View Full Version : Curb Your Enthusiasm

Thunder Dan
09-10-2009, 12:57 PM
New Season starts next week after 2 years off. Anyone else watch it?

I love it. I watched my favorite one last night, here is a good clip


Larry David
09-10-2009, 01:15 PM
0 responses? Are you people fucking nuts?

09-10-2009, 01:17 PM
I'm here. Preeeeetttty good!!!!!

09-10-2009, 01:21 PM
no way this is a letdown like entourage. i can't wait.

09-10-2009, 01:22 PM
I love this show. Finally it's back!

I don't like that they took Cheryl out of the show, though

09-10-2009, 01:27 PM
I don't like that they took Cheryl out of the show, though.
I'm pretty sure she's still got a hefty role.

09-10-2009, 01:29 PM
I love Curb. It's one of my favorite shows.

Leon was hilarious in Season 6 :lol


09-10-2009, 02:01 PM
Best show on TV by far....

09-10-2009, 02:04 PM
Is the Seinfeld cast a part of this season?

09-10-2009, 02:08 PM
It sucks not having HBO. Nah, not really.

09-10-2009, 02:16 PM
Is the Seinfeld cast a part of this season?

dunno about part of the regular cast, but there are a few eps with them in it

09-10-2009, 02:42 PM
i dont think michael richards is going to be on

j alexander and julia louise have been on several episodes, so basically its just seinfeld appearing

favorite espisode the doll or the car pool lane where hes stoned and tripping out looking at himseld in the mirror

tv tv tv thats all you do why dont you read a book

are you afraid to get a colonastrophy? its a medical procedure everyone has them, get a colonastrophy you fucking faggot!

09-10-2009, 02:55 PM
i dont think michael richards is going to be on
nah, he is. I wonder how they're going to handle his story. http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv/2009/08/27/2009-08-27_seinfeld_cast_getting_the_gang_back_together_fo r_larry_davids_curb_your_enthusia.html

09-10-2009, 02:55 PM
all about Suzy for me. she kills it every time.

"Larry you sicko f*cko..."


09-10-2009, 03:51 PM
"I know what I got, I got shwag!"


09-10-2009, 03:56 PM
The Blacks really brought the show back, especially Leon. I'm not saying it was horrible before, but it had hit a lull, I'm interested to see where the show goes from here.

09-10-2009, 05:43 PM
So many good episodes but the best one is with Krayzee Eyez Killa.


09-10-2009, 06:05 PM
have you heard this guys lyrics?, hes gonna skull fuck me

09-10-2009, 06:24 PM
So many good episodes but the best one is with Krayzee Eyez Killa.


My favorite part of that episode is when Krazy Eyez is giving Larry a tour of his house.

Krazy Eyez: "That's the floor...know what i mean. It's made outta uhmm...you know...some floor shit you know what i'm sayin"

Larry: (While looking down at the floor) "Yeah thats floor shit"

09-10-2009, 06:26 PM
am i your caucasion?

09-10-2009, 06:33 PM
My favorite part of that episode is when Krazy Eyez is giving Larry a tour of his house.

Krazy Eyez: "That's the floor...know what i mean. It's made outta uhmm...you know...some floor shit you know what i'm sayin"

Larry: (While looking down at the floor) "Yeah thats floor shit"

And then he talks about his 4 steps. :lmao

09-10-2009, 07:02 PM
prettay, prettay, prettay

06-24-2010, 02:35 PM
Gervais confirmed for Season 8.

I like the show, but don't fall head over heels for it, though, like a lot of people.

Most episodes feel the same.

06-24-2010, 04:05 PM

06-24-2010, 05:04 PM
Gervais confirmed for Season 8.

I like the show, but don't fall head over heels for it, though, like a lot of people.

Most episodes feel the same.

I hate Ricky Gervais. Even more so now that he's infiltrated my formerly favorite TV show. Hopefully LD's ample brilliance covers for Ricky's all around shortcomings.

06-24-2010, 05:20 PM
damn he show is all improv and Gervais is killer at improv.

Gotta pick up season 7 on Blu Ray to catch up with this year...

06-24-2010, 11:56 PM
I recently saw the episode where he looked at Muggsy Bogues' dick at a urinal to see if the stereotype is true. Larry fakes a heart attack after Muggsy is about to beat the shit out of him. Brilliant