View Full Version : Funny People

08-03-2009, 09:14 AM
great movie, perfect balance between comedy and serious plot line. The big issue is it was 2 hours and 30 minutes long, but other than that it was great. Go see it.

There's even a part with Eminem

08-03-2009, 09:26 AM
hmm, wasnt going to see it until dvd, but hey a recommendation by dok-gotta check it out. BTW never ever ever ever watch the movie martyrs.

08-03-2009, 10:10 AM
Loved it.

"I'm going to put my glasses on your ass so when I'm fucking your asshole it looks like you're giving me a blowjob."

08-03-2009, 10:13 AM

"Skinny Vagina, you should feed it some carbs"

08-03-2009, 10:13 AM
good flick.

08-03-2009, 11:17 AM
The mookie crew will come in and talk about how it wasn't very good

08-03-2009, 11:47 AM
The mookie crew will come in and talk about how it wasn't very good

of course they will scoff at it's popularity and cite some shitty indie film as the best flick ever.

Pretentious Douche
08-03-2009, 12:21 PM
American comedies are so passé.

08-03-2009, 12:29 PM
if you thought 2 hr and 30 min was long the original cut was around 3 hrs 45 min

Cry Havoc
08-03-2009, 12:59 PM
of course they will scoff at it's popularity and cite some shitty indie film as the best flick ever.


I'd really like to see this movie. Looks hilarious.

08-03-2009, 01:26 PM
The mookie crew will come in and talk about how it wasn't very good

I still find it funny when Mookie was talking down to me about the recruits UA got recently claiming that they weren't for the upcoming season even though he had no idea what he was talking about.

08-03-2009, 03:40 PM
Great movie, lots of funny bits...

James Taylor after serious folk music: "FUCK FACEBOOK!"

08-04-2009, 01:06 AM
Seems to be getting bad reviews elsewhere which usually means its a good movie. I've been wanting to see it since I first saw the previews a month or two ago.
That said though, 150 minutes is way too long. I hate, HATE movies over 100 minutes MAX. I get too bored. This includes movies like Braveheart and Saving Private Ryan, though I did like them, they are also too long.

La Peace
08-04-2009, 01:46 AM
Seeing it with my lady this week she won a free ticket on fandango so its a cheap date.

I have been a fan of Sandler since Big Daddy. I go to UCLA so I've actually played basketball with him, great guy, got to support this one. As opposed to watching a pirated version per status quo.

08-04-2009, 01:53 AM
Sandler is hilarious, def think billy madison was his best still. Tho Dont mess with the zohan is absolutely fucking hilarious. Its a movie that either a person thinks is just too stupid/silly to even laugh or they embrace how stupid it is and laugh thru the whole thing, im the latter. John turturro is so fucking funny in it....the phantom, roflllll. Anyways still gonna check this out, probably will do a double feature next weekend.

08-04-2009, 08:52 AM
Sandler is hilarious, def think billy madison was his best still. Tho Dont mess with the zohan is absolutely fucking hilarious. Its a movie that either a person thinks is just too stupid/silly to even laugh or they embrace how stupid it is and laugh thru the whole thing, im the latter. John turturro is so fucking funny in it....the phantom, roflllll. Anyways still gonna check this out, probably will do a double feature next weekend.

I'm the former.

08-05-2009, 06:52 AM
Well...I guess I am going to be the one to rain on this movie's parade.

With the exception of a few funny one-liners, I was pretty disappointed overall. This movie was a great idea on paper but was horribly executed by Aptow...in both the storyline and the comedy. As an old school Sandler fan, it was hard to see him subjected to Aptow's writing. He was basically reduced to a hundred penis jokes. It was funny the first few times, but after a while I found myself just rolling my eyes. Aptow relies heavily on the dialogue to carry this movie and I think that is where his biggest failure is, mostly because he seems to run out of ideas pretty quickly. He should have taken some notes from Sandler's movies and added more situational comedy and random characters. Sandler even made the romantic comedy bearable when he did 50 First Dates...and he achieved this with himself mixed with other great random characters(the tattooed cook at the diner, his man thing co-worker and his crazy, weed smoking friend). Aptow basically relies on Sandler, Rogan and Jonah Hill to do most of the heavy lifting with the dialogue he provided and after an hour or so they get pretty tired.

The story started off OK(with the exception of the completely unfunny standup routines) and Sander and Rogan actually had decent chemistry in this film. Where it dies is in the last half of the movie, as we spend over an hour at Sandler's ex's house. I don't know how else to say it, so I'll just say it...Eric Bana is not funny and was completely miscast for this film. The house sequence would have been much more bearable if they had used one of the guys from Sandler's previous movies as the husband. This whole scene drags out so bad that I wanted to just claw my eyes out. I almost left the theater because I was tired of waiting on the ending. It's really hard to put into words how poorly executed this part of the movie was. It was just a bad idea overall. I like the idea of Sandler reaching out to the ex, but it could have been made much more interesting. I would have liked to have seen Rogan, Sandler and Leslie Mann travel somewhere together and perhaps get themselves caught up in some different random situations.

The end was pretty cliche...with the inevitable split and reconciliation of Sandler and Rogan. It really is a shame that the writing wasn't better because as I said before, Rogan and Sandler had pretty good chemistry. I'd like to see them try it again with a better script.

Overall, there will be alot of 18-22 yr olds that will probably like this movie because of the countless penis jokes and overusage of the word fuck...and I don't really blame them because when I was that age I liked stuff like that. But when I was that age you also had really good comedies that didn't need an overload of any of that because the writing and characters were great. This movie is nothing more than an attempt at those movies without the substance.

08-05-2009, 09:08 AM
eminems part was my favorite!

08-05-2009, 09:11 AM
when ramano says 'hi marshall' i lol'd...

08-05-2009, 09:15 AM
if you thought 2 hr and 30 min was long the original cut was around 3 hrs 45 mintesting 1 2 3

08-05-2009, 10:18 AM
not that funny of a movie at all... seth rogan is going down the drain fast!

08-05-2009, 01:33 PM
I liked it. I thought Seth Rogan was very good in this movie and he showed a different side of himself in this movie. He can play a dramatic role, which I did not know he could before.

08-05-2009, 02:07 PM
Jonas Hill always steals the show though....he is so funny.

Das Texan
08-05-2009, 02:39 PM
ya the part at the ex's house did drag on for way too long.

other than that, i thought it was pretty good.

08-05-2009, 02:42 PM
The Hangover>>>>Funny People

A bit slow and long had some funny Dick and Ball jokes.

08-05-2009, 11:39 PM
This movie was pretty good. I was surprised by the performances of Adam and Sandler. They had some chemistry and were both good when they were serious and funny. Judd Apatow's movies are usually long so you know you're gonna be watching a movie for a little over 2 hours. And his movies usually have jokes about penises, boobs, and balls in them and fuck is said quite often. I thought Seth Rogen did a good job at being a type of character that he usually isn't in movies. He was the more sensible one in the movie. This movie was funny but I still think The Hangover is the funniest movie of 2009, followed by I Love You Man then this movie.

08-06-2009, 12:19 PM
This movie was pretty good. I was surprised by the performances of Adam and Sandler. They had some chemistry and were both good when they were serious and funny. Judd Apatow's movies are usually long so you know you're gonna be watching a movie for a little over 2 hours. And his movies usually have jokes about penises, boobs, and balls in them and fuck is said quite often. I thought Seth Rogen did a good job at being a type of character that he usually isn't in movies. He was the more sensible one in the movie. This movie was funny but I still think The Hangover is the funniest movie of 2009, followed by I Love You Man then this movie.

I think The Ugly Truth was funnier than I love you Man.

08-06-2009, 01:36 PM
i was never a big adam sandler fan so maybe i'm a bit biased... he just comes across as a total ass to me. not that he's not funny sometimes but he just doesn't come across as a real comedian in my eyes.

the only time i liked his work was on lsd when i first seen billy madison. he saw a giant penguin and i saw much much more than that!

The Gemini Method
08-06-2009, 01:59 PM
I only like the Billy Madison and Happy Gilmour movies from him. I do, however, think his best movie was one where it wasn't a comedy, but a drama and that's Reign Over Me w/Don Cheadle...Punch-Drunk Love was not bad either.

08-06-2009, 07:12 PM
This movie was pretty good. I was surprised by the performances of Adam and Sandler.

That made me lol. The movie not so much. Too long and really had no point to it by the end of the movie. I liked all the actors, but the plot was boring.

08-06-2009, 10:21 PM
Were you expecting an Oscar worthy performance by Sandler and Rogen? Were you expecting the movie to be nominated for Best Picture? It's a fuckin Judd Apatow movie. His movies are funny. And who cares if they're long? 80 to 90 minutes aren't always enough for comedies. Sometimes they should be longer.

The Gemini Method
08-07-2009, 02:44 AM
^ +1 because this is what should be expected...I don't get people who feel like they've been cheated by what passes for cinema today. Like for instance; I had a friend who was disappointed with Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. Of course it is going to be pure entertainment because the movie is hard to produce when CGI is still not a perfected art. Also, what do you expect from the likes of Sandler, Rogen, Judd Apatow, Megan Fox, Shia Labeouf...etc...etc...

Anyhow, to each his own I guess...

08-07-2009, 05:41 AM
I only like the Billy Madison and Happy Gilmour movies from him. I do, however, think his best movie was one where it wasn't a comedy, but a drama and that's Reign Over Me w/Don Cheadle...Punch-Drunk Love was not bad either.
Reign Over Me was outstanding.

09-02-2009, 02:04 AM
Just got back from watching it. I really loved it. I didn't see it as a straight comedy, so I was dissapointed by the drama, that's what I loved about it, I thought it had a great balance of both.

I will definitely buy this on blu ray. I did think them at the ex'es house was a bit long, but overall, loved it. :tu :tu