View Full Version : Team USA predjudice or discontent?

09-18-2004, 07:37 PM
Look i know all bases have been covered on this one but it genuinly disturbes me that so many people really think that white america hated team usa because it was black and rich. Who thinks this shit up anyway, i mean lets be serious is it that they're black or that they're unable to play together and beat other teams?

I look back on the olympics and remeber thinking USA basketball must have been on crack to put them together, come on no mid range or 3 point shooting, where was micael redd?

anyway post what you think here i know this is a little after the fact but someone was on talk radio a few minutes ago and really pissed me off.

09-18-2004, 07:38 PM
I'm black by the way

09-18-2004, 07:46 PM
I don't remember who the journalist was that wrote the article that started this controversy but rest assured...he needs to be taken out and beaten with a stick out of sheer stupidity.

Claiming racism against blacks in basketball is just about the stupidest thing anyone can claim...for the simple reason that if anyone is prejudiced against blacks they are probably going to be disgusted with basketball in the first place.

People rooted against them because they were rich and allegdedly spoiled...something very similar happened with the USA Hockey team a few Olympics ago...It's very similar to the reasons that everyone hates America these days...hatred of the rich...

They were hated for the same reasons everyone hates the Yankees, Cowboys, Lakers and America...Success breeds hatred and resentment...As Wilt Chamerblain once said...no one roots for Goliath...That article was ignorant and divisive...

This article pissed me off because at a time when America should be learning a lesson about us being hated regardless of our skin color..and being united...since we are all in the same international boat...At an Olympics when racial stereotypes were shattered right and left(a black woman winning a swimming medal, a white guy winning the 400 for the first time in 40 years) and what should be an enlightening time for most Americans...it pisses me off that unimaginative morons can't do anything more than trot out tired antiquated cliches as a reasons for a lack of support for our team... As a fan who supported the team and was angry at those who didn't...that article and that theory really pisses me off...

There is no room to be prejudiced against blacks and still be a basketball fan in this era...it just doesn't add up..indeed I think the only racists that could possibly follow or care about basketball in this era are probably the black kind(and believe it or not other "races" besides whites can be racist)...

09-18-2004, 08:06 PM
i think the point he was trying to make dumbass, while its expected that everyone else would hate the american basketball team, the americans should be rooting for them. but by and large the american public was openly rooting for this team to fail. you didn't see that in any of the other events, you don't think our swim team isn't more priveleged than the rest of the world, they don't practice in better conditions than everyone else. the swim team was goliath but somehow americans found it in their heart to root for them.

09-18-2004, 08:17 PM
Yeah because they are millionaires dumbass.

Did you hear about Americans rooting against the nearly all black track team? Do they ever?

09-18-2004, 08:36 PM
who is always the most famous people of the olympics? a gymnast or a figure skater. lost of black people in those "sports"

09-18-2004, 08:41 PM
Whottt, I agree with most of what you are saying. Claiming basketball to be racist is stupid.

What I don't fully agree with is this:

It's very similar to the reasons that everyone hates America these days...hatred of the rich...

Is may tell part of the story, it is definitely not the entire story.

Hatred of Americans has more to do, IMHO, with attitudes, with the way some Americans conduct themselves.

People don't hate Bill gates, even though he is worth more than the economies of most Central American countries.

A lot of people cannot stand Donald Trump. Not only because he is rich (again, money and power play a role in hatred), but because of the how he acts, because of his arrogant ways.

09-18-2004, 08:48 PM
who is always the most famous people of the olympics? a gymnast or a figure skater. lost of black people in those "sports"

Um, I think the NBA players are always the most famous at the Olympics, and aren't they usually black, more often than not?...dumbass...good lord you have to be being stupid on purpose...

09-18-2004, 09:07 PM
Is may tell part of the story, it is definitely not the entire story.

Hatred of Americans has more to do, IMHO, with attitudes, with the way some Americans conduct themselves.

People don't hate Bill gates, even though he is worth more than the economies of most Central American countries.

A lot of people cannot stand Donald Trump. Not only because he is rich (again, money and power play a role in hatred), but because of the how he acts, because of his arrogant ways.

Bah, there is the perception and there is the reality...and the reality is Americans are the least bigoted and prejudiced people in the entire world...No country anywhere can match our religious and racial freedoms and our secularlism..FACT...No we aren't perfect...and no one else is either...we are no more proud of our country than anyone else. I imagine most people think their country is the best..and we are no different...but the fact is we have a record of success.....and I'm damn proud of the role my country has played in World Affairs for much of the past century...the world is a better place because of it...If we weren't doing it someone else would have been and I suspect they would have been far less just than we have in that role.

PS: I'm sure everyone thinks their hatred is justified...I'm sure Hitler was satisfied with his reasons for wanting to exterminate the jews as well and felt he was quite justified.

09-18-2004, 09:16 PM
yeah michael phelps was great at the basketball, so was that paul hamm guy. are you stupid on purpose?

09-18-2004, 09:39 PM
So you just hate white athletes?

I bet you if you show a 1000 people a picture of AI, Michael Phelps and Paul Hamm more people will know AI...so what does that say about your dumbfuck ideas about fame and popularity?

And furthermore...a lot of people turned on Hamm as well...who did that? Black racists?

Forgivie Paul Hamm and Phelps for getting some slight glimpse of fame you increidlbe dickhead...Phelps just happened to tie and Olympic record for most medals by anyathlete from any country in a single Olympics and Hamm just happened to be the first American to win the All Around in Gymnastics...nah no reason for them to get any publicity is there you bigoted hating piece of shit. It's still seconday to the attention the Black athletes on the basketball team recieved.

09-18-2004, 10:16 PM
I'm sure everyone thinks their hatred is justified...

Hatred is hardly ever justified (specially the type of hatred we are talking about in this thread)

09-19-2004, 12:27 AM
Whottt seems to think that there are no racists on the planet.

09-19-2004, 01:35 AM
whott doesn't seem to understand the difference between the fame ai and duncan might have because they are in the nba and the "fame" manufactured every 4 years by nbc for people like keri strugg and every gold winning figure skater you forget about in 2 years. we don't know tim duncan ai or lebron because of the olympics, hell they were barely even covered, we certainly don't know anyone we didn't know before in the basketball world. This year the Olympic fame machine focused on Michael Phelps before the games even started we knew he was a great swimmer who was going to win every gold because they told us he was. Then they hammered swimming at us every single minute of the day until they could show us gymnastics. Thats called a narrow focus and scope in broadcasting, kinda like you Whott.

09-19-2004, 01:47 AM
Whottt seems to think that there are no racists on the planet.

Whottt is very aware that there are racists on this planet...Whottt is also very aware that there are probably fewer of them PCT wise in America than any other country...Whottt is also aware of the fact that it's possible for non-whites to be racist as well...and indeed pulling the race card in ignorance just because a team wasn't supported...a card that is racially charged and accusatory towards a speciffic segment of the American population, by it's nature, is as racist as anything the author accused the racists of doing...

Whottt is very aware of the existence of racists and bigots on the planet...in fact there's one of them in this very thread...his name is IcemanCometh...and I don't care what color he is...he has a nonstop racial agenda and bias.

09-19-2004, 01:56 AM
whott doesn't seem to understand the difference between the fame ai and duncan might have because they are in the nba and the "fame" manufactured every 4 years by nbc for people like keri strugg and every gold winning figure skater you forget about in 2 years. we don't know tim duncan ai or lebron because of the olympics, hell they were barely even covered, we certainly don't know anyone we didn't know before in the basketball world.

And exactly what in the holy **** were the Olympics supposed to tell us about A fucking I and Le fucking Bron, that we didn't already know, you incredible dipshit?

This year the Olympic fame machine focused on Michael Phelps before the games even started we knew he was a great swimmer who was going to win every gold because they told us he was.

Yeah? And he nearly did...what's your problem? That he was white? If Americans like sports that aren't dominated by African Americans they are racist?

What a fucking asshole you are.

Then they hammered swimming at us every single minute of the day until they could show us gymnastics. Thats called a narrow focus and scope in broadcasting, kinda like you Whott.

The Olympics are the only time those athletes like swimmers and gymnasts gets to shine...What's your fucking problem with them getting some coverage? I mean there's a reason they were covered...

Swimming has long been one of the most popular Olympic Sports with Americans...just like basketball...We had an athlete that was poised to become the greatest Olympian ever...I for one am glad he got some attention...

Hamm was the regning World Champion in a field where Americans have long followed as Olympic fans yet have struggled to hold our own against the rest of the world..it makes total sense that he got coverage...

What your racial blinders prevent you from seeing is that Hamm had just as much of a hard time and was deserted by his countryment every bit as much as Team USA was...and with far less justification I might add...

09-19-2004, 01:59 AM
fine you win, raphael palmeiro is better than ted williams

09-19-2004, 02:03 AM
Although I disagree with Whottt on the other thread, I agree with him on this one.

09-19-2004, 02:03 AM
Yes it must be true because Ted Williams is only half hispanic(shhh it's a dirty secret)...I don't want to say Ted was better or someone might think I am a racist.