View Full Version : How much is REALLY taken out of each dollar?

08-31-2009, 07:33 PM
The average for taxes deducted from payroll is around 16%. But figure these that you might pay and how much is really taken out?

Accounts Receivable Tax, Building Permit Tax, CDL license Tax, Cigarette Tax, Corporate Income Tax, Dog License Tax, Excise Taxes, Fishing License Tax, Food Server Tax, Fuel Permit Tax,

Gasoline Tax (currently 44.75 cents per gallon), Gross Receipts Tax, Hunting & Fishing License Tax, Inheritance Tax, Inventory Tax, IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax), Liquor Tax, Luxury Taxes, Marriage License Tax, Medicare Tax, Personal Property Tax, Property Tax, Real Estate Tax, Service Charge Tax, Road Usage Tax
Sales Tax, Recreational Vehicle Tax, School Tax, State Income Tax,
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA), Telephone Federal Excise Tax,
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax, Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes, Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax,
Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax, Telephone State and Local Tax, Telephone Usage Charge Tax, Utility Taxes, Vehicle License Registration Tax, Vehicle Sales Tax, Watercraft Registration Tax, Well Permit Tax, Workers Compensation Tax, etc.

Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, and our nation was the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and most Moms stayed home to raise the kids.

09-01-2009, 09:35 AM
And average life expectancy was under 48 years, there were few, if any, cures to any diseases, large conglomorates owned monopolies on just about every commodity, children worked in sweatshops and indentured servitude was the standard way of life...

It was called the gilded age for a reason...

09-01-2009, 11:09 AM
there is a terrible break between cause and effect in this thread.

09-01-2009, 11:17 AM
Also one hundred years, cocaine was legal. That means that legal cocaine usage made this country great!

Wild Cobra
09-01-2009, 11:48 AM
there is a terrible break between cause and effect in this thread.

Also one hundred years, cocaine was legal. That means that legal cocaine usage made this country great!
I take it as a correlation between increasing taxes, increasing government, loss of liberty.

I know we can all acknowledge some taxes are necessary and some laws and services are too. Problem is, we have become a society overburdened by taxes, and government encroaching upon our freedoms. Liberals need to be stopped. They are not classical liberals. They are advocating policies of Socialists, Communists, Fascists, Marxists, etc. They believe they know what is best for everyone else, and are very authoritarian about it.

09-01-2009, 12:05 PM
I take it as a correlation between increasing taxes, increasing government, loss of liberty.

I know we can all acknowledge some taxes are necessary and some laws and services are too. Problem is, we have become a society overburdened by taxes, and government encroaching upon our freedoms. Liberals need to be stopped. They are not classical liberals. They are advocating policies of Socialists, Communists, Fascists, Marxists, etc. They believe they know what is best for everyone else, and are very authoritarian about it.

I'm assuming that was the implication as well, but without actual facts and some sort of analysis, it'd hard to take the OP seriously.

I'm fine with cutting out some taxes, and I'm also fine with cutting out some tax cuts/privileges.

And as you know WC, there are authoritarians on both sides of the political fence. Warrantless wiretapping, enhanced executive power and things of that nature aren't anti-authoritarian by any means, after all.

Also, I haven't seen any politicians advocate a fascist/socialist/marxist policy. Universal healthcare is not an inherently socialist/fascist/etc feature anymore than Medicaid/Medicare is, and many other countries who do not feature a socialist government also have universal health care.

09-01-2009, 06:41 PM
I take it as a correlation between increasing taxes, increasing government, loss of liberty.

I know we can all acknowledge some taxes are necessary and some laws and services are too. Problem is, we have become a society overburdened by taxes, and government encroaching upon our freedoms. Liberals need to be stopped. They are not classical liberals. They are advocating policies of Socialists, Communists, Fascists, Marxists, etc. They believe they know what is best for everyone else, and are very authoritarian about it.

Exactly the point. We are increasingly becoming...speaking of indentured... to the Euro. Our dollar has devaluated by almost 13% since March.

There is a fight amongst the elite to prevent an audit of the Federal Reserve.

And we are bombarded through the airwaves right now with advertisements regarding buying your gold. Why do you think that is?
Because the elite know that the value of the dollar is rapidly declining and want all the gold they can collect because they know the American dollar is becoming of less and less value.

exerpt from:

Final Scene: Our Response
Be informed as to what is happening on the global level and how it relates to you, your family and country.
Reduce as much personal debt as possible, as soon as possible. If you have savings which could pay off the auto or the house, strongly consider paying it off.
Protect yourself by investing in foreign currency. You can do that either through mutual funds which convert to foreign currency or by opening up a foreign bank account.
Invest in the hard asset area which includes oil/gas, real estate and gold, silver and rare coins. When the stock market adjusts, start investing in America. Bring back the foreign investments to America. It will help reduce our trade deficit.

If the elite want it...it would be wise to keep it for yourself.

Of course...I wouldn't expect government employees to understand this fact being it is happening to all of the tax paying American citizens. Because of over taxation...we as a people have less and less to spend for ourselves and unknowingly give to foreign powers the ability to rule our lives through currency which the Federal Reserve controls without audit.

09-01-2009, 06:50 PM
I take it as a correlation between increasing taxes, increasing government, loss of liberty.

I know we can all acknowledge some taxes are necessary and some laws and services are too. Problem is, we have become a society overburdened by taxes, and government encroaching upon our freedoms. Liberals need to be stopped. They are not classical liberals. They are advocating policies of Socialists, Communists, Fascists, Marxists, etc. They believe they know what is best for everyone else, and are very authoritarian about it.


..regulated markets and more choices do not equal socialism...