View Full Version : Does this bother anybody else?

08-29-2009, 11:42 PM
I'm in a Barnes and Noble with a big-ass pile of magazines in their sitting sections, as is my wont. And this asshole in the chair next to me is jabbering away on his cellphone for well over 5 minutes. Finally I can't take it anymore so I get up, say "GODFUCKINGDAMMIT, NOBODY WANTS TO LISTEN TO YOUR PHONE CONVERSATION!" and storm out. I realize that I have a bit of a temper, but I consider his behavior anti-social and rude. I went up there to read, not listen to this fuckwad jabber on his cellphone. I have no idea what he was talking about anyways, since he was speaking in Spanish.

In his shoes, I'd step outside because I prefer privacy for my conversations and don't want to bother other patrons. Whenever somebody calls me and I'm in a position where I have no privacy, I keep the conversation short and tell the other person I'll call them back when I'm in a better place to talk, unless it's an emergency. I don't speak Spanish but I could tell from his demeanor that he was just having a normal phone conversation. Anybody else bugged by people talking incessantly on cellphones in public?

08-29-2009, 11:46 PM
I don't like talking to anyone over the phone in public places. I get where you're coming from. You took it to the extreme though, brah.

08-29-2009, 11:47 PM
I don't like talking to anyone over the phone in public places. I get where you're coming from. You took it to the extreme though, brah.

It's not like I got up in his face or anything, I'm not some Tough Guy. I didn't give him an opportunity to say anything back. In a related story, I have a VERY SHORT FUSE.

08-29-2009, 11:54 PM
It's not like I got up in his face or anything, I'm not some Tough Guy. I didn't give him an opportunity to say anything back. In a related story, I have a VERY SHORT FUSE.

I have a pretty short fuse, too. Shit like that never pisses me off that much. If I ever get annoyed by someone, I'll just give them a really pissed off look.

08-29-2009, 11:56 PM
I have a pretty short fuse, too. Shit like that never pisses me off that much. If I ever get annoyed by someone, I'll just give them a really pissed off look.

I always try that first, but the dipshit in this case was too engrossed in his conversation to notice my heavy sighs and glares in his direction.

08-29-2009, 11:59 PM
I'm with you on this one. Those big box book stores all have some sort of cafe. Go there if you want to jabber on your phone. The rest of the store should be treated like a library.

08-30-2009, 12:46 AM
Sounds like you were kind of a dick for saying it like that. Always best to be polite first and then if they are rude go ahead and be a dick. You should have just asked him politely if he wouldn't mind moving since it was the reading area.

Doing it the way you did it is pretty much the fastest way to create a scene. The guy basically has two choices the way you did it, either let you punk him publicly like that, or get back into your face.

Honestly, that type approach is something the world pretty much needs less of.

I mean look at it this way, that simple act by you likely pissed that guy off then he might have gone on to be shortempered with someone and so on and so forth.

<<<<< Always polite, until given a reason not to be.

BTW, doesn't suprise me that you are sort of a liberal...they do that shit a lot these days.

Larry David
08-30-2009, 12:49 AM

08-30-2009, 12:58 AM
Sounds like you were kind of a dick for saying it like that. Always best to be polite first and then if they are rude go ahead and be a dick. You should have just asked him politely if he wouldn't mind moving since it was the reading area.

Doing it the way you did it is pretty much the fastest way to create a scene. The guy basically has two choices the way you did it, either let you punk him publicly like that, or get back into your face.

Honestly, that type approach is something the world pretty much needs less of.

I mean look at it this way, that simple act by you likely pissed that guy off then he might have gone on to be shortempered with someone and so on and so forth.

<<<<< Always polite, until given a reason not to be.

BTW, doesn't suprise me that you are sort of a liberal...they do that shit a lot these days.

Well, to be honest, I'm not proud of my reaction. I have serious issues with anger management. Too long to get into here, but I recently went on an anti-depressant (as in today) and went to my doctor yesterday to seek treatment for severe depression and anxiety. I'm about to start going to a cognitive behavioral specialist. It seems to be the judgment of all that know me that I blow up at the little things (long stoplights, waiting in long lines at the grocery store, other minor annoyances, etc.) because I can't or won't blow up at the big things (not comfortable sharing here). I know I need help and I'm seeking it.

08-30-2009, 01:01 AM
Glad you did what you did. I hate people who talk on their phone in doctor's clinics specially those 35 yr olds who try to talk to girls and gaming them for a fuck. Inconsiderate bastards should do their phone chatting outside the office.

08-30-2009, 01:03 AM
Glad you did what you did. I hate people who talk on their phone in doctor's clinics specially those 35 yr olds who try to talk to girls and gaming them for a fuck. Inconsiderate bastards should do their phone chatting outside the office.

well, whottt is correct, I should've started off with the polite approach, and then escalated it from there if that bore no fruit. It just amazes me that people today don't seem to have any concept of common courtesy.

08-30-2009, 01:05 AM
It's terribly annoying when someone's being overtly loud in a relatively quiet, public place. My BIGGEST beef, though, is when people are on the phone in the middle of a profanity-laced rant...ESPECIALLY when little kids are around. Workin in customer service for the majority of my still somewhat young life, I'm usually the one that has to ask them to either keep their voice down or take their conversation outside.

As you might've guessed, they apologize profusely and walk calmly out the door. :rolleyes

08-30-2009, 01:11 AM
magazines count as reading?

08-30-2009, 01:13 AM
magazines count as reading?


08-30-2009, 01:27 AM
You know what's funny, I would definitely consider you one of the hardest posters to piss off on these forums(and I've tried). It's amazing how things change. I wouldn't say I'm hard to provoke in real life, but I definitely go out of my way to be polite to people and treat them with respect(and then be a dick once I get a good reason).

I strongly reccomend you not take any anti-depressants and I also strongly reccomend that if you do, you research what you are taking thoroughly and don't just assume it's safe because a doctor is giving it to you.

For instance Paxil...this shit is flat out evil. I took this crap and actually had homicidal thoughts(which was even worse than it sounds at the time considering I always had a gun nearby and was frequently dealing with pissed off drug dealers and wife beaters and was also attempting a career change that pretty much ruined me financially), plus it can physically addict you after a month..took me 4 months after getting off that shit for the electrical jolts to stop...and I think I'm still a little bit twisted up from the entire experience. Plus I had anger issues as a kid.

I can tell you that you can learn to control it...you just need to find a focal point for you to outlet your anger in a relatively safe fashion, then you can learn to control it. But you do have the power to control it. You just have to realize it.

And if that doesn't work you can always get a secondary job that puts you in conflict with dicks where your anger can serve a positive purpose.

And you can always smoke pot(although some pot will actually give you anxiety). It was the stress relief we used for the first 250k years of our existence. Yeah it's a legal hassle, but anti-depressants can fuck your mind permanently in very subtle ways. Not only by detatching you when you are on them, but leaving you with various forms of psychosis when you aren't on them. The pill you are going to get treats the symptom, not the cause.

08-30-2009, 01:42 AM
You know what's funny, I would definitely consider you one of the hardest posters to piss off on these forums(and I've tried). It's amazing how things change. I wouldn't say I'm hard to provoke in real life, but I definitely go out of my way to be polite to people and treat them with respect(and then be a dick once I get a good reason).

I strongly reccomend you not take any anti-depressants and I also strongly reccomend that if you do, you research what you are taking thoroughly and don't just assume it's safe because a doctor is giving it to you.

For instance Paxil...this shit is flat out evil. I took this crap and actually had homicidal thoughts(which was even worse than it sounds at the time considering I always had a gun nearby and was frequently dealing with pissed off drug dealers and wife beaters and was also attempting a career change that pretty much ruined me financially), plus it can physically addict you after a month..took me 4 months after getting off that shit for the electrical jolts to stop...and I think I'm still a little bit twisted up from the entire experience. Plus I had anger issues as a kid.

I can tell you that you can learn to control it...you just need to find a focal point for you to outlet your anger in a relatively safe fashion, then you can learn to control it. But you do have the power to control it. You just have to realize it.

And if that doesn't work you can always get a secondary job that puts you in conflict with dicks where your anger can serve a positive purpose.

And you can always smoke pot(although some pot will actually give you anxiety). It was the stress relief we used for the first 250k years of our existence. Yeah it's a legal hassle, but anti-depressants can fuck your mind permanently in very subtle ways. Not only by detatching you when you are on them, but leaving you with various forms of psychosis when you aren't on them. The pill you are going to get treats the symptom, not the cause.

My one experience with Prozac is that it did nothing to treat the underlying issues in my life, but it did wonders in controlling my temper and helping me to mellow out. They are not supposed to be happy pills, but coping pills. I don't expect anti-depressants to fix my issues, but give me a baseline to work through them. That's where the talk therapy comes in. I did Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy about 3 years ago, and it was a life-saver in many ways. It's the kind of therapy where they get you to change self-defeating behaviors and thoughts, instead of spending lots of time going over your childhood so you can figure out that you're fucked up bc your dad didn't buy you a GI Joe doll one day when you were 8 years old. I need to get back to that.

As for pot...I've smoked pot almost every day, multiple times a day, for all of my adult life. When I was in college, it was a social thing I did with my friends. Over the past several years, it's made me turn inward in a way that I don't like. I've chosen to stay at home on Friday and Saturday nights many many times to smoke pot by myself instead of going out with friends and being sociable. I have nothing against pot, and I'm sure I'll smoke it again someday, but right now, it's not in my best interests to smoke. I've got to mellow out and regain the motivation to engage with the world, and pot won't help me with that. It doesn't have the same effects for everybody, and right now pot turns me into a hermit. I know on some level I was choosing to self-medicate and fill up some hole with pot, but it didn't fill that hole in a way that is satisfactory. I ran out two weeks ago and chose not to re-up.

It's been a shitty year on a number of fronts, and lately I've been feeling overwhelmed and have had a hard time coping.

08-30-2009, 01:42 AM
If I were you I'd look at things like your job, your diet, the people you surround yourself with, and see if those are the causes. You say you handle the big events well, and let it loose in the little events...do you have an abnormally large amount of big events? And if so why?

Is it that you really hate your job?

Diet is huge too...I drink a lot of Dr. Pepper and have pretty figured out that I turn into Satan after a few of those. It's no mystery to me why some chicks are so freaking moody either, bordering on psychotic between all the sugar they eat and shit they take like birth control bills which totally fuck their mind. Granted they are going to be moody anyway to an extent...but next time you go on a date or something and your girl sucks down a piece of pie or icecream...watch her mood change and I'm talking usually downwards mood swing. And if you are ever in a relationship and your chick goes on the pill...watch out. If you've ever had a girl that just went totally bitch on you and you can't figure out when or why, I guarantee if you look back on it you will usually be able to trace the change to when she went on the pill.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids(fish) are pretty good about adjusting your brain chemistry if you have anger issues...or so I've heard.

I'd be real wary of those anti-depressants if I were you, and I say this to you sincerely.

08-30-2009, 01:47 AM
My one experience with Prozac is that it did nothing to treat the underlying issues in my life, but it did wonders in controlling my temper and helping me to mellow out. They are not supposed to be happy pills, but coping pills. I don't expect anti-depressants to fix my issues, but give me a baseline to work through them. That's where the talk therapy comes in. I did Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy about 3 years ago, and it was a life-saver in many ways. It's the kind of therapy where they get you to change self-defeating behaviors and thoughts, instead of spending lots of time going over your childhood so you can figure out that you're fucked up bc your dad didn't buy you a GI Joe doll one day when you were 8 years old. I need to get back to that.

As for pot...I've smoked pot almost every day, multiple times a day, for all of my adult life. When I was in college, it was a social thing I did with my friends. Over the past several years, it's made me turn inward in a way that I don't like. I've chosen to stay at home on Friday and Saturday nights many many times to smoke pot by myself instead of going out with friends and being sociable. I have nothing against pot, and I'm sure I'll smoke it again someday, but right now, it's not in my best interests to smoke. I've got to mellow out and regain the motivation to engage with the world, and pot won't help me with that. It doesn't have the same effects for everybody, and right now pot turns me into a hermit. I know on some level I was choosing to self-medicate and fill up some hole with pot, but it didn't fill that hole in a way that is satisfactory. I ran out two weeks ago and chose not to re-up.

It's been a shitty year on a number of fronts, and lately I've been feeling overwhelmed and have had a hard time coping.

Did you have a short temper before you went on Prozac?

08-30-2009, 01:52 AM
If I were you I'd look at things like your job, your diet, the people you surround yourself with, and see if those are the causes. You say you handle the big events well, and let it loose in the little events...do you have an abnormally large amount of big events? And if so why?

Is it that you really hate your job?

Job is a huge part of it. Mainly there is a project due in the middle of September that I am responsible for, and it's not a stretch to say that my job is on the line. It's a corporate environment, and I'm slowly realizing that this is not what I want to do with my life. The good news is that 2 weeks out it's 90% done and there don't seem to be any minefields left to navigate, but the last 3 months have been incredibly stressful trying to get this done.

The people I surround or have surrounded myself with in Dallas leave a lot to be desired. I grew up in Fort Worth, lived in Austin for 7 years, and moved to Dallas from FTW last December to be physically closer to my job. Dallas sucks in a lot of ways, mainly the people. There are a lot of good people in Dallas, and I've met a few of them that post on this forum, but overall Dallas' sucky reputation is richly deserved. I have little tolerance for fools, so I have mainly eschewed my Dallas "friends" to go home to FTW on the wkends.

Financially, I threw a lot of money into my car keeping it running, and it was one of those deals where had I known how much I was about to drop on it, I would've gotten a new car. Now I'm not in a position to take on a monthly note, and I've got to keep this clunker running while I get above water again.

There's been some really bad luck/frustrating situations on the dating/lady front - not any one thing, but all the above has just left me feeling overwhelmed.

08-30-2009, 01:54 AM
Did you have a short temper before you went on Prozac?

It was after Nash left the Mavericks. He seems to look so happy in his avatar.

08-30-2009, 01:54 AM
Did you have a short temper before you went on Prozac?

Yes. It's part of the genes I've inherited, I have a really short fuse for things like traffic, waiting in lines, stuff where you are not in control. It's an axiom that you shouldn't sweat stuff you have no control over, but it's easier said than done. That's part of why I moved closer to Dallas, so I could take the bus to work and not deal with a rush-hour commute. I'm very fast at things, I pick up things quickly and do them efficiently, and I get infuriated when I have to wait on other people and things that aren't as fast.

08-30-2009, 01:57 AM
Over the past several years, it's made me turn inward in a way that I don't like. I've chosen to stay at home on Friday and Saturday nights many many times to smoke pot by myself instead of going out with friends and being sociable. I have nothing against pot, and I'm sure I'll smoke it again someday, but right now, it's not in my best interests to smoke. I've got to mellow out and regain the motivation to engage with the world, and pot won't help me with that. It doesn't have the same effects for everybody, and right now pot turns me into a hermit. I know on some level I was choosing to self-medicate and fill up some hole with pot, but it didn't fill that hole in a way that is satisfactory. I ran out two weeks ago and chose not to re-up.

RE Pot:

I don't think pot works when you use it all the time. I don't think it should be used daily. And it's also when you use it. Don't look at it as some kind of fun thing...because it's really not fun if you think about it. IT's really not something you should use when you are going out with people or socializing either if you think about. It really doesn't enhance those experiences.

#1 it turns you into a dumbass.
#2. it can have unpredictable effects. It's not just that it effects each person differently, it's that weed has different effects. But there is definitely weed that puts you in a better mood when you are feeling depressed.

I don't think it's really a good social thing either. It's got the rep of being that but it really sucks at it...not something good to use when you have shit you need to be doing either.

It's something that needs to be respected.

But I'm saying if you are in a mood, abd you know how to use it, I definitely think it's better than most of the anti-depressants you are going to be given. But it definitely depends on the weed as well.

08-30-2009, 02:00 AM
RE Pot:

I don't think pot works when you use it all the time. I don't think it should be used daily. And it's also when you use it. Don't look at it as some kind of fun thing...because it's really not fun if you think about it. IT's really not something you should use when you are going out with people or socializing either if you think about. It really doesn't enhance those experiences.

#1 it turns you into a dumbass.
#2. it can have unpredictable effects. It's not just that it effects each person differently, it's that weed has different effects. But there is definitely weed that puts you in a better mood when you are feeling depressed.

I don't think it's really a good social thing either. It's got the rep of being that but it really sucks at it...not something good to use when you have shit you need to be doing either.

It's something that needs to be respected.

But I'm saying if you are in a mood, abd you know how to use it, I definitely think it's better than most of the anti-depressants you are going to be given. But it definitely depends on the weed as well.

I have an addictive personality; I inherited it from my alcoholic father. I rarely if ever drink, but that addictive personality manifested itself with a voracious consumption of weed. I loved it from the first time I ever toked up. I know that it's not physically addictive, and any harmful effects dissipate with cessation, but I can't use it in a leisurely manner. Put a bag in front of me and I will smoke and smoke and smoke until it's gone.

08-30-2009, 02:01 AM
Yes. It's part of the genes I've inherited, I have a really short fuse for things like traffic, waiting in lines, stuff where you are not in control. It's an axiom that you shouldn't sweat stuff you have no control over, but it's easier said than done. That's part of why I moved closer to Dallas, so I could take the bus to work and not deal with a rush-hour commute. I'm very fast at things, I pick up things quickly and do them efficiently, and I get infuriated when I have to wait on other people and things that aren't as fast.

Well traffic pisses everyone off, and it's a very real negative influence in all our lives...I dream of getting the fuck out of Austin with it's traffic problems.

Anytime you have people packed in together tempers are going to get short, this is pretty much a proven fact. The more people are crowded the more animalistic and primitive they become.

08-30-2009, 02:04 AM
Well traffic pisses everyone off, and it's a very real negative influence in all our lives...I dream of getting the fuck out of Austin with it's traffic problems.

Anytime you have people packed in together tempers are going to get short, this is pretty much a proven fact. The more people are crowded the more animalistic and primitive they become.

Ha. I lived in Austin from 98-05, and I stayed the fuck off 35 between 2-7 pm. If I needed to travel north-south, it was Mopac or city streets. Last time I was there was February, and it seemed worse than ever.

08-30-2009, 02:05 AM
I have an addictive personality; I inherited it from my alcoholic father. I rarely if ever drink, but that addictive personality manifested itself with a voracious consumption of weed. I loved it from the first time I ever toked up. I know that it's not physically addictive, and any harmful effects dissipate with cessation, but I can't use it in a leisurely manner. Put a bag in front of me and I will smoke and smoke and smoke until it's gone.

Ahh ok... :lol I can understand that. Weed can be psychologically addicting, but almost always because you are using it entirely as a means of coping with something. I used to use it heavily but then got off of it for a long time(and started occassional reuse after that fucking experience with Paxil) and now I can take it or leave it. Go months and even years at a time without it. It's definitely not something that should be used every day, and I don't think any mind altering substance should. Unless you want to alter your mind permanently.

But you have to know your limitations and it's sounds like it's something that can be difficult to manage. I still strongly disuade you from the anti-depressants, even if means being an asshole with a short fuse.

08-30-2009, 02:06 AM
more than the cell phone thing, i cant stand the motherfuckers out in public who have staring problems

08-30-2009, 02:08 AM
Ahh ok... :lol I can understand that. Weed can be psychologically addicting, but almost always because you are using it entirely as a means of coping with something. I used to use it heavily but then got off of it for a long time(and started occassional reuse after that fucking experience with Paxil) and now I can take it or leave it. Go months and even years at a time without it. It's definitely not something that should be used every day, and I don't think mind altering substance should. Unless you want to alter your mind permanently.

But you have to know your limitations and it's sounds like it's something that can be difficult to manage. I still strongly disuade you from the anti-depressants, even if means being an asshole with a short fuse.

I see where you are coming from on the SSRIs, since you had a bad experience with them. I had a previous positive experience with both talk therapy and Prozac and want to go with what has worked in the past. Your brain chemistry is most likely different from mine, and so what works for me could very well be downright harmful to you.

08-30-2009, 02:24 AM
I see where you are coming from on the SSRIs, since you had a bad experience with them. I had a previous positive experience with both talk therapy and Prozac and want to go with what has worked in the past. Your brain chemistry is most likely different from mine, and so what works for me could very well be downright harmful to you.

Yeah everyone is different...I definitely don't think most people react to Paxil like I did, and it's scary as hell if they do and they are still giving that shit out to people. But I just don't like that detatched feeling I seem to get on anti-depressants. It definitely feels like the wrong path to me. I literally just can't take them. I just look at the way Indians used pot and try to respect it like they did.

Anyway, good luck. Hope you get something out this conversation you can use.

You weren't that big of a dick either though. I mean yeah it probably wasn't the best way to handle the situation to reduce the amount of conflict in your life, but the phone guy was being rude too. If this is the worst it gets then I don't think you need any major help or anything. Just my opinion.

08-30-2009, 02:31 AM
here's some advice... buy your damn magazines and move on! barnes & nobles makes nothing off of moochers like you who go in there thinking they're at some damn library and can just sit in there all day "previewing" their merchandise. stop being cheap and buy the shit already and go home and read it in peace.

it bugs me more that you think you should be able to talk shit to someone merely because they are on the phone while you expect complete silence in a damn store, not a library.


08-30-2009, 02:41 AM
that person had no manners,

you get alot of these wankers in libraries, on public transport, restaurants etc...i dunno wtf do they have to talk to loud for....

ppl say they wanna show off, but whats there to show off? its just a lack of manners in public...

08-30-2009, 04:59 AM
i agree with koriwhat. It's a store, not a library. I frequent Barnes and Noble and often, I talk on my cellphone while perusing. Someone who's not even buying anything has zero right to talk shit. Just because there's some chairs to look your material over in doesn't mean that area requires silence, or even muffled voicing.

08-30-2009, 07:16 AM
Two people chatting face-to-face make a lot less noise than one cellphone asshole blabbing loud enough to address an audience within 50 feet.

If, at this stage of cellphone ubiquity, a cellphone user doesn't have consideration, he's an asshole, no matter if or how you handle assholes.

Larry David did exactly what the cellphone asshole was doing, but the cellphone asshole was pissed off and repulsed.

08-30-2009, 07:56 AM
Book stores require the same etiquette as libraries.

If it expected the same, then the bookstore would put up a sign that says no cell phones, just like all libraries do.

I found the biggest irony that the OP was reading magazines, not even some serious reading.

08-30-2009, 09:04 AM
Both sides are correct to an extent...it's not a library...it doesn't require COMPLETE silence...on the other hand...you shouldn't really be having a full on conversation right in the middle of the damn store like you're at home...bad manners...

08-30-2009, 09:07 AM
I'm picturing some douche reading a bunch of magazines and storming out of the store in near tears after verbally bashing a mexican guy on his cell phone...............the image is hilarious to me.

I would have LOL'd had I seen this in person.

08-30-2009, 09:56 AM
Oh, and fuck the two assholes that think its perfectly fine to talk loud on a phone while people are sitting and reading. Book stores require the same etiquette as libraries.

08-30-2009, 10:04 AM
We live in an explicit society, a 'low context' society. You need to express yourself if you want results. I don't think you should have blown up. You certainly should have at least said something to the guy next to you. Glares and looks don't mean much. You have to communicate. If they still don't listen, a little cussing rampage never hurts, but you should at least make an attempt at civil communication. Some people just don't realize their obnoxiousness.

08-30-2009, 10:05 AM
I'm in a Barnes and Noble with a big-ass pile of magazines in their sitting sections, as is my wont.

Were these magazines that you bought? Or did you just go to B&N to read magazines that are for sale for free? That's just as annoying as someone having a loud conversation on their cell phone

08-30-2009, 10:13 AM


Tenacious D
08-30-2009, 11:04 AM
So the club has immature assholes that leave girls at theaters and cell phone hating magazine readers?

08-30-2009, 11:08 AM
B&N and all the other chain bookstores have no problem with people coming in there and reading for free. They encourage it on the premise that you will make an impulse purchase.

08-30-2009, 11:12 AM
lol... anger management issues

08-30-2009, 11:20 AM

If only Findog had more time.................


08-30-2009, 12:08 PM
B&N and all the other chain bookstores have no problem with people coming in there and reading for free. They encourage it on the premise that you will make an impulse purchase.

This is completely true, people who act like they've never seen this before have never been to a bookstore or are completely retarded.

08-30-2009, 12:10 PM
Btw it's ironic one of the most mellow ST posters tells this story about anger management issues.

08-30-2009, 12:16 PM
I have a pretty short fuse, too. Shit like that never pisses me off that much. If I ever get annoyed by someone, I'll just give them a really pissed off look.
:tu. With me it all depends on my mood. If I'm in a bad mood, I might say something..otherwise I'll glare, or I'll just walk away.

08-30-2009, 01:01 PM
If it expected the same, then the bookstore would put up a sign that says no cell phones, just like all libraries do.

So, if you're reading and your bladder gets full, you should just wet your chair? There's no sign telling you to use the restroom...

08-30-2009, 07:56 PM
So, if you're reading and your bladder gets full, you should just wet your chair? There's no sign telling you to use the restroom...


08-30-2009, 08:25 PM
Oh, and fuck the two assholes that think its perfectly fine to talk loud on a phone while people are sitting and reading. Book stores require the same etiquette as libraries.

haha, yeah, i'm waiting for the day you or someone tells me to STFU when I'm shopping around for overpriced books or resting afterward or need a break because of a call you don't even understand. GFY. What I can't believe is that you people frequent Barnes and Noble and somehow equate it to a fuckin library. B&N is usually packed with people talking on their cellphones or just talking with their friends/acquaintances in general.

08-30-2009, 08:29 PM
My voice tends to carry so I would just say I'll call you back later. No need for people to hear all my business.

08-30-2009, 08:52 PM
I don't get the pro-cellphone mentality...it's a bookstore, you go there to buy books or read them, not to fucking yap on a cellphone, if you want to yap on a fucking cellphone go to a cellphone store and yap...do you see people going into cellphone stores to read books?

Uh, no you don't.

Go yap outside, yap in your car, not in area where people are trying to read...bookstore or otherwise, that is rude.

And that area is there for people to read, the type of literature has nothing to with whether it's ok to yap or not, nor does their intent on purchasing. They put that area there for people to read, not yap.

Why do you need to yap where people are trying to read? You can yap anywhere, you cannot go anywhere and read books for free.


Hey, all you cellphoners, I'm going to sit on the hood of your car and read...after all, there's no sign there that says not too.

08-30-2009, 08:54 PM
So, if you're reading and your bladder gets full, you should just wet your chair? There's no sign telling you to use the restroom...

You don't pee in chairs anywhere, but you can talk on your cell phone in EVERY retail store I have ever been in. It is not something I do or even like, but it is no more offensive in there than in any other place people shop. It is a store, not a library. I love when those douchebags glare at me when I actually speak to an employee of the bookstore, as if my shopping is disturbing them.

08-30-2009, 09:23 PM
I'm too lazy to read all the bullshit anger management, smoke pot, etc.. did the asshole stop talking on the phone or not?

08-30-2009, 10:05 PM
If you don't want to purchase books, then get your shit and go.

08-30-2009, 10:16 PM
B&N and Borders put big comfy chairs in their stores for a reason. They want foot traffic and they know a certain % of those people browsing will make an impulse purchase. Who wakes up and has a stick up their ass to go buy a $20 copy of Animal Farm at B&N, when you get a used copy at Half Price Books or ebay for a fraction of the price?

Half-Price Books, on the other hand, does not lay out chairs or anything else. They don't want people browsing or reading for free.

Big Empty
08-30-2009, 10:26 PM
here's some advice... buy your damn magazines and move on! barnes & nobles makes nothing off of moochers like you who go in there thinking they're at some damn library and can just sit in there all day "previewing" their merchandise. stop being cheap and buy the shit already and go home and read it in peace.

it bugs me more that you think you should be able to talk shit to someone merely because they are on the phone while you expect complete silence in a damn store, not a library.

+1 lol

08-31-2009, 12:35 AM
^ hahaha. yeah i actually had to make that clip from my own dvd. ha. classic movie!

08-31-2009, 04:13 AM
I would say something to you in a heart beat, and if you gave me the slightest little ill look, you'd lose your phone against the wall for being stupid.

oh? FYI, i've been training in self defense since I was 5. i also hit the gym hard 3 times a week. so should this event ever transpire, feel free to try me.

Horn Tooter
08-31-2009, 08:03 AM
oh? FYI, i've been training in self defense since I was 5. i also hit the gym hard 3 times a week..


08-31-2009, 08:11 AM
oh? FYI, i've been training in self defense since I was 5. feel free to try me.


08-31-2009, 09:54 AM
I get up, say "GODFUCKINGDAMMIT, NOBODY WANTS TO LISTEN TO YOUR PHONE CONVERSATION!" and storm out. I realize that I have a bit of a temper, but I consider his behavior anti-social and rude.

And your behavior isn't?? I would guess that you disturbed the people trying to read there more than he did.

I would say something to you in a heart beat, and if you gave me the slightest little ill look, you'd lose your phone against the wall for being stupid.

Another guy who is judging the manners of others while threatening violence.

08-31-2009, 10:15 AM
...do you see people going into cellphone stores to read books?


08-31-2009, 10:20 AM
On the subject of bookstores... I was at Borders the other day and some guy was sitting in a chair reading a book. With his shoes off.

I'd say that's at the top of the list of bad bookstore etiquette, right up there with talking on your cell phone.

08-31-2009, 10:33 AM
And your behavior isn't?? I would guess that you disturbed the people trying to read there more than he did.

I already conceded I brought a gun to a knife fight. You seem to be under the impression that cellphone guy wasn't in the wrong to begin with.

08-31-2009, 10:44 AM
I think you are the prick for being a freeloader and reading a stack of magazines without buying them....go to the fucking library if you want to read for free jack-off

08-31-2009, 10:45 AM
I think you are the prick for being a freeloader and reading a stack of magazines without buying them....go to the fucking library if you want to read for free jack-off

B&N doesn't have a problem with it. Why do you? Are you a B&N shareholder?

08-31-2009, 11:06 AM
Since you like to read, you might consider carrying a book with you and reading it while you wait in line.

I also hate waiting in line, as did my father.
My father used to joke that the real reason people shoplifted was not because they could not afford the merchandise or were unwilling to pay, but they were sick of waiting forever in line to do so. :lol

I don't like it when people talk on their cell phones at Barnes and Nobles- as I go there to get away from the stresses of life and to relax, and so I understand why you were frustrated.

In regards to the mental anxiety, you might consider consulting an herbologist. There are several vitamin supplements that help with the mental stress and depression. I have taken several of them at different points in my life when I was overwhelmed with life circumstances- work, moving, etc. I always keep a supplement called Distress Remedy on me. It is a Nature's Sunshine product.


Another good product is Calm and Clear. I don't remember the brand but I can find out for you.

Also Mood Elevator by Nature Sunshine.


I recommend first being examined by and herbologist and letting them suggest vitamins to you based on their findings.

My herbalogist is excellent. I would be glad to message you her number, if you would like.

As for meeting nice people, church is an excellent place. Most large churches have groups for singles and these groups have fun outings geared specifically for your age group.
Try this one- The Potters House:

Several of my friends have attended there while visiting Dallas and really liked it. :)

I will say a prayer that life becomes really wonderful for you. :)

08-31-2009, 11:42 AM
I recommend first being examined by and herbologist :)

I knew you would see the light :tu

Hey Angel download or rent this documentary!


08-31-2009, 12:33 PM
B&N doesn't have a problem with it. Why do you? Are you a B&N shareholder?

Apparently, B&N has no problem with people being on cell phones either? I have never seen a bookstore employee tell a customer to get off his phone there.

08-31-2009, 12:42 PM
son it is also rude to be one of those cheapskates in the bookstore who read the magazines there, but never buy them ;)

08-31-2009, 12:44 PM
I'm in a Barnes and Noble with a big-ass pile of magazines in their sitting sections, as is my wont. And this asshole in the chair next to me is jabbering away on his cellphone for well over 5 minutes. Finally I can't take it anymore so I get up, say "GODFUCKINGDAMMIT, NOBODY WANTS TO LISTEN TO YOUR PHONE CONVERSATION!" and storm out. I realize that I have a bit of a temper, but I consider his behavior anti-social and rude. I went up there to read, not listen to this fuckwad jabber on his cellphone. I have no idea what he was talking about anyways, since he was speaking in Spanish.

In his shoes, I'd step outside because I prefer privacy for my conversations and don't want to bother other patrons. Whenever somebody calls me and I'm in a position where I have no privacy, I keep the conversation short and tell the other person I'll call them back when I'm in a better place to talk, unless it's an emergency. I don't speak Spanish but I could tell from his demeanor that he was just having a normal phone conversation. Anybody else bugged by people talking incessantly on cellphones in public?

Yeah thats rude. It probably bothered you worse cuz it was in spanish, too.

08-31-2009, 12:45 PM
I don't like it when people talk on their cell phones at Barnes and Nobles- as I go there to get away from the stresses of life and to relax, and so I understand why you were frustrated.

But is that really the expectation in a retail store? I have never been to a bookstore expecting it to be a quiet place to read. They even have music playing in there so it's not set up for serious concentration or study. I go there to shop. Then, I take my book someplace that is quiet to read it. If I expect a quiet place to read for free, I go to an academic library and find a quiet spot upstairs in a corner away from activity.

As I said, I don't like cell phones, but I don't think one can expect any lower level of cell phone activity simply by virtue of what is being sold in that store. I think a bubble bath is relaxing, but I don't expect a quiet place to take one in Bath and Body Works where I shop for my bubble bath.

08-31-2009, 12:47 PM
if you don't want to browse through books, then get your shit and go.


08-31-2009, 12:48 PM
son but yes I do agree with you for the most part ... anyone who uses their cell phone loudly in public without being considerate of others deserves to be bitch slapped ... hard too.

08-31-2009, 12:57 PM
But is that really the expectation in a retail store? I have never been to a bookstore expecting it to be a quiet place to read. They even have music playing in there so it's not set up for serious concentration or study. I go there to shop. Then, I take my book someplace that is quiet to read it. If I expect a quiet place to read for free, I go to an academic library and find a quiet spot upstairs in a corner away from activity.

As I said, I don't like cell phones, but I don't think one can expect any lower level of cell phone activity simply by virtue of what is being sold in that store. I think a bubble bath is relaxing, but I don't expect a quiet place to take one in Bath and Body Works where I shop for my bubble bath.

You are absolutely right, Ploto. While I greatly wish people would leave their cell phones out of Barnes and Nobles ( and out of lot of places actually.), I know it is an unreasonable expectation.

So I have learned to go to Barnes and Nobles at odd hours when it is most likey to be quiet in there. Also, I browse a lot in the store so it is easy for me to navigate away from undesirable noise in most circumstances.

I think though that cell phones are a sad testament to how busy our society has become. I don't like in my life how I feel obligated to be available every moment of the day. ( It is not as if I have kids or am so important to my job that issues could not be resolved without me. )
That is why I have gotten into the habit of purposefully ignoring my cell phone for a few hours at least every day.

The one exception to this is that I have a special ring tone for my husband, Bo, so that I can always be available to him.

08-31-2009, 01:24 PM
if you can't handle the public without losing it, then stay home.

08-31-2009, 02:07 PM
I'm in a Barnes and Noble with a big-ass pile of magazines in their sitting sections, as is my wont. And this asshole in the chair next to me is jabbering away on his cellphone for well over 5 minutes. Finally I can't take it anymore so I get up, say "GODFUCKINGDAMMIT, NOBODY WANTS TO LISTEN TO YOUR PHONE CONVERSATION!" and storm out. I realize that I have a bit of a temper, but I consider his behavior anti-social and rude.

Totally! Its like those people who dont stand for the national anthem. Some people just have zero class. :lol

08-31-2009, 04:04 PM
Totally! Its like those people who dont stand for the national anthem. Some people just have zero class. :lol

lol gino's vagina still hurts about that.

08-31-2009, 05:31 PM
Please don't ever come to a GTG.....

08-31-2009, 09:46 PM
Hey, all you cellphoners, I'm going to sit on the hood of your car and read...after all, there's no sign there that says not too.

funny, I just came out of BnN today to find some dude sitting on the hood of my car drinking dr. pepper.

As the cops were hauling him off, he kept screaming that there was no sign saying he couldn't sit there.

what a fucking idiot.

08-31-2009, 11:32 PM

You ass clown.

you're a bitch.

whoever called me an e-tough guy should refer to this guy's previous response for a textbook example.

08-31-2009, 11:47 PM

What a dried up piece of turd you are. You actually edited your post a day later to tell us that you work out 3 days a week. Feel free to try you?:wow


um, no i didn't. i added way more information that was needed, so i edited it out. and i haven't edited it since this morning. go look on the page 3 you idiot "Last edited by z0sa; Today at 04:18 AM.."
you're all frazzled now because reality is, I wouldn't get close to "losing my cell phone against the wall" because you're a dumbass. you wouldn't even say a goddamn word no matter how loud I was talking.

and I will clarify that the guy was totally in the wrong for being loud and incessant for a long period of time, but I find that the exception to the rule because everyone does it (talk on their cell phone) and most like myself, are pretty quiet about going about our business.

09-01-2009, 12:15 AM
Well you better keep it to a minimum around me, cause I would check you real quick, and if you gave me any lip, you'd lose that phone.


Tenacious D
09-01-2009, 12:19 AM

09-01-2009, 05:06 AM

it's destiny... you know?