View Full Version : No DRob threads on the Nba Forum?

09-12-2009, 06:26 AM
Yea, spurs forum is where it should go right? Hell no. Just like a Jordan thread, or Stockton thread, this awesome guy should be repped for fans of basketball in general.


Site was posted by spursdotcom and so much video footage of robby that I hadn't seen in a long time and really clear instead of crappy youtube footage. His highlight video or 71 point video, awesome. I miss the guy for bball, he was truly ahead of his time nba wise, just watch him run and dunk-anyone who thinks d howard would have a chance in hell at this guy is just a hater or most likely too YOUNG to know. Dwight, KG, everyone since robinson who kind of plays like him have been poor man robinsons

The way dwights built is similar. A beast around the rim on D, but the thing dwight will never accomplish is robinsons shooting, his court sense, his driving ability-in actuality I know dwight is young but he will never be on robby skill level. No way a dude learns how to drive with handles from by 3 point line, no way he has the sweet shot he had, no way he ran the court as smart as well as he could, and no way he can by anything close to the admiral. I like dwight, but he is eerily built like robby and this many years after that he still will never be as good-any fan of the NBA who watches knows dwight won't do certain things robby did.

Some lake fans may diss cuz they were too young, some randoms will try to talk trash but just appreciate the guy. BTW, jordans speech was a serious diff between the two, one had so much more in life than the other to look forward to.

BTW what player nowadays or anytime would choose to serve out a commitment he payed for 2 years instead of getting paid. DRob, was a one of a kind, add two years of prime under his belt-still never had the teams necessary till later when he was older.

09-12-2009, 07:25 AM
His stats were mighty, but, his game was a bit forced & awkward. + Duncan ended up holding his hand, carrying his water & holding his end of the log.

09-12-2009, 08:14 AM
His stats were mighty, but, his game was a bit forced & awkward. + Duncan ended up holding his hand, carrying his water & holding his end of the log.

Just when I thought your posts were at the apex of stupidity...

09-12-2009, 08:19 AM
Just when I thought your posts were at the apex of stupidity...

Well, wtf, you & your cronies do shit like that all the time. Thought I'd try that hair shirt on ya.

Ya look pisser!

09-12-2009, 08:19 AM
His stats were mighty, but, his game was a bit forced & awkward. + Duncan ended up holding his hand, carrying his water & holding his end of the log.

Why was his game "forced & awkward"?

09-12-2009, 08:21 AM
Well, wtf, you & your cronies do shit like that all the time. Thought I'd try that hair shirt on ya.

Ya look pisser!

Shit like what? Make shit up about players?

Your mentality is, "Well they did it. I might as well sink to their level." Good to know.

09-12-2009, 08:22 AM
Why was his game "forced & awkward"?

He was not comfortable in the low post. He (his body) could not get where he (his mind) ordered it to go. It was frustrating to watch and I imagine quite frustrating for him to endure.

Perhaps not as much in the low post a course, but, LeBron has some of the same weaknesses to his game.

09-12-2009, 08:26 AM
Shit like what? Make shit up about players?

I didn't make up a thing. I just conducted a case study in Empathy 101.

09-12-2009, 08:27 AM
I didn't make up a thing. I just conducted a case study in Empathy 101.

His stats were mighty, but, his game was a bit forced & awkward. + Duncan ended up holding his hand, carrying his water & holding his end of the log.Obviously you don't know what you're talking about.

09-12-2009, 08:30 AM
Obviously you don't know what you're talking about.

Perhaps, Shast. Let me check an asshole...did he ring afore Duncan landed there?

09-12-2009, 08:31 AM
Perhaps, Shast. Let me check an asshole...did he ring afore Duncan landed there?

Did Duncan get a ring before he teamed up with David?

09-12-2009, 08:32 AM
Perhaps, Shast. Let me check an asshole...did he ring afore Duncan landed there?

It's been said before, his crime isn't not winning a ring without Duncan, his crime is actually taking that team into the playoffs.

09-12-2009, 08:39 AM
It's been said before, his crime isn't not winning a ring without Duncan, his crime is actually taking that team into the playoffs.

& that's just adorable, Muse, but, when Kobe couldn't win a ring without Daddy you all hoisted his ass upon the petard and beat him merciless for years over it. That was not right.

09-12-2009, 08:41 AM
Duncan did hold his hand. And don't forget if not for a Dirk injury he doesn't win his 2nd ring in 2003.

09-12-2009, 08:45 AM
Duncan did hold his hand.

& I got no problem with that process. Magic held many hands thru his tenure. If he hadn't, 15 would be 12, maybe less. I just want their hand-holding to be above board and on the books like mine is.

09-12-2009, 10:47 AM
Since we do have a Spurs forum you don't really need to post it in the NBA forum, other fans from different teams then the Spurs will post in there I bet.

09-12-2009, 10:49 AM
Duncan did hold his hand. And don't forget if not for a Dirk injury he doesn't win his 2nd ring in 2003.

Can you really prove that? So if you say that, if it wasnt for the Manu injury we would have beaten mavs in the 1st round? I swear Mavs fans are the stupidest out there, even more stupid than Lakers fans.

09-12-2009, 12:22 PM
My pussy hurts

09-12-2009, 12:26 PM
D-Rob was the Dirk of the Spurs franchise. Tremendous player, incredibly talented, but he lacked something that made him a true winner. Thankfully for David, he got to play with Tim Duncan and win a couple of titles. Hopefully the same thing will happen for Dirk.

Dunc n Dave
09-12-2009, 12:46 PM
I remember David coming into the league making a huge splash, then the Hakeem nightmare. Everything went black after that.

Everyone who re-hashes this "fact" about David vs Hakeem fails to remember one important fact...

David was the MVP and was double and triple teamed by Houston throughout the series. David played Hakeem one on one because the Spurs coaches didn't want to double and leave a 3pt shooter.

Simple fact of the matter is that neither of the two could be guarded one on one that year. And Bob Hill was a fool for thinking he could get away with it on Hakeem.

I will admit that Hakeem was better that year than David "mano a mano," and should have been the MVP, but David should have won the MVP the year before when Hakeem won it.

Dunc n Dave
09-12-2009, 12:59 PM
Duncan did hold his hand. And don't forget if not for a Dirk injury he doesn't win his 2nd ring in 2003.

Please... it's not like the Mavs were up 3-0 when Dirk went down.

Spurs had a 14pt lead with 7 minutes to go in the 4th when Dirk got hurt in Game 3. Game was pretty much decided at that point and the Spurs were on their way to a 2-1 series lead.

With or without Dirk, Spurs were not losing that series. Any team relying on Steve Nash "trying to" defend Tony Parker is DOOMED to fail vs the Spurs. History says so...

Smartest thing the Mavs ever did was letting Nash go. It INSTANTLY improved their defense and made them a better overall team. Addition by subtraction...

09-12-2009, 01:01 PM
Stop with the excuses. Give Hakeem his credit, and just leave it at that. David was a very good player, but there has never been another superstar taken to the woodshed the way Hakeem did David.

Except say... Shaq in the finals getting his ass swept and guarded 1v1 by Hakeem?

Go fuck yourself you shallow knowledged poser.

Dunc n Dave
09-12-2009, 01:30 PM
Stop with the excuses. Give Hakeem his credit, and just leave it at that. David was a very good player, but there has never been another superstar taken to the woodshed the way Hakeem did David.

At what point did I not give Hakeem credit? Did I not say Hakeem was better than David that year and deserved the MVP? Damn, you Laker fans are ignorant and illiterate.

And you know damn well, that if you are doubled and triple teamed you don't have a chance of even coming close to matching a in his prime Hakeem's output who's playiing vs single coverage. Hakeem took 28 shots a game vs the spurs while David took 16 shots per game (thanks to double teams). Hakeem BETTER OUTSCORE David with 12 more attempts per game.

Look at what Hakeem did to Shaq in the Finals too. Shaq only took 74 shots the whole series (because of double and triple teams) while Hakeem took 116 shots (because of mostly single coverage vs Shaq) and Hakeem averaged 32.8 vs Shaq.

Dunc n Dave
09-12-2009, 02:00 PM
Stop with the built in excuses. All I remember was Horry, Smith, and Sam just draining wide open threes down on Davids head as he caught the ball coming threw the basket. The Spurs double teamed Hakeem as well, it just didn't matter. Hakeem was on a mission to make DRob his bitch, and he did, dont you agree?

Oh well that explains it, you didn't really watch the series, just the ESPN highlights. No wonder you are making yourself look like an ignorant jackass...

09-12-2009, 02:31 PM
robinson is a class act. served his country then got destroyed by hakeem then we never heard of him being one of the best centers of all time.

09-12-2009, 02:54 PM
Stop with the excuses. Give Hakeem his credit, and just leave it at that. David was a very good player, but there has never been another superstar taken to the woodshed the way Hakeem did David.

this idiot has quickly degenerated from usual dumbass lakerfan into one of the worst posters on spurstalk, trolls included

09-12-2009, 04:18 PM
Great center, but yeah...the '95 WCF is the first thing you think of when it comes to D-Rob

09-12-2009, 06:32 PM
I'd question someone's nba knowledge if they think Robinson was winning rings w/o Duncan.

Dunc n Dave
09-12-2009, 07:46 PM
I'd question someone's nba knowledge if they think Robinson was winning rings w/o Duncan.

Of course he wasn't winning a championship when he has a starting lineup that includes a backcourt of Vinny Del Negro and Avery Johnson. The only guy he had on that team that he could depend on was Sean Elliott. The rest were either headcase (Rodman), couldn't hit a shot outside of 15 feet (Avery) or were washed up and disappeared when the games mattered most (Del Negro, Anderson, an old Doc Rivers w/ 2 knee braces, etc)

THe simple fact that he CARRIED that bunch of misfits to the conference finals speaks VOLUMES to DRob's ability. They should have been a lotto team or 8th seed at best, instead they had the NBA's best record.

Dunc n Dave
09-12-2009, 07:52 PM
Everyone saw that massacre. I felt sorry for David.

Yeah, sure you did...

Youtube makes everyone look like an unstoppable superstar, ask KBP....

I watched the series and taped it and I felt sorry for David too for having a shitty coach who refused to double Hakeem in his prime.

That's like not doubling a prime Shaq and stupidly expecting ANYONE to stop him one on one. Not gonna happen, even for a defensive player of the year.

I guess we should say then that Rudy T was too scared to let Hakeem prove how much better Hakeem was than David that year, since he wouldn't let Hakeem guard David straight up.

28 FGA per game for Hakeem to 16 FGA per game for David. Houston was scared...:rolleyes

09-12-2009, 09:22 PM
Robinson did not ring until Duncan dragged him kicking & screaming. Dems the factsPERIOD

And on this Forum we're gonna hold to facts.

Steve Jobs
09-12-2009, 09:24 PM
We actually added a foot to the iPod earphone cable so David could use it. He's a class act.

09-12-2009, 09:39 PM
You'll see in this vid that Hakeem was doubled, it just didn't matter. I especially like the way the announcers were calling it. I mean, this was 10 times worse than Kobe dropping 42 on MJ in 18 minutes...:wow


I God's, great lodgement, Luva.

Lordy, Lordy, Lordy, Dunc, Hakeem just lit Robinson's ass afire! Woo Hoo! Just punished him.

09-12-2009, 09:53 PM
Poor Dunc.

Dunc n Dave
09-12-2009, 10:00 PM
You'll see in this vid that Hakeem was doubled, it just didn't matter. I especially like the way the announcers were calling it. I mean, this was 10 times worse than Kobe dropping 42 on MJ in 18 minutes...:wow


:rolleyesPlease, only 4 out of the 15 shots on that Youtube clip did the Spurs even ATTEMPT a double team (and one of them was a lame attempt from Avery with his hands straight up). And 3 of those 4 were of games in Houston after Hakeem had his 43 point game in Game 2 in SA vs David 1 on 1.

The fact is the spurs went into the series with a horrible game plan in leaving David out on an island 1 on 1 vs Hakeem, while the Rockets doubled Robinson from the get go. No one was stopping Hakeem 1 on 1 and no one was stopping David one on one that year. PERIOD!

Funny how all the Laker fans (and a few Mavs fans) are the only ones trying to demean David's accomplishments. The guy did more with less than anyone in recent history, and that's a FACT. And no matter what any of you butt hurt Laker fans say, you can never take away the fact the he is a first ballot Hall of Famer.

Dunc n Dave
09-12-2009, 10:02 PM
I God's, great lodgement, Luva. It feels great when you stick it up my ass.

Hope he lubed it up for you first there, Cul.

09-12-2009, 10:12 PM
Dunc, gettin' his stoopin' on.

Woo Hoo!!!

09-12-2009, 10:14 PM
"The guy did more with less than anyone in recent history"

& that's sweet, Dunc, but that mofo did not ring until Duncan landed. And he's going to replace Kobe (when Kobe hadn't rung without Daddy). Robinson is from this day forward part & parcel of the rolling stock of Culburn.

This I vow!

Dunc n Dave
09-12-2009, 10:21 PM
"The guy did more with less than anyone in recent history"

& that's sweet, Dunc, but that mofo did not ring until Duncan landed. And he's going to replace Kobe (when Kobe hadn't rung without Daddy). Robinson is from this day forward part & parcel of the rolling stock of Culburn.

This I vow!

yeah and Kobe hasn't won a ring without an All Star big man to watch his back. tee hee

Let's see Kobe win a ring (or even reach the conference Finals) with offensively inept players like Avery Johnson, Dennis Rodman, Vinny Del Negro, and an injury riddled Doc Rivers, Willie Anderson, and Terry Cummings.

David did it without pissing off his teammates by hogging the ball and bitching at them when they don't make a shot. Can't say the same for Kobe.

09-12-2009, 10:32 PM

Kobe won without Daddy.

Robinson didn't win without Duncan.

tee, hee.

Dunc n Dave
09-12-2009, 10:33 PM
Those inept fuckers had the best record in the league that year. You've run out of excuses. Just start cussing...

EXACTLY RIGHT! They did have the best record in the league that year, thanks to David Robinson. I recall Kobe having a similar cast of misfits after Shaq was traded, but the Lakers missed the playoffs altogether. Some great leader he is...

David could get his misfits to the WCF, but Kobe wasn't good enough to get his in the playoffs? Sad...

09-12-2009, 10:39 PM
EXACTLY RIGHT! They did have the best record in the league that year, thanks to David Robinson.

But, it did Robinson no good at all. He could not ring until Duncan landed.

Kobe rang without Daddy just fine.

tee, hee.

Dunc n Dave
09-12-2009, 10:49 PM
But, it did Robinson no good at all. He could not ring until Duncan landed.

Kobe rang without Daddy just fine.

tee, hee.

Robinson took his scrubs to the WCF Finals, while Kobe took his to the lottery.
Robinson was a better leader than Kobe will ever be.


09-12-2009, 10:51 PM
Robinson took his scrubs to the WCF Finals

And no further, until Duncan landed.

tee, hee.

Dunc n Dave
09-12-2009, 10:58 PM
And no further, until Duncan landed.

tee, hee.

And Kobe went no further until the Grizzlies hand delivered Gasol to Kobe for chump change.

Robinson made the playoffs every year he played, no matter how bad his supporting cast was. Every year Kobe has played without an All Star bigman has ended with his team either being in the lottery or losing in the 1st round to the biggest underachievers in NBA history: the Suns! Your old team before you hopped back on the Laker bandwagon when they got Gasol.

Hurts, don't it...

09-13-2009, 03:46 AM
Dunc, gettin' into his sitz bath.

Dunc n Dave
09-14-2009, 10:19 PM
Dunc, gettin' into his sitz bath.

Culburn, slobbing luva's knob.... yet again....

Caught ya tip-toein through the daisies again, lodgin one in there (luva's ass, that is) while wishin for the the good Dr to make another house call...
tee, hee

09-14-2009, 11:25 PM
He was not comfortable in the low post. He (his body) could not get where he (his mind) ordered it to go. It was frustrating to watch and I imagine quite frustrating for him to endure.

Perhaps not as much in the low post a course, but, LeBron has some of the same weaknesses to his game.

He had a quadruple-double motherfucker. Not even Shaq could have done that.

09-14-2009, 11:27 PM
He had a quadruple-double motherfucker. Not even Shaq could have done that.

ONE game...i know he was a great player, but you gotta use better proof than that...come on now...

09-14-2009, 11:29 PM
ONE game...i know he was a great player, but you gotta use better proof than that...come on now...

He was the last player to ever achieve that feat. You don't need anything to prove how great he was as a player. I repeat, not even the prime Shaq could have done that

09-14-2009, 11:41 PM
He was the last player to ever achieve that feat. You don't need anything to prove how great he was as a player. I repeat, not even the prime Shaq could have done that

ONE game. I can think of a myriad of better games than that

09-15-2009, 12:20 AM
prime drob can have his quad-double, ill take prime shaq

09-15-2009, 01:58 AM
Culburn, slobbing luva's knob.... yet again....

Caught ya tip-toein through the daisies again, lodgin one in there (luva's ass, that is) while wishin for the the good Dr to make another house call...
tee, hee


09-15-2009, 02:54 AM
ONE game. I can think of a myriad of better games than that

Point is, did Shaq or Kobe even came close to those numbers?

09-15-2009, 06:29 AM
Point is, did Shaq or Kobe even came close to those numbers?

Another point: Robinson couldn't ring until Duncan showed up.

09-15-2009, 09:34 AM
That's why you should have left the D-Rob in the Spurs section. You should have known these idiots would be in here spewing garbage. One idiot was joyful about people dying in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The other idiot thinks that John Stockton was selfish.

09-15-2009, 10:04 AM
That's why you should have left the D-Rob in the Spurs section. You should have known these idiots would be in here spewing garbage. One idiot was joyful about people dying in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The other idiot thinks that John Stockton was selfish.

I'm the second citation (tee, hee).

But, it was A-OK when you crawled up and played dead in Kobe's caca for those years afore he rang without Daddy. You all had a good old time spewing garbage.

Anybody, I say anybody that is brought over here that ain't "whole" is gonna have the bark ripped off their ass.


Let us proceed...

09-15-2009, 10:08 AM
I'm the second citation (tee, hee).

But, it was A-OK when you crawled up and played dead in Kobe's caca for those years afore he rang without Daddy. You all had a good old time spewing garbage.

Anybody, I say anybody that is brought over here that ain't "whole" is gonna have the bark ripped off their ass.


Let us proceed...

Now you're talking out of your ass again, because I've never said such a thing.

09-15-2009, 10:14 AM
Now you're talking out of your ass again, because I've never said such a thing.

Ok, fine, yer excused...just you stand over there with the other group.

09-15-2009, 10:20 AM
Another point: Robinson couldn't ring until Duncan showed up.the same can be said about kobe, no ring without Shaq or Gasol

09-15-2009, 10:24 AM
Ok, fine, yer excused...just you stand over there with the other group.

Thank you. :lol

09-15-2009, 10:28 AM
the same can be said about kobe, no ring without Shaq or Gasol

So, now we're equating Gasol with Robinson & Daddy?

- "Careful."

- "John Coffee" - "The Green Mile"