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View Full Version : General Infomation

07-01-2009, 05:36 PM
Is it possible to to have a post with what contract situation is with all spurs players. Infomation likes their salary, infomation on their contracts. I just think it would help us make better posts having the best information in front of us.
Many people make tons of suggestions(posts) not knowing our current situation. A post with all the rights to players would also be nice. If possible, information on alot of terms used by the NBA,,,example..mid level exception.
Just a thought

I believe we only have 9 players currently under contract, but when I need the information, I have to look for it elsewhere online. I would love to have this infomation posted here, where it was easiy accessible at all times.
What do you think?


07-01-2009, 06:17 PM

It sounds like that thread has most of what you are looking for. The Think Tank should have anything else that isn't in that thread.