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08-04-2009, 02:04 AM
Still a few weeks away from coming but from what ive read this has all the ingredients to be one of the best sci-fi/adventure films in the past few years. Produced heavily by Peter jackson and a very original premise. Early reviews amazing

Trailer looks awesome

08-04-2009, 01:29 PM
What I've heard is that the aliens want to leave but "we" won't let them leave. I think we might be the bad guys in this one. You're right, the trailer looks awesome!!

08-04-2009, 01:44 PM
final destination 3D> District 9

j/k but i cant wait for both

08-04-2009, 01:45 PM
Its directed by the same guy that directedthe halo3 commercials

08-04-2009, 03:12 PM
Its directed by the same guy that directedthe halo3 commercials

i heard he also was going to make a halo movie? but he dropped it for district 9 instead.

08-13-2009, 02:04 AM
anyone going to the midnight screening for District 9, I haven't decided yet since it is a thinking movie, so even though I'll be awake, I feel I might miss something on screen.

but probably will go to the midnight screening, still need to go see Moon, heard good things about it, some saying it is a sci fi classic, the same is being said about District 9

08-13-2009, 02:35 AM
another impressive feat about District 9 is that it has a 97 % fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoe: 32 Fresh , 1 rotten review. Usually the artsy type films are the ones that get high 90 percentages , not Sci Fi action films which usually have some individuals that don't like the style, that bring it down to the 70,80 percent.

It was 100% for the longest time until around the 25th review when Armond White gave his a rotten review. The thing about White is that he is known to give bad reviews to popular movies.

or quite the opposite, give good reviews to bad movies for example: " Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is more proof [Bay] has a great eye for scale and a gift for visceral amazement."

his review for The Hangover: " Rising-star Bradley Cooper and gang represent the dirtbag element that has become acceptable in contemporary comedy."

" Astoundingly unimaginative, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ruins the idea of popular entertainment."

" From its snarky title on down, everything about I Love You, Man ignores the complexities of male identity." — New York Press

As you can see this "critic" doesn't know how to analyze a movie correctly. There is no consistency.

Rotten Tomatoes made a statement on their twitter page and main page, that they will keep the review up there but understand why District 9 fans would be mad about the review, basically RT is covering their basis so they can please everyone.

But for a Sci Fi film to have only 1 questionable negative review out of 33 total is a great feat for its genre.

08-13-2009, 07:20 AM
Yep........................ want to see it. Looks bad arse.

08-13-2009, 09:20 AM
Looks pretty awesome. Humans as the bad guys is a pretty cool twist.

08-13-2009, 07:45 PM
Looks legit. Probably see it on saturday though.

08-13-2009, 10:33 PM
Cant fucking wait.

08-14-2009, 09:35 AM
Has this movie got some plot depth to it or is it just the usual blowing up of crap and mega violence that so many sheep like?

08-14-2009, 12:29 PM
You Dist9 lovers could you post what other movie(s) you have loved so as to give us a frame of reference? Just a couple-three.

Manny, did you love Dist9? That will tell me a lot.

08-14-2009, 02:21 PM
Has this movie got some plot depth to it or is it just the usual blowing up of crap and mega violence that so many sheep like?

It has a lot of depth and drama to it along with action. In fact that is why a lot of the high schoolers at regal live oak at the midnight screening were disappointed, they actually had to think for once

08-14-2009, 02:22 PM
It has a lot of depth and drama to it along with action. In fact that is why a lot of the high schoolers at regal live oak at the midnight screening were disappointed, they actually had to think for once

As a one time high school kid...I can understand why they were disappointed.

08-14-2009, 10:17 PM
I thought it was too cliche...and I wanted to really like it...

Heath Ledger
08-14-2009, 11:23 PM
Im going to the Drive In to see it tonight.

08-14-2009, 11:32 PM
I think anyone who enjoys original sci-fi movies should enjoy this. You find yourself really caring for the main character and the predicament he's in. Also, I gotta be honest the mech suit that the main character gets in about the last 15 minutes or so just reeks havoc like ive never seen before. Fuckin pretty damn cool, IDK how they got this movie in a $30 mil cuz some of the weapons are just badass.

08-15-2009, 01:18 AM
I thought it was about an 8/10. It actually has a plot unlike the shoot em up idiocy of Transformers. Like holcs50 said, the character development was pretty impressive.

Heath Ledger
08-15-2009, 06:00 AM
That's the exact review I expected from a troll Laker fan.

This movie rocked. Acting was pretty impressive, due to its documentary type format for many parts of the movie, the interviews seemed genuine. I wish they explained why the Aliens were here and why their ship broke down.

I smell a sequel.

08-15-2009, 07:18 AM
I smell a sequel, too. Named "District 10".

the movie was extremely good. I loved the main character, and the father/son aliens. There was humor, tons of action, drama, and just a really cool feel to this film--unlike any sci-fi I've ever seen before. Yes, there were some unanswered questions, but overall the movie flowed really well and you just found yourself engrossed in this guy's um, situation, I guess.

Great movie.

Did anyone else feel a parellel between the human/aliens and the Israeli/Palestinians--how they were "settled" into one section of town? Maybe it was just me reading too much into it. Yeah, probably was.

I'd even go see it again, it was that good.

08-15-2009, 08:13 AM
If you are going to see a shoot 'em up...stay at home. This was much more of a docu-drama.

This was one of the most realistic feeling alien movies I have ever seen. You really felt like you were following this guy around and participating instead of just watching. Jackson did a great job giving a human element to the aliens. It was probably the best take I've seen on what would really happen to aliens if they came to earth.

I'll come back and write a longer review later when I am more awake.

08-15-2009, 08:51 AM
Do all the alieans look like James Caan?

08-15-2009, 09:23 AM
D-9 was about as cheap as its budget. I should have known Peter Jackson was using his name to pull in hundreds of millions... greedy bastard. This movie sucks major ass, and those Juno loving clown critics over at Rotten must be getting paid for their sheepish behavior. There was nothing ground breaking, or new about this movie. The acting was pathetic, I wished the main character was dead after the first 20 minutes, and the Aliens were extremely lame. You'd have to really have a primitive mind to even sit through this movie. It made T2 look like a master piece. Having said all that, I walked out after 45 mintes and got my money back.

Did you go straight to G.I. Joe???

08-15-2009, 10:31 AM
Juno was a good movie.

08-15-2009, 11:07 AM
If you are going to see a shoot 'em up...stay at home. This was much more of a docu-drama.

This was one of the most realistic feeling alien movies I have ever seen. You really felt like you were following this guy around and participating instead of just watching. Jackson did a great job giving a human element to the aliens. It was probably the best take I've seen on what would really happen to aliens if they came to earth.

I'll come back and write a longer review later when I am more awake.

Jackson didn't direct it.

08-15-2009, 12:15 PM
Jackson didn't direct it.
Ahh..my mistake. He was a producer. I just assumed he did with his name all over it in the marketing.

It was directed and written by Neill Blomkamp. Upon doing a little research I found out that this is actually his directorial debut. Pretty damn good for his first time out. It kinda sucks for him though...because this will be a hard act to follow.

Death In June
08-15-2009, 03:42 PM
The first 1/2 was pretty boring - way too much filler and overuse of filters/shaky cam. Only after the movie crawled out from it's own ass did it become awesome. The alien weaponry was fun to watch. For my money, Blomkamp's movie looks much better than something like Transformers, and that's at a fraction of their budget. If he'd of stayed on to finish the Halo movie, it would have been amazing, although you can sort of see some elements from the game that made it to the movie (the 50 cal sniper, battle rifles, elite-shaped aliens, energy weapons etc).

08-15-2009, 03:56 PM
The first 1/2 was pretty boring - way too much filler and overuse of filters/shaky cam. Only after the movie crawled out from it's own ass did it become awesome. The alien weaponry was fun to watch. For my money, Blomkamp's movie looks much better than something like Transformers, and that's at a fraction of their budget. If he'd of stayed on to finish the Halo movie, it would have been amazing, although you can sort of see some elements from the game that made it to the movie (the 50 cal sniper, battle rifles, elite-shaped aliens, energy weapons etc). Also, nice gravity gun cameo.

Way much better than TF's for sure. The weapons were the best part of the movie. Fucking Badass! I been hearing Steven Speilberg as the director for the upcoming Halo movie. I don't know about him? As long he goes back to the "Rated R 1998 Saving private Ryan" type of directing, I'm all for it as having him as the director. But I hear Microsoft wants to keep it pg13 which was one of the main reasons Guillermo Del Toro dropped out of the Halo project because he wouldn't have complete control. That mofo would of made a 2 and half hour bloodbath that would of had star wars geeks shitting in their pants. But that would Hollywood execs worst nightmare. A mainstream rated R that would cut into their profits. That's why we keep seeing shit made nowadays...Terminator Salvation, Die Hard.

08-15-2009, 05:12 PM
Docu-drama? That's strange, they list it as a sci-fantasy, oh well. I completely understand why you're confused with this movie, because most of you sheep were led to believe that Peter Jackson directed this movie, but it was from a first time director that couldn't even get a decent budget, and that's saying a lot when you have Jackson attached as the producer. God forbid there is a sequel to this movie.
It is sci-fi, but it is far from fantasy. It was very much intended to feel realistic. It had a documentary feel and it was much more dramatic than your typical sci-fi Star Trek shoot 'em up. That's why I said it was more like a docu-drama film.

Yes...I thought it would be more of a Peter Jackson style movie when I went in, but after it was over I was glad it wasn't. If you didn't like it, that's fine. No movie is for everyone. Personally, I feel it was a very refreshing twist on what could have been just another alien movie.

Heath Ledger
08-15-2009, 05:32 PM
My jab was totally at the movie makers, not at you. It was far from a sci-fi fantasy like it was touted. I agree that it was more of a docu-drama. I figured that since it was a low budget so-called block-buster, then maybe the acting would be great, but it failed there as well. I mean, can you personally remember any names in the movie. The movie left you out there hanging from beginning to end. I'm still trying to find out who bank rolled this flick. I have a strong feeling Jackson put up some cash to get this film off the ground, and if that's true, he simply pulled a Lucas and tried to use his name to push a C level film as something that was suppose to be great.

Ya the movie is so bad that its currently rated a 9 out of 10 on IMDB jackass by 3000+ people who have voted. You are very much in the minority sir. The acting was great. Except for the main Nigerian bad guy.

08-15-2009, 06:21 PM
D-9 was about as cheap as its budget. I should have known Peter Jackson was using his name to pull in hundreds of millions... greedy bastard. This movie sucks major ass, and those Juno loving clown critics over at Rotten must be getting paid for their sheepish behavior. There was nothing ground breaking, or new about this movie. The acting was pathetic, I wished the main character was dead after the first 20 minutes, and the Aliens were extremely lame. You'd have to really have a primitive mind to even sit through this movie. It made T2 look like a master piece. Having said all that, I walked out after 45 mintes and got my money back.

Yeah, it's just like all of those other movies with a similar plot line, effects, and theme.

We get it dude. You're at that stage in your life where you go against the crowd. You know, aside from being a Laker fan of course.

I caught it today and was pretty blown away. It wasn't a huge let down liek Cloverfield was. The effects were great and whoever said the acting was solid, aside from the Nigerian bad guy was pretty spot on. I knew it was going to be a good movie with a great ending, I just didn't expect this.

And as a huge zombie flick fan, I fucking loved the gore factor.

08-15-2009, 09:38 PM
Wow, maybe I saw the wrong movie, but I could have sworn they ripped this idea from other movies. When a director, actor, and screenwriter pitches his idea to to a studio executive, the first thing the exec wants to know is what movies have been made that's similar, and whats the budget. This movie reminded me of Alien Nation, and one of many of the shoot em up video games out there.

Alien Nation(1988) R

In this thought-provoking sci-fi drama, a futuristic Los Angeles is home to 300,000 Newcomers, humanoid alien refugees who have integrated themselves into society. When a gang of Newcomers murder Det. Matthew Sykes's (James Caan) partner, he and his new partner, alien Samuel Francisco (Mandy Patinkin), must put aside their differences to nab the culprits. Their investigation soon uncovers a threat more terrifying than they'd ever imagined. …

Yeah but this was an extremely graphic version of that with blood and guts and shit with people splattering everywhere...with explosions y todo...

08-16-2009, 01:41 AM
. You'd have to really have a primitive mind to even sit through this movie. It made T2 look like a master piece. Having said all that, I walked out after 45 mintes and got my money back.

so you missed the part with the weapons then? And you missed the huge firefight with the robot at the end, well done

seriously i don't blame you for bitching, that's like walking out of star wars when luke is still on tattoiine

08-16-2009, 01:56 AM
This movie was Starship Troopers but not as good.

08-16-2009, 01:57 AM
This movie was Starship Troopers but not as good.

C'mon that scene with the .50 cal was great and the flying death pig

08-16-2009, 02:01 AM
The movie left you out there hanging from beginning to end. I.

so you didn't walk out on it?

08-16-2009, 02:02 AM
I mean it was cool to see people blowed up real good and all but I expected better.

Every human was pretty much pure evil. There was very little real human behavior. People were just bad, just because.

I mean if you have a dude that can control all of this previously-untouchable alien weaponry, why would you treat him like an asshole? Kiss his ass, make him work for you.

Too many instances when you say "No one would ever do that." That ruins a movie for me. IE you have a big gun pointed at the crazy Nigerian boss. You've just killed his henchmen. Why don't you blow his ass away too? Stupid.

The concept of this movie was awesome. SO much potential. But they blew it. Just like Cloverfield.

08-16-2009, 02:09 AM
I mean it was cool to see people blowed up real good and all but I expected better.

Every human was pretty much pure evil. There was very little real human behavior. People were just bad, just because.

I mean if you have a dude that can control all of this previously-untouchable alien weaponry, why would you treat him like an asshole? Kiss his ass, make him work for you.

Too many instances when you say "No one would ever do that." That ruins a movie for me. IE you have a big gun pointed at the crazy Nigerian boss. You've just killed his henchmen. Why don't you blow his ass away too? Stupid.

The concept of this movie was awesome. SO much potential. But they blew it. Just like Cloverfield.

First off the doctor says that they needed all of his important parts to study "we'll start with the heart" why he was able to fuse with the alien DNA so there is no way he would have agreed to that. They didn't want one guy running around with the alien tech they wanted an army
Hi character only ever killed for self defense, (remember he told christopher not to kill the humans), and crazy nigerian boss didn't have a gun

08-16-2009, 02:16 AM
I'd like to see a movie where people commit inhumane acts with good intentions, instead of being conveniently amoral. It started off that way, sort of, but the last hour lost me.

08-16-2009, 10:22 AM

Does anything get the feeling that christopher is not coming back?

08-16-2009, 10:42 AM

Does anything get the feeling that christopher is not coming back?

he was pretty mad when he saw the experiments

08-16-2009, 11:24 AM
Just finished watching online and it was a good movie.
I didn't think the weapons were all awesome as I remember seeing the same type of weapon in The Eraser.
But I give up a thumbs up.
A Sequel looks like a sure thing.
And Yes, he'll be back because he promised.

08-16-2009, 11:38 AM
C'mon...really...the Eraser...that was one weapon...there were multiple badass fucking weapons in D-9...and you certainly did yourself a disservice by watching online and not in a theater...

jack sommerset
08-16-2009, 12:26 PM
I walked out after 45 mintes and got my money back.

How in the fuck did you get your money back? That is the oddest thing I have heard in a long time. :lol What kind of douchebag goes to a theater,pays for a movie,doesn't like it and says "give me my 7 bucks back" WTF??????????

Dude....That is fucking strange...BIG TIME....Hopefully you are exagerating the point you don't like the movie. That is one major character flaw if you asked for your money back for a movie. Unless you really cried like a fucking baby or put up a major scene I doubt they gave you money back. I call bullshit on this whole story.

08-16-2009, 12:34 PM
How in the fuck did you get your money back? That is the oddest thing I have heard in a long time. :lol What kind of douchebag goes to a theater,pays for a movie,doesn't like it and says "give me my 7 bucks back" WTF??????????

Dude....That is fucking strange...BIG TIME....Hopefully you are exagerating the point you don't like the movie. That is one major character flaw if you asked for your money back for a movie. Unless you really cried like a fucking baby or put up a major scene I doubt they gave you money back. I call bullshit on this whole story.

if you have to leave before a movie ends most theaters will give you at least a free pass. I question how if he walked out on the movie, he was able to bitch about the ending.

08-16-2009, 03:12 PM
This movie was fucking amazing. It delved into the psycholoygy of how humans tend to treat others.

I mean it was cool to see people blowed up real good and all but I expected better.

Every human was pretty much pure evil. There was very little real human behavior. People were just bad, just because.

I mean if you have a dude that can control all of this previously-untouchable alien weaponry, why would you treat him like an asshole? Kiss his ass, make him work for you.

Too many instances when you say "No one would ever do that." That ruins a movie for me. IE you have a big gun pointed at the crazy Nigerian boss. You've just killed his henchmen. Why don't you blow his ass away too? Stupid.

The concept of this movie was awesome. SO much potential. But they blew it. Just like Cloverfield.

Wow. You sir, were probably not paying attention or much of this went over your head.

1. Every human was pure evil? Just because? Seriously? Do people not robe, kill, murder, and generally act unethical for the almighty dollar?

2. HOW WAS THERE NO HUMAN BEHAVIOUR? That was the whole point of this film. We tend to fear/hate what we don't understand. Did you not see the damn human only signs? The "I don't care where they go, they must leave now".

3. Kiss his ass? Why? He's becoming one of them, he's seen what we do to them. WE FUCKING EXPERIMENT ON THEM. You think they'd keep him alive to tell the whole fucking world what is going on?

4. Lol this is the funniest one. Yeah tell me this. Hypothically speaking, you go into the white house, surrounded by the secret service, and you have a gun. what would you do, shoot the president or tell him to call off the secret service. Think about it, if he had killed the boss guy, what would stop the other 10 people from shoting him. Sure you have a bigger gun but you can't shot them all at once. YOUR OUTNUMBERED.

I bet you woke up when the shooting began. I swear some people just want to be spoon feed everything. :rolleyes Sorry to be a dick but damn man. :bang

08-16-2009, 06:10 PM
This movie was fucking amazing. It delved into the psycholoygy of how humans tend to treat others.

1. Every human was pure evil? Just because? Seriously? Do people not robe, kill, murder, and generally act unethical for the almighty dollar?


I got ROBED once. I loved it!

08-16-2009, 08:16 PM
Wow. You sir, were probably not paying attention or much of this went over your head.
I bet you woke up when the shooting began. I swear some people just want to be spoon feed everything. :rolleyes Sorry to be a dick but damn man. :bang

On the contrary, the main reason District 9 disappointed me was that it was too much spoon-feeding and not enough challenging social commentary. I can buy humans testing on the aliens to try to figure out how to use their weaponry. What I don't buy is that the people in charge of that testing would approach the task with such a "MWAHAHA I love being evil!!" attitude.

When the antagonists are so one-dimensional and obvious, there's nothing thought provoking about it. You know what they're doing is wrong because the people doing it are all but wearing black cowboy hats.

I went into the film expecting something more like the first Dawn of the Dead, or 28 Weeks Later... even the movie I mentioned before, Starship Troopers... the kind of movies that entertain while also serving as an allegory for what's happening in the real world, or what might happen if humanity was faced with addressing something like a worldwide zombie/alien encounter. Starship Troopers did much better job (as I recall, but I haven't seen it in over ten years) of portraying relatable characters and actions in an unrelatable scenario. See Battlestar Gallactica for another example of what I'm talking about.

For about 30 minutes, this movie seemed to be heading in that direction. Then it became another popcorn blow-shit-up flick with obvious good guys and bad guys, and dialogue like "I won't leave you behind!" "No, go, save yourself!" "I'll come back for you, I promise!"

Now, on the scale of action movies, it's among the better ones that have been made in a while. I'd see it again. I'd see the sequel. I just wanted it to be better, because it showed a lot of promise in the first half hour. There was a better movie that could have been made with this concept.

08-16-2009, 11:06 PM
On the contrary, the main reason District 9 disappointed me was that it was too much spoon-feeding and not enough challenging social commentary. I can buy humans testing on the aliens to try to figure out how to use their weaponry. What I don't buy is that the people in charge of that testing would approach the task with such a "MWAHAHA I love being evil!!" attitude.

They were a weapons manufacturer

08-16-2009, 11:28 PM
great movie but I have one complaint about people saying "this movie is so intelligent"

...is it really? if you think it is, you've got some problems mang.

Does it give a nod to the apartheid? yes. Previous concentration camps in history? yes. your basic realization of humanity and its small scale on earth? yes. all of these have been done before.

Let's not forget these things are friggin aliens. They are refugees from another FREAKIN WORLD. obviously they are someone's trash, outcasts, or sicklings.

Our job as humans is to research what we know about. so tear and cut them up scientifically....I have no issues with doing experiments on these creatures.

08-16-2009, 11:30 PM
he was pretty mad when he saw the experiments

mad enough to leave all of his people behind? he's exactly like the main character, only worried about his own family and tail in the end.

08-16-2009, 11:40 PM
My jab was totally at the movie makers, not at you. It was far from a sci-fi fantasy like it was touted. I agree that it was more of a docu-drama. I figured that since it was a low budget so-called block-buster, then maybe the acting would be great, but it failed there as well. I mean, can you personally remember any names in the movie. The movie left you out there hanging from beginning to end. I'm still trying to find out who bank rolled this flick. I have a strong feeling Jackson put up some cash to get this film off the ground, and if that's true, he simply pulled a Lucas and tried to use his name to push a C level film as something that was suppose to be great.
Curious how you know so much about this film if you walked out 45 minutes into it. How do you know the movie failed completely? I've seen a lot of movies that were horrible in the beginning and the ending made it great. And how do you know it left you hanging from beginning to end, if you didn't even make it halfway through? Sounds like a bunch of crap to me.

08-17-2009, 02:03 AM
No wonder why your a Mavericks fan

um....yeah...a mavericks fan for life....who understands the basics of "your" vs "you're"



08-17-2009, 02:13 AM
I was very entertained throughout the movie. I thought the soundtrack sucked though.

08-17-2009, 07:11 AM
I went into the film expecting something more like the first Dawn of the Dead, or 28 Weeks Later...

28 Weeks Later is one of the worst movie I've seen in some time. It makes District 9 look like Blade Runner.

08-17-2009, 07:14 AM
terminator 2 was a masterpiece

Yep. Excited to see S9 this week.

08-17-2009, 08:05 AM
C'mon...really...the Eraser...that was one weapon...there were multiple badass fucking weapons in D-9...and you certainly did yourself a disservice by watching online and not in a theater...

I just didn't think the weapons were all that awesome and I saved myself $8 and the movie was clear on line. I don't need to see it on the bigscreen to get what the movie was about or to enjoy it.

Seth Brundle
08-17-2009, 10:23 AM
I could really feel the guy's pain during his transformation.

08-17-2009, 10:27 AM
This movie gave me motion sickness. If you're prone to that, I don't recommend it. Not as bad as Cloverfield. But right up there with Blair Witch. And I had lunch right before the movie and it made it worse!

I liked the grittiness of the movie and the story. I just wish I would've known about the hand held cameras.

Ed Helicopter Jones
08-17-2009, 12:01 PM
Interesting how divided folks are in here over this movie. After reading all this I'll have to go see it to decide for myself. The previews didn't interest me a whole lot.

08-17-2009, 12:40 PM
Interesting how divided folks are in here over this movie. After reading all this I'll have to go see it to decide for myself. The previews didn't interest me a whole lot.

Chances are you'll like it. 95% of the people I know who saw it liked it, and I have yet to read a bad review. I may have just been in a bad mood when I saw it, who knows? I still enjoyed the experience for the most part, it just didn't reach the "Wow I want to see this in the theater again and buy it on DVD" level I expected after seeing the previews. But I don't regret seeing it by any means, and if you like action/sci-fi movies, it's worth the $10.

08-17-2009, 02:12 PM
My District 9 review:

For a movie with no big name actors, this ended up being a highly enjoyable movie. If you have seen the trailers for this, the story is not really brought into much detail, as it just seems like a generic alien invasion movie, which it definitely is not.

The movie's premise revolves around aliens coming to Earth and docking their ship in Johannesburg 20 years ago. The aliens are then taken from their ship and colonized in a section of the area known as District 9.

The movie's plot then switches gears to follow the actions of a government official tasked with relocating the alien colony (which is in the millions) to another district due to the human population in Johannesburg fed up with the alien/human violence.

From there, the government official, through a chemical accident, begins to change and finds himself being alot more sympathetic to the alien cause. Lots of action and chase scenes ensue as the official and rogue aliens work together to bring a resolution to their conflict.

I really liked the storyline to this movie, it had great character development and the ending is very emotional. Plus, lots of kick ass weapons and explosions to keep the viewer interested. As far as Sci-Fi movies go this year, it is right up there with Star Trek and probably a little better than Transformers 2. It was not a overly long movie (about 2 hours) and I never found myself looking at the time to see when it might end. Just a word of warning though, some of the beginning of the movie is filmed in documentary "Blair Witch" style, so be prepared for some shakey camera work. Bring your Dramamine if that kind of stuff bothers you. Thumbs up and worth theater price.


08-17-2009, 02:29 PM
Just a word of warning though, the entire movie is filmed in documentary "Blair Witch" style, so be prepared for some shakey camera work. Bring your Dramamine if that kind of stuff bothers you. Thumbs up and worth theater price.


08-17-2009, 02:44 PM
According to Peter Jackson, most of the movie was shot with hands held cameras, which is why you got that shaky cam feel from beginning to end.

"Hand held cameras" includes a lot of steadicam use, which isn't shaky at all. Hence the name.

Comparing this to the camera work in Blair Witch Project or Cloverfield is just silly.

08-17-2009, 03:08 PM
Whats silly is you going along with the OP saying the movie only had about 20 minutes of shakiness.

I said that where, exactly?

08-17-2009, 03:30 PM
The second half of the film was not shaky at all.

I can handle a little shake but the whole film made me want to puke. (And not because it was a bad movie.) The only still parts were the interviews.

Bob Schneider
08-17-2009, 03:33 PM
Did anyone else think that the wife was hot?


08-17-2009, 04:01 PM
Did anyone else think that the wife was hot?


After the first 30min I thought I was going to regret paying for it but It turned out to be a really good movie.

And yes I thought the wife was pretty hot.

08-17-2009, 04:51 PM

Once the government agent was infected with the fluid, I thought the shakiness stopped for the most part.

08-17-2009, 10:26 PM
I enjoyed it. Probably the best movie I've seen this year. I didn't think it was outright amazing or groundbreaking, but I thought it was very good. I'm extremely suprised at Spurminator's reaction to how the people at the top of a weapons manufactuer would act and I disagree completely. I'm fairly certain weapons manufactures by trade put the all mighty dollar above all else and thats all I see here. Well, that and the fact that they don't see it as being evil because they view the aliens as subhuman.

To the comparison to Isreal and Palestians: Kinda, but if thats really what first caame to mind then you probably missed the whole reason for the location of the film to begin with.

08-20-2009, 02:02 AM
People that get motion sickness during movies are pussies; I'm just saying.

Cry Havoc
08-23-2009, 02:23 AM
I enjoyed it. Probably the best movie I've seen this year. I didn't think it was outright amazing or groundbreaking, but I thought it was very good. I'm extremely suprised at Spurminator's reaction to how the people at the top of a weapons manufactuer would act and I disagree completely. I'm fairly certain weapons manufactures by trade put the all mighty dollar above all else and thats all I see here. Well, that and the fact that they don't see it as being evil because they view the aliens as subhuman.

To the comparison to Isreal and Palestians: Kinda, but if thats really what first caame to mind then you probably missed the whole reason for the location of the film to begin with.


I saw this movie tonight and thoroughly enjoyed it. Yes, it could have had a little more depth, but it feels like The Godfather of action movies after watching Transformers 2. There is quite a bit of character development and moving moments in the movie. Several times you think you're figuring out who the person you want to root for is and they surprise you by giving into instinct and selfishness. Several characters are very ambiguous and you're trying to decide for yourself if they're someone to root for.

This movie was absolutely riveting from start to finish. As soon as they start the evictions, the tension ramps up and never lets go for a second.

08-23-2009, 04:15 AM
I could really feel the guy's pain during his transformation.

Could you feel mine too?

I wanted desperately to walk out on this movie too. Had I not been with someone else, I would have.

My Take:

The movie wasn't The Cell or AI bad, but it was bad. I have no clue how anyone could be so spellbound as to want to see it again as there was hardly any depth or dimension behind it.

I'd give it a c-... barely.

Overall just a regular, bad movie. The positive aspect was it wasn't a predictable movie.

08-23-2009, 05:20 AM
Could you feel mine too?

I wanted desperately to walk out on this movie too. Had I not been with someone else, I would have.

My Take:

The movie wasn't The Cell or AI bad, but it was bad. I have no clue how anyone could be so spellbound as to want to see it again as there was hardly any depth or dimension behind it.

I'd give it a c-... barely.

Overall just a regular, bad movie. The positive aspect was it wasn't a predictable movie.

hmm, well id like to hear some movies you've seen lately that are worthy of not walking out. Just fucking around with you but, 1. i thought the cell was pretty damn original-not bad at all for what it was 2. if d9 is a c- sci fi movie id like you to give me what a C, a B, an A, and an A+ sci fi movie is.

PS, the pussies are the ones who walk out of movies, not the ones who bare with it. I've never walked out of a movie nor will i ever, what else you going to do-go home early and talk about how bad it was? Get a life, sack up.

08-23-2009, 05:51 AM
I loved the movie and liked the main character. I just wish he had not been such a pussy. I mean, if you try to vivisect me, fuck you! I will try to kill you first. When they broke in to the secured compound he told the alien not to hurt anyone. Bye the way, I think the alien was more shocked than anything else. He could not understand how a sentient spieces could do that to another one. The main character held of for what 5 or 10 minutes before he started firing on the guys that were trying to kill him from the beginning? Had he started firering on them from the beginning they would all be dead easy. He took all those shots before he retaliated. Also, the main character, must be the only person on earth that does not know that a phone call can be traced.

08-23-2009, 08:05 AM
havent finished watching it yet, but i noticed they have BR's in this movie

Cry Havoc
08-23-2009, 11:48 AM
Could you feel mine too?

I wanted desperately to walk out on this movie too. Had I not been with someone else, I would have.

My Take

The movie wasn't The Cell or AI bad, but it was bad. I have no clue how anyone could be so spellbound as to want to see it again as there was hardly any depth or dimension behind it.

I'd give it a c-... barely.

Overall just a regular, bad movie. The positive aspect was it wasn't a predictable movie.

People often see what they want to see. You likely went into the movie with low expectations and saw no reason to look past all the action scenes.

There have already been numerous posts in this thread outlining exactly why and where this movie contained a significant amount of depth. Is it deep in comparison to The Shawshank Redemption or Schindler's List? Of course not, how many movies can be? There has only been one person in the thread who's comparing it to the all-time greats, and that's his prerogative.

This was a huge dose of potent, original storytelling in a summer dominated by GI Joe and Transformers 2, which makes it all the better and more impressive to see.

09-01-2009, 10:43 PM
fantastic flick!

can't wait to see it on blue ray when i can fast forward past the first 40 minutes though...bring on the sequel!

12-23-2009, 06:51 PM
I loved the movie. I didn't think I was going to like it, but after the first 20 or 30 minutes I was hooked. The main actor is fantastic and pretty much carries the movie. Great special effects as well. I'd give it like an 8.5.

I dont know how this film could give anyone motion sickness either, it was nowhere near Cloverfield or BW.

12-23-2009, 07:06 PM
the guy who made this movie and the popular internet video TETRA VAAL was set to make the HALO movie

but they cut him and cancelled the movie cause they thought he was too big of a gamble, an unknown, to give a big production budget like a HALO movie for.

guess who's laughing now

12-23-2009, 09:36 PM
watch the entire thing

The action is AMAZING


that HALO movie would have been AWESOME

don't you dare say different!

12-24-2009, 12:13 AM
I picked it up yesterday. I am gonna prob watch it tommorow morning when I get off.

12-24-2009, 07:46 AM
Saw it, liked it............bought it Tuesday. :hat

12-29-2009, 09:05 AM
Watched it today, good and a little disturbing movie.

12-29-2009, 05:56 PM
I rented at Redbox and it was badass!

Whisky Dog
01-03-2010, 12:17 PM
Just saw it off a redbox free rental, (code Acme25) for all you redbox users, and was impressed. How can anyone say it was bad acting? The acting was consistent with the theme and content and the surroundings did feel real. Felt like I was watching the Cuban Miami refugee crisis just with Aliens. The documentary style to the beginning was impactful and I liked the line that south African had about wanting the aliens gone "If they were from a different country ok, but they aren't even from this planet". That would be a realistic rationalization people would use in this scenario even though we've done this to humans many times in the past.

01-03-2010, 03:52 PM
I actually thought the evictions were most entertaining part of movie. Overall it was good

01-06-2010, 01:19 PM
awesome movie

01-06-2010, 02:04 PM
I might watch this this week.

02-08-2013, 12:26 AM
Still waiting for the sequel for this awesome movie. Is there going to be a sequel?

02-08-2013, 12:37 AM
Still waiting for the sequel for this awesome movie. Is there going to be a sequel?

I fucking hope so. Saffas aced this one

02-08-2013, 02:28 AM
looks like bullshit, u know with all alien movies..either starts or ends with a nuke drop on them...now how come they didnt drop few nukes in this one especially in that area, when south africa use to be nuke tested...

02-08-2013, 03:11 AM
looks like bullshit, u know with all alien movies..either starts or ends with a nuke drop on them...now how come they didnt drop few nukes in this one especially in that area, when south africa use to be nuke tested...
You are an example of the type of evil of humanity the movie sheds light on.