View Full Version : Official Right Wing Christian Bashing Thread

07-19-2009, 01:22 PM
This forum is starting to get a little repetitious so I figured we could at least liven things up with a little heated debate and the only thing that gets more heated than a political discussion is a religious one...with that in mind...let's get right to it.

I'm ready to hear the Huffington Post Organic Satellite Squad go off on someone in their typical higher intelligence fashion.

Let's see...usually the dialogue goes something along the lines of...


With that in mind...I'd like to nominate the first bashee


Let's face it...Drob is a Jesus freak to the degree that a typical post from Angel Luv makes her seem like Bill Maher in comparison.

I can't remember the last time I heard Drob give a speech without mentionting "Jesus" in it.

Most of his political friends are right wingers.
Thought people should shut the fuck up during the Iraq War while our troops were over there getting shot at. Basically told Steve Nash to shut the fuck up in the media about it.

As evidenced here:

Dallas played San Antonio last week and Spurs center David Robinson, a former Navy officer, didn't like what Nash had to say. He also took exception to Nash's teammate, Nick Van Exel, saying the war initiative gave Americans a bad name.

"I get a little bit upset," Robinson said. "The time for debate is really beforehand. Obviously history will speak on whether this was the right thing or the wrong thing, but right now (the soldiers) are out there. Support'em. There's plenty of time for commentary later. If it's an embarrassment to them, maybe they should be in a different country, because this is America and we're supposed to proud of the guys we elected and put in office."

Now I realize those comments may surprise more than a few of the usual bahers in this forum, since these comments were made long before their current testosterone driven political intelligence set it...back in the days when Sponge Bob was their primary concern in life...but he did indeed make them.

And yes...those comments do automatically brand David Robinson a right winger, because I have been saying the same thing for basically the same amount of time, and it puts me clearly on the right.

Other things to keep in mind as you bash:

Scored 1320 on his SAT, a score that qualifies him for MENSA.
Has a degree in Mathematics from the Naval Academy.
Primary success outside of his NBA career lies in the field of education...

Let's face it, he's probably teaching creationism, I mean after all, he's a Jesus freak.

So let's get to it...you know who you are.


07-19-2009, 01:26 PM
I'll even get you guys started...

David Robinson is an ignorant racist inbred hillbilly backwards ass piece of anti-intellectual white hypocritical trash that's nas dumb as a stump, lives in a trailer park, doesn't believe in dinosaurs and thinks the Earth is only 5000 years old.

Too bad he's not more like Steve Nash.

Viva Las Espuelas
07-19-2009, 02:15 PM
Terry Cummings?

Viva Las Espuelas
07-19-2009, 02:16 PM
I know. I know. What about Roger Staubach?

07-19-2009, 02:18 PM
Every time whottttttt starts one of these self-flagellation threads, it kinda makes me wonder if this post was also his:


07-19-2009, 02:55 PM
Every time whottttttt starts one of these self-flagellation threads, it kinda makes me wonder if this post was also his:


A dynasty troll(and not even one of the good ones) posting fail?

A dynasty troll posting fail? why am I not surprised to find my post at odds with your probably equally trite cliched, and media mandated political sensitivities?

That's actually below my expectations, and I really wasn't expecting much.

You embody the common stupidity of the world today, probably in every aspect of your life, certainly in your choice of troll names, political views and post smack...the incomparable irony is you probably think people that have differing views from yourself are mindless sheep. I mean is there any pop culture group think local or national you aren't a card carrying practitioner of?
I'd like to see some evidence of it if that is true...


07-19-2009, 07:24 PM
I was thinking the other day...

If this world was made for us humans, and humans are thousands of years old...

Why the fuck does 100 degree weather still suck so much. We haven't adapted, or evolved, or made to enjoy it... :bang

07-19-2009, 07:37 PM
I'll even get you guys started...

David Robinson is an ignorant racist inbred hillbilly backwards ass piece of anti-intellectual white hypocritical trash that's nas dumb as a stump, lives in a trailer park, doesn't believe in dinosaurs and thinks the Earth is only 5000 years old.

Too bad he's not more like Steve Nash.

I take exception to your description. David Robinson is not white!

Wild Cobra
07-19-2009, 09:26 PM
Why the fuck does 100 degree weather still suck so much. We haven't adapted, or evolved, or made to enjoy it... :bang
Maybe this will help:

Record low temperatures in 21 states (http://www.iceagenow.com/Record_low_temps_in_21_states-18Jul09.htm)

Global Warming has been over for a few years now.

07-19-2009, 09:28 PM
Scored 1320 on his SAT, a score that qualifies him for MENSA.


MENSA membership qualifications are based upon IQ scores...not high school SAT scores.

07-19-2009, 09:32 PM
Whottt how does that statement make him a righty? :lol

07-19-2009, 09:34 PM
I was thinking the other day...

If this world was made for us humans, and humans are thousands of years old...

Why the fuck does 100 degree weather still suck so much. We haven't adapted, or evolved, or made to enjoy it... :bang

Actually, we've evolved AWAY from it while living in colder climates. Hence why we've lost pigmentation. The darker your skin, the less likely you are to sunburn.

Of course, since we're warmblooded, there's only so much we can do about heat regulation.

07-19-2009, 11:06 PM

MENSA membership qualifications are based upon IQ scores

FYI, SAT's did, from 1974-1994. Like when David Robinson took his. 1250 or over.

Your point?

...not high school SAT scores.

FYI, the SAT is not a highschool test, it's a college prep test and it, and many others like it offered through colleges, not to mention schools at levels from elementary through high school not to mention the military academies, have at various times, served as the IQ scores of which you spoke that qualified people for admission into MENSA.

In closing, David Robinson's 1320 SAT score qualifies him for MENSA membership.

Marcus Bryant
07-19-2009, 11:07 PM

MENSA membership qualifications are based upon IQ scores...not high school SAT scores.

SAT scores are accepted. (http://www.us.mensa.org/Content/AML/NavigationMenu/Join/SubmitTestScores/QualifyingTestScores/QualifyingScores.htm)

07-19-2009, 11:11 PM
Whottt how does that statement make him a righty? :lol

It makes him a chickenhawk, war mongering, oil stealing wingnut.

07-19-2009, 11:42 PM
There's plenty of time for commentary later. If it's an embarrassment to them, maybe they should be in a different country, because this is America and we're supposed to proud of the guys we elected and put in office."


Does that expire after 01/19/09?

07-20-2009, 12:07 AM

Does that expire after 01/19/09?

Probably not. However...

Given Drob's well known love of profanity and lack of patriotism, I'm sure he's thrilled we elected a guy whose minister says goddamn America and who refuses to honor the flag. Probably loves it...after all, the guy we elected is black.

07-20-2009, 08:23 AM
Woot! I can be in Mensa! I scored a 1360 or so.

Extra Stout
07-20-2009, 09:12 AM
I was thinking the other day...

If this world was made for us humans, and humans are thousands of years old...

Why the fuck does 100 degree weather still suck so much. We haven't adapted, or evolved, or made to enjoy it... :bang
Deep thoughts...

Have you ever noticed any correlation between the pigmentation of a person's skin and the climate of the region where his ancestors lived?

Have you ever thought about how the advent of air conditioning has changed settlement patterns drastically in wealthy nations?

Have you ever considered how many more people live in very hot climates than in very cold ones, but how temperate climes seem best of all?

Have you been around enough people from other ethnic backgrounds to notice some generalities in temperature preference?

07-20-2009, 09:29 AM
Now I realize those comments may surprise more than a few of the usual bahers in this forum, since these comments were made long before their current estrogen-driven political intelligence set it...back in the days when Sponge Bob was their primary concern in life...but he did indeed make them.


07-20-2009, 09:32 AM
Woot! I can be in Mensa! I scored a 1360 or so.

Well, the test was changed in 2005 to have a 2400 scale, so I believe you.

07-20-2009, 09:36 AM
Well, the test was changed in 2005 to have a 2400 scale, so I believe you.

Uhm.. I'm 27. I took the test junior year of high school... 1998.

FWIW, I scored a 1480 on the PSAT.

Though, if I were to take the SAT right NOW, I'd be happy to score a 1000. Been out of math too long.

Also got a 99 overall on the asvab. I test well on 'intelligence' tests it seems.

07-20-2009, 09:40 AM
Uhm.. I'm 27. I took the test junior year of high school... 1998.

FWIW, I scored a 1480 on the PSAT.

Though, if I were to take the SAT right NOW, I'd be happy to score a 1000. Been out of math too long.

Also got a 99 overall on the asvab. I test well on 'intelligence' tests it seems.

But you're not a right winger, ignorant racist inbred hillbilly backwards ass piece of anti-intellectual white hypocritical trash that's as dumb as a stump, lives in a trailer park, doesn't believe in dinosaurs and thinks the Earth is only 5000 years old.

Too bad you're more like Steve Nash.

07-20-2009, 09:45 AM
Uhm.. I'm 27. I took the test junior year of high school... 1998.

FWIW, I scored a 1480 on the PSAT.

Though, if I were to take the SAT right NOW, I'd be happy to score a 1000. Been out of math too long.

Also got a 99 overall on the asvab. I test well on 'intelligence' tests it seems.

i got a 99 on the ASVAB as well

Extra Stout
07-20-2009, 09:49 AM
The SAT score ceases to be of import upon enrollment in a university.

After much reflection, I have decided that I am neither right wing nor left wing. I am gizzard.

Also, I am first among sinners.

07-20-2009, 10:19 AM
so this thread started as an attempt to discuss the right wing religious faction and then became about david robinson and then about the war in iraq and then about SAT scores...

i wonder what direction this thread goes next? :lol

07-20-2009, 11:23 AM
But you're not a right winger, ignorant racist inbred hillbilly backwards ass piece of anti-intellectual white hypocritical trash that's as dumb as a stump, lives in a trailer park, doesn't believe in dinosaurs and thinks the Earth is only 5000 years old.

Too bad you're more like Steve Nash.

you're anti-religion, we get it.

07-20-2009, 11:50 AM
you're anti-religion, we get it.

I'm not, but I assume you made up your mind already.

07-20-2009, 01:37 PM
I'm not, but I assume you made up your mind already.

It's a "fairy tale" in your own words.

Perhaps 'anti-christian' would be better? Weird wording though, to call the world's most historically accurate religious writings a fairy tale if you believe in less proven religions.

Maybe you're just a hypocrite.

07-20-2009, 01:55 PM
David Robinson is intelligent and socially conservative. So what?

Honestly, I couldn't care less what David Robinson thinks, says, or does that isn't directly related to basketball and/or the Spurs Organization.

This thread is moronic.

07-20-2009, 02:03 PM
Honestly, I couldn't care less what David Robinson thinks, says, or does that isn't directly related to basketball and/or the Spurs Organization.

Bingo. He's a basketball player. I dont look to athletes or celebrities of any kind for direction in thought or opinion.

Now, I wont say I havent been influenced one way or the other due to listening to music and watching television, but I'd say 99% of the time, whatever a celeb says is just another opinion in a world full of them.

Most of the time, if I find myself agreeing with someone of national report, its only because they share the same opinion as me but they articulate it much better.

07-20-2009, 02:14 PM
It's a "fairy tale" in your own words.

Perhaps 'anti-christian' would be better? Weird wording though, to call the world's most historically accurate religious writings a fairy tale if you believe in less proven religions.

Maybe you're just a hypocrite.

Wrong again. I don't go telling people what they should or shouldn't believe in.
I respect everyone's choice of religion or lack of belief.
I'm not anti-religion, or anti-christian. I simply don't subscribe to any, and that's my choice.
Hypocrites are people like you that claim to be part of a tolerant group but are quick to label other people simply because they don't share your belief.

07-20-2009, 02:56 PM
Woot! I can be in Mensa! I scored a 1360 or so.

Uhm.. I'm 27. I took the test junior year of high school... 1998.

FWIW, I scored a 1480 on the PSAT.

Though, if I were to take the SAT right NOW, I'd be happy to score a 1000. Been out of math too long.

I find that hard to believe given the reading comprehension you are displaying in this thread.

Also got a 99 overall on the asvab. I test well on 'intelligence' tests it seems.

You test incredibly shitty on message boards.

07-20-2009, 03:04 PM
Bingo. He's a basketball player. I dont look to athletes or celebrities of any kind for direction in thought or opinion.

Now, I wont say I havent been influenced one way or the other due to listening to music and watching television, but I'd say 99% of the time, whatever a celeb says is just another opinion in a world full of them.

Most of the time, if I find myself agreeing with someone of national report, its only because they share the same opinion as me but they articulate it much better.

David Robinson is intelligent and socially conservative. So what?

Honestly, I couldn't care less what David Robinson thinks, says, or does that isn't directly related to basketball and/or the Spurs Organization.

This thread is moronic.

No offense but you guys post in perpetual state of denial at a level so stupid you are not even aware of your political views and where they lie on the political spectrum...

Honestly, the Kos satellites are smarter, at least they know what they are.

I specifically omited mediocre asshats with no fucking clue what they are and that contribute nothing interesting or original to any discussion they have ever had...and I did it for a reason.

When you see the thread asking for the best posters at providing posts best used to wipe your ass with, by all means feel free to stumble into thread and post your uninteresting posts...that'll be the time for you two to chime in...often.

07-20-2009, 03:04 PM
I find that hard to believe given the reading comprehension you are displaying in this thread.

Yes, I noticed you posted that the SATs were only used from 1974 to 1994; however, I've never taken a MENSA Intelligence test, so my only point of comparison is SAT scores.

If you want to give me a MENSA-certified IQ test that doesn't cost money, I'll take that too.

As far as reading comprehension, if you had read DarrinS post, he was implying my 1380 was received after they had changed it to a 2400 point format, which I did not. I would think a master of comprehension such as yourself would have understood that.

Of course, I also would have thought that a master of comprehension would not have been so blind as to predict a McCain landslide. But hey, I guess it takes one master of comprehension to know another, right?

07-20-2009, 03:06 PM
No offense but you guys post in perpetual state of denial at a level so stupid you are not even aware of your political views and where they lie on the political spectrum...

Honestly, the Kos satellites are smarter, at least they know what they are.

I specifically omited mediocre asshats with no fucking clue what they are and that contribute nothing interesting or original to any discussion they have ever had...and I did it for a reason.

When you see the thread asking for the best posters at providing posts best used to wipe your ass with, by all means feel free to stumble into thread and post your uninteresting posts...that'll be the time for you two to chime in...often.

Did you not take your afternoon nap today whottt? Maybe you didn't get enough of your bottle to drink?

Do you need a liedown? Maybe a new diaper?

07-20-2009, 03:12 PM
Yes, I noticed you posted that the SATs were only used from 1974 to 1994; however, I've never taken a MENSA Intelligence test, so my only point of comparison is SAT scores.

If you want to give me a MENSA-certified IQ test that doesn't cost money, I'll take that too.

As far as reading comprehension, if you had read DarrinS post, he was implying my 1380 was received after they had changed it to a 2400 point format, which I did not. I would think a master of comprehension such as yourself would have understood that.

Of course, I also would have thought that a master of comprehension would not have been so blind as to predict a McCain landslide. But hey, I guess it takes one master of comprehension to know another, right?

Um...you said this:

Woot! I can be in Mensa! I scored a 1360 or so.

And the answer is no you can't, which was known and covered in this thread prior to your posting.

I don't care how many words you use to say I posted a totally untrue statement, rooted primarily in ignorance.

So no...you cannot be.

07-20-2009, 03:16 PM
Did you not take your afternoon nap today whottt? Maybe you didn't get enough of your bottle to drink?

Do you need a liedown? Maybe a new diaper?

Why are you asking those questions? You are proving yourself stupider by the post.

07-20-2009, 03:22 PM
I don't go telling people what they should or shouldn't believe in.

You belittle them instead, about 1 x 10 ^ 2343 times lower on the scale of douchebaggery. That's pretty low.

Repeat: you're anti-religion, we get it.

Oh, and :ihit your ridiculous rebuttal that i was putting words in your mouth. As a rule of thumb, when discussing a subject often has you come off as a hateful, intolerant shitstain, don't expect tolerance or the benefit of the doubt.

07-20-2009, 03:23 PM
Um...you said this:

And the answer is no you can't, which was known and covered in this thread prior to your posting.

I don't care how many words you use to say I posted a totally untrue statement, rooted primarily in ignorance.

So no...you cannot be.

My goodness. You certainly are anal-retentive today.

Fine, technically speaking, since they cancelled the SAT score in 94, my 1380 would not automatically qualify me for MENSA.


07-20-2009, 03:24 PM
i thought it was whoopty-doo?

07-20-2009, 03:25 PM
If you want to give me a MENSA-certified IQ test that doesn't cost money, I'll take that too.

If you got that SAT score before 1994, then you automatically qualify, provided you pay your annual membership fee to the American branch of Mensa.
I'm sure your wife is thrilled that you will be buddy buddy with Asia Carrera (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asia_Carrera)

07-20-2009, 03:28 PM
You belittle them instead, about 1 x 10 ^ 2343 times lower on the scale of douchebaggery. That's pretty low.

I didn't belittle anybody. I simply said what *I* believe in. Instead, YOU come around belittling ME because of what my belief is.


07-20-2009, 03:31 PM
I didn't belittle anybody. I simply said what *I* believe in. Instead, YOU come around belittling ME because of what my belief is.


If you're so indifferent, why do you call a historically accurate document a "fairy tale?" Either you're a dumbass, a hypocrite, or anti-christianity/religion. Pick one or more.

"But you're not a right winger, ignorant racist inbred hillbilly backwards ass piece of anti-intellectual white hypocritical trash that's as dumb as a stump, lives in a trailer park, doesn't believe in dinosaurs and thinks the Earth is only 5000 years old."

This "joke", along with your 'fairy tale' post in response to well-thought out discourse concerning the historical accuracy of the bible itself, proves without a shadow of doubt your general opinion on the issue at hand.

And correct me if I'm wrong, those two responses are typical of children belittling each other. One is a snide remark which clearly gives away your mischievous intentions, the other is a ridiculous exaggeration which also leaves a plainly inferred point in its wake.

07-20-2009, 03:35 PM
If you got that SAT score before 1994, then you automatically qualify, provided you pay your annual membership fee to the American branch of Mensa.
I'm sure your wife is thrilled that you will be buddy buddy with Asia Carrera (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asia_Carrera)

Nope, took it in 97. They did "recenter" the test in April 1995, but I doubt it was enough to the point where it would drop my '97 score to below 1250 levels.

07-20-2009, 03:35 PM
If you're so indifferent, why do you call a historically accurate document a "fairy tale?" Either you're a dumbass, a hypocrite, or anti-christianity/religion. Pick one.

Did I belittle anybody? Or are you trying to impose your view on others that don't believe the same as you do?
I don't believe the bible is a historically accurate document. That's simply my opinion. You don't have to agree with my belief.
And if you don't respect my belief, well, then fuck you.


07-20-2009, 03:36 PM
lol historically accurate.

07-20-2009, 03:38 PM
"But you're not a right winger, ignorant racist inbred hillbilly backwards ass piece of anti-intellectual white hypocritical trash that's as dumb as a stump, lives in a trailer park, doesn't believe in dinosaurs and thinks the Earth is only 5000 years old."

This "joke", along with your 'fairy tale' post in response to well-thought out discourse concerning the historical accuracy of the bible itself, proves without a shadow of doubt your general opinion on the issue at hand.

Are you following this thread, or you just being dumb??? I sarcastically quoted whottt...

I'll even get you guys started...

David Robinson is an ignorant racist inbred hillbilly backwards ass piece of anti-intellectual white hypocritical trash that's nas dumb as a stump, lives in a trailer park, doesn't believe in dinosaurs and thinks the Earth is only 5000 years old.

Too bad he's not more like Steve Nash.

Keep up before opening your big mouth...

07-20-2009, 03:39 PM
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 9 (9 members and 0 guests)
whottt, baseline bum+, z0sa, ElNono, LnGrrrR, Bartleby, elbamba, Oh, Gee!!, FromWayDowntown+

At last :smokin

Guess who my second bashee is going to be? Hint: he talks funny.

At least now we'll get away from the intellectual dimness of Dark Reign, a Piston Fan, flailing blindly in the dark in one of the biggest shows of sheer stupidity in the history of ST, and LGNNNR surpsassing it...with every post he makes.

07-20-2009, 03:41 PM
Are you following this thread, or you just being dumb??? I quoted whottt...

Keep up before opening your big mouth...

Yeah, I understood his exaggeration since he's not a known God/religion-hater like you are. With you, the intentions are not nearly as discernible.

Maybe if you worked harder on being less of an intolerant prick, one wouldn't be so quick to call you out on it.

BTW, for the many believers of the Bible on this site and world-wde, 'fairy tale' is more than just "belittling". You're purposely trolling or being an ass. Don't deny it now.

07-20-2009, 03:52 PM
Yeah, I understood his exaggeration since he's not a known God/religion-hater like you are. With you, the intentions are not nearly as discernible.

Maybe if you worked harder on being less of an intolerant prick, one wouldn't be so quick to call you out on it.

BTW, for the many believers of the Bible on this site and world-wde, 'fairy tale' is more than just 'belittling'. You're purposely trolling or being an ass. Don't deny it now.

I don't hate God. I don't hate religion. I'm on the record that religion has it's place in society. Maybe for different reasons than yours, but nonetheless just as valid.
This whole anti-religion, anti-christianity bullshit is a creation of your own sick fucking mind.
I don't go around telling anybody what they should believe in, or what they should think about the bible.
What I will do, is speak freely about what I believe. Just as much as the religious people go out there and speak their mind about what they believe in without having to apologize for it.
You don't even know what the word intolerant means.
Unless I agree with your point of view, I'm always going to be anti-religion and anti-christianity in your twisted mind. That is the definition of intolerance.

07-20-2009, 03:53 PM
At last :smokin

Guess who my second bashee is going to be? Hint: he talks funny.

At least now we'll get away from the intellectual dimness of Dark Reign, a Piston Fan, flailing blindly in the dark in one of the biggest shows of sheer stupidity in the history of ST, and LGNNNR surpsassing it...with every post he makes.

Honestly whottt, you're far too humble. I could never surpass the stupidity you displayed for all to see every day leading up to the 2008 elections. That's Hall of Fame caliber stuff, right there.

07-20-2009, 03:56 PM
At last :smokin

Guess who my second bashee is going to be? Hint: he talks funny.

At least now we'll get away from the intellectual dimness of Dark Reign, a Piston Fan, flailing blindly in the dark in one of the biggest shows of sheer stupidity in the history of ST, and LGNNNR surpsassing it...with every post he makes.

Bashee? Or basher?

Bashee would imply that you were going to be bashing Baseline Bum. However, since you bashed myself and DarkReign and Bartleby already, Baseline would technically be the FOURTH bashee.

You know, just trying to keep the reading comprehension at a high level.

07-20-2009, 04:15 PM
Unless I agree with your point of view, I'm always going to be anti-religion and anti-christianity in your twisted mind. That is the definition of intolerance.

More like don't insult my point of view and I don't have a problem. Believe whatever you want, you won't find a single place on this forum where I ever stated my own religious beliefs for that matter.

BTW, one who goes around calling the Bible a fairy tale and half-joking about everyone else's beliefs probably doesn't know what intolerance is, either.

07-20-2009, 04:31 PM
Well, we all have a bar to reach for. Some just have shorter arms and more rotund stomachs making it difficult to overcome gravity.

I thought you were older than the ADD generation, whotttness?

Extra Stout
07-20-2009, 04:42 PM
The last thing that can be said of a lunatic is that his actions are causeless. If any human acts may loosely be called causeless; they are the minor acts of a healthy man; whistling as he walks; slashing the grass with a stick…It is the happy man who does the useless things; the sick man is not strong enough to be idle. It is exactly such careless and causeless actions that the madman could never understand; for the madman…generally sees too much cause in everything. The madman would read a conspiratorial significance into those empty activities. He would think that the lopping of the grass was an attack on private property. He would think that the kicking of the heels was a signal to an accomplice. If the madman could for an instant become careless, he would become sane. Everyone who has had the misfortune to talk with people in the heart or on the edge of mental disorder, knows that their most sinister quality is a horrible clarity of detail; a connecting of one thing with another in a map more elaborate than a maze. If you argue with a madman, it is extremely probable that you will get the worst of it; for in many ways his mind moves all the quicker for not being delayed by the things that go with good judgment. He is not hampered by a sense of humor or by charity, or by the dumb certainties of experience. He is the more logical for losing sane affections. Indeed, the common phrase for insanity is in this respect a misleading one. The madman is not the man who has lost his reason. The madman is the man who has lost everything except his reason.

07-20-2009, 04:50 PM
Thats an awesome quote. Apt, too.

07-20-2009, 04:53 PM
More like don't insult my point of view and I don't have a problem. Believe whatever you want, you won't find a single place on this forum where I ever stated my own religious beliefs for that matter.

So, how could I purposely insult your point of view since I don't even know what your point of view is? You even admit you haven't said what it is.
That said, you DID state you believe the bible to be a historically accurate document, and I don't agree with that point of view, and stated what my point of view is. Hardly an insult to you or your beliefs.

BTW, one who goes around calling the Bible a fairy tale and half-joking about everyone else's beliefs probably doesn't know what intolerance is, either.

Excuse me, but you are the one that came out of the left field making baseless accusations and telling me what I should believe the bible to be while I was replying with a joke to a self admitted agnostic.
You are all worked up because *I* don't respect your god or your bible, and you automatically assumed that I also don't respect those that do believe in your god and your bible. That's simply not true. But you had to pass judgement anyways, because you're an intolerant hypocrite.

07-20-2009, 04:58 PM
michigan is a shithole because of people like you.

07-20-2009, 05:10 PM
So, how could I purposely insult your point of view since I don't even know what your point of view is?

What is intolerance? Disregarding everyone's point of view except yours. I never said you "purposely" insulted my specific point of view, I said you are anti-religion. You're the one who's trying to deny your remarks were ever snide.

That said, you DID state you believe the bible to be a historically accurate document,

I implied it, yes. Except for the angry non-believers, most agree that if you omit the religious incantations, you have a surprisingly accurate historical document.

and I don't agree with that point of view,

Then your grip on the facts is less than stellar.

and stated what my point of view is.

By calling it a fairy tale, with no other explanation until multiple posters called you out on it.

Hardly an insult to you or your beliefs.

True that its not much an insult, though it be one. How does that change the idea that one is an anti-religious poster?

Excuse me, but you are the one that came out of the left field

Clearly not the case, I rarely read your comments but yeah, broad insults about religions hit home with believers. Hence the trolling/you're being an ass comment I made to you.

making baseless accusations and telling me what I should believe the bible to be

Fairy tale does not accurately describe the Bible .. which means the facts don't go along with your story. Regardless of whether or not you believe its a fairy tale, those who study it and other ancient documents have found it to be historically accurate in a broad range of different cases.

while I was replying with a joke to a self admitted agnostic.

I guess you could call it a political joke. It still reveals much about your position on the issue when combined with your other posts ...

You are all worked up


because *I* don't respect your god or your bible,

So you are anti-religion? Or you generally disrespect ideals while still supporting them?

and you automatically assumed

There is some that I presume, based off your others posts. 'Tis only Human nature.

that I also don't respect those that do believe in your god and your bible.

Which God? My Bible? You don't know my beliefs, so don' act like you do.

Second, you've been disrespectful before.

simply not true. But you had to pass judgement anyways, because you're an intolerant hypocrite.

Can you name off what exactly I'm intolerant of? I made no such general specifications about you - I clearly denoted exactly what you are intolerant of, religion as a whole. And like I said earlier, I presume judgment, not pass it, based off your previous posts. Your beliefs are of little concern to me. It is your seemingly incessant anti-religious attitude which got you labeled.

07-20-2009, 05:43 PM
What is intolerance? Disregarding everyone's point of view except yours.I never said you "purposely" insulted my specific point of view, I said you are anti-religion. You're the one who's trying to deny your remarks were ever snide.

See, you STILL DON'T KNOW what the word intolerance means.
Go grab a dictionary and come back once you figure out what it is.

And you did say I insulted your point of view and implied I was doing it on purpose:

More like don't insult my point of view and I don't have a problem.

No need to backpedal now. And if I would be anti-religion, why the fuck would I ever want to deny my comments were snide?????

I implied it, yes. Except for the angry non-believers, most agree that if you omit the religious incantations, you have a surprisingly accurate historical document.

I'm not an angry non-believer and I'm not 'most' of everyone else. Can you actually accept that? Does it fit in your head I fall in that category?

Then your grip on the facts is less than stellar.

I disagree. Then again, I respect your opinion.

By calling it a fairy tale, with no other explanation until multiple posters called you out on it.

What other explanation do I need? I said I believe it to be a fairly tale. Anything else I should add? Does it bother you what my beliefs are, or that I express them freely?

True that its not much an insult, though it be one. How does that change the idea that one is an anti-religious poster?

I see an anti-religious poster as one that preaches his lack of belief in God to other posters. I do none of that. Do I tell you that you're a religious zealot? I don't. Because I have no interest to know or a problem with what your beliefs are.

Clearly not the case, I rarely read your comments but yeah, broad insults about religions hit home with believers. Hence the trolling/you're being an ass comment I made to you.

Well, you did reply to a post I made to another poster. That's CLEARLY the case. And it was no insult, simply a joke that you're too prideful to admit flew right over your head.

Fairy tale does not accurately describe the Bible .. which means the facts don't go along with your story. Regardless of whether or not you believe its a fairy tale, those who study it and other ancient documents have found it to be historically accurate in a broad range of different cases.

Opinion. Respectable, but opinion nonetheless. I don't agree with your view at all.

I guess you could call it a political joke. It still reveals much about your position on the issue when combined with your other posts ...

It was a joke. The guy I was replying to got it. You didn't. Move on.

So you are anti-religion? Or you generally disrespect ideals while still supporting them?

I respect other people's choice to believe whatever they want to believe in.

There is some that I presume, based off your others posts. 'Tis only Human nature.

You presume to know what other people think. Gotcha.

Which God? My Bible? You don't know my beliefs, so don' act like you do.

But you did just tell me:

Clearly not the case, I rarely read your comments but yeah, broad insults about religions hit home with believers. Hence the trolling/you're being an ass comment I made to you.

Can you name off what exactly I'm intolerant of? I made no such general specifications about you - I clearly denoted exactly what you are intolerant of, religion as a whole. And like I said earlier, I presume judgment, not pass it, based off your previous posts. Your beliefs are of little concern to me. It is your seemingly incessant anti-religious attitude which got you labeled.

in⋅tol⋅er⋅ance  [in-tol-er-uhns] Show IPA
1. lack of toleration; unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect contrary opinions or beliefs, persons of different races or backgrounds, etc.

LINK (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/intolerance)

You don't tolerate my belief of the bible being a fairly tale, because it's contrary to your beliefs. You don't respect my belief either. You, sir, are an intolerant d-bag.

07-20-2009, 05:46 PM
Fairy tale does not accurately describe the Bible .. which means the facts don't go along with your story. Regardless of whether or not you believe its a fairy tale, those who study it and other ancient documents have found it to be historically accurate in a broad range of different cases.

Calling the Bible a fairy tale, especially in the context you did (after Extra_Stout related much interesting info about its history), qualifies as a broad insult to any religion considering the historical accuracies of the Bible.

In other words, its clearly inferred you think all holy articles are fairy tales since the most well-preserved of them all is in that category.

You're not a 3rd grader. Stop playing stupid and admit you're being a facetious dick. we're not that different, after all.

07-20-2009, 05:54 PM
Calling the Bible a fairy tale, especially in the context you did (after Extra_Stout related much interesting info about its history), qualifies as a broad insult to any religion considering the historical accuracies of the Bible.

In other words, its clearly inferred you think all holy articles are fairy tales since the most well-preserved of them all is in that category.

You're not a 3rd grader. Stop playing stupid and admit you're being a facetious dick. we're not all that different, after all.

We get it, you're an intolerant prick.

07-20-2009, 06:18 PM
See, you STILL DON'T KNOW what the word intolerance means.
Go grab a dictionary and come back once you figure out what it is.

That is the exact definition, in laman terms.

And you did say I insulted your point of view and implied I was doing it on purpose:

It was a minor insult, like i related, but a broad one - you didn't specifically attack mine. Everything one does is on purpose, the "joy" of being human.

And if I would be anti-religion, why the fuck would I ever want to deny my comments were snide?????

because you're being facetious, or just don't want appear that way. I'm not overly concerned with the reasoning behind WHY you don't believe and hate the system others adopted, just like you aren't concerned with the WHYs behind my computer screen.

I'm not an angry non-believer and I'm not 'most' of everyone else. Can you actually accept that? Does it fit in your head I fall in that category?

I left that opening there to see if you'd take that route, which you sadly did. This implies I created an option where you had none. Since I must clarify, by 'most' I meant those who know what the hell they're talking about. Since you profess you're no expert or even have a passing interest on the Bible, step aside from judging its historicity.

I disagree. Then again, I respect your opinion.

I appreciate that. Its mutual, which is why i called you out. I generally believe everything you have to say, so when you call the bible a fairy tale, I concluded you have some plausible reasoning.

What other explanation do I need?

The sky will be red tomorrow. What? You want to me to do some explaining to the meteorologists? I can't just unequivocally state my opinion as fact and take offense when others call me hateful or ignorant for it?


I said I believe it to be a fairly tale.

See above.

Anything else I should add? Does it bother you what my beliefs are, or that I express them freely?

No, they don't bother me, though I would be lying if I said I didn't come here to hear what others have to say.

I see an anti-religious poster as one that preaches his lack of belief in God to other posters. I do none of that.

Well, calling the basis of religion, our articles which were passed down for many generations, as 'fairy tale', is anti-religious. Doing so without even so much as an explanation during a Bible authenticity thread, is REALLY anti-religious. My opinion, obviously as all this has been.

Do I tell you that you're a religious zealot? I don't.

Religious zealot and anti-religious zealot are not polar opposites.

Well, you did reply to a post I made to another poster. That's CLEARLY the case. And it was no insult, simply a joke that you're too prideful to admit flew right over your head.

Considering I would not understand the context you used it in, and still really don't because I don't pay much attention to any forum section below the top2, no I am not being too prideful.

Opinion. Respectable, but opinion nonetheless. I don't agree with your view at all.

Then it is not merely opinion to state you are ignorant to all the facts. The Bible is an authentic historical document whether you choose to accept it or not.

BTW, the many non-Christian/Jewish historians and scientists who have studied the Bible's authenticity for decades would probably laugh you out of their sight. Just saying. The educated populace (that 'most' I was speaking of earlier) doesn't just disregard facts for no reason other than they were in the Bible or some other religious document.

It was a joke. The guy I was replying to got it. You didn't. Move on.

But we are in the christian/right wing thread, are we not? Then the comment was perfectly placed.

I respect other people's choice to believe whatever they want to believe in.

I disagree, which is why i made the comment in the first place.

You presume to know what other people think. Gotcha.

Prediction: humanity's greatest ability. We all do it, all day, at least those of us who want results.

in⋅tol⋅er⋅ance  [in-tol-er-uhns] Show IPA
1. lack of toleration; unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect contrary opinions or beliefs, persons of different races or backgrounds, etc.

LINK (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/intolerance)

I'm unaware where my definition did not coincide with this one.

07-20-2009, 08:10 PM
That is the exact definition, in laman terms.

Your definition:
Disregarding everyone's point of view except yours

The actual definition:
unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect contrary opinions or beliefs

You still don't see the difference? I'm not a 3rd grader, are you?

More like don't insult my point of view and I don't have a problem

I never said you "purposely" insulted my specific point of view

It was a minor insult, like i related, but a broad one - you didn't specifically attack mine. Everything one does is on purpose, the "joy" of being human.

Make up your mind.

because you're being facetious, or just don't want appear that way. I'm not overly concerned with the reasoning behind WHY you don't believe and hate the system others adopted, just like you aren't concerned with the WHYs behind my computer screen.

I don't hate the system, but all I can do is state it clearly, which I believe I've done numerous times already. So, wether you believe what I say or not is really irrelevant.

I left that opening there to see if you'd take that route, which you sadly did. This implies I created an option where you had none. Since I must clarify, by 'most' I meant those who know what the hell they're talking about. Since you profess you're no expert or even have a passing interest on the Bible, step aside from judging its historicity.

Link... Quote?
This is wrong on many levels. First of all, you're correct in that I don't claim to be an expert. However, you have absolutely ZERO clue of my religious past. If you would actually do a search, I think I posted that a while back.
And I do have a passing interest on it. I find interesting the actual history of the text, and stated so in Extra Stout's post.
Last, but not least, even if I didn't have a clue of what I was talking about, you're free to tell me you disagree, but you're certainly unable to stop me from expressing my opinion. Does that bother you? Tell us how you really feel...

I appreciate that. Its mutual, which is why i called you out. I generally believe everything you have to say, so when you call the bible a fairy tale, I concluded you have some plausible reasoning.

I already explained why I believe it's a fairy tale. Obviously not to your satisfaction, but that's certainly not my problem now, is it?

The sky will be red tomorrow. What? You want to me to do some explaining to the meteorologists? I can't just unequivocally state my opinion as fact and take offense when others call me hateful or ignorant for it?


Did I state my belief was a fact? Link? Quote?

Well, calling the basis of religion, our articles which were passed down for many generations, as 'fairy tale', is anti-religious. Doing so without even so much as an explanation during a Bible authenticity thread, is REALLY anti-religious. My opinion, obviously as all this has been.

Certainly your opinion, which I disagree with.
Furthermore, the concept of religion predates your scriptures. You need to read more.

Considering I would not understand the context you used it in, and still really don't because I don't pay much attention to any forum section below the top2, no I am not being too prideful.

It went over your head. I'm moving on.

Then it is not merely opinion to state you are ignorant to all the facts.

It's entirely an opinion, because you don't know at all whatsoever what my religious background is.

The Bible is an authentic historical document whether you choose to accept it or not.

There you go preaching opinion as fact again.

BTW, the many non-Christian/Jewish historians and scientists who have studied the Bible's authenticity for decades would probably laugh you out of their sight. Just saying. The educated populace (that 'most' I was speaking of earlier) doesn't just disregard facts for no reason other than they were in the Bible or some other religious document.

I was educated in religion. I don't think it's a entirely historically accurate document. It's my opinion, and it is shared by many other people. We might not be the majority, but I don't really care.

Prediction: humanity's greatest ability. We all do it, all day, at least those of us who want results.

Presume and Predict are two different words, with different meanings. We really need to get you a dictionary.

07-20-2009, 08:49 PM
I never said its an entirelyhistorical document. You have to sever the religious aspects from it.

We're only butting heads, I won't go on.

07-20-2009, 09:00 PM
I was wondering when you'd give up z0sa. Doesn't the Bible say something about charity or whatnot? :D Just accept that you can't change some people. ;)

07-20-2009, 09:15 PM
I never said its an entirelyhistorical document. You have to sever the religious aspects from it.

Well, if you sever the religious aspects, then my opinion is that it wouldn't have had anywhere near the same impact it historically had. I already went over this in the other thread.

We're only butting heads, I won't go on.

Fair enough. Listen, my parents are churchgoers, and I know religion works for them. I respect their beliefs, because it's what makes them happy. I was raised a roman catholic, had baptism, communion and confirmation. I used to go to church every Sunday. I attended catechism for years. Does it makes me an expert on religion or the bible? No. But it did give me enough of a background of what all that was about.
I took a different path for a number of different reasons, which are beyond this thread, some of which I touched on some other threads when this subject came around.
I'm a happy individual that way. It's what works for me. :toast

Marcus Bryant
07-20-2009, 09:56 PM
"Tolerance" means accepting accepting that another has a right to live their life as they see fit and express whatever opinions they like, so far as you don't have to accept the right to express anything which could be construed as Christian, capitalist, individualistic, or patriotic.

07-20-2009, 11:58 PM
Bashee? Or basher?

Bashee, as in the second name mentioned by myself to be bashed by religious bigots for being a Right Wing Christian in the "Official Right Wing Christian Bashing Thread"...with David Robinson being the first.

See how fucking stupid you are?

Seriously dude get off the internet and go find something that is the right speed for you like a Big Chief Notebook.

Bashee would imply that you were going to be bashing Baseline Bum.
It implies nothing of the kind....you are just fucking stupid.

However, since you bashed myself and DarkReign and Bartleby already, Baseline would technically be the FOURTH bashee.

No, even according to your own fucked logic, baseline bum would be the 5th.

You left out Bush Dynasty.

Nice job Einstein.

You know, just trying to keep the reading comprehension at a high level.

By all means, keep trying. Please.

07-21-2009, 12:18 AM
"Tolerance" means accepting accepting that another has a right to live their life as they see fit and express whatever opinions they like, so far as you don't have to accept the right to express anything which could be construed as Christian, capitalist, individualistic, or patriotic.An MB original? No cribbing? :wow

07-21-2009, 12:23 AM
...whatever opinions they like, so far as you don't have to accept the right to express anything which could be construed as Christian, capitalist, individualistic, or patriotic.I would add the proviso:

but only so long as it is expedient *not* to express these. The instant it does becomes politically expedient to seize one of these themes, the participation is practically instantaneous.

07-21-2009, 12:31 AM
Well, we all have a bar to reach for. Some just have shorter arms and more rotund stomachs making it difficult to overcome gravity.*Try* sometimes clutches the bar successfully. :lol

I thought you were older than the ADD generation, whotttness?This locution (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/locution) is wh23-approved.

07-21-2009, 01:33 AM
for in many ways his mind moves all the quicker for not being delayed by the things that go with good judgment

"Echols one time told me that tryin' to get the best of a wolf is like tryin' to get the best of a kid. It ain't that they're smarter. It's just that they ain't got all that much else to think about."

07-21-2009, 01:40 AM
"There is no such joy in the tavern as upon the road thereto."

07-21-2009, 02:51 AM
Having a good time are we whinehole?

07-21-2009, 02:56 AM
Eh, I drove everyone away. How much fun can it be?

07-21-2009, 03:15 AM

I like that a lot. Was it intended for me? It's quite flattering actually even if not all that accurate.

It's not that I don't have a sense of humor BTW, indeed I do, what I don't have is a desire to play for the crowd. This thread is quite hilarious, not only because of those that elected to respond in the various ways they did...that alone says a great deal about them for one thing, honestly, it's like yelling fag at a group of people and watching the reactions, such a simple thing can reveal someting about every individual in that crowd, most especially the fags. But what really makes this thread is those that failed to respond..causeless indeed. Which is pretty much every intended target. Their ass was kicked in the first post of this thread, and they know it. Just because you might be lost on the purpose doesn't mean there isn't one.

Meanwhile, you seem to have found quite a fan in the Piston Fan that is scratching his head over my mention of David Robinson....just doesn't quite seem to get the signifcance, that one there.

Props. :tu

The retards have pretty much been put in their place...with the exception of El Nono, who by actually attempting to utilize this thread to explain his religious beliefs has not only surpassed all previous levels of stupidty known to man, but discovered several new ones in the process. I mean holy shit. I am amazed.

Anyway, nothing causeless about it. You'll get my purpose if I intend for you to, if not meant for you to get the fact that you don't doesn't mean there wasn't one.

Quite simply, to understand my perspective you'd have to get into as many arguments as I do with as many different people(everyone) and since no one else does....

07-21-2009, 07:04 AM
Eh, I drove everyone away. How much fun can it be?

Not me. I'm still waiting for my drink :drunk

07-21-2009, 07:05 AM
I thought you were older than the ADD generation, whotttness?

Most definitely a member of the Internet Tourette generation.

07-21-2009, 07:21 AM
I love the cock!

Ah, thanks for the clarification.

07-21-2009, 09:46 AM
Meanwhile, you seem to have found quite a fan in the Piston Fan that is scratching his head over my mention of David Robinson....just doesn't quite seem to get the signifcance, that one there.

You have no point, you have no motive, you are not clandestine and your thread required no response, save for the always interesting bit of self-fellating you perform for the rest to see. But this requires group participation, so I am happy to oblige you in your quest for relevance in e-life, since it does seem to mean so much to you.

Its funny now, when at a time it wasnt, that you constantly believe you have a point. That you have a lesson to be taught. You might, you might not, personally, I dont give shit. You are ST's divine comedy, minus the linguistic flexibility of an author.

You can self-declare victory in every maniacal post you make, or that your lesson was so above the audience it wasnt even worth your precious time, thats fine...I personally enjoy reading your work here, even if its directed at me, I still laugh with the same vigor.

How else to deal with a meglomaniac who actually thinks he knows better?

Now, meet in person, that'd be different. But for now, youre just whottt with three t's, a thuggish avatar and one helluva superiorty complex. You rank in your world, in your mind and your purpose-driven habits of extending that relevance to others is always a source of great amusement.

Even if I were to not be "in" on the joke, when it comes to you, I wouldnt care.

07-21-2009, 10:03 AM
Even if I were to not be "in" on the joke, when it comes to you, I wouldnt care.

To be fair DR, you can't be in on the joke when the joke is whottt himself.

Oh, Gee!!
07-21-2009, 01:39 PM

he was hakeem's b*tch

baseline bum
07-21-2009, 01:55 PM
Congrats, whott :tu


cool cat
07-21-2009, 02:50 PM
*passes you a hotdog on a stick*

"The smokes got a good flavor as well"

*cooks one over the flames*

07-21-2009, 04:41 PM
You have no point, you have no motive, you are not clandestine and your thread required no response, save for the always interesting bit of self-fellating you perform for the rest to see. But this requires group participation, so I am happy to oblige you in your quest for relevance in e-life, since it does seem to mean so much to you.

Its funny now, when at a time it wasnt, that you constantly believe you have a point. That you have a lesson to be taught. You might, you might not, personally, I dont give shit. You are ST's divine comedy, minus the linguistic flexibility of an author.

You can self-declare victory in every maniacal post you make, or that your lesson was so above the audience it wasnt even worth your precious time, thats fine...I personally enjoy reading your work here, even if its directed at me, I still laugh with the same vigor.

How else to deal with a meglomaniac who actually thinks he knows better?

Now, meet in person, that'd be different. But for now, youre just whottt with three t's, a thuggish avatar and one helluva superiorty complex. You rank in your world, in your mind and your purpose-driven habits of extending that relevance to others is always a source of great amusement.

Said the 2 stroke to the Jag.

Even if I were to not be "in" on the joke, when it comes to you, I wouldnt care.

Yet here you are...asking stupid questions and being reduced to an even sorrier state.

07-21-2009, 06:10 PM
Said the 2 stroke to the Jag.

Yet here you are...asking stupid questions and being reduced to an even sorrier state.

Couldnt have summarized your self-ingratiation any better. Thanks, whotttness.

You win by "trolling" me. Only, once again, youre the one declaring your own victory.

Youre hilarious. Keep going. If you think my ST-cred means jack shit on a stick to me, or that youre somehow influencing it with this worthless exchange, you'd continue to be an ignorant moron.

Your turn.

07-21-2009, 07:10 PM
I haven't read the thread.. but David is as close to sacrosanct as it gets, even if it is in jest.

David was getting shots in his back to stave off crippling pain so he could win another championship. What did Jesus ever do? Pfffft.

D-Rob >>> Jesus

07-21-2009, 07:13 PM
Couldnt have summarized your self-ingratiation any better. Thanks, whotttness.

You win by "trolling" me. Only, once again, youre the one declaring your own victory.

Youre hilarious. Keep going. If you think my ST-cred means jack shit on a stick to me, or that youre somehow influencing it with this worthless exchange, you'd continue to be an ignorant moron.

Your turn.

What's your next trick, go into the Spurs forum and ask why there are so many Spurs fans in there?

Walk into a party you aren't invited too and ask why they threw you a party, then politely decline to party with people you don't know?

I mean that is the level of stupidty you brought into this thread...so when I call you a stupid fucking idiot, it is an accurate assessment based on your reactions in this thread VS my intent in starting it...you do not have any clue who my targets with this post were, yet here you are, stupidly participating in it.

Sorry, it's not merely trading insults. I am accurate when labeling you a fucking moron, you are merely name calling when you do it to me.

So tell me slick...what was your cause in this thread?

I know exaxctly what kind of fucking idiot you are...you're the type that goes to James Bond movies and critiques the plot, just not quite getting the appeal.

07-21-2009, 08:26 PM
What's your next trick, go into the Spurs forum and ask why there are so many Spurs fans in there?

Walk into a party you aren't invited too and ask why they threw you a party, then politely decline to party with people you don't know?

I mean that is the level of stupidty you brought into this thread...so when I call you a stupid fucking idiot, it is an accurate assessment based on your reactions in this thread VS my intent in starting it...you do not have any clue who my targets with this post were, yet here you are, stupidly participating in it.

Sorry, it's not merely trading insults. I am accurate when labeling you a fucking moron, you are merely name calling when you do it to me.

Did you...?

Wait...did you just stomp your Texas feet all over this place in an attempt to discredit my presence here?


I mean, Ive seen some lame fucking attempts at shit-smack, but you my friend are reaching, or you just blew your load early with this imagined trump card of an argument.

So tell me slick...what was your cause in this thread?

Here was my intention, in summary...

Bingo. He's a basketball player. I dont look to athletes or celebrities of any kind for direction in thought or opinion.

Now, I wont say I havent been influenced one way or the other due to listening to music and watching television, but I'd say 99% of the time, whatever a celeb says is just another opinion in a world full of them.

Most of the time, if I find myself agreeing with someone of national report, its only because they share the same opinion as me but they articulate it much better.

...that was it.

You mentioned me, by name, like an ass. You started a thread. I made my comment with no ill intention or insuation against you or David Robinson (as ridiculous as that is to even type).

Here is your response to my above post/comment.

No offense but you guys post in perpetual state of denial at a level so stupid you are not even aware of your political views and where they lie on the political spectrum...

Honestly, the Kos satellites are smarter, at least they know what they are.

I specifically omited mediocre asshats with no fucking clue what they are and that contribute nothing interesting or original to any discussion they have ever had...and I did it for a reason.

When you see the thread asking for the best posters at providing posts best used to wipe your ass with, by all means feel free to stumble into thread and post your uninteresting posts...that'll be the time for you two to chime in...often.

Youre a pathetic e-bully, whottt. Plain and simple. A person who gets his kicks from pissing people off on the internet. Now, you may be a nice guy in real life. But you damn well know you wouldnt dare speak to another person at the office like that. Not a fucking chance.

I can say this again and again and again....

It doesnt work on me. Youre pathetic. I respond to your posts because I have some-odd thousand posts on this site. I think its obvious we could both take time out our busy posting schedules for something as trivial as this little bullshit youre pulling here.

Youre an e-bully. Youre also 40+ years old. You get some twisted sense of enjoyment from this...act you portray here. I understand this site is whottt-in-real-life's little abortive personality disorder, but its hilarious to those that understand that about you. Yes, even your weak-ass regional smack can be semi-entertaining.

Because the real joke here is, you actually get a rise out of this.

I know exaxctly what kind of fucking idiot you are...you're the type that goes to James Bond movies and critiques the plot, just not quite getting the appeal

I have a firend of mine who Ive known for 25+ years. His name is Marcus. He made the worst analogies you could imagine. I mean...dumb shit.

Youve bested his worst.

07-21-2009, 08:39 PM
What I find hilarious is that, in a thread where he nearly begs liberals to bash David Robinson, he ends up bashing the most people by far.

07-21-2009, 09:06 PM
Did ---snip

You're ugly when you're mad.

Unless you take a more civil tone I'm not much inclined to discuss this further with you.

Dick face.

07-21-2009, 09:13 PM
What I find hilarious is that, in a thread where he nearly begs liberals to bash David Robinson,
You are truly stupid.

he ends up bashing the most people by far.

Imagine that.

07-22-2009, 08:39 AM

You're ugly when you're mad.

Unless you take a more civil tone I'm not much inclined to discuss this further with you.

I am seriously not mad. Seriously.

Dick face.

No, no, no...thats the other guy's troll...pussyface iirc.