View Full Version : Tasered for taking too long to get licence

07-13-2009, 06:47 AM

07-13-2009, 10:12 AM
There was no need for the tazering. I really hope this guy lost his job.

07-13-2009, 10:27 AM
the few dicks like this give all the good ones a really bad name.

he needs to go.

edit: Officer Thomas O'Connor only got a 3 day suspension for this.

07-13-2009, 10:36 AM
Another over-stepping cop, is there any other kind?

Cry Havoc
07-13-2009, 11:01 AM
Absolutely ridiculous. Cop should be stripped of his badge for that kind of fucking idiotic stupid pathetic nonsense.

07-13-2009, 11:15 AM
For going 70 in a 65mph zone?
Everytime I go to Austin people go by me like I am standing still and I am going the speed limit, they aren't getting pulled over.

This cop only got 3 days suspension for this? Wow, just wow.

07-13-2009, 11:23 AM
what a piece of garbage

07-13-2009, 11:23 AM
the few dicks like this give all the good ones a really bad name.

he needs to go.

edit: Officer Thomas O'Connor only got a 3 day suspension for this.

That is ridiculous only a 3 day suspension. Did the APD drop the charges against the man/woman that was tased (couldn't tell which is was)? Usually I'm not a fan of lawsuits but in this case it seems justified.

If I get pulled over I wait until the officer is at my window and looking inside my vehicle before I reach in my glove box for my insurance and into my back pocket for my license. That last thing I want is an officer to see me moving around and assuming I'm trying to get a weapon or hide something. This officer waited a whole 27 secs before hiss power trip really kicked in.

07-13-2009, 12:01 PM
APD has a terrible reputation. i think the A is for Arian.

07-13-2009, 12:01 PM
(and while this guy is on the ground, waiting for an unecessary deployment of a second car about another 100 cars or so sped by at over 5 MPH over the speed limit).

07-13-2009, 12:12 PM
For going 70 in a 65mph zone?
Everytime I go to Austin people go by me like I am standing still and I am going the speed limit, they aren't getting pulled over.

This cop only got 3 days suspension for this? Wow, just wow.

In Austin you normally get an obstructing traffic flow ticket for only going 5 MPH over. You might be able to take it to court and get it thrown out for unequal enforcement.

What a prick. "I fucking got stuck working on Thanksgiving so I'm gonna take it out on everyone else."

07-13-2009, 12:18 PM
From the video:

1. The car did not have a license plate in the back, that itself warranted the stop. It's not only because he was going at 70mph.

2. When the guy asked for proof of insurance and a drivers license, the driver relented and complained, instead of complying he raised objections to a reasonable stop.

3. When asked to step out of the car, the driver then proceeded to develop a defensive stance and was non compliant. The officer is on a highway where there is little room to be standing waiting for anyone to be compliant, he's putting his life at risk by standing there too long, if there is any confrontation, any first defensive instinct would make one flinch back and cause them to get hit by a moving vehicle. The driver was not compliant, and thus the officer felt threatened.

That said, this does look bad for the APD, and these are supposed to be our finest. I think this should be taken to court and the justice system should determine the ultimate verdict.

Cry Havoc
07-13-2009, 12:27 PM
From the video:

1. The car did not have a license plate in the back, that itself warranted the stop. It's not only because he was going at 70mph.

2. When the guy asked for proof of insurance and a drivers license, the driver relented and complained, instead of complying he raised objections to a reasonable stop.

3. When asked to step out of the car, the driver then proceeded to develop a defensive stance and was non compliant. The officer is on a highway where there is little room to be standing waiting for anyone to be compliant, he's putting his life at risk by standing there too long, if there is any confrontation, any first defensive instinct would make one flinch back and cause them to get hit by a moving vehicle. The driver was not compliant, and thus the officer felt threatened.

That said, this does look bad for the APD, and these are supposed to be our finest. I think this should be taken to court and the justice system should determine the ultimate verdict.

Cops are supposed to be professionals and maintain their cool under stressful situations. The officer should be the LAST one to get upset. He should NOT instigate another person to be angry with what's happening. Angry people act irrationally. The officer gains absolutely NOTHING by being a dick to that guy. What if he WAS a drug pusher or something worse? The only person who's likely to be subdued by this kind of bullying is a law abiding citizen. A criminal who's got something to hide is MUCH more likely to lose control and do something drastic, like, I don't know, pushing the cop out onto the highway?

Tasering is used for SELF-DEFENSE in situations where the officer is worried that he might lose control. Throwing someone out of their car, hitting them with their own door, and then tasering them is the exact opposite of how a police officer should behave. If the cop REALLY believed that the individual was dangerous and required additional restraint he should have called for backup BEFORE approaching the vehicle.

There is absolutely nothing here to warrant a taser being used. The cop is clearly upset as he's approaching, has little to no respect for a fellow citizen, and treats the people like they are felons from the start of the exchange. People speed, and they speed all the time. It does not give the officer an excuse to do whatever the heck he wants to someone because he's in a bad mood.

07-13-2009, 12:30 PM
From the video:

1. The car did not have a license plate in the back, that itself warranted the stop. It's not only because he was going at 70mph.

2. When the guy asked for proof of insurance and a drivers license, the driver relented and complained, instead of complying he raised objections to a reasonable stop.

3. When asked to step out of the car, the driver then proceeded to develop a defensive stance and was non compliant. The officer is on a highway where there is little room to be standing waiting for anyone to be compliant, he's putting his life at risk by standing there too long, if there is any confrontation, any first defensive instinct would make one flinch back and cause them to get hit by a moving vehicle. The driver was not compliant, and thus the officer felt threatened.

You're a moron. You must be one of those POS cops.

I. Hustle
07-13-2009, 12:31 PM
APD can suck a big fat one! My whore ass lesbo bitch of an ex wife is APD.

07-13-2009, 02:04 PM
Didn't we already have a thread about this clip like, three years ago?

I counted the number of times I was pulled over from age 16 until about age 22 when I lived in Vegas. It was well over 50 times. Guess how many tickets I got. Five. Five fricken tickets that whole time. Because I was smart enough to learn 4 little words. Are you ready for them? "Yes sir", and "No sir." Those 4 little words work wonders when the rollers are flashing behind you.

These stupid people who get tased never cease to amaze me. They want to argue with a guy who's been dealing with assholes and/or potentially life-threatening situations all day, and somehow they still expect him to be in a good mood when he's knocking on their window.

Just show the guy some respect, and you're driving away with a warning more often than not. Or be stupid and spend your day with a taser dart in your ass before getting booked. It's not a hard decision if you ask me.

07-13-2009, 02:16 PM
Didn't we already have a thread about this clip like, three years ago?

I counted the number of times I was pulled over from age 16 until about age 22 when I lived in Vegas. It was well over 50 times. Guess how many tickets I got. Five. Five fricken tickets that whole time. Because I was smart enough to learn 4 little words. Are you ready for them? "Yes sir", and "No sir." Those 4 little words work wonders when the rollers are flashing behind you.

These stupid people who get tased never cease to amaze me. They want to argue with a guy who's been dealing with assholes and/or potentially life-threatening situations all day, and somehow they still expect him to be in a good mood when he's knocking on their window.

Just show the guy some respect, and you're driving away with a warning more often than not. Or be stupid and spend your day with a taser dart in your ass before getting booked. It's not a hard decision if you ask me.
You're calling him stupid but you're the one who's been pulled over 50 times?

You're don't like dealing with assholes all day? Tough shit. Quit your job. I can't wait for doctors to start prescribing wrong medicines to patients because they had to deal with old people all day. Or teachers that beat their students in period four because kids in period one pissed them off. Yeah, that makes sense.

07-13-2009, 02:29 PM
You're calling him stupid but you're the one who's been pulled over 50 times?

Yeah, I've been pulled over that much. So what. I'll freely admit I was breaking the law every single time. But I wasn't stupid enough to aggravate the officer by being a pain in the ass.

You're don't like dealing with assholes all day? Tough shit. Quit your job. I can't wait for doctors to start prescribing wrong medicines to patients because they had to deal with old people all day. Or teachers that beat their students in period four because kids in period one pissed them off. Yeah, that makes sense.

Let me get this straight. Doctors dealing with old people is the same as Cops dealing with life threatening situations everyday? Got it.

Hey man, do it your way if that makes you feel special. Spend an afternoon with taser dart in your ass for all I care. Meanwhile, I'll drive off with a warning, or at worst, a ticket. It's your life, so have at it. Just don't expect any sympathy from me while your ass is sittin in jail.

07-13-2009, 02:43 PM
Yeah, I've been pulled over that much. So what. I'll freely admit I was breaking the law every single time. But I wasn't stupid enough to aggravate the officer by being a pain in the ass.

You don't find it ironic that you'll calling him stupid so supposedly aggravating the officer (a response that most people agree was completely irrational), while you yourself are guilty of breaking the law 50 times over? It doesn't make you smart that you were able to weasel your way out of tickets, since you're obviously the type of driver that shouldn't be on the road with others in the first place.

Let me get this straight. Doctors dealing with old people is the same as Cops dealing with life threatening situations everday? Got it.

I guess the analogy flew over your head. Or maybe it didn't, since you didn't comment on the second analogy. Would it be easier for you to understand if I used a firefighter? They deal with life-threatening situations as well. I guess they should be able to leave someone to burn to death if they were annoyed one particular day.

Hey man, do it your way if that makes you feel special. Spend an afternoon with taser dart in your ass for all I care. Meanwhile, I'll drive off with a warning, or at worst, a ticket. It's your life, so have at it. Just don't expect any sympathy from me while your ass is sittin in jail.

The officer doesn't have the right to taser someone because he's annoyed. Just like you shouldn't expect your chef to spit in your food because he's annoyed, your mechanic to ruin your brakes because he's irritated, or your principal to suspend your because he's having a bad day. It's not hard to understand.

07-13-2009, 03:31 PM
You don't find it ironic that you'll calling him stupid so supposedly aggravating the officer (a response that most people agree was completely irrational), while you yourself are guilty of breaking the law 50 times over? It doesn't make you smart that you were able to weasel your way out of tickets,

actually, yes, It was pretty smart of me to weasel out of tickets. But hey, that's just me. If you feel smarter about arguing with the officer and paying for them, more power to ya.

since you're obviously the type of driver that houldn't be on the road with others in the first place.

Thanks Officer. I'll keep that in mind.

I guess the analogy flew over your head. Or maybe it didn't, since you didn't comment on the second analogy. Would it be easier for you to understand if I used a firefighter? They deal with life-threatening situations as well. I guess they should be able to leave someone to burn to death if they were annoyed one particular day.

Firefighters. Oh yes, that makes sense. Because they deal with the asshole murderers, drug dealers, thieves, and rapists who just might kill them on a daily basis. :lol

Sorry, but Firefighters don't have to worry about dealing with people who just might pull out a glock and blow their fuckin heads off. Try again. But I do like the chef analogy though. If I walk into a diner and become a pain in the ass, I'm not gonna be suprised if the cook spits in my food. And I don't expect my doctor to be in a good mood after dealing with old people all day either.

Listen. As someone who has worked in law enforcement before, I can tell you this much. When someone takes a defensive attitude/stance towards you, you're trained to automaically treat them as a possible threat. You're trained to be in control of the situation. Otherwise, you're gambling with your life if you let them take control. The officer didn't tase the dude because he was annoyed. He tased him because dude was being defensive and didn't want to do a damn thing the officer told him to. That's why he was only suspended for 3 fricken days. It's not that hard to understand.

07-13-2009, 04:05 PM
These stupid people who get tased never cease to amaze me. They want to argue with a guy who's been dealing with assholes and/or potentially life-threatening situations all day, and somehow they still expect him to be in a good mood when he's knocking on their window.
I completely agree. The cop overreacted but I don't get too upset over stupid people who get tazed. I feel about as much pity for this guy as I did for the "don't taze me bro" kid.

07-13-2009, 06:41 PM
Sometimes you act a little too entitled and your bitch-ass needs a good tasering.

07-13-2009, 06:49 PM
the few dicks like this give all the good ones a really bad name.

he needs to go.

edit: Officer Thomas O'Connor only got a 3 day suspension for this.

Y'Know, I used to think it was only a few bad apples, but my breakdown these days is as follows:

40% good honest cops
30% on the take, but non-violent
30% Nazi assholes like this guy

You have to be a REAL hard-on to do something like this, KNOWING that you're on dashcam.

Let em start by saying the driver didn't handle it the way I would have. Then let me follow up by saying NOTHING the driver did warranted being tazed. NOTHING.

Cry Havoc
07-13-2009, 07:02 PM
actually, yes, It was pretty smart of me to weasel out of tickets. But hey, that's just me. If you feel smarter about arguing with the officer and paying for them, more power to ya.

This is an interesting post. Do you know how many tickets I've received in the past 6+ years of driving?

Zero. And yes, I speed occasionally, maybe 20% of the time I'm driving at most, certainly not to the degree you do (which I am extremely skeptical of, by the way, but whatever), and therefore I have paid exactly $0 to the state for speeding. But keep patting yourself on the back that you're so intelligent that you've only had to pay for 5 tickets. Don't worry about the fact that at probably 10-15 minutes per stop x 50, you've successfully lopped off around 8-12 hours of free time that you would have had without getting pulled over. You're brilliant, I tell ya.

I also employ one of these:


They are completely legal in Illinois and I paid around the same thing for it as I would for a single speeding ticket.

Thanks Officer. I'll keep that in mind.

So let me get this straight: You admit to speeding so much that you get pulled over constantly, yet you think you're safe to be driving on the road? What do you think speed limits are for?

Listen. As someone who has worked in law enforcement before, I can tell you this much.

So wait a minute. You're telling me that you've worked in law enforcement before, and you not only routinely break the law, but you're actually proud of not paying for it?

You're done. You're such a freaking hypocrite there's no point in furthering this thread by talking to you. Idiots like you are the ones who are part of the problem.

07-13-2009, 07:20 PM
You're calling him stupid but you're the one who's been pulled over 50 times?

You're don't like dealing with assholes all day? Tough shit. Quit your job. I can't wait for doctors to start prescribing wrong medicines to patients because they had to deal with old people all day. Or teachers that beat their students in period four because kids in period one pissed them off. Yeah, that makes sense.

you have no idea what ur talking about, they donīt beat them, they have sex with them instead :lol:king

07-13-2009, 07:22 PM
Cop deserved more than a 3 day suspension.

However... I get pulled over quite a bit for speeding...

You are more likely to get a warning if you make the police officer feel comfortable.

Before he gets to the window have your license and registration out so you don't have to move to get them when he is at the window.

Take your keys out of the ignition and put them on your dash where he can see them when he checks your registration sticker (because he will)

Keep both hands on the steering wheel the entire time.

If it is at night turn on your dome light so you are illuminated and nothing is in shadow.

Yes Sir and No Sir work wonders.

07-13-2009, 07:41 PM
This is an interesting post. Do you know how many tickets I've received in the past 6+ years of driving?

Zero. And yes, I speed occasionally, maybe 20% of the time I'm driving at most, certainly not to the degree you do (which I am extremely skeptical of, by the way, but whatever), and therefore I have paid exactly $0 to the state for speeding. But keep patting yourself on the back that you're so intelligent that you've only had to pay for 5 tickets. Don't worry about the fact that at probably 10-15 minutes per stop x 50, you've successfully lopped off around 8-12 hours of free time that you would have had without getting pulled over. You're brilliant, I tell ya.

I also employ one of these:


They are completely legal in Illinois and I paid around the same thing for it as I would for a single speeding ticket.

So let me get this straight: You admit to speeding so much that you get pulled over constantly, yet you think you're safe to be driving on the road? What do you think speed limits are for?

So wait a minute. You're telling me that you've worked in law enforcement before, and you not only routinely break the law, but you're actually proud of not paying for it?

You're done. You're such a freaking hypocrite there's no point in furthering this thread by talking to you. Idiots like you are the ones who are part of the problem.

I never said I'm always speeding that much, but thanks for putting words in my mouth. I said between the ages of 16 and 22. But that was a long time ago. Pay attention dipshit.

07-13-2009, 07:59 PM
Cop deserved more than a 3 day suspension.

However... I get pulled over quite a bit for speeding...

You are more likely to get a warning if you make the police officer feel comfortable.

Before he gets to the window have your license and registration out so you don't have to move to get them when he is at the window.

Take your keys out of the ignition and put them on your dash where he can see them when he checks your registration sticker (because he will)

Keep both hands on the steering wheel the entire time.

If it is at night turn on your dome light so you are illuminated and nothing is in shadow.

Yes Sir and No Sir work wonders.

QFT. And let me just add this. When you pull over, pull over as far off the road as you possibly can. This lets the officer know that you're thinking about his safety. They don't want to get hit by a car doing 70 mph anymore than you do.

Cry Havoc
07-13-2009, 08:00 PM
I never said I'm always speeding that much. But thanks for putting words in my mouth. I said between the ages of 16 and 22. But that was a long time ago. Pay attention dipshit.

That would be useful information if you bothered to inform us how old you are now. But you didn't, so don't blame me for calling you out for information you didn't provide.

07-13-2009, 08:37 PM
actually, yes, It was pretty smart of me to weasel out of tickets. But hey, that's just me. If you feel smarter about arguing with the officer and paying for them, more power to ya.

No, it's dumb of you to be speeding so much that you'dhave to be pulled over 50 times. Kinda defeats the whole purpose of speeding if you always get pulled over, don't it?

You try to justify this officer's actions because he has it hard -- how do you think the officer would react if you told him you've been pulled over 50 times speeding? Do you think officers enjoyed dealing with people like you? Do you count yourself as one of the daily assholes that contributes to the behavior of cops like the one in this situation?

Thanks Officer. I'll keep that in mind.
Don't have to be an officer to have common sense.

Firefighters. Oh yes, that makes sense. Because they deal with the asshole murderers, drug dealers, thieves, and rapists who just might kill them on a daily basis. :lol

Sorry, but Firefighters don't have to worry about dealing with people who just might pull out a glock and blow their fuckin heads off. Try again. But I do like the chef analogy though. If I walk into a diner and become a pain in the ass, I'm not gonna be suprised if the cook spits in my food. And I don't expect my doctor to be in a good mood after dealing with old people all day either.
Well, you're either bullshitting or you're a walking doormat. I expect to be treated with respect whether I'm interacting with my doctor, police officer, or boss. The difficulties of one's job does not justify irrational behavior. In fact, a job as a police officer should require someone with even more restraint on their emotion, as they can often choose between life or death.

Listen. As someone who has worked in law enforcement before, I can tell you this much. When someone takes a defensive attitude/stance towards you, you're trained to automaically treat them as a possible threat. You're trained to be in control of the situation. Otherwise, you're gambling with your life if you let them take control. The officer didn't tase the dude because he was annoyed. He tased him because dude was being defensive and didn't want to do a damn thing the officer told him to. That's why he was only suspended for 3 fricken days. It's not that hard to understand.
:lol All of a sudden he was in a defensive stance. Right.

07-13-2009, 10:55 PM
You're a moron. You must be one of those POS cops.

You don't know who i am you little white worshipping asian cunt.

07-13-2009, 11:02 PM
Cops are supposed to be professionals and maintain their cool under stressful situations. The officer should be the LAST one to get upset. He should NOT instigate another person to be angry with what's happening. Angry people act irrationally. The officer gains absolutely NOTHING by being a dick to that guy. What if he WAS a drug pusher or something worse? The only person who's likely to be subdued by this kind of bullying is a law abiding citizen. A criminal who's got something to hide is MUCH more likely to lose control and do something drastic, like, I don't know, pushing the cop out onto the highway?

That's the whole point, the guy when stepped out of the car was in no mood to cooperate, plus he was positioned in a defensive stance. We can't tell wether the cop actually hit the guy with the door by the angle of the camera, we're taking the victims words at value.

Tasering is used for SELF-DEFENSE in situations where the officer is worried that he might lose control. Throwing someone out of their car, hitting them with their own door, and then tasering them is the exact opposite of how a police officer should behave. If the cop REALLY believed that the individual was dangerous and required additional restraint he should have called for backup BEFORE approaching the vehicle.

There is absolutely nothing here to warrant a taser being used. The cop is clearly upset as he's approaching, has little to no respect for a fellow citizen, and treats the people like they are felons from the start of the exchange. People speed, and they speed all the time. It does not give the officer an excuse to do whatever the heck he wants to someone because he's in a bad mood.

From the start of the exchange he just simply asked for drivers license and proof of insurance, as he did this you heard a barely audible phrase from the citizen that was muffed by the speeding cars, we don't know what could have been said that prompted the cop to act with more urgency.

That's why i'm holding my judgement until there's more about this than being a twat like stretch who thinks its valiant to be anti cop in an anonymous forum.

07-14-2009, 03:00 AM
I can't believe anybody would defend this. I pull the yes sir-no sir card, but you shouldn't have to - especially in this situation.

I get irate just watching the video. What sucks is even though he deserves someone to punch his teeth in, that person would get a huge punishment for serving justice whereas he gets 3 days for acting like that.

Should be fired.

07-14-2009, 03:01 AM
I can't believe anybody would defend this. I pull the yes sir-no sir card, but you shouldn't have to - especially in this situation.

I get irate just watching the video. What sucks is even though he deserves someone to punch his teeth in, that person would get a huge punishment for serving justice whereas he gets 3 days for acting like that.

Should be fired.

Extra Stout
07-14-2009, 08:37 AM
I think the three-day suspension was in line.

07-14-2009, 08:50 AM
I can't believe anybody would defend this.

Well, you had better start believing. The country is full of scared conservatives who would rather beg authority for table scraps than demand a meal.

More and more Americans are proud to relinquish any and all rights or personal freedom....so long as everyone else has to, too.

Theyre pathetic, small-minded cowards who see cops as something more than a peace officer.

The cop was writing a traffic ticket. The driver complied with every command but just not at the speed the cop wanted. So he tazed him (defensive stance my fucking ass).

That makes sense to some people. It will never to me. Theyre happy with their authoritarian overlords so long as the letter at the end of the political affiliation ends with their preferred consonant.

There used to be a time in this country when something like this was universally ridiculed. Now, you have authority sympathizers, a misnomer if there ever was one.

Weak and pathetic.

07-14-2009, 02:37 PM
What would Andy Taylor have done?

Probably let him off with a warning, but at most just fine him $5. And if he took the perp back to courthouse to pay fine, the guy would have gotten a piece of one of Aunt Bee's apple pies while he was paying the fine.

Times have changed.


jack sommerset
07-14-2009, 03:07 PM
Obviously the cop messed up but it should not cost him his job Cry Havoc you motherfucker titty sucker two ball bitch, you have a ring around ur pussy and ur a son of a bitch.

Perhaps 2-4 weeks without pay would have been more reasonable,3 days is just a long weekend. But he should not lose his job because of one mistake. Happens to the best of us. It's on his record so another fuck up like this will cost him his job.

Cry Havoc
07-14-2009, 03:22 PM
Obviously the cop messed up but it should not cost him his job Cry Havoc you motherfucker titty sucker two ball bitch, you have a ring around ur pussy and ur a son of a bitch.

Perhaps 2-4 weeks without pay would have been more reasonable,3 days is just a long weekend. But he should not lose his job because of one mistake. Happens to the best of us. It's on his record so another fuck up like this will cost him his job.

:lol And you call me weird. :lol

But I agree. My reaction was mostly emotional. He should have been given a month without pay to cool off, but yeah, losing your badge over one incident is kind of overkill.