View Full Version : Limbaugh: We need segregated buses

09-17-2009, 05:13 PM
Published: September 17, 2009
Updated 7 hours ago

"In a remark extraordinary even by the standards of conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, the right-wing radio heavyweight declared on his program Wednesday that the United States needed to return to racially segregated buses.

Referring to an incident in which a white student was beaten by black students on a bus, Limbaugh said: “I think the guy’s wrong. I think not only it was racism, it was justifiable racism. I mean, that’s the lesson we’re being taught here today. Kid shouldn’t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses — it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama’s America.”

A full transcript of Limbaugh’s comments on his radio show is available at MediaMatters.org.

Limbaugh’s comments came after a called complained to say that local law enforcement said the attack probably wasn’t racially motivated. The incident had been hyped by the conservative Drudge Report, which posted a video of the fracas.

“Police initially said the beating of the white student by two black students appeared to be racially motivated,” the Associated Press wrote. “But police on Tuesday backed away from that.”

That didn’t stop Limbaugh from making his comments Wednesday.

“In Obama’s America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, ‘Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on,” Limbaugh also said. “I wonder if Obama’s going to come to come to the defense of the assailants the way he did his friend Skip Gates up there at Harvard.”

“White Americans are racists who have created what they call free markets that really just enslave the rest of America and her trading partners,” Limbaugh also mocked. “I mean, it was white Americans that ran off Van Jones. No, look, let’s just follow Eric Holder’s advice and not be cowards about all this. Let’s have an open conversation, an honest conversation about all of our typical white grandmothers. You had one, I had one. Obama had one. They’re racists just like our students are. ACORN — hey, nothing but racism fueling the pursuit of ACORN.”

Limbaugh also suggested that racism itself was acceptable.

“If homosexuality being inborn is what makes it acceptable, why does racism being inborn not make racism acceptable?” the talk show host asked. “I’m sorry — I mean, this is the way my mind works. But apparently now we don’t choose racism, we just are racists. We are born that way. We don’t choose it. So shouldn’t it be acceptable, excuse — this is according to the way the left thinks about things.”

The second set of comments occur in the audio clip below."

Source: http://rawstory.com/08/news/2009/09/17/limbaugh-we-need-segregated-buses/

09-17-2009, 05:27 PM
I see sarcasm goes right over your head.

09-17-2009, 05:28 PM
I see sarcasm goes right over your head.


I was thinking the same thing!

09-17-2009, 05:48 PM
I see sarcasm goes right over your head.

09-17-2009, 05:49 PM
I see sarcasm goes right over your head.
:toast This is why MediaMatters and ThinkProgress have no credibility.

09-17-2009, 05:50 PM
Clearly tongue-in-cheek.

09-17-2009, 05:54 PM
I see sarcasm goes right over your head. way way way over his head.Actually his day job is as a correspondent for msnbc.

09-17-2009, 05:55 PM
rush got fired because he's a racist. but this time....he's just being his boring self.

09-17-2009, 06:12 PM
rush got fired because he's a racist. but this time....he's just being his boring self.

If you're talking about the McNabb controversy . . . Rush was fired because he said the NFL, its fans, and sports media were racist, not because he was racist.

09-17-2009, 06:13 PM
un huh

09-17-2009, 08:40 PM
If you're talking about the McNabb controversy . . . Rush was fired because he said the NFL, its fans, and sports media were racist, not because he was racist.


jack sommerset
09-17-2009, 08:57 PM
That kid got jacked up. He should have fought back. He straight armed/pushed the 2nd kid and he left him alone. I think he could have took him. Maybe he was the Ghandi type.

I am posted this here because it made me laugh and I'm sure it is posted somewhere on this crazy site! Nothing to do with thread.


09-17-2009, 09:34 PM
Just because Limbaugh is an expert on bus station bathrooms....

09-17-2009, 10:34 PM
If you're talking about the McNabb controversy . . . Rush was fired because he said the NFL, its fans, and sports media were racist, not because he was racist.Rush Limbaugh, anti-racist avenger!

09-17-2009, 10:35 PM
I think Yoni just joined that club too.

09-17-2009, 10:35 PM
DarrinS has been active for some time.

09-17-2009, 10:35 PM
jack summerset is a founding member.

09-17-2009, 10:36 PM
hopes4dopes, anti-racist zealot-in-residence.

09-17-2009, 10:42 PM
And you whinehole, you silly little goose...... you are
The Mr. Blackwell of Spurstalk.

09-17-2009, 10:44 PM

09-17-2009, 10:56 PM
Rush Limbaugh, anti-racist avenger!

I think he was wrong about McNabb. McNabb is/was good.

I'm definitely not saying he's an anti-racist avenger.

I'm basically saying he played the race card, badly, and was wrong about it.

09-18-2009, 12:15 AM
Who is Limbaugh satirizing? Glenn Beckkk?

George Gervin's Afro
09-18-2009, 08:54 AM
I see sarcasm goes right over your head.

do you think the people who get their real news from know that?

George Gervin's Afro
09-18-2009, 08:55 AM
On a side not I really wish you hush nut huggers would welcome him as the voice of the consevrative movement..

George Gervin's Afro
09-18-2009, 08:57 AM
:toast This is why MediaMatters and ThinkProgress have no credibility.

really? How so? They point out on a regular basis how talk radio lies and distorts the truth with full transcripts. Unlike talk radio who routinely make their claims based on partial soundbites.. I guess that goues way pver your head.

09-18-2009, 09:17 AM
The problem isn't whether or not he was being serious. Its the fact that he's taken his craft and dropped it in the toilet. His entire existence centers on blasting Obama. Nothing productive, nothing to gain, nothing accomplished other than hours and hours of of a pointless show geared towards hating a black man.

Him and Beck are the two most irresponsible pieces of shit to have ever graced the public airways.

09-18-2009, 09:32 AM
truth is, sarcastic or not. he knows ppl listening to him will take him seriously.

09-18-2009, 10:51 AM
truth is, sarcastic or not. he knows ppl listening to him will take him seriously.

Uh no - not the ones who listen to him regularly; and not the ones who are intelligent enough to know Rush was being extremely sarcastic. The problem with you libs is that you just don't get Rush - he's very intelligent and almost always right - and that drives you guys nuts.

I love it when he pulls a clip from his archives where he's predicting something libs will do or how they'll react to something - and then he turns out to be absolutely correct. Libs make fun of him and smear him because they fear him - plain and simple.

Oh - and Rush is not the leader of the Republican Party, but neither he nor most other conservatives would disagree that he's a leader of the CONSERVATIVE movement that is gaining strength with every boneheaded action and decision this administration makes. :toast

09-18-2009, 10:59 AM
truth is, sarcastic or not. he knows ppl listening to him will take him seriously.

Yep. The blue team bloggers of his audience will. As evidenced by this thread.

09-18-2009, 10:59 AM
then who's the leader?

George Gervin's Afro
09-18-2009, 11:52 AM
Uh no - not the ones who listen to him regularly; and not the ones who are intelligent enough to know Rush was being extremely sarcastic. The problem with you libs is that you just don't get Rush - he's very intelligent and almost always right - and that drives you guys nuts.

I love it when he pulls a clip from his archives where he's predicting something libs will do or how they'll react to something - and then he turns out to be absolutely correct. Libs make fun of him and smear him because they fear him - plain and simple.

Oh - and Rush is not the leader of the Republican Party, but neither he nor most other conservatives would disagree that he's a leader of the CONSERVATIVE movement that is gaining strength with every boneheaded action and decision this administration makes. :toast

he predicts things that anyone can..

can you give me one example of him predicting something of substance?


Marcus Bryant
09-18-2009, 12:04 PM
Clearly those who can't identify sarcasm should take it upon themselves to filter out 'unacceptable' commentary for those whom they deem less intelligent than they. This thread is so amusing it's sad.

George Gervin's Afro
09-18-2009, 12:08 PM
Clearly those who can't identify sarcasm should take it upon themselves to filter out 'unacceptable' commentary for those whom they deem less intelligent than they. This thread is so amusing it's sad.

What's sad is hearing his opinion repeated as fact..

Cry Havoc
09-18-2009, 12:34 PM
Uh no - not the ones who listen to him regularly; and not the ones who are intelligent enough to know Rush was being extremely sarcastic. The problem with you libs is that you just don't get Rush - he's very intelligent and almost always right - and that drives you guys nuts.

I love it when he pulls a clip from his archives where he's predicting something libs will do or how they'll react to something - and then he turns out to be absolutely correct. Libs make fun of him and smear him because they fear him - plain and simple.

Oh - and Rush is not the leader of the Republican Party, but neither he nor most other conservatives would disagree that he's a leader of the CONSERVATIVE movement that is gaining strength with every boneheaded action and decision this administration makes. :toast

Was he being sarcastic when he said Michael J. Fox was faking his Parkinson's symptoms? That's every bit as ridiculous as saying we need segregated buses.

09-18-2009, 12:36 PM
Didn't hear this actual exchange, but it strikes me as very obvious sarcasm.


09-18-2009, 12:47 PM
RL knows exactly who is taking him seriously about segregation.

Whether it's a joke or sarcasm, or serious, the signal, the message is well received by millions of bubbas.

09-18-2009, 12:52 PM
RL knows exactly who is taking him seriously about segregation.

Whether it's a joke or sarcasm, or serious, the signal, the message is well received by millions of bubbas.

Do you listen to Rush often?

You seem like quite the expert on him.

09-18-2009, 12:52 PM
RL knows exactly who is taking him seriously about segregation.

Whether it's a joke or sarcasm, or serious, the signal, the message is well received by millions of bubbas.

let me get this straight: RL is feeding the world subliminal propaganda

09-18-2009, 12:53 PM
I see sarcasm goes right over your head.
exactly what I was thinking

Cry Havoc
09-18-2009, 12:55 PM
Do you listen to Rush often?

You seem like quite the expert on him.


We need less threads on Rush.

09-18-2009, 12:55 PM
Uh no - not the ones who listen to him regularly; and not the ones who are intelligent enough to know Rush was being extremely sarcastic. The problem with you libs is that you just don't get Rush - he's very intelligent and almost always right - and that drives you guys nuts.

I love it when he pulls a clip from his archives where he's predicting something libs will do or how they'll react to something - and then he turns out to be absolutely correct. Libs make fun of him and smear him because they fear him - plain and simple.

Oh - and Rush is not the leader of the Republican Party, but neither he nor most other conservatives would disagree that he's a leader of the CONSERVATIVE movement that is gaining strength with every boneheaded action and decision this administration makes. :toast

Shit like this scares me.

09-18-2009, 12:57 PM
Do you listen to Rush often?

You seem like quite the expert on him.

It's well established that only the blue teamers really know what Rush Limbaugh is all about.

09-18-2009, 01:02 PM
"Shit like this scares me"

Crooky isn't scary, she's an check-box wing-nut.

Millions of Crooky's, esp armed Crooky's, THAT's scary.

09-18-2009, 01:06 PM
Shit like this scares me.

Good! It seems lots of libs are running scared now because they realize the American people are not as stupid as they always believed they were.

2010 is going to be VERY interesting...

09-18-2009, 01:08 PM
Good! It seems lots of libs are running scared now because they realize the American people are not as stupid as they always believed they were.

2010 is going to be VERY interesting...

I'm not scared as a liberal. I'm scared as a citizen that there are fellow citizens as brainwashed as you.

09-18-2009, 01:10 PM
If you fools ever actually listened to multiple Rush shows, you would pick up on the fact he uses sarcasm.

09-18-2009, 01:10 PM
I'm not scared as a liberal. I'm scared as a citizen that there are fellow citizens as brainwashed as you. :lmao

An Obamabot calling a conservative brainwashed - now that's funny stuff right there!

09-18-2009, 01:12 PM

An Obamabot calling a conservative brainwashed - now that's funny stuff right there!

I'm an Obamabot? Please enlighten me. I have ample evidence that you are a Fattiebot (oh wait, Rush lost wait we can't call him fat anymore!!!). Do you have any evidence I'm an "Obamabot"? Doesn't the mere fact that you use the term Obamabot mean you're a bit of a robot yourself?

George Gervin's Afro
09-18-2009, 01:28 PM

An Obamabot calling a conservative brainwashed - now that's funny stuff right there!

you are brainwashed and it's hilarious that you think other's are.. Jacob's ladder all over again..:lmao

09-18-2009, 02:01 PM
So, has Rush written an op-ed, laying out, point-by-point, his argument for segregated bussing?

09-18-2009, 02:04 PM
you are brainwashed and it's hilarious that you think other's are.. Jacob's ladder all over again..:lmao

You're one to talk.

09-18-2009, 02:13 PM
"written an op-ed"

why would he do that? bubbas can't read.

straw man. RL's dominant medium is the spoken word, not writing.

09-18-2009, 02:16 PM
"written an op-ed"

why would he do that? bubbas can't read.

straw man. RL's dominant medium is the spoken word, not writing.

Bubbas can't read and you can barely write.

09-18-2009, 02:16 PM
I listen to him regularly. I have more down time at work than you could possibly imagine. At least once or twice a day I'll flip over and listen for a bit. I'll typically listen to just about anyone if it kills some time. With that said.

He's an awful human being. Spewing pointless dribble with just a single motive of hate. He disgusts me. He's lost his ability to rationally look at a situation from multiple angles. He wears his anti Dem and anti Obama hat like mentally challenged kids wear padded helmets. He's an embarrassment to his peers and a disgrace to journalism. His slanted influence on the average joe is vomitous at best. No matter what side you're on anyone who listens to this guy and thinks he brings a rational balance of thought and perception is fooling themselves.

George Gervin's Afro
09-18-2009, 02:26 PM
I listen to him regularly. I have more down time at work than you could possibly imagine. At least once or twice a day I'll flip over and listen for a bit. I'll typically listen to just about anyone if it kills some time. With that said.

He's an awful human being. Spewing pointless dribble with just a single motive of hate. He disgusts me. He's lost his ability to rationally look at a situation from multiple angles. He wears his anti Dem and anti Obama hat like mentally challenged kids wear padded helmets. He's an embarrassment to his peers and a disgrace to journalism. His slanted influence on the average joe is vomitous at best. No matter what side you're on anyone who listens to this guy and thinks he brings a rational balance of thought and perception is fooling themselves.

It's sarcasm:rolleyes

Cry Havoc
09-18-2009, 03:34 PM
I listen to him regularly. I have more down time at work than you could possibly imagine. At least once or twice a day I'll flip over and listen for a bit. I'll typically listen to just about anyone if it kills some time. With that said.

He's an awful human being. Spewing pointless dribble with just a single motive of hate. He disgusts me. He's lost his ability to rationally look at a situation from multiple angles. He wears his anti Dem and anti Obama hat like mentally challenged kids wear padded helmets. He's an embarrassment to his peers and a disgrace to journalism. His slanted influence on the average joe is vomitous at best. No matter what side you're on anyone who listens to this guy and thinks he brings a rational balance of thought and perception is fooling themselves.

Very well stated.

09-18-2009, 03:37 PM
But RL is super-wealthy, so he's validated as an Ayn Rand-valued entity.

09-18-2009, 06:03 PM
I listen to him regularly. I have more down time at work than you could possibly imagine. At least once or twice a day I'll flip over and listen for a bit. I'll typically listen to just about anyone if it kills some time. With that said.

He's an awful human being. Spewing pointless dribble with just a single motive of hate. He disgusts me. He's lost his ability to rationally look at a situation from multiple angles. He wears his anti Dem and anti Obama hat like mentally challenged kids wear padded helmets. He's an embarrassment to his peers and a disgrace to journalism. His slanted influence on the average joe is vomitous at best. No matter what side you're on anyone who listens to this guy and thinks he brings a rational balance of thought and perception is fooling themselves.

Can you see Sarah Palin in the White House? Michelle Bachmann? :lol Guys like Lush and Glenn Beckkk are screwing over the Republican party with their 'socio' ideology that no sain Republican would want a part of, only they are too wrapped around their own bullshit, and rating, that they can't even see what's coming....

09-18-2009, 06:16 PM
I'm an Obamabot? Please enlighten me. I have ample evidence that you are a Fattiebot (oh wait, Rush lost wait we can't call him fat anymore!!!). Do you have any evidence I'm an "Obamabot"? Doesn't the mere fact that you use the term Obamabot mean you're a bit of a robot yourself?

Still waiting...

09-18-2009, 06:17 PM
But RL is super-wealthy, so he's validated as an Ayn Rand-valued entity.

Ayn Rand would NEVER value Rush anything other than evil.

Wild Cobra
09-19-2009, 11:50 AM
Published: September 17, 2009
Updated 7 hours ago

"In a remark extraordinary even by the standards of conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, the right-wing radio heavyweight declared on his program Wednesday that the United States needed to return to racially segregated buses.


Wow... Is being taken out of context really worth our time?

Wild Cobra
09-19-2009, 12:01 PM
Wow, you liberals here are true diehard libtards!

I only catch Rush if I'm driving between 9 AM and noon local time. I heard that particular exchange. Anyone listening knew it was sarcasm, unless you are a total fool. If I'm home, I'm listening to someone else via internet.

Serious. You had to have a really low IQ not to know it was sarcasm. Even a first time listener would be able to tell.

09-19-2009, 12:11 PM
An IQ. That's not fair that others have higher IQ's than the rest of us. We need govt. to change that to help and assist getting lower IQ people more IQ.
Ayn Rand is the devil. She would probably love Limbaugh because he never took someone elses money (she called it stealing) through govt. taxes. The fact that Ayn Rand and Limbaugh both preach that the individual are the smallest minority shows how stupid they are. RL is fat! Also he's deaf so there. His opinion is rebuked because he is fat. And backtobasic, I am just like you. I listen to RL and I hate him. I spend my time listening to someone i not only disagree with, but despise as a person.

09-19-2009, 12:22 PM
An IQ. That's not fair that others have higher IQ's than the rest of us. We need govt. to change that to help and assist getting lower IQ people more IQ.
Ayn Rand is the devil. She would probably love Limbaugh because he never took someone elses money (she called it stealing) through govt. taxes. The fact that Ayn Rand and Limbaugh both preach that the individual are the smallest minority shows how stupid they are. RL is fat! Also he's deaf so there. His opinion is rebuked because he is fat. And backtobasic, I am just like you. I listen to RL and I hate him. I spend my time listening to someone i not only disagree with, but despise as a person.

You and SoutherFried really are not very good at this.

Cry Havoc
09-19-2009, 12:40 PM
Wow, you liberals here are true diehard libtards!

I only catch Rush if I'm driving between 9 AM and noon local time. I heard that particular exchange. Anyone listening knew it was sarcasm, unless you are a total fool. If I'm home, I'm listening to someone else via internet.

Serious. You had to have a really low IQ not to know it was sarcasm. Even a first time listener would be able to tell.

The point isn't that what he said was sarcasm, it is that he's said as bad or worse while being completely serious.

09-19-2009, 12:40 PM
You and SoutherFried really are not very good at this.
Wow a personal attack from shasta...totally out of his troll character.

jack sommerset
09-19-2009, 12:42 PM
The point isn't that what he said was sarcasm, it is that he's said as bad or worse while being completely serious.

:lol The point is you take Rush serious!

09-19-2009, 12:44 PM
Wow a personal attack from shasta...totally out of his troll character.

You think that was a personal attack? :lol Why not just scrap your whole shtick and actually post what you mean? You and SouthernFried trying to be witty with sarcasm isn't working because you both suck at it.

jack sommerset
09-19-2009, 12:48 PM
Wow a personal attack from shasta...totally out of his troll character.

Tell that douche he doesn't know what he is talking about. When he says he does repeat "You really have no clue what you are talking about" when he responds again say "See you don't know what you are talking about" When he responds again say " I told you already, you really don't know what you are talking about" When he responds again say " Again you really do not know what you are talking about"

He has a big brain and knows how to work his brain muscles. He will respect you if you communicate the way he communicates with others. I know this doesn't make any sense but that is how the douche ticks.

George Gervin's Afro
09-19-2009, 12:53 PM
Tell that douche he doesn't know what he is talking about. When he says he does repeat "You really have no clue what you are talking about" when he responds again say "See you don't know what you are talking about" When he responds again say " I told you already, you really don't know what you are talking about" When he responds again say " Again you really do not know what you are talking about"

He has a big brain and knows how to work his brain muscles. He will respect you if you communicate the way he communicates with others. I know this doesn't make any sense but that is how the douche ticks.

you really don't know what your talking about dummy..

09-19-2009, 12:57 PM
Tell that douche he doesn't know what he is talking about. When he says he does repeat "You really have no clue what you are talking about" when he responds again say "See you don't know what you are talking about" When he responds again say " I told you already, you really don't know what you are talking about" When he responds again say " Again you really do not know what you are talking about" Did you ever find those underage Salvadorian prostitutes?

He has a big brain and knows how to work his brain muscles. He will respect you if you communicate the way he communicates with others. I know this doesn't make any sense but that is how the douche ticks.I will respect you if you can differentiate between real underage Salvadorian prostitutes and imaginary underage Salvadorian prostitutes.

Wild Cobra
09-19-2009, 01:02 PM
The point isn't that what he said was sarcasm, it is that he's said as bad or worse while being completely serious.
Really? Example please. Full context quotes or video, not just soundbites, or partial quotes.

George Gervin's Afro
09-19-2009, 01:05 PM
Really? Example please. Full context quotes or video, not just soundbites, or partial quotes.

Can't require something that you don't readily provide..sorry.

09-19-2009, 01:07 PM
WC defending hateful-hero RL?

yes, of course, poor RL, taken out of context.

his jokes/sarcasm may be that, but they are consistent with, contain a kernel of his "truth" of, the overall thrust of his "serious" hate.

jack sommerset
09-19-2009, 01:10 PM
Did you ever find those underage Salvadorian prostitutes?

I will respect you if you can differentiate between real underage Salvadorian prostitutes and imaginary underage Salvadorian prostitutes.

You really have no clue what you are talking about.

09-19-2009, 01:12 PM
You really have no clue what you are talking about.
Did you finally figure out that they weren't real underage Salvadorian prostitutes?

jack sommerset
09-19-2009, 01:13 PM
Did you finally figure out that they weren't real underage Salvadorian prostitutes?

You really don't know what you are talking about.

09-19-2009, 01:16 PM
You think that was a personal attack? :lol Why not just scrap your whole shtick and actually post what you mean? You and SouthernFried trying to be witty with sarcasm isn't working because you both suck at it.
you think your witty?:rolleyes My remarks add to the discussion. Yours do not. writing a sentence about your disdain for the way I word my posts are a personal attack. It is going after me and not my post. :bang

09-19-2009, 01:19 PM
you think your witty?:rolleyesWhen I try to be.

My remarks add to the discussion. No they don't. They're 100% sarcastic.
Yours do not.More than yours do. I say what I actually think more often than not.

writing a sentence about your disdain for the way I word my posts are a personal attack. It is going after me and not my post. :bangNo it's going after your post because you think 100% sarcasm and hyperbole actually add to discussion. They don't.

09-19-2009, 01:19 PM
You really don't know what you are talking about.

I'll take that as a, "no I think the fake pimp and prostitute were talking about bringing in real underage Salvadorian prostitutes."

jack sommerset
09-19-2009, 01:20 PM
I'll take that as a, "no I think the fake pimp and prostitute were talking about bringing in real underage Salvadorian prostitutes."

I already told you. You don't know what you are talking about. Geez.

09-19-2009, 01:21 PM
I already told you. You don't know what you are talking about. Geez.

So you do realize they were imaginary underage Salvadorian prostitutes?

jack sommerset
09-19-2009, 01:22 PM
Good news for all us that 83 congressmen/congresswomen do get it. Cut those pigs off. That dumbass never will. Now go use that big brain of yours and work out the brain muscles douchebag.

Wild Cobra
09-19-2009, 01:25 PM
Good news for all us that 83 congressmen/congresswomen do get it. Cut those pigs off. That dumbass never will. Now go use that big brain of yours and work out the brain muscles douchebag.
That was probably just for a soundbite. Bet they will sneak them back in somehow.

jack sommerset
09-19-2009, 01:26 PM
That was probably just for a soundbite. Bet they will sneak them back in somehow.

Noway. They are cooked.

09-19-2009, 01:31 PM
Good news for all us that 83 congressmen/congresswomen do get it. Cut those pigs off. That dumbass never will. Now go use that big brain of yours and work out the brain muscles douchebag.

Do they get that they were imaginary underage Salvadorian prostitutes?

For the uninitiated:

There was a case of child prostitution?

Watch the video stupid. Illegal child prostition is written all over it.

So there was a documented case of child prostitution? Do I need to hold your hand through this conversation and explain my questions along the way?

I need you to know dumbass child prostitution is illegal and watching the tape it has it wtitten all over. Representives of ACORN do not seem to care just like you don't.

Was there a documented case of child prostitution? Why is this such a difficult question to answer?

Yes you dumbass. [emphasis added] They said the kids would be turning tricks. Watch the video Jonnie.


09-19-2009, 01:34 PM
When I try to be. You missed the target then.

No they don't. They're 100% sarcastic. Not 100%. I do use hyperbole but I still instill factual statements, arguments. You make fun of someone's punctuation, physical attributes of the subject, or question their intelligence.

More than yours do. [quote]I say what I actually think more often than not. You never say anything constructive. Are the one-liners and quips all you think about?

No it's going after your post because you think 100% sarcasm and hyperbole actually add to discussion. They don't. Say's who? My posts add real responses, hyperbole or not. Yours always lead to someone having to respond to you attacking them or belittling them. Also the child prostitution was real to the ACORN workers.

Cry Havoc
09-19-2009, 01:35 PM
Really? Example please. Full context quotes or video, not just soundbites, or partial quotes.


Please defend that. Explain to me how that's taken out of context or he's being sarcastic.


Michael J. Fox's response.

09-19-2009, 01:39 PM
You missed the target then.I'll have to take your word for it.

Not 100%.Pretty close.

I do use hyperbole but I still instill factual statements, arguments.You instill statements?

You make fun of someone's punctuation, physical attributes of the subject, or question their intelligence. I only question their intelligence when they think imaginary underage Salvadorian prostitutes are real underage Salvadorian prostitutes.

You never say anything constructive. Are the one-liners and quips all you think about?If I have any input on the subject itself I usually render it.

Say's who? My posts add real responses, hyperbole or not.They're responses to hyperbole. Not exactly constructive.

Yours always lead to someone having to respond to you attacking them or belittling them.I only belittle the ones I love.

Also the child prostitution was real to the ACORN workers.

09-19-2009, 01:46 PM

Please defend that. Explain to me how that's taken out of context or he's being sarcastic.
MJF was being exploited by the Democrats. I don't think that its wrong to question if MJF did that in a political season, but Rush should have checked to find out that people with that disease do that. Rush did apologize for it.

09-19-2009, 01:47 PM
MJF was being exploited by the Democrats. I don't think that its wrong to question if MJF did that in a political season, but Rush should have checked to find out that people with that disease do that. Rush did apologize for it.

Huzzah Michael J. Fox can forgive him!

Wild Cobra
09-19-2009, 01:48 PM

About Michael:


I also seen footage of him with the disease, and it does look exaggerated. I'd say Rush is right again.

Cry Havoc
09-19-2009, 01:57 PM
I also seen footage of him with the disease, and it does look exaggerated. I'd say Rush is right again.

You just defended someone for acting like a junior high school kid in ridiculing someone with a detrimental disease. My grandfather has Parkinson's and had shakes that would make the ones in the ad by Mr. Fox look relatively sedate. At times he could not even communicate with us because he had absolutely no ability to reasonably control his motor functions.

What you said was despicable, and I really have nothing more to say to you, about anything on Spurstalk.

09-19-2009, 01:58 PM
:lolOn friday. Rush said MSM won't even know where to begin to put things out of context for friday...I guess you had to be there.

09-19-2009, 02:01 PM
You just defended someone for acting like a junior high school kid in ridiculing someone with a detrimental, deadly disease. My grandfather has Parkinson's and had shakes that would make the ones in the ad by Mr. Fox look relatively sedate.

What you said was despicable, and I really have nothing more to say to you, about anything on Spurstalk.
MJF was completely involved in the politics at that time. He worked with every Democrat he could to get elected. Are saying that because your grandfather had parkinson, that MJF did not fake it? Do you know MJF? Did Al Gore's kiss with his wife in 2000 look normal to you too?

09-19-2009, 02:03 PM
MJF was completely involved in the politics at that time. He worked with every Democrat he could to get elected. Are saying that because your grandfather had parkinson, that MJF did not fake it? Do you know MJF? Did Al Gore's kiss with his wife in 2000 look normal to you too?

You think a man with Parkinson's Disease FAKED tremors in order to get people to vote for a Senator in Missouri? You really think this?

jack sommerset
09-19-2009, 02:03 PM
Do they get that they were imaginary underage Salvadorian prostitutes?

For the uninitiatehttp://spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3683323#post3683323

Listen very carefully. This is my last post to you concerning this dead horse you keep beating. Your lame attempt at debate has failed. Your miserable reasoning wouldn't impress the ambulance chaser lawyer. The greatest part of this story when it comes between you and I is.....Congress sees it my way. The country as a whole sees it my way. Anyone with morals sees it my way. Not your way. Listen carefully again. Not your way. Understand. Most of the country doesn't agree with you. ACORN is done getting money from us, the tax payer.

Now there are a ton of threads here you can try your used car saleman tactics again. This case is closed. Do you finally get it? Is that big brain of yours working now. There has been resolution to this underage illegal prostition ring ACORN was advising. Really, there has been. That is what should make it easier for you to understand. No more tax payer money goes to ACORN. Both Dems and Republicans agreed. Now sit back and watch the charges to be filed and when the get the books open.....people will be going to jail.

End of discusion. The story is dead. Get over it. Seriously. Move on. Our country is.:lol

09-19-2009, 02:11 PM
Listen very carefully. This is my last post to you concerning this dead horse you keep beating. Your lame attempt at debate has failed. Your miserable reasoning wouldn't impress the ambulance chaser lawyer. The greatest part of this story when it comes between you and I is.....Congress sees it my way. The country as a whole sees it my way. Anyone with morals sees it my way. Not your way. Listen carefully again. Not your way. Understand. Most of the country doesn't agree with you. ACORN is done getting money from us, the tax payer.

Now there are a ton of threads here you can try your used car saleman tactics again. This case is closed. Do you finally get it? Is that big brain of yours working now. There has been resolution to this underage illegal prostition ring ACORN was advising. Really, there has been. That is what should make it easier for you to understand. No more tax payer money goes to ACORN. Both Dems and Republicans agreed. Now sit back and watch the charges to be filed and when the get the books open.....people will be going to jail.

End of discusion. The story is dead. Get over it. Seriously. Move on. Our country is.:lol

You still don't understand my posts have nothing to do with supporting ACORN.

09-19-2009, 02:12 PM
What is your point then?

Cry Havoc
09-19-2009, 02:13 PM
MJF was completely involved in the politics at that time. He worked with every Democrat he could to get elected. Are saying that because your grandfather had parkinson, that MJF did not fake it? Do you know MJF? Did Al Gore's kiss with his wife in 2000 look normal to you too?

I do not think you realize the incredibly devastating effects of Parkinson's, and more so, the blow it would do to someone's ego in order to fake the disease for political gain. To do so would have catastrophic effects on a person's psyche, and would call the character of Michael J. Fox into serious question. I'm not entirely sure how you can accuse me of not knowing MJF, but side with Rush based upon his equally uneducated (and hateful) viewpoint. Considering Rush has himself abused medication before, who is he to be casting stones?

I find it unbearably sad (and petty) that you would rather choose to believe someone is faking Parkinson's symptoms rather than disagreeing with someone just because they share your political affiliations.

So I ask you: Do you know MJF? Are you a doctor or someone with an extremely versed background in Parkinson's? If not, how can you possibly validate what Rush said? I've had personal experience with the disease that I used to ascertain that MJF's tremors could absolutely be real. I also have a degree in Psychology, so I would like to think I do have an educational ground to stand on here. I have seen people with shakes much worse even than my grandfathers. To say that there is no correlation suggests that you have some expertise to share on the disease? Was Muhammed Ali faking his symptoms as well?

And comparing this to a kiss is monumentally ridiculous. Just stop.

jack sommerset
09-19-2009, 02:25 PM
What is your point then?

He doesn't have one.:lol

He is attempting to say since there was no illegal underage prostitutes there is no crime. Could you imagine all the people in prision that would be let go with this dumbasses thinking.

"Motherfucker, you is a cop. You don't really have any coke so I didn't buy a damn thing"

"Biatch wasn't going to give me that pussy no matter how much I was willing to pay, this was set-up, the pussy wasn't really for sale so I can't go to jail"

"Officer, I know I said I wanted to fuck me a 12 year old girl, I know I told her under no conditions that if she was over 12 I want nothing to do with her, I went to the park to fuck me a 12 year old and as you can clearly see this is a 21 year old male cop that met me there"

"Sure I have a grenade, sure I said I was going to toss it in a crowd of workers while they were eating but as you can see I didn't so no harm no foul"

09-19-2009, 02:27 PM
He doesn't have one.:lolSure I do. You two are just too dumb to see what it is.

He is attempting to say since there was no illegal underage prostitutes there is no crime.Nope, still wrong.

Could you imagine all the people in prision that would be let go with this dumbasses thinking.There wouldn't be any imaginary prostitutes in prison if I had my way.

jack sommerset
09-19-2009, 02:29 PM
Sure I do. You two are just too dumb to see what it is.

Nope, still wrong.
There wouldn't be any imaginary prostitutes in prison if I had my way.

:toast Take me for my word. You crack me the fuck up.....Good day to you.

09-19-2009, 02:30 PM
:toast Take me for my word. You crack me the fuck up.....Good day to you.

Glad to be of service.

jack sommerset
09-19-2009, 02:30 PM
There wouldn't be any imaginary prostitutes in prison if I had my way.

And there are not. But the people who try to buy that imaginery pussy are and for good reason. Good day again!

09-19-2009, 02:32 PM
And there are not. But the people who try to buy that imaginery pussy are and for good reason. Good day again!

Did the people at ACORN try to buy imaginary pussy?

09-19-2009, 02:35 PM
Sure I do. You two are just too dumb to see what it is. I just asked a question. Why can't you just say what your point is?

jack sommerset
09-19-2009, 02:36 PM
Did the people at ACORN try to buy imaginary pussy?

I'm done...for real. Back to the begining., You just don't get it.

jack sommerset
09-19-2009, 02:37 PM
I just asked a question. Why can't you just say what your point is?

He doesn't have one. I am bored off my ass. I am seriously hoping he is just trolling. But I am getting out of this kids nonsense.

09-19-2009, 02:42 PM
I just asked a question. Why can't you just say what your point is?

He doesn't have one. I am bored off my ass. I am seriously hoping he is just trolling. But I am getting out of this kids nonsense.

My point is pretty apparent in the quotes I transferred to this thread.

09-19-2009, 02:56 PM
Did the people at ACORN try to buy imaginary pussy?

They tried to buy fake pussy from a fake pimp.....just like


jack sommerset
09-19-2009, 04:03 PM
They tried to buy fake pussy from a fake pimp.....just like


Now they get no real money! :lol

And they didn't try to buy fake cunt. They wanted to sneak over the 12 fake pussys over the border. That dude was a horny mofo. He was wanting to know how much for that cunt that tricked him.