View Full Version : Bateer tells Yao to take his time coming back

09-19-2009, 12:08 AM
Recent Reports from ESPN stated that Yao could return as early as 2010 in time for the playoffs. Definetely a big mistake because why risk major injury by rushing back so fast. A sentiment echoed by former Spur Menke Bateer. CBA officials note that if Yao plays in the NBA finals then he would also be ready to play in the Worlds. Another disaster waiting to happen as both the NBA and CBA would wear him out for another injury and exit in the 2010-2011 season.

Bateer advices Yao Ming not to return soon
www.chinaview.cn 2009-09-16 11:08:27

BEIJING, Sept. 16 (Xinhua) -- Former NBA player Menk Bateer said Yao Ming of the Houston Rockets had no hurry to return to the court unless he fully recovered from injuries, according to local report on Wednesday.

Bateer, who played for Xinjiang Guanghui in the domestic league, was quoted as saying by the Oriental Sports Daily, "Yao was too tired to sustain such a bad injury on his foot. He is higher and heavier than most of the NBA players and has more duties during the off season. It's better for him to take a rest next season."

Yao called up the 2008-09 season when he was injured in the playoff game against the Los Angeles Lakers on May 10. He received a surgery to repair the broke bone in his left foot on July 21 and these is no timetable for his return.

The possibility of Yao's absence of the whole 2009-2010 set fear among Chinese basketball and more concerns of his career.

Bateer said: "Health is the start of everything. Take your time. Don't be hurry. There is nothing more important than your health. I don't want to see Yao on the court until he really feels ready for the game."

Bateer is the first Chinese player to play in the NBA and ended his career there with a championship with the San Antonio Spurs in2002-03 season.

The 34-year-old center will play for Shandong team in the upcoming 11th National Games next month in Shandong Province.


Yao Progressing Well from Foot Surgery http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=4433605

09-19-2009, 01:33 AM
"Bateer is the first Chinese player to play in the NBA and ended his career there with a championship with the San Antonio Spurs in2002-03 season."

Wasn't it Wang Zhi Zhi?