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07-31-2009, 12:20 PM
Euro-2009/repêchages - Parker rappelé aux USA "par texto à 21h15" jeudi

PARIS, 31 juil 2009 (AFP) Le directeur sportif de l'équipe de France de basket, Patrick Beesley, a raconté vendredi comment Tony Parker, victime d'une entorse à la cheville, avait été sommé la veille au soir par San Antonio de rentrer aux Etats-Unis afin de se soumettre à des examens complémentaires.

"A la mi-temps du match face à la Hongrie (jeudi vers 21h15), le téléphone de Tony a sonné. Il a été interpellé par texto par son président, monsieur (Peter) Holt, qui lui dit: départ demain matin de Paris par l'avion de 9h25 pour Houston. Tony me met au courant. La pression montait depuis plusieurs jours mais on ne s'attendait pas à ça."

"Je propose à Tony de tranquilliser la situation en disant au président qu'il allait faire l'impasse sur le premier match (des repêchages à l'Euro-2009 face à l'Italie mercredi) et peut-être le second. Tony rappelle mais il se fait recadrer par Holt qui lui dit: c'est l'avion demain à 9h25 et le billet est sur ton portable."

"On retourne alors à l'hôtel vers 23h00, on fait le débriefing avec Tony et on prend la décision de céder à la pression. On décide de le faire accompagner par notre ostéopathe Fabrice Gauthier pour ne pas perdre de temps dans le processus de reconstruction et aussi pour défendre notre dossier."


"On a tout fait"


"La date de retour nous est à ce jour inconnue. Hier soir, on n'a abordé que le sujet de son départ, pas celui du retour. Aujourd'hui, on ne sait pas quand il reviendra."

"C'est incompréhensible. Les Spurs émettent des exigences depuis vendredi dernier (lorsque Parker s'est blessé à Strasbourg). On les a toutes respectées à la lettre. On n'a rien à se reprocher. On lui a fait passer des examens à Strasbourg, des examens complémentaire à Paris, il a vu un spécialiste demandé par les Spurs eux-mêmes. On a tout fait."

"Ils remettent clairement en question les interprétations de notre staff médical, même s'ils ont les clichés (radio). Ils en ont reçu près de 300 clichés. On a respecté toutes les procédures et tous les experts consultés ont confirmé le premier diagnostic, celui d'une entorse bénigne."

Tony est en colère »© panoramic

Mélanie PONTET

vendredi 31 juillet 2009 - 18h51
Tôt ce vendredi matin, Parker s'est envolé pour les Etats-Unis pour mesurer l'évolution de son entorse à la cheville avec son staff. Un coup dur pour les Bleus qui ne savent même pas si leur meneur et leader sera de retour. Explications l'entraîneur avec Vincent Collet et le manager général, Patrick Beesley.
Le scénario improbable
Patrick Beesley : « A la mi-temps, Tony a reçu un appel du président des Spurs qui lui a dit : « Ton avion est à 9h25 demain direction Houston ». Pour les tranquilliser, il a alors proposé de faire l'impasse sur le premier match en Italie pour essayer de calmer les choses. Tony a essayé mais le président l'a rappelé pour lui dire : « Départ 9h25, le billet est sur ton portable ». En rentrant à l'hôtel, on a décidé de céder à la pression et de le laisser partir avec Fabrice Gauthier, l'ostéopathe de l'équipe de France pour ne pas perdre du temps dans le processus de reconstruction. Seul le sujet du départ a bien entendu été évoqué, on ne sait strictement rien sur un éventuel retour. La pression montait depuis plusieurs jours mais il ne s'attendait pas à ça.»

L'état de la blessure de Tony Parker
Patrick Beesley : « Jeudi, il avait fait des tirs et ses premières courses. Il suivait l'évolution normale d'une entorse bénigne. Depuis qu'il avait contracté cette entorse vendredi soir, les Spurs émettent des exigences qu'on a toutes appliquées : examen à Strasbourg, examen à Paris, rencontre avec un spécialiste qu'ils ont eux même choisi… Tout a été respecté. Ils ne pouvaient plus rien demander de plus. La seule chose, c'était de le faire revenir. Ils remettent en cause les interprétations de notre corps médical alors qu'ils ont reçu pratiquement 300 clichés de sa cheville. »

« Ca a été chaud entre Tony et le président»

L'état d'esprit de Parker
Patrick Beesley : « Tony a employé hier (Ndlr : jeudi) le mot insulte à la médecine française. On a toujours dit qu'on ne prendrait aucun risque et que s'il n'était pas prêt pour l'Italie, il ne jouerait pas. J'ai entendu les propos que Tony a échangés avec le président et je peux vous dire que ça a été chaud dans les termes qui ont été employés. Il est parti en colère et je pense qu'il va leur dire ce qu'il pense de la situation mais est-ce que ça suffira ? »

La suite ?
Vincent Collet : « Quoiqu'il arrive, cela nous parait très compliqué de voir Tony sur le parquet contre l'Italie. Tony disait que si tout s'arrangeait, il reprendrait un avion dimanche mais même si c'est le cas, il y a quand même la récupération de la blessure, le voyage. De toute façon, on n'envisageait pas de le faire jouer plus de 30 minutes. Après cet arrêt, ce n'était pas possible. Là, c'est encore une autre situation, pour l'instant, on ne l'a plus. »

Après le cas Noah, l'imbroglio Parker
Vincent Collet : « C'est l'histoire de l'équipe de France depuis de nombreuses saisons. C'est plus visible chez nous parce qu'on a davantage de joueurs NBA mais il y a ce genre de problèmes tout le temps. Ce n'est pas nouveau. »

« On a tout fait...»

Le cas de non-retour des franchises NBA
Patrick Beesley : « Ce qui nous déçoit, c'est que par rapport au passé, on a tout fait pour que cela se passe bien… Le rapprochement, la communication des staffs, on a respecté plus qu'à la lettre tout ce qu'ils demandaient. C'est blessant de voir la façon dont ce travail est considéré.»

Vincent Collet : « On a tout fait pour montrer que cette blessure était bénigne. Il y a une raison sous-jacente de le faire revenir, c'est certain. »

Patrick Beesley : « On est face à une situation d'échec alors qu'on a fait tous les efforts. Il faut comprendre que si chez nous les staffs médicaux sont indépendants, là-bas, ils font partie de la franchise. Ils sont donc intégrés à la stratégie globale du club.»

Collet tente de comprendre
Vincent Collet : « Il faut comprendre le contexte aussi et l'importance que Tony peut avoir dans leur équipe, les enjeux pour eux après une année difficile. C'est une chose essentielle dans leur réflexion. Et même si je subis de plein fouet cette décision, que je le regrette parce que c'est un coup dur. Quelque part je comprends leur attitude. Les Spurs ont déjà connu une telle situation avec Ginobili même si la blessure était toute autre. Leur priorité, c'est la saison 2009/2010, pas la campagne de l'équipe de France.»

« Jeanneau est un atout expérience »

Gomis touché, Diarra aussi
Vincent Collet : « Comme un malheur n'arrive jamais seul, on a des soucis de blessures. Pour l'instant, on fait des examens complémentaires pour en connaître la gravité. Cela concerne Joseph Gomis, touché au tendon d'Achille avec un pronostic défavorable pour l'Italie. Il est parti faire des examens complémentaires. Au même titre que Mamoutou Diarra qui souffre de l'épaule. »

L'arrivée de trois nouveaux joueurs
Vincent Collet : « Pour prévenir ces pépins, j'ai fait appel à Edwin Jackson, Antoine Diot et Aymeric Jeanneau. Ce n'était pas prévenu mais il fallait agir dans l'urgence à cinq jours du match face à l'Italie. Aymeric connait parfaitement mes aspirations dans le jeu donc c'est un gain de temps et un atout d'expérience. Il a connu un Mondial dans ces mêmes circonstances puisque Tony avait été blessé (Ndlr en 2006). Il avait mené l'équipe à une cinquième place. Il n'est pas en grande forme physique, il me l'a dit très honnêtement. C'est pour ça que j'ai appelé Antoine Diot qui sort d'un championnat d'Europe espoir où il a été brillant et où il a remporté l'argent. Edwin a joué à l'Asvel avec moi donc il ne sera pas surpris pas mes systèmes. »

Comment aborder le match face à l'Italie ?
Vincent Collet : « Je vais d'abord essayer de concentrer tout le monde sur ce qu'on n'aurait pas du abandonner hier (Ndlr : jeudi) à savoir l'intensité défensive et l'agressivité, ce qu'on a totalement oublié en première mi-temps et qu'on a vu seulement par séquences en deuxième. Il faut faire preuve d'humilité. C'est notre seule façon d'exister. La mission reste la même : se qualifier pour l'Euro. Il faut être encore plus soudés qu'on ne l'était.»


Dr. Gonzo
07-31-2009, 12:21 PM
No way!

07-31-2009, 12:22 PM
Tony lui-même ne comprend pas. Il a employé le mot d'insulte à la médecine française. J'ai entendu une partie de la discussion entre Tony et le propriétaire. C'était chaud. Il était blessé des termes employés. Il est parti très en colère."

"Il est convoqué samedi matin (heure US) au centre d'entraînement pour rencontrer ses dirigeants et nous tiendra bien sûr au courant", a conclu Patrick Beesley.

07-31-2009, 12:22 PM
Oh mon Dieu!!!

07-31-2009, 12:31 PM
trade his ass!!!!

07-31-2009, 12:33 PM
where is the link? they have a pic of Tony enraged?

07-31-2009, 12:34 PM
The French media is 1,000,000 time more annoying that the U.S. media. I never thought that would be possible. Jamais.

07-31-2009, 12:34 PM
Sacre bleu!

07-31-2009, 12:36 PM
word from Paris is the river Seine is flowing with blood after this debacle

07-31-2009, 12:39 PM
Puedo ir a los sanitarios?

Me permita ir el bano?

Me encantan las papas fritas!

Donde esta mi pantalones??

07-31-2009, 12:40 PM
Dude, if Peter wants to end this debacle he should just declare war.

Solid D
07-31-2009, 12:42 PM
Not a lot of trust on the Spurs part...but then again, Peter Holt is going to be paying $10+ Million of Lux Tax so he doesn't want to mess around with a key FTE (employee).

07-31-2009, 12:44 PM
Not a lot of trust on the Spurs part...but then again, Peter Holt is going to be paying $10+ Million of Lux Tax so he doesn't want to mess around with a key FTE (employee).

like I said, other years, this would have been nothing. But this year, Spurs risking their organization to win. They are not taking shit.

07-31-2009, 12:45 PM
trade his ass

time to unleash the ghill

07-31-2009, 12:47 PM
Am I the only one who can't read French?

07-31-2009, 12:48 PM
I thought only Manu loved to play for his country.... :rolleyes

07-31-2009, 12:49 PM
I thought only Manu loved to play for his country.... :rolleyes

According to ducks, Manu injured Parker

07-31-2009, 12:53 PM
According to ducks, Manu injured Parker


07-31-2009, 12:56 PM
translation anybody?
Tp wants to leave? What does it say?!

07-31-2009, 01:00 PM
Tony was arrested???

07-31-2009, 01:04 PM
[quote=amman;3602502]crappy google translation

"A half-time of the game against Hungary (Thursday to 21.15), the phone rang Tony. He was arrested by texto by its chairman, Mr. (Peter) Holt, who

like i said google translation suks, i think it meant that he was forced to come back

07-31-2009, 01:07 PM
crappy google translation

Can you delete this post? Someone will translate it for us soon... :)

07-31-2009, 01:09 PM
Done :)

LOL texans
07-31-2009, 01:10 PM
Ce me fait chier! Fils de salope. Merde!

07-31-2009, 01:11 PM
Let me guess since I learned in HS French to say "Would you like to go to bed with me". Tony is pissed that the Spurs have ordered him home for medical tests. Holt is pissed that Tony is endangering the 2009 championship run by playing on an injured ankle and thigh[see Manu/Olympics]. French medical competence is being called into question.This is a tough nut. Tony really wants France to qualify for the 2012 Olympics which, I assume, he wants to play in. Holt has legitimate reasons to make sure Tony is 100% before he plays again. Still simply than healthcare reform!

07-31-2009, 01:13 PM
Salut, comment ta le vous...? Parle vous english? Parle Vous Spanish? :lol

Demo Dick Marcinko
07-31-2009, 01:13 PM
Dude, if Peter wants to end this debacle he should just declare war.

Dude if we challenge the French military complex we may just be biting off more then we can chew, I mean look at how the Nazi's were completely....uhh, nevermind.

However I do fear KBP Greek Army much more then any other military machine. Weren't they the guys who invented same sex greek style.

And this is especially for you Kill Bill:




1 University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Flag of us 12 35 2 4
2 University of Michigan Health System Flag of us 5 18 5 25
3 University of Kansas Medical Center Flag of us 8 39 3 5
4 NYU Langone Medical Center New York, NY Flag of us 1 23 7 36
5 University of Virginia Health System Flag of us 17 57 4 14
6 Vanderbilt Medical Center Flag of us 10 27 11 33
7 Chang Gung Memorial Hospital * Flag of tw 33 31 27 8
8 Johns Hopkins Medicine Flag of us 41 20 24 41
9 Taipei Veterans General Hospital * Flag of tw 68 68 32 3
10 University of Rochester Medical Center Flag of us 13 58 10 50
11 Texas Tech Health Sciences Center Flag of us 65 29 13 65
12 Naval Health Clinic Flag of us 36 128 1 61
13 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Flag of us 2 121 28 24
14 University Clinic Heidelberg Universittsklinikum Heidelberg Flag of de 14 74 25 44
15 Columbia University Medical Center New York, NY Flag of us 32 50 23 58
16 Institute of Medical Science University of Tokyo * Flag of jp 16 13 186 72
17 University of Nebraska Medical Center Flag of us 31 101 9 63
18 University of Miami Hospital & Clinic Flag of us 37 75 26 38
19 University of Kentucky Academic Medical Center Flag of us 90 81 20 28
20 Health Care University of Connecticut Health Center John Dempsey Hospital Flag of us 15 140 19 37
21 Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center Flag of us 40 139 6 84
22 M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Flag of us 72 61 31 79
23 Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital Flag of tw 156 76 113 11
24 Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover Flag of de 21 194 36 27
25 Cleveland Clinic Cleveland, Ohio Flag of us 59 62 150 31
26 University of Arkansas Medical Center Flag of us 23 191 8 86
27 Centre Hopistalier Universitaire de Rouen Flag of fr 9 109 172 26
28 University of Maryland Medical Center Flag of us 3 90 61 104
29 University of Mississippi Medical Center Flag of us 240 149 22 32
30 University California Davis Health System Flag of us 114 46 40 121
31 Universitätsklinikum Gießen und Marburg * Flag of de 44 80 50 94
32 University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Flag of us 111 131 17 78
33 Children's Hospital Boston Flag of us 54 108 43 80
34 Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lyon Hopitaux de Lyon Flag of fr 204 63 34 115
35 Massachusetts General Hospital Flag of us 50 120 42 95
36 George Washington University Medical Center Flag of us 11 358 21 67
37 Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Center Flag of us 6 226 33 107
38 Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital Flag of th 52 231 136 15
39 The Institute of Cancer Research Royal Cancer Hospital Flag of uk 356 272 279 1
40 Hospital Authority Flag of hk 107 96 18 237
41 Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois Lausanne Flag of ch 146 235 44 42
42 Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris Flag of fr 57 143 30 143
43 Universitätsklinikum Medizinische Fakultat der Martin Luther Universitat Halle Wittenberg Flag of de 96 103 89 93
44 Asan Medical Center Seoul Flag of kr 22 25 936 133
45 Landstinget I Östergötland Flag of se 88 251 52 55
46 China Medical University Hospital Flag of tw 113 200 75 52
47 University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Flag of us 92 83 90 138
48 Universitätsklinikum und Medizinische Fakultät Tübingen * Flag of de 55 243 87 54
49 University of Cincinnati Hospital Flag of us 126 117 45 164
50 Brigham and Women's Hospita

07-31-2009, 01:14 PM
I'm going to translate it.

07-31-2009, 01:24 PM
Dude if we challenge the French military complex we may just be biting off more then we can chew, I mean look at how the Nazi's were completely....uhh, nevermind.

However I do fear KBP Greek Army much more then any other military machine. Weren't they the guys who invented same sex greek style.

And this is especially for you Kill Bill:




1 University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Flag of us 12 35 2 4
2 University of Michigan Health System Flag of us 5 18 5 25
3 University of Kansas Medical Center Flag of us 8 39 3 5
4 NYU Langone Medical Center New York, NY Flag of us 1 23 7 36
5 University of Virginia Health System Flag of us 17 57 4 14
6 Vanderbilt Medical Center Flag of us 10 27 11 33
7 Chang Gung Memorial Hospital * Flag of tw 33 31 27 8
8 Johns Hopkins Medicine Flag of us 41 20 24 41
9 Taipei Veterans General Hospital * Flag of tw 68 68 32 3
10 University of Rochester Medical Center Flag of us 13 58 10 50
11 Texas Tech Health Sciences Center Flag of us 65 29 13 65
12 Naval Health Clinic Flag of us 36 128 1 61
13 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Flag of us 2 121 28 24
14 University Clinic Heidelberg Universittsklinikum Heidelberg Flag of de 14 74 25 44
15 Columbia University Medical Center New York, NY Flag of us 32 50 23 58
16 Institute of Medical Science University of Tokyo * Flag of jp 16 13 186 72
17 University of Nebraska Medical Center Flag of us 31 101 9 63
18 University of Miami Hospital & Clinic Flag of us 37 75 26 38
19 University of Kentucky Academic Medical Center Flag of us 90 81 20 28
20 Health Care University of Connecticut Health Center John Dempsey Hospital Flag of us 15 140 19 37
21 Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center Flag of us 40 139 6 84
22 M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Flag of us 72 61 31 79
23 Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital Flag of tw 156 76 113 11
24 Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover Flag of de 21 194 36 27
25 Cleveland Clinic Cleveland, Ohio Flag of us 59 62 150 31
26 University of Arkansas Medical Center Flag of us 23 191 8 86
27 Centre Hopistalier Universitaire de Rouen Flag of fr 9 109 172 26
28 University of Maryland Medical Center Flag of us 3 90 61 104
29 University of Mississippi Medical Center Flag of us 240 149 22 32
30 University California Davis Health System Flag of us 114 46 40 121
31 Universitätsklinikum Gießen und Marburg * Flag of de 44 80 50 94
32 University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Flag of us 111 131 17 78
33 Children's Hospital Boston Flag of us 54 108 43 80
34 Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lyon Hopitaux de Lyon Flag of fr 204 63 34 115
35 Massachusetts General Hospital Flag of us 50 120 42 95
36 George Washington University Medical Center Flag of us 11 358 21 67
37 Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Center Flag of us 6 226 33 107
38 Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital Flag of th 52 231 136 15
39 The Institute of Cancer Research Royal Cancer Hospital Flag of uk 356 272 279 1
40 Hospital Authority Flag of hk 107 96 18 237
41 Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois Lausanne Flag of ch 146 235 44 42
42 Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris Flag of fr 57 143 30 143
43 Universitätsklinikum Medizinische Fakultat der Martin Luther Universitat Halle Wittenberg Flag of de 96 103 89 93
44 Asan Medical Center Seoul Flag of kr 22 25 936 133
45 Landstinget I Östergötland Flag of se 88 251 52 55
46 China Medical University Hospital Flag of tw 113 200 75 52
47 University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Flag of us 92 83 90 138
48 Universitätsklinikum und Medizinische Fakultät Tübingen * Flag of de 55 243 87 54
49 University of Cincinnati Hospital Flag of us 126 117 45 164
50 Brigham and Women's Hospita

Rouen CHU the best hospital in France ??????

07-31-2009, 01:32 PM
L'état d'esprit de Parker
Patrick Beesley : « Tony a employé hier (Ndlr : jeudi) le mot insulte à la médecine française. On a toujours dit qu'on ne prendrait aucun risque et que s'il n'était pas prêt pour l'Italie, il ne jouerait pas. J'ai entendu les propos que Tony a échangés avec le président et je peux vous dire que ça a été chaud dans les termes qui ont été employés. Il est parti en colère et je pense qu'il va leur dire ce qu'il pense de la situation mais est-ce que ça suffira ? »

Parker's state of mind
Patrick Beesley : « Tony used the word insult to french medicine. We always said that we wouldn't take any risk, and that if he were not ready to play against Italy he won't play. I heard the words Tony said to the president, and I can tell you it was hard words they used. He's gone angry, and I think he's gonna tell them how he feels about the situation, but will this be enough?"

07-31-2009, 01:34 PM
Why the fuck do people post French or Spanish articles on this forum, we speak Engrish here..........

07-31-2009, 01:39 PM
"I should have known better. San Antonio doesn’t roll that way. I had forgotten that the Spurs don’t rebuild, they reload."

"The Spurs have dug themselves out of the grave again, and look hungrier than ever.

Don't poke the zombie."

hey whos dat girl by the way?

07-31-2009, 01:42 PM



1 University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Flag of us 12 35 2 4
2 University of Michigan Health System Flag of us 5 18 5 25
3 University of Kansas Medical Center Flag of us 8 39 3 5
4 NYU Langone Medical Center New York, NY Flag of us 1 23 7 36
5 University of Virginia Health System Flag of us 17 57 4 14
6 Vanderbilt Medical Center Flag of us 10 27 11 33
7 Chang Gung Memorial Hospital * Flag of tw 33 31 27 8
8 Johns Hopkins Medicine Flag of us 41 20 24 41
9 Taipei Veterans General Hospital * Flag of tw 68 68 32 3
10 University of Rochester Medical Center Flag of us 13 58 10 50
11 Texas Tech Health Sciences Center Flag of us 65 29 13 65
12 Naval Health Clinic Flag of us 36 128 1 61
13 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Flag of us 2 121 28 24
14 University Clinic Heidelberg Universittsklinikum Heidelberg Flag of de 14 74 25 44
15 Columbia University Medical Center New York, NY Flag of us 32 50 23 58
16 Institute of Medical Science University of Tokyo * Flag of jp 16 13 186 72
17 University of Nebraska Medical Center Flag of us 31 101 9 63
18 University of Miami Hospital & Clinic Flag of us 37 75 26 38
19 University of Kentucky Academic Medical Center Flag of us 90 81 20 28
20 Health Care University of Connecticut Health Center John Dempsey Hospital Flag of us 15 140 19 37
21 Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center Flag of us 40 139 6 84
22 M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Flag of us 72 61 31 79
23 Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital Flag of tw 156 76 113 11
24 Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover Flag of de 21 194 36 27
25 Cleveland Clinic Cleveland, Ohio Flag of us 59 62 150 31
26 University of Arkansas Medical Center Flag of us 23 191 8 86
27 Centre Hopistalier Universitaire de Rouen Flag of fr 9 109 172 26
28 University of Maryland Medical Center Flag of us 3 90 61 104
29 University of Mississippi Medical Center Flag of us 240 149 22 32
30 University California Davis Health System Flag of us 114 46 40 121
31 Universitätsklinikum Gießen und Marburg * Flag of de 44 80 50 94
32 University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Flag of us 111 131 17 78
33 Children's Hospital Boston Flag of us 54 108 43 80
34 Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lyon Hopitaux de Lyon Flag of fr 204 63 34 115
35 Massachusetts General Hospital Flag of us 50 120 42 95
36 George Washington University Medical Center Flag of us 11 358 21 67
37 Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Center Flag of us 6 226 33 107
38 Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital Flag of th 52 231 136 15
39 The Institute of Cancer Research Royal Cancer Hospital Flag of uk 356 272 279 1
40 Hospital Authority Flag of hk 107 96 18 237
41 Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois Lausanne Flag of ch 146 235 44 42
42 Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris Flag of fr 57 143 30 143
43 Universitätsklinikum Medizinische Fakultat der Martin Luther Universitat Halle Wittenberg Flag of de 96 103 89 93
44 Asan Medical Center Seoul Flag of kr 22 25 936 133
45 Landstinget I Östergötland Flag of se 88 251 52 55
46 China Medical University Hospital Flag of tw 113 200 75 52
47 University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Flag of us 92 83 90 138
48 Universitätsklinikum und Medizinische Fakultät Tübingen * Flag of de 55 243 87 54
49 University of Cincinnati Hospital Flag of us 126 117 45 164
50 Brigham and Women's Hospita

No Mayo Clinic???

Dude, if Peter wants to end this debacle he should just declare war.

Are you saying Tony's French blood would require that he immediately surrender...:flag:

07-31-2009, 01:44 PM
Some comments are very ridiculous. This is a very difficult situation to be in. I hope TP is ok and I hope nothing bad comes from the situation for the Spurs or the FNT.

07-31-2009, 01:45 PM
Dude if we challenge the French military complex we may just be biting off more then we can chew, I mean look at how the Nazi's were completely....uhh, nevermind.

However I do fear KBP Greek Army much more then any other military machine. Weren't they the guys who invented same sex greek style.

And this is especially for you Kill Bill:




1 University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Flag of us 12 35 2 4
2 University of Michigan Health System Flag of us 5 18 5 25
3 University of Kansas Medical Center Flag of us 8 39 3 5
4 NYU Langone Medical Center New York, NY Flag of us 1 23 7 36
5 University of Virginia Health System Flag of us 17 57 4 14
6 Vanderbilt Medical Center Flag of us 10 27 11 33
7 Chang Gung Memorial Hospital * Flag of tw 33 31 27 8
8 Johns Hopkins Medicine Flag of us 41 20 24 41
9 Taipei Veterans General Hospital * Flag of tw 68 68 32 3
10 University of Rochester Medical Center Flag of us 13 58 10 50
11 Texas Tech Health Sciences Center Flag of us 65 29 13 65
12 Naval Health Clinic Flag of us 36 128 1 61
13 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Flag of us 2 121 28 24
14 University Clinic Heidelberg Universittsklinikum Heidelberg Flag of de 14 74 25 44
15 Columbia University Medical Center New York, NY Flag of us 32 50 23 58
16 Institute of Medical Science University of Tokyo * Flag of jp 16 13 186 72
17 University of Nebraska Medical Center Flag of us 31 101 9 63
18 University of Miami Hospital & Clinic Flag of us 37 75 26 38
19 University of Kentucky Academic Medical Center Flag of us 90 81 20 28
20 Health Care University of Connecticut Health Center John Dempsey Hospital Flag of us 15 140 19 37
21 Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center Flag of us 40 139 6 84
22 M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Flag of us 72 61 31 79
23 Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital Flag of tw 156 76 113 11
24 Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover Flag of de 21 194 36 27
25 Cleveland Clinic Cleveland, Ohio Flag of us 59 62 150 31
26 University of Arkansas Medical Center Flag of us 23 191 8 86
27 Centre Hopistalier Universitaire de Rouen Flag of fr 9 109 172 26
28 University of Maryland Medical Center Flag of us 3 90 61 104
29 University of Mississippi Medical Center Flag of us 240 149 22 32
30 University California Davis Health System Flag of us 114 46 40 121
31 Universitätsklinikum Gießen und Marburg * Flag of de 44 80 50 94
32 University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Flag of us 111 131 17 78
33 Children's Hospital Boston Flag of us 54 108 43 80
34 Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lyon Hopitaux de Lyon Flag of fr 204 63 34 115
35 Massachusetts General Hospital Flag of us 50 120 42 95
36 George Washington University Medical Center Flag of us 11 358 21 67
37 Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Center Flag of us 6 226 33 107
38 Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital Flag of th 52 231 136 15
39 The Institute of Cancer Research Royal Cancer Hospital Flag of uk 356 272 279 1
40 Hospital Authority Flag of hk 107 96 18 237
41 Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois Lausanne Flag of ch 146 235 44 42
42 Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris Flag of fr 57 143 30 143
43 Universitätsklinikum Medizinische Fakultat der Martin Luther Universitat Halle Wittenberg Flag of de 96 103 89 93
44 Asan Medical Center Seoul Flag of kr 22 25 936 133
45 Landstinget I Östergötland Flag of se 88 251 52 55
46 China Medical University Hospital Flag of tw 113 200 75 52
47 University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Flag of us 92 83 90 138
48 Universitätsklinikum und Medizinische Fakultät Tübingen * Flag of de 55 243 87 54
49 University of Cincinnati Hospital Flag of us 126 117 45 164
50 Brigham and Women's Hospita

Dude, you should at least look at the metrics used to make the list. Its a listing whose primary standard is how many web hits you get off yahoo and google.

07-31-2009, 01:49 PM
Euro-2009/repêchages - Parker rappelé aux USA "par texto à 21h15" jeudi

PARIS, 31 juil 2009 (AFP) Le directeur sportif de l'équipe de France de basket, Patrick Beesley, a raconté vendredi comment Tony Parker, victime d'une entorse à la cheville, avait été sommé la veille au soir par San Antonio de rentrer aux Etats-Unis afin de se soumettre à des examens complémentaires.

"A la mi-temps du match face à la Hongrie (jeudi vers 21h15), le téléphone de Tony a sonné. Il a été interpellé par texto par son président, monsieur (Peter) Holt, qui lui dit: départ demain matin de Paris par l'avion de 9h25 pour Houston. Tony me met au courant. La pression montait depuis plusieurs jours mais on ne s'attendait pas à ça."

"Je propose à Tony de tranquilliser la situation en disant au président qu'il allait faire l'impasse sur le premier match (des repêchages à l'Euro-2009 face à l'Italie mercredi) et peut-être le second. Tony rappelle mais il se fait recadrer par Holt qui lui dit: c'est l'avion demain à 9h25 et le billet est sur ton portable."

"On retourne alors à l'hôtel vers 23h00, on fait le débriefing avec Tony et on prend la décision de céder à la pression. On décide de le faire accompagner par notre ostéopathe Fabrice Gauthier pour ne pas perdre de temps dans le processus de reconstruction et aussi pour défendre notre dossier."
Don't have the time to do it all, but here's a summary:

- At the halfime of the Hungary game, TP received a text message from Holt on his cell : "plane tomorrow morning in Paris at 9h25" (ie. get your ass on that plane). Pressure was rising the last few days, but they didn't expect it.
- TP tells Beesley, Beesley tells TP to collhim down by saying he won<t play the Italy game and maybe he game after that
- TP calls Holt back but Holt doesn't budge: the plane is at 9h25 and the ticket is on your laptop?cell? (I don't understand)
- TP and Beesley go back to the hotel around 11 pm, talk about it and decide to bow to the pressure.
- they decide that F. Gauthier (french medical team) will go with TP so that TP won't wate any time in his recovery and to defend their case

More to come....

07-31-2009, 01:50 PM

Parker called back to the USA via a SMS Thursday at 9:15pm.

French NT GM, has told this Friday how Tony Parker, who has an ankle sprain, had been called by San Antonio to be back in the USA to follow complimentary medical exams

“At the half-time of the game against Hungary (Thursday at 21:15), Tony's cell phone has rung. It was a SMS of his owner, Mister (Peter) Holt, who says to him: departure tomorrow morning from Paris by the plane of 9:25 to Houston. Tony says it to me. The pressure went up for few days but we didn't expect something like that."

“I said to Tony to calm down teh situation by saying to Holt that he wouldn't play the first game and maybe the second one. Tony call back but Holt said: the flight is tomorow at 9:25am and the ticket is on your cell phone. ”

"We go back to the hotel around 11pm, we made a point on the situation and we decide to give up under the pressure. We decide to send our osteopath Fabrice Gautier with him to not lose time in the rehab process and to defend our point of view."

" We don't know for the moment when Tony will be back. Yesterday evening, we just talked about his leaving,we didn't talk about his come back. Today, we don't know when he will be back."

“It is incomprehensible. Spurs have had requirement since last Friday (when TP sprained his ankle). We have followed all of them strictly. We did nothign wrong. We asked him to pass medical exams at Strasbourg, complimentary medical exams at Paris, he saw a doctor picked by Spurs themselves. We did everything we could have done."

“They clearly doubt of the diagnostic of our medical staff, even if they also have the X-Rays/RMI pictures. We have send them more than 300 X-Rays/MRI pictures. We have respected all the procedures and all the expert doctors have confirmed the first diagnostic of a minor sprain."

“Tony himself doesn't understand. He said that it was an insult to the french medicine. I heard a part of the discussion between Tony and Holt. It wasn't a nice conversation. TP was hurt by what Hold said. At the end of the conversation, he was really angry.”

“TP will be Saturday morning at Spurs practice facility to meet Spurs' staff and of course to keep us informed" said Patrick Beesley.

07-31-2009, 01:54 PM
Is Parker really that upset?

Geez, get over it Tony.

He has not been asked to not play yet.

07-31-2009, 01:58 PM
"On a tout fait"
"La date de retour nous est à ce jour inconnue. Hier soir, on n'a abordé que le sujet de son départ, pas celui du retour. Aujourd'hui, on ne sait pas quand il reviendra."

"C'est incompréhensible. Les Spurs émettent des exigences depuis vendredi dernier (lorsque Parker s'est blessé à Strasbourg). On les a toutes respectées à la lettre. On n'a rien à se reprocher. On lui a fait passer des examens à Strasbourg, des examens complémentaire à Paris, il a vu un spécialiste demandé par les Spurs eux-mêmes. On a tout fait."

"Ils remettent clairement en question les interprétations de notre staff médical, même s'ils ont les clichés (radio). Ils en ont reçu près de 300 clichés. On a respecté toutes les procédures et tous les experts consultés ont confirmé le premier diagnostic, celui d'une entorse bénigne."
"We did everything"

- French staff don't know when TP will be back. they only talked about his departure, not his return
- French staff don't understand the situation at all: Spurs are very demanding since last friday (TP injury in Strasbourg) and they met every demand litterally.
- French staff did everything they could: exams in Strasbourg, more exams in Paris, met the specialist that the Spurs wanted. They did eveything.

Basically, Spurs don't trust french NT medical staff interpretation, even if the have the X-rays (french team sent them more than 300 x-rays)
French teams abided to all procedures nd all the experts confirmed the first diagnosis: minor injury (ankle). (sorry don't know how to say entorse)

Tony est en colère »© panoramic

Mélanie PONTET

vendredi 31 juillet 2009 - 18h51
Tôt ce vendredi matin, Parker s'est envolé pour les Etats-Unis pour mesurer l'évolution de son entorse à la cheville avec son staff. Un coup dur pour les Bleus qui ne savent même pas si leur meneur et leader sera de retour. Explications l'entraîneur avec Vincent Collet et le manager général, Patrick Beesley.
Le scénario improbable
Patrick Beesley : « A la mi-temps, Tony a reçu un appel du président des Spurs qui lui a dit : « Ton avion est à 9h25 demain direction Houston ». Pour les tranquilliser, il a alors proposé de faire l'impasse sur le premier match en Italie pour essayer de calmer les choses. Tony a essayé mais le président l'a rappelé pour lui dire : « Départ 9h25, le billet est sur ton portable ». En rentrant à l'hôtel, on a décidé de céder à la pression et de le laisser partir avec Fabrice Gauthier, l'ostéopathe de l'équipe de France pour ne pas perdre du temps dans le processus de reconstruction. Seul le sujet du départ a bien entendu été évoqué, on ne sait strictement rien sur un éventuel retour. La pression montait depuis plusieurs jours mais il ne s'attendait pas à ça.»

L'état de la blessure de Tony Parker
Patrick Beesley : « Jeudi, il avait fait des tirs et ses premières courses. Il suivait l'évolution normale d'une entorse bénigne. Depuis qu'il avait contracté cette entorse vendredi soir, les Spurs émettent des exigences qu'on a toutes appliquées : examen à Strasbourg, examen à Paris, rencontre avec un spécialiste qu'ils ont eux même choisi… Tout a été respecté. Ils ne pouvaient plus rien demander de plus. La seule chose, c'était de le faire revenir. Ils remettent en cause les interprétations de notre corps médical alors qu'ils ont reçu pratiquement 300 clichés de sa cheville. »
Same thing...Basically: Tony is MAD!

« Ca a été chaud entre Tony et le président»

L'état d'esprit de Parker
Patrick Beesley : « Tony a employé hier (Ndlr : jeudi) le mot insulte à la médecine française. On a toujours dit qu'on ne prendrait aucun risque et que s'il n'était pas prêt pour l'Italie, il ne jouerait pas. J'ai entendu les propos que Tony a échangés avec le président et je peux vous dire que ça a été chaud dans les termes qui ont été employés. Il est parti en colère et je pense qu'il va leur dire ce qu'il pense de la situation mais est-ce que ça suffira ? »
Most interesting part...
- TP said to Beesley that it was an insult to french medicine
- Beesley heard the conversation between Holt and TP and it was HEATED (the words exchanged)
- TP left being MAD and Beesley thinks he's gonna tell the Spurs what's on his mind :makemyday. But will it be enough?

07-31-2009, 02:00 PM
I gotta go. Bruno is doing it so I'll leave it to him...(he's better at it anyway)

07-31-2009, 02:02 PM
Thanks for the translation Bruno :tu

07-31-2009, 02:02 PM
so basically the french didn't put up a fight?

07-31-2009, 02:06 PM
Without taking sides in this, you have to wonder why the Spurs decided to call Tony back to the States rather than send another trainer/doctor or two to him. To me, the most likely scenario is that there's an American specialty doctor or two that they want him to see in person before they'll be completely satisfied.

07-31-2009, 02:08 PM
Without taking sides in this, you have to wonder why the Spurs decided to call Tony back to the States rather than send another trainer/doctor or two to him. To me, the most likely scenario is that there's an American specialty doctor or two that they want him to see in person before they'll be completely satisfied.

This sounds like it was Holt's call. Pop/Bufford stayed neutral.

07-31-2009, 02:08 PM
For what the Spurs are paying him, I think it's in their best interests to make sure their all-star point guard isn't seriously injured and will essentially be ready for the long NBA season.

Kori Ellis
07-31-2009, 02:13 PM
I wonder what we could get for Parker right now?

Wade and Chalmers?

:lol Don't even start.

07-31-2009, 02:16 PM
Peter's freaking out. He's gone all in and he knows a team without Tony is a team that's not going to compete with the Lakers. After last year, he's not taking any chances and good for him. He shouldn't. Sorry NT fans. By the way, is this the first time in anyone's memory where the owner of the Spurs has become personally involved in a player situation?

07-31-2009, 02:21 PM
Peter's freaking out. He's gone all in and he knows a team without Tony is a team that's not going to compete with the Lakers. After last year, he's not taking any chances and good for him. He shouldn't. Sorry NT fans. By the way, is this the first time in anyone's memory where the owner of the Spurs has become personally involved in a player situation?
This is what I thought all along. Holt is a little bit paranoid...and after what happened last summer and the events of this summer I don't blame him.

Mark in Austin
07-31-2009, 02:24 PM
I wonder if Parker's last injury and the way the NT doctors handled it has anything to do with this.

My guess is yes.

07-31-2009, 02:28 PM
I wonder if Parker's last injury and the way the NT doctors handled it has anything to do with this.

My guess is yes.


07-31-2009, 02:31 PM
Manu just screwed everybody up with his injury last summer. I agree with Peter Holt on this one guys and gals..It would be different if Parkers contract has a clause about these kinds of injuries, but I doubt it does...KEEP YOUR MIND ON YOUR RICHES!

07-31-2009, 02:32 PM
And this offseason had been going so well...

07-31-2009, 02:35 PM
i wasn't there last year, were there same discussions with manu's injury?

07-31-2009, 02:40 PM
Parker, he's getting paid 10mil+ by Holt, he cried that the Spurs weren't good enough so Holt goes over the lux tax and gets RJ and Dyse. He needs to keep his mouth shut and worry about the team that's paying for this lifestyle

trade him!!!!
This is great, We can finally trade him for a real point guard. Maybe we can pull a 3-team deal, trade parker and some others 3-4$million dudes ( i.e. matt bonner / roger mason jr. ) to houston and toronto and get Calderon / Bargnani / Battier out of it somehow. Spurs can win wothout parker as long as they have a legit Point guard who makes the game easier for everybody and utilizes their talents

07-31-2009, 02:44 PM
trade him for RONDO

07-31-2009, 02:45 PM
Manu went into the Olympics without being 100%, but the Spurs FO really couldn't tell him anything because it was "the OLYMPICS"....

Tony is only playing to qualify for the Olympics..

07-31-2009, 02:46 PM
trade him for RONDO
I kinda like that, but It would have to involve another piece from the other team, 1 - for salary reasons and for insurance that we get something out of it since he is an all-star. ( i.e. - Spurs trade George Gervin for David freaking Greenwood. A guy who came off the bench in the 1990-91 spurs season ). also I picked Calderon cause he cant shoot lights out and he is not a volume shooter. He also looks for guys first before he jacks up shots (parker). I want Parker gone so we can go back to 2 big men who can post and shoot and 3 perimeter players including a 1- a REAL point guard 2 - a solid Jump shooter, 3's and everything else 3 - a defensive wing specialist who can hit the 3. thats why I like Duncan/Bargnani in the post and midrange, Calderon running the point like old AJ, Manu breaking it down and Battier locking up guys and shooting the open 3.

07-31-2009, 02:47 PM
This is what I thought all along. Holt is a little bit paranoid...and after what happened last summer and the events of this summer I don't blame him.

Would sub CONCERN as opposed to paranoid nonetheless Spot On...Holt has made huge investment (taking on salary) leading to Lux-Tax load with understanding that Spurs window for Ring/s are next 2 yrs w/ Timmy.

Pieces are in place to make this happen and last thing that Spurs need is for lingering injury to their PLAYMAKER resulting in missed PRACTICE & GAMES. (getting team in sync w/ new team members)

IMO--->TP letting his lust for national hero status (France) cloud good judgement by Spurs

07-31-2009, 02:47 PM
tony is a bitch, fuck him , he never really fit in

o and in case, he comes back and has and mvp season and leads us to the championship : tony is the best, i love this guy, he really fits in

07-31-2009, 02:48 PM
Hell, if we can win a championship with Avery...we can win one with GHill...

07-31-2009, 02:50 PM
I kinda like that, but It would have to involve another piece from the other team, 1 - for salary reasons and for insurance that we get something out of it since he is an all-star. ( i.e. - Spurs trade George Gervin for David freaking Greenwood. A guy who came off the bench in the 1990-91 spurs season )

i think if the spurs really put there mind ot it they could, angie pissed off rondo, and parker pissed off the spurs, it would be a steal to trade for rondo and someone else for parker given his salary, rondo is a quiet guy, all he does is rollerskate on the weekends, and he has a bit of bruce bowen in him, with his feistyness.

Kori Ellis
07-31-2009, 02:51 PM
:lol @ Parker for Rondo

07-31-2009, 02:54 PM
How Parker plays with Duncan and doesn't average 10+ast is still mind bogglingDuncan dribbles in the post.

07-31-2009, 02:56 PM
:lol @ Parker for Rondo
If you like Parker that fine, I just think that the spurs offense is now driven off parker and that wont get you anywhere. He is more of a scoring guard, He has been that since he came into the league. Besides without legit bigmen you aint goin nowhere. Kobe didnt get anywhere for 2 yrs. Then he got gasol and he made the finals, then a healthy Bynum and he won a ring. If he cant take a team anywhere without solid bigmen then parker cant do jack, If you hand him the reigns.

07-31-2009, 02:58 PM
:lol @ Parker for Rondo


Rondo age 23
SALARY 2009: $1,315,080

Parker age 27
Salary 11.55 Million
Points 22Assists 6.9Steals 0.9Rebounds 3.1

07-31-2009, 02:59 PM

Rondo age 23
SALARY 2009: $1,315,080

Parker age 27
Salary 11.55 Million
Points 22Assists 6.9Steals 0.9Rebounds 3.1

Really, stop it. Make that trade and there goes our championship hopes.

07-31-2009, 03:00 PM
Rondo is a piece of dogshit compared to Parker.

on the other hand there are a few other PGs I would not mind

07-31-2009, 03:01 PM
I would trade Parker for CP3 in a heartbeat, and I would toss in Mason for good measure

How Parker plays with Duncan and doesn't average 10+ast is still mind bogglingDuncan dribbles in the post.
He wouldnt have to dribble in the post if parker ran a pick n roll and then gave him the ball in the post when a 6-2 guy is guarding him. Instead parker drives against the big guy and tries to get in the lane. Their are alot of ways to get easy assist parker hasn't figured out any of them. You dont see Cp3, Rondo, Calderon working their buts off to get assist or points for that matter, yet I see parker running the shot clock down and holding the ball runnin 20 picknrolls a play to get a shot that he likes.

07-31-2009, 03:04 PM

07-31-2009, 03:05 PM
Really, stop it. Make that trade and there goes our championship hopes.

Rondo is a piece of dogshit compared to Parker.

on the other hand there are a few other PGs I would not mind

did either of you watch the playoffs

07-31-2009, 03:05 PM

07-31-2009, 03:07 PM
How Parker plays with Duncan and doesn't average 10+ast is still mind boggling

You know shit about Spurs basketball, that's why. Nash wouldn't average more assists in the Spurs offense.

07-31-2009, 03:08 PM
http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/9558/94179971.jpgI like Rondo and Perkins in that deal. If pop allows Rajon to do his thing like parker does then you have something. Especially if you throw in chip engelland shooting magic for rondo. Perkins is like a younger Nazi Mohammed who doesnt turn the ball over as much.
http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/images/Style_Templates/Flashskin/statusicon/user_online.gif http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/images/Style_Templates/Flashskin/misc/progress.gif

07-31-2009, 03:10 PM
You know shit about Spurs basketball, that's why. Nash wouldn't average more assists in the Spurs offense.
Nash maybe not. But rondo, calderon and for sure CP3 would get more assist. Pop allows parker to do what he wants for the most part. If he were to allow these other guys to do the same then they average more assist without changing the offense dramatically.

Kori Ellis
07-31-2009, 03:10 PM
Duncan dribbles in the post.
He wouldnt have to dribble in the post if parker ran a pick n roll and then gave him the ball in the post when a 6-2 guy is guarding him. Instead parker drives against the big guy and tries to get in the lane. Their are alot of ways to get easy assist parker hasn't figured out any of them. You dont see Cp3, Rondo, Calderon working their buts off to get assist or points for that matter, yet I see parker running the shot clock down and holding the ball runnin 20 picknrolls a play to get a shot that he likes.

You act like the plays that Parker runs aren't designed by the Spurs :lol

07-31-2009, 03:13 PM
Nash maybe not. But rondo, calderon and for sure CP3 would get more assist. Pop allows parker to do what he wants for the most part. If he were to allow these other guys to do the same then they average more assist without changing the offense dramatically.

None of these would get more assists in the Spurs system, watch more basketball and ignore boxscores.

07-31-2009, 03:14 PM
You know shit about Spurs basketball, that's why. Nash wouldn't average more assists in the Spurs offense.

I don't want to trade Parker, but I don't agree with your claim. A team's offensive plan has a lot to do with a player's offensive numbers but that players habilities and characteristics have a lot more to do.

Parker is a shoot first PG that's why he averages 20 ppg and 6 assts per game. Nash is more of a conventional PG, he wouldn't average the same number of assts he averages on Phoenix but he would definitely average more than 6, he would also make less than 20 ppg.

07-31-2009, 03:15 PM
You act like the plays that Parker runs aren't designed by the Spurs :lol
They are what he does with them is what irratates me. Be reasonable bro, you know Pop doesnt call every play. Parker has all those plays at his disposal and he almost always runs the play ( fist up aka high pick n roll ) and then does his song and dance to get to the paint. You have to run plays for other guys instead of always trying to create for them. Utilize all 4 guys on the court, all good point guards do that.

07-31-2009, 03:15 PM
portnoy1 best off

I'm not a parker-hater like many think, I just dont like the fact that he gets credited for being a top point guard.

Parker doesn't play to the strengths of his teammates, He plays to his strengths and gets his points and then looks for his teammates when he gets doubled... I'm not trying to dog him or anything, I just want to make sure that everyone looks at him honestly STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES.

Pf - Duncan / Gist / Bonner
Sf - Finley / Bowen / Hairston
C - Bargnani / Mensah Bonsuh / Thomas
Pg - Calderon / Hill
Sg - Mason / Manu
Championship 5

The Celtics are not going to give up rondo who runs a solid offense for parker who is more of a scoring guard. and if they get him he'll be backing up Rondo just like marbury the once premier point guard is. its all about team play together.

By the way im not a parker hater, the guy is incredible. Its just that the spurs need a real point guard who understands how to utilize other player better. ala cp3/d-will / rondo / calderon.

This will sound kinda funny;but actually alot of the spurs problems offensively are Tony Parkers fault.

Trade tony parker for Jose calderon. Calderon is real point gaurd who knows his personel on the floor, who isn't always looking for his shot. who is more effecient, who is a better ft, fg and 3pt shooter, and who plays better defense, and who passes much much much much better, and who is much more focused and hungry than a younger guy who already has 3 rings and a wife to die for at home.

This is great, We can finally trade him for a real point guard. Maybe we can pull a 3-team deal, trade parker and some others 3-4$million dudes ( i.e. matt bonner / roger mason jr. ) to houston and toronto and get Calderon / Bargnani / Battier out of it somehow. Spurs can win wothout parker as long as they have a legit Point guard who makes the game easier for everybody and utilizes their talents

07-31-2009, 03:16 PM
word from Paris is the river Seine is flowing with blood after this debacle


07-31-2009, 03:16 PM
You act like the plays that Parker runs aren't designed by the Spurs :lol

no i think he is saying the offense relies on parker too much, its parker penetrate or pass off and shoot a three. We saw that game plan doesn't work with this years 1st round outing . The offense changes to adapt to the players, thats why an Avery PG offense with the same coach is different than a Parker PG offense with the same coach.

07-31-2009, 03:16 PM
The only 3 PGs that can even compare to Parker's value are CP3, Deron and Chauncey

07-31-2009, 03:18 PM
Parker for Duncan!!!! Oh wait...

07-31-2009, 03:18 PM
None of these would get more assists in the Spurs system, watch more basketball and ignore boxscores.
I'm basing it on actual games watched. I had nba league pass, so I watch all these guys in action and exactly how they go their assist and points. So i know the spurs offense and some other teams including raptors, Celtics and Hornets, suns.

07-31-2009, 03:18 PM
Can you imagine if Parker got injured and did a Manu this year? He would be run out of San Antonio.

This is THE year. Everything is on the line for this season.

07-31-2009, 03:19 PM
portnoy1 best off
Wow I have a fan!!!!! lol

07-31-2009, 03:20 PM
no i think he is saying the offense relies on parker too much, its parker penetrate or pass off and shoot a three. We saw that game plan doesn't work with this years 1st round outing . The offense changes to adapt to the players, thats why an Avery PG offense with the same coach is different than a Parker PG offense with the same coach.
yeah thats pretty much it.

07-31-2009, 03:21 PM
I don't want to trade Parker, but I don't agree with your claim. A team's offensive plan has a lot to do with a player's offensive numbers but that players habilities and characteristics have a lot more to do.

Which is exactly why Parker was molded into the type of player he is right now by Pop. He's perfect for the Spurs offense.

07-31-2009, 03:21 PM
Can you imagine if Parker got injured and did a Manu this year? He would be run out of San Antonio.

I'm sorry. What did Manu exactly do?

07-31-2009, 03:21 PM
The only 3 PGs that can even compare to Parker's value are CP3, Deron and Chauncey

no one is gonna trade CP3 the face of the hornets or Deron one of the few good players lef ton the jazz for Parker, and Chauncey is too old

all im saying is that if there becomes a big rift between parker and the spurs, one of the few viable trades would be for rondo

Would i trade rondo if he was the same age and the same salary as TP, no but for the youth and the 15% of tony salary i would. Rondo is one of the few viable trades out there, becuase he pissed off management for some reason in boston

07-31-2009, 03:22 PM
How dare Holt ask for an evaluation of Parker's ankle by doctors he's familiar with. I mean it's not like he has $80 million dollars riding on this season.

07-31-2009, 03:22 PM
I'm basing it on actual games watched. I had nba league pass, so I watch all these guys in action and exactly how they go their assist and points. So i know the spurs offense and some other teams including raptors, Celtics and Hornets, suns.

You have watched the Spurs play and you expect the PG in that system , whoever he is, to average 10+ assists per game? Seriously?

07-31-2009, 03:26 PM
Which is exactly why Parker was molded into the type of player he is right now by Pop. He's perfect for the Spurs offense.
The spurs offense sucks right now, Especially if you dont have Manu. When Duncan or Manu is out parker puts up 30pt a game. thats cool but what about those other dudes? There still putting up the same old numbers cause their not getting any more or better shots than before. you stop parkers penetration then you win the game, thats how bad our offense is right now.

07-31-2009, 03:28 PM
Which is exactly why Parker was molded into the type of player he is right now by Pop. He's perfect for the Spurs offense.

Sure, Pop made him a speed demon with an incredible ability to finish at the rim on traffic.

A player is what it is, and then a team's offensive scheme is molded according to the players you have in your roster. If Pop molds his players according to his system why AJ wasn't remotely close to what Parker is?

07-31-2009, 03:28 PM
You have watched the Spurs play and you expect the PG in that system , whoever he is, to average 10+ assists per game? Seriously?
close to it, if he has the ball all the time and decent pieces around him.

Dr Cox
07-31-2009, 03:29 PM
http://\\cbdomain.dom\data\HomeFolders\THair\UserDocs\box ing.jpg

so who would win in a fight between the 2

07-31-2009, 03:31 PM
Sure, Pop made him a speed demon with an incredible ability to finish at the rim on traffic.

A player is what it is, and then a team's offensive scheme is molded according to the players you have in your roster. If Pop molds his players according to his system why AJ wasn't remotely close to what Parker is?
to me that system would be more effective today than what we have now. penetrate and dish is awesome and effecient, but you MUST throw the ball in to the bigMEN. thats why its important to have 2 bigmen with abilities instead of a whole bunch of perimeter players.

07-31-2009, 03:32 PM
This is what I thought all along. Holt is a little bit paranoid...and after what happened last summer and the events of this summer I don't blame him.
Exactly how I feel. After what happened with Manu, you can't be too cautious. Especially since he's paid so much money to try to win this year. If we lose Tony, we spent that money for nothing. As much as I love him, Hill<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Tony. We can't win without him.

07-31-2009, 03:34 PM
France better watch out. Holt can have an army of Holt Cats on Paris streets in days.

Dr Cox
07-31-2009, 03:35 PM
can anyone see this pic, my comp is messed up!?http://\\cbdomain.dom\data\HomeFolders\THair\UserDocs\box ing.jpg

Cry Havoc
07-31-2009, 03:36 PM
Wow, a looooooooot of "Spurs fans" showcasing their ignorance in this thread.

You want to trade one of the 3 best point guards in basketball who's about to enter the prime of his career?

There are no words for how idiotic that is.

07-31-2009, 03:37 PM
http://\\cbdomain.dom\data\HomeFolders\THair\UserDocs\box ing.jpg

so who would win in a fight between the 2
tim duncan doesnt fight and Kobe is not the bad boy everybody thinks he is. KOBE > I threw a cheapshot elbow at Crazy ron and then didnt want any part of what came after. I talked trash to Shane Battier knowing that he wasn't gonna say nothing back.

07-31-2009, 03:41 PM
Wow, a looooooooot of "Spurs fans" showcasing their ignorance in this thread.

You want to trade one of the 3 best point guards in basketball who's about to enter the prime of his career?

There are no words for how idiotic that is.This is what I dont get, How is parker a top 3 point guard. I bet you have him as no. 1 dont you?

07-31-2009, 03:41 PM
I think for the most part this is a BS article, do you really believe Tony is upset because Holt is questioning the french medical practices? Tony is no dummy and knows he has contractual obligations, hes a pro. Im sure the frogs are pissed though.

07-31-2009, 03:42 PM
LMAO, I watch every Spurs game. I see parker dribbling like a mad man going through pic n roll one after another until he finds a shot HE likes or finally dumps it to Duncan to bail him out

Parker gives the ball to Duncan in the post and says "go to work", rarely do you see him give duncan the ball when Duncan just needs to take 1-2 steps for the basket. Something you see Nash/Cp3/Kidd do with their big man
yeah EXACTLY what he said!!!!!!!:flag:

07-31-2009, 03:42 PM
He was arrested by texto by its chairman, Mr. (Peter) Holt

07-31-2009, 03:43 PM
All of you people wanting to trade Parker.

All of you.

Kill yourselves please.

Dr Cox
07-31-2009, 03:45 PM
Wow, a looooooooot of "Spurs fans" showcasing their ignorance in this thread.

You want to trade one of the 3 best point guards in basketball who's about to enter the prime of his career?

There are no words for how idiotic that is.

AGREED, tp is our best player...tim will even say it now

07-31-2009, 03:49 PM
TP needs to stop whining and being a little bitch honestly. He should know that after what happened with Manu last season the Spurs organizaton, Holt, Pop, and R.C are all going to be extra extra cautious with him now that he got hurt. He's gotta remember...France isnt the one paying him the big bucks to buy himself his houses, cars, Eva's crap, etc...the Spurs are.

07-31-2009, 04:11 PM
wait what?

07-31-2009, 04:18 PM
Does anyone think that Parker is a top 3 point guard? if so Why, and who is before/after him?

07-31-2009, 04:25 PM
Does anyone think that Parker is a top 3 point guard? if so Why, and who is before/after him?

1. Chris Fall
2. Parker/Wiliams
2142423424. Calderon

Also Parker is the best fit for the Spurs system.

07-31-2009, 04:30 PM
TP needs to stop whining and being a little bitch honestly. He should know that after what happened with Manu last season the Spurs organizaton, Holt, Pop, and R.C are all going to be extra extra cautious with him now that he got hurt. He's gotta remember...France isnt the one paying him the big bucks to buy himself his houses, cars, Eva's crap, etc...the Spurs are.

Yeah Parker is acting like a moron and needs to suck it up.


07-31-2009, 04:30 PM
Does anyone think that Parker is a top 3 point guard? if so Why, and who is before/after him?
parker is at least top 5. williams, paul, and arguably billups are ahead of him right now. for 2010, there are only two point guards i would rather see on the spurs than parker and that's either paul or williams.

below parker are pgs like harris, rose, and to a lesser extent, rondo, who are not as good as parker right now but have the potential to surpass him in the coming years. for an immediate championship contender, i wouldn't want them as the spurs' first or second option.

07-31-2009, 04:31 PM
1. Chris Fall
2. Parker/Wiliams
2142423424. Calderon

Also Parker is the best fit for the Spurs system.

Still Didnt Answer Why?
AJ was the best fit for our system 10yrs ago, but was never and should never be considered a top 3 point guard.

07-31-2009, 04:37 PM
Still Didnt Answer Why?
AJ was the best fit for our system 10yrs ago, but was never and should never be considered a top 3 point guard.

Because Parker is an efficient scorer, great slasher, doesn't dominate the ball, plays within the system which resolves around a bigman surrounded by shooters. His passing ability is also severely underrated by people who only care about boxscores.

And don't act like you've even watched AJ play.

07-31-2009, 04:37 PM
1. Chris Fall
2. Parker/Wiliams
2142423424. Calderon

Also Parker is the best fit for the Spurs system.

LOL @ Chris Fall


07-31-2009, 04:38 PM
Welcome to the coming out thread for Parker haters.



07-31-2009, 04:40 PM
Because Parker is an efficient scorer, great slasher, doesn't dominate the ball, plays within the system which resolves around a bigman surrounded by shooters. His passing ability is also severely underrated by people who only care about boxscores.

And don't act like you've even watched AJ play.
I've been a spurs fan for 16 yrs and I still have games in my collection of AJ playin. He does dominate the ball, and I dont just stare at box scores, I've seen the games he's played and have games on tape of him ( Parker )playing.

07-31-2009, 04:41 PM
Welcome to the coming out thread for Parker haters.



07-31-2009, 04:42 PM
I've been a spurs fan for 16 yrs and I still have games in my collection of AJ playin. He does dominate the ball, and I dont just stare at box scores, I've seen the games he's played and have games on tape of him ( Parker )playing.

Dude, I sincerely hope you're lying, for your own sake.Your fascination with assist numbers is clouding whatever understanding of basketball you might have.

07-31-2009, 04:44 PM
Nah bro, There's point guards who dont get alot of assist but who still look around for other guys to score.

07-31-2009, 04:47 PM
as long as people are bashing parker, one thing i never liked about parker is his inability to consistently hit a 3 pt shot or a shot off the dribble by himself. during crunch time, it makes the most sense to let ginobili handle the ball because he can shoot off the dribble way better than parker and can score in so many different ways. but then that makes parker pretty useless because he's not enough of a 3 pt threat to spread the floor nor is he a rebounder like duncan. he just seems out of place.

07-31-2009, 04:50 PM
This is what I dont get, How is parker a top 3 point guard. I bet you have him as no. 1 dont you?
Are you really serious? You don't think he's a top 3 point guard? You tell me what 3 PGs are honestly better..You are the only person I've ever seen..and that includes Spurs haters, that say he's not Top 3. The guy is the only healthy player on our team right now (and yes, with a sprained ankle, he's still not injured) that can create his own shot..but yeah...let's dump his ass. We've got all these people doing this right now

And all over a minor injury..he's fine. He's still top 3..top 2 in my opinion.

07-31-2009, 04:53 PM
Welcome to the coming out thread for Parker haters.


Apparently people forget we've got one of the best PGs in the league..lol

07-31-2009, 04:55 PM
as long as people are bashing parker, one thing i never liked about parker is his inability to consistently hit a 3 pt shot or a shot off the dribble by himself. during crunch time, it makes the most sense to let ginobili handle the ball because he can shoot off the dribble way better than parker and can score in so many different ways. but then that makes parker pretty useless because he's not enough of a 3 pt threat to spread the floor nor is he a rebounder like duncan. he just seems out of place.
Parker can get into the lane at will. But if we were ever to trade one of the big 3 it would have to be parker. He is an awesome scoring machine for his size. He shoots high percentage from the field for being so small. However He is limited in how he affects the game entirely. Duncan/Ginobili 1- can make a gave saving block. 2 - grab a gamesaving rebound 3 - make a gamesaving defensive play. Parker can do all the things that show up in a boxscore, but its the little things that win you ball games. Pop would never go into a clutch situation without having Ginobili/Duncan on the floor. However even last year I still seen Popovich go without parker in a clutch situation. That speaks Volumes. If parker has a bad shooting game, then he is all screwed up. If Duncan/Ginobili have a bad shootin game then they start to do other things.

07-31-2009, 04:57 PM
However even last year I still seen Popovich go without parker in a clutch situation. That speaks Volumes.

Provide 1 example pls.

07-31-2009, 05:01 PM
Are you really serious? You don't think he's a top 3 point guard? You tell me what 3 PGs are honestly better..You are the only person I've ever seen..and that includes Spurs haters, that say he's not Top 3. The guy is the only healthy player on our team right now (and yes, with a sprained ankle, he's still not injured) that can create his own shot..but yeah...let's dump his ass. We've got all these people doing this right now

And all over a minor injury..he's fine. He's still top 3..top 2 in my opinion.
Its not the injury, If that were the case I wouldve said trade Manu immediately. Its how the spurs offense Runs with him. Everybody is all happy about having Ginobili Healthy and Now having a Big 4 in Richard Jefferson. What Spurs fans dont understand is that to have all these guys reach their potential within the team setting, their must be a point guard who sets them up in areas where they thrive. Jefferson is known for finishing in transition. Thats cause Jason Kidd would get the ball, Run and look for him. Do honestly think that Parker is gonna look for him in transition and throw lobs to him in the half-court like Kidd?

1 - CP3
2 - Billups
3 - Deron Williams

07-31-2009, 05:03 PM
Provide 1 example pls.
I believe it was the Hawks last season and before that is was the grizzlies. 2 examples for ya'

07-31-2009, 05:12 PM
On another TP NOTE...I will be dealing at TP and Eva's Celibrity Poker tourney in Sept.

Kori Ellis
07-31-2009, 05:13 PM
Its not the injury, If that were the case I wouldve said trade Manu immediately. Its how the spurs offense Runs with him. Everybody is all happy about having Ginobili Healthy and Now having a Big 4 in Richard Jefferson. What Spurs fans dont understand is that to have all these guys reach their potential within the team setting, their must be a point guard who sets them up in areas where they thrive. Jefferson is known for finishing in transition. Thats cause Jason Kidd would get the ball, Run and look for him. Do honestly think that Parker is gonna look for him in transition and throw lobs to him in the half-court like Kidd?

1 - CP3
2 - Billups
3 - Deron Williams

Parker will LOVE throwing the ball to RJ and running with him. He just has never had anyone to lob to on the Spurs :lol

07-31-2009, 05:15 PM
Parker will LOVE throwing the ball to RJ and running with him. He just has never had anyone to lob to on the Spurs :lol
Well all questions will be answered after about 3months of them playing together, so lets see then.:flag:

Kori Ellis
07-31-2009, 05:17 PM
Well all questions will be answered after about 3months of them playing together, so lets see then.:flag:

As we all know, you are dying for it be a failure so you can prove Parker sucks :tu

Vic Petro
07-31-2009, 05:19 PM
I don't think we should trade Parker now because he is, indeed, overall our best player right now.

But he's 27 and will turn 28 this season, which means he'll be a FA at 29 years old. I'm not terribly excited about giving a 29 year old PG whose game is predicated on speed a Max deal. Not too many PGs can blow by people once they get on the other side of 30, and when Tony loses that ability I don't see his value being anywhere near as high.

07-31-2009, 05:21 PM
As we all know, you are dying for it be a failure so you can prove Parker sucks :tuNope I just hope we win another Championship or 2 before Duncan retires. Parker doesnt suck, For the record I NEVER said he did. I just question him being a true point guard. I'll love it if he starts throwing lobs and junk.

07-31-2009, 05:23 PM
I believe it was the Hawks last season and before that is was the grizzlies. 2 examples for ya'

Way to pull out the one bad game Parker had against Atlanta,about a week after he returned from his injury, and use it a stick to beat him. The Grizzlies game you think you remember is wrong, he didn't play the first two games against them because he was injured and then played pretty well the next two, much later in the season.

You totally made you point.

07-31-2009, 05:24 PM
I don't think we should trade Parker now because he is, indeed, overall our best player right now.

But he's 27 and will turn 28 this season, which means he'll be a FA at 29 years old. I'm not terribly excited about giving a 29 year old PG whose game is predicated on speed a Max deal. Not too many PGs can blow by people once they get on the other side of 30, and when Tony loses that ability I don't see his value being anywhere near as high.
Very fair assesment. Thankfully he has gotten a better jumpshot and he has richard Jefferson if he uses him to make things easier for himself. But like you said the other attributes of your game have to be strong. ( Jason Kidd is old an all. but he can still get you 10ast/10rbds/10pts any given night.)

07-31-2009, 05:26 PM
Way to pull out the one bad game Parker had against Atlanta,about a week after he returned from his injury, and use it a stick to beat him. The Grizzlies game you think you remember is wrong, he didn't play the first two games against them because he was injured and then played pretty well the next two, much later in the season.

You totally made you point.grizzlies 2006 not 2009 FYI - Manu had come back from and injury in that Grizzlies game and he made the game winning ALLEY_OOP to tim duncan while Parker was on the bench.

07-31-2009, 05:48 PM
Parker will LOVE throwing the ball to RJ and running with him. He just has never had anyone to lob to on the Spurs :lol

too right. look for tp and rj to connect on many a fast break next season.

parker and manu have had amazing plays on the break for years too - i think my favorite would be that one play that included a pass through derek fisher's legs.. and then maybe a behind the back pass or two..

and even hill got in on the action running the floor with tony last year. those two should click even more this year. it almost looked akward seeing someone out there (in a spurs jersey) at that breakneck pace running with tony, but they made great, cohesive plays together on several occasions.

if parker can run the break on his own and finish that's great, but he also won't hesitate to make a great play to a teammate on the break either. tony knows those little flip passes in transition make the espn top 10!

i just don't get the pure PG fascination. he averaged 7 apg. he's what? less than 2 apg away from these ultimate true PG's that play this superior team game while scoring 5-10 less ppg?

Spurs Brazil
07-31-2009, 05:48 PM

Sacre bleu! Parker puzzled about Spurs insistence on more tests
By Mike Monroe on Jul 31, 09 04:37 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) Save & Share Yahoo! BuzzYahoo! Newsvine del.icio.us Facebook Google Reddit Fark
Spurs guard Tony Parker returned to San Antonio from Paris Friday evening, wondering why the club insisted he get more tests on a right ankle he sprained a week ago in a game against Austria.

Parker has been training with and competing for "Les Bleus," the French national team, as it prepares for a three-team tournament that will determine the final qualifier for the European championships, scheduled for Poland in September.

He collided with an Austrian player in a game in Strasbourg, France, on July 23, leaving the court on crutches after injuring both his right thigh and ankle. An MRI exam showed no ligament damage in the ankle, but, a week later, the Spurs requested Parker's return so they could perform their own tests.

Spurs general manager R.C. Buford, responding by text message, said the Spurs were "being cautious" with the three-time NBA All-Star, who led the team in scoring in both the regular season (22.0 points per game) and playoffs (28.6).

Parker, however, questioned the need for the trip back to San Antonio. Noting that the Spurs had a member of their training staff in France last week to check on his status, he said he regretted the team's decision.

"Honestly, I don't understand this decision, because of all the tests done with the French doctors and the Spurs," he said. "I regret what is going (on). I am obligated to follow what my (NBA) club wanted me to do, but I hope to come back as soon as possible to participate in the qualification with the French national team."

France is to play Italy in a tournament game in Italy on Wednesday.

Anyone wondering why the Spurs would insist on erring on the side of caution with Parker need only check the team's player payroll for next season. They are obligated to pay Parker $12.6 million, whether healthy or injured.

07-31-2009, 06:32 PM
Let's see... have the Spurs ever held a player out a little longer than they had to? Have they ever worked a player back into the lineup more slowly than they had to? If you need an answer to that, you aren't a Spurs fan.

It doesn't matter if some doctor would allow them to play. It doesn't matter if the player thinks he is ready to get back into the rotation. The Spurs aren't known for rushing players back onto the floor after an injury. Or when they are not in game shape, for that matter - remember Horry a couple of seasons ago?

So why does this have to be about the French NT, or about French sports medicine? They would be treating this the same way if Tony was playing for the Spurs right now, and it was the middle of the regular season. They err on the side of caution.

So maybe the message from Holt is this:

You're injured. Stop playing and rest.

07-31-2009, 06:34 PM
I'm totally on the Spurs' side of this "argument."

Bad ankles have cost us at least one championship in the past two years, if not two championships, so if Parker has a problem with the Spurs' owner or FO being cautious, then don't freaking go to France and get injured.

I'm ecstatic that Holt took it upon himself to bring Parker back here. What if we heard that Manu was full-on practicing with the NT in Argentina right now? He would get the same text, believe me. And he should. What if we heard that Tim entered a tire-throwing contest in Montana next week to be televised on ESPN6. Tim would get the same text. And he should.

The truth is, Parker should say nothing and like it. If he plays without getting hurt, fine, no worries. But when you get hurt, the "diagnosis" comes from a doctor who is "practicing" medicine. There are no assurances when it comes to health or diagnoses of injuries. So Holt has every right to protect his assets, and Parker is obviously a major asset of this team.

07-31-2009, 07:32 PM
If the article is correct, Tony Parker is pissed at Peter Holt and plans to come back here and have it out with him. If I were Holt, I would have Tim Duncan sitting at the conference table when that conversation takes place. Tim carried Parker to three championships, and then re-signed for less money so that the team could afford to hire other good players. Now Tim is nearing the end of his career, and this season looks like it could be one of his last chances to win another ring. I'd like to see if Tony could look Tim Duncan in the eyes and justify his position on this.

I'm sure Tim understands and respects Tony's desire to play for his national team. But I wonder what the rest of you think? If Tim had made the phone call to Tony, would he have told him to stay there and play, or get his ass on the airplane?

Mr Bones
07-31-2009, 07:37 PM
:lol Awright, we get it. You don't want Tony to play for the French National team this summer. Your opinion has now been duly noted, fifteen or twenty times. Thanks.

07-31-2009, 08:27 PM
A lot of noise for nothing, in regular season tony would have played

07-31-2009, 08:29 PM
When is the break between the European games and the start of the season? I think Parker should be fine as long as he gets at least a month period in between.

07-31-2009, 08:33 PM
I hope so. But I think Duncan won't do that.

07-31-2009, 08:49 PM
Obviously the thread starter has too much hatred to TP he has to start multiple threads to prove his point.:bang

07-31-2009, 09:13 PM
Obviously the thread starter has too much hatred to TP he has to start multiple threads to prove his point.:bang

Absolutely wrong. I'm a huge Tony Parker fan. I think he's very underrated, and I hope he stays with the Spurs, and gives it his best effort for years to come. Some of the FIBA fans who post here, I'm not to fond of.

The other thread about the trade was serious. Bruno and others have suggested that he is very unhappy, and it is going to cause trouble. There's nothing worse than a player who is unahappy with the team. The point of that thread was that the sky won't fall if Tony wants out over the situation with the French NT. And if he has any idea of holding Holt hostage, I think he's sadly mistaken.

And the point of this thread is that Tony isn't the only person who is invested in this season, and the others deserve consideration too. Bruno obviously thinks that Holt is an asshole, and a lot of American fans are assholes. I wonder if he would think Tim was an asshole for wanting to be sure everyone is healthy this season?

After all Tim Duncan has done here, how do you look him in the eyes and say, "Tough shit, Tim. I'm rolling the dice"? I guess I'm really curious about whether or not Parker is capable of doing that.

07-31-2009, 10:11 PM
This sounds like it was Holt's call. Pop/Bufford stayed neutral.

I think this was deliberate so as not to jeopardize Tony's relationship with Pop primaily.

07-31-2009, 10:19 PM
we all know that parker is just a poor poor man's version of isiah thomas

07-31-2009, 11:42 PM
How dare Holt ask for an evaluation of Parker's ankle by doctors he's familiar with. I mean it's not like he has $80 million dollars riding on this season.

unreal manu can play hurt for other country but tp can not

08-01-2009, 12:27 AM
It's amazing how a lot of people here have no idea that TP is the best Spur right now.

Trade Tony Parker for Rondo? << That statement right there calls for a 3 day pinkage!

08-01-2009, 12:31 AM
It's amazing how a lot of people here have no idea that TP is the best Spur right now.

Trade Tony Parker for Rondo? << That statement right there calls for a 3 day pinkage!

straight up? that'd be worse than the pau gasol trade.

LOL, just kidding, but for real that'd be dumb. At least for the Spurs. The Celtics would probably threepeat.

08-01-2009, 12:42 AM
Tony Parker is the future of the Spurs, but you have to look at the big picture. When was the last time the PG was the most important player on the team and won a title? It would be Magic Johnson back in the 80's. I know Parker won the Finals MVP the last time the Spurs won the championship, but he wasnt the best player for that season. It was Duncan.

08-01-2009, 12:54 AM
Isiah Thomas was the best player for the Pistons, and Chauncey Billups was the best player for the Pistons..

Also, Parker is our best offensive player, not most important player..that doesn't make a difference though..

this will blow over..anybody asking to trade Tony is a fucking idiot..

08-01-2009, 01:02 AM
Tony Parker needs to stay A Spur.......He is a top 3 point guard in the NBA.... CP3, Deron Williams, and Tony parker(In No Particular Order) If we trade him, it better be for one of them, or forget about it........

08-01-2009, 01:38 AM
French coach's take :

"You also have to understand that the spurs were confronted to Ginobili's injury last year. You have to see TP's importance for them and what's in stake after a difficult season. Even if I'm taking this hard, I understand their motivations. French NT is not their priority."

08-01-2009, 01:45 AM
The Spurs are chasing THEIR LEGACY ffs.

Will they finally beat down the favored Lakers in the epic series both cities have been waiting for...

or will Tony play for a meaningless French team that won't win in a meaningless tournament anyways...

No offense France, but $10 million + NBA Team Legacy > you.

The Spurs are DONE after TD retires. DONE. They have a short window. France who?

Man In Black
08-01-2009, 02:13 AM
OK, so he's a 2 guard trapped in a Point Guard's body. But what you fail to point out with your numbers is the type of offense that Pop has had with previous teams. It's a ball control offense(You should know this since you have League Pass. I've had it since 2002-2003) and as such, it's highly unlikely that TP would ever average more than 7 with previous teams because of the personnel mix and Pop's insistence on clock-management and ball control.

So where you get off on saying that because Parker can't give you 10, 10, & 10 like Kidd means that he's less than Kidd...while statistically that may be right, for Pop and the rest of the Spurs, you're way off base. What Parker provides is exactly what Pop wants him to provide. But you'd know that if you really understood the Spurs under Pop.

Now with this new team. A team infused with youth and athleticism, TP is now at the controls of what could be a team that actually does 1st and 2nd break fast break opps, instead of what Pop is known for, setup a play and grind out the 24 seconds. It's possible his assist numbers go up to 7.5-8 per range which is amazing for the Spurs.

How you haven't explained, or why for that matter...is what plagues me about your views when it comes to TP. RECOGNIZE, if 1 of the Big 3 is out, the Spurs chances at winning a title are minimal at best. We're talking about the same odds as Ducks saying he is wrong about Manu.

With regards to Avery Johnson, he was barely 5'11"(A reach I assure you) but as a senior in college, he holds the record for most assists per game at 13.3
So he already has a passing mentality. He didn't have a jumpshot, he wasn't a terrific in the lane finisher, and had Journeyman written throughout his entire career. He doesn't have any All-NBA placements and while pivotal for the Spurs in 99, for the rest of his career, he became a 7th or 8th man player.

08-01-2009, 02:33 AM
Quit whining tp!
You have received too much freedom already since you got here.
We are planning a championship so just shut up and do as you are told and take one for the team.

08-01-2009, 03:01 AM
what's wrong with some of u? all the sudden all of u forgot what tp did last season without any help? how ungrateful can guys be. Rondo is good, but he has a attitude problem according to celtics. besides, rondo cant fill parker's shoes for long time. if we going to win a ring this year the big 3 has to be there. tp is a vital part of our success, without tp td mg all together we will not win a ring coming year.

08-01-2009, 03:09 AM
How Parker plays with Duncan and doesn't average 10+ast is still mind boggling

Best quote of the year, Ive always thought the same thing.

Trade em while we can still get alot for em.
To be honest I always felt hes one non-pass away from being Iverson.

08-01-2009, 04:00 AM
Wow, this is pretty interesting stuff here. I mean each side has their priorities. I see how Holt wants to make absolutely sure TP is ok-it doesn't seem like its a knock on French medicine at all, just holt being extra careful. TP shouldn't get mad at that, he's being a little sensitive there. As for TP and the FNT I can see how they could be mad. Once both sides can just relax and understand each others sides then everything will be fine.

As for this thread read a few pages, then skimmed back and read people were now knocking tp and suggesting trading him??? LMAO, well that's nothing new here at ST. Parker trades come and go like wind, he plays bad a few games, he shoots too much, this shit comes up....oh lets just fuckin trade parker---that's just a swell idea guys, really! Stop getting all hyped up, everything will be fine and even thinking about trading parker is just retarded. Im not going into his importance or all the reasons we shouldn't trade him because Im sure its been done in this thread plenty of times-so just settle down anyone who is busting a nut.

08-01-2009, 05:36 AM
Best quote of the year, Ive always thought the same thing.

Trade em while we can still get alot for em.
To be honest I always felt hes one non-pass away from being Iverson.

You're one game away from watching the Spurs once.

08-01-2009, 05:59 AM
what the hell is going on here???

Trade Parker? Are you guys serious? :rolleyes

08-01-2009, 06:37 AM
Just to clarify, all Holt had Tony do was come back to SA for medical tests.I think the Spurs are within their rights to do so even if Tony anbd others find this somewhat extreme. The issue of whether he can rejoin his NT will still be addressed after the test results come back. Do I understand the situation correctly?

Spurs Brazil
08-01-2009, 07:50 AM
Spurs drag Parker back for exam

Mike Monroe - Express-News Protecting their six-year, $66 million investment in Tony Parker, the Spurs on Friday summoned their point guard back to San Antonio so their medical staff can examine injuries Parker suffered a week ago in France.

Parker has been training with and competing forLes Bleus, the French national team, as they prepare for a six-team tournament that will determine the final qualifier for the European championships. The Eurobasket tournament is in Poland in September.

Parker collided with an Austrian player in a game in Strasbourg, France, on July 23, leaving the court on crutches after injuring both his right thigh and ankle. An MRI exam showed no ligament damage, but the Spurs this week requested Parker's return so they could perform their own tests.

Spurs general manager R.C. Buford, responding by text message to a question about the need for Parker to return to San Antonio, said the Spurs were “being cautious” with the three-time NBA All-Star, who led the Spurs in scoring in both the regular season (22.0 points per game) and playoffs (28.6).

Pointing out that the French team does not play again until Wednesday, when it takes on Italy as part of the Eurobasket play-in tournament, Buford said the tests, scheduled for today, will let the Spurs “know what we're dealing with.”

In a media release issued by the French team, Parker was quoted as saying he did not understand the Spurs' insistence that he return to San Antonio. Noting that a representative of the Spurs' training staff had been on the scene in France this week, he said he didn't like having to leave the national team.

“Honestly, I don't understand this decision, because of all the tests done with the French doctors and the Spurs,” Parker was quoted in the release. “I regret what is going on.

“I am obligated to follow what my (NBA) club wants me to do, but I hope to come back (to France) as soon as possible to participate in the qualification with the French national team.”

Parker has had previous ankle injuries, adding to the Spurs' concerns. In the summer of 2007, he sprained his left ankle while training with the French team, missing most of the preseason. He missed 13 regular-season games in 2007-08, all because of left ankle problems.

Last season, he sat out nine games over three weeks after suffering a sprained left ankle in the fifth game of the regular season, against Miami.

The 27-year-old guard has been relatively durable in his eight NBA seasons, playing 612 of 656 regular-season games.


08-01-2009, 08:17 AM
Hopefully after a week or so, this will be a non-story.

08-01-2009, 08:53 AM
"Parker can get into the lane at will. But..." And finish I might add. I think Parker-haters grossly underestimate how unique a skill that is and how he singlehandedly breaks down team's defenses. How many assists could Tony rack up in a Mike D'Antoni offense? Like Tim and Manu, Tony is a unique player who we should cherish while he is here. Ten years from now listers will be complaining about the Spurs point guard and posting, " He's ok, but he's no TP!" My main hope is that the rumors that Eva wants Tony to go the the Fakers at the end of this contract are untrue.

08-01-2009, 09:38 AM
Quit whining tp!
You have received too much freedom already since you got here.
We are planning a championship so just shut up and do as you are told and take one for the team.

really :stfu

you're blaming TP for whining ????? come on, guy dream is winning something with FNT, he has what everyody considers a MINOR injury, he is following Spurs recommendation doing a 22 hours trip and missing maybe one of the most important game for France in 2 or 3 years and you ask him to STFU ??? YOU STFU

08-01-2009, 10:36 AM
I suggest you read the quotes in the article first big mouth.

08-01-2009, 11:30 AM
I kinda agree with both PArker and Holt.

Holt wants to make sure his $10 Million dollar investment is ok. He will be here when Tim is long gone and probably will be the face of the spurs in the future and key to keeping the ATT center full. He obviously is worth more then just $10 million. This also being the year the Spurs make a last stand to go for the gold is another obvious reason Holt Is concerned. Holt has already lost alot in the injury loss of MANU playing, so he knows how much it costs to lose a player.

For TP, he is pissed because docs already told him what is up and the Spurs already had someone there watching over him for a report. Having to fly half way around the world can sure waste alot of time for a player just to know he is fine when doctors have already told him this. Like come on already, you have the information and a rep here to look over everything, why make me travel hours and hours to see same thing?

I kinda think TP will be a little pissed over it, but will understand the reasons later better and all will be cool with everyone.

Chill out everyone.

08-01-2009, 12:15 PM
Best quote of the year, Ive always thought the same thing.

Trade em while we can still get alot for em.
To be honest I always felt hes one non-pass away from being Iverson.

Are you 4 real????????????

08-01-2009, 12:27 PM
I suggest you read the quotes in the article first big mouth.

I suggest you read your own quotes "You have received too much freedom already since you got here." :lmao are you for real ? wth are you talking about ?

Cry Havoc
08-01-2009, 12:54 PM
Best quote of the year, Ive always thought the same thing.

Trade em while we can still get alot for em.
To be honest I always felt hes one non-pass away from being Iverson.


Career FG%
Iverson - 41%
Parker - 49% (Last 3 years 51%)

Get the fuck out of here. You're an idiot who's never watched the Spurs play.

This is what I dont get, How is parker a top 3 point guard. I bet you have him as no. 1 dont you?

Not only #1. I think he's third to Jesus and Ghandi in terms of the greatest human beings of all-time.

I've been a spurs fan for 16 yrs and I still have games in my collection of AJ playin. He does dominate the ball, and I dont just stare at box scores, I've seen the games he's played and have games on tape of him ( Parker )playing.

Ah. You want Calderon for Parker, yes? A better player, yes?

2009 Assists per Game:
Calderon - 8.9
Parker - 6.9

:lmao at you. You're trying to trade away a player averaging 7 assists per game for a season while stating he's not a passing PG or that he can't get assists. Even in the Spurs multiple pass offense, Parker got 7 dimes per game this year.

Some players who DID NOT average 6.9 assists per game:

Andre Miller
Chauncey Billups
Ramon Sessions
TJ Ford
Luke Ridnour
Rafer Alston
Mike Bibby
and the list goes on.

By the way, the Spurs have 4 players in the top 100 and two in the top 50 in Assists per game for the NBA last year, and that's without Manu being there due to injury DQ.

Parker destroyed Billups this year in almost every single statistical category. He his FG% was higher by 10. TEN PERCENT. He actually REBOUNDED BETTER than Chauncey. And despite his penetration ability, he shot less FTs than Billups by almost 100. If Parker were given the calls other PGs in the league got, he'd average 28 a game, not just in the playoffs.

So, he scores better than Billups, scores more efficiently, gets more assists, outrebounded him for the season, but Billups is a better PG because "he doesn't dominate the ball". GTFO.

Now that your argument has been shredded, I want to hear your logic with a response. Come on. Bring it, oh-fan-of-the-stats.

Congratulations. You fail.

What CONTINUES to baffle me on this board is how people ONLY look at offensive value when it pertains to Parker. NOBODY seems to talk about how awful his defense is. Rondo is a HUGE upgrade defensively. He's a better team guy. If Parker isn't scoring, he's doing NOTHING to help the team. If Rondo isn't scoring, he's rebounding or dishing for easy buckets. I'd take Rondo's style on the PRESENT spurs team any day of the week over a one-dimensional guy. That said, we've got WAY too many new guys as it is, we can't just come in here with an entirely new team and expect to win a championship. Yes, the Celtics did it, but the landscape of the league was a lot different, even if it was only 2 years ago. The top of the league is A LOT stronger.

You continue to be one of the worst posters on Spurstalk. Sweet. It's amazing how wrong you can be about so many things. You're talking about Parker from 5 years ago when he didn't play defense.

6.9 fucking assists this year, bitch. GTFO.

08-01-2009, 01:06 PM
6.9 assists for a point guard that has the ball in his hands all of the time. Iverson averages more assists than that almost any year... and he plays shooting guard. lol Sorry, you don't know how basketball works. Or basketball in general.

:lol Ignorance is bliss.

08-01-2009, 01:08 PM
No, I'm talking about the Parker that gets torched by players like J.J. Barea, who is 5'6"... or Luke Ridnour... who couldn't start for 95% of the teams in this league. Next.

Boxscores please... :rolleyes

08-01-2009, 01:08 PM
6.9 assists for a point guard that has the ball in his hands all of the time. Iverson averages more assists than that almost any year... and he plays shooting guard. lol Sorry, you don't know how the NBA works, or basketball in general.
No, I'm talking about the Parker that gets torched by players like J.J. Barea, who is 5'6"... or Luke Ridnour... who couldn't start for 95% of the teams in this league. Next.


Iverson last season 4.9 assists
07-08 Season 6.7 assists

Good try though.

08-01-2009, 01:08 PM
6.9 assists for a point guard that has the ball in his hands all of the time. Iverson averages more assists than that almost any year... and he plays shooting guard. lol Sorry, you don't know how the NBA works, or basketball in general.

You're obviously a fucking retard if you don't understand that Parker's role on the team is not to pile up assists but to score and set up the offense. The Spurs run a motion offense and the ball moves around the perimeter a lot. Sorry, you don't know how the Spurs or their basketball philosophy in general works.


08-01-2009, 01:12 PM
Parker getting torched by Barea?? :lmao

Spurs vs. Mavs 2009 series:

Parker - 28.6ppg
J.J. Barea - 10ppg


Try again.

Cry Havoc
08-01-2009, 01:12 PM
No wonder Havoc seems like such a happy guy.

Yes. Because on my planet I understand that 4.9 and 6.7 is less than 6.9.

It's funny though. Your beef with Parker is that he's got the ball in his hands all the time so he should have more assists...

And then you proceed to compare him to... Allen Iverson?


08-01-2009, 01:13 PM
He's asked to score because he isn't a good passer. lol Plain and simple. You can make whatever excuses you want to. Him averaging less assists than Iverson in a typical year is fact.

Way to ignore the facts I posted.

08-01-2009, 01:13 PM
He's asked to score because he isn't a good passer. lol Plain and simple. You can make whatever excuses you want to. Him averaging less assists than Iverson in a typical year is fact.

Are you serious? Do you even watch Spurs basketball?

Fuck Iverson. He is the most selfish player in the NBA and you'd really rather have that sack of shit over the one of the top 3 point guards in the NBA today?

Seriously dude, put down the meth syringe.

08-01-2009, 01:14 PM
He's asked to score because he isn't a good passer. lol Plain and simple. You can make whatever excuses you want to. Him averaging less assists than Iverson in a typical year is fact.

The amount of fail in your posts is troubling kid.Seriously.

08-01-2009, 01:15 PM
The most assists Iverson has EVER averaged per game is 7.9 in 2004-2005.

Wow so in his best season he only averaged 1 more assist than Tony did this year.


Try again.

08-01-2009, 01:16 PM
BTW for their careers, Parker averages 5.6 per game and Iverson averages 6.2.

08-01-2009, 01:18 PM
Good try, but reading comprehension ftl. I said in "almost any year". He was traded last year btw? rofl

I don't care if he was traded, if Iverson > Parker at assists he should be able to get them in Detroit.

Also :lmao @ your lack of spurs Basketball knowledge.

08-01-2009, 01:18 PM
Don't start whining next season when Parker has the best supporting cast in the league and he can't top 7APG.

He won't average more than 7 APG and no one bar 14 year olds like you would give a damn. No PG would average significantly more assist in our offense.

Cry Havoc
08-01-2009, 01:18 PM
Don't start whining next season when Parker has the best supporting cast in the league and he can't top 7APG.

Welcome to the Spurs offense. It's called, "We pass the ball more than once."

08-01-2009, 01:19 PM
While averaging 30 points per game.

Try again.


...on a team where he was the only scorer while Tony had Tim and Manu.

Try again.


08-01-2009, 01:20 PM
You can put Jose Calderon/Chris Paul/Deron Williams whoever the fuck you want and I can guarantee that would not average more then 7 APG max in the Spurs offense.

Cry Havoc
08-01-2009, 01:20 PM
While averaging 30 points per game.

Try again.


In the 04-05 season, Allen Iverson took 1,818 FG attempts.

The same year, Parker took 1,118 FT attempts.

The most FG attempts Parker has ever taken for a season is 1,263.

You still fail.

08-01-2009, 01:22 PM
Are you honestly going to argue for Parker being a better player historically than Iverson? Sorry, but I'm not even going to debate with you if that's the case. Iverson is a first ballot Hall-of-Famer. The only way Parker would EVER get in is riding Duncan's coattails for ring totals.

Seriously, just log off and never log back in. Iverson is a better scorer, but a better player he is not. He is selfish. He's never won shit in the NBA while TP was owning Jason Kidd in the NBA Finals when he was 20 years old.

08-01-2009, 01:25 PM
Are you honestly going to argue for Parker being a better player historically than Iverson? Sorry, but I'm not even going to debate with you if that's the case. Iverson is a first ballot Hall-of-Famer. The only way Parker would EVER get in is riding Duncan's coattails for ring totals.

edit: Same question goes to Havoc.

Historically Parker is the better all around player with the better career and is a sure HOF-er.

Cry Havoc
08-01-2009, 01:26 PM
Are you honestly going to argue for Parker being a better player historically than Iverson? Sorry, but I'm not even going to debate with you if that's the case. Iverson is a first ballot Hall-of-Famer. The only way Parker would EVER get in is riding Duncan's coattails for ring totals.

edit: Same question goes to Havoc.

Of course not. Parker is 27. Very few players at 27 will be able to stand up career wise to Iverson. That said, Parker has always been a more efficient scorer. But now you're deflecting the argument because your points are being disproven.

Your original contention was that all Parker can do to help the Spurs is score. When that argument was annihilated, you've attempted to get Spurs fans to compare the careers of Parker and Iverson in order to say you're still correct.

It's a common tactic on the internet to change the subject when you're wrong. :tu It's okay though. It was a good attempt while it lasted.

Just to remind you:
6.9 assists.

08-01-2009, 01:28 PM
^^Cry these guys are just a fucking waste of time. At any opportunity they will throw their venom, they aren't fans.

08-01-2009, 01:31 PM
I need to start writing names on notepads of people that clearly don't watch the NBA on a regular basis. Then, I also need a section for children who started watching basketball in 2003. You would be in both categories.


08-01-2009, 01:31 PM
I need to start writing names on notepads of people that clearly don't watch the NBA on a regular basis. Then, I also need a section for children who started watching basketball in 2003. You would be in both categories.

:lol I guess the title even-more-stupid-than-KBP doesn't bother you. I've watched basketball before you were born.

08-01-2009, 01:32 PM
HAHAHAHA. Are you really going to compare Iverson's career accomplishments to Parker's? Did you really just bring up the 2003 finals when Duncan was putting up quadruple doubles? Your argument is seriously HILARIOUS. :lmaoI remember Parker's running circles around Jason Kidd so often that the Nets had to put someone else on him.

So... is winning a ring coattailing or taking a team to the finals almost literally by yourself a better career accomplishment?I think winning Finals MVP trumps them both.

Cry Havoc
08-01-2009, 01:32 PM
I need to start writing names on notepads of people that clearly don't watch the NBA on a regular basis. Then, I also need a section for children who started watching basketball in 2003. You would be in both categories.

They're homers for their team. It's pretty common on message boards. Clearly it's a surprise to you.

At least they like their favorite team. You're telling them they've never watched the NBA when you stated a player who averages 7 dimes per game can only score. :lol

Cry Havoc
08-01-2009, 01:34 PM
Wait... when was my point annihilated? Please, show me where that occurred. Averaging 6.9 assists per game(a career high LOL) is a great accomplishment on a team with Tim Duncan and Manu Ginobili... when the ball is in your hands 80% of the time? Now that... is laughable.

6.9 assists per game.

08-01-2009, 01:34 PM
Wait... when was my point annihilated? Please, show me where that occurred. Averaging 6.9 assists per game(a career high LOL) is a great accomplishment on a team with Tim Duncan and Manu Ginobili... when the ball is in your hands 80% of the time? Now that... is laughable.

Jesus fuck do you watch the Spurs? The offense does NOT run through Parker (Discounting the end of this season).

08-01-2009, 01:36 PM
Wait... when was my point annihilated? Please, show me where that occurred. Averaging 6.9 assists per game(a career high LOL) is a great accomplishment on a team with Tim Duncan and Manu Ginobili... when the ball is in your hands 80% of the time? Now that... is laughable.Actually it makes sense when Manu and Duncan get most of their points after dribbling the ball.

08-01-2009, 01:37 PM
Actually it makes sense when Manu and Duncan get most of their points after dribbling the ball.

Don't confuse him with facts Chump, this is not reflected in the boxscores, which is the only thing he's seen.

08-01-2009, 01:40 PM
Put Parker on the Jazz or the Hornets and he gets at least 3 more APG. What don't you understand about the Spurs offense? It's not one pass from Parker and then shoot, we're not the freakin' Suns.

08-01-2009, 01:41 PM
15PPG, 40%FG.Both stats being better than those of Manu or Jack in the finals that season.

I think having a trophy with Tim Duncan's name engraved on it is nothing to brag about.I don't believe any names are engraved on it. It's possible they put the recipient's name on it later, but Duncan's name is not on Tony's award.

08-01-2009, 01:41 PM
HAHAHAHA. Are you really going to compare Iverson's career accomplishments to Parker's? Did you really just bring up the 2003 finals when Duncan was putting up quadruple doubles? Your argument is seriously HILARIOUS. :lmao

OK, in 2003, Parker averaged a WHOPPING 15 PPG for the playoffs on 40 PERCENT SHOOTING. LOL And you're trying to dog Iverson for shooting %? Well done. :lmao:lmao:lmao

Iverson, meanwhile, took a team with only Dikembe Mutombo to the NBA finals.

So... is winning a ring coattailing or taking a team to the finals almost literally by yourself a better career accomplishment?

Yeah and Parker was 20 years old and in his second season.

Seriously, it's obviously that you're just a Parker hater and no one is taking you seriously. You're just blindly hating.

Iverson's career accomplishments? :lmao What has he done besides become a cancer on every team he's been with, stunt the development of other players because of his selfish necessity to have the ball, refuse to come off the bench, and not even have the decency to show up for practice?

Once again, log off. And go stroke off to your pictures of AI on your hard drive you fucking tard.

08-01-2009, 01:42 PM
:lmao @ Spurstrodamus thinking that Manu and Tim are just spot up jumpshooters.

08-01-2009, 01:43 PM
LOL No he doesn't. Are you seriously THAT stupid? The Jazz are a run and gun team now? LOL The Jazz are KNOWN for some of the best execution in the NBA. Come on, man. Seriously.

That had nothing to do with what he said. You're an idiot.

08-01-2009, 01:44 PM
Thanks for making my point even stronger. Parker does not get teammates easy baskets. His assists come off pure speed/quickness on penetration and a kickout... the easiest pass to make in basketball. 12-year-olds can make that pass consistently.No it doesn't make your point stronger. It doesn't make sense for Parker to pass to a teammate for a jumpshot when his chances of making a basket on a drive are much higher.

You actually want the Spurs to have a lower shooting percentage. :lmao

08-01-2009, 01:44 PM
Duncan loves to work in the post. It's not like he makes quick cuts to the basket or leaps to the rim for alley-oops. He has a sick array of post moves that don't equal assists for point guards. What Spurs PG in the Duncan era has ever averaged more than 6-7 APGs?

08-01-2009, 01:46 PM
How many Finals MVP awards does Iverson have again?

Oh, wait...

08-01-2009, 01:46 PM
Seriously, the worst thing in basketball are those superfluous statistics and boxscores, so that dumbshits like S.A.Smith can discuss bulshit for hours and 14 year olds can get a hard on for 6.9!

08-01-2009, 01:47 PM
Thanks for making my point even stronger. Parker does not get teammates easy baskets. His assists come off pure speed/quickness on penetration and a kickout... the easiest pass to make in basketball. 12-year-olds can make that pass consistently.


08-01-2009, 01:49 PM
Also why would you want one of the best PG slashers of this decade to not Drive in for a layup?

08-01-2009, 01:49 PM
You're right. Boy, Tim Duncan was dominant that year, wasn't he? That's the first title I can remember where a player won it by himself.He didn't win it by himself.

His name is most certainly on it.Where? Show me a picture of Tony's trophy that has Tim's name engraved on it. I think they are too small to have all the names engraved on it.
The point I'm trying to make, if you're slow... is that Duncan clearly deserved that award.Nah, it was a judgment call. Hell, I could have accepted Bowen's receiving it that season.
Parker getting it was a joke. Spurs fans, more than anyone, should know that the game of basketball is about more than just offense.It's most valuable -- it wasn't a joke.

08-01-2009, 01:50 PM
So wait... Duncan can't finish around the rim? Manu can't hit open 3s? Am I missing something?

No, but both Manu and Tim are very patient players and always looking for an easier bucket. Manu can knock down an open 3, sure, but if he's rushed he may pumpfake, dribble penetrate, step back, fade . . .

That's what is so special about him.

08-01-2009, 01:50 PM
This is completely wrong. This is a Kobe Bryant circa 2006 mindset right here.What is wrong about it?

Please be specific.

08-01-2009, 01:50 PM
Wait, how many point guards has Duncan had again?

When you're able to answer your own question and find out the reasons why, you'll know what's wrong with your current basketball knowledge.

08-01-2009, 01:52 PM
Wait, how many point guards has Duncan had again?

Avery, Antonio, Speedy, Beno . . .

08-01-2009, 01:54 PM
While averaging 30 points per game.

Try again.

:lmaoWhile shooting 40% from the field. :wakeup

08-01-2009, 01:54 PM
Also why would you want one of the best PG slashers of this decade to not Drive in for a layup?Because it has too good a chance of going in the bucket. It's unfair to the other team apparently.

08-01-2009, 01:54 PM
I don't have to try at all. This stuff is common knowledge to me. The NBA is a big part of my life. Unfortunately for the rest of this board, I'm also intelligent.

Engaging in circular arguments is the antithesis of intelligence.

08-01-2009, 01:55 PM
Chauncey Billups, another great PG of this Decade has averaged 6 assists or less in 9 of his 14 seasons, does he suck?

08-01-2009, 01:57 PM
The stats tell a different story. And they don't lie.The stats tell that other people played. And you just argued the Spurs' game wasn't all about offense. Nice self-ownage.

Oh, it's absolutely a joke. Because Tim, until he retires(barring some kind of Manu-esque injury), is the MVP on this team. Any knowledgeable Spurs fan will tell you that.It's absolutely not a joke because any one of three players could have won the award that series. Any knowledgeable spurfan will tell you.

08-01-2009, 02:01 PM
The idea is, you need to get your teammates involved.They do get involved, otherwise Parker would average 0 assists instead of 7.
Just because he thinks he can score at a higher rate doesn't mean anything. Maybe he can, maybe he can't.Overall, the stats say he can -- and as you said, they don't lie.
He's a FUCKING POINT GUARD. His job is to get his teammates involved. Kobe isn't even a point guard and people dog him for this exact same mindset.His job is to do what the coach tells him to. An NBA coach would be an idiot to not take advantage of his talents. You want the Spurs to not take advantage of Parker's talents. That makes you an idiot.

08-01-2009, 02:03 PM
Asking Tony to not drive the lane is like asking Dwight to not rebound, you just don't do it..

08-01-2009, 02:03 PM
It was Duncan's award. Care to name the stats from the finals that year? TD vs TP?It was Tony's award. Care to name the winner of that award from the finals that year? TD or TP?

08-01-2009, 02:06 PM
Parker is not a better fit play-style wise for the current spurs team.

This is the most stupid thing I've ever seen on SpursTalk.

08-01-2009, 02:08 PM
Tony Parker averaged more points in the 2007 Finals than anyone, including Tim Duncan and LeBron James. Therefore he was named the Finals MVP. Not Duncan.


08-01-2009, 02:08 PM
No, the initial argument is that it wouldn't be a disaster to trade Parker for Rondo and another valuable piece. Parker is not a better fit play-style wise for the current spurs team.:lmao You just said that the offense is based on running plays for Parker and now you are trying to argue that Parker doesn't fit in an offense designed for Parker!
If they could get Rondo and Perkins for Parker, that's an absolute must do. Even if it'll be an entirely new team.It's not an absolute anything. In fact, it's pretty stupid at this point.

08-01-2009, 02:10 PM
ChumpDumper laying the smack-down on Spurstrodumbass. :lmao

08-01-2009, 02:14 PM
Way to completely avoid the inevitable win for Duncan in the stats department.That's an extreme fail on your part, because in the stats you shit your pants about the most -- points and FG% -- Parker far outperformed Duncan.

Parker 24.5 ppg .568 fg

Duncan 18.3 ppg .446 fg

As I said, the award could have gone to Parker, Duncan or even Bowen that year. I wouldn't have complained in any case. You would and still are.

08-01-2009, 02:20 PM
That's an extreme fail on your part, because in the stats you shit your pants about the most -- points and FG% -- Parker far outperformed Duncan.

Parker 24.5 ppg .568 fg

Duncan 18.3 ppg .446 fg

As I said, the award could have gone to Parker, Duncan or even Bowen that year. I wouldn't have complained in any case. You would and still are.


08-01-2009, 02:45 PM
What other stats should he single out? Blocks? Rebounds? Steals? Minutes played?


08-01-2009, 02:46 PM
Look, they're going to have to change the offense anyway with this new team. And if they don't, it just proves how overrated Popobitch is.

Dude, you have been thoroughly out gunned and you are obviously a hater, so why don't you just find another team to be miserable with?

We can trade you to the Lakers for that Lakers/Steelers fan dude who likes the Spurs now. Bitch for bitch. Fair swap.

08-01-2009, 02:47 PM
Dude, you have been thoroughly out gunned and you are obviously a hater, so why don't you just find another team to be miserable with?

We can trade you to the Lakers for that Lakers/Steelers fan dude who likes the Spurs now. Bitch for bitch. Fair swap.


08-01-2009, 02:52 PM
Oh, how convenient. You single out ONE stat. Boy, you sure showed me!Dude, that is more that one stat.

Not only am I convinced you didn't watch the series, I'm now convinced you can't count to two.

08-01-2009, 02:54 PM
The bitch comment was more about your inability to shut up. You don't like the coach. You don't like the starting point guard. Why are you a Spurs fan?

08-01-2009, 02:55 PM
lol @ all the fake spurs fans with no brain wanting to trade parker

08-01-2009, 02:58 PM
FG% and points I would include in one stat.

Dude you continue to amaze us. Are you sure you're not a fake greek? :lol

08-01-2009, 03:03 PM
I know this may be hard for your pre-pubescent, feeble brain to comprehend, but points directly correlate with FG%.

No shit.

So 20 points on 10/10 shooting is the same as 20 points on 10/30 shooting? No wonder you like AI.

08-01-2009, 03:06 PM

Career FG%
Iverson - 41%
Parker - 49% (Last 3 years 51%)

Get the fuck out of here. You're an idiot who's never watched the Spurs play.

Not only #1. I think he's third to Jesus and Ghandi in terms of the greatest human beings of all-time.

Ah. You want Calderon for Parker, yes? A better player, yes?

2009 Assists per Game:
Calderon - 8.9
Parker - 6.9

:lmao at you. You're trying to trade away a player averaging 7 assists per game for a season while stating he's not a passing PG or that he can't get assists. Even in the Spurs multiple pass offense, Parker got 7 dimes per game this year.

Some players who DID NOT average 6.9 assists per game:

Andre Miller
Chauncey Billups
Ramon Sessions
TJ Ford
Luke Ridnour
Rafer Alston
Mike Bibby
and the list goes on.

By the way, the Spurs have 4 players in the top 100 and two in the top 50 in Assists per game for the NBA last year, and that's without Manu being there due to injury DQ.

Parker destroyed Billups this year in almost every single statistical category. He his FG% was higher by 10. TEN PERCENT. He actually REBOUNDED BETTER than Chauncey. And despite his penetration ability, he shot less FTs than Billups by almost 100. If Parker were given the calls other PGs in the league got, he'd average 28 a game, not just in the playoffs.

So, he scores better than Billups, scores more efficiently, gets more assists, outrebounded him for the season, but Billups is a better PG because "he doesn't dominate the ball". GTFO.

Now that your argument has been shredded, I want to hear your logic with a response. Come on. Bring it, oh-fan-of-the-stats.

Congratulations. You fail.

You continue to be one of the worst posters on Spurstalk. Sweet. It's amazing how wrong you can be about so many things. You're talking about Parker from 5 years ago when he didn't play defense.

6.9 fucking assists this year, bitch. GTFO.Of course he got alot if assist this year. He always had the ball and didnt have to give to Manu cause he was hurt and then duncan was running around on one leg.

And the Calderon argument is this, I wouldn't trade them straight up, Cause Calderon isn't an all star. I want Calderon and Bargnani that way you get a point guard who runs an offense and looks around+you get a 7footer who is young and still has potential.
FYI - I'm not just lookin at assist, I'm looking at how both players get assist. Parker works his but off trying to create for others. Calderon gets his assist by utilizing the talents of the other players.
FYI - Chauncy came in and changed the makeup of that team and brought order to a bunch of guys who dont no anything about winning. made it past the first round since 1994.

08-01-2009, 03:06 PM
No shit.

So 20 points on 10/10 shooting is the same as 20 points on 10/30 shooting? No wonder you like AI.
:lmao:lmao:lmao Gotta side with you on this one..not even close.

08-01-2009, 03:09 PM


55pts AND 10 assists

:flag: :lobt2:

08-01-2009, 03:10 PM
George Hill will be better than Rondo.

08-01-2009, 03:15 PM
:lmao @ Spurstrodamus thinking that Manu and Tim are just spot up jumpshooters.
If you give Duncan and Ginobili the ball right underneath the basket there is nothing else they can do but score, and then Parker gets the assist. However we all know that Parker has blinders on, so Tim Duncan getting layups from Parker is pretty much out the question.

08-01-2009, 03:16 PM
Minnesota Timberwolves. Regular season.

So what ?
Give me the stats of your beloved PG's against Minessota during regular season.

08-01-2009, 03:18 PM
Minnesota Timberwolves. Regular season.

You forgot to mention that it was also an overtime game. You are right. Anybody could have had 55/10 in that situation. You, me . . . anybody.