View Full Version : Spurs Having Fun

04-11-2005, 09:08 AM
I had not seen the spurs players faces so happy with a smile on their face with emotion in a long time the way they acted the past 2 games with great wins,maybe it's a sign of great things to happend going into the playoffs :) :) :) :)

04-11-2005, 09:20 AM
lol did you see Rasho on the bench when Tony made that last shot? He literally looked like this ---->http://www.sahoops.net/smilies/rock.gif

04-11-2005, 09:23 AM
A winning streak to the playoff now seems possible, provided that Duncan returns in 2 games' time. Even Nesterovic's injury did not sound so worrying with the great performance by other members of this team.

The Spurs not only have one of the best regular season records, but is also the 'steadiest' team. Its longest losing streak is 3, to Detroit, NY and Indianna, when Duncan got hurt for the 3rd time. This could mean the Spurs can quickly rebound from loss, eg. the one to Dallas a few days ago, and it's the most difficult team to beat in a 7-game series.

04-11-2005, 10:37 AM
"the 'steadiest' team"

huh? They are still as inconsistent as hell. After the punishment and despair of the det/nyk/ind road (kill) trip, the Spurs come back like Champions and beat Rockets and Sonics. THAT is when I thought they had hit bottom and started coming up.

Then they go get massacred by Nuggets and Mavs, rock bottom again, and then they come back with B2B 2OT W's.

"steady"? Nobody knows what surprises the Spurs will provide in the next 9 days. :)

Mr. Body
04-11-2005, 11:17 AM
I wonder if people who take issue with the Spurs' losses ever watch any other team in the league. Do they realize other teams get blown out? Come out flat and never recover? Go on three-game losing streaks? Turn it around and win convincingly on the road the next game?

Exactly what do you think consistency is?

04-11-2005, 11:36 AM
"ever watch any other team in the league"

Screw other teams. Compare anything with shit and it usually smells pretty good :)

This ain't what's-that-new-guy's-name November, this ain't the mid-season blahs of Jan/Feb. From mid-March on, the team should be set, gelled, kinks worked out, roles learned and executed, no more thinking about what do, just reflexive execution, and a self-confidence built on knowing 1) they can do it, and 2) it works.

I don't compare the Spurs with anything but I've seen the Spurs themselves do already. I don't expect perfection or playoff intensity, just bring at least an average game, to avoid those give-away losses due to 1 quarter lapses. If you're going to lose, get beat playing a solid game, don't give it away, don't get embarrassed.

The Spurs deviations from their average, in both directions, are as maddening as they are exhilerating. That's just their style, this year. It absolutely doesn't qualify as "steady" or "consistent".

Solid D
04-11-2005, 11:57 AM

The Warrior scores on The Warriors, again.