too greedy..

06-30-2009, 02:05 AM
A Celtics writer is reporting that his "inside sources" are saying that Wallace will be a Celtic, and that they're all pretty confident about it..could easily be bullshit, so we'll have to see..

06-30-2009, 02:09 AM
A Celtics writer is reporting that his "inside sources" are saying that Wallace will be a Celtic, and that they're all pretty confident about it..could easily be bullshit, so we'll have to see..

Would that be the same guy who reported a pending Amar'e' for Jefferson trade?

06-30-2009, 02:10 AM
You gotta admire McDyess-- it's easy to forget that before hurting his knee he was not only a good player, but along with Duncan was being mentioned as one of the best young forwards in the game. In the '00-'01 season, he put up these stats with Denver:

20.8 ppg
12.1 rpg
2.1 apg
1.5 bpg

He has been through a lot, and it would be a great story if he signed with the Spurs and finally won a title.

06-30-2009, 02:20 AM
You gotta admire McDyess-- it's easy to forget that before hurting his knee he was not only a good player, but along with Duncan was being mentioned as one of the best young forwards in the game. In the '00-'01 season, he put up these stats with Denver:

20.8 ppg
12.1 rpg
2.1 apg
1.5 bpg

He has been through a lot, and it would be a great story if he signed with the Spurs and finally won a title.

He's definitely a class-act and a genuinely good guy.:tu

As far as athletically, back in the day?

I remember hearing stories of him being able to take quarters off the top of the backboard.:wow

Those stories might've been exaggerated, but he was a ridiculous leaper.

06-30-2009, 02:51 AM
He was a great leaper when he was younger, which makes his transition even more impressive. His 9.8 rpg last year was his best since '01, and his rebounding numbers have actually gone up each of the last 4 years, which is rare in a player his age-- he's 34 now, but will turn 35 before the season starts. So, unlike Ben Wallace when he went to Chicago, Dice is not already in a state of decline. If anything, you could argue that last season was his best in the last half decade.

06-30-2009, 02:57 AM

Damn, McDyess is money from the side of the court where Duncan prefers. I could see a lot of two-man action between McDyess and Duncan. McDyess enters the ball to Duncan on the post and if the big sags, McDyess gets the return pass in his wheelhouse.


Yeah I like Rasheed and have loved for him to be on the team, but McDyess is hard to not want. He's a bulldog like Blair but so mch more polished.

Question, if the Spurs sign him, does the defense stay the same as if Bonner was on the team, or is McDyess such a superior defender that the defense improves tremendously.

06-30-2009, 03:19 AM
The concensus has been that the Spurs need a legitimate big man who will play defense and rebound, and block a few shots - scoring is secondary. I'm not sure Portland would deal with us, but I think they may be in position to trade Joel Przybilla. He's not a star, by any means, but he fits the description, and his salary is within reason.


06-30-2009, 03:19 AM
Where does Illgauskas fall into this list?

They just traded for Shaq, and they are looking at spending the MLE on Villanueva.

Or does this mean they are just replacing Varejao with Villanueva?

If so, does that make the Spurs interested in Andy?

06-30-2009, 03:35 AM
Yeah I like Rasheed and have loved for him to be on the team, but McDyess is hard to not want. He's a bulldog like Blair but so mch more polished.

Question, if the Spurs sign him, does the defense stay the same as if Bonner was on the team, or is McDyess such a superior defender that the defense improves tremendously.

From the games I've watched of McDyess I'd say the D improves by quite a bit over Bonners D...McDyess is just an all-around stronger defender than Bonner. I mean in everyway-help d, man, on the block, box out/rebounding, intensity. I'm starting to think more and more with the teams competing for sheed that he's going to end up getting locked in at like 3/4 years for a pretty decent hunk of cash-and honestly sheed in like 2 years could be scary bad. Then stuck with another washed up loser makin a lot more than deserved. McDyess in everyway outperformed sheed last year and I think his personality fits better, but as aldridge said in that article sheed tends to tune out if not interested, he probably would be re-energized on the spurs.

Considering everything I would have to say

06-30-2009, 04:06 AM
Question, if the Spurs sign him, does the defense stay the same as if Bonner was on the team, or is McDyess such a superior defender that the defense improves tremendously.McDyess over Bonner is an improvement in the interior -- in terms of post defense, rebounds, blocked shots and overall toughness -- but Bonner is the better perimeter defender. McDyess for Bonner swap would probably improve the defense, but only slightly.

Where the improvement can come next year is Jefferson replacing Finley. If Jefferson can revert back to his defensive roots, that's a gargantuan improvement over Finley. That combined with McDyess helping protect the rim is where the improvement begins.

Then if Hill can carve out some time off the bench and Mason can show some signs of improvement, the D can be a lot better.

06-30-2009, 04:21 AM
Where does Illgauskas fall into this list?I'd put him way down the list. Behind Rasho for sure ... probably behind Oberto.

He looked sloooooow by playoff time and the Duncan and Ilgauskas combo would never work. He doesn't score enough anymore to make up for his declining defense. Bad fit. Three years ago when TD and Ilguaskas were quicker and the NBA was slower, it would have worked. But not today.

06-30-2009, 04:39 AM
Where would Timvp put Charlie Villanueva since the Bucks did not offer him a Qualifying offer? Seriously, some teams are in the league to give their "competition" a title or something.

06-30-2009, 04:58 AM
Where would Timvp put Charlie Villanueva since the Bucks did not offer him a Qualifying offer? Seriously, some teams are in the league to give their "competition" a title or something.I'd keep him where he is. He has offensive skills but I trust his shot selection and ability to defend even less than Gooden. At least Gooden has the history of starting for a good defensive team. Villanueva and Pop seem like a bad mix.

Besides, I'm about 95% sure that the Cavs will sign him as long as he doesn't get an offer in excess of the MLE. After they got killed by Rashard Lewis, they need a lighter and quicker power forward like V.

06-30-2009, 05:15 AM
I'd keep him where he is. He has offensive skills but I trust his shot selection and ability to defend even less than Gooden. At least Gooden has the history of starting for a good defensive team. Villanueva and Pop seem like a bad mix.

Besides, I'm about 95% sure that the Cavs will sign him as long as he doesn't get an offer in excess of the MLE. After they got killed by Rashard Lewis, they need a lighter and quicker power forward like V.

Yea, i heard the Cavs were close to getting him. Are they getting him for a long term MLE? I guess so. Hmm, I really thought he'd command more with his age and the growth in his game over the last few years. I'd like to have a young 6'11 guy who can score, but I don't know a whole lot about his D...so idk, but 24 with his numbers is very nice for a guy his height.

Do you guys think this is all going to go down pretty quick on the 1st or you think it will take awhile with sheed and mcdyess not making up their minds for awhile. I hope they make their decisions early so IF we don't get one we have time to work on other options. Just give us one-either and I'm content.

06-30-2009, 07:33 AM
I'd think it's going to take a while. Looks like both Sheed and Dyess are going to have to do the SA-Cleveland-Orlando-Boston circuit before making up their minds.

06-30-2009, 07:49 AM
Get the Birdman to SA town.

06-30-2009, 08:05 AM
well, if Celveland signs Charlie V they are out of the Sheed/McDyess race, right?
likely this also means, they are not going to re sign Varejao. (or Varejao isn't interested in re signing and fight for minutes in a crowded front court of Shaq, Z, Charlie V, maybe also Hickson and Jackson, who both have a year under their belt.)
however, it would be good news for the Spurs. they either lose a competitor for the services from Sheed/McDyess AND might get another FA option in Varejao.
in other words: if the Cavs sign Charlie V, the chances that the Spurs get one of the 3 mentioned FAs will be almost doubled.

06-30-2009, 08:08 AM
I think Villanueva would be a nice pick assuming he would not want more $$$$$. Bucks have made thier decison not to extend Villanueva a qualifying offer, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports.
Spin: The Bucks have some salary restrictions this offseason, and the club will focus on trying to retain point-guard Ramon Sessions instead of Villanueva, who will become a free agent. The versatile power-forward could demand big money after averaging a career-high 16.7 points and 6.7 rebounds last season.. Good fit i think, Young and has potential.....

06-30-2009, 08:16 AM
Charlie would make a good fit in Spurs rotation.

06-30-2009, 08:32 AM
We've got enough offense. We need interior presences on D and rebounding, with any offense after that as an added bonus. Just say no to Charlie V.

06-30-2009, 01:23 PM
What about David Lee?

06-30-2009, 01:24 PM
What about David Lee?

Not attainable for the MLE.

06-30-2009, 01:24 PM
Not in our price range.

06-30-2009, 01:39 PM
McDyess over Bonner is an improvement in the interior -- in terms of post defense, rebounds, blocked shots and overall toughness -- but Bonner is the better perimeter defender. McDyess for Bonner swap would probably improve the defense, but only slightly.

Where the improvement can come next year is Jefferson replacing Finley. If Jefferson can revert back to his defensive roots, that's a gargantuan improvement over Finley. That combined with McDyess helping protect the rim is where the improvement begins.

Then if Hill can carve out some time off the bench and Mason can show some signs of improvement, the D can be a lot better.

Yeah I sometimes forget that Richard Jefferson is on the team :lol

McDyess can protect the rim from time to time and is pretty damn good in the low block.

06-30-2009, 01:41 PM
With the fantastic news that Fin has returned, Sheed cements his spot on this list as number one. The Spurs need a power forward who Pop will trust at the end of games and he might be the only one on the list who would no doubt see crunch time minutes.

06-30-2009, 01:42 PM
Hopefully that dude from Boston doesn't have a legit source..