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08-08-2009, 10:43 AM

Spurs hope to net nice return on remodeling job

By Johnny Ludden

Gregg Popovich didn’t care about Manu Ginobili’s bad ankle. Or Tim Duncan’s aging knees. Or even the full-body disappearance of Roger Mason Jr.

As the San Antonio Spurs coach looked at his roster last April, he saw the same problem many in the league saw.

“We weren’t beating the Lakers, even if we were whole,” Popovich said.

“If you really wanted to be honest with yourself, you had to think that.”

The Spurs had won three championships in the previous six seasons and reached the Western Conference finals just a year earlier. But Popovich didn’t need last season’s first-round loss to the Dallas Mavericks to tell him something – and it wasn’t just the team’s health – needed to change. Simply put, these Spurs were no longer good enough, and with Tim Duncan now 33 and entering the final three seasons of his contract, there wasn’t much time to get back in the hunt.

So Popovich began the Spurs’ reconstruction with a question to the franchise’s owner: Are we serious about wanting another championship?

“If so,” Popovich said, “it’s time to pony up.”

Some three months later, the Spurs have pried open their wallets and maybe even their championship window. They traded three players with limited roles (and financial obligations) for swingman Richard Jefferson and the remaining $29.2 million on his contract. They committed another $15 million to veteran forward Antonio McDyess. They plucked promising forward DeJuan Blair out of the second round of the draft.

No West team has done more this summer to improve its title prospects, and the Spurs rank almost as favorably in the arms race out East. LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers were going to contend without or with Shaquille O’Neal. Same for the Boston Celtics and Rasheed Wallace. The Orlando Magic upgraded with Vince Carter, but they’re coming off a season in which they reached the NBA Finals.

The Spurs needed to overhaul their roster or risk further slipping from the ranks of the league’s elite. They haven’t climbed to the Lakers’ elevated perch atop the West, but they’ve at least given themselves another chance to contend.

“By no means are we the best team in the league,” Popovich said. “But I think we’re back in the ballgame.”

The Spurs will pay for that right. For years, the franchise had remained, in Popovich’s words, “frugal.” In those rare seasons when the Spurs crossed the luxury-tax threshold, they did so only modestly. This season, their $80 million payroll could rank among the five highest in the NBA. If it isn’t reduced by season’s end, they will pay close to another $10 million in tax – a stunning jump for one of the league’s smallest markets.

“We’ve always wanted to compete, and the environment in the NBA allowed a team like us to do so,” Popovich said. “If you wanted to work at having a shot at winning the championship and still be under the tax, it could be done.

“But the way the talent has shifted in the league, it’s almost impossible to do that now.”

In truth, Spurs chairman Peter Holt and the rest of the franchise’s ownership group didn’t need much convincing to spend. Ticket sales had begun to lag in recent seasons, even as the Spurs collected their fourth title in 2007. Last season’s first-round loss, coupled with the recession, slowed season-ticket renewals considerably more. In a private document charting ticket revenue distributed by the NBA to its 30 teams, the Spurs’ renewal rate stood at 69 percent as of July 6, a drop of more than 11 percent as of the same time a year ago.

“Our renewals just died after the first round,” Holt said, “and they stayed dead for a while.”

This wasn’t a dilemma for Holt as much as it was a clear sign of what needed to be done: To make money – or, as will likely be the case, lose less – the Spurs needed to add talent. NBA sources say Holt was more adamant than ever that Popovich and general manager R.C. Buford find some younger legs for the league’s oldest roster. After the Spurs couldn’t coax Carter from the New Jersey Nets, they shipped Bruce Bowen, Fabricio Oberto and Kurt Thomas to the Milwaukee Bucks for Jefferson in a deal the two teams had discussed as far back as February.

The Spurs immediately saw a spike in ticket sales after the trade was announced two days before the draft, and the number has continued to grow with the addition of Blair and McDyess. The 69 percent renewal rate was a healthy bump from June and Holt says sales are now only about a month behind last year. According to the NBA document, the Spurs had pulled in $33.3 million in revenue by July 6, down from $36.4 million a year ago – a modest 8.7 percent drop compared to the 20 teams with larger decreases.

San Antonio, like most teams, had planned to save its money for the summer of 2010, when James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh are scheduled to hit the free-agent market. But Popovich and Buford knew they likely weren’t attracting a big-name star, and the recession was already widening the gulf between the NBA’s haves and have-nots. With several teams looking to unload big contracts and cut costs, there were deals to make this summer.

The Spurs’ owners, who don’t rely on the franchise’s bottom line to shape their personal fortunes, had money to spend. The debt for the team’s share of the AT&T Center’s construction costs had been paid down, and a new regional TV contract – along with the tax rebate check from the league – had given the franchise an influx of cash to help offset the rise in player payroll.

“The timing was positive,” Holt said.

Perhaps more than anything, Duncan himself unknowingly convinced Holt now was the time to reload. During an interview with Bill Russell last season, Duncan told the legendary center he wasn’t satisfied with four titles, and his sincerity struck Holt. Watching Duncan labor through the second half of last season also reminded the Spurs they can’t afford to waste the remaining years they have with him.

The Spurs had downplayed questions about their advancing age in recent seasons, but no longer could they hide from the truth: They needed to get more athletic.

As Tony Parker conceded during the Spurs’ first-round loss, “We just don’t have enough weapons.”

Jefferson should qualify as such. Yes, he’s spent the summer making headlines for his relationship endeavors. (Who was the last Spur to accept an invite from Howard Stern? Dennis Rodman?) But he still trails Eva Longoria’s husband in tabloid covers. And, yes, he’s also overpaid for someone who will be the fourth option. Still, the Spurs have been searching for a player who can make the regular season less of a grind for their triumvirate of stars – and Jefferson has the ability to do that on both ends of the floor.

McDyess gives Duncan a tough, heady frontline partner. Assuming the NBA doesn’t suddenly implement an ACL minimum, Blair could also become a valued member of the rotation. Add Mason – a dependable shooter before fading in the 2009 playoffs – and second-year guard George Hill, and the Spurs have a nice blend of youth and experience.

This, of course, assumes the Spurs can better preserve the health of their three stars. Duncan, Ginobili and Parker played together in only 41 games last season.

Parker was recently called back to San Antonio after suffering a mild ankle sprain during France’s preparation for the European Championships qualifying. He has since returned, but the Spurs could be forgiven for wanting to ship him back in bubble wrap.

But Parker is the least of the team’s worries. Ginobili has been injured in each of the past two postseasons, and didn’t suit up for a single game during the Spurs’ loss to Dallas. The stress fracture in his right leg has since benefited from the rest, and Popovich is “cautiously optimistic” Ginobili will stay healthy in what will be a contract year for him. Even with their new additions, the Spurs are nothing but first-round fodder if Ginobili isn’t on the court.

“I’d be disingenuous if I said I didn’t worry because he does have some miles,” Popovich said. “But I don’t think it’s a Grant Hill situation or [Zydrunas] Ilgauskas or Yao Ming thing. I don’t think it’s that kind of thing, where his foot is kind of brittle.”

Popovich also is hopeful Duncan can regain the All-Star form he showed during the first half of last season before his sore knees slowed him. In past summers, Duncan would already be working out in earnest, tossing tractor tires and scrimmaging full-court. This summer, he’s been confined to the weight room, where he’s strengthened his legs and further slimmed down. Popovich said Duncan has lost 15 pounds and now weighs 240, a noticeable drop for someone who alternates between power forward and center. In comparison, the Cavaliers said LeBron James played at 270 last season.

To keep Duncan as fresh as possible for the playoffs, the Spurs want to reduce his court time in the summer and limit the pounding he absorbs in the post during the season.

“My goal,” Popovich said, “is for him to start the season out of shape.”

The Spurs can live with that. Holt thinks the summer has recharged not only Duncan, but the entire franchise. Four months ago, Popovich had his doubts about whether his team could compete with the Lakers. Now?

The Spurs are wagering big that the answer has changed.

08-08-2009, 11:02 AM
Thanks, Johnny. More info on the Spurs than we have gotten locally all summer.

In a private document charting ticket revenue distributed by the NBA to its 30 teams, the Spurs’ renewal rate stood at 69 percent as of July 6, a drop of more than 11 percent as of the same time a year ago.
That even includes the bump after trading for RJ and the good draft.

...a new regional TV contract – along with the tax rebate check from the league – had given the franchise an influx of cash to help offset the rise in player payroll.

Popovich said Duncan has lost 15 pounds and now weighs 240....

08-08-2009, 11:08 AM
great article

08-08-2009, 11:10 AM
Fuck, I can't help but be unrealistically excited by this coming season!!! Even with Ian playing for France.

08-08-2009, 11:13 AM
Lots of good info:

-Vince Carter was the first trade target

-Revenue losses were an important factor in the decision to spend. With the bump from the RJ trade, Spurs are now doing better than at least 20 other teams.

-Duncan's sincere desire to win also was a factor.

-Duncan losing weight and limiting his offseason training regimen

-Goal is to preserve Duncan during the regular season, to include limiting "the pounding he absorbs in the post."

08-08-2009, 11:16 AM
I didn't go to any games last season. I didn't like where the team was going but now I do. A few big moves and this team has got me ready to at least pick up one of the multi-game packages.

08-08-2009, 11:28 AM
great read.

thanks, lurker23.

and thank you, tim duncan.

08-08-2009, 11:41 AM
This is one of the best article on the Spurs for the past 2 years.

As the San Antonio Spurs coach looked at his roster last April, he saw the same problem many in the league saw.

“We weren’t beating the Lakers, even if we were whole,” Popovich said.

“If you really wanted to be honest with yourself, you had to think that.”

I have been saying that also, but what names they called me after that.

Pop and the front office took notice so great job.

08-08-2009, 11:45 AM
the weight loss should help duncan knees hold up!

08-08-2009, 11:52 AM
Perhaps more than anything, Duncan himself unknowingly convinced Holt now was the time to reload. During an interview with Bill Russell last season, Duncan told the legendary center he wasn’t satisfied with four titles, and his sincerity struck Holt. Watching Duncan labor through the second half of last season also reminded the Spurs they can’t afford to waste the remaining years they have with him.

That paragraph stuck out for me. The fact that Duncan is still hungry and motivated fills me with a lot of confidence going into this season.

08-08-2009, 11:57 AM
the reason he struggled was he got fat
kind of like rose did when he went to the knicks

those 15 pounds will make a big difference

08-08-2009, 12:04 PM
After the Spurs couldn’t coax Carter from the New Jersey Nets, they shipped Bruce Bowen, Fabricio Oberto and Kurt Thomas to the Milwaukee Bucks for Jefferson in a deal the two teams had discussed as far back as February.

This part really intrigued me. One can't help but wonder what could have been if the Spurs had acquired RJ in February. Of course the frontline would have been really thin, necessitating heavy minutes for (eventually) Drew Gooden. But with RJ, would the Spurs have gotten past the Mavericks? If so, you also have to consider this little tidbit...

Well I guess I should bring up a little piece of information I found out before the playoffs started: Had the Spurs made it past the second round Manu would have played in the WCF and NBA finals.

08-08-2009, 12:07 PM
Terrific article. Damn Johnny Ludden, still the best Spurs writer and he doesn't even work for the Express anymore. This season needs to start already!

And Duncan svelte at 240! Now we know he doesn't want to be called a center anymore! :lol I guess we'll see him operating more on the perimeter which will be good for less wear and tear on his body.

Spurs Brazil
08-08-2009, 12:12 PM
Great read
:tu Ludden. He got more Pop quotes in this article than McDonald in 2 years
And good news about TD.

08-08-2009, 12:16 PM
Awesome news about Duncan. The weight loss and strengthening his legs over the summer should pay off big time.

Good to hear they want to limit the pounding he'll take in the paint too. Ratliff might get more burn than we thought.

Ludden mentioning in two different places that Mason disappeared in the playoffs. :lol I thought that was all Pop's fault.

08-08-2009, 12:23 PM
LeBron weighs 270?

08-08-2009, 12:24 PM
Great piece. No one gets inside the Spurs like Ludden.

I'm thrilled with the Duncan news. If anyone wants to see how he looks there's a pic from last week in the Duncan Forum. (I didn't want to hijack the thread so I put it there).

08-08-2009, 12:51 PM
I am wondering what Duncan's new weight does to him if he needs to guard big guys...

I am sure weighing 240 will help his knees, as will less playing time. But he will have trouble with guarding the bigger guys in the league if he weighs that much less than them...

08-08-2009, 12:59 PM
i dont' see a "duncan" forum...?

08-08-2009, 01:01 PM
I am wondering what Duncan's new weight does to him if he needs to guard big guys...

I am sure weighing 240 will help his knees, as will less playing time. But he will have trouble with guarding the bigger guys in the league if he weighs that much less than them...
The Spurs will need a true center if Timmy can't guard the real big guys. OTOH it could help him on defense against the quick PFs in the west.

08-08-2009, 01:05 PM
i dont' see a "duncan" forum...?

Click on 'Mini Forums' in the navigation bar at the top of the page and you'll see it.

Here's the direct link:


08-08-2009, 01:06 PM
Good strategy to have TD off the court as much as possible. Strengthening his lower body while losing weight will only help with those knees. I think this year more than ever pacing will be of huge importance for guys like TD, Manu, and TP. Let's just hope that the rest of the guys can pick up the slack and keep us in the top four come playoff time.

08-08-2009, 01:07 PM
I didn't go to any games last season. I didn't like where the team was going but now I do. A few big moves and this team has got me ready to at least pick up one of the multi-game packages.

So your jumping back on the bandwagon.

Got it.

As long as your OK with being a fairweather fan :tu

08-08-2009, 01:07 PM
The Spurs will need a true center if Timmy can't guard the real big guys. OTOH it could help him on defense against the quick PFs in the west.

Hopefully Ian can pick up some of the slack there, and well, we still have Bonner.

08-08-2009, 01:09 PM
Great read
:tu Ludden. He got more Pop quotes in this article than McDonald in 2 years
And good news about TD.

Gee, that wouldn't be because Ludden had been a beat writer in SA for about 12 or so years could it?

:lol you McDonald haters are hilarious.

08-08-2009, 01:12 PM
So your jumping back on the bandwagon.

Got it.

As long as your OK with being a fairweather fan :tu

Maybe some people can't afford to dish out that type of money on a product that is less than what they are comfortable with. Why should that make them fairweather?

08-08-2009, 01:19 PM
LeBron weighs 270?

No he doesn't, I'm sick of seeing this thrown around.


He weighs 245. The idiots at ESPN love to hype how big he is and how the lane "parts like the red sea" or whatever when he drives (which it kind of does :( ) He's big but he's not that big.

08-08-2009, 01:20 PM
Maybe some people can't afford to dish out that type of money on a product that is less than what they are comfortable with. Why should that make them fairweather?

Because EricB is the master of everything douchy.

08-08-2009, 01:25 PM
Because EricB is the master of everything douchy.

Look in the mirror when you dole that out asswhipe.

08-08-2009, 01:26 PM
Maybe some people can't afford to dish out that type of money on a product that is less than what they are comfortable with. Why should that make them fairweather?

So because the the team doesn't do well due to injuries and other things happening, then you stop supporting them.

Again, got it :tu

08-08-2009, 01:33 PM
So because the the team doesn't do well due to injuries and other things happening, then you stop supporting them.

Again, got it :tu

Whenever I picture you typing these responses, I imagine that you have run out of jelly doughnuts and are taking it out on the world.

08-08-2009, 01:35 PM
So because the the team doesn't do well due to injuries and other things happening, then you stop supporting them.

Again, got it :tu

People still follow a team. People still post on forums. People still live and die with every shot that is made or missed. So what if they can't make it to a game? I find no reason why you call a person a fair weather for that reason alone.

08-08-2009, 01:54 PM
Gee, that wouldn't be because Ludden had been a beat writer in SA for about 12 or so years could it?

:lol you McDonald haters are hilarious.
Good lawd TPark...you on the rag this week? Can't you just come to the thread and comment about the article like everyone else?

Great read with lot's of positive information. Duncan losing weight should help his knees and mobility. There were times when he looked like he was in lead shoes last season.

08-08-2009, 02:01 PM
I didn't go to any games last season. I didn't like where the team was going but now I do. A few big moves and this team has got me ready to at least pick up one of the multi-game packages.

I'm not defending EricB, because he is definitely a Dbag, but this is the dude's original statement. What he is basically saying is: Now that the Spurs have made a few moves that he deems positive he is ready to be a fan again after not supporting them last year.

That is pretty much the textbook definition of a fairweather fan.

Kori Ellis
08-08-2009, 02:13 PM
:lol @ ducks saying Duncan had gotten fat. 255 is pretty thin for his height and he's been playing near that weight for a long time. I can't imagine him playing at 240. It's going to be interesting.

Great article by Ludden. Props to Pop for his aggressiveness about improving the team this summer. And obviously a big thanks to Holt and the owners for opening their wallets.

No he doesn't, I'm sick of seeing this thrown around.


He weighs 245. The idiots at ESPN love to hype how big he is and how the lane "parts like the red sea" or whatever when he drives (which it kind of does ) He's big but he's not that big.

That weight is old on hoopshype. LeBron weighed 265 at physicals at the start of last season.

08-08-2009, 02:36 PM
Look in the mirror when you dole that out asswhipe.

Asswhipe? Cool WHip?


08-08-2009, 02:37 PM
Whenever I picture you typing these responses, I imagine that you have run out of jelly doughnuts and are taking it out on the world.


08-08-2009, 04:14 PM
I talked to the Spurs trainer about LeBron once and he told me that the Cavs trainer tol him when he weighed LeBron he was at 268 lbs. That was at the beginning of last season.

good his knees sure will like that:hat

08-08-2009, 04:36 PM
Hopefully Ian can pick up some of the slack there, and well, we still have Bonner.

Ian weights is ca 230 pounds... unless he put on some muscle. And I assume you meant "now we have Blair" rather than "we still have Bonner"

08-08-2009, 04:50 PM
:lol at Tpark lecturing others on how to be a Spurs fan.

08-08-2009, 04:53 PM
i wish they would of done this last year with timmy, but its never too late, and timmy has excellent work ethic, so we should be nice and solid next year, the one that should be flipping tires is ian he would be a beast with some muscle

08-08-2009, 04:56 PM
Look in the mirror when you dole that out asswhipe.
man your signature never gets old lol did you get that somewhere or did u make that yourself?


08-08-2009, 05:17 PM
Ian weights is ca 230 pounds... unless he put on some muscle. And I assume you meant "now we have Blair" rather than "we still have Bonner"

+1 When the Spurs drafted Blair, Duncan's knees breathed a sigh of relief. The human wrecking ball is going to man the middle against the big guys, and Duncan is going to be... interesting, at 240 lbs. It may allow him to be a bit more mobile now. But the down-and-dirty pounding is going to fall into the hands of Blair, McD, Ratliff, and potentially a yet-to-be-traded-for player.

Buddy Holly
08-08-2009, 05:25 PM
Man, this season can't start soon enough.

08-08-2009, 06:20 PM
Man, this season can't start soon enough.


Hopefully, CFB and NFL hold me over 'til then...

08-08-2009, 07:41 PM
What he is basically saying is: Now that the Spurs have made a few moves that he deems positive he is ready to be a fan again after not supporting them last year.

No- what he said was that he did not spend his money on a product he deemed inferior for the price. That has to do with whether or not he chose to be a consumer- not a fan. Obviously, the Spurs listened when people did not renew their season tickets, and they spent money to improve the product to attract customers. You can be a fan and never spend a penny at a game.

08-08-2009, 07:50 PM
Duncan at 240? Interesting. That definitely saves on the knees but that makes him lighter defensively against the post. I guess Shaq in the West and Yao out helps that.

As a Laker fan, I'm salivating at the idea of a 300 pound Bynum attacking Duncan at 240.

08-08-2009, 07:51 PM
Whenever I picture you typing these responses, I imagine that you have run out of jelly doughnuts and are taking it out on the world.

Goody for you.

08-08-2009, 07:52 PM
man your signature never gets old lol did you get that somewhere or did u make that yourself?


Someone made that.

I'm not that talented with the computer.

08-08-2009, 07:54 PM
Duncan at 240? Interesting. That definitely saves on the knees but that makes him lighter defensively against the post. I guess Shaq in the West and Yao out helps that.

As a Laker fan, I'm salivating at the idea of a 300 pound Bynum attacking Duncan at 240.

What is this on, XBOX?

If Bynum is at 300 no wonder his knees are shot

08-08-2009, 08:28 PM
What is this on, XBOX?

If Bynum is at 300 no wonder his knees are shot

Both knee injuries were impact, not structure related.

As for Bynum vs Duncan - Bynum gave it to Tim last year when they played.

08-08-2009, 08:36 PM
Timmy at 240lbs? Wow, that's more than I expected but it will definitely lessen the load on his knees. MacDyess, Blair, Ratliff will alos help carry the load.

TheNBA really has to addres the growing imbalance between the rich clubs and the not-so-rich otherwise the league will suffer. Guess the salary cap is the way to do it.. REALLY penalize clubs that buy their way to the title.

08-08-2009, 08:44 PM
Both knee injuries were impact, not structure related.

As for Bynum vs Duncan - Bynum gave it to Tim last year when they played.

:lol now Duncan's the one who cant match up on Bynum. An All-NBA guy cant match up on a 6-5 playoff guy who cant stay on the court longer than 5 minutes at a time.

Duncan will be spending alot more time on Gasol, who goes about 230, while McDyess will see most of his time on Odom.

Neither Duncan or McDyess will have anywhere near as much trouble with Bynum as they will with Gasol and Odom.

08-08-2009, 09:11 PM
Light Duncan has always been my favourite Duncan. His strength isn't really a result of body mass like a lot of others, it's a result of incredible footwork on post defense and good core strength. He doesn't lose a single thing in terms of holding position when he trims down. I've always felt he played his best ball when he is a little thinner.

08-08-2009, 09:14 PM
Oh, and of course Bynum will destory Duncan. According to Laker fan, Bynum's worst case scenario career wise is a more explosive Tim Duncan...

08-08-2009, 09:18 PM
Timmy at 240lbs? Wow, that's more than I expected but it will definitely lessen the load on his knees. MacDyess, Blair, Ratliff will alos help carry the load.

TheNBA really has to addres the growing imbalance between the rich clubs and the not-so-rich otherwise the league will suffer. Guess the salary cap is the way to do it.. REALLY penalize clubs that buy their way to the title.

Normally I would agree that the issue of money would be a problem for teams, but this is nothing new for the NBA. Name a team not named LA, SA, Boston, Houston, Chicago or Miami to win a ring in the last 20 years. The NBA has been lopsided for a long time.

08-08-2009, 09:24 PM
Light Duncan has always been my favourite Duncan. His strength isn't really a result of body mass like a lot of others, it's a result of incredible footwork on post defense and good core strength. He doesn't lose a single thing in terms of holding position when he trims down. I've always felt he played his best ball when he is a little thinner.

I agree, he holds alot of his weight naturally through his wide base. Hes always had skinny arms and legs but hes always been around 260 regardless. Hes alot stronger than he looks.

Big P
08-08-2009, 09:37 PM
God I miss Ludden

Doctor J
08-08-2009, 11:50 PM
Duncan at 240? Interesting. That definitely saves on the knees but that makes him lighter defensively against the post. I guess Shaq in the West and Yao out helps that.

Shaq in the West => Shaq in the East :p:

08-09-2009, 12:56 AM
Wow in that picture Duncan looks like he's been on the Dwight Howard regimen. Never seen Duncan this toned.

08-09-2009, 02:40 AM
Normally I would agree that the issue of money would be a problem for teams, but this is nothing new for the NBA. Name a team not named LA, SA, Boston, Houston, Chicago or Miami to win a ring in the last 20 years. The NBA has been lopsided for a long time.

Detroit, but thats where it ends

08-09-2009, 07:41 AM
Duncan:240 lbs

LBJ:265 lbs

Ron Artest:250lbs


08-09-2009, 08:55 AM
Duncan:240 lbs

LBJ:265 lbs

Ron Artest:250lbs


Kevin Garnett - 253lbs:wow

So Pop's plan is for Timmy to start the season "out of shape" then slowly work his way back into form.. some out of the box thinking going on.. should mean a lot of minutes for the new bigs as I don't see pop giving extra minutes to McDyess on account of Duncan's limited minutes. Got to keep Dice fresh as well.

Das Texan
08-09-2009, 09:53 AM
So your jumping back on the bandwagon.

Got it.

As long as your OK with being a fairweather fan :tu

You quit too if memory serves me correctly....:tu

08-09-2009, 10:35 AM
Good piece.

08-09-2009, 11:15 AM
I think VC would have been nice for last year and this year but the Spurs likely would have had to given up both Hill and Mason. RJ works out better if you ask me. He is not as good but he has a better contract and he is younger by about 3 or 4 years.

I guess, but Carter is not the player he used to be and Jefferson is a better defender. It seems like Jefferson is a better fit.

Would you have given up Ginobili for Carter?

08-09-2009, 01:04 PM
Duncan taking a lot of rest this summer is a damn good news.

I also agree with MI21: mobility is more important than strength for him.

08-09-2009, 01:16 PM
I guess this does belong here. I didn't want to hijack the thread with it, but there's a lot of conversation about his weight.

This was taken last week.


08-09-2009, 01:19 PM
Damn he's skinny.

08-09-2009, 01:30 PM
I guess this does belong here. I didn't want to hijack the thread with it, but there's a lot of conversation about his weight.

This was taken last week.

WOW he looks SO lean :wow

08-09-2009, 02:17 PM
I am counting down the days until opening game.

I hope Blair is in the weight room with Tim.

08-09-2009, 02:21 PM
are we gonna see a lot more quick spin moves and sharp cuts to the basket this year ala Timmy circa 2000? because if so, holy crap! :wow

08-09-2009, 02:59 PM
are we gonna see a lot more quick spin moves and sharp cuts to the basket this year ala Timmy circa 2000? because if so, holy crap! :wow

probably not too much as it may be counterproductive to the whole knee preservation thing, but a couple of those old spin moves would be awesome!

08-09-2009, 03:20 PM
Reminds me of rocky 3, gets beat down, loses some weight and the brings the smackdown.

08-09-2009, 03:21 PM
I guess this does belong here. I didn't want to hijack the thread with it, but there's a lot of conversation about his weight.

This was taken last week.


Wow, his lost weight makes his head look bigger.

This is going to be an interesting season for the Spurs. Duncan at 240? Wow!

08-09-2009, 03:26 PM
Wow, his lost weight makes his head look bigger.

This is going to be an interesting season for the Spurs. Duncan at 240? Wow!

With Selena Gomez hot

08-09-2009, 03:31 PM
Here is a funny thought though. Wade, LeBron and Bosh's contracts have player options, so if RJ does not opt out and the same goes for Wade and Bosh it will certainly be interesting. The Spura have not chance at LeBron, but the other two is another story. Still that is a long time from now.

I'm not exactly understanding this. Do you mean if RJ, Wade, and Bosh all DO opt out, we could have a chance at Wade or Bosh?

08-09-2009, 03:55 PM
a new revitalized timmy in great shape i like it

fck it if hes lost all that dead weight he probably needs to at his age

08-09-2009, 05:08 PM
ehhhhhh duncan is going to get pushed around like a basketball baby on NBA jam.

Obviously we are going to depend ALOT on Dice....this season has so much risk attached to it, it's incredible. Such a precarious situation. We are going to annihilate all teams in our way if we stay healthy....but just one injury, ONE--and I see the house tumbling down.

Buddy Holly
08-09-2009, 05:34 PM
Why is Duncan taking pictures with Disney actors?

08-09-2009, 07:15 PM
this is the best Spurs team ever assembled, anything less then an EASY title win would a major failure

Stupid and uninformed comment.

08-09-2009, 07:23 PM
It's not the best Spurs team assembled, because our franchise player is past his prime, and so is Manu..this is a superstar/star's league..

08-09-2009, 09:07 PM
Stupid and uninformed comment.

Hmm, same avatar as SD21, posts as stupidly as he does...

08-09-2009, 09:31 PM
I've officially created the MPA

Mean Paint Association

TD Blair Dice Ratliff :tu

08-10-2009, 01:20 AM
("Even with their new additions, the Spurs are nothing but first-round fodder if Ginobili isn’t on the court.")

Who cares what TD's weight is now or TP's injury.....according to Pop, our whole season is up Manu....That sucks!

08-10-2009, 07:09 AM

08-10-2009, 07:15 AM
ehhhhhh duncan is going to get pushed around like a basketball baby on NBA jam.

Obviously we are going to depend ALOT on Dice....

why ? Dice is listed at 245, basically the same weight as Tim right now.

Ed Helicopter Jones
08-10-2009, 02:58 PM
To me Timmy's new build reminds me of the 1999-2003 Duncan physique. He didn't get pushed around much then.

If he spent the summer strengthening his legs and losing 15 pounds of fat he's going to be a force!

I'm soooo excited for the season to start!


Demo Dick Marcinko
08-10-2009, 07:08 PM
At 240, I bet he lost a lot of fat weight and gained a lot of muscle weight so he's probably much stronger than in years past. Timmy's got great footwork so no I don't think he'll get pushed around as easily as one might think.

08-11-2009, 07:01 PM
Where are you getting that Jefferson is a better defender? This is a common theme I keep seeing, and thanks to people actually starting to keep track of more defensive stats... I can prove it to be wrong. Last season the Bucks gave up 5 more points per game when Jefferson was on the floor as opposed to off of it.

True enough, but Milwaukee was a poor defensive team all around and more of an offensive team anyway, whereas, Frank is a big on D and it's a big part of the Nets system.

Remember, when Jefferson played on the Nets he was a pretty damn good defender.

08-11-2009, 07:04 PM
Wow, his lost weight makes his head look bigger.

This is going to be an interesting season for the Spurs. Duncan at 240? Wow!

he looks GOOD! Yum-Yum!!! :lol

spursfan #20
08-11-2009, 09:05 PM
Timmy is going to be way more agile in the post, theres no way he going to be pushed around he got Stronger. And what the hell is that photo shoot for?

08-14-2009, 07:58 AM
I guess this does belong here. I didn't want to hijack the thread with it, but there's a lot of conversation about his weight.

This was taken last week.


I'd believe it's photoshoped...

08-14-2009, 09:33 AM
I'd believe it's photoshoped...

lol, I actually thought it was photoshopped.

Dang, he is thin.

08-14-2009, 01:20 PM
What I've found from the Selena Gomez side of that pic is it's not photoshopped. She's a long time big fan of Duncan and had the opportunity to meet him.

I'm not positive yet, but it sounds legit so far.

I wasn't going to post the pic until I had more detail, but it was the most current I had for the weight loss conversation. I'm still gathering info about it. I'll update it in the Duncan Forum when I have more.

08-14-2009, 04:29 PM
Great Read!

Ludden :worthy:

08-15-2009, 07:55 AM
WOW he looks SO lean :wow

combo of my two favorite things:

selena gomez
the spurs

that's why i love her so much

and don't worry i'm 17, so it's not creepy