View Full Version : God damn cats!!

09-15-2009, 01:18 PM
So I recently just bought my cats a new litter box because the old one didn't have a cover and it was stinkin up the joint. This litter box is pretty huge because both of cats are pretty big. It was decently expensive, has a cover and all that and even has the door thing.

Well, they sometimes use it and sometimes they opt to just shit on the floor next to it and piss in the laundry basket. It's driving me fucking crazy. I don't get it, I clean the box out a lot and I literally just cleaned it an hour ago and I come out to find my older cat, who knows better, shitting on the carpet right next to a fresh litter box.

This is driving me insane. Has anyone had this problem before? I even took the door off so they won't feel all claustrophobic. I just don't see why they choose to use it half the time and the other half they just dook all over the place.


09-15-2009, 01:25 PM
How old are your cats? It might not be the box, they may be sick and trying to tell you something.

09-15-2009, 01:27 PM
How old are your cats? It might not be the box, they may be sick and trying to tell you something.


Yeah, when I don't feel well I just shit in the corner.

09-15-2009, 01:29 PM

Yeah, when I don't feel well I just shit in the corner.

Since cats can't talk, how else are they going to tell him they aren't feeling good? :lol

09-15-2009, 01:30 PM
Did you change litter on them?

09-15-2009, 01:34 PM
So I recently just bought my cats a new litter box because the old one didn't have a cover and it was stinkin up the joint. This litter box is pretty huge because both of cats are pretty big. It was decently expensive, has a cover and all that and even has the door thing.

Well, they sometimes use it and sometimes they opt to just shit on the floor next to it and piss in the laundry basket. It's driving me fucking crazy. I don't get it, I clean the box out a lot and I literally just cleaned it an hour ago and I come out to find my older cat, who knows better, shitting on the carpet right next to a fresh litter box.

This is driving me insane. Has anyone had this problem before? I even took the door off so they won't feel all claustrophobic. I just don't see why they choose to use it half the time and the other half they just dook all over the place.


cats are assholes! they don't give a fuck about you! recognize!

3 exclamation marks... yeah!!!

ps: cats are better suited outside in the jaws of some poor fox.

09-15-2009, 01:59 PM
A swift kick in the kitty sack will have them basturds back on track!!!!

I. Hustle
09-15-2009, 02:00 PM
I can fix your problem.

Grown men don't own cats. Unless you are gay, if so then you are covered.

09-15-2009, 02:05 PM
Well I just relocated my cats' litterbox to the other end of the laundry room, so I hope they don't decide to protest. Lee, they may not be used to the cover. Why don't you remove it and see if the "accidents" still happen?

09-15-2009, 02:12 PM
Why don't you remove it and see if the "accidents" still happen?
This is a good idea for a couple of reasons. Cats generally don't like feeling "trapped", and a cover where there wasn't one before likely feels restricting. Also, it makes the ventilation poor and cats have much better sense of smell than we do. You may not smell a thing, but to the cats the stink of ammonia is likely intolerable.

Viva Las Espuelas
09-15-2009, 02:17 PM
do you vacuum around the box. if you let that build up they treat it like the box. if you switched to a cheaper litter they normally don't like that. one of mine had a reaction to it, so i went back to it. the one i use that is really good, and make's me forget i have a litter box, is the arm & hammer multiple cat brand. i don't know about the "trapped" feeling. mine has a cover, but i'd imagine all cats are different. plus did you put your box close to their food. they don't like crapping where they eat as i imagine no one does. generally, who knows with cats. we're just staff.

09-15-2009, 02:22 PM
I tried using a covered litter box with my cats after having an uncovered one their entire lives. They did pretty much the same thing. I went back to an uncovered box, problem solved.

If you switched back to an uncovered box and the accidents didn't stop, there's a good chance there is something wrong with them, physically. They could also just be pissed about the covered box and continuing to exact revenge on you.

09-15-2009, 02:55 PM
Give your cats away, get a pitbull, and train it to piss and shit outside. Full proof solution.

09-15-2009, 03:03 PM
Give your cats away, get a pitbull, and train it to piss and shit outside. Full proof solution.

i totally agree... moving again soon and will be getting myself one when i do.

i wanna get one similar to my bosses dog brutus!

09-15-2009, 03:09 PM
People love to hate on pitbulls, but they are great dogs if they're trained.

I. Hustle
09-15-2009, 03:14 PM
Are those your boss' legs?

09-15-2009, 03:19 PM
sometimes they opt to just shit on the floor next to it and piss in the laundry basket
remind me never to come over.

Grown men don't own cats.

09-15-2009, 03:42 PM
Damn...look at her hands...that one thumbnail is a deadly weapon and the rest are normal...:lol


09-15-2009, 03:44 PM
You better not have used government money to buy that litter box

marini martini
09-15-2009, 03:48 PM
Are those your boss' legs?

Damn...look at her hands...that one thumbnail is a deadly weapon and the rest are normal...:lol


:lmao:lmao:lmaoWTF??? Coke heads still grow out one long fingernail???

And oh yeah Lee, take the cover off, no creature likes to do their business in a freain' fox hole!!!:wow:toast

09-15-2009, 04:26 PM
Stick them in a pillow case and then throw the pillow case off your nearest bridge.

Allan Rowe vs Wade
09-15-2009, 04:55 PM
use caution


09-15-2009, 05:18 PM
yall are funny and if it wasn't for the fact that i didn't sign in a bit ago i would've never seen I. Dumbfuck's posts.

btw, that nail is, if you look closely, covered with a bandaid dumbasses. and i have no clue if that's my boss' legs because it was xmas and there's a bunch of people over at her house on that day. yall sure are quick to pick apart a picture when the real subject is right there in front of your eyes but seeing as yall can't tell the difference between a bandaid and a fingernail i guess the dog just went unnoticed(?).

09-15-2009, 05:32 PM
I bet they just don't like it or aren't used to it. Try taking it off and if that works I'd try slowly adapting them to it, maybe put it on once a week, then twice, etc.

Search around on the internet for some car forums, I'm sure there is a way to make it work.

09-15-2009, 05:37 PM
If you went straight to a covered box after they had been using an open box they aren't going to take it well...cats don't deal with change all that well lol. I would suggest having one covered box and one open box...clean out the open box less frequently than the covered box and they'll be more motivated to use the covered box...after about 2 weeks they should be okay to totally remove the open box.

We've been using the Breeze Liter System by Tidy Cats for our 3 cats...it is the best thing ever, no liter tracking and no amonia like smell...try it out!

09-15-2009, 05:46 PM
yall are funny and if it wasn't for the fact that i didn't sign in a bit ago i would've never seen I. Dumbfuck's posts.

btw, that nail is, if you look closely, covered with a bandaid dumbasses. and i have no clue if that's my boss' legs because it was xmas and there's a bunch of people over at her house on that day. yall sure are quick to pick apart a picture when the real subject is right there in front of your eyes but seeing as yall can't tell the difference between a bandaid and a fingernail i guess the dog just went unnoticed(?).

Oh, I saw the dog I just chose at the time not to comment on the fact that it's just one more dumb ass with a small penis over compensating by getting a "bad ass" pit bull.

09-15-2009, 08:03 PM
you know those tree shredder machines??? They work pretty well...

09-15-2009, 08:55 PM
Do your cats get along? I had a cat that used to literally trap/corner another one in the laundry room and not let her out. There is no litter box in the laundry room.

Are your cats different genders, even if fixed? Males sometimes do not like to share litter boxes with females. The rule of thumb is actually litterboxes = #of cats + 1, but at a minimum you should have one for each cat. One box for multiple cats is more or less just asking for trouble.

One excellent way to control (poop) odor is to only feed them dry food. They might not be enthusiastic, but given no alternative, they will eventually convert and eat it.

09-15-2009, 10:36 PM
Let me try to reply to everything at once.

-The oldest cat is 14 years and male, the other is 11 months and female.
-I haven't changed litter on them.
-Yes I vacuum around the box daily.
-The cats do get along now.
-I only feed them dry food.

They have shared a box since they've been together and there was never any problem with it before. I'm guessing it probably is the lid. But if I take it off then it just defeats the whole purpose of why I bought it. I'm just gonna have to keep smackin them or something when they do it.

09-15-2009, 10:54 PM

09-15-2009, 11:21 PM
Let me try to reply to everything at once.

-The oldest cat is 14 years and male, the other is 11 months and female.
-I haven't changed litter on them.
-Yes I vacuum around the box daily.
-The cats do get along now.
-I only feed them dry food.

They have shared a box since they've been together and there was never any problem with it before. I'm guessing it probably is the lid. But if I take it off then it just defeats the whole purpose of why I bought it. I'm just gonna have to keep smackin them or something when they do it.

The 14-year-old isn't going to appreciate sudden change. And likely isn't going to respond well to being occasionally smacked, either.

Ultimately, an uncovered box doesn't smell that bad if you scoop it every day. It's what I've got, in a tiny apartment, and most people who come over wouldn't even know I have a cat if she weren't such an attention whore. It definitely doesn't smell as bad as cat piss in a laundry basket, though. Nor is it as big of a pain in the ass to have an uncovered box as it is to have to come home, clean up a mess, and discipline your cats every afternoon.

I would go with two boxes, personally. One covered, one uncovered. If they know they have options, they might be less freaked out about the covered box. Additionally, my guess is the 14-year-old isn't going to want to share a box with a pesky youngster for too much longer. At least, that's the pattern I've seen with everyone I know who has had cats with such a big age difference.

09-15-2009, 11:29 PM
Let me try to reply to everything at once.

-The oldest cat is 14 years and male, the other is 11 months and female.
-I haven't changed litter on them.
-Yes I vacuum around the box daily.
-The cats do get along now.
-I only feed them dry food.

They have shared a box since they've been together and there was never any problem with it before. I'm guessing it probably is the lid. But if I take it off then it just defeats the whole purpose of why I bought it. I'm just gonna have to keep smackin them or something when they do it.

Unless you actually catch them in the act, they're not going to understand what they're being smacked for. They're just going to think you're a giant asshole all of the sudden.

Old cats, like old people, don't like surprises or change. Try a bigger covered box that may not feel so claustrophobic for them. Use a plug in deodorizer near your uncovered box. There are a number of courses of action other than smacking them.

09-16-2009, 12:55 AM
Oh, I saw the dog I just chose at the time not to comment on the fact that it's just one more dumb ass with a small penis over compensating by getting a "bad ass" pit bull.

you're hilarious dumbfuck! my boss for one is a woman and if you're trying to insult me because i want a pit you've gotta be an even bigger dumbass then you come across as.

you stick with your cats you fuckin' pussy.

btw, it's about getting a "great" dog, not a "badass" pit as you put it.

09-16-2009, 01:42 AM
My dog killed my neighbors cat a few years ago, my mom put the corpse on my neighbors porch because it was theirs.... my mom was fucking awesome.... she passed away in 2007... I miss her crazy antics.... especially when they where totaly innocent gestures, like she didnt even realize how fucked up shit like that was.... damn she was awesome... :depressed

seriously, Im being totally honest... she was like that and she really did put my neighbors dead cat right on their fucking porch right after my dog killed it (in my back yard)... It was fucking awesome!! Like straight out of the fucking Godfather with the horse head in the bead except she didnt realize how fucking traumatizing it would be! :lol

I still live in the same house and to this day the neighbors that owned the cat wont even fucking aknowledge me! :toast

I saw the Fathers daughters twat when I was 8 yrs old, so I got that to hang over his head if he ever says shit to me. :lol

damn Im drunk, I better shut up before I start telling my really crazy stories....

Me and my brother back in the day would make Bevis and Butthead look like saints. Seriously.

09-16-2009, 02:10 AM
OK, I couldnt resist telling this story, Im drunk so whatever.....

at age 10 (my brother was 8 at the time) we caught some rats/mice living under my dogs dog house. It just so happened that that day my current roommate and his current ex-wife moved in next door that day. He saw us through his kitchen window torturing these rats and told his then-wife that they moved in next to Bevis and Butthead.

We had one rat tied inside of a sock and bounced it on a trampoline, stomping on it every once in a while (that thing moved alot, it was hard to aim for) It was one of the big backyard trampolines (not that it matters now, it was still cruel). Another rat I poured gasoline over, lit it on fire, let it run across the yard leaving a fire trail, then ran its ass over with the lawnmower. Another rat we taped it down flat onto a bowling ball and rolled the ball down the street. When we found out that didnt kill the rat we picked up the bowling ball and slammed it down on the concrete with the rat in-between the ball and the concrete.

Judge me however you want, that was almost 20 years ago, but I still hate fucking rats and will torture the shit out of them if they come in or near my house.

Im available for hire for extermination.

09-16-2009, 02:14 AM
OK, I couldnt resist telling this story, Im drunk so whatever.....

at age 10 (my brother was 8 at the time) we caught some rats/mice living under my dogs dog house. It just so happened that that day my current roommate and his current ex-wife moved in next door that day. He saw us through his kitchen window torturing these rats and told his then-wife that they moved in next to Bevis and Butthead.

We had one rat tied inside of a sock and bounced it on a trampoline, stomping on it every once in a while (that thing moved alot, it was hard to aim for) It was one of the big backyard trampolines (not that it matters now, it was still cruel). Another rat I poured gasoline over, lit it on fire, let it run across the yard leaving a fire trail, then ran its ass over with the lawnmower. Another rat we taped it down flat onto a blowling ball and rolled the ball down the street. When we found out that didnt kill the rat we picked up the bowling ball and slammed it down on the concrete with the rat in-between the ball and the concrete.

Judge me however you want, that was almost 20 years ago, but I still hate fucking rats and will torture the shit out of them if they come in or near my house.


09-16-2009, 02:19 AM

I will do this shit for free my friend if you have a rat problem! :toast

Im pretty creative.

I once skewered a possum with a katana sword then unloaded a full 15 round clip on it with a glock 19 almost point blank when it didnt die. That was a mess in my backyard and on myself, let me tell you... :lol

09-16-2009, 02:35 AM
just FYI, Im keeping the crazier stories to myself for the kiddies that might be viewing this forum.

Yes, Im that fucking bad. :devil

09-16-2009, 07:41 AM
OK, I couldnt resist telling this story, Im drunk so whatever.....

at age 10 (my brother was 8 at the time) we caught some rats/mice living under my dogs dog house. It just so happened that that day my current roommate and his current ex-wife moved in next door that day. He saw us through his kitchen window torturing these rats and told his then-wife that they moved in next to Bevis and Butthead.

We had one rat tied inside of a sock and bounced it on a trampoline, stomping on it every once in a while (that thing moved alot, it was hard to aim for) It was one of the big backyard trampolines (not that it matters now, it was still cruel). Another rat I poured gasoline over, lit it on fire, let it run across the yard leaving a fire trail, then ran its ass over with the lawnmower. Another rat we taped it down flat onto a bowling ball and rolled the ball down the street. When we found out that didnt kill the rat we picked up the bowling ball and slammed it down on the concrete with the rat in-between the ball and the concrete.

Judge me however you want, that was almost 20 years ago, but I still hate fucking rats and will torture the shit out of them if they come in or near my house.

Im available for hire for extermination.

:wow .................................................. . :spless: ........................................... :yield

09-16-2009, 08:02 AM

:lol:lol Most popular cat on the internet right now!

Chingo Bling
09-16-2009, 08:44 AM
Why is this place so obsessed with pinches gatos?

09-16-2009, 09:43 AM
Jesus Christ phyzik, you've got issues....:wow

09-16-2009, 11:37 AM
Give your cats away, get a pitbull, and train it to piss and shit outside. Full proof solution.

Real men don't need pitbulls to lean on for image building.

09-16-2009, 11:39 AM
I will do this shit for free my friend if you have a rat problem! :toast

Im pretty creative.

I once skewered a possum with a katana sword then unloaded a full 15 round clip on it with a glock 19 almost point blank when it didnt die. That was a mess in my backyard and on myself, let me tell you... :lol

A real tough guy killing a defenseless animal.

09-16-2009, 11:43 AM
The 14 year old cat may have a physical problem. Also try a different litter. This may work out. There are some good ones that absorb the smell. Find what works best for you.

09-16-2009, 11:53 AM
Oh, I saw the dog I just chose at the time not to comment on the fact that it's just one more dumb ass with a small penis over compensating by getting a "bad ass" pit bull.

Agree. I see so many young punks with pitbulls

09-16-2009, 12:01 PM
Real men don't need pitbulls to lean on for image building.

all of a sudden the consensus is if you want a pit or own a pit you're somehow looking to boost your ego or makeup for your lack thereof? fuckin' ridiculous thinking by some of you here. you know how stupid you sound saying such bs, well you definitely don't sound smart nor do you sound like you have any background with the breed. i'll tell you what... we have 2 dogs here at my office, 1 is a pit(is brought here twice a week) and the other is a red heeler(stays here at the office) and i'll have you know that the pit is well behaved and very nice while the heeler is a jealous little asshole who tries to go after people and other animals. you people who judge based on shit you don't know are more ignorant then kanye west at a vma show.

so what about all you cat lovers and little dog owners? i know a bunch of you dudes have one or both... so explain the psychology behind why a dude would want such a pussy ass animal?

09-16-2009, 12:02 PM
Agree. I see so many young punks with pitbulls

btw, i'm 28 btw and my boss(who's a woman) is in her 50's. you haven't seen shit so shut up and go pet your dumbass cat while it shits and pisses all over the house and could give a rats ass less about you.

09-16-2009, 12:05 PM
A real tough guy killing a defenseless animal.

i don't condone how he went about exterminating those rats but given the chance i'd gladly shoot a rat(i don't know about a possum though) and throw it in the garbage. don't act like you'd buy a cage for one and give it a name...


09-16-2009, 12:07 PM
Oh, I saw the dog I just chose at the time not to comment on the fact that it's just one more dumb ass with a small penis over compensating by getting a "bad ass" pit bull.

Looks like CosmicCocksucker strikes again with his over compensating penis smack. The fact that you use that for all your smack talk tells me your the one with a small dick, either that or your just a plain fag. Which one is it?

09-16-2009, 12:16 PM
Dogs are disgusting animals that will shit and piss you out of house and home, bark and bite when you don't want them to, cost a lot more money annually, etc etc

Cats are much smaller, much less aggressive, much more self dependent, much cheaper, and if treated and played with right are very affectionate creatures who will keep your home pest free.

09-16-2009, 12:21 PM
I love Pussy

I hate cats, plus im allergic.

Mark in Austin
09-16-2009, 12:25 PM
Judge me however you want, .

Most of us have some shameful shit in our past we're not proud of. You should realize most of the condemnation is less about what you did 20 years ago and more about the fact that you're bragging about it now.

09-16-2009, 12:34 PM
Dogs are disgusting animals that will shit and piss you out of house and home, bark and bite when you don't want them to, cost a lot more money annually, etc etc

Cats are much smaller, much less aggressive, much more self dependent, much cheaper, and if treated and played with right are very affectionate creatures.

don't get me wrong... i like both dogs and cats but personally these days i'd take a dog over a cat as a pet.

when i was growing up my mother had 2 cats and both were assholes that would shit and piss where they wanted no matter how many times we cleaned their cat boxes. plus growing up in that environment sucked because not only did you have to make sure your clothes weren't pissed on but you also had to wipe the cat fur off everyday, very embarrassing as a kid to walk around all the time with fur all over you. aside from that shit, i have allergies and nothing sucked more then coughing all night and waking up in the morning with puffy eyes.

now sure, cats can be affectionate, nice, and whatever else you say they are but the fact of the matter is they are nasty little assholes. the same can be said about small dog breeds!

my ex-roommates have a small chihuahua and that fucker shits and pisses on everything every once in a while, acts like an ass to most people, and whines all damn day. very annoying!

"Cats are much smaller, much less aggressive, much more self dependent, much cheaper, and if treated and played with right are very affectionate creatures." this could be said for dogs as well...

the fact that you think cats are cheaper is biased thinking to me. you have to buy dog food but you don't have to buy dog litter.

cats may be less aggressive or worse! one of those cats i grew up with was a total bitch who would scratch and bite you any time she could. i have yet to be bit or scratched by a dog.

cats are more self-dependent, really? all i have to do is throw the dog outside to shit and piss, i don't have to fill up a box with litter and clean it out daily. plus, most dogs, if trained right, will hold their urine/shit until you get home and let them out unlike cats who will piss/shit all over the place, even in your clothes basket!

"if treated and played with right are very affectionate creatures." sorry but that's not cat exclusive. if a dog is well treated and trained it can be very affectionate if not more like family unlike any cat. that's the misconception with people who aren't into dogs.

i'm not here to convince you otherwise but i just think some people blow things out of proportion when it comes to animals and things they simply don't understand or don't want to understand. i've been around both cats and dogs growing up and i'd take the latter any day of the week.


09-16-2009, 01:23 PM
A friend of mine had a lunatic ass cat. The damn thing would scratch and bite the hell outta you whenever there was an opening. One day this lil shit came up and latched onto my leg...........sinking its 1/2" claws into my thigh and bit my leg. Since my friend wasnt around........I grabbed that damn cat by the neck and drop kick its ass into the next room. Fucka didnt mess with me anymore. The end.

09-16-2009, 01:29 PM
There is a cat that hangs around my place and she tries to run in when I open the door sometimes. One of these days she is going to meet my foot face to face.

09-16-2009, 01:34 PM
There is a cat that hangs around my place and she tries to run in when I open the door sometimes. One of these days she is going to meet my foot face to face.

That makes absolutely no sense.

09-16-2009, 01:35 PM
I love cats and dogs ;)

09-16-2009, 01:38 PM
That makes absolutely no sense.

meaning im going to kick her in the skull

I. Hustle
09-16-2009, 01:39 PM
I love to eat cats and dogs ;)


09-16-2009, 01:39 PM
meaning im going to kick her in the skull

Well you certainly are a tough guy, aren't you?

09-16-2009, 01:41 PM
Well you certainly are a tough guy, aren't you?

Wanna find out?

09-16-2009, 01:44 PM

Wrong ethnicity!

09-16-2009, 01:46 PM
Wanna find out?

not really.

go kick a cat tough guy.

09-16-2009, 01:48 PM
not really.

go kick a cat tough guy.

Thought so pussy keep hiding behind your computer.

09-16-2009, 01:50 PM

you actually want to fight me?

That's fucking hilarious.

09-16-2009, 01:53 PM

you actually want to fight me?

That's fucking hilarious.

It would be fun making you cry

09-16-2009, 01:55 PM
It would be fun making you cry

I've certainly enjoyed making YOU cry.

09-16-2009, 02:05 PM
Hey, hey now..............I thought this thread was about fuckin cats up.

09-16-2009, 02:09 PM
I've certainly enjoyed making YOU cry.

making me cry?? :lmao

09-16-2009, 02:28 PM
making me cry?? :lmao

The fact that I am so in your head that I am in your user title pretty well says it all.

09-16-2009, 02:31 PM
The fact that I am so in your head that I am in your user title pretty well says it all.

LOL you have been wanting to comment on that for a while havent you? Im just stating the truth.

09-16-2009, 02:34 PM
Well, I do eat calf fries but I chew them, not suck them.

09-16-2009, 02:37 PM
Well, I do eat calf fries but I chew them, not suck them.

There you go that better?

09-16-2009, 03:06 PM
I've never understood how much energy some people put into hating cats. Or dogs. Or pets in general, for that matter.

As much as I love having pets, I'll be the first to admit they can be a pain in the ass, so I get not wanting to own one, but wanting to actually kick them or hurt them? Crazy.

09-16-2009, 03:09 PM
I've never understood how much energy some people put into hating cats. Or dogs. Or pets in general, for that matter.

As much as I love having pets, I'll be the first to admit they can be a pain in the ass, so I get not wanting to own one, but wanting to actually kick them or hurt them? Crazy.

So, Im just supposed to let the cat chomp on me and scratch the hell outta me?

09-16-2009, 03:20 PM
So, Im just supposed to let the cat chomp on me and scratch the hell outta me?

No, but there are options other than drop kicking it into another room. It's, what, 10-12 pounds and you're a fully grown adult male? Shouldn't be that hard to keep it off you.

09-16-2009, 03:28 PM
No, but there are options other than drop kicking it into another room. It's, what, 10-12 pounds and you're a fully grown adult male? Shouldn't be that hard to keep it off you.

Yeah, but the lil basturd evens things out with...................razor sharp claws and fangs. To hell with that.

09-16-2009, 03:30 PM
Yeah, but the lil basturd evens things out with...................razor sharp claws and fangs. To hell with that.

At least admit it's because you're afraid of a cat, rather than trying to sound like a tough guy for beating up on something relatively helpless and a fraction of your size.

09-16-2009, 03:31 PM
At least admit it's because you're afraid of a cat, rather than trying to sound like a tough guy for beating up on something relatively helpless and a fraction of your size.

Not a cat..............THIS cat.

09-16-2009, 03:33 PM
Not a cat..............THIS cat.

That cat is still a cat.

A scary cat. With claws. Yikes!

09-16-2009, 03:37 PM
That cat is still a cat.

A scary cat. With claws. Yikes!

A savage, rabid abomination cat!!!! :wow

09-16-2009, 03:41 PM
A savage, rabid abomination cat!!!! :wow


09-16-2009, 03:43 PM

............more like this. :yield

09-16-2009, 04:02 PM

............more like this. :yield

That's seriously adorable.

09-16-2009, 04:03 PM
Dogs are disgusting animals that will shit and piss you out of house and home, bark and bite when you don't want them to, cost a lot more money annually, etc etc

Cats are much smaller, much less aggressive, much more self dependent, much cheaper, and if treated and played with right are very affectionate creatures who will keep your home pest free.


I have a German shepard as well, and my girlfriend also has a chihuahua. So STFU. I just like cats, especially the little one. My girlfriend gave her to me for Christmas last year and she's awesome and has a really badass personality for a cat. Plus she's super cute and friendly but she will own other cats. My roommate has a 6 year old giant fat ass cat and he's pretty cool and a big attention whore, but he hates the other cats. My little cat owned his ass yesterday after they started fighting and left him all scratched up. Other than that, she is the most friendly cat on earth and very laid back.

The only thing is that's she is a fucking glutton and won't stop eating no matter what and just keep sitting in the kitchen begging for food non-stop. She even begs for people food. She loves mashed potatoes, any kind of lunch meat, mayonnaise apparently, chicken salad, hamgburger helper...she'll eat almost anything.

But I don't give a fuck what you guys say, I wuv her. :ihit Plus I have a big ass German shepard anyway to assert my manly dominance on other wuss animals.

09-16-2009, 04:07 PM
The only thing is that's she is a fucking glutton and won't stop eating no matter what and just keep sitting in the kitchen begging for food non-stop. She even begs for people food. She loves mashed potatoes, any kind of lunch meat, mayonnaise apparently, chicken salad, hamgburger helper...she'll eat almost anything.

Don't reward it. Get her on a regular feeding schedule and she'll chill out.

09-16-2009, 04:29 PM
I do. I only feed her at set times but she will eat the other cat's food if I'm not around to stop it and sometimes she coaxes the others to feed her because she meows so incessantly you would think she's starving.

09-16-2009, 04:31 PM
I do. I only feed her at set times but she will eat the other cat's food if I'm not around to stop it and sometimes she coaxes the others to feed her because she meows so incessantly you would think she's starving.

Of course. She's smart.

I'd meow all day, too, if it got me what I wanted.

09-17-2009, 11:02 AM
If you went straight to a covered box after they had been using an open box they aren't going to take it well...cats don't deal with change all that well lol. I would suggest having one covered box and one open box...clean out the open box less frequently than the covered box and they'll be more motivated to use the covered box...after about 2 weeks they should be okay to totally remove the open box.

We've been using the Breeze Liter System by Tidy Cats for our 3 cats...it is the best thing ever, no liter tracking and no amonia like smell...try it out!

This really works? Might have to give it a shot

09-17-2009, 11:17 AM
It would be fun making you cry

I'll kick your ass.

09-17-2009, 11:21 AM
So, Im just supposed to let the cat chomp on me and scratch the hell outta me?

You must have annoyed it in the past. Hard to believe you did nothing to the cat and it just jumped on you.

09-17-2009, 11:26 AM
We have had cats in the house practically forever. One of them, Clawed, was a real character. He was the one who kept everyone in line, breaking up arguments and fights by placing himself between combatants, be they human or feline. Clawed had one bad habit, though. He loved to eat ribbon and string. One quiet afternoon, he went to his litterbox and made a LARGE deposit. One problem, though. It was still connected to him by about two feet of green plaid ribbon. He got out of the box, only to have a grit-covered turd crawl out of the box after him. He moved a few steps away, the turd followed. He hissed at it, and it didn't flinch. He tried running, but it would follow relentlessly. Clawed finally panicked, running around the house screeching and howling being doggedly pursued by this persistant, litter coated turd. Have you ever tried to catch a panicked feline while laughing so hard you can barely see?

09-17-2009, 11:41 AM
You must have annoyed it in the past. Hard to believe you did nothing to the cat and it just jumped on you.

Actually this cat had mental issues.............it bit and scratched everyone. Its like it was schizophrenic or some shit. One second the cat would purr, and rub against your leg, right before it savagely attacked with calculated precision........ripping the flesh from your leg/arm or whatever appendage was in its grasp. Crazy ass cat. :(

09-17-2009, 11:44 AM
PMS. Purring Maniac Syndrome.

09-17-2009, 11:48 AM
Clawed finally panicked, running around the house screeching and howling being doggedly pursued by this persistant, litter coated turd.

I would have gotten rid of the cat on this incident alone.

09-17-2009, 01:02 PM
Actually this cat had mental issues.............it bit and scratched everyone. Its like it was schizophrenic or some shit. One second the cat would purr, and rub against your leg, right before it savagely attacked with calculated precision........ripping the flesh from your leg/arm or whatever appendage was in its grasp. Crazy ass cat. :(

It was probably traumatized or abused when it was little...cat's don't act that way just because...there has to be a reason.

09-17-2009, 01:03 PM
This really works? Might have to give it a shot

Yep! We are in an apartment so trust me...it definitely works! My cats took to it about a week after I placed the new system next to their regular liter box.

09-17-2009, 01:05 PM
My friend's sister from Dallas found a huge ass cat in her backyard that had the spots of a cheetah and was probably as big as a smaller medium sized dog. Other than that it looked like a normal fat ass, happy cat.