View Full Version : Are you happy with ONE thing Obama has done so far?

10-01-2009, 11:10 AM
If so, what is that one thing?

I'll start. I liked how he handled the Somali pirate situation.

10-01-2009, 11:11 AM
I like how he keeps his cool. That's one cool brotha

for example when Kennedy was having a seizure or when that republican was insulting him on national tv, dude was the coolest one in the room.

10-01-2009, 11:13 AM
he put the brakes on a meltdown, choo choo.

10-01-2009, 11:32 AM
He signed the Lily Ledbetter act.

10-01-2009, 11:33 AM
Happy would suggest an emotional state too strongly positive for me, to attribute truthfully to the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Pulling back from the brink with Russia may turn out to have been a shrewd move, but much depends on the results.

Until business reform is pursued in earnest we risk creating even bigger debt bubbles, because there is now an implicit government guarantee backstopping TBTFs.

I hope Obama is listening to Paul Volcker right now.

10-01-2009, 11:36 AM
I'm happy with the consumer credit card reforms.

Leaving Gates in as sec of def was a good call too.

Other than that, he's pretty much just been Bush the Sequel.

10-01-2009, 11:39 AM
He stopped the Repugs/conservatives/neo-c*nts from getting elected again and continuing their destruction of the govt and the wealth of the country.

But it's looking like he's as compromised and tainted by the corps and capitalists as any politician.

His EPA looks ready to regulate industry's spewing CO2,now that CO2 is officially a greenhouse/environmental-impact gas.

10-01-2009, 12:16 PM
Good question. I'm happy with his unbelievable arrogance and over reaching and the fact that the Democrats are virtually guaranteed to lose their majority in Congress in 2010. Hopefully the country can survive the damage done between now and then.

10-01-2009, 12:24 PM
Good question. I'm happy with his unbelievable arrogance and over reaching and the fact that the Democrats are virtually guaranteed to lose their majority in Congress in 2010. Hopefully the country can survive the damage done between now and then.

Projection at its finest.

10-01-2009, 12:25 PM
Good question. I'm happy with his unbelievable arrogance and over reaching and the fact that the Democrats are virtually guaranteed to lose their majority in Congress in 2010. Hopefully the country can survive the damage done between now and then.

Sounds like Red Team needs to fire up a campaign based on hope and change. Yes, you can!

10-01-2009, 12:26 PM
Admit it, Manny. Your boy had everything going his way and he blew it.

10-01-2009, 12:39 PM

10-01-2009, 12:39 PM
I am happy with the cash for clunker program….I traded in an old truck for a new one & doubled my gas mileage…

10-01-2009, 12:40 PM
Admit it, Manny. Your boy had everything going his way and he blew it.

What? He walked into the greatest economic crisis of our time and you think he had everything going his way? Are you actually serious?

I'll admit to being uphappy with things he's done and I don't believe I've made that a secret. I don't believe he's going to be nearly as good as I thought he was but I fault his desire to work with the fucking GOP for that. He's done some things regarding detainees

I expected to be disappointed in some respects because he was never going to be the perfect president. No one ever is. You guys just love to make it out to seem as though he's already failed. You blow your wad too early time and time again.

This like a thread where Lakers fans talk shit at the end of their first quarter and their team just went on an 6-0 run. Yet they forget that their team is still down by 10.

:lol @ everything going for him. You guys have a funny view on reality sometimes.

10-01-2009, 12:45 PM
He was adored by the media and had a filibuster proof congress...yet his agenda was so left of center it even scared his own party... and now even the mainstream media is starting to cover the problems with his agenda. Manny, you may think I'm celebrating too soon but you have to admit he squandered a great opportunity to get REALISTIC change.

10-01-2009, 12:55 PM
He was adored by the media and had a filibuster proof congress...yet his agenda was so left of center it even scared his own party... and now even the mainstream media is starting to cover the problems with his agenda. Manny, you may think I'm celebrating too soon but you have to admit he squandered a great opportunity to get REALISTIC change.

He did have a filibuster proof congress. You're rewriting history. I pointed above that his biggest mistake has been working with the GOP too much and trying to convince them to vote with him.

Whats really funny is that when he selected Rahm I told a bunch of you it was because he was going to have a lot of problems dealing with his own party. Surprise Surprise.

I don't get what he's squandered yet, though. Healthcare was going to be the biggest egg in this basket and everyone knew that going in. AFAIK that game is still being played so go ahead and plant your flag of victory.

Oh, and the thought of his agenda so far being too progressive is fucking hilarious.

10-01-2009, 12:57 PM
SAY WHAT? Lakers fans are the most intelligent & humble people on this board…

10-01-2009, 12:58 PM
"filibuster proof congress."

bullshit, the Blue Dogs are more Repug than Dem.

10-01-2009, 01:05 PM
I pointed above that his biggest mistake has been working with the GOP too much and trying to convince them to vote with him.

That's all a charade. Obama doesn't give a shit about bipartisan support. He just needs to protect the blue dogs. If he goes hard left he puts the blue dogs in a no-win situation. They'd have to choose between voting with the party and risk losing their seats or siding with the republicans and hurting their party. But if Obama gets some moderate republicans on his side, then the blue dogs are safe.

10-01-2009, 01:07 PM
Oh pleeeze Manny. Trying to force cap and trade through the House with all the arm twisting that got done when there was NO WAY it would pass in the Senate was incredibly dumb. It's a cumulative resentment. He might have actually gotten single payer health care through if everyones hair hadn't already been standing up from cap and trade.

10-01-2009, 01:17 PM
I don't get what he's squandered yet, though. I'll buy that. It's early yet.

Oh, and the thought of his agenda so far being too progressive is fucking hilarious.As compared to what? His own campaign rhetoric? I can buy that. Obama might have overpromised a little. I think there's good grounds to say that. It's an occupational hazard IMO. Pols end up pissing backward on the people who elected them.

"Read my lips..."

Is Obama fulfilling the hopes that propelled him into office? Probably not. But we're still very early in the game.

I hope Obama does well for our country, I really do.

10-01-2009, 02:10 PM
I'm happy with the consumer credit card reforms.

Leaving Gates in as sec of def was a good call too.

Other than that, he's pretty much just been Bush the Sequel.

I am happy with the cash for clunker program….I traded in an old truck for a new one & doubled my gas mileage…

These were the three I was gonna say. Other than that, everything has been pretty dissapointing.

I honestly feel he doesnt have a clue what to do on most issues. And letting Congress work out the details for most of his agenda while also asking for bi-partisan support (because what he REALLY wants is to be universally liked a la Reagan) is like asking your children to split a candy bar and wondering why theyre fighting over who got the bigger half.

10-01-2009, 02:22 PM
I'm happy with the consumer credit card reforms.

This is a good one.

Someone said cash for clunkers. There's also that $8000 for new home buyers, which I think is about to expire. Both of these programs were great if you benefited from them.

10-01-2009, 02:23 PM
Is it just me, or Obama a total phony?

Ive read his book. Ive heard his speeches. He's not THAT smart. I honestly believe he's much more comfortable talking basketball, some funny story about his kids or joking about the secret service than he is discussing banking derivatives, economic theory, legislation, leadership or anything we wish he had a strong grasp of.

He plays the part though. He always tries to look like he is in deep thought. The "intellectual" mulling over the possibilities etc. The thing is, I think he's thinking about what he looks like rather than what he's pretending to be thinking about. You can almost picture him practicing his presidential facial expressions in the mirror.

He is the Kobe Bryant of American politics. And the left-wingers are the insecure Laker fans eating it all up.

10-01-2009, 02:26 PM
He is the Kobe Bryant of American politics. And the left-wingers are the insecure Laker fans eating it all up.

But Kobe can actually back up his talk.

Viva Las Espuelas
10-01-2009, 02:28 PM
I'm happy that he proved no matter what your background is (race, family life, etc) you can succeed.
I'm happy that he moved people to actually participate in the voting process no matter if they knew what they were voting for or not.

Not much past that, and as I've stated here before I pray for him and this country everyday.

10-01-2009, 02:33 PM
But Kobe can actually back up his talk.

True. I think the left is getting more and more upset because theyre starting to realize that he isnt a leader and he's not going to bring the change they all signed up for. He wont fight for the left on any social issue because its too damaging to his appeal to conservatives.

Eventually, I believe more and more people will start to realize how disingenuous he is.

I feel like I see right through him. He doesnt have a clue what to do on Afghanistan. He thought that one was gonna be easy (send more troops, catch Bin Laden, be a hero) but its turning out to be a real tough choice he's gonna have to make that will have REAL CONSEQUENCES for millions and millions of people as well as his legacy in the history books (which is what he really cares about).

So he's in "tell me what to do" mode right now. As I pointed out in another thread, he asks Colin Powell to white house to ask him what to do. He's meeting with dozens of different advisers asking what to do.

Meanwhile, John McCain has already stated a week ago what he thinks the President should do (have the generals testify before congress). He didnt have to meet with a million different advisers before making a decision. Right now, I wish he was in charge.

10-01-2009, 02:38 PM
I think he'd be a great talk show host.

10-01-2009, 02:38 PM
I think he'd be a great talk show host.

Only if the topic was always about him.

10-01-2009, 02:43 PM
this thread is full of great minds.

10-01-2009, 02:46 PM

10-01-2009, 05:51 PM
I'm happy he hasn't "Spread the wealth"... yet.

10-01-2009, 06:20 PM
I must admit, It's a lot easier for GOP Presidents to get things done....they just ask their rich corporate lobbyist to write their own laws and self-regulate and the corrupt GOP Congress approves it...

10-01-2009, 06:22 PM
,,,Obama saved us from the Bush Depression and complete financial meltdown...

10-01-2009, 06:31 PM
,,,Obama saved us from the Bush Depression and complete financial meltdown...

And how did he manage to do that?

10-01-2009, 06:33 PM
..were've you been? he loosened the credit markets...

10-01-2009, 06:33 PM
..were've you been? he loosened the credit markets...


10-01-2009, 06:34 PM
...by making capital available to cash-strapped banks...

10-01-2009, 06:36 PM
...by making capital available to cash-strapped banks...

How'd he do that?

10-01-2009, 06:37 PM
...google is your friend..

10-01-2009, 06:41 PM
How about you make it your friend and give me a specific example as to something Obama did to rescue us from the "Bush depression".

10-01-2009, 06:44 PM
i wouldn't bother with it dan.

10-01-2009, 06:50 PM
your a drone...

1. 2009 Housing Stimulus Bill: All qualified first time home buyers will be eligible to get a tax credit of $8000 for any a house purchased between Jan 1 2009 to Dec 1 2009. For details like income limits or definition of first time home buyer, etc. of this $8000 first time home buyer tax credit read my post of 2009 Housing Stimulus details explained.

2. 2009 Auto Stimulus: For all new vehicles/cars below a price of $49,500 between Feb 17 2009 to Dec 31 2009, there will be a special auto stimulus tax deduction under which sales tax and local state taxes like excite tax as well as interest on the auto loan will be eligible for tax deduction when you file your 2009 Federal Tax return. Read my post on 2009 Auto Stimulus for New Car purchases- details explained.

3. Cash for Clunkers : A stimulus or incentive program which offers you $3500 or $4500 for your qualifying old car when you purchase a new car. Thinking of buying a car? Don't miss my posts on Auto Stimulus mentioned above and Cash for Clunkers. Note that this is not the part of the Obama's economic stimulus package but was passed later.

4. Substitute for Stimulus Checks 2009- Making work Pay tax credit: Instead of Stimulus payments in 2009, the Obama economic stimulus package contains tax credits of $400 for qualifying individual tax payers and $800 for married couples. Read my post on Making work pay tax credit stimulus details explained.

5. 2009 Recovery Rebate Tax Credit: Those who did not recieve stimulus paychecks in 2008, may be eligible to receive a IRS stimulus payment called Recovery Rebate Tax credit. Read my post on 2009 Stimulus Checks.

6. $250 Social Security payment check in 2009 - Stimulus checks for everyone who is eligible to receive SSI and social security benefits during Nov 2008 and Jan 2009. Read my post on 250 Social Security Stimulus in 2009.

7. Other Tax Credits / Stimuli : There are still some additions to the above list. For example the Solar Tax Credit (this is not the part of Obama's economic stimulus package, but still an economic incentive).

10-01-2009, 06:52 PM
None of those have anything to do with banks or credit markets.

Nor have any of them done anything to boost the economy.

10-01-2009, 06:57 PM
February 2009: Obama stimulus $787 billion in broad stimulus package
February 2009: Obama stimulus $75 billion for distressed homeowners
February 2009: Obama stimulus $200 billion for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
March 2009: Obama stimulus $30 billion for AIG
March 2009: Obama Stimulus $15 billion for small business lending
March 2009: Obama Stimulus $1 trillion to get toxic assets off bank’s troubled asset sheets
March 2009: Obama Stimulus $22 billion for Big 3 Automakers Chrysler and GM

10-01-2009, 08:05 PM
So basically Obama just copied Bush and handed out a bunch of money to the banks, aig and the auto industry. I guess that means you approve of how Bush handled the crisis.

Wild Cobra
10-01-2009, 08:08 PM
February 2009: Obama stimulus $787 billion in broad stimulus package
February 2009: Obama stimulus $75 billion for distressed homeowners
February 2009: Obama stimulus $200 billion for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
March 2009: Obama stimulus $30 billion for AIG
March 2009: Obama Stimulus $15 billion for small business lending
March 2009: Obama Stimulus $1 trillion to get toxic assets off bank’s troubled asset sheets
March 2009: Obama Stimulus $22 billion for Big 3 Automakers Chrysler and GM
So you are happy he is destroying my children's wealth?


10-01-2009, 08:10 PM
3. Cash for Clunkers : A stimulus or incentive program which offers you $3500 or $4500 for your qualifying old car when you purchase a new car. Thinking of buying a car? Don't miss my posts on Auto Stimulus mentioned above and Cash for Clunkers. Note that this is not the part of the Obama's economic stimulus package but was passed later.

I am happy with the cash for clunker program….I traded in an old truck for a new one & doubled my gas mileage…

That was great for you. Who paid for that stuff, Obama?

10-01-2009, 08:17 PM
Speaking of cash for clunkers.............

U.S. auto sales fell 23% in September after the end of the federal government's "cash for clunkers" incentive program, with General Motors Co. and Chrysler Group LLC suffering the sharpest declines.


10-01-2009, 09:00 PM
OBAMA has done what I expected him to do...and the main reason I didn't vote for McCain.

McCain and the GOP have been socialist lite now for 20+ yrs. Socialism has been implemented incrementally for this entire period.

OBAMA and Demo's would have gotten everything they ever wanted...nationalized health care, increasing govt regulations, increased taxes, cuts in military, increased enviro regs, etc. They would have gotten everything...if they were willing to wait and do it incrementally.

Incrementalism is the cornerstone for Socialist success in the US.

OBAMA has done the one thing I knew he would do, and the reason I didn't support the GOP this election.

He got greedy.

OBAMA is trying to implement almost every socialist ideal, in one fell swoop. Americans, in the majority...are not socialists. They've accepted Socialism because it's been done almost imperceptibly. A little here...a little there. GOP has created myriads of new govt departments, regulations, and spending. And it was hard for the vast majority of Republican voters to criticize them for it, because...after all, the democrats just wanted to do more of it.

So it continued to grow...and grow...and grow. And would have continued to grow...incrementally. Giving every Leftist everything they wanted, except, perhaps...the crowing that they did it.

Now, along comes OBAMA. And the lines could not be more clear. We have a full fledged marxist/socialist in the White House...and he wants to imlement it all, and right now.

Incrementally, people were too busy with their lives to pay it all much attention. When it's thrown in your face all at once, people who normally don't pay attention...start to.

The recent demonstrations were done by people who haven't been involved or paying attention for most of their lives. The people who were accepting socialist incrementalism, because it was too little over too long a period to get riled up about each increment.

OBAMA has been able to clearly differentiate in their minds what they don't like about Socialism. OBAMA, in just a few months...has done something I knew McCain could not do. He has united Liberty loving people across this country. United them in a way they could not unite under any GOP administration.

There could not be a more clear cut Socialist/Marxist than OBAMA. The US was never founded to be socialist/marxist or communist. It's not what this country was ever meant to be. It's success was built on the exact opposite principles. For the people to see where this country was headed, incrementally...they had to be shown all at once.

Socialism is now being shown all at once. People who weren't paying attention before....are. The resulting uprising of sentiment against it...is joy to me and truely gives me hope.

People are more aware than ever before what is happening, and has been happening for decades. People are more active against Socialist power grabs than I've seen in quite some time. People who have been quiet...are no longer.

This is the one thing I was hoping for when I didn't vote GOP.

This is the one thing I thank OBAMA for.

10-01-2009, 09:05 PM
Wow....what are you gonna do when Obama is re-elected in 2012?

Oh, that's right.....December 21, 2012....

10-01-2009, 09:19 PM
What exactly makes Obama a marxist? :lol I'd say he's a far cry from that. Marxism involves more than making lots of ineffective government positions and redistributing wealth, after all.

10-01-2009, 09:43 PM
So you are happy he is destroying my children's wealth?


Dubya increased the national debt from 5.6 trillion to 10.2 trillion....where were you?

10-01-2009, 09:45 PM
What exactly makes Obama a marxist? I'd say he's a far cry from that. Marxism involves more than making lots of ineffective government positions and redistributing wealth, after all.

Increased Governmental authority and power.

Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Fascism...are all pretty much the same.


Each one of them rely's on Huge centralized governmental control to do what each wants to do. The distinction's between them are meaningless. What was the real difference between the "fascist" Hitler...and the "Communist" Stalin?

Hitler killed 6 million of his own people, and Stalin killed 20 to 60 million of his own people?

They both did it through huge centralized, authoritarian govt structures.

They are more alike than different...as are all of these monikers. Huge Govt control is what binds them...and always will. How huge govt actually controls things is an argument without a meaning...it's always about control.

The debate today is not about Obama. Never has been.

The Debate today is about people who want more governmental control...and those that dont'.

The only reason I thank OBAMA for this...is making the distinction so much clearer, for so many.

10-01-2009, 09:58 PM
Dubya increased the national debt from 5.6 trillion to 10.2 trillion....where were you?

Obama will rack up more debt in 3 years than Bush did in 8.

10-01-2009, 10:05 PM
OBAMA has done what I expected him to do...and the main reason I didn't vote for McCain.

McCain and the GOP have been socialist lite now for 20+ yrs. Socialism has been implemented incrementally for this entire period.

OBAMA and Demo's would have gotten everything they ever wanted...nationalized health care, increasing govt regulations, increased taxes, cuts in military, increased enviro regs, etc. They would have gotten everything...if they were willing to wait and do it incrementally.

Incrementalism is the cornerstone for Socialist success in the US.

OBAMA has done the one thing I knew he would do, and the reason I didn't support the GOP this election.

He got greedy.

OBAMA is trying to implement almost every socialist ideal, in one fell swoop. Americans, in the majority...are not socialists. They've accepted Socialism because it's been done almost imperceptibly. A little here...a little there. GOP has created myriads of new govt departments, regulations, and spending. And it was hard for the vast majority of Republican voters to criticize them for it, because...after all, the democrats just wanted to do more of it.

So it continued to grow...and grow...and grow. And would have continued to grow...incrementally. Giving every Leftist everything they wanted, except, perhaps...the crowing that they did it.

Now, along comes OBAMA. And the lines could not be more clear. We have a full fledged marxist/socialist in the White House...and he wants to imlement it all, and right now.

Incrementally, people were too busy with their lives to pay it all much attention. When it's thrown in your face all at once, people who normally don't pay attention...start to.

The recent demonstrations were done by people who haven't been involved or paying attention for most of their lives. The people who were accepting socialist incrementalism, because it was too little over too long a period to get riled up about each increment.

OBAMA has been able to clearly differentiate in their minds what they don't like about Socialism. OBAMA, in just a few months...has done something I knew McCain could not do. He has united Liberty loving people across this country. United them in a way they could not unite under any GOP administration.

There could not be a more clear cut Socialist/Marxist than OBAMA. The US was never founded to be socialist/marxist or communist. It's not what this country was ever meant to be. It's success was built on the exact opposite principles. For the people to see where this country was headed, incrementally...they had to be shown all at once.

Socialism is now being shown all at once. People who weren't paying attention before....are. The resulting uprising of sentiment against it...is joy to me and truely gives me hope.

People are more aware than ever before what is happening, and has been happening for decades. People are more active against Socialist power grabs than I've seen in quite some time. People who have been quiet...are no longer.

This is the one thing I was hoping for when I didn't vote GOP.

This is the one thing I thank OBAMA for.
yoni is funny.

10-01-2009, 10:26 PM
Increased Governmental authority and power.

Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Fascism...are all pretty much the same.


Each one of them rely's on Huge centralized governmental control to do what each wants to do. The distinction's between them are meaningless. What was the real difference between the "fascist" Hitler...and the "Communist" Stalin?

Hitler killed 6 million of his own people, and Stalin killed 20 to 60 million of his own people?

They both did it through huge centralized, authoritarian govt structures.

They are more alike than different...as are all of these monikers. Huge Govt control is what binds them...and always will. How huge govt actually controls things is an argument without a meaning...it's always about control.

The debate today is not about Obama. Never has been.

The Debate today is about people who want more governmental control...and those that dont'.

The only reason I thank OBAMA for this...is making the distinction so much clearer, for so many.

Wow... there are clear differences between Marxism/Socialism/Fascism, in many different policies.

Here, just look at the first part of the Wikipedia article on Fascism: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism It discusses how many fascist leaders don't believe in communist economic policies.

As well, socialists and communists have different ideas of how to implement their economic schemes. It's not all black and white.

If you think they're all the same, why not just say socialist instead of Marxist/communist/etc? Socialist is probably the best term to describe what you're talking about.

10-01-2009, 11:11 PM
Should have slapped the Republicans around some instead of the kumbaya stuff.

Wild Cobra
10-01-2009, 11:26 PM
Dubya increased the national debt from 5.6 trillion to 10.2 trillion....where were you?
Really? Where are your numbers from?

From OMB Historical Data (http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2010/assets/hist07z1.xls):

FY___Debt in $millions
2001 5,769,881
2002 6,198,401
2003 6,760,014
2004 7,354,657
2005 7,905,300
2006 8,451,350
2007 8,950,744
2008 9,985,757

Wild Cobra
10-01-2009, 11:46 PM
Obama's 2010 budget already is expected to be paid for by massive borrowing, to cover about 1/3rd or it. We simply cannot add expenses like health care expansion.

From Budget of the U.S. Government; Fiscal Year 2010; Updated Summary Tables; May, 2009 (http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2010/assets/summary.pdf), page 10.


10-02-2009, 06:53 AM
Wow... there are clear differences between Marxism/Socialism/Fascism, in many different policies.

As well, socialists and communists have different ideas of how to implement their economic schemes. It's not all black and white.

If you think they're all the same, why not just say socialist instead of Marxist/communist/etc? Socialist is probably the best term to describe what you're talking about.

I'll just repeat what I said earlier, which also answers your question...

They are more alike than different...as are all of these monikers. Huge Govt control is what binds them...and always will. How huge govt actually controls things is an argument without a meaning...it's always about the control.

"Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption
of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the
Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers
of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to
govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good
masters, but they mean to be masters."

Daniel Webster

10-02-2009, 07:16 AM
SouthernFried, I understand that. However, fascism controls the government for different purposes than socialism, and some forms of communism don't even involve state control (think tribes and whatnot).

I'd just stick with calling him socialist. That makes the most sense out of all the perjoratives.

10-02-2009, 07:21 AM
Polarized the country even more.

10-02-2009, 07:55 AM
SouthernFried, I understand that. However, fascism controls the government for different purposes than socialism, and some forms of communism don't even involve state control (think tribes and whatnot).

I'd just stick with calling him socialist. That makes the most sense out of all the perjoratives.

I've never seen a country that was communist that didn't have Huge Authoritarian State Control. And, really, I don't care what the "purposes" of huge state controls are for, or why one form of huge state controlled govt may differ from another huge state controlled controlled govt. They are all about Huge Governmental control. Like the quote I gave...some may promise to be good masters, but the mean to master."

The debate sorta reminds me of the religious debates I've had over my life. I'm an atheist. Became one when I was 13, so I've been an atheist for over 40 yrs now...geesh, lol.

Anyway, when I usta argue religion, people would constantly tell me..."but, it says in the bible." I would then respond, I don't believe in Gods, so why would I care what is written in the bible (other than it might make good reading.) I'm an atheist, what the bible says doesn't matter to me.

I'm against Huge Governmental Power and Control. What do I care what moniker it uses?

10-02-2009, 08:13 AM
Fair enough. I'm just trying to help your slander be technically more correct.

I'm also an atheist, for what it's worth. I've only been self-declared for the past 9 years or so, so you've got me beat. :)

10-02-2009, 08:41 AM
Good things: end of torture, continuing withdrawal from Iraq, keeping economy from disaster in the short-term, pushing on CO2 limits, net neutrality, credit card reforms, Lilly Ledbetter law

Bad things: deficit, Iran's and NK's nuclear capabilities, continuing secretive government, continuing government surveillance

Unclear: Afghanistan, health care

Wild Cobra
10-02-2009, 10:44 AM
eh...your numbers back up dan's numbers
There is over a half a trillion difference. Since his numbers are apparently made up, I'm curious where they are from.

You have to also remember several things.

1. Congress sets the spending, the president approves it.

2. The democrats had the majority in the house and senate for the second half of President Bush's time as president.

3. The economy was doing fine till the democrats destroyed it.

4. 9/11 put stress on the economy as well.

5. The democrats and their pundits cause the economy we now have by scaring the people. The constantly talked about how bad it was while it improving. Attitude is part of what drives an economy.

6. Bad economy and supporting a war naturally creates a high deficit.

7. The deficit for President Obama's first budget, fiscal year 2010, is expected to be 9.5% and growing as more legislation is past. The last time we had that high of a deficit from a non-overlapping president and congress was during WWII. Yes we will have higher when this FY 2009 is all calculated, but it is president Bush's last signed budget, and this congress and this president have kept piling on it. The last estimate has it to finish at a 13.9% deficit of GNP. President Bush's highest deficit was 5.0% of GNP.

The democrats want to add to the burden, more social programs. If implemented, in the bad times, even higher deficits will occur.

Also, have you noticed that the democrats tried getting all their things passed before the 2009 FY ended. That way, historically, they could say it was in president Bush's budget.

10-02-2009, 11:16 AM
Good question. I'm happy with his unbelievable arrogance and over reaching and the fact that the Democrats are virtually guaranteed to lose their majority in Congress in 2010. Hopefully the country can survive the damage done between now and then.

Yes I agree. I'm also very happy with the apparent narccistic insanity, and thuggish tendecies he has displayed, it has revealed an underlying cruelty that the nation needs to see, and has seen. It has galvinized millions into being politcially active and it will be the milestone that insures the average citizen remains a vigilante and vital voice in the republic.

Wild Cobra
10-02-2009, 11:19 AM
Are you happy with ONE thing Obama has done so far?

Yes, scaring the silent majority so they openly speak out!