View Full Version : So I played some poker last night at the Flamingo and .....

Heath Ledger
07-11-2009, 05:57 PM
I ended up playing with Trishelle from the Real World Las Vegas/Road Rules/The Surreal Life. And after she leaves in walks William Hung from American Idol fame.

Trishelle was really skinny like she was into some coke or some shit. The girl definitely needs to eat a sandwich or something. She was nice not as snobby as Ive seen her be on tv. She was there playing with her date.

William Hung was nice, pretty quiet and shy.

marini martini
07-11-2009, 06:03 PM
How fun!!! Did you win???:toast

Heath Ledger
07-11-2009, 06:11 PM
Actually I came out a bit ahead. I got down $525 very early on, fought my way back to a $70 profit, not great but it always feels good to have a major upswing after taking such an early beating. I played for about 10 or 11 hours.

07-11-2009, 07:41 PM
Actually I came out a bit ahead. I got down $525 very early on, fought my way back to a $70 profit, not great but it always feels good to have a major upswing after taking such an early beating. I played for about 10 or 11 hours.

So you got $7 an hour

Heath Ledger
07-11-2009, 08:17 PM
He was a weak tight player. $7 per hour is a hell of a lot better than -$45 per hour which is how i started.

I had pocket aces, turned aces up only to run into someone sitting on a set of 3's (flopped so he had a boat) and another big hand where i turned a set of 10s bet the farm and some douchebag with pocket kings who was drawing to two outs called and spiked his 2 outer on the river.

marini martini
07-11-2009, 11:40 PM
Luv it!!! Can I call u when I ever get to Vegas???:toast

Heath Ledger
07-12-2009, 12:04 AM
No problemo.

07-12-2009, 12:15 AM
That's where we played in Jan when we went. We just stuck to the $2/4 limit tables. I was up $300 at one point and lost it all because I got drunk and was really tired. I should have left when I was up, lesson learned. The funny thing was, I went with a group of guys that I play cards with every Friday and I like to think we're a good group of players. Well when we went, we found it to be pretty easy and at one point we had basically ran everyone off the two tables we were at and were just playing against each other. At that point we quit but it was amazing how easy it was. I played there for about 15 hours. It was fun, but the next time I'll leave when I'm up and mix it up with some craps.

07-12-2009, 02:22 AM
JJ me
KQ him
slow played em with only a 15 raise

JQ8 Flop
checked, let him bet out 40. Called.
K turn Ichecked he checked.
J river I bet out 60. After a long pause he came over the top all in.

quads. 600 pot, bout 275 of it mine so +325 profit.
Peaked at +480
Had numb nutts call my missed flush bluff with his 58u and he hit a 5.
Sent me back to +310

Took an all in from a short stack with my AA and decided to bail at +382.

Heath i also *want you* (info that is, as in juicy table setting) upon mid-late July early Aug visit. Forming exact dates. Guy at table said for sure Harrahs was giving away 3 nites, all you had to do was ask. I called Harrahs and no such deal. He said to tell them you were playing in a tourney or something but they still said no way. Have you heard of any 3 nite comps for anyone, not just Phil Hellmouth?

Heath Ledger
07-12-2009, 03:57 AM
I have not personally heard of any deal with Harrahs right now demand is very high because of the rooms so they dont exactly need to dole out free rooms. However there are some deals. Imperial Palace $20 per night during the week, flamingo $40-$60 per night during the week etc.

For $1 $2 I really love the Flamingo but there probably juicier places, Palms i hears is good as well as Planet Hollywood and Hard Rock. Lots of younger hipper ballcap kiddies i like to call them.

07-12-2009, 04:55 AM
How is/was dealer school and are you out dealin on the tables now?

What perspective have you gained from dealing?

07-12-2009, 09:33 AM
I used to think Trashelle was pretty hot back in her prime.

07-12-2009, 10:51 AM
i learned something today

i used to think watching poker on tv was the most boring thing in the world

but now i realize reading poker play-by-play is the most boring thing

ah...but not as boring as reading your posts

07-12-2009, 01:48 PM
How fun!!! Did you win???:toast

Are you kidding?? Rubbing elbows with William Hung was all win!! :spin

07-12-2009, 04:49 PM
the irony is that with this statement:

sorry i can't respond directly to you

you just did. you can now throw in "stupid" as well as boring.

marini martini
07-12-2009, 04:58 PM
Are you kidding?? Rubbing elbows with William Hung was all win!! :spin

Are "we" talkin about the same Mr. Hung???:wow

This one? :lmao


Or this one???:toast


Heath Ledger
07-12-2009, 06:13 PM
Yup that was him, i so badly wanted to ask him to sing She Bangs or Vida Loca by Ricky Martin.

As far as dealing school goes, I quit it once I realized that its pretty damn hard to get full time work here starting out. Plus Im moving to Tennessee next month.

marini martini
07-12-2009, 08:14 PM
You should go to dealer school. The best black jack dealer I ever had was in Coushatta, La. He kept giving me all kinds of hints, cuz he knew I was just learning. I spent about 8 hours on that table, won $400. and got one night of my hotel room comped. Not to shabby for my first time to play. I also tipped him pretty good!:toast

WTF are you moving to Ten. for???:lol