View Full Version : TP hire his brother TJ to join ASVEL

08-07-2009, 06:49 AM
TJ Parker à l'ASVEL
La famille Parker en force à Villeurbanne ! Après Tony comme vice-président, l'ASVEL a engagé son petit frère, TJ, comme meneur. En provenance de Nancy, où il a très peu joué la saison dernière (5 matches, en raison notamment d'une rupture des ligaments du genou), Parker a signé un contrat d'un an. D'ailleurs, l'ASVEL ne se cache pas pour dire que la filiation a joué à fond dans ce recrutement. « Tony a proposé à son frère cette opportunité pour faciliter son retour après sa grave blessure, explique Pierre Grall, le directeur exécutif du club villeurbannais. TJ vient compléter l'effectif sur un rôle d?arrière polyvalent 1-2. »

Il devra se soumettre à la visite médicale lundi matin et devrait être présent à la reprise de l'entraînement prévue lundi après-midi. L'arrivée de cette sixième recrue (après Borchardt, Dixon, Lukauskis Heurtel et Kangur) clôt le recrutement du champion de France. - S.L., à Villeurbanne


Dr Cox
08-07-2009, 10:03 AM
so .....

in english?

08-07-2009, 10:41 AM
TJ Parker to ASVEL
The Parker family strength in Villeurbanne! After Tony as Vice-Chairman, ASVEL urged his younger brother, TJ, as leader. From Nancy, where he played very little last season (5 games, mainly due to a rupture of knee ligaments), Parker has signed a one-year contract. Moreover, ASVEL does not hide and say that filiation has been deeply involved in this recruitment. "Tony has proposed to his brother the opportunity to facilitate his return after his serious injury," explains Pierre Grall, executive director of the club villeurbanne. TJ has just completed enrollment on a role? Rear versatile 1-2. "

He must undergo the medical examination Monday morning and should be present at the resumed training on Monday afternoon. The arrival of the sixth rookie (after Borchardt, Dixon, and Kangur Lukauskas Heurtel) closes the recruitment of champion of France. - S.L., in Villeurbanne

:nope google translation

08-07-2009, 10:53 AM
nothing that important in this article:

TJ Parker to l'ASVEL.
The Parker family in force at Villeurbanne! After Tony as owner, ASVEL signed his little brother, TJ as Point guard. Playing in Nancy, where he didn't play much last season (5 games because of knee injury), Parker signed for a year. ASVEL doesn't hide the fact that the filiation played an important role in the signing. "


08-07-2009, 11:08 AM
TJ simply is not that good. Sorry.