View Full Version : Perry campaign says webcast hacked.

09-29-2009, 01:22 PM
Gov. Rick Perry's much-touted "Talkin' Texas" online campaign event included
eyebrow-raising proposals such as a two-thirds vote of the Legislature and voter approval before state taxes can be raised.

The live Web cast also was unavailable to me and lots of other people who couldn't log in, showing that if you live by the Internet, you can be attacked on the Internet. That's what the campaign says happened.

"We were definitely hacked. We'll have a statement shortly. The whole site is down," said Perry spokesman Mark Miner.

I raced over to Perry campaign headquarters to watch his announcement when I couldn't get onto the site, thinking the technical problem was mine.

A small group of campaign staffers watched the event, which was billed as "an unprecedented use of social media" and streamed live from the HOLT-Caterpillar facility in San Antonio.

Other than them, me and another reporter who joined us, I'm not sure who else saw it.

In case you missed it, besides requiring a constitutional amendment before state taxes can be raised, Perry also proposed making permanent a small business tax break approved this year and putting criminal penalties on employers "who knowingly violate employment laws by hiring workers who are in Texas illegally."

Here's the official statement:

Statement from Texans for Rick Perry Spokesman Mark Miner
Concerning Internet Sabotage

"Today's 'Talkin' Texas' webcast by Gov. Perry was deliberately interrupted by a denial-of-service attack, preventing countless users from logging in to view the Governor's remarks. This planned and coordinated attack was political sabotage, and we are working to identify those responsible for this illegal activity. Before the attack was initiated, more than 22,000 users were able to log in and view Gov. Perry's complete remarks, which will be distributed shortly."


4chan FTW :lmao

09-29-2009, 02:06 PM
this can only help distribute whatever the speech was, as the attack now works as free publicity :blah