View Full Version : Wisdom Teeth

08-12-2009, 07:17 PM
Who here has been lucky enough to get their wisdom teeth removed? I had 2 wisdom teeth along with 4 other molars taken out on Monday and I still have some bleeding in my mouth. I woke up this morning with a mouth full of blood covered teeth and I felt like I was going to die.

Taking hydrocodone is fun though :spin:spin:sleep

David Bowie
08-12-2009, 08:02 PM
I had two wisdom teeth taken out along with two mollars (which were growing downwards instead of upwards.) They also cut out a sliver of my jaw in two places. (I was under general anaesthesia for all that. Was too chicken to do it with local) On top of that, a nurse accidently pierced and cut my vein in my mouth. I had so much bleeding and had to have emergency stitches and stayed in the hospital overnight. Overall, it took me about 3 weeks to recover from the surgery. I was really weak, spent most of the time in bed, and could bearly open my mouth for the first week, and ate mostly jello and apple sauce. I didn't take any painkillers though and I don't think I was in pain, just really uncomfortable. I had no additional bleeding wither after I was discharged from the hospital. If you are bleeding, maybe they accidently cut or periced a vein. (I once had a baby tooth removed, and the nurse pierced my vein. a couple of days later, I had to have a bucket so that I could spit blood into it and I bled for the whole night and felt very ill overall. Thinking back, I should have called the hospital. I don't know if this helps. I would call your doctor, tell him/her your symptoms, inquire if its possible that one of your veins has been damaged and that you may possibly need stitches. I hope this helps

08-12-2009, 08:18 PM
I had 3 wisdom teeth removed when I was about 20 and one of the pockets got infected. I could barely open my mouth. I went back for some antibiotics and was fine in no time.

08-12-2009, 08:21 PM
Had all four of mine taken out while I was awake (it's cheaper that way). It sucked, especially since the sounds of the cutting and cracking are so close to your ear, but the recovery was worse. It's been a while, but I think I remember them telling me not to spit the blood out as that can cause dry sockets and slow the healing process.

Hang in there.

08-12-2009, 08:25 PM
Just don't make the mistake of drinking through straws while you're recovering.

08-12-2009, 08:41 PM
I had 3 wisdom teeth removed when I was about 20 and one of the pockets got infected. I could barely open my mouth. I went back for some antibiotics and was fine in no time.

God that sounds painful.

I had mine removed in June. They put me into a twilight sleep and I loved it. I was singing and humming through the whole thing.

Afterwards wasn't as fun. I suffered a day or two but all inall I'm glad I did it. It was extremely painful before I had them removed.

08-12-2009, 08:53 PM
God that sounds painful.

I had mine removed in June. They put me into a twilight sleep and I loved it. I was singing and humming through the whole thing.

Afterwards wasn't as fun. I suffered a day or two but all inall I'm glad I did it. It was extremely painful before I had them removed.

I don't think it was painful so much as a throbbing dull ache and I looked really awful. That side of my face was bruised and swollen badly and I looked like I'd been punched.

08-12-2009, 09:47 PM
I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out last year...it wasn't nearly as bad as everyone made it out to be...the key...and I really believe this...was them packing my face with ice THE MOMENT everything was done...she held to ice bags on each side of my face for roughly 20 minutes straight...when I went home...continued to put ice until I went to sleep...the next day...I was able to eat McDonalds for breakfast...sausage biscuit...by that evening I was eating regular food...ice people...ICE...

08-12-2009, 10:01 PM
I had mine (all 4) taking out during this Spring Break, they gave me a IV General anaesthesia, didn't remember much of that except the doctor said my arm would become itchy, after a short nap in bed (which probably wasn't the smartest thing, since my sheets and pillow cover were stained with blood) I was up, and feeling good, just the left side of my mouth was numb. I actually went out the same night. Never used the pain killers(I always felt that pain killers made it worse in the sense that sure you may numb the area but you are not stretching, building up strength to the area / thus creating more sensitive areas when the pain killers numb off), in fact they are still on the kitchen table, did use the anti bacterial medication for the gums.

I did have the swollen face but no bruising. Didn't have any problems with infections in wholes , mostly because I made sure to wash my mouth out with salt water after anything I ate, probably did it more then recommended.

I was lucky because my wisdom teeth were really impacted, something I should have had done maybe 2 or 3 years ago, but never felt any pain from the impaction prior to the surgery.

08-13-2009, 12:15 AM
I had all four removed at once when I was 18. I was gassed. Don't remember a thing. Woke up, stumbled to the car (no, I didn't drive), went home, found my teeth in my pocket later that day. I bled for a couple of days (the first day was the bad one), but I never took anything for the pain, which wasn't bad. Just discomfort and soreness. And eating wasn't fun.

08-13-2009, 01:52 AM
Had all 4 taken out when I was 14. They weren't even teeth yet.

Went in for my 6-month checkup and cleaning and my dentist told me my wisdom teeth were starting to grow in. He told me they wouldn't break the gum line or cause me a problem for quite some time. He said he could take them out "now" and it would be much less of a hassle than later. My mom told him "take 'em asap" and had an appt. set up the following week, the 1st 3-day weekend of the school year. :bang

Not a huge deal except for the taste of blood in my mouth for the next few days. The pain wasn't too bad. Plus my mom gave me Vicodin so it wasn't a total loss.

People exaggerate the whole wisdom teeth thing. Just get them yanked as soon as you can and be done with it.

08-13-2009, 05:58 AM
If you are still bleeding, call the dentist and ask. Never be afraid of asking questions.

08-13-2009, 07:15 AM
had 3 removed, had mexican for lunch and went back to work...

08-13-2009, 08:32 AM
I had my 2 top ones taken out last week. The bleeding stopped pretty quickly and the hyrocodone has done a good job of masking the pain. The only bad part so far is my gums feel REALLY sensitive, like I am teething or something. It is an annoying feeling but, fortunately, not very painful. Make sure to eat lots of ice cream and popsicles, it does a good job of numbing your gums and avoiding the pain.

08-13-2009, 08:58 AM
I had mine out when I was 16. Dad's friend took them out. I had local, walked out and drove home. They gave me tylenol for the pain.

08-13-2009, 09:16 AM
My wisdom teeth experience was terrible. I started having trouble in my early 20's and ignored it as much as possible, then of all days, my wedding day, all 4 of them decided it was time to get my attention once and for all. It was an evening wedding and after the ceremony I spent most of the reception/dance upstairs in my hotel room with ice packs on my face. I had a friend who had given up his oral surgery practice to become an ER physician, but still had all his old equipment, so we set everything up in his garage and he gave me a good dose of gas and went for it. The procedure itself was a piece of cake, but for a good week afterward there wasn't much I could do but take pain pills and sit on my bed and cry. Imagine the first week of being married to that! LOL

08-13-2009, 11:16 AM
Should have come to me.

08-13-2009, 12:07 PM
Hydrocodone mixed with white russians throughout the first two days, you will feel no pain. Actually, you won't feel much of anything.

Worked for me, had 'em pulled Friday and was back at work on Monday.

Viva Las Espuelas
08-13-2009, 12:13 PM
My wisdom teeth experience was terrible. I started having trouble in my early 20's and ignored it as much as possible, then of all days, my wedding day, all 4 of them decided it was time to get my attention once and for all. It was an evening wedding and after the ceremony I spent most of the reception/dance upstairs in my hotel room with ice packs on my face. I had a friend who had given up his oral surgery practice to become an ER physician, but still had all his old equipment, so we set everything up in his garage and he gave me a good dose of gas and went for it. The procedure itself was a piece of cake, but for a good week afterward there wasn't much I could do but take pain pills and sit on my bed and cry. Imagine the first week of being married to that! LOL
so your jaws were sore before your wedding night? a shame