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View Full Version : Curious about the Odom situation...

07-16-2009, 09:04 PM
Being a Lakers fan, I'd like it if Odom signs with the Lakers but for the sake of this thread I'll try to be as impartial as possible.

It's obvious that the Lakers presented Odom with the best deal possible in his current situation.

Miami offered 36 million for 5 years.

Lakers offered anywhere between 27 to 30 million for 3 years.
(I just heard Buecher on the radio and he said 4 year @ 36 was never offered.)

Now if you break that down year to year it's obvious the Lakers offered more money. If he's looking for long term security (which is quite ridiculous since he already got over 50 million on his previous contract), I'd still take the 3 year deal since at the en of that deal he'll be 33 and can resign another 2-3 year contract or if he does really well, he can ask Buss for an extension.

If he takes the 5 year deal a just a little more money (over all), chances are at the end of that deal (when he's 35) no one will be crashing down his door to offer multiple year deals.

He could be waiting on Portland but it's highly unlikely that will be offering major bank since they need to resign Roy and Aldridge next year for major cash, and a couple of others a year after that.

If he's looking for a sign and trade, Buss is on record as saying that'll never happen. I mean he doen't want to spend the 10 million now! What makes Odom believe he'll spend the 10 million for whatever he can trade Odom for?

If any of you can tell me how he can make the money he hopes to make, I'd be really appreciative. And let's keep it real....no wild trades.

07-16-2009, 10:02 PM
At 33 years of age, nothing is guaranteed for an NBA player looking for another contract. Even if the five year deal is only a little bit more than a 3 year deal, that little bit more might be more than he that player could get three years from down at 33.

Take a look at some names that are currently in the 32-33 year age range and tell me their prospects of another multiple year NBA contract of any value more than a minimum contract are:

Antoine Walker, 32
Keith Van Horn, 33
Shareef Abdur Rahim, 32
Ron Mercer, 33
Tim Thomas, 32

Saying he can take the three year deal and sign another contract for 2-3 years is assuming a lot even if he does play well the next couple seasons. And, as you stated in your post, there was never a 4 year deal for $36 million. So, it appears more and more than the Lakers best offer was 3 years for $27 million. Not a bad deal. But Odom wants more years. I don't really blame either side as each wants what they want.

Odom might not get the money he wants. He might not get the number of years he wants. But, hey, that's all a part of negotiations. He's going to press for two more years and the Lakers will press to keep it at 3 at the most.It's not just about the money. Of course that's part of it. But, it's pretty clear Odom wants more than just the money. He wants appreciation and respect for being a key guy on the championship team in the form of 5 years on his contract. He wants the security of knowing he has five more years in the NBA, not just 3. He wants what he feels is a fair deal. Whether what he thinks is fair is actually realistically fair, that's another discussion. He wants to be paid the value of his performance in comparison to what other players on the Lakers are being paid, namely Bynum, Walton, Vujacic. It's not just the demand for $10 million per year. There are other factors besides just getting $10 million per.

07-16-2009, 10:07 PM
Well, with Utah re-signing Milsap, Portland really doesn't have many options outside of Odom and David Lee.

I'd bet good money Portland's already getting an offer together for Odom. Odom does offer veteran leadership that the Blazers need badly.

And on the flip-side, the Buss' are getting ready to bend over for Odom. Maybe not $50 million bent over but $40+ million woudl be my guess.

07-16-2009, 10:24 PM
Hate to say this but the Lakers lost more losing Odom than they did gaining Artest. Artest is still a blackhole on offense and a chucker from the three point line. Odom at least plays within the context of the Lakers offense.

I think Artest thinks he's greater than he really is.

07-16-2009, 10:25 PM
OH and I think Ariza is going to be better overall for the Rockets because at least the offense will flow smoothly.

07-16-2009, 10:33 PM
At 33 years of age, nothing is guaranteed for an NBA player looking for another contract. Even if the five year deal is only a little bit more than a 3 year deal, that little bit more might be more than he that player could get three years from down at 33.

Take a look at some names that are currently in the 32-33 year age range and tell me their prospects of another multiple year NBA contract of any value more than a minimum contract are:

Antoine Walker, 32
Keith Van Horn, 33
Shareef Abdur Rahim, 32
Ron Mercer, 33
Tim Thomas, 32

Saying he can take the three year deal and sign another contract for 2-3 years is assuming a lot even if he does play well the next couple seasons. And, as you stated in your post, there was never a 4 year deal for $36 million. So, it appears more and more than the Lakers best offer was 3 years for $27 million. Not a bad deal. But Odom wants more years. I don't really blame either side as each wants what they want.

Odom might not get the money he wants. He might not get the number of years he wants. But, hey, that's all a part of negotiations. He's going to press for two more years and the Lakers will press to keep it at 3 at the most.It's not just about the money. Of course that's part of it. But, it's pretty clear Odom wants more than just the money. He wants appreciation and respect for being a key guy on the championship team in the form of 5 years on his contract. He wants the security of knowing he has five more years in the NBA, not just 3. He wants what he feels is a fair deal. Whether what he thinks is fair is actually realistically fair, that's another discussion. He wants to be paid the value of his performance in comparison to what other players on the Lakers are being paid, namely Bynum, Walton, Vujacic. It's not just the demand for $10 million per year. There are other factors besides just getting $10 million per.

Let me ask you this, Stone, would you take the 3 years and 27 million and maybe get a chance to make more after the three years or would you take the 5 years @ 34 (?) and just about kiss any chance you got to make more money goodbye?

If it was you or me, I can see taking the 5 @ 36 mil but we're talking about a guy that already made 50 mil plus in the last 5 years or so.

Yeah, Odom is probably worth more money than what he is being offered but this year, here and now, he's not being offered anything like he would be if it was 2 years ago.

No one here is looking at the Laker's side of the equation in this.

It's all good and well to debate this and say things like "it's only a few more million dollars" but bottom line is , and alot of people forget this, Buss is not a "mega-rich" guy like Cuban or Allen is.

He has been an absolute awesome owner but he is one of the "poorer" owners in this league and losing money to "keep the team together" is not an option for hm. When it comes to $$$ even that idiot across town, Donald Sterling, has alot more than Buss.

07-16-2009, 10:48 PM
It doesn't matter what either you or I would do in the same situation. This is Lamar Odom's decision and it's based on what he feels. I don't think it's all about the money. So your question on what either you or I would do is irrelevant because there are other factors involved that we don't know about that will help determine his decision. You are trying to make it mostly about money. I think many of us realize that it's not really all about the money. It might not even be mostly about the money. So, trying to come up with different scenarios of how Odom can maximize his potential money doesn't matter.

There are plenty of people on here, mainly Laker fans, that are looking at the Lakers' side of the equation in this. And even those fans who are criticizing the Lakers understand what's going on with respect to the Lakers playing hardball because Odom doesn't really have any other suitors (yet, waiting on Portland), so the Lakers would be in fact bidding against themselves. We get it. We understand. But, why endanger the team and risk losing a very important part of a championship team over a few million or another couple years, which by NBA standards isn't a huge deal, particularly when there are current players on the roster that are making money they don't deserve?

If you had followed some of the other threads, it's not about Buss not being mega rich or not being able to afford $10 million a year and the luxury implications. He can afford it. The Lakers generate revenue better than any other NBA franchise. They don't lose money. Buss can afford to pay Odom what he wants. But, it also goes back to Buss' decisions in the past that put him in this position. He signed off on two horrible contracts to Luke Walton and Sasha Vujacic. And, he gave into Andrew Bynum and agent David Lee in negotiations to give Bynum a ridiculous extension. That's not Lamar Odom's fault. That's the fault of Mitch and Buss. Why should Odom be affected by decisions he didn't make?

And please save the "Buss is one of the poorer owners in the league." Paying Odom wouldn't mean the Lakers would lose money. They make more money than any other team in the NBA. He can afford it. The Lakers can afford it. He just doesn't want to do it.

07-16-2009, 10:52 PM
I'll side Buss here. He's delivered 9 NBA World Championships during his ownership of the Lakers.

07-16-2009, 11:32 PM
One other point is that Lamar might feel that he has a better chance of landing another good contract after this one by being a starter and playing significant minutes somewhere else being the number 2 option, instead of being the 6th man and 3rd wheel behind Kobe and Gasol on the Lakers.
He actually already had a bloated contract and made a good chunk of change. So I wouldn't be surprised if he leaves a little money on the table to get into a situation he feels more comfortable in.

07-16-2009, 11:55 PM
It doesn't matter what either you or I would do in the same situation. This is Lamar Odom's decision and it's based on what he feels. I don't think it's all about the money. So your question on what either you or I would do is irrelevant because there are other factors involved that we don't know about that will help determine his decision. You are trying to make it mostly about money. I think many of us realize that it's not really all about the money. It might not even be mostly about the money. So, trying to come up with different scenarios of how Odom can maximize his potential money doesn't matter.

If it's not about the money, what is he waiting for? If he doesn't want to play for the Lakers, well he should let it be known that he's on the market, then.

No...we get total silence from his camp.

That 5 year @ 34 million is just about the best deal he's going to get (besides the Lakers offer), and if it's not only about the money, he would have signed it by now. If he's waiting on the Portland offer, it means he wants more........money.

Yeah...it's about the money.

There are plenty of people on here, mainly Laker fans, that are looking at the Lakers' side of the equation in this. And even those fans who are criticizing the Lakers understand what's going on with respect to the Lakers playing hardball because Odom doesn't really have any other suitors (yet, waiting on Portland), so the Lakers would be in fact bidding against themselves. We get it. We understand. But, why endanger the team and risk losing a very important part of a championship team over a few million or another couple years, which by NBA standards isn't a huge deal, particularly when there are current players on the roster that are making money they don't deserve?

Because whatever Buss decides to give Odom is doubled. And Gasol's contract is coming up next year. Look, Buss and Mitch made idiotic deals with some major scrubs and if they can take it back, I bet they'd give their left nut to get it back but that's not an option. What they have to do is figure out the best course of action to take from here on out. I understand that your reasoning is probably what Odom is reasoning as well but the cold hard facts are that nobody is offering you more than what Buss is offering you. Yeah, you can make the case it's undervalued by past (and maybe future) NBA standards but it sucks for Odom that he has to sign a contract this year, where the economy sucks and this is probably the best deal he is probably going to get.

Everybody and his brother knows that Odom is waiting for more offers to come in, especially that Portland one, and what he's actually doing is telling the Lakers to wait until he explores ALL options and if I'm in the Laker's FO, the only person I give that luxury to is Kobe. Lamar might be important to us but not that important.

If you had followed some of the other threads, it's not about Buss not being mega rich or not being able to afford $10 million a year and the luxury implications. He can afford it. The Lakers generate revenue better than any other NBA franchise. They don't lose money. Buss can afford to pay Odom what he wants. But, it also goes back to Buss' decisions in the past that put him in this position. He signed off on two horrible contracts to Luke Walton and Sasha Vujacic. And, he gave into Andrew Bynum and agent David Lee in negotiations to give Bynum a ridiculous extension. That's not Lamar Odom's fault. That's the fault of Mitch and Buss. Why should Odom be affected by decisions he didn't make?

And please save the "Buss is one of the poorer owners in the league." Paying Odom wouldn't mean the Lakers would lose money. They make more money than any other team in the NBA. He can afford it. The Lakers can afford it. He just doesn't want to do it.

Hey, I'm not doubting they are making more money than just about any other franchises. I'm just saying that every penny they pay out to Odom will be doubled and unlike alot of other owners, it's not revenue he can generate elsewhere. It's a matter of percentage.

Bottom line is, unlike some owners, the Lakers are not a toy for Buss to entertain himself with. It's his whole life. The family does not have any other business to fall back on.

The question should not be whether Buss can afford to or not but rather DOES he want to.
Others like Cuban or Allen, the couple extra million might be a little bump on the road, but it's not for Buss. That's what i wanted to convey.

And yeah, signing scrubs like Walton and Sasha is not Odom's fault. But, sadly, it looks like it'll have to be Odom that suffers for it.

It's very simple. When the company had alot of money, the scrubs will get more money. When the company doesn't have as much, everybody suffers.

It's just been one year but financially, the NBA changed alot. Or do you believe Sasha and Walton, if they signed now would be getting the same amount of money they were able to weasel out the Lakers when the times were good?
Of course, you don't.

Odom doesn't understand that.

07-16-2009, 11:56 PM
One other point is that Lamar might feel that he has a better chance of landing another good contract after this one by being a starter and playing significant minutes somewhere else being the number 2 option, instead of being the 6th man and 3rd wheel behind Kobe and Gasol on the Lakers.
He actually already had a bloated contract and made a good chunk of change. So I wouldn't be surprised if he leaves a little money on the table to get into a situation he feels more comfortable in.

if this is true, Odom will be looking for short contracts, not longer ones.

Cry Havoc
07-17-2009, 12:15 AM
Hey, I'm not doubting they are making more money than just about any other franchises. I'm just saying that every penny they pay out to Odom will be doubled and unlike alot of other owners, it's not revenue he can generate elsewhere. It's a matter of percentage.

How about a Lakers team that would be the favorites to win a championship vs. one without Odom that realistically could get knocked out in the Semis? Every Lakers fan here is talking about how they "can't afford" to overpay Odom. Can you afford to miss out on the Finals? Does that not make FAR more money (esp. a back to back) than the paltry extra sum Odom is asking for?

Bottom line is, unlike some owners, the Lakers are not a toy for Buss to entertain himself with. . It's his whole life. The family does not have any other business to fall back on

And that business profits more when you make a run to the Finals, yes?

The question should not be whether Buss can afford to or not but rather DOES he want to.
Others like Cuban or Allen, the couple extra million might be a little bump on the road, but it's not for Buss. That's what i wanted to convey.

How much of a bump would missing out on 8-14 playoff games be?

And yeah, signing scrubs like Walton and Sasha is not Odom's fault. But, sadly, it looks like it'll have to be Odom that suffers for it.

And you're blaming him for not liking that fact?

It's very simple. When the company had alot of money, the scrubs will get more money. When the company doesn't have as much, everybody suffers.

I guess in this case everyone = Odom and NO one else.

It's just been one year but financially, the NBA changed alot. Or do you believe Sasha and Walton, if they signed now would be getting the same amount of money they were able to weasel out the Lakers when the times were good?
Of course, you don't.

Do you think if they went back in time knowing the quality of player Luke and Sasha would be now, they would still have given them those contracts?

No. Don't be disingenuous. They signed them to big deals because they thought they were good players, not because "they had a lot of money".

Odom doesn't understand that.

You ignored most of what Jamstone posted. If there's someone here "not getting it", it's you. The most humorous thing is that Lakers fans actually feel like they're objectively viewing this issue, when that cannot be further from the truth.

If it's not about the money, what is he waiting for? If he doesn't want to play for the Lakers, well he should let it be known that he's on the market, then.

No...we get total silence from his camp.

Not everyone lives in a larger than life style like most celebrities in L.A. Maybe Odom is taking time to think things over? Maybe he doesn't want to come out and take a big steaming dump on his former employer (with or without good reason) because that's not the way he does things? Perhaps he's mulling his options over on whether he would rather make another title run or start and play a game that he clearly enjoys every night?


Maybe he's actually a pretty classy guy who doesn't want to talk to the media right away while he's deciding where to spend the next 3-5 years of his life?

I know. Laker fan collective heads just exploded. It's amazing how quickly you could turn on a guy who just helped you win a title (as your third best player). I'm sure you'd love him to kiss Buss's rings so you could say that he got knocked back in line, or alternatively start denouncing the entire Lakers organization and how horrible they are so you could paint him as the bad guy and tell him to GTFO, wouldn't you? Just amazing. For all the trash you're talking about him having no respect, you and Mr. Buss have precious little decency to show appreciation for someone that helped you regain your status as the pinnacle of the league.

07-17-2009, 12:32 AM
How about a Lakers team that would be the favorites to win a championship vs. one without Odom that realistically could get knocked out in the Semis? Every Lakers fan here is talking about how they "can't afford" to overpay Odom. Can you afford to miss out on the Finals? Does that not make FAR more money (esp. a back to back) than the paltry extra sum Odom is asking for?

And that business profits more when you make a run to the Finals, yes?

How much of a bump would missing out on 8-14 playoff games be?

And you're blaming him for not liking that fact?

I guess in this case everyone = Odom and NO one else.

Do you think if they went back in time knowing the quality of player Luke and Sasha would be now, they would still have given them those contracts?

No. Don't be disingenuous. They signed them to big deals because they thought they were good players, not because "they had a lot of money".

You ignored most of what Jamstone posted. If there's someone here "not getting it", it's you. The most humorous thing is that Lakers fans actually feel like they're objectively viewing this issue, when that cannot be further from the truth.

Not everyone lives in a larger than life style like most celebrities in L.A. Maybe Odom is taking time to think things over? Maybe he doesn't want to come out and take a big steaming dump on his former employer (with or without good reason) because that's not the way he does things? Perhaps he's mulling his options over on whether he would rather make another title run or start and play a game that he clearly enjoys every night?


Maybe he's actually a pretty classy guy who doesn't want to talk to the media right away while he's deciding where to spend the next 3-5 years of his life?

I know. Laker fan collective heads just exploded. It's amazing how quickly you could turn on a guy who just helped you win a title (as your third best player). Just amazing. For all the trash you're talking about him having no respect, you and Mr. Buss have precious little decency to show appreciation for that.

I guess I can answer point by point but what good would that do.

For a fan base that always whines when others generalize about "Spur Fans", you guys sure do it alot also.

And when did I trash talk about Odom?

Answer that and maybe I'll answer your points.
Otherwise go to the flame war section where I understand you're a real star.

Cry Havoc
07-17-2009, 12:37 AM
I guess I can answer point by point but what good would that do.

And when did I trash talk about Odom?

Answer that and maybe I'll answer your points.
Otherwise go to the flame war section where I understand you're a real star.

Odom doesn't understand that.

You're making him out to be the guy who "just doesn't get it" in a situation, which implies he's being selfish, while attempting to defend your team's business. Okay, so I withdraw that you are talking trash about Odom, and submit that you are instead scapegoating and implying negative things about him.

For a fan base that always whines when others generalize about "Spur Fans", you guys sure do it alot also.

So far, almost every Lakers fan I've read on this forum is ripping Odom for not signing and talking about ONLY the money while ignoring any other mitigating factors in this situation.

La Peace
07-17-2009, 12:38 AM
Well I think the negotiation process has shown you how he will get what he wants. He isn't jumping at the first deal, he is posturing, he is gaging for interest all the while the Lakers FO becomes more frustrated/torn/uneasy about the situation.

Meanwhile the offer from the Lakers have risen over time and is now more than it was in the beginning. Lamar is just trying to get paid the best way he can.

Cry Havoc
07-17-2009, 12:41 AM
Well I think the negotiation process has shown you how he will get what he wants. He isn't jumping at the first deal, he is posturing, he is gaging for interest all the while the Lakers FO becomes more frustrated/torn/uneasy about the situation.

Meanwhile the offer from the Lakers have risen over time and is now more than it was in the beginning. Lamar is just trying to get paid the best way he can.

This is something almost every other fanbase in the NBA knows as, "Negotiating a contract." It has apparently escaped the collective notice of Laker fan over the years.

Kindergarten Cop
07-17-2009, 12:43 AM
I apologize if this has been posted already, but I haven't seen it:


Ric Bucher just said on our air that he thinks "the ship has sailed" on Lamar Odom being part of the Lakers. He thinks LA is moving on.

Of course this is one of Bucher's famed opinions, but I thought I'd share nonetheless.

07-17-2009, 12:54 AM
D-Wade is saying on twitter that he has some "good news" coming soon...

La Peace
07-17-2009, 12:57 AM
He is switching From Nike Converse to Nike Jordan. Yay

Kindergarten Cop
07-17-2009, 01:01 AM
D-Wade is saying on twitter that he has some "good news" coming soon...

I bet it's this:



07-17-2009, 01:05 AM
You're making him out to be the guy who "just doesn't get it" in a situation, which implies he's being selfish, while attempting to defend your team's business. Okay, so I withdraw that you are talking trash about Odom, and submit that you are instead scapegoating and implying negative things about him.

So far, almost every Lakers fan I've read on this forum is ripping Odom for not signing and talking about ONLY the money while ignoring any other mitigating factors in this situation.

I say he "just doesn't get it" because I see no other offers coming down the pike that can match the laker's offer.

Do you?

Yeah, he wants as much money as he can, hell, we all do.

He has the option of taking the best deal offered, even knowing it's not what he thinks he's worth. Or he can wait some more in hopes of being offered something better.

Oh yeah, by the way the best offer he received was just pulled off the table.

Does he really think the Lakers were going to wait and wait until he made a decision?

There comes a time when it's time to weigh your options and make a decision and that usually comes when you know that whoever you're dealing with is no longer going to budge.

Yeah it sucks that he became a free agent in a bad economic market but what does he want the Lakers to do?

Bid against themselves?

Bottom line is I'd love to have him back (and I haven't always felt that way) but not by over-paying him.

07-17-2009, 01:07 AM
I apologize if this has been posted already, but I haven't seen it:


Ric Bucher just said on our air that he thinks "the ship has sailed" on Lamar Odom being part of the Lakers. He thinks LA is moving on.

Of course this is one of Bucher's famed opinions, but I thought I'd share nonetheless.

Yes, Ric "Kobe has played his last game in a laker's uniform" Bucher's opinion means alot to me right about now.

But in his defense, he did say it was his opinion only and should not be weighed against anything else.

Kindergarten Cop
07-17-2009, 01:07 AM
I say he "just doesn't get it" because I see no other offers coming down the pike that can match the laker's offer.

Do you?

Are you assuming that the Lakers offered more than the 3yr/$27M contract? Bucher stated that that was the Lakers' best offer, not the 4yr/$36M rumored deal.

Cry Havoc
07-17-2009, 01:09 AM
I say he "just doesn't get it" because I see no other offers coming down the pike that can match the laker's offer.

Do you?

Yeah, he wants as much money as he can, hell, we all do.

He has the option of taking the best deal offered, even knowing it's not what he thinks he's worth. Or he can wait some more in hopes of being offered something better.

Oh yeah, by the way the best offer he received was just pulled off the table.

Does he really think the Lakers were going to wait and wait until he made a decision?

There comes a time when it's time to weigh your options and make a decision and that usually comes when you know that whoever you're dealing with is no longer going to budge.

Yeah it sucks that he became a free agent in a bad economic market but what does he want the Lakers to do?

Bid against themselves?

Bottom line is I'd love to have him back (and I haven't always felt that way) but not by over-paying him.

Let me put this to you in no uncertain terms, since you apparently can read repeated posts by separate posters without "getting it".







Are we clear now? Does it need to be put more clearly than that?

Kindergarten Cop
07-17-2009, 01:10 AM
Yes, Ric "Kobe has played his last game in a laker's uniform" Bucher's opinion means alot to me right about now.

But in his defense, he did say it was his opinion only and should not be weighed against anything else.

In fairness to Bucher, even Kobe Bryant stated that he had "played his last game in a Lakers' uniform" around that same time.

Wow, I can't believe I just came to the defense of Bucher.:wow

07-17-2009, 01:11 AM
Let me put this to you in no uncertain terms, since you apparently can read repeated posts by separate posters without "getting it".






Are we clear now? Does it need to be put more clearly than that?

And as I said to Jamstone before:


07-17-2009, 01:11 AM
lol at Laker fans ripping Bucher on the Kobe thing. Kobe went on a national EMO tour about being traded....

07-17-2009, 01:13 AM
^ and as I said before..it's not "Lakers fans"....it's ME...one guy.

Get it through to your head.

07-17-2009, 01:14 AM
You do not have enough post to speak to me girl.

07-17-2009, 01:17 AM
You're right... I aplogize.

There..make you feel better?

07-17-2009, 01:20 AM
Are you assuming that the Lakers offered more than the 3yr/$27M contract? Bucher stated that that was the Lakers' best offer, not the 4yr/$36M rumored deal.

Lakers offered anywhere between 27 to 30 million for 3 years.
(I just heard Buecher on the radio and he said 4 year @ 36 was never offered.)

07-17-2009, 01:20 AM
Just kidding....but seriously, how can you rip Bucher on the Kobe thing when Kobe himself went EMO?

07-17-2009, 01:22 AM
Not ripping him.

Actually I like his writing....just pointing out that he's not always right and he did say it was only his opinion.

07-17-2009, 01:24 AM
Ya, most everything is opinion until it gets closer. But guys around the league hear things and that leads them to their opinions. But things in the nba change so fast that it is hard to be "right".

Kindergarten Cop
07-17-2009, 01:31 AM
Lakers offered anywhere between 27 to 30 million for 3 years.
(I just heard Buecher on the radio and he said 4 year @ 36 was never offered.)

I didn't see that you had posted that, thanks for the clarification. :toast

With that being said, how can you say that no other team is offering a better deal when rumors have swirled about the Heat offering 5yr/$36M and Portland possibly competing for his services? I'm not saying one offer is better than the other, but I can't fault Odom for waiting to see what happens. $9M per over three years may be the best that Odom will get, but it's not an offer that objective individuals would look at and ridicule him for not racing to put his pen to the paper IMHO.

07-17-2009, 01:57 AM
Cost of living/tax makes Odom's ~9 million per year in LA equivilent to about 6 million if he were playing in Miami.

La Peace
07-17-2009, 02:44 AM
Thats a close estimate. But false, http://twitpic.com/amj44 (http://twitpic.com/amj44)

07-17-2009, 02:49 AM
All that anyone needs to know is that the offers are close (in NBA language). It is just a total amount over years that matters, not an individual per year analysis. Evidently, even though it makes little sense to us, an extra 5-6M over 2 more years guaranteed means something to Odom.

07-17-2009, 02:53 AM
Thats a close estimate. But false, http://twitpic.com/amj44 (http://twitpic.com/amj44)

That is state tax alone, my estimate is including the higher rent/food/bills, etc.

07-17-2009, 02:54 AM
I didn't see that you had posted that, thanks for the clarification. :toast

With that being said, how can you say that no other team is offering a better deal when rumors have swirled about the Heat offering 5yr/$36M and Portland possibly competing for his services? I'm not saying one offer is better than the other, but I can't fault Odom for waiting to see what happens. $9M per over three years may be the best that Odom will get, but it's not an offer that objective individuals would look at and ridicule him for not racing to put his pen to the paper IMHO.

I understand that and like I said in the first post, I'm trying to be as impartial as possible (not saying I'm succeeding) but 5 years at 36 million is nowhere good as 3 years at 27 million. Portland can possibly come up with a better offer. Odom is, like I said, only 29 years old and at the end of the 3 years will be 32-33 and still has a good chance to sign another multi-year offer but if he takes the five years, he'll be 34-35 and in a much weaker condition should he want another multi-year deal.

Being a Laker fan, I'd love for him to sign and get it over with but what I'm trying to figure out is his reasoning for waiting without a word.

Maybe he hates the Lakers and is holding out for the best deal coming from another team besides the lakers?

Does he want security now, since as Jamstone said, you can't know the future and he might blow out a knee in his first game next season.

I just find his silence kinda strange since we're not talking about a three year guy looking for his first major pay-day. Hell, he already got paid.

It sucks to be in Odom's situation since most teams are reluctant to do major signing because of the weakened economy and next year's FA bonanza.

Buss is pissed now and so is Odom.....this is not going to be pretty.

07-17-2009, 02:59 AM
Hey, guys, I understand all the tax problems in LA and what not.

And honestly, i'm not even ripping Odom or even mad at him.

I'm just trying to figure out the reason for his inactivity.

He got just about the best deal he's going to get from Miami and if state tax is one of his reasoning (I'm sure it is one of them), then why hasn't he signed with Miami? There's no guarantee that they won't pull the offer either.

Just the inactivity on his part makes me believe it's all about the money and if so, he's making a mistake..at least in my opinion.

La Peace
07-17-2009, 02:59 AM
That is state tax alone, my estimate is including the higher rent/food/bills, etc.
Oh yeah you're right I forgot.

Oh wait no, yeah, Odom owns his own house.

So unless food and electricity are really really expensive in california thats the right estimate.

07-17-2009, 03:22 AM
Oh yeah you're right I forgot.

Oh wait no, yeah, Odom owns his own house.

So unless food and electricity are really really expensive in california thats the right estimate.

Don't try and be all knowing, you end up looking dense.

Its called cost of living.

The cost of the payment on his house is 15% more than a comparable house would be in Miami. The gas he puts in his escalade is 15% more expensive than in Miami. His snickers cost 15% more than in Miami. His drinks at the bar are 15% more expensive than in Miami.

La Peace
07-17-2009, 03:26 AM
Dude, you're stretching, we both know it.

And I do know more than you do about living in California

Snickers Long islands and Gas per year don't cost close to a million, otherwise im fucked because I live here and I don't make close to that.

You're sounding silly right now.

07-17-2009, 03:30 AM
I am happy you live in California, but it doesnt change the fact that you don't know what you are talking about.

La Peace
07-17-2009, 03:33 AM
lol homie i gave you a number crunched diagram of what the diff was and you come back with "gas is 15 percent more"

Give me some actual numbers and I might take you seriously Lars

07-17-2009, 03:39 AM

Here you go,

City of origin: LA
Destination: Miami

Income: 9,000,000

And theres a fancy little chart for you too!

La Peace
07-17-2009, 03:44 AM
So you just posted a link to Boys Jeans and Lettuce


Thats like what? Hundreds? Thousands maybe? We are talking Millions difference to make up here. Odom owns his house, as I said.

I would love to sit and explain but I need to work over time tomorrow because you just made me realize that I need to make hundreds of thousands more than I am now just to be living here.

07-17-2009, 03:46 AM
If you don't understand standard of living, I don't know what to tell you.

La Peace
07-17-2009, 03:47 AM
Its actually my first year of grad school Lars, appreciate it.

07-17-2009, 03:50 AM
Then you should understand this.

La Peace
07-17-2009, 03:54 AM
I know this is the first time someone on the internet has disagreed with you, but it happens. I don't need to make six figures to cover the cost of living in ca.

07-17-2009, 03:57 AM
Its actually my first year of grad school Lars, appreciate it.

I'll be gald to walk you through this.

If you graduate 8th grade, you don't refer to 9th grade as "grad school."

La Peace
07-17-2009, 04:00 AM
If you graduate from the 8th grade, you don't refer to 9th grade as "grad school."

07-17-2009, 04:08 AM
Ok, I am going to try and give you a better explination since this seems to a little over your head.

Lets assume you graduate with your masters in whatever, how about Psycology. Now you start your own practice and you do well for yourself, you pull in 200,000 a year.

So you live in LA, making your 200,000 and of course you have expenses. You go out and party with the ladies at the bar, you catch a Laker game at the Staples center, you go out to eat with your mom, you pay car insurance, private school for your kids, and so on and so forth. In a year you spend maybe 150,000 and save maybe 50,000. Now making 200,000 a year has afforded you a nice "standard of living".

Now the way this works is, you could maintain that same standard of living in Miami for on average 15% less of the cost. You could have the same house, eat at the equivilent places, go to a Heat game, have your kids get the same level of education, etc. So a salary of 170,000 in Miami is equivilent to you as your 200,000 in LA.

Could Lamar pay the same amount to live in both cities? Yes he could, but his standard of living would be considerably less in LA.

La Peace
07-17-2009, 04:21 AM
There are differences but its not going to be in hundreds of thousands or millions. If you think that would be the difference then I think you might be overestimating your figures. And if you want to factor in all of those minuscule variables and throw them together in hopes that they become significant, you might as well factor in the cost of a real estate agent, relocating your entire family, new house, pro-rated bills, etc.

My bottom line is it doesn't matter as much as the contract and state taxes on said contract. If Odom will leave then he will leave. I don't believe that Odom and his agent are sitting their basing their decision on who to sign with on how much he will save on his monthly grocery bill or any other bills you brought up. If you do then we just disagree.

07-17-2009, 04:44 AM
There are differences but its not going to be in hundreds of thousands or millions. If you think that would be the difference then I think you might be overestimating your figures. And if you want to factor in all of those minuscule variables and throw them together in hopes that they become significant, you might as well factor in the cost of a real estate agent, relocating your entire family, new house, pro-rated bills, etc.

I am not over estimating anything. I estimated 15% difference in my original outline and you claimed via some tenth graders tweeted spreadsheet that I was wrong. The actual difference is closer to 20% as linked to you earlier. For you or I, the difference might not be much, but NBA stars live extravagant life stlyes and over the course of 3-5 years that adds up, and yes it will add up to thousands or millions of dollars over the long haul which is why these charts exist in the first place.

Again, moving is nothing, and a new house is simply an available opportunity cost. He could sell his LA house and buy the same size, style for cheaper in Miami, thats the whole point, thus making himself money.

My bottom line is it doesn't matter as much as the contract and state taxes on said contract. If Odom will leave then he will leave..

My bottom line is Laker fans keep claiming that these free agents are stupid for taking less money, etc. when in fact they are ignoring the big picture.

I don't believe that Odom and his agent are sitting their basing their decision on who to sign with on how much he will save on his monthly grocery bill or any other bills you brought up. If you do then we just disagree.

Thats exactly what they are doing, otherwise Odom would of just chosen right then and there. He is checking out local schools for his kids, finding where the closest candy heaven is, and so on and so forth. Weighing the pros and cons. We don't disagree, you seem to be challenging basic Economic theory.

La Peace
07-17-2009, 05:09 AM
I am not over estimating anything. I estimated 15% difference in my original outline and you claimed via some tenth graders tweeted spreadsheet that I was wrong. The actual difference is closer to 20% as linked to you earlier. For you or I, the difference might not be much, but NBA stars live extravagant life stlyes and over the course of 3-5 years that adds up, and yes it will add up to thousands or millions of dollars over the long haul which is why these charts exist in the first place.

Thats cool man, but the fact is neither of us have any idea how much Odom spends per year. Neither of us do his taxes. So to make an argument based off the assumption goes against Occam's Razor, and is a refutable argument.

Thats exactly what they are doing, otherwise Odom would of just chosen right then and there. He is checking out local schools for his kids, finding where the closest candy heaven is, and so on and so forth. Weighing the pros and cons. We don't disagree, you seem to be challenging basic Economic theory.Oh really? Oh yeah you're right because Odom and his agent need to figure out how much it costs to live in Miami. Oh man If only they moved/lived/played there for like maybe a year or so before then they wouldn't have to go through all of that mess again.

And to top if off you drop the common sense phrase opportunity cost and call your argument economic theory.

07-17-2009, 05:20 AM
LOL, give up man.

La Peace
07-17-2009, 05:30 AM
I would but, you tried to make a concrete argument based on assumptions which is a slippery slope. You were also assuming that Lamar lives in Los Angeles year round like you or I would in our cities. From Oct-June he is on the road half the time, out of CA. And you know where he spends his summers? Yeah, his home in NYC, thats also where his record label is based. Where he spends a large chunk of his money. I could go on, but I digress.

07-17-2009, 08:39 AM
all this second guessing and bla bla bla for a guy that averages 11 and 8?

Jamstone already made all the valid arguments. And Odom, despite not having a multitude of offers, has the freedom to choose what he wants when he wants, regardless of economic theory, buss' left nut, or how many laker fans/haters are holding their breath.

Cry Havoc
07-17-2009, 09:06 AM
It's amazing how obsessed with money most Lakers fans are (or at least the ones posting to these threads). They simply cannot believe that another player would go somewhere else for less money.

Kind of sad, really. Life doesn't and shouldn't revolve around little green pieces of paper.

07-17-2009, 11:04 AM
Man, this is like talking to a brick wall.

I've given you my reasons for thinking this is just about the money while conceding this might not be just about the money.

I have no illusions that some players prefer to live someplace else. Odom
, for instance, spends alot of time in NY and has a very nice house in Miami.

No one can seem to tell me that if this is not about the money, why didn't he commit already.

What is he waiting for?

Edit: man, this woulda been alot easier on my computer. Sorry for the disjointed and brief response.

07-17-2009, 11:26 AM
Can the Spurs win without Odom? Can the Celtics win without Odom...im sure the Lakers will find a way to win without Odom.

07-17-2009, 11:30 AM
It's amazing how obsessed with money most Lakers fans are (or at least the ones posting to these threads). They simply cannot believe that another player would go somewhere else for less money.

Kind of sad, really. Life doesn't and shouldn't revolve around little green pieces of paper.

99% of the time it's all about the money with professional athletes.

Don't be naive.

07-17-2009, 11:32 AM
im sure the Lakers will find a way to win without Odom.

If we found a way to win without West, Jabbar, Magic, Daddy, Riley, I too am sure we can find a way without Odom.

The constant thru all of the above losses is Jerry "9 NBA World Championships" Buss.

07-17-2009, 11:38 AM
If we found a way to win without West, Jabbar, Magic, Daddy, Riley, I too am sure we can find a way without Odom.

The constant thru all of the above losses is Jerry "9 NBA World Championships" Buss.

we lost our sixth man..though it hurts, its not the end of the world.

07-17-2009, 11:41 AM
Sixth man, but 3rd best player on the team with an insane +/- and length/versatility that eases matchups!

I would still view Odomless Lakers as best in West though, but behind the Celtics/Cavs/Magic... on paper at least... I dunno.

Just Ghazi's take.

07-17-2009, 11:47 AM
Sixth man, but 3rd best player on the team with an insane +/- and length/versatility that eases matchups!

I would still view Odomless Lakers as best in West though, but behind the Celtics/Cavs/Magic... on paper at least... I dunno.

Just Ghazi's take.

Even with Odom we're behind the Celtics. These Celtics are our biggest challenge. Our only legitimate challenge. They physically & most importantly mentally pulverized us a year ago and we must respond if given the platform. We cannot choose our competition, but, the Celtics are out there, and they alone are our greatest threat and our greatest motivation.

Cry Havoc
07-17-2009, 11:48 AM
99% of the time it's all about the money with professional athletes.

Don't be naive.

That's why I'm extremely happy to be a Spurs fan. :toast Not saying it ISN'T about the money with our players, but I don't think that's the only factor in San Antonio.

Man, this is like talking to a brick wall.

I've given you my reasons for thinking this is just about the money while conceding this might not be just about the money.

I have no illusions that some players prefer to live someplace else. Odom
, for instance, spends alot of time in NY and has a very nice house in Miami.

No one can seem to tell me that if this is not about the money, why didn't he commit already.

What is he waiting for?

As I've said before already, maybe he hasn't made up his mind yet? Choosing where your life will be for the next 3-5 years is what I would call a fairly big decision.

Edit: man, this woulda been alot easier on my computer. Sorry for the disjointed and brief response.

No worries. Are you on an iPhone? :)

Even with Odom we're behind the Celtics. These Celtics are our biggest challenge. Our only legitimate challenge. They physically & most importantly mentally pulverized us a year ago and we must respond if given the platform. We cannot choose our competition, but, the Celtics are out there, and they alone are our greatest threat and our greatest motivation.

I love this kind of arrogance. It's the kind of thing that can get you dickslapped in the 2nd round of the playoffs by a young hungry team with nothing to lose.

07-17-2009, 12:03 PM
I love this kind of arrogance. It's the kind of thing that can get you dickslapped in the 2nd round of the playoffs by a young hungry team with nothing to lose.

Cry, c'mon, you know I'm not talking via arrogance. It's just simply [on consignment] the Lakers are at a different level then every other team. The Celtics, though not NBA Champs are our betters. Could've's/Should've's abound out there. Your Spurs at the top of the list. But, as constituted this morning, nothing has transpired since Championship nite a month ago that denigrates the Lakers in the slightest. The Celtics were there before Orlando was snuffed, and they're still there. But, they're there alone.

07-17-2009, 12:08 PM
No one can seem to tell me that if this is not about the money, why didn't he commit already.

What is he waiting for?

Because even if it's not just about the money, it doesn't mean all the other factors make his decision easy. It may have very little to do with money, and he still might not know what he wants to do.

And, I don't think anyone said that it wasn't about the money at all. Money is a factor. Odom is probably still waiting to see how Millsap and the Blazers deal works out if Utah really is matching. He and his agent may also be pursuing every possible scenario and that can take time.

You assume that if Lamar knows he doesn't want to re-sign with the Lakers that he knows exactly what he wants to do. That won't necessarily be the case. Maybe there are a handful of teams that have contacted him gauging his interest and he's still mulling things over. Maybe he equally likes the prospects of going back to Miami and going home to New York and the potential of Portland regardless of money and he's weighing all the factors.

It not being all about the money doesn't mean Odom has to decide right now. He's got plenty of time to make a decision. Maybe he genuinely wants to return to the Lakers and is just working the negotiation process very patiently.

Your question lacks thoughtful consideration of all factors. Just because it's not all about the money doesn't mean he has to have made his mind up already.

07-17-2009, 12:16 PM
Your question lacks thoughtful consideration of all factors. Just because it's not all about the money doesn't mean he has to have made his mind up already.

You also have to consider that Teams move on, so his lack of not "making up his mind" is also hindering some aspects of deals he is getting.

Cry Havoc
07-17-2009, 12:16 PM
But, as constituted this morning, nothing has transpired since Championship nite a month ago that denigrates the Lakers in the slightest.

Losing your 3rd and (arguably) fifth best player doesn't hurt your team's chances? MANY Lakers fans would disagree with you, and have.

07-17-2009, 12:20 PM
You also have to consider that Teams move on, so his lack of not "making up his mind" is also hindering some aspects of deals he is getting.

That doesn't mean Odom waiting this thing out has to deal with only money, which was the issue I was responding to. In fact, it would appear to be the contrary if you do believe teams are moving on from him not making up his mind.

07-17-2009, 12:30 PM
It looks like Odom knows what he's doing and proved me wrong.

There are reports that he's talking to Miami about a deal in the 9 million range.

I guess it was about the money....but he's figured out a way to have his cake and eat it too.

07-17-2009, 12:34 PM
It looks like Odom knows what he's doing and proved me wrong.

There are reports that he's talking to Miami about a deal in the 9 million range.

I guess it was about the money....but he's figured out a way to have his cake and eat it too.

5 yr, 9 mill a yr?

07-17-2009, 12:34 PM
Money absolutely has something to do with it.

It's just not only about the money.

07-17-2009, 12:34 PM
9mil in LA or 9 mil in Miami.

Considering all the circumstances, I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't choose Miami under those circumstances.

That sucks....LoL.

07-17-2009, 12:37 PM
Losing your 3rd and (arguably) fifth best player doesn't hurt your team's chances? MANY Lakers fans would disagree with you, and have.

We haven't lost Odom as of this morning, Cry. We lost Ariza, we've ostensibly replaced him with Artest.

And I don't lock step with MANY Lakers fans, Cry.

Cry Havoc
07-17-2009, 12:41 PM
We haven't lost Odom as of this morning, Cry. We lost Ariza, we've ostensibly replaced him with Artest.

And I don't lock step with MANY Lakers fans, Cry.

This is obviously hypothetical debate and is assuming Odom leaves L.A.

Even picking up Artest, do you think Artest > Odom and Ariza? Can the Lakers afford to lose that kind of bench depth?

07-17-2009, 12:42 PM
I guess people have forgotten that miami doesn't own lamar's bird rights, and S&T option is not available since Mitch is only keeping the roster at 13 players. But if you wanna have fun, go ahead.

07-17-2009, 12:47 PM
This is obviously hypothetical debate and is assuming Odom leaves L.A.

Even picking up Artest, do you think Artest > Odom and Ariza? Can the Lakers afford to lose that kind of bench depth?

When Odom leaves, is this thier last move?

07-17-2009, 12:50 PM
When Odom leaves, is this thier last move?

Probably not.

The Lakers will probably get Bryan Colangelo to buy out Chris Bosh's contract and then Bosh will sign with the Lakers for a minimum contract.

07-17-2009, 12:50 PM
I guess people have forgotten that miami doesn't own lamar's bird rights, and S&T option is not available since Mitch is only keeping the roster at 13 players. But if you wanna have fun, go ahead.

Memphis likes to help teams out. The Grizz are way under the cap and can afford to sign Odom to $9 million a year. Then they could work out a sign and trade with Miami for Udonis Haslem, Dorrell Wright, and either future picks or cash considerations. Both Haslem and Wright have expiring deals.

07-17-2009, 12:55 PM
Probably not.

The Lakers will probably get Bryan Colangelo to buy out Chris Bosh's contract and then Bosh will sign with the Lakers for a minimum contract.

then there is nothign to worry about.

07-17-2009, 01:01 PM
Memphis likes to help teams out. The Grizz are way under the cap and can afford to sign Odom to $9 million a year. Then they could work out a sign and trade with Miami for Udonis Haslem, Dorrell Wright, and either future picks or cash considerations. Both Haslem and Wright have expiring deals.

when a team signs a new player they have to wait till late december to trade them. thats why even gortat cant become trade bait till that time

07-17-2009, 01:03 PM
Memphis likes to help teams out. The Grizz are way under the cap and can afford to sign Odom to $9 million a year. Then they could work out a sign and trade with Miami for Udonis Haslem, Dorrell Wright, and either future picks or cash considerations. Both Haslem and Wright have expiring deals.

Jam, runnin' as fast he can.


07-17-2009, 01:03 PM
People, you cannot sign someone else's free agent and than do a S&T!! Seriously, you guys are not educated enough. Please read Larry Coon FAQ before posting your nonsense in here.

07-17-2009, 01:04 PM
when a team signs a new player they have to wait till late december to trade them. thats why even gortat cant become trade bait till that time

Whoops e daisy, Jam,,,Iggy just busted yer goober.

07-17-2009, 01:39 PM
People, you cannot sign someone else's free agent and than do a S&T!! Seriously, you guys are not educated enough. Please read Larry Coon FAQ before posting your nonsense in here.
Wow...did you actually get angry because someone made a mistake and didn't take the time to read a LONG article before posting on a message board?

07-17-2009, 01:43 PM
Its not just him, its about 100 other retards in this thread and other Odom ones.

07-17-2009, 01:46 PM
when a team signs a new player they have to wait till late december to trade them. thats why even gortat cant become trade bait till that time

Did you think I was serious that Memphis would do that?

07-17-2009, 01:49 PM
Can someone explain how Miami could possibly be offering 9 million? Even with no state taxes I find that hard to believe.

07-17-2009, 01:49 PM
People, you cannot sign someone else's free agent and than do a S&T!! Seriously, you guys are not educated enough. Please read Larry Coon FAQ before posting your nonsense in here.

Lol. Wow, I was not serious.

Why would Memphis do that?

07-17-2009, 02:16 PM
Can someone explain how Miami could possibly be offering 9 million? Even with no state taxes I find that hard to believe.

Apparantly, that has been reported by one of the Miami papers but it's been shot down already. There is no way Miamican offer that kind of money without the Lakers involved and Buss is on record as saying he won't do that.

So the number are still Miami offering 5.6 mil per year and the Lakers offering 8.1 million (after state tax). 2.5 mil less per year to sign with Miami. Is he trying to convince Buss to do a S&t?

07-17-2009, 02:45 PM
Apparantly, that has been reported by one of the Miami papers but it's been shot down already. There is no way Miamican offer that kind of money without the Lakers involved and Buss is on record as saying he won't do that.

So the number are still Miami offering 5.6 mil per year and the Lakers offering 8.1 million (after state tax). 2.5 mil less per year to sign with Miami. Is he trying to convince Buss to do a S&t?

they cant offer 9 million. what the papers are trying to say is our 9 million with taxes is the same as their 5.8 million without taxes. the thing is i doubt its true. even with taxes the lakers offer still holds more salary per year

ginobili's bald spot
07-17-2009, 02:55 PM
Did you think I was serious that Memphis would do that?

Nice save.

07-17-2009, 02:58 PM
The Lakers will probably get Bryan Colangelo to buy out Chris Bosh's contract and then Bosh will sign with the Lakers for a minimum contract.

That's not Colangelo's style, he'd trade Bosh for Vujacic, Farmar, and Morrison. He's got a thing for cruddy white players.

07-17-2009, 04:11 PM
That's not Colangelo's style, he'd trade Bosh for Vujacic, Farmar, and Morrison. He's got a thing for cruddy white players.

no surprise there if he does that.

Cry Havoc
07-17-2009, 04:13 PM
they cant offer 9 million. what the papers are trying to say is our 9 million with taxes is the same as their 5.8 million without taxes. the thing is i doubt its true. even with taxes the lakers offer still holds more salary per year


You guys just don't get it.

07-17-2009, 05:34 PM

You guys just don't get it.

Odom has been quoted as saying that the Lakers have always treated him fairly and he hopes to work out a deal and he said that AFTER Buss pulled the offer.

I have admitted that there could be other factors besides money that could be involved. Unfortunately everything he says leads me to believe that it is about the money.

You on the other hand seemed to be sure it's not about the money.

What lead you to that conclusion?

Mr. Body
07-17-2009, 05:49 PM
I'm also guessing it's not about the money, but whatever. I'm sure the 'Lakers have always treated me like family' has nothing to do with ensuring the bigger offer is on the table.

Cry Havoc
07-17-2009, 06:33 PM
Odom has been quoted as saying that the Lakers have always treated him fairly and he hopes to work out a deal and he said that AFTER Buss pulled the offer.

I have admitted that there could be other factors besides money that could be involved. Unfortunately everything he says leads me to believe that it is about the money.

You on the other hand seemed to be sure it's not about the money.

What lead you to that conclusion?

If it is about the money, why didn't he sign to L.A.?

You keep saying, "It's all about the money" and in the same post you're confused because L.A. offered him a big contract and he didn't take it.

How can you possibly not see the disconnect of logic there?

07-17-2009, 06:40 PM
for a guy who wants to go back to LA i sure don't see him in any hurry to sign any contract.

07-17-2009, 08:53 PM
Any news on Odom? Come on Laker fans-nothinge???

07-17-2009, 08:55 PM
Waiting on the ink to dry on Odoms four year deal... with us of course.

Not so fast...:lol

Man In Black
07-17-2009, 10:24 PM

Lamar Odom Makes Call To Dr. Jerry Buss

I have learned that Lamar Odom had a phone conversation with Lakers owner Jerry Buss on Thursday. I am told the purpose of the call was to rebuild any bridges that Odom's agent, Jeff Schwartz may have burned by not responding to the Lakers offer of 3-years $30 million, and 4-years for $36 million.

According to reports today, Miami is offering Odom a 5-year package.

You can follow LTV on twitter... twitter.com/ltvonkcal

Cry Havoc
07-17-2009, 11:31 PM
We'll see.

It's going to be funny watching all the Lakers fans who have been giving Odom the finger suddenly shout about how they are unbeatable again if he signs.

07-17-2009, 11:33 PM
peter burns posted on his twitter odom has signed with miami

PeterBurns760 (http://twitter.com/PeterBurns760)Odom signs with Miami. Well, they goes my late May 2010 vacation. Spurs favorites to win West now. Awesome.17 minutes ago (http://twitter.com/PeterBurns760/status/2701380624) from mobile web (http://twitterhelp.blogspot.com/2008/05/twitter-via-mobile-web-mtwittercom.html)

Cry Havoc
07-17-2009, 11:43 PM
peter burns posted on his twitter odom has signed with miami

PeterBurns760 (http://twitter.com/PeterBurns760)Odom signs with Miami. Well, they goes my late May 2010 vacation. Spurs favorites to win West now. Awesome.17 minutes ago (http://twitter.com/PeterBurns760/status/2701380624) from mobile web (http://twitterhelp.blogspot.com/2008/05/twitter-via-mobile-web-mtwittercom.html)

:wow :wow :wow

We need confirmation on this.

07-17-2009, 11:48 PM
If it is about the money, why didn't he sign to L.A.?

You keep saying, "It's all about the money" and in the same post you're confused because L.A. offered him a big contract and he didn't take it.

How can you possibly not see the disconnect of logic there?

Havoc, bud, I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree here.

I say it's about the money and the reason why he's not signing the offered contract is because he's trying to squeeze out a bit more money from Buss and you're saying it's not about the money because he's looking at other factors.

Hey, both of us reached a logical conclusion looking at the same circumstances and I guess that's all right.

Seems like we're both talking past each other so let's just leave it here. :toast

Cry Havoc
07-17-2009, 11:50 PM
Havoc, bud, I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree here.

I say it's about the money and the reason why he's not signing the offered contract is because he's trying to squeeze out a bit more money from Buss and you're saying it's not about the money because he's looking at other factors.

Hey, both of us reached a logical conclusion looking at the same circumstances and I guess that's all right.

Seems like we're both talking past each other so let's just leave it here. :toast

Fair enough. :toast

07-18-2009, 06:30 AM
"The possibility exists that Buss has simply decided that he is no longer amenable to absorbing the luxury-tax implications of even a three-year deal worth Odom"

This is from a Stein piece updated this morning. And does sound very Bussish.

07-18-2009, 06:38 AM
We'll see.

It's going to be funny watching all the Lakers fans who have been giving Odom the finger suddenly shout about how they are unbeatable again if he signs.

Hope you get to laugh, Cry.

07-18-2009, 09:48 AM
If Odom signs with Miami, will the Lakers try to do another trade a la Gasol with their NBDL team Memphis Grizzles?

07-18-2009, 11:42 AM
I apologize if this has been posted already, but I haven't seen it:


Ric Bucher just said on our air that he thinks "the ship has sailed" on Lamar Odom being part of the Lakers. He thinks LA is moving on.

Of course this is one of Bucher's famed opinions, but I thought I'd share nonetheless.

Rich Bucher exageraters quite a bit to grab headlines.

The reality is the Lakers are way over cap and cannot sign any other free agents straight up. If he thinks LA is moving on, I can't see how unless they're just going to ignore the position.

07-18-2009, 11:52 AM
LOL @ 'sources'... these days they seem like assholes... everybody got one.