View Full Version : Thomas Friedman losing his mind again

09-30-2009, 03:51 PM
Keep in mind, this is the same person that argued for a Chinese-style autocracy so that we can fix "climate change".

Where Did "We" Go? (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/30/opinion/30friedman.html?_r=2&adxnnl=1&adxnnlx=1254323475-tXcchVE1rqp3xCIYEUZIXg)

Red quotes are mine.

I hate to write about this, but I have actually been to this play before and it is really disturbing.

I was in Israel interviewing Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin just before he was assassinated in 1995. We had a beer in his office. He needed one. (Obama has beers at his office too, only to have "teachable moments" with Harvard profs and cops)

I remember the ugly mood in Israel then — a mood in which extreme right-wing settlers and politicians were doing all they could to delegitimize Rabin, who was committed to trading land for peace as part of the Oslo accords. They questioned his authority. They accused him of treason. They created pictures depicting him as a Nazi SS officer, and they shouted death threats at rallies. His political opponents winked at it all.

(Does Thomas Friedman remember any of the last 8 years. Does he remember the books that were written and movies that were created about the assassination of GWB?)

And in so doing they created a poisonous political environment that was interpreted by one right-wing Jewish nationalist as a license to kill Rabin — he must have heard, “God will be on your side” — and so he did.

(Does Thomas Friedman remember that a self-avowed communist and Castro sympathizer named Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK?)

Others have already remarked on this analogy, but I want to add my voice because the parallels to Israel then and America today turn my stomach: I have no problem with any of the substantive criticism of President Obama from the right or left. But something very dangerous is happening. Criticism from the far right has begun tipping over into delegitimation and creating the same kind of climate here that existed in Israel on the eve of the Rabin assassination.

What kind of madness is it that someone would create a poll on Facebook asking respondents, “Should Obama be killed?” The choices were: “No, Maybe, Yes, and Yes if he cuts my health care.” The Secret Service is now investigating. I hope they put the jerk in jail and throw away the key because this is exactly what was being done to Rabin.

(Again, books and movies were made about killing GWB, but I suppose those were art.)

Even if you are not worried that someone might draw from these vitriolic attacks a license to try to hurt the president, you have to be worried about what is happening to American politics more broadly.

Our leaders, even the president, can no longer utter the word “we” with a straight face. There is no more “we” in American politics at a time when “we” have these huge problems — the deficit, the recession, health care, climate change and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — that “we” can only manage, let alone fix, if there is a collective “we” at work.

(Obama doesn't use the word "we" because he prefers the word "I".)

Sometimes I wonder whether George H.W. Bush, president “41,” will be remembered as our last “legitimate” president. The right impeached Bill Clinton and hounded him from Day 1 with the bogus Whitewater “scandal.” George W. Bush was elected under a cloud because of the Florida voting mess, and his critics on the left never let him forget it.

And Mr. Obama is now having his legitimacy attacked by a concerted campaign from the right fringe. They are using everything from smears that he is a closet “socialist” to calling him a “liar” in the middle of a joint session of Congress to fabricating doubts about his birth in America and whether he is even a citizen. And these attacks are not just coming from the fringe. Now they come from Lou Dobbs on CNN and from members of the House of Representatives.

(There's nothing "closet" about taking over a large portion of the finanical sector, a car company, and hoping to take over the American health care system. I will agree that "birthers" are a fringe element.)

Again, hack away at the man’s policies and even his character all you want. I know politics is a tough business. But if we destroy the legitimacy of another president to lead or to pull the country together for what most Americans want most right now — nation-building at home — we are in serious trouble. We can’t go 24 years without a legitimate president — not without being swamped by the problems that we will end up postponing because we can’t address them rationally.

The American political system was, as the saying goes, “designed by geniuses so it could be run by idiots.” But a cocktail of political and technological trends have converged in the last decade that are making it possible for the idiots of all political stripes to overwhelm and paralyze the genius of our system.

(To elites like Friedman, everyone else is an idiot.)

Those factors are: the wild excess of money in politics; the gerrymandering of political districts, making them permanently Republican or Democratic and erasing the political middle; a 24/7 cable news cycle that makes all politics a daily battle of tactics that overwhelm strategic thinking; and a blogosphere that at its best enriches our debates, adding new checks on the establishment, and at its worst coarsens our debates to a whole new level, giving a new power to anonymous slanderers to send lies around the world. Finally, on top of it all, we now have a permanent presidential campaign that encourages all partisanship, all the time among our leading politicians.

(I'm all for "the one" to stop campaigning and start tackling problems. Although I will admit that he's tackling an important issue in Copenhagen today.):rolleyes

I would argue that together these changes add up to a difference of degree that is a difference in kind — a different kind of American political scene that makes me wonder whether we can seriously discuss serious issues any longer and make decisions on the basis of the national interest.

We can’t change this overnight, but what we can change, and must change, is people crossing the line between criticizing the president and tacitly encouraging the unthinkable and the unforgivable.

09-30-2009, 11:00 PM
Criticism from the far right has begun tipping over into delegitimation and creating the same kind of climate here that existed in Israel on the eve of the Rabin assassination.True, but that didn't happen just this second, and it applies also to the other side of the spectrum.

The atmosphere has been dire for quite awhile now.

In my 42 year old mind, you have to go back at least to Nixon, the first President I remember. The anti-Nixon propaganda reached me through TV and my parents, when i was about five.

I distrusted McGovern in 1972 because he had the word "govern" in his name. For some reason, that struck my tender five year old self as being unseemly.

For some reason, I just liked Nixon's name better.

09-30-2009, 11:00 PM
Hey hey, LBJ...

09-30-2009, 11:10 PM
If we want to get the Olympics, maybe Obama's trip were opportune. Get it over with now, before things heat up too much more.

09-30-2009, 11:10 PM
Does the US President even make his own schedule?


10-01-2009, 12:37 AM
Friedman's range is microscopic. He treats a commonplace as a novelty. People compare the US President and all their political adversaries to Hitler and Mussolini and demented criminals the same way they might clear their throats in the morning: frankly and unashamedly.

Hardly a day passes that doesn't happen in these pages.

Does all the angry talk inspire violence? I don't know.

Si, como no: hasn't it inspired violence all along? Could bad behavior and the prevalence of angry talk possibly be related?

It's gettin worse is so old hat, but experience seems to confirm it.