View Full Version : Ginobili: "If I still haven't healed... its cause I am seriously bad"

08-17-2009, 10:51 AM
Ginóbili, ante los fantasmas del adiósPor M. Romano y D. Morini
De la Redacción de LA NACION

Aunque la vorágine de las actividades satelitales que lleva un basquetbolista de elite lo mantiene por estas horas sumamente concentrado, en unos días más Emanuel Ginóbili empezará a preparar sus maletas para regresar a San Antonio, hacerse los chequeos médicos tras su operación en el peroné y comenzar, a los 32 años, la pretemporada de la NBA en su último año de contrato con los Spurs. Temas que tiene muy presentes y que analizó en profundidad durante una visita a la redacción de LA NACION.

-No va a estar esperándote Fabricio (Oberto, que pasó a Washington)...

-Es verdad. Lo voy a extrañar seguro. Pasábamos mucho tiempo juntos y era mi compañía en los viajes. Aunque estoy mucho más contento por haber compartido cuatro años con él, cosa que no esperaba, que perderlo ahora. La verdad es que no me puedo quejar. Cuando llegué a la NBA estaba feliz de poder estar ahí y no pensaba jugar con un argentino? Después me tocó hacerlo, ganar un campeonato, ¿qué más puedo pedir? Lo veré dos veces al año, cuando nos enfrentemos.

-¿Qué vas a encontrar al regreso?

-El otro día pregunté quiénes estaban trabajando y no eran muchos. Los nuevos estaban ahí, más Tim (por Duncan), que está con un plan de trabajo distinto, por el tema de las tendinitis en las rodillas. Yo voy a hacer mis cosas y en octubre arrancaré con el resto del equipo.

-¿En qué etapa estás de recuperación de la lesión?

-Creo estar bien. Ya pasaron cuatro meses del último partido y si no se me curó será porque estoy mal en serio... Lo que pasa es que los Spurs no quieren que juegue partidos, me dicen que no hay apuro ni necesidad. Así que me dan para correr en la cinta, bicicleta, pesas? Saltar, no. Algunos ejercicios de impacto, pero pocos.

-¿Estás con un poco de miedo?

-Eh?. Puede ser con alguna duda. Tengo tantas ganas de estar bien que a veces tengo algún pensamiento negativo. Si bien creo plenamente en mí y soy optimista, si me llegase a pasar lo mismo sería un golpe muy duro, por eso que algún fantasma hay. Pero no pienso en eso.

-En estas lesiones aparecen algunos contratiempos mecánicos en los movimientos. ¿Te recomendaron alguna postura en particular a partir de ahora?

-Teóricamente, la fractura por estrés en el peroné fue por un problema mecánico más que por la fractura por sí sola. Me dicen que puede haber sido el tema de equilibrar o proteger la pierna operada, y otros me dicen que no es tan así. El peroné casi no recibe peso, la tibia recibe todo, y el peroné acompaña; así que no sé qué fue lo que provocó dos veces la lesión en el mismo lugar. Cuando vuelva me van a hacer estudios de biomecánica.

-¿En la franquicia están un poco perseguidos con la lesiones de ustedes?

-Y, la verdad es que están un poco más sensibles.

-Es increíble, pero a los NBA que juegan en la selección de Estados Unidos nunca les pasa nada? ¿Son distintos físicamente?

-Sí, son diferentes. Y la verdad es que históricamente han tenido un uso distinto del físico. Gasol, Scola, Parker, yo, desde los 18 años que casi todos los años tenemos algún problema. Es que 100 partidos de NBA, 20 de selección, más toda la pretemporada, es como que el cuerpo lo siente un poco más. Si sos NBA toda la carrera y no jugás con la selección, tenés cuatro meses de vacaciones todos los años, como mínimo. Es mucha la diferencia. Y bueno, en los casos de los que te mencioné y otros tantos ejemplos, se sufre un poco más. Más allá de que un Carmelo Anthony, un Wade o LeBron, son bestias , están a otro nivel físico. Por eso, en San Antonio están un poco sensibles. De hecho, a Tony (por Parker) lo hicieron viajar inmediatamente cuando se enteraron de la última lesión, aun cuando el médico de la franquicia, que estaba con él haciendo un trabajo especial, les dijo que no había problema con su mano. Por eso tuvo que viajar casi 20 horas, llegó, se hizo la resonancia y después lo dejaron volver a Europa.

-Respecto de la NBA, ¿qué es lo que menos te gusta?

-Los trades (canjes), es muy cruel. Que te digan que en 24 horas tenés que estar en otra ciudad y si no te presentás te empiezan a descontar del sueldo? Uno tiene familia, casa, la escuela de los hijos? Y nadie te consulta nada, no te preguntan qué pensás. A mí no me tocó, pero sí al Chapu y a Fabri. Al Chapu lo bajaron del ómnibus y le dijeron que se tenía que ir a otro club. El golpe emocional es muy grande. Igual, la NBA tiene muchas cosas buenas, aunque para mi físico es muy intensa la temporada, especialmente sobre el final. Son muchos viajes, y como yo tengo la suerte de jugar playoffs es más largo todavía. Esas cosas son las dos que no me gustan, el resto está muy bien armado.

-¿Los preparan para el retiro?

-Ahora se está hablando más del tema y te ayudan si lo pedís, no te obligan. La Asociación de Jugadores tiene preparado todo un programa al respecto, te aconsejan, te dan material de lectura, porque es un tema complicado en serio. Más allá de lo que pasa con la plata, tiene que ver con la vida útil de cada uno. Además, créase o no, los NBA somos inútiles, no sabemos hacer otra cosa que jugar. Desde los 18 años picamos una pelota nada más, siempre hay alguien que hace las cosas por nosotros y cuando tenés que enfrentarte con la vida cotidiana, como hacer la cola de un banco, son cosas que nunca hiciste, y bueno... Ahora me ponen una multa, le doy la plata a alguien para que me la pague... Siempre hay alguien que lo hace por vos. Que no me digan que no te podés acostumbrar a esa vida porque es lo más lindo que te puede pasar. El tema es que después estás afuera. No viajás más en un chárter, el grupo ya no te trata igual, en el restaurante ya no te tratan como antes, hay millones de cosas que pasan. Son cosas chicas que te hacen bajar la autoestima. Es un tema muy complicado en serio.

-De todas maneras, vos ya tenés otras actividades?

-Creo que eso no me va a pasar. Pero voy a extrañar muchísimo la falta de competencia y a sufrir ese tema. ¡El día en que me retire voy a ir al psicólogo! Pero, por ejemplo, a Pepe (por Sánchez) no lo veo extrañando para nada; y para David Robinson (ex Spurs), el poscarrera es algo buenísimo.

08-17-2009, 10:53 AM
- At what stage are you on your injury?

- I think I am ok. It has been 4 months since the last game and if I stil have not healed, it must be cause I am seriously bad... What happens is the Spurs do not want me to play in games, they tell me there is no rush or need. So they tell me to run in threadmill, bike, weights? jumping... no. Some impact exercises but few.

08-17-2009, 10:59 AM
:tu Simple and obvious statement. If that ankle isn't healed completely after four to five months, then Manu probably won't ever be the same again.

That being said, it sounds like both Manu and the Spurs took the smart approach of giving it as much of a chance as humanly possible to heal. Glad to hear he hasn't been testing the injury yet, as there has been absolutely no reason to.

08-17-2009, 11:02 AM
I love this new strategy Pop is taking: everyone be cool and stay healthy and we'll crank it up and play for real in March and April.

08-17-2009, 11:02 AM
True. If his injury isn't healed something really must be wrong.

08-17-2009, 11:05 AM
- Are you a little scared?

- Eh? could be with a little doubt. I want so baddly to be well that sometimes I get a negative thought. But I fully beleive in myself and am optimist, but if I get injured again, it would be a very tough hit, that is why there is always a ghost. But I don't think about it.

- In these injuries there show some lags in the mechanical movements. Did they recomment some posture in particular from now on?

-Theoretically, the fracture by stress was a mechanical problem rather than by the fracture itself. they tell me could be related to protecting my other leg which had been operated. others tell me it is not like that. The Perone does not really support weight, the tibia does, the perone only complements, so I don't know what really provoked that I get injured twice in the same spot. When I get back they will make some biomechanical studies.

08-17-2009, 11:23 AM
someone translate the whole thing into english

08-17-2009, 11:25 AM
If the injury comes back then an extension is highly doubtful.

08-17-2009, 12:36 PM
- At what stage are you on your injury?

- I think I am ok. It has been 4 months since the last game and if I stil have not healed, it must be cause I am seriously bad...

This is not how I understood his quote, but I'm not a native speaker.

What I understood was: "I think I am ok. It's been 4 months since the last game and if I am still not healed, it will be because I am seriously hurt."

08-17-2009, 02:09 PM
I'm a little bit anxious, should it be taking this long for Manu to heal? At this rate I'll be stunned if he'll be ready for training camp. Sounds doubtful if he still isn't even able to do impact excercises.

08-17-2009, 02:12 PM
This is not how I understood his quote, but I'm not a native speaker.

What I understood was: "I think I am ok. It's been 4 months since the last game and if I am still not healed, it will be because I am seriously hurt."
That's correct. He's not saying that he's still injured, but talking about what it would mean if the injury was still there.


08-17-2009, 02:15 PM
I'm a little bit anxious, should it be taking this long for Manu to heal? At this rate I'll be stunned if he'll be ready for training camp. Sounds doubtful if he still isn't even able to do impact excercises.

I took out of it that everyone was just going slow and taking it easy and holding off on impact activities , not that he was unable to do them.

08-17-2009, 02:17 PM
Didnt Pop say recently that Manu is 100% healthy by now?

08-17-2009, 02:43 PM
This is not how I understood his quote, but I'm not a native speaker.

What I understood was: "I think I am ok. It's been 4 months since the last game and if I am still not healed, it will be because I am seriously hurt."

Yeah, that's how I read it, too...

"y SI no se me curo..."

Then again, similarly, Spanish is only my minor...not my first language.

Edit: Looks like Marhq beat me to it...and judging by his flag, he'd know better. :toast

08-17-2009, 03:28 PM
Hey Manu, what kind of English is that?!? Take a dam English class, dillweed!

08-17-2009, 03:30 PM
tell holt to bribe the phoenix people and bring em in

08-17-2009, 03:34 PM
This is not how I understood his quote, but I'm not a native speaker.

What I understood was: "I think I am ok. It's been 4 months since the last game and if I am still not healed, it will be because I am seriously hurt."

As a native speaker I understood the quote to mean "I think I am ok. It's been 4 months since the last game and if I am still not healed, it will be because there is something seriously wrong with me." Just saying

08-17-2009, 03:38 PM
I wonder who he refered to as el chapu.. was it bowen?

08-17-2009, 03:40 PM
I wonder who he refered to as el chapu.. was it bowen?


08-17-2009, 03:54 PM
this is why we need to trade Mason and Bonner for Stephen Jackson, we need security for a manu injury situation, this way we still have chance for the title even with Manu injury.

08-17-2009, 04:09 PM
Why would Golden State do this?

08-17-2009, 05:08 PM
He can take all the time he needs, I don't care..I could care less if he's out until March, as long as he's the real Manu in June..

08-17-2009, 05:47 PM
As a native speaker I understood the quote to mean "I think I am ok. It's been 4 months since the last game and if I am still not healed, it will be because there is something seriously wrong with me." Just saying

Ok, good (and thanks to the others who posted the same), my Spanish seems to be holding up quite well :toast I think it puts a different spin on this story since Manu is definitely not saying he hasn't healed.

08-17-2009, 06:40 PM
I say trade him whenever they get a chance.

08-17-2009, 07:10 PM
This is not how I understood his quote, but I'm not a native speaker.

What I understood was: "I think I am ok. It's been 4 months since the last game and if I am still not healed, it will be because I am seriously hurt."
NO, you got it right, I'm not at all optimistic about his injury and how they are going about it in his rehab. It sounds like Manu or his doctors don't really know what is wrong with him. Or rather they may know but they are not sure how best to help him heal of if they even know if he will be able to rehab himself back to his former self.

08-17-2009, 07:12 PM
ive been saying this for almost two years

no excuses again argie manu fans

08-17-2009, 07:16 PM
People wanted me killed when I suggested we trade Manu a couple of years ago

The reason I gave was that he was damaged goods. Though it's not conclusive, I always thought the risk was reason enough to trade him. Now we can't get jack

08-17-2009, 07:16 PM
Perhaps to the lakers for Odom and Artest. The Lakers would still get the best of the deal. I predict that Manu will be the finals MVP makeing the Spurs the only team with three who played together at the same team.

08-17-2009, 07:17 PM
i will bet my life manu will never be any kind of mvp

or $1000 bet only to pay if spurs win the title

08-17-2009, 08:21 PM
The article essentially says that Manu believes he's good, but he hasn't tested himself in games yet because the Spurs feel that it's not necessary to do so at this point. He has done some impact exercises so far, but not many. Treadmill, bike, etc., but no jumping yet.

The comment he made about being seriously bad should not be taken out of context. You know Manu, he actually talks to reporters like a real human being and doesn't give monosyllabic grunt answers, so he merely said that if for some reason the leg doesn't fully heal this time, it would be because something is seriously wrong with it. But he doesn't believe that's the case. However, he's human and he want's very badly to play right now, so for this reason he occasionally has a negative thought, and there's a bit of the ghost of a thought that he might get hurt again.

So again, don't take that out of context - he's merely being honest about his thought process as he works through the rehab.

Bottom line is he feels like he's fine.

08-17-2009, 08:31 PM
CIA Manu

08-17-2009, 08:33 PM
What's this if bullshit, why haven't they had him checked out more often to see how he's progressing?

08-17-2009, 09:41 PM
heres a translation. its not word for word faithful, since there are a lot of expressions I interpreted quite a bit but I did try to be more word for word on the more interesting questions.

I skipped the intro and the first quote where he says that the 4 years with Fab were great and that he couldnt complain about his luck (for actually making it to the NBA and meeting fab there).


-¿What will you find when you return?

The other day I asked who was working and there werent many. The new guys were there, plus Tim (Duncan), who has a different workout plan, because of the tendinitis in his knees. I'll do mine and then start with the rest of the team in october.

-In what stage of recovery are you from the injury?

I think I'm alright. 4 months have passed from the last game and if it hasnt healed then I must be seriously hurt... The thing is the spurs don't want me playing games, they tell me there's no rush or necesity. So they give me treadmill, bycicle, weights? Jumping, no. Some impact exercise, but only a little.

-¿Do you have little fears?

-Eh?. Maybe some doubt. I want to be recovered so badly that sometimes I have a negative thought. Even though I believe in myself totally and keep optimistic, if the same thing happened to me it would be a heavy blow, and that possibility can linger and cause worry. But I dont think about that.

-In these injuries there can be setbacks in the mechanics of movement. ¿Did anyone recommend a particular posture for you now?

-Theoretically, The stress fracture in my perone was because of a mechanical problem more than a fracture by itself. They say it could have been for compensating or protecting the operated leg, and others tell me it's not quite like that. The perone almost doesnt receive weight, the tibia does all the work, and the perone follows; so I dont know what produced the 2nd injury in the same place. When I get back I'm getting biomechanical studies done on me.

-¿En the franchise are they a little spooked by player injuries?

-Well, the truth is they are a little more sensitive.

-its amazing, but the NBA players on the US team don't have the same problems? ¿Are they physically different?

-Yes, they're different. And the truth is even historically they use their body different. Gasol, Scola, Parker, me, since 18 that almost every year we have some problem. Its that 100 NBA games, 20 NT, plus preseasons, its like your body takes another toll. If you are NBA your whole career and dont play international, you have four months vacation every year, at a minimum. Its a big difference. And well, in the cases I mentioned and many more, you suffer a little more. Beyond the fact that a Carmelo Anthony, a Wade or LeBron are beasts , they're on another level physically. That's why in San Antonio they're a little sensitive. In fact, Tony (Parker) was made to fly out immediately when they found out about the last injury, even when the team doctor, that was with him doing a special program, had informed that he didnt have problems with his hand (sic). Because of that he had to travel 20 hours, arrived, got a resonance and then they let him go back to europe.

-As far as the NBA, ¿what do you like the least?

-Trades, are very cruel. To have someone tell you that in 24hrs you have to be in another city, and if you dont show they discount your salary? You have a family, house, your kids schools? And nobody tells you anything, they dont ask what you think. It hasnt happened to me, but yes to Chapu (Nocioni) and Fab. Chapu had to get off the bus and sent off to another team. Emotionally it hits hard. Still, the NBA has a lot of good things, though for my body the season is too intense, especialy towards the end. Its a lot of travel, and since I'm lucky enough to be in the playoffs its even longer. Those are the two things I dont like, the rest is put together very well.

--he finishes talking about retirement, he thinks it will be hard for him to not compete but cites pepe sanchez and david robinson as players who made the transition well.

And it seems Manu got Tony's injury mixed up with a previous one, because it says hand where it should say ankle.

08-17-2009, 09:44 PM
People wanted me killed when I suggested we trade Manu a couple of years ago

The reason I gave was that he was damaged goods. Though it's not conclusive, I always thought the risk was reason enough to trade him. Now we can't get jack

Can you even read? It says he hasn't tested it out yet

08-17-2009, 11:01 PM
Can you even read? It says he hasn't tested it out yetyou apparently can't :LOL

08-18-2009, 12:49 AM
Well Manu's said a couple of times on his Facebook that he hasn't had any pain doing the simple exercises like walking on the treadmill and other things. But until the Spurs are able to see how he's coming along or rehabing (which I'm a little surprised that they're not really overseeing it that much and even though Pop has said that Manu's around 100% when was the last time that they really observed him since the season ended?) we won't know where he's at and I guess that's why he's saying that.

08-18-2009, 01:09 AM
Will the NBA let the Spurs play their games in a pool this year?

We'd go 82-0.

08-18-2009, 01:23 AM
Once Manu scores about 40-50 points in a game this year everyone will be back on his nuts.

08-18-2009, 01:45 AM
Will the NBA let the Spurs play their games in a pool this year?

Duncan loves the water, could be interesting. :lol


08-18-2009, 01:58 AM
This is not how I understood his quote, but I'm not a native speaker.

What I understood was: "I think I am ok. It's been 4 months since the last game and if I am still not healed, it will be because I am seriously hurt."

nice pickup will_spurs, i was reading it as well and thats what i got out of it.

08-18-2009, 02:16 AM
i will bet my life manu will never be any kind of mvp

or $1000 bet only to pay if spurs win the title

wasnt he the mvp (or whatever name they give it which is the equivalent to the mvp) of the 04' Olympics? also 05' couldve easily been his Finals MVP as well...people forget how much of a badass Manu is when he's healthy. during his 05' playoff run people were putting him in the same class as Kobe, Wade, Pierce, etc.

08-18-2009, 02:31 AM
Once Manu scores about 40-50 points in a game this year everyone will be back on his nuts.

This is very true, though the cutoff is probably more like 30+ points or 10+ points in the 4th quarter.

08-18-2009, 06:32 AM
this is why we need to trade Mason and Bonner for Stephen Jackson, we need security for a manu injury situation, this way we still have chance for the title even with Manu injury.

Trade Deadline in Feb.....
So anything can happen from now till then......

08-18-2009, 09:09 AM
The article essentially says that Manu believes he's good, but he hasn't tested himself in games yet because the Spurs feel that it's not necessary to do so at this point. He has done some impact exercises so far, but not many. Treadmill, bike, etc., but no jumping yet.

The comment he made about being seriously bad should not be taken out of context. You know Manu, he actually talks to reporters like a real human being and doesn't give monosyllabic grunt answers, so he merely said that if for some reason the leg doesn't fully heal this time, it would be because something is seriously wrong with it. But he doesn't believe that's the case. However, he's human and he want's very badly to play right now, so for this reason he occasionally has a negative thought, and there's a bit of the ghost of a thought that he might get hurt again.

So again, don't take that out of context - he's merely being honest about his thought process as he works through the rehab.

Bottom line is he feels like he's fine.

finally somebody who uses logic in this forum.

08-18-2009, 10:30 AM
Manu should be fine by the time preseason starts 4-5 months off includding end of last season is more than enough time, barring he has not played ball unoffically anywhere..... But look for him to be fine rest no pressure on bone is all it takes...

08-18-2009, 10:32 AM
Duncan loves the water, could be interesting. :lol


228, you know porno goes in the troll forum.

08-18-2009, 10:34 AM
Manu will be fine, he has the best medical help money can buy working on him... Lets worry about other things.. 4-5 months of healing not to mention the last month of the season heading into the playoffs. All in all hell be just fine playing like old Manu.

08-18-2009, 10:48 AM
The article essentially says that Manu believes he's good, but he hasn't tested himself in games yet because the Spurs feel that it's not necessary to do so at this point. He has done some impact exercises so far, but not many. Treadmill, bike, etc., but no jumping yet.

The comment he made about being seriously bad should not be taken out of context. You know Manu, he actually talks to reporters like a real human being and doesn't give monosyllabic grunt answers, so he merely said that if for some reason the leg doesn't fully heal this time, it would be because something is seriously wrong with it. But he doesn't believe that's the case. However, he's human and he want's very badly to play right now, so for this reason he occasionally has a negative thought, and there's a bit of the ghost of a thought that he might get hurt again.

So again, don't take that out of context - he's merely being honest about his thought process as he works through the rehab.

Bottom line is he feels like he's fine.

this is very true about manu. go back even to his days at virtus bologna and you will see that he gives frank and cautious responses to most inquiries.

08-18-2009, 11:21 AM
So wait, weren't you guys bash Cuban, Mavs, & Dirk for Dirk not playing for Germany. . . but this is okay?

08-18-2009, 11:34 AM
surgery was never an option?

this crossing our fingers and hoping for the best shit is for the birds.

45 bank shot
08-18-2009, 08:06 PM
just be healthy manu

08-18-2009, 08:08 PM
So wait, weren't you guys bash Cuban, Mavs, & Dirk for Dirk not playing for Germany. . . but this is okay?what?

08-18-2009, 09:06 PM
i dont know if were ever see the '05 manu ginobili again i just hope and pray hes healthy and ready to roll

08-18-2009, 09:39 PM
i will bet my life manu will never be any kind of mvp

2001 Italian MVP
2001 Euroleague MVP
2002 Italian Cup MVP
2004 Olympics MVP

Sean Cagney
08-18-2009, 09:46 PM
2001 italian mvp
2001 euroleague mvp
2002 italian cup mvp
2004 olympics mvp

get em!!!!!!!!!

08-18-2009, 09:51 PM

i guess youll have to google that word

08-18-2009, 10:12 PM
i guess youll have to google that word

Arguing on a technicality now?

08-18-2009, 10:16 PM
yeah will and has are the same word that have no differences in uses

manu really shut my ass up with that 01 italian league MVP

08-19-2009, 01:30 AM
i dont know if were ever see the '05 manu ginobili again i just hope and pray hes healthy and ready to roll

Personally, I'm hoping for the '07-'08 regular season Manu, with his health continuing through the entire playoffs.

I figure that's more realistic chronologically, plus he put up even better numbers that year. :smokin:


08-19-2009, 09:06 AM
yeah will and has are the same word that have no differences in uses

manu really shut my ass up with that 01 italian league MVP

if you arguing on technicalities, yo fail. You said "will never" he already has which negates your statement to start with. :bang

08-19-2009, 10:20 AM
ok i bet every single player in the nba has won AN MVP of some sort


la liga division 2

college team defensive

manu really shut me up with that 01 italian league mvp

08-19-2009, 10:31 AM
manu really shut me up with that 01 italian league mvp

not Manu, Cherry

2001 Italian MVP
2001 Euroleague MVP
2002 Italian Cup MVP
2004 Olympics MVP

08-19-2009, 11:36 AM
One time I won MVP of my class because I made the bestest cotton ball snowman.

08-19-2009, 11:56 AM
most valuable pendejo?

08-19-2009, 12:06 PM
Hey hey! I know that word! The lunch lady used to say it all the time. :lol

08-20-2009, 02:37 AM
he must be sick to his stomach drinking loads of barium sulfate solutions for the MRI's...love that metal heat feeling blah!

08-20-2009, 07:33 AM
Sounds like he's feeling all better, but the Spurs don't want him to play in any games. Maybe he should see if he can get in a few games with the Argentinian team before the summer is over. You know... for honor and glory, and national pride.

08-22-2009, 02:07 PM

08-22-2009, 08:01 PM

this ironically isnt very obvious