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09-02-2009, 11:10 AM
Top 15 NBA ‘Clutch’ Shooters (http://thehoopdoctors.com/online2/2009/09/top-15-nba-clutch-shooters/)
R.S. De France

When you think of clutch shots, who do you think of? MJ in 1998. Horry in 2003 (or 2005 if you’re a Spur’s fan). Jerry West in 1968, his classic ¾ court heave.

After a game four loss in the NBA Finals, Orlando Magic coach Stan Van Gundy said “experience was not a factor.” I respectfully disagree.

Clearly, we can look at the result in this year’s finals as proof of the opposite. We can look at Game 4 where the Lakers’ Derek Fisher, who had missed all his previous attempts in the game, made two clutch three-pointers to clinch the game and with it, the series. Experience comes in many forms, one of which is clutch shooting, which was clearly a factor. Clutch, in this sense, means who is the deadliest shooter when a game is on the line.

Just looking around the league, in anticipation of next season, there seems to be a clear relationship between experience, clutch shooting and winning. Seems easy enough. This is not, however, obvious to Van Gundy who said “[experience] had nothing to do with anything. Nothing…it’s just too cliché that it’s all about finals experience.” Perhaps, Van Gundy has a good point. When the Dallas Mavericks and Miami Heat met in 2006, neither had any finals experience, and yet somebody still had to win. But when an inexperienced team plays against a more experienced team, this “cliché” comes into play. See the San Antonio Spurs against the Cleveland Cavaliers in ’07, a 4-0 rout. Or the ’09 Finals between the Magic and the Los Angeles Lakers, a 4-1 rout.

Without the clutch and experienced play of Derek Fisher, the 2009 Lakers might have fallen short of the title. But, in addition to Fisher, who else is likely to break your heart when they rise up for a shot at the end of the game? Unfortunately for Van Gundy, a lot of these experienced shooters play for the best teams.

Top 15 Clutch Shooters in the NBA

15. Stephen Jackson, Golden State — attitude, confidence, make or miss, his last second shots always look like they have a chance to drop. And when it does, get ready for that classic Jackson glare. Although his team hasn’t made it to the playoffs since ’07, his regular season exploits sure fill up the highlight reel.

14. Mehmet Okur, Utah—at the end of a tight game, they’d rather give him the ball win or lose than give it Kyle Korver or Carlos Boozer. Deron Williams, however, is quickly taking on this role more frequently. Okur shot 44.6% from 3-point range in 2008-2009.

13. Mike Bibby, Atlanta—despite the likes of Joe Johnson and Josh Smith, Bibby is still relied upon as their top clutch shooter. Known best for his late-game exploits with the Sacramento Kings, Bibby has shown he can still produce in the playoffs, especially in crunch time. In the ’09 playoffs, Bibby increased his 3-point percentage to 54.2%.

12. Eddie House, Boston—often overlooked because of the likes of Ray Allen and Paul Pierce, House will bury any team if they leave him open for a corner three, especially at the end of games. Leaving Allen off this list in favor of House is a result of Allen’s often disappointing playoff performances with the Boston Celtics. Sure, this year he made one clutch shot against the Bulls in Game 2. How many other clutch shots did he make these playoffs? What about last year’s finals and his famous disappearing act? Unlike last year, where Allen’s numbers stayed about the same in the playoffs as the regular season, in the ’09 playoffs, Allen’s numbers dropped significantly (-5% in 3’s). House, on the other hand, raised his field goal and 3-point percentages from 44% in the regular season to 51.9 FG and 48.6% 3pt in the ’09 playoffs.

11. Derek Fisher, Lakers—he has to make this list if only based on his merits. Has anyone else in the NBA ever made a turnaround game-winner in 0.4 seconds? In 2009, he added more exploits in his now famous game 4, where he drilled a pair of threes, one to send the game into overtime, and the other to take the lead in overtime. As opposed to his numbers last playoffs which increased (field goals and 3-point percentage), this year Fisher’s three’s dropped down to a pitiful 28.6%. But, hey, he made the ones that counted most (just like Shaquille O’Neil would say about his own free throws).

10. Tim Duncan, Spurs—Duncan improved on his regular season field goal percentage by 3%, up to 53%.*

9. Manu Ginobli, Spurs—Ginobli was injured these last playoffs, but his career numbers show consistency. When he gets to the playoffs, his scoring increases and his percentages remain about the same.*

8. Tony Parker, Spurs—Parker, similar to Fisher, shows signs of slowing down and shooting worse in the playoffs, even though he consistently scores more points. Still, on or off, I would not give him an open shot in a close game.

*Perhaps none of these three Spurs are the best shooters, but would you let them shoot one with a chance to win the game? Me neither. Although none are the purest shooters, they’ve all hit game-winning and game-changing shots. Dirk Nowitzki thought otherwise in the ’07 playoffs, but, with the game on the line, Duncan came through and hit his only three of that season. The Spurs went on to win the series. If we still doubt that they can come up big in the clutch, see their multiple championships (4).

7. Ben Gordon, Detroit—formerly the go-to-guy in Chicago before Derrick Rose came to town. Similar to Parker, Gordon becomes a volume scorer in the playoffs, his scoring increasing, but shooting decreasing. Nonetheless, you need a clutch shot, he’ll take it and likely make it. Before leaving the team, Gordon put on a game to remember scoring 42 against the Celtics in the ’09 playoffs.

6. Dirk Nowitzki, Dallas—although his exploits are nearly forgotten with his team’s downfall from the Finals to barely making the playoffs, Nowitzki is still a great clutch shooter. When Nowitzki figures out how to make 3’s in the playoffs, he’ll be better suited for this list. Even so, his ’09 playoff free throw, 92.5%, and field goal, 51.8 %, numbers were career highs, so maybe he’s learning. And, even though the Mavericks didn’t make it any further than the second round of the playoffs, in the series clinching game (Game 5), Nowitzki drilled some clutch shots, including one with less than a minute left, to sink the Spurs.

5. Hedo Turkoglu, Toronto—last season, Turk probably hit more clutch shots than anyone, but with a new home and a new team this season, it will be interesting if he still gets those same opportunities to be a game-saver. In the ’09 playoffs, Turkoglu showed he understands the moment by increasing his free throw, field goal, and 3-point percentages.

4. Chauncey Billups, Denver—you don’t get a name like Chauncey “Big Shot” Billups without being dependable. He’s not perfect—everybody misses sometimes like he did these playoffs against the Lakers, but he really earned this nickname in Detroit. Nonetheless, in ’09 Billups really kicked it up, increasing his scoring to 20.6, and his 3-pointers to 46.8%.

3. Dwayne Wade, Miami—since his 2004 game-winning playoff shot over then Hornet Baron Davis, Wade has been feared by his peers. In the ’09 playoffs, Wade increased his 3-point percentage by about 5% and his free throw percentage by almost 10%. Last season he made lots of clutch shots. One of the most memorable was in a regular season game in Miami, against the Chicago Bulls, where, with little time left, Wade got a steal, dribbled down court, hit a running jumper for the win and ran up onto the scorer’s table, repeatedly and passionately yelling that this was “his house.”

2. Paul Pierce, Boston—in Boston, if you need a shot, you look no further than this man. Statistics don’t tell the whole story on Pierce because his career performances in the regular season are better than his performances in the playoffs. When they won the title, though, Pierce put up nice numbers. 19.7 ppg, 4.6 apg, 5 rpg. Despite what he averages, he is still usually given the chance to win the game if it is close. On their way to a title in 2008, Pierce repeatedly threw in clutch shots against Atlanta, and the L.A. Lakers, among others. As a Laker fan, I laughed at Pierce’s infamous NBA Finals wheelchair incident, only to cry minutes later when he busted threes on the Lakers with time running out.

1. Kobe Bryant, Lakers—almost every player in the NBA today will tell you: Kobe is unstoppable. He is the most feared shooter, especially at the end of the game. His ’06 playoff shot against the Suns (Shaq-less). His ’01 Finals shots at the end of a game against the Pacers (with Shaquille fouled out). In the ’09 playoffs, Bryant pushed his scoring average up 5 points to 30.2 ppg and increased his free throw percentage by 4% to 88.3%. In these same playoffs, he made clutch shots against the Utah Jazz and the Denver Nuggets. What makes Bryant a clear #1 to me happened in the first televised USA Olympic practice game in ’08. Here, in the Olympics, only the cream of the crop play, period. When the game was close and nearly over, the ball went to Kobe where he schooled LeBron James with a clutch shot to win the game.

R.S. De France is a College and University instructor of English Composition. He has a B.A. in English and an M.A. in Rhetoric, Composition, and Writing. One of his life-long pursuits has been writing and covering anything related to sports, specifically the NBA. Recently, De France, his wife, and another colleague started an internationally read magazine at Shwibly.com.

09-02-2009, 11:16 AM
There's going to be a lot more writers jumping on the bandwagon in a few months.

As an opponent, I don't think I'd like any of the Spurs' first 6 or 7 taking the final shot. RJ's gonna get loose and knock it down. McD will sneak out and find the open jumper. "Money" Mason is good as gold in the closing seconds. Finley's a vet, and still a threat in the closing seconds.

09-02-2009, 11:18 AM
How can you leave off Lebron James from that list. How many times last year did he put his team on his back and make plays down the stretch. Right now, I would have him at number 2. The guy can nail a 3 pt shot when he has to.

09-02-2009, 11:20 AM
This writers favorite team must be Spurs

09-02-2009, 11:21 AM
how can you leave off lebron james from that list. How many times last year did he put his team on his back and make plays down the stretch. Right now, i would have him at number 2. The guy can nail a 3 pt shot when he has to.


09-02-2009, 11:25 AM
Ginobili is more clutch than Parker

09-02-2009, 11:25 AM
No one is more clutch than Horry.

09-02-2009, 11:28 AM
no ray allen, roger mason jr, rashard lewis? they are more clutch than the last 4, easily.

09-02-2009, 11:29 AM
R.S. De France is a College and University instructor of English Composition. He has a B.A. in English and an M.A. in Rhetoric, Composition, and Writing. One of his life-long pursuits has been writing and covering anything related to sports, specifically the NBA. Recently, De France, his wife, and another colleague started an internationally read magazine at Shwibly.com.

Consider the source before you get too upset about his conclusions.

09-02-2009, 11:40 AM
LOL @ Billups...someone's still drinking the 2004 Kool-Aid.

09-02-2009, 11:49 AM
guys like kobe, tmac etc...who pull up bs shots...when it goes in they glorify the fucks, when they missed the shots nothing happens to them...these 2 put up crazy off balance shots :(

09-02-2009, 12:05 PM
Ginobili is more clutch than Parker

maybe 2 years ago. now, its a toss up.

where the fuck is Money Mason???

09-02-2009, 12:08 PM
Roger Mason is a clutch shooting god.

09-02-2009, 12:08 PM
who the fuck made this list. carmelo was no.1 in clutch shots last year , he is not even on the list. brandon roy was top 3 in clutch , he is not on the list, lebron hit a bunch of game winner, he is not on hte list..

09-02-2009, 12:12 PM
LOL @ Billups...someone's still drinking the 2004 Kool-Aid.

Seriously. That guy hasn't done anything significant in the playoffs since the 2004 Finals.

09-02-2009, 12:12 PM
maybe 2 years ago. now, its a toss up.

where the fuck is Money Mason???

You gotta do it in May and June.

09-02-2009, 12:20 PM
lol Kobe at #1. He is good in the final minutes, but he is piss poor at making game winning shots.

If we trade for Jack, then we will have 4 out of the top 15 clutch shooters in the league. :stirpot:

09-02-2009, 12:24 PM
thats bullshit I would put


in that order.

09-02-2009, 12:30 PM
Carmelo not being on this list is an automatic black eye for the writers credibility.

09-02-2009, 12:33 PM
Am I the only one that read this?

"Dirk Nowitzki thought otherwise in the ’07 playoffs, but, with the game on the line, Duncan came through and hit his only three of that season."

09-02-2009, 12:37 PM
well they're also saying horry was clutch in 2003

09-02-2009, 12:52 PM
Manu is a clutch playmaker... moreso than a clutch 'shooter'...
- The pass to Duncan to win at Seattle in '05
- The pass to Horry at Detroit
- The pass to Duncan against Phoenix

In fact, Manu, should be classified as a clutch driver moreso than as a clutch shooter...
- The shot to seal the deal against Phoenix in 2OT
- The buzzer beater at the Athens Olympics
- His drives against the Nuggets at Denver (where he got repeatedly hacked)
- all of his clutch drives against the Pistons
- His drives to close out the Hornets in his last 'healthy' playoff series...

09-02-2009, 12:56 PM
No Lebron? No Melo? No Arenas? I call bullshit!

09-02-2009, 01:53 PM

dude hasn't played in 2 years

09-02-2009, 02:06 PM
Parker and Okur more clutch than Jax ?????? :donkey

WTF ??????????????????????????????????

Dirk and Gordon more clutch than Bibby ? :rollin

09-02-2009, 02:08 PM
Manu is a clutch playmaker... moreso than a clutch 'shooter'...
- The pass to Duncan to win at Seattle in '05
- The pass to Horry at Detroit
- The pass to Duncan against Phoenix

In fact, Manu, should be classified as a clutch driver moreso than as a clutch shooter...
- The shot to seal the deal against Phoenix in 2OT
- The buzzer beater at the Athens Olympics
- His drives against the Nuggets at Denver (where he got repeatedly hacked)
- all of his clutch drives against the Pistons
- His drives to close out the Hornets in his last 'healthy' playoff series...


09-02-2009, 02:15 PM
what a joke of a list... LeBron should be top 5 for sure and he is not even there... what an insult to basketball!

09-02-2009, 03:12 PM
Roger. Fucking. Mason. No excuse for him not to be on this list, i don't care what the crackpot reasoning is--that dude will burn you if he gets free at the end of a game. Kobe on the list is fine, but #1? Despite his heroics, his non-clutchness at the foul line/an inexplicable turnover cost the lakers one finals game, and had Dwight Howard not choked at the charity stripe and Fisher saved the day, we would have only remembered Kobe getting his potential game-winner smothered by Hedo Turkoglu.

All-time clutch title, though, goes to one Robert Horry. This is NOT up for debate.

09-02-2009, 03:25 PM
Where's the Red Rocket?

09-02-2009, 03:30 PM
Wow, Robert horry isnt in that list!! Wooow :wow

09-02-2009, 03:43 PM
Wow, Robert horry isnt in that list!! Wooow :wow

I think it's current players...

09-02-2009, 04:52 PM
Dirk Nowitzki thought otherwise in the ’07 playoffs, but, with the game on the line, Duncan came through and hit his only three of that season. The Spurs went on to win the series. If we still doubt that they can come up big in the clutch, see their multiple championships (4).

Um...did he mean Duncan's three against Shaq/Phoenix? in '08?

The Spurs didn't even play the Mavericks in the 2007 Playoffs. (Thanks GS!):lol

The point's taken. It was a decent article, but I do miss editorial fact checking.

09-02-2009, 05:21 PM
Where's the Red Rocket?


09-02-2009, 05:34 PM
How can you leave off Lebron James from that list. How many times last year did he put his team on his back and make plays down the stretch. Right now, I would have him at number 2. The guy can nail a 3 pt shot when he has to.

Yeah, even if you want discredit LeBron for his many flaws, to say guys like Mehmet Okur and Stephen Jackson are more clutch than LeBron is pretty incredulous. Maybe not a top 5 clutch player, but to say he's not even in the top 15?? That's pretty outrageous.

LOL @ Billups...someone's still drinking the 2004 Kool-Aid.

Seriously. That guy hasn't done anything significant in the playoffs since the 2004 Finals.

Billups is way overrated and nowhere near as clutch as he was from 2002-2005, but did you not watch what he did in last year's playoffs for a team that couldn't get out of the first round? Did you not see how he completely outclassed the best point guard in the game in CP3? The author of the list obviously wasn't talking only about fourth quarter, last minute shots as he made several mentions about playoffs in general and made comments intimating he was talking about clutch games, not just clutch shots late in games. If anything, this past post season rebuilt Chauncey's reputation as a clutch player after 2-3 post seasons of failing to live up to his name.

09-02-2009, 05:35 PM
Isn't this a "clutch shooters" list, not a clutch players list?

09-02-2009, 05:39 PM
LeBron probably made the most memorable clutch "shot" of last year's playoffs. And, while Wade has improved his jumper, he's not much more of a consistent jumpshooter than LeBron is. But the author placed him #3 on the list.

09-02-2009, 06:09 PM
to me there's a big difference between being a clutch shooter and a clutch player. And its just stupid to only look at gamewinners, to me the entire 4th quarter is money time (provided its not a blowout)

really bad list with several bad omissions and factual mistakes

09-02-2009, 06:42 PM
Seriously. That guy hasn't done anything significant in the playoffs since the 2004 Finals.

You gotta admit though, without him...the Nuggets probably don't even sniff the WCF's.

09-02-2009, 08:08 PM
As others have said..there's a big difference between "clutch players" and "clutch shots"..

Showtime24 LAKERS
09-02-2009, 08:27 PM
They got the #1 right, the right is bullshits!

09-02-2009, 09:05 PM
not a good list.

09-02-2009, 09:47 PM
That's a terrible list because the guy uses the wrong stats to make his case - you can't just look at overall %s to prove clutchness! Being clutch is about making big shots in the right moments, usually the last two minutes of a close game. I know for a fact that there are stats on exactly that (probably at basketball-reference.com, or somesuch) because I've read articles about it. Back in 05 and 06, Manu was in the top 3 clutch players on his performance in the last two minutes of close games.

09-02-2009, 10:16 PM
Parker is not a top 15 clutch shooter.

09-02-2009, 11:16 PM
Manu should be #1. no bullshit.

09-02-2009, 11:26 PM
Parker is pretty damn clutch I don't know what the hell you guys are watching.

Bruce Bowen, IMO, is one of the clutchest MFers I've ever seen, along with Robert Horry, Parker, Duncan, and Ginobili.

09-03-2009, 03:22 AM
That's a terrible list because the guy uses the wrong stats to make his case - you can't just look at overall %s to prove clutchness! Being clutch is about making big shots in the right moments, usually the last two minutes of a close game. I know for a fact that there are stats on exactly that (probably at basketball-reference.com, or somesuch) because I've read articles about it. Back in 05 and 06, Manu was in the top 3 clutch players on his performance in the last two minutes of close games.

you mean this? ('clutch' stats)
or this ? (game winning shots)