View Full Version : best of the CIA

08-25-2009, 10:11 AM
seeing that we have been on the subject of the CIA recently in this forum, i though it appropriate to list a best of the CIA list (chronologically).

operation paperclip:

Convinced that German scientists could help America's postwar efforts, President Harry Truman agreed in September 1946 to authorize "Project Paperclip," a program to bring selected German scientists to work on America's behalf during the "Cold War"
However, Truman expressly excluded anyone found "to have been a member of the Nazi party and more than a nominal participant in its activities, or an active supporter of Naziism or militarism."
The War Department's Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) conducted background investigations of the scientists. In February 1947, JIOA Director Bosquet Wev submitted the first set of scientists' dossiers to the State and Justice Departments for review.
The Dossiers were damning. Samauel Klaus, the State Departments representative on the JIOA board, claimed that all the scientists in this first batch were "ardent Nazis." Their visa requests were denied.
Wev was furious. He wrote a memo warning that "the best interests of the United States have been subjugated to the efforts expended in 'beating a dead Nazi horse.'" He also declared that the return of these scientists to Germany, where they could be exploited by America's enemies, presented a "far greater security threat to this country than any former Nazi affiliations which they may have had or even any Nazi sympathies that they may still have."
When the JIOA formed to investigate the backgrounds and form dossiers on the Nazis, the Nazi Intelligence leader Reinhard Gehlen met with the CIA director Allen Dulles. Dulles and Gehlen hit it off immediatly. Gehlen was a master spy for the Nazis and had infiltrated Russia with his vast Nazi Intelligence network. Dulles promised Gehlen that his Intelligence unit was safe in the CIA.
Apparently, Wev decided to sidestep the problem. Dulles had the scientists dossier's re-written to eliminate incriminating evidence. As promised, Allen Dulles delivered the Nazi Intelligence unit to the CIA, which later opened many umbrella projects stemming from Nazi mad research. (MK-ULTRA / ARTICHOKE (http://www.parascope.com/ds/mkultra0.htm), OPERATION MIDNIGHT CLIMAX (http://www.mistersf.com/notorious/index.html?notciaacid.htm))
Military Intelligence "cleansed" the files of Nazi references. By 1955, more than 760 German scientists had been granted citizenship in the U.S. and given prominent positions in the American scientific community. Many had been longtime members of the Nazi party and the Gestapo, had conducted experiments on humans at concentration camps, had used slave labor, and had committed other war crimes.


08-25-2009, 10:30 AM
radio free europe-the CIA used the radio station for propoganda purposes and to conduct psychological warfare from behind the iron curtain. all of the programming guidelines and much of the news were actually created by the CIA, although the CIA was not revealed to be the wizard behind the curtain until 20 years after being formed under president eisenhower.

this actually tied into operation mockingbird, in which the CIA recruited journalists for the purpose of spreading propaganda throughout the world.

08-25-2009, 10:32 AM
And yet, we somehow managed to win the Cold War and rehabilitate Europe.

What did these alleged Nazis do once they became American citizens?

08-25-2009, 10:43 AM
operation ajax-this is the one that sent iran downhill. along with britain, the CIA helps to overthrow the democratically elected mossadeq so as to assuage britain's fears over the nationalization of the anglo-iranian oil company. the murderous shah takes over and the rest is history.


08-25-2009, 10:45 AM
I thought this thread was going to be about an album.

08-25-2009, 10:46 AM

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/4/4f/DeclassifiedMKULTRA.jpg/200px-DeclassifiedMKULTRA.jpg (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:DeclassifiedMKULTRA.jpg)
Declassified MKULTRA documents

Project MK-ULTRA, or MKULTRA, was the code name for a covert CIA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Intelligence_Agency) mind-control (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind-control) and chemical interrogation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth_drug) research program, run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Intelligence_Agency_Directorate_of_Science _%26_Technology). The program began in the early 1950s, continuing at least through the late 1960s, and it used United States citizens as its test subjects.[1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA#cite_note-0)[2] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA#cite_note-1)[3] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA#cite_note-2) The published evidence indicates that Project MK-ULTRA involved the surreptitious use of many types of drugs, as well as other methods, to manipulate individual mental states and to alter brain function.
Project MK-ULTRA was first brought to wide public attention in 1975 by the U.S. Congress (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congress_of_the_United_States), through investigations by the Church Committee (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_Committee), and by a presidential commission known as the Rockefeller Commission (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_President%27s_Commission_on_CIA_acti vities_within_the_United_States). Investigative efforts were hampered by the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Helms) ordered all MK-ULTRA files destroyed in 1973; the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the relatively small number of documents that survived Helms' destruction order.[4] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA#cite_note-Cia-3)
Although the CIA insists that MK-ULTRA-type experiments have been abandoned, 14-year CIA veteran Victor Marchetti (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Marchetti) has stated in various interviews that the CIA routinely conducts disinformation campaigns and that CIA mind control (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind_control) research continued. In a 1977 interview, Marchetti specifically called the CIA claim that MK-ULTRA was abandoned a "cover story."[5] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA#cite_note-4)[6] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA#cite_note-5)
On the Senate floor in 1977, Senator Ted Kennedy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Kennedy) said:

The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an "extensive testing and experimentation" program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens "at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign." Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysergic_acid_diethylamide) to "unwitting subjects in social situations." At least one death, that of Dr. Olson (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Olson), resulted from these activities. The Agency itself acknowledged that these tests made little scientific sense. The agents doing the monitoring were not qualified scientific observers.[7] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA#cite_note-6)
To this day most specific information regarding Project MKULTRA remains highly classified (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classified_information).[citation needed (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_needed)]

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f4/Mkultra-lsd-doc.jpg/180px-Mkultra-lsd-doc.jpg (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mkultra-lsd-doc.jpg)
Dr. Sidney Gottlieb (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidney_Gottlieb) approved of an MKULTRA subproject on LSD (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LSD) in this June 9, 1953 letter.

The project's intentionally oblique CIA cryptonym (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_cryptonym) is made up of the digraph MK, meaning that the project was sponsored by the agency's Technical Services Division (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technical_Services_Staff), followed by the word ULTRA (which had previously been used to designate the most secret classification of World War II intelligence (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ULTRA)). Other related cryptonyms include MK-NAOMI (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKNAOMI) and MK-DELTA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKDELTA).
A precursor of the MK-ULTRA program began in 1945 when the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joint_Intelligence_Objectives_Agency) was established and given direct responsibility for Operation Paperclip (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip). Operation Paperclip was a program to recruit former Nazi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi) scientists. Some of these scientists studied torture (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torture) and brainwashing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainwashing), and several had just been identified and prosecuted as war criminals (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_criminals) during the Nuremberg Trials (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_Trials).[8] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA#cite_note-7)[9] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA#cite_note-8)
Several secret U.S. government projects grew out of Operation Paperclip. These projects included Project CHATTER (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_CHATTER) (established 1947), and Project BLUEBIRD (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_BLUEBIRD) (established 1950), which was later renamed to Project ARTICHOKE (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_ARTICHOKE) in 1951. Their purpose was to study mind-control, interrogation, behavior modification and related topics.
Headed by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidney_Gottlieb), the MK-ULTRA project was started on the order of CIA director Allen Dulles (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen_Dulles) on April 13, 1953,[10] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA#cite_note-9) largely in response to Soviet (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Union), Chinese (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China), and North Korean (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korea) use of mind-control (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind-control) techniques on U.S. prisoners of war (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner_of_war) in Korea (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korea).[11] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA#cite_note-10) The CIA wanted to use similar methods on their own captives. The CIA was also interested in being able to manipulate foreign leaders with such techniques,[12] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA#cite_note-11) and would later invent several schemes to drug Fidel Castro (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fidel_Castro).
Experiments were often conducted without the subjects' knowledge or consent.[13] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA#cite_note-12) In some cases, academic researchers being funded through grants from CIA front organizations were unaware that their work was being used for these purposes.[14] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA#cite_note-13)
In 1964, the project was renamed MK-SEARCH. The project attempted to produce a perfect truth drug (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth_drug) for use in interrogating suspected Soviet spies during the Cold War (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_War), and generally to explore any other possibilities of mind control.
Another MK-ULTRA effort, Subproject 54, was the Navy's top secret "Perfect Concussion" program, which used sub-aural frequency blasts to erase memory.[15] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA#cite_note-14)
Because most MK-ULTRA records were deliberately destroyed in 1973 by order of then CIA Director Richard Helms (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Helms), it has been difficult, if not impossible, for investigators to gain a complete understanding of the more than 150 individually funded research sub-projects sponsored by MK-ULTRA and related CIA programs.[16] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA#cite_note-15)

[edit (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Project_MKULTRA&action=edit&section=2)] Goals

The Agency poured millions of dollars into studies probing dozens of methods of influencing and controlling the mind. One 1955 MK-ULTRA document gives an indication of the size and range of the effort; this document refers to the study of an assortment of mind-altering substances described as follows:[17] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA#cite_note-16)

Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public.
Substances which increase the efficiency of mentation and perception.
Materials which will prevent or counteract the intoxicating effect of alcohol.
Materials which will promote the intoxicating effect of alcohol.
Materials which will produce the signs and symptoms of recognized diseases in a reversible way so that they may be used for malingering, etc.
Materials which will render the induction of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its usefulness.
Substances which will enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion during interrogation and so-called "brain-washing".
Materials and physical methods which will produce amnesia for events preceding and during their use.
Physical methods of producing shock and confusion over extended periods of time and capable of surreptitious use.
Substances which produce physical disablement such as paralysis of the legs, acute anemia, etc.
Substances which will produce "pure" euphoria with no subsequent let-down.
Substances which alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced.
A material which will cause mental confusion of such a type that the individual under its influence will find it difficult to maintain a fabrication under questioning.
Substances which will lower the ambition and general working efficiency of men when administered in undetectable amounts.
Substances which promote weakness or distortion of the eyesight or hearing faculties, preferably without permanent effects.
A knockout pill which can surreptitiously be administered in drinks, food, cigarettes, as an aerosol, etc., which will be safe to use, provide a maximum of amnesia, and be suitable for use by agent types on an ad hoc basis.
A material which can be surreptitiously administered by the above routes and which in very small amounts will make it impossible for a man to perform any physical activity whatsoever.

Historians have asserted that creating a "Manchurian Candidate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Manchurian_Candidate)" subject through "mind control" techniques was a goal of MK-ULTRA and related CIA projects

08-25-2009, 10:46 AM
operation ajax-this is the one that sent iran downhill. along with britain, the CIA helps to overthrow the democratically elected mossadeq so as to assuage britain's fears over the nationalization of the anglo-iranian oil company. the murderous shah takes over and the rest is history.


the shah was a butcher.

yeah, but he was OUR butcher.

08-25-2009, 10:52 AM
guatemala — CIA overthrows the democratically elected jacob arbenz in a military coup. arbenz threatened to nationalize the rockefeller-owned united fruit company (ah yes, those chiquita bananas), in which CIA director allen dulles (was this man the devil himself) also owns stock. arbenz is replaced with a series of right-wing dictators whose bloodthirsty policies will kill over 100,000 guatemalans (mostly of indigenous background) in the next 40 years (plenty of US presidents sat on their asses while this went on).

08-25-2009, 11:48 AM
the CIA carried out approximately one coup per year trying to nullify laos’ democratic elections and the pathet lao, a leftist group with enough popular support to be a member of any coalition government. the CIA even creates an army of asian mercenaries to attack the pathet lao, but the CIA’s army suffers numerous defeats so the U.S. starts bombing, dropping more bombs on laos than all the U.S. bombs dropped in World War II. 25 % of all laotians will eventually become refugees.

08-25-2009, 11:51 AM
in 1959, US military helps "papa doc" duvalier become dictator of haiti. he creates his own police force (tonton macoutes), who terrorize the population with machetes. they kill over 100,000 during the duvalier reign. the US does not protest.

08-25-2009, 11:53 AM
bay of pigs-need i say more ? this one costs dulles his job.

Wild Cobra
08-25-2009, 11:54 AM
You never hear of the numerous successes. Only the failures. These arguments are meaningless to those who understand.

08-25-2009, 11:55 AM
some people dislike dirty laundry less than others.

don't forget about the countries we forced to accept deals from the WB and IMF.

08-25-2009, 11:55 AM
in 1961, the CIA assassinated democratically elected lumumba of zaire. public support for lumumba politics was so high that the CIA could not install his opponents in power. as a result, four more years of political turmoil follow.

08-25-2009, 11:57 AM
You never hear of the numerous successes. Only the failures. These arguments are meaningless to those who understand.

not meaningless to the millions of corpses, nor to the countries who have sufferered turmoil, nor to history for that matter.

08-25-2009, 12:07 PM
in 1963 in ecuador, the CIA-backed military coup overthrew president arosemana, whose independent (not socialist) policies became unacceptable to washington. a military junta assumed command, cancelled the 1964 elections, and began abusing human rights.

08-25-2009, 12:14 PM
don't forget Iran, 1953

thousands of innocents died and tortured because of the CIA involvement

08-25-2009, 12:20 PM
in 1964, a CIA-backed military coup overthrew the democratically elected government of joao goulart in brazil. the junta that came into power for the next 2 decades, became one of the most bloodthirsty in history. general branco created latin america’s first death squads, bands of secret police who hunted down "communists" for torture, interrogation and murder. often these "communists" were no more than political opponents. it was later revealed that the CIA trained the death squads.

(seems that the cia was becoming the monroe doctrine enforcer-or at least the roosevelt corollary of it).

08-25-2009, 12:21 PM
don't forget Iran, 1953

thousands of innocents died and tortured because of the CIA involvement

it's above (operation ajax).

08-25-2009, 01:06 PM
So...what have we learned from all this?

We are not a nation of civility? Apparently our elected officials both democrat and republican have condoned the execution and deaths of thousands of innocent people.

Is that it...now we are suppose to...for our guilty actions...waver and fall under the tyrany of oposing governments and radicals?

Can you name me any other government outside the U.S. that conducts itself to a moral standard so high that it doesn't do any of these things just mentioned if not worse? If one can...let me know...I would move there.


08-25-2009, 01:08 PM
How do I get into the CIA?

08-25-2009, 01:09 PM
Is that it...now we are suppose to...for our guilty actions...waver and fall under the tyrany of oposing governments and radicals?We should learn from our misdeeds and not become like those we purport to oppose.

08-25-2009, 01:12 PM
"now we are suppose to...for our guilty actions...waver and fall under the tyrany of oposing governments and radicals"

... as if that were the only option. It's a false one.

08-25-2009, 01:19 PM
Is that it...now we are suppose to...for our guilty actions...waver and fall under the tyrany of oposing governments and radicals?

on the contrary, it appears as if that is often whom we have abetted in coming to power.

08-26-2009, 09:16 AM
had to leave early yesterday so continuing on:

in 1970, the CIA ousted prince sahounek of cambodia, who was highly regarded among cambodians for keeping them out of the vietnam war. he was replaced by CIA puppet lon nol, who immediately threw cambodian troops into battle. this unpopular move strengthened what had once been minor opposition parties like the khmer rouge, which achieved power in 1975 and went on to slaughter millions of its own people.

08-26-2009, 09:20 AM
that little event known as watergate ? nixon sent a team of burglars to wiretap democratic offices at the watergate hotel. the selected members had extensive CIA backgrounds, including mccord, hunt, and five of the cuban burglars. they work for the committee to reelect the president (CREEP was the achronym-how funny is that ? ), which conducted dirty work like disrupting democratic campaigns and laundering nixon’s illegal campaign contributions. CREEP’s activities were funded and organized by the mullen company, another CIA front.

08-26-2009, 09:23 AM
in 1073, the CIA assassinated salvador allende, who was latin america’s first democratically elected socialist leader. the problems began when allende privatized american-owned firms. ITT offered the CIA $1 million for a coup. the CIA replaced allende with general augusto pinochet, who went on to torture and murder thousands of his own countrymen in a crackdown on labor leaders and the political left. pinochet's regime was so historically brutal that he had to beg countries to offer him asylum in his dying years.

08-26-2009, 09:30 AM
Seymour Hersh broke the story of CIA's illegal domestic operations with a front page story in the New York Times on December 22, 1974 ("Huge C.I.A. Operation Reported in U.S. Against Antiwar Forces, Other Dissidents in Nixon Years"), writing that "a check of the CIA's domestic files ordered last year… produced evidence of dozens of other illegal activities… beginning in the nineteen fifties, including break-ins, wiretapping, and the surreptitious inspection of mail."


the name of the project was operation CHAOS, which we all recall was what rush limbaugh called his effort to keep obama from being elected.

08-26-2009, 09:51 AM
from the book, "inside the company", by former CIA operate philip agee:

Dear Mr Helms,

I respectfully submit my resignation from the Central Intelligence Agency for the following reasons:

I joined the Agency because I thought I would be protecting the security of my country by fighting against communism and Soviet expansion while at the same time helping other countries to preserve their freedom. Six years in Latin America have taught me that the injustices forced by small ruling minorities on the mass of the people cannot be eased sufficiently by reform movements such as the Alliance for Progress. The ruling class will never willingly give up its special privileges and comforts. This is class warfare and is the reason why communism appeals to the masses in the first place. We call this the 'free world'; but the only freedom under these circumstances is the rich people's freedom to exploit the poor.

Economic growth in Latin America might broaden the benefits in some countries but in most places the structural contradictions and population growth preclude meaningful increased income for most of the people. Worse still, the value of private investment and loans and everything else sent by the US into Latin America is far exceeded year after year by what is taken out - profits, interest, royalties, loan repayments - all sent back to the US. The income left over in Latin America is sucked up by the ruling minority who are determined to live by our standards of wealth.

Agency operations cannot be separated from these conditions. Our training and support for police and military forces, particularly the intelligence services, combined with other US support through military assistance missions and Public Safety programmes, give the ruling minorities ever stronger tools to keep themselves in power and to retain their disproportionate share of the national income. Our operations to penetrate and suppress the extreme left also serve to strengthen the ruling minorities by eliminating the main danger to their power.

American business and government are bound up with the ruling minorities in Latin America - with the rural and industrial property holders. Our interests and their interests - stability, return on investment - are the same. Meanwhile the masses of the people keep on suffering because they lack even minimal educational facilities, healthcare, housing, and diet. They could have these benefits of national income were not so unevenly distributed.

To me what is important is to see that what little there is to go around goes around fairly. A communist hospital can cure just like a capitalist hospital and of communism is the likely alternative to what I've seen in Latin America, then it's up to the Latin Americans to decide. Our only alternatives are to continue supporting injustice or to withdraw and let the cards fall by themselves.

08-26-2009, 10:10 AM
this one smacks of problems to come:

in 1979, the CIA failed to predict the fall of the shah, a CIA puppet ruler, and the rise of muslim fundamentalists who are furious at the CIA’s backing of SAVAK, the Shah’s brutal secret police force. in retaliation, muslim extremists take 52 american hostages in the U.S. embassy in tehran

08-26-2009, 10:15 AM
as does this one:

the soviets invaded afghanistan. also in 1979, and the CIA immediately began to supply weapons to any faction willing to fight the USSR army. this indiscriminate support meant that when the soviets left, civil war erupted. also, fanatical muslim extremists came to possess state-of-the-art weapons and one of these fanatics is sheik abdel rahman, who was directly involved in the world trade center bombing.

08-26-2009, 10:40 AM
Lots of public CIA failures.

We'll probably never know most of the successes.

Hell, there's probably a fair amount of failures we'll never know about too.

08-26-2009, 10:43 AM
in 1980, archbisop romero of san salvador in el salvador pleaded with president carter to stop aiding the military government slaughtering his people. carter refused. afterwards, right-wing leader d’aubuisson had romero shot while saying mass. el salvador dissolved into civil war, with the peasants in the hills fighting against the military government. the CIA and US armed forces supplied the government with overwhelming military and intelligence superiority. CIA-trained death squads roamed the countryside, committing atrocities like that of el mazote in 1982, where they massacred between 700 and 1000 men, women and children. by 1992, some 63,000 salvadorans had been killed.

08-26-2009, 10:44 AM
Lots of public CIA failures.

We'll probably never know most of the successes.

Hell, there's probably a fair amount of failures we'll never know about too.

good point.

08-26-2009, 11:15 AM
the CIA handed honduran military officers the Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual – 1983, which teaches how to torture people. Honduras’ notorious "Battalion 316" then uses these techniques, with the CIA’s full knowledge, on thousands of leftist dissidents. at least 184 are murdered.

03-02-2016, 11:56 AM
The Gerald Ford White House significantly altered the final report of the supposedly independent 1975 Rockefeller Commission investigating CIA domestic activities, over the objections of senior Commission staff, according to internal White House and Commission documents posted today by the National Security Archive at The George Washington University (www.nsarchive.org (http://www.nsarchive.org)). The changes included removal of an entire 86-page section on CIA assassination plots (http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/dc.html?doc=2719480-Document-19) and numerous edits to the report by then-deputy White House Chief of Staff Richard Cheney.

Among the highlights of today’s posting:

White House officials of the Ford administration attempted to keep a presidential review panel—the Rockefeller Commission—from investigating reports of CIA planning for assassinations abroad.

Ford administration officials suppressed the Rockefeller Commission’s actual report on CIA assassination plots.

Richard Cheney, then the deputy assistant to the president, edited the report of the Rockefeller Commission from inside the Ford White House, stripping the report of its independent character.

The Rockefeller Commission remained silent on this manipulation.

Rockefeller Commission lawyers and public relations officials warned of the damage that would be done to the credibility of the entire investigation by avoiding the subject of assassinations.

President Ford passed investigative materials concerning assassinations along to the Church Committee of the United States Senate and then attempted—but failed—to suppress the Church Committee’s report as well.

The White House markup of the Rockefeller Commission report used the secrecy of the CIA budget as an example of excesses and recommended Congress consider making agency spending public to some degree.
