View Full Version : Want to keep friends? Don't set them up with nasty people!

09-10-2004, 12:12 AM
This was something happened to me earlier this week, and I've collected enough patience to turn it into a rant. A 'friend' set me up on a date with a guyl she knew, and we met to have dinner. Ever see those cheesy sitcoms about the bad date? Play a tape of one of them, and you have my night. We were supposed to meet at a Hungarian place, nothing too ornate, but definitely a 'sitdown' meal. My date (from here on in called 'cow') shows up in pink sweats. SWEATS!!! Here I am in a jacket and I have to take Cow in here looking like he's going jogging. Anyway he's pretty fat, and his first remark to me is 'you're short'. You don't say... further along, we're eating and it's going predictably horribly as his table manners are befitting someone who looks like she eats 8 pizzas a day. I couldn't even come up with an excuse for why I was leaving. I just told him he disgusted me.

I'd usually just chalk it up to bad luck, but the fact is I was set up on this date. A friend thought so little of me as a human being to set me up with an Orca who has no concept of appropriate attire, table manners, or couth. I've decided I will never be speaking to this 'friend' ever again, as it's pretty obvious she has no use for me other than as a dumping ground for these piewagons she hangs out with. I implore all of you: DO NOT USE YOUR FRIENDS!!!

Anyone have a similar experience? Is there a better way of handling this than my intended 'never speak to me ever again, I hate you' plan?

09-10-2004, 12:45 AM
God, that's awful. :(

My friends know better......thank God. :lol

Guru of Nothing
09-10-2004, 12:58 AM
I no longer allow anyone to set me up on a date.

How does that definition of insanity go? Repeating a failed concept, yet expecting different results? ... something to that effect.

09-10-2004, 10:52 AM
you should have asked aloud..."am I being punk'd or something?"

sweats on a blind date? pink sweats? a man wearing pink sweats on a blind date? that's hilarious.....how was the conversation?

09-10-2004, 10:59 AM
MsMcGillyCutty, Will you go out with me? I promise not to wear sweats, but are bicycle shorts ok? J/K! And I am not a whale! Unless sperm whales are atractive to you?

:Q :kiss

Useruser666 :eyebrow

09-10-2004, 12:55 PM
Here I am in a jacket and I have to take Cow in here looking like he's going jogging. Anyway he's pretty fat, and his first remark to me is 'you're short'. You don't say... further along, we're eating and it's going predictably horribly as his table manners are befitting someone who looks like she eats 8 pizzas a day.There's your problem. Identity crisis! :spin

09-10-2004, 06:47 PM
MsMcGillyCutty- Please decide if your Cyber personality is going to be male or female before you post...It makes it much easier for the rest of us to follow along with your story...

09-12-2004, 04:14 PM
We can assume that your 'friend' doesn't know you very well...

So you met this person beforehand? I would have told the match maker friend that he/she was not your type..in a nice way..

But if you had not met the person in advance, you could have told the person in pink that you were NOT the person he/she was looking for..and RAN..FAST!
