View Full Version : Hugo Chavez takes a dump on a fox news reporter.

09-28-2009, 03:27 PM

09-28-2009, 03:31 PM
:lmao Sean Penn quote

09-28-2009, 03:34 PM
Chavez praising Lord Obama


09-28-2009, 03:56 PM
You know - when you have the likes of Chavez, Castro, the whack-job in Iran, and the terrorist from Libya praising you and calling you son and brother - it should be a huge red flag. And Obama should be embarrassed - but his ego just soaks it all up.

Cry Havoc
09-28-2009, 03:58 PM
You know - when you have the likes of Chavez, Castro, the whack-job in Iran, and the terrorist from Libya praising you and calling you son and brother - it should be a huge red flag. And Obama should be embarrassed - but his ego just soaks it all up.

Yes. It's much better when the entire world utterly despises our president.

09-28-2009, 04:08 PM
Yes. It's much better when the entire world utterly despises our president.
I'd rather they despised him because he stood up against them and their dictatorial regimes, than to have them praise him because he's a pussy who doesn't have a clue how to govern. The world may be praising Obama to his face, but they're laughing at him behind his back. Besides, Obama's not getting very high marks from our (probably soon to be ex) allies - just from the nutjob dictators. That's a big problem for me.

09-28-2009, 04:11 PM
When did Hugo Chavez become a hero to you Obamabots?

09-28-2009, 05:05 PM
I would say some of these countries learned how to dictate by some of this government's global dictation policies over the last 40 years.

Well...Forget the rest of the world. Concentrate and protect our own borders. Leave the UN. Do away with income tax and replace with consumption tax. Build up our military through 2 year mandetory draft if not in college or sponsored by business. (That would certainly eliminate some of our out of work youth and provide direction). And pay no mind to how people are allowing themselves to be ruled by any other nation or religious sect.

And then allow these dictator type nations to become at war with themselves (or better yet from within).

The U.S. is too easy a target for these people to blame because of our execesive involvement (both good and bad) with world nations and events. And if we put forth the effort and money spent on and in other nations towards our own people...we wouldn't have as many problems we internally have now.

And if ever attacked by anyone...annihilate the aggressor with no mercy...withdraw and let the remaining people of that country rebuild on their own while this nation refortifies it's ability to defend if ever attacked again. Again meet force with equal and more devastating force and then pull out.

And...I'm not saying that we don't help those who ask for help...but we don't provide that help from the hard earned wages of this nation's people. It would be strictly a voluntarily sponsored and equiped group that raised it's own money and labor to provide the help. And if we as a nation do help non military efforts to another nation...that nation must be able to provide the funding for our help by their own means and not through this nation's tax payer money.

And finally...Foreign military bases would be located soley on allied nations soil with the acceptance and agreement by those nations or government that we have the right to launch defensive attacks at any time and by any means we deem neccesary on their soil against attacks on our military personnel located on those facilities.

09-28-2009, 05:09 PM
Build up our military through 2 year mandetory draft if not in college or sponsored by business. (That would certainly eliminate some of our out of work youth and provide direction).
uh oh.

09-28-2009, 05:29 PM
When did Hugo Chavez become a hero to you Obamabots?


09-28-2009, 05:29 PM
uh oh.

You're right. Not "military" service per say. But an option of either military service or a 2 year "service" program. Didn't Obama want our youth to become more service and volunteer oriented? What better way than to have a mandetory program(s) for those that don't have a willingness or ability to go to college, be sponsored, or join the military by providing a means to encourage, contribute and grow in a positive way?

Wouldn't that be better than letting youth wither and de-evaluate themselves through drugs, imprisonment or negative influences?

09-28-2009, 05:31 PM
BHO and Chavez : Both made laws to take over private companies
Both decide what is said in the media in their country
Both have talks with Ahmedinijad without precontidions
Both are supported by Sean Penn and Hollywood.
Both think they know whats best for their people

09-28-2009, 05:50 PM
BHO and Chavez : Both made laws to take over private companies
Both decide what is said in the media in their country
Both have talks with Ahmedinijad without precontidions
Both are supported by Sean Penn and Hollywood.
Both think they know whats best for their people

Both of them aren't white.

begin race thread....

09-28-2009, 05:54 PM
Chavez is one motherfucking idiot . . .

09-28-2009, 06:27 PM
that was fucking awesome.....he told everyone that Foxnews was poison..........................BULLSEYE.

09-28-2009, 06:29 PM
You know - when you have the likes of Chavez, Castro, the whack-job in Iran, and the terrorist from Libya praising you and calling you son and brother - it should be a huge red flag.No it shouldn't. Unless you think Obama tells them what to say.

And Obama should be embarrassed - but his ego just soaks it all up.
Says who? You? He probably hates it when whack-jobs speak favorably of him. It wins him no points.

The Reckoning
09-28-2009, 06:51 PM
Bush eats sulfur for breakfast and Obama eats hope.

09-28-2009, 07:02 PM
fox news isnt so bad they have hot chicks.

while other networks give us this

Wild Cobra
09-28-2009, 07:20 PM
When did Hugo Chavez become a hero to you Obamabots?

He always has been. They love a man who want to nationalize a nations wealth. They love it that Obama's trying to follow in his footsteps.

09-28-2009, 07:22 PM
No it shouldn't. Unless you think Obama tells them what to say.

Says who? You? He probably hates it when whack-jobs speak favorably of him. It wins him no points. WHy not. He agrees with them.

09-28-2009, 09:04 PM

That's one handsome dude :lol

09-28-2009, 09:11 PM
WHy not. He agrees with them.

On what?

SOCIALISM!!! :rollin

09-28-2009, 09:17 PM
that was fucking awesome.....he told everyone that Foxnews was poison..........................BULLSEYE. Yeah I think we can all see what those who support Obama are about...It's great that a knuckle dragging facist dictator who has closed down the entire free press in his own nation is supported while a free press in the U.S. is attacked. For those of you would like to remain in a republic get active get organized.

09-29-2009, 12:36 AM
....Yeah, THAT Hugo CHAVEZ is a real killer...the way he....he....he...let go all those WEALTHY land-owners who tried to over-throw him!


09-29-2009, 02:58 AM
....Yeah, THAT Hugo CHAVEZ is a real killer...the way he....he....he...let go all those WEALTHY land-owners who tried to over-throw him!


You still with this shit!? after all the shit Chavez has pulled in the last year, you're still hugging the man's nuts?? You're a complete and utter fucking moron.

I see you were nowhere to be found with this fucker was shutting down half the nation's tv stations and radio stations, with the excuse that they were trying to overthrow him with their anti-chavez rhetoric... No comment from you sorry stupid ass.

09-29-2009, 11:14 AM
You still with this shit!? after all the shit Chavez has pulled in the last year, you're still hugging the man's nuts?? You're a complete and utter fucking moron.

I see you were nowhere to be found with this fucker was shutting down half the nation's tv stations and radio stations, with the excuse that they were trying to overthrow him with their anti-chavez rhetoric... No comment from you sorry stupid ass.

If any tv station promoted the overthrow the govt, they'd be shut down as well.

09-29-2009, 11:21 AM
yeah Chavez tried to take $ from the rich and distribute to the poor. But he failed miserable. Venezuela is an utter shithole with no hope thanks to him.

But to say that Obama is going to do something similar, is just pure redneck racist pathetic ignorance.

09-29-2009, 11:37 AM
If any tv station promoted the overthrow the govt, they'd be shut down as well. That brown shirt really brings out the color of your eyes. If Obamatrons like nooklur can legitamize this in Venezuela what the hell you think they will legitamize here. most likely anything the beloved leader tells them to.

Cry Havoc
09-29-2009, 12:01 PM
But to say that Obama is going to do something similar, is just pure redneck racist pathetic ignorance.

If you're going to describe 90% of the Obama haters on this board, you could be a little nicer to them. :lol

09-29-2009, 12:18 PM
yeah Chavez tried to take $ from the rich and distribute to the poor. But he failed miserable. Venezuela is an utter shithole with no hope thanks to him.

But to say that Obama is going to do something similar, is just pure redneck racist pathetic ignorance. His czar of diversity I think his name is mark lloyd has publicly espousrd great admiration for the way that ape chavez put his boot heel on the press and all voices of dissent. Anybody that can have mark lloyed as an advisor is not someone who can be trusted.

09-29-2009, 12:24 PM
glenn beck lol

09-29-2009, 12:28 PM
glenn beck lolVan Jones lol

09-29-2009, 01:33 PM
That brown shirt really brings out the color of your eyes. If Obamatrons like nooklur can legitamize this in Venezuela what the hell you think they will legitamize here. most likely anything the beloved leader tells them to.

1st point I'm not legitimizing it. Hugo Chavez was democratically elected, despite continued attempts to boot him out of office. Those media standards are the same we have here.

2nd point. I'm not an Obamabot, I voted for McCain in the Primary and am a card carrying member of the Objectivist party.

3rd point. You're a moron. Go back to school so you can atleast argue your bullshit points

09-29-2009, 01:47 PM
1st point I'm not legitimizing it. Hugo Chavez was democratically elected, despite continued attempts to boot him out of office. Those media standards are the same we have here.

2nd point. I'm not an Obamabot, I voted for McCain in the Primary and am a card carrying member of the Objectivist party.

3rd point. You're a moron. Go back to school so you can atleast argue your bullshit points

first point Chavez is a de facto president for life you cowardly turd.

second point wtf Mc Cain

Third point you don't argue shit, you make clambake look intelligent you've posted the most adolecent stupid threads on the board.You should be out on the streets with a can of spray paint proffesor.Your like those dolt who go to mensa parties and talk shit all night to impress women then go home and beat off.

09-29-2009, 02:13 PM
1st point I'm not legitimizing it. Hugo Chavez was democratically elected, despite continued attempts to boot him out of office. Those media standards are the same we have here.

2nd point. I'm not an Obamabot, I voted for McCain in the Primary and am a card carrying member of the Objectivist party.

3rd point. You're a moron. Go back to school so you can atleast argue your bullshit points

You hold on to your little piece of paper like a child with a teddy bear to prove to yourself your intelligent or worth something.

Mark Twain is called" the dean of american letters" he was the first person to write for an American audenice,about americans, in the american venacular. He was to recieve massive critical acclaim,and recieve honorary degrees from the most renowned universities in the U.S. and the world. He is one of the most widely read authors in the world, and his named will be known forever, while yours is still not......He never graduated from high school.
Jack London was the most widely read author in the world at his hieght.....he didn't last one semester in college.
The man responsible for giving the world it's most relieable form of marine navigation was a carpenter.
The man einstien said made the most important experiments of the 19 th century, a fellow named Farrady was a bookbinder by trade and self taught scientist
Your need to constantly remind yourself and anyone you meet that you have letters after your name is like your thinking pedestrian, parochial and limited, and is reflected in your political views as well.