View Full Version : Dime: 5 Things I Think I Know About The Southwest Division

08-11-2009, 12:45 PM
5 Things I Think I Know About the Southwest Division (http://dimemag.com/2009/08/5-things-i-think-i-know-about-the-southwest-division/)
By Ben York

With the vision of the 2009-’10 NBA season becoming more and more clear each day, we’ll take a look at each division and explain what we think we know about each. Sure, there are a lot of things that could change before opening day, but we have a pretty good idea of how each team will look and where we think they’re headed in the upcoming year.

Next up, 5 things I think I know about the Southwest Division…

5. I think I know that I feel bad for the Rockets.

Contrary to popular belief lately, I am actually not a Knicks fan. On the contrary, I am cursed with the Suns being my team of choice as I grew up in Phoenix. Thought being a Suns fan was unlucky? Try being a Rockets fan. Yao is out for the season, you never know what you’ll get from T-Mac, you lose Artest, sign a player for $33.5 million who averaged 9 ppg last year, and find out you play 22 back-to-backs next season (next closest team is at 17). Still, I think this team is good enough and so well coached that they’ll still end up making the playoffs. McGrady has been talking a huge game so far this offseason (http://dimemag.com/2009/07/tracy-mcgrady-guarantee-i-will-be-back-to-the-player-i-once-was/), and if he can stay on the floor, will obviously be a huge plus for the Rockets. Still, even without McGrady, the team plays their collective asses off every game which is something I respect more than anything.

4. I think I know that Mark Cuban wants to win.

Though I absolutely don’t agree with the extension of 38 year-old Jason Kidd for almost $30 million (wasn’t Nash too old 5 years ago at 31?) Mark Cuban has realized the Mavericks were simply not good enough to contend for a conference title last year and needed to address their weaknesses. Cuban brought back a productive Jason Kidd to helm the Mavericks attack (http://dimemag.com/2009/07/jason-kidd-goes-for-the-clean-sweep-of-the-nba/), pulled off one of the most confusing trades I’ve ever seen to get Shawn Marion, and picked up a very solid Drew Gooden to highlight their off-season moves. As if those weren’t good enough, he solidified a bench that can contribute with a forgotten Quinton Ross for his defense and Tim Thomas to solely shoot three’s (no surprise there). Though Cuban added a bunch of salary to the fold for the next few years, the moves allowed Dallas to improve in every area they were lacking last year. No matter your feelings for Cuban or the Mavs, it was impressive and something I’d love to see in a owner – spend the money it takes to put your team in the best possible position to win.

3. I think I know that the Spurs are going to be scary.

Since the cat is out of the bag on my Suns fandom, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the Spurs aren’t a team I particularly enjoy. However, it should be noted it’s not because they’ve continually beat the Suns over the past decade, it’s because I’m insanely jealous of how their franchise is being run. With arguably still one of the best 1-2-3 punches in Parker, Ginobili, and Duncan the Spurs still feel they can compete for a title but they’ll need a deeper team to get past the Lakers and a much improved Dallas squad. The acquisition of Richard Jefferson from Milwaukee should take a ton of pressure off the entire team offensively and provides another solid defender along the perimeter. Antonio McDyess has proven he can still play and is certainly an upgrade from the aging Kurt Thomas. Perhaps their best move of all is taking a chance on rookie DeJuan Blair; his knees may only allow him to play 3-5 years of good ball in this league, but he was more than worth the shot at the 7th pick of the 2nd round. It seems, once again, that the Spurs will be a thorn in many teams’ sides.

2. I think I know that the Grizzlies made the wrong choice in Hasheem Thabeet.

Hasheem Thabeet has a lot of upside. He’s 7-3 and has only played basketball competitively for less than 10 years. I get that. But, justifying him as the No. 2 pick in front of the likes of James Harden, Jonny Flynn, or even DeMar DeRozan just seems too risky to me. The Grizzlies have the capability of developing a very good core of players for the next few years with Mayo, Gay, Conley, and Marc Gasol – I’m just not sure Thabeet fits into that core. Hey, I could be way off and Thabeet could develop into a great center in the NBA but there are just too many question marks. Though, I do commend Memphis for taking the risk as the ends could end up justifying the means.

1. I think I know that this will be a very competitive division.

When all is said and done, the Southwest Division could potentially yield half of the Western Conference playoff teams – San Antonio, New Orleans, Dallas, and Houston. Two of those teams I predict will give the Lakers a run for their money in the West (Dallas, San Antonio) and the other two have the ability to still be very good (New Orleans and, yes, even Houston). Hence, I’d expect the division (as always) to be extremely intense throughout the entire year as playoff positioning will be a constant ebb and flow. It may not be the most exciting basketball to watch in terms of flash, but with several of the best basketball minds in the game coaching these teams; it will make for some of the best overall basketball in the league.

What’s your take on the Southwest Division?

5 Things I Think I Know About the Atlantic Division (http://dimemag.com/2009/08/5-things-i-think-i-know-about-the-atlantic-division/)

5 Things I Think I Know About the Central Division (http://dimemag.com/2009/08/5-things-i-think-i-know-about-the-central-division/)

5 Things I Think I Know About the Southeast Division (http://dimemag.com/2009/08/5-things-i-think-i-know-about-the-southeast-division/)

08-11-2009, 01:07 PM
since the cat is out of the bag on my suns fandom, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the spurs aren’t a team i particularly enjoy. However, it should be noted it’s not because they’ve continually beat the suns over the past decade, it’s because i’m insanely jealous of how their franchise is being run


08-11-2009, 01:57 PM
It seems, once again, that the Spurs will be a thorn in many teams’ sides.


I want to be a spear, damn you! A spear!

08-11-2009, 02:07 PM
The big key is staying healthy.... if we stay healthy play consistent...well win the Division, and tear everyone one in the playoffs!

This season is gonna remind me of the 1975 Dallas Cowboys Dirty Dozen (experience and youth) Spurs are gonna have one hell of a team!

08-11-2009, 02:26 PM
i just hope ginobili is good this season, if hes back to his old self, then i dont really see us not winning the championship

08-11-2009, 02:34 PM
The Key to the new team isn't R Jefferson IMHO so much as it is the new depth behind the starters. If these guys develop half as much as we hope--Haislip, Ian, George, The Pitt Bull, McDyess, Hairston--then we will be deeper than the Lakers. Maybe not far behind them in starters, but I like our second string.

Dr Cox
08-11-2009, 02:52 PM
It seems, once again, that the Spurs will be a thorn in many teams’ sides

call it

nice find

08-11-2009, 02:57 PM
This was a great article for a 7 year old.

08-11-2009, 05:15 PM
The Key to the new team isn't R Jefferson IMHO so much as it is the new depth behind the starters. If these guys develop half as much as we hope--Haislip, Ian, George, The Pitt Bull, McDyess, Hairston--then we will be deeper than the Lakers. Maybe not far behind them in starters, but I like our second string.

Agree. Haislip, Hill, Mahinmi, Blair need to wreak havoc!

Tall order but that's just what the Spurs need to win it all.

08-11-2009, 10:11 PM
This was a great article for a 7 year old.

Agreed. He's a terrible writer, and he doesn't say anything even slightly interesting.

Oh, and the Rockettes aren't making the playoffs.

08-11-2009, 10:25 PM
Hornets didnt get mentioned?

08-11-2009, 10:51 PM
i just hope ginobili is good this season, if hes back to his old self, then i dont really see us not winning the championship

I think he will with all this time off
and if he can stay 90 to 100% thru
out the season he'll be pissing off
everyone he goes up against lol
just look how he was doing on one
foot last season before they shut him down