View Full Version : 102 Minutes that Changed America

09-11-2009, 07:15 PM
Tonight, 8pm. History Channel. Stirring. Watch it.

(I would have posted this in the 9/11 thread, but Lakaluva has systematically turned that thread into a rotten sewer.

09-11-2009, 07:21 PM
Yeah, they are showing the story of the Marriott hotel at ground zero (WTC 3) right now.

09-11-2009, 07:35 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I lost this when my DVR crashed and I have been wanting to get it back ever since.

09-11-2009, 07:40 PM
Was already recording it..thanks for the heads up though

09-11-2009, 09:22 PM

Have you guys seen this...

911: In Plane Site
I knew you were one of those bitch conspiracy theorists...I bet you don't believe in the holocaust either, do you? And we didn't land on the moon..blah blah blah.

09-11-2009, 09:29 PM
Of course those Jews suffered. I think the numbers are a little exaggerated, but It happened. What I hate is people always bringing the shit up like it was yesterday. I could bring up the Native American Annihilation, or the American Slave Trade, but what for. Nothings going to change. It just opens up old wounds, and to be honest, I could care less about those people.
that's because you're a little bitch.

09-11-2009, 09:36 PM
Of course those Jews suffered. I think the numbers are a little exaggerated, but It happened. What I hate is people always bringing the shit up like it was yesterday. I could bring up the Native American Annihilation, or the American Slave Trade, but what for. Nothings going to change. It just opens up old wounds, and to be honest, I could care less about those people.

Magic Johnson got AIDS from gay sex.

09-11-2009, 09:39 PM
What is your religion. I'm interested?
not getting into religion...that's not the argument here. The argument is that you don't care about anyone but yourself. And you believe, for some ignorant reason, that after someone dies, they don't deserve to be cared about anymore.

09-11-2009, 09:48 PM
-The driver shot JFK.
-The Beatles were designed and sent to the U.S. by the British Psychological Warfare Division, to undermine the morals of American teenagers.
-HIV/AIDS was created in a lab.
-Man never landed on the moon. It's not even possible. But there is an alien base there.
-Stephen King killed John Lennon.
-WWII was staged. It never really happened. The Illuminati employed elaborate special effects, stage magic, and phony journalism to scare the world into pacifism.
-Queen Elizabeth I was a man. The real Elizabeth died as a child.
-Hitler was still alive in Montana in 1997
-White people were created in a lab.
-Billions of years ago the intergalactic overlord Xenu used a film to brainwash our souls ("Thetans") into believing in the world's major religions, which he invented.
-Hitler and some associates escaped to the Arctic in a submarine, to live with super-advanced aliens who reside within the hollow earth.
-Denver International Airport was built expressly to conceal a vast underground complex, headquarters of the New World Order elite. Clues are hidden in the airport's peace-themed mural.

09-11-2009, 09:49 PM

I swear you people are so ass backwards. Some guy started a thread the other day about being disturbed by some yahoo while reading in B&N. I found it interesting to see some people in that thread ridicule that person for wanting some peace. Yet, if you go to a funeral, or a wake, have you noticed everyone whispers...:lmao. For what? That fucker is dead, and he don't hear shit, yet the dead person gets more respect than the live person trying to read in peace. What is wrong with you people.
First off, I didn't ridicule him..I agreed with him. Second off, you're respecting the person who died AND their family...get a grip, douchebag.

09-11-2009, 09:54 PM
No you, peanut, just in general.
you replied to my comment and said "you people." That is referencing me.

Kori Ellis
09-11-2009, 10:00 PM
lakaluva and spursfan092120, take your little spat to PMs or to the troll forum. It doesn't need to ruin every thread.


09-11-2009, 10:07 PM
lakaluva and spursfan092120, take your little spat to PMs or to the troll forum. It doesn't need to ruin every thread.

I apologize..I'm done acknowledging him. Just got frustrated. The guy said he got joy out of the attacks and then said he was willing to bet my grandfather's corpse wasn't in his coffin...sent me a bit over the edge.

Judge Judy
09-11-2009, 10:39 PM
"Do you see stupid written on my forehead?..."

09-11-2009, 11:17 PM
This is a pretty good program. I remember watching it last year. It gives an interesting perspective on 9/11. One of my favorite parts is when it shows the guy in the street talking on his cell phone and saying that Monday Night Football saved his life. It saved his life because he stayed up later watching the game and was late to work on 9/11.

09-12-2009, 10:41 AM
I never saw this before this year. The thing that hits me is there is no narration. It's just video images in a sequential collage, with occasional timestamps on the screen.

The two best 9/11 snapshots were this movie, and the one simply entitled 9/11, created by two French brothers who started the day shooting a documentary about a single firefighter in a station 7 blocks from the WTC.

09-12-2009, 02:52 PM
lakaluva and spursfan092120, take your little spat to PMs or to the troll forum. It doesn't need to ruin every thread.


Where are the trolls saying lakaluva and sf092120 got pwned?

09-12-2009, 03:21 PM
they weren't pwned their anger was just re-directed

09-12-2009, 03:21 PM
like the dog whisperer saying TSST

09-12-2009, 03:37 PM
like the dog whisperer saying TSST

Kori is the Troll Whisperer. TSST! :lol

09-12-2009, 07:08 PM
I saw that last night. It was really good. For anyone who missed it, it was a compilation of amateur footage and brief interviews with the people who caught it with their camcorders.

The only DVD we bought (because you just can't watch very much of it) is the one made by the French brothers (whose names escape me). The footage they caught by dumb luck is amazing and very moving. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a good documentary.

09-14-2009, 09:59 AM
:tu This is the 2nd year I've watched it.