View Full Version : The Top 10 Value-For-Money Deals Of The Last Decade

08-26-2009, 09:48 PM
The top 10 value-for-money deals of the last decade (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/blog/ball_dont_lie/post/The-top-10-value-for-money-deals-of-the-last-dec;_ylt=Avxa3NMEOSdUMrb4dUAJ0Na8vLYF?urn=nba,1852 30)
By Kelly Dwyer
Ball Don't Lie

OK, we know the first decade of the 21st century doesn't really end until 2011. We think. But we also know there have been 10 full NBA seasons played since the phrase "Y2K" was on all of our lips (1999-2000), and here at Ball Don't Lie we've decided to use this as an offseason excuse to rank some of the best and not-so-brightest of the 10 campaigns in question. The result? Why, top 10 lists!

As a result of the collective bargaining agreements that were gathered and signed in 1999 and 2005, you won't be seeing too many seasons like Rex Chapman's 1996-97 turn. Stuck trying to sign with a Suns team in the 1996 offseason that had no cap space and little interest in his services, Chapman inked for the absolute minimum ($267,500) and went on to have a solid season (about 14 points in 28 minutes per game).

Today, with the mid-level exception giving capped-out teams chance after chance, you won't get much of that. You'll still get some bargains, though, and here's our list of the top 10 contracts that went terribly, terribly right.

10. Steve Nash

The funny thing about Nash's deal, a contract he's currently working under, is how foolish the contract seemed when he first signed it. Five years and $53 million, for a 30-year-old point man? Plus a team option for a sixth year that stretches it to $66 million? It was enough to even drive Mark Cuban away from the negotiating table, and yet Nash has somehow earned every penny in the years since.

9. Gilbert Arenas

It certainly wasn't the cheapest deal. Arenas had to ink for six years and nearly $64 million in 2003 to dissuade the Golden State Warriors from matching the then-restricted free agent's offer from the Washington Wizards. But it was a gutsy move, and considering that Arenas packed together several seasons averaging well over 25 points per game while leading Washington to its first back-to-back (to back, really) playoff appearances in two decades, the risk paid off.

8. Peja Stojakovic

The once and future Predrag Stojakovic wasn't exactly MVP material during the course of his contract, but while working under a six-year, $45 million deal Peja was a staunch No. 2 on one of the better teams of his generation. And after the contract expired with Peja then in Indiana , the resulting cap space allowed the Pacers to sign Al Harrington, something the Pacers have always enjoyed.

7. Jason Kidd

Rookie contracts were so screwy before the NBA established a rookie salary cap, that when Jason Kidd was the primo free agent of the 2003 offseason, few people remembered he was actually finishing up the first contract of his NBA career, signed way back in 1994. So it shouldn't have surprised anyone when Kidd, ahem, kind of went for the money in New Jersey instead of a gimmie ring in San Antonio during the summer of 2003. That original deal was for nine years and around $60 million, a fantastic deal considering what Kidd contributed.

6. Ron Artest

He may have been a bit wacky, and he may have nearly wasted a year of this contract sitting out a suspension after charging into the stands to brawl with a fan, but you cannot deny that both the Pacers, Kings and Rockets took in excellent contributions from Artest for the low, low price of around six years and $42 million.

5. Manu Ginobili

Manu provided excellent work while playing under two deals, an initial contract that saw him work for two years and $2.9 million total; and a second that runs for six years and $52 million. The sheen may have come off Ginobili a bit due to his injury-plagued 2008-09, but the fact remains that he is one of the league's most dynamic, game-changing talents.

4. Ben Wallace

The Orlando Magic didn't even have to sign Wallace to a sign-and-trade deal. They could have signed Grant Hill outright that summer after renouncing Wallace's rights, but the team decided to do both players a favor in order to add a little more money to Hill's bottom line. As an unexpected result, the Pistons picked up an All-Star center in a trade who was only working under a six-year, $30 million contract. That's right, less than the average salary. Quite the coup.

3. Chauncey Billups

Billups was a basketball nomad when he signed with the Pistons back in 2002, and while his deal didn't seem too egregious at the time, it did raise some eyebrows as Detroit handed six guaranteed years to a player who would be playing for his sixth team. Billups more than made it work, winning a championship, a Finals MVP award, while making several All-Star teams while playing under a six-year, $35 million contract.

2. Chris Paul

Does it seem like a cop-out to include players on their rookie deals? Go ahead and think so, but this is what makes the NBA's salary structure so great. No outrageous free agent or rookie contracts that will never full pay out, as in the NFL. And no extracted, Scott Boras-led holdouts, as you get in Major League Baseball. The owners and union collectively bargained a deal that works for both sides; and it does work for the players, as teams can afford more veteran players while the youngsters make a smallish salary. The Hornets were able to take in a few years of All-NBA play from Paul for only three years and just over $10 million.

1. LeBron James

Same with LeBron James, who contributed MVP-level play for the price of four years and just under $19 million. Easily the best production-for-price that any team has enjoyed over the last decade.

08-26-2009, 10:28 PM
Ironically Peja now has one of the worst value for money deals :lol Hornets

08-26-2009, 10:31 PM
Funny thing is, that Manu was considered the best value overall (clutchness for the money) before:


Prime-Time Bargains
Peter J. Schwartz, 12.03.08, 06:00 PM EST
The best clutch basketball players for the buck.

Best Clutch Basketball Players For The Buck

In the National Basketball Association, superstar status is given to those who elevate their play in a game's closing minutes, when the outcome is still in doubt.

It's often forgotten that Michael Jordan, Larry Bird and Bill Russell, all revered as all-time greats, missed more shots during their careers than they made. Their legacies are built largely on the reputation of carrying their team to victory in close and decisive games. Jordan led the Chicago Bulls to six titles, Bird brought home three championships for the Boston Celtics and Russell captured 10 titles for the Celtics.

Since the NBA now imposes a stiff penalty of one dollar for each dollar a team's payroll exceeds the league's tax threshold (amounting to roughly 61% of projected revenues, or $71 million this season), signing clutch performers to bargain deals provides valuable breathing room and is a priority for general managers who assemble team rosters. Clutch players can generate millions of dollars of profits for a team because of the extra cash playoff games generate from tickets, merchandise and advertising.

Ten years ago, during the height of the Michael Jordan era, Chicago Bulls-emblazoned products accounted for close to 40% of NBA-licensed-product sales. So far this year the Bulls--which haven't produced an all-star since Jordan--have accounted for just 3.8% of total sales, according to industry tracker SportsOneSource.

To determine the best clutch players for the buck, we compared player statistics to pay from last season. Our survey includes only players who averaged five or more points in the fourth quarter and hit at least 40% of their shots when it mattered most (during the last five minutes and in overtime, with neither team ahead by more than five points). These "clutch time" stats were compiled by 82games.com, an online leader in analyzing the NBA.

Scoring and shooting percentage carried the most weight in our formula, but we also accounted for assists, rebounds and blocks to get a more complete picture of player performance down the stretch of close games. Salaries were measured against those of players with similar years of experience in the league, since pay limits based on longevity are stipulated by the collective bargaining agreement between the league and Players' Association.
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The best bargain guard was San Antonio's Manu Ginobili, who led the Spurs in fourth-quarter scoring last season with 5.2 points per game--a full point better than all-star teammates Tim Duncan and Tony Parker. Ginobili shot a league-high 57.4% from the field during the last five minutes of close games and was paid $9 million.
The Business Of Basketball
By The Numbers

* Most Valuable NBA Teams

* Best Clutch Players


* Rebound

* Prime-Time Bargains


Third ranked among guards was Kobe Bryant, who lived up to his reputation as a money player last year, shooting 44.8% late in the fourth quarter. His downside: a $19.5 million salary that was 2.5 times the pay of other players who have been in the league for at least 10 years.

LeBron James' performance in late-game situations proved so superior to other forwards that he ranks as the best bargain at the position, despite his $13 million paycheck last year. If James' clutch time scoring were grossed up to 48 minutes (the length of a full game), he would have averaged 56 points--tops among those who played in at least 15 games that weren't decided until the last five minutes.

Orlando's Hedu Turkoglu ranked second among forwards, thanks to finishing seventh league-wide in fourth-quarter scoring, while earning 13% less pay than his peers. Turkoglu also hit two memorable game-winning shots last season, including a three-pointer that beat Boston, the eventual league champions, as time expired.

By The Numbers: The Best Clutch Basketball Players For The Buck

08-26-2009, 10:39 PM
LJ's 84m for 12 years contract was also kind of a bargain for his team IMHO.

08-26-2009, 11:08 PM
Sorry, I know most of you hate him, but Bruce Bowen belongs on that list. He made 7 All Defense teams with SA, and I don't think he cleared more than $25M for 8 years.

Parker also wouldn't be a bad pick, with his 6yr/$66M contract, a handful of All Star appearances, one All NBA team, and a Finals MVP.

08-26-2009, 11:51 PM
what about magic's 25 yr 25 million dollar contract?

08-27-2009, 01:06 AM
don't cry for lebron, he signed that $60M nike contract right out of college. he wasnt exactly sacrificing for the team.

08-27-2009, 01:37 AM
Sorry, I know most of you hate him, but Bruce Bowen belongs on that list. He made 7 All Defense teams with SA, and I don't think he cleared more than $25M for 8 years.

Parker also wouldn't be a bad pick, with his 6yr/$66M contract, a handful of All Star appearances, one All NBA team, and a Finals MVP.

Totally agreed.

08-27-2009, 01:51 AM
Pretty obvious Billups should be at that #1 spot. LeBron and Chris Paul were on their rookie contracts and were high lottery picks receiving contracts based on the NBA scale.

How often can you get a franchise changing player who ends up being a multiple years all star and Finals MVP for the MLE? It's just pretty incredible how much he outperformed that contract.

Could also argue the Magic really got great value out of Hedo with the contract he signed for with them.

Ramon Sessions probably deserves at least an honorable mention for last season, playing I believe for a minimum contract and playing 79 games, starting about half of them, and putting up 12 ppg and 6 apg. On a minimum contract, even if it only was the last year of a two year contract.

Could also argue Luis Scola, putting up 13 ppg and 9 rpg and playing a starting role on a playoff team is great value for $3 million a year.

08-27-2009, 04:11 AM
Agree on Scola. 3 mil is nothing for what he provides.

08-27-2009, 09:06 AM
what about magic's 25 yr 25 million dollar contract?

I have two problems with this list: rookie contracts (they're designed to be good deals for the team as they evaluate the player. Duh.) and the Kidd contract he fucking signed in 1994. Evaluating a contract signed 15 years ago in light of several economic bubbles and runaway growth for the league in the mean time makes no sense. That contract was a player/agent ass rape of a team when it was signed.

Two problems with the Magic contract, too: one, it wasn't this decade, and two, again, for it's time, it was a shocking contract. It seems small now, but it wasn't for it's time.

08-27-2009, 09:26 AM
Sorry, I know most of you hate him, but Bruce Bowen belongs on that list. He made 7 All Defense teams with SA, and I don't think he cleared more than $25M for 8 years.

Parker also wouldn't be a bad pick, with his 6yr/$66M contract, a handful of All Star appearances, one All NBA team, and a Finals MVP.

btw. Bowen got several deals from the Spurs (1st was a 1year min., then a multiyear deal, that was extended twice). overall it adds up to 22 million for 7 seasons with the Spurs.
(would be an average of 3.1 million $. quite a bargain considering his effort)

08-27-2009, 09:46 AM
it's absolutely stupid to put rookie deals on top of such a list.
and even if, why Paul??????
didn't Wade deliver his team a championship, while playing under the rookie scale??
something neither LeBron nor Paul did!
(didn't mention Tim, because the title says contracts from the last 10 years)

some contracts that come to my mind:

Perkins: 4 years/17 million
Ariza: 3 years / 9 million
Haslem 5 years / 30 million
Posey: 2 years / 7 million (didn't pick the 2nd year)

I mention those guys, because they all were important parts of championship teams, for a more than reasonable price, much like Bruce was with the Spurs.

08-27-2009, 11:04 AM
another one who should be on the list:
Sam Cassell
either his contract with the Nets 1997 (which was something like 5 years/17 million), as well as his extension with the Bucks 2002 (2 year/ 10 million, not 100% sure if this is accurate) turned out as total bargains, considering what he delivered. especially 2004, when he played for 5.25 million, made the all-star team and the all NBA 2nd team, averaged 20.3 PPG and 7.5 APG (40% 3s) and helped the Wolves get the best record in the West and reach the CF.

08-27-2009, 01:35 PM
btw. Bowen got several deals from the Spurs (1st was a 1year min., then a multiyear deal, that was extended twice). overall it adds up to 22 million for 7 seasons with the Spurs.
(would be an average of 3.1 million $. quite a bargain considering his effort)

Does the $22M include the $2M he didn't get for this coming season because of the trade and 50% salary cut occurring before the guarantee deadline? He played for 8 seasons in SA (not 7) and was paid 50% for this coming season, meaning whatever his salary figure was, it was divisible by 9 years.

08-27-2009, 02:08 PM
I agree that rookie deals shouldnt have been included, and if so, Wade won a title as THE ONE AND ONLY GOOD PLAYER under the rookie scale. However, if you are going to include rookie salaries, Paul belongs on there, as does Durant.