View Full Version : The Big Bynum/Kareem Breakup

10-02-2009, 12:48 PM
The Big Bynum/Kareem Breakup (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=tsn-thebigbynumkareembre&prov=tsn&type=lgns)

About a year ago, Andrew Bynum signed a sizable extension; last summer, they won an NBA title with him in the rotation. Ergo, Bynum has arrived, and he no longer needs the tutelage of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar?

That reasoning is a little glib, but Bynum's decided he doesn't need Kareem no more. And it would appear the breakup was one-sided. From Inside SoCal (http://www.insidesocal.com/lakers/2009/10/has-bynum-outgrown-kareem.html):

Abdul-Jabbar expressed disappointment in Bynum and the situation, saying that "I think there are things that have to do with basketball that he could learn but he's getting on in years.''

Bynum said he understood his mentor's feelings, but that it's not personal and just a natural evolution for him in his career. "I understand where he's coming from,'' Bynum said. "It's definitely tough (for him). As of right now, I have my direction and he's still helping me. As long as he doesn't stop helping me everything is going to be fine.''

Kareem's made no secret of his head-coach aspirations; it's pretty much acknowledged that the supreme center's independent streak and outspoken personality have stood in his way, and at this point, inertia might be his worst enemy. But now Andrew Bynum, who has yet to play a full adult season, and is anything but a finished product, doesn't need him? That's not just cold, it's stupid.

I don't entirely understand the point of these Hall of Fame mentors. Patrick Ewing worked with Yao in Houston, and now Dwight Howard. Yao understood the game pretty well already, minus the aggression part; Howard, as we saw in the playoffs, still hasn't gotten the message about offensive effectiveness.

At least Ewing gets to sit on the bench and wear a tie. KAJ watches from the stands because … I don't know, I think he said it gives him a better angle from which to watch his star pupil. I always took it as a lack of respect, possibly from someone within the Lakers organization. With Bynum brushing him off, and the team allowing it to go through—not only is Kareem getting his feelings hurt, he's being slighted as a valuable basketball resource.


The Inside SoCal piece.

Has Bynum outgrown Kareem? (http://www.insidesocal.com/lakers/2009/10/has-bynum-outgrown-kareem.html)
By Ramona Shelburne

Has Andrew Bynum outgrown Kareem Abdul-Jabbar?

For four years the relationship between the NBA's all-time leading scorer and Bynum seemed to be a productive one.

Abdul-Jabbar took Bynum under his considerable wing, taught him post skills and footwork, while Bynum listened and grew into one of the brightest young centers in the NBA.

But that relationship now seems to be running its course, at least as far as Bynum is concerned.

Sources close to the team said that Abdul-Jabbar will be playing a lesser role with both the Lakers and Bynum this season.

With his round-the-clock tutoring of Bynum not needed as much, sources said Abdul-Jabbar would likely spend less time with the team and more time back in his hometown of New York City.

All of which seems to be a considerable letdown for the former Lakers captain, who has worked closely with Bynum since the Lakers drafted him out of high school in 2005.

Abdul-Jabbar expressed disappointment in Bynum and the situation, saying that "I think there are things that have to do with basketball that he could learn but he's getting on in years.''

Bynum said he understood his mentor's feelings, but that it's not personal and just a natural evolution for him in his career.

"I understand where he's coming from,'' Bynum said. "It's definitely tough (for him). As of right now, I have my direction and he's still helping me. As long as he doesn't stop helping me everything is going to be fine.''

Over the summer, the two had no contact.

Bynum said that was because he spent only about a week and a half in Los Angeles following the Lakers championship parade on June 17th.

After that, he took a 41-day vacation in Europe and Asia, then went back to Atlanta for a month and a half to work with his personal trainer, Sean Zarzana.

He travelled through Europe with friends, backpacking and riding on trains just like a typical 21-year old kid who just graduated from college.

"I went all over, we did a whole bunch of sightseeing,'' Bynum said. "I loved it. My favorite city was Rome. Just the history there, and the art is unbelievable.''

While Abdul-Jabbar expressed disappointment that Bynum was away from basketball for so long, Bynum said it was needed break both personally and professionally.

He also skipped the USA Basketball senior national camp in late July. Though he did not seem upset, Lakers coach Phil Jackson acknowledged Thursday that the team had encouraged Bynum to participate in the camp so he could get more experience on the court.

Bynum said that doctors had advised him to rest his knees, which he has injured in two consecutive seasons.

"I had to take the time off for my knee,'' Bynum said. "I feel different, the rest definitely helped me out because it allowed everything to calm down.''

When he came back to the States, he dropped his things off in Los Angeles and headed out to Atlanta to work with Zarzana.

"We did a lot of track and legs. Not very much upper body,'' Bynum said. "Other summers I came back a bit bigger up top. My legs were strong, but they aren't like they are right now. Right now I feel very good, I'm definitely in shape.''

In other summers, Bynum had returned to Los Angeles before training camp began at the end of September and worked with Abdul-Jabbar on his basketball skills.

This year, Abdul-Jabbar said the first time he saw Bynum was at media day on Tuesday morning, the same day training camp began.

"He's got to figure it out,'' Abdul-Jabbar said. "Maybe he feels that there are things to be gained by doing it his way. So he's going to try it his way. I'm available for him, he knows that.''

Bynum said he still intends to work with Abdul-Jabbar in practice and watch film with him, but acknowledged their work won't be as extensive as it was in the past.

Bynum is in the first year of a four-year, $57.4 million contract, which he signed last fall. He has increased his scoring in each of his first four seasons, averaging a career-high 14.3 points a game last season in 50 games.

10-02-2009, 12:51 PM
Andrew Bynum, who has yet to play a full adult season


10-02-2009, 12:52 PM
Foolish, and arrogant.

10-02-2009, 12:58 PM
Complete and utter ignorance. One of the greatest C's ever is trying to help you, and because you have a lot of hype, you're too good for that.

10-02-2009, 12:59 PM
Bynum said he understood his mentor's feelings, but that it's not personal and just a natural evolution for him in his career.

``I understand where he's coming from,'' Bynum said. ``It's definitely tough (for him). As of right now, I have my direction and he's still helping me. As long as he doesn't stop helping me everything is going to be fine.''...

``He's got to figure it out,'' Abdul-Jabbar said. ``Maybe he feels that there are things to be gained by doing it his way. So he's going to try it his way. I'm available for him,
he knows that.''

Bynum said he still intends to work with Abdul-Jabbar in practice and watch film with him, but acknowledged their work won't be as extensive as it was in the past.

There is a time for every person to graduate.

Bynum didn't diss Kareem, and he still wants him as a mentor. He just doesn't want the handholding daily. I can understand that.

From what we've seen of Bynum he has what it takes when he's on. The problem is him being in shape/healthy enough to do it.

Yeah, Kobe would learn from MJ, just as he did from GP or Hakeem. But after a weekend, he'd be on his own. its been 4 years, time for the grasshopper to leave the master and
become one on his own.

Black's comment was interesting though. I wonder if Kareem publically politicing for a coaching job anywhere had anything to do with it.

But back to Bynum, he would have been in this years's draft if he went to UConn for 4 years. The Kareem learning never was going to be forever. What does he hear or get in 5 he doesn't get in 4?

Time for Bynum to grow from boy to man. And its not like Kandiman where he's cutting all ties. Kareem is still on the batphone when needed.

10-02-2009, 01:00 PM
What a bum. Imagine Lakers drafted Granger?

10-02-2009, 01:09 PM

10-02-2009, 01:13 PM
Kareem wants to be a coach... He wasn't helping Bynum out of the good of his heart. He was using Bynum as a stepping stone. If any of you have ever been around Kareem, and I have, you would know who the arrogant ass is in that duo. Not many got along with him during his playing days and I have no doubt his personality is a major reason he has never elevated to higher coaching levels. Perhaps, Bynum is just sick of Kareems shit? That's my guess anyway.

noob cake
10-02-2009, 01:17 PM
W/e Bynum, show me some sky hook next season or GTFO. Don't want to continue intensive training from one of the GOAT centers?

10-02-2009, 01:19 PM
Stupid arrogant little shit still looks goofy every time he makes an offensive move and all the sudden he doesn't need help from the one of the all time greats?

ginobili's bald spot
10-02-2009, 01:21 PM
Complete and utter ignorance. One of the greatest C's ever is trying to help you, and because you have a lot of hype, you're too good for that.

Agreed. This kids ego is way too big for his accomplishments (or lack thereof). He better get his shit together.

10-02-2009, 01:22 PM
W/e Bynum, show me some sky hook next season or GTFO. Don't want to continue intensive training from one of the GOAT centers?

Very often, the truly great players make terrible coaches. It's always the middle of the pack players that are the better coaches. All stars often become such because of their atheletic skills. Mediorcre players have to "think" the game more to succeed. Kareem is an arrogant ass and very difficult to be around. It's well docummented throughout his career.

10-02-2009, 01:23 PM
Bynum graduated from Kareem's school???

You can graduate with a D?

10-02-2009, 01:25 PM
Bynum graduated from Kareem's school???

You can graduate with a D?

A lot of Bynum bashers are going to eat a lot of crow this year.

10-02-2009, 01:26 PM
Agreed. This kids ego is way too big for his accomplishments

You mean his ego is writing checks his body can't cash?

Oh, boy.

10-02-2009, 01:36 PM
Agreed. This kids ego is way too big for his accomplishments (or lack thereof). He better get his shit together.
OK...here it goes...I'm going to give a Laker a compliment. Bynum is very athletic and has a good chance at being a DAMN good ballplayer...but when someone like Kareem offers to give you tutelage, you take that shit, and run with it. If you could imagine a guy like Bynum with a hook like Kareem, that would be insane.

10-02-2009, 01:43 PM
Did any of you actually read where it said they would still be working together during practice and films? Just not as extensive as in the past?

This is all about Kareem whining and the media making it larger than it is. Nothing more.

10-02-2009, 01:49 PM

10-02-2009, 01:54 PM
Did any of you actually read where it said they would still be working together during practice and films? Just not as extensive as in the past?

This is all about Kareem whining and the media making it larger than it is. Nothing more.
For Bynum to not accept Kareem helping him 24/Freaking 7 is retarded. Of course you're going to try to make it sound smaller..you're Laker fan. But the truth of the matter is, one of the greatest Centers of all time offered to help him more, and Bynum said no...that's just plain ignorant.

10-02-2009, 02:03 PM
"Kareem has been an instrumental part of Andrew's development and improvement over the years, but as Andrew is entering his fifth season, there's a lesser need for such intensive work together," Lakers spokesman John Black said. "Therefore, Kareem's workload will be generally lessened."


I'm telling ya'll this has more to do with Kareem publically politicing for a job somewhere else this year than Bynum.

10-02-2009, 02:09 PM
For Bynum to not accept Kareem helping him 24/Freaking 7 is retarded. Of course you're going to try to make it sound smaller..you're Laker fan. But the truth of the matter is, one of the greatest Centers of all time offered to help him more, and Bynum said no...that's just plain ignorant.

I know Kareem to a degree. I have worked with him. He is a condescending ass. Not many people like being around him. I don't see the Lakers being upset or saying anything about it. I see Bynum saying its all been good and will continue...just not as extensive. The only one complaining is...go figure... Kareem. Could it be he has ulterior motives? Could it be that in 4 years he has given about all he can give? Could it be that he's just not the greatest teacher? If he's so great at it why has he not received more coaching offers? Ill tell you why.... He's an arrogant ass and not well liked. It's not breaking news. He was always that way throughout his career.

10-02-2009, 02:10 PM

i'm telling ya'll this has more to do with kareem publically politicing for a job somewhere else this year than bynum.


10-02-2009, 02:11 PM
Precisely why Bynum will never be an all-star.

He's 7' 3" and can walk, so of course he's going to average 12 and 10.

10-02-2009, 02:15 PM
Precisely why Bynum will never be an all-star.

He's 7' 3" and can walk, so of course he's going to average 12 and 10.

Care to bet on that prediction?

And he is 7'0"

Dumb post!

10-02-2009, 02:27 PM

at all the laker apologists

10-02-2009, 02:30 PM
Precisely why Bynum will never be an all-star.

He's 7' 3" and can walk, so of course he's going to average 12 and 10.


10-02-2009, 02:33 PM
That is scary if Cobbler had anything to do with the Lakers Organization. I am hoping he worked with Kareem outside of basketball related activities.

10-02-2009, 02:42 PM
That is scary if Cobbler had anything to do with the Lakers Organization. I am hoping he worked with Kareem outside of basketball related activities.

We did a commercial together and were briefly involved in teaching at a bball camp. I am not a part of the Laker organization which has nothing to do with anything. You just cannot handle that I have forgotten more about basketball than you could ever hope to know. Don't you have some floors to sweep? Bathrooms to clean? Move along...

10-02-2009, 02:47 PM
Did any of you actually read where it said they would still be working together during practice and films?

tee, hee.

10-02-2009, 02:48 PM
There is a time for every person to graduate.

Bynum didn't diss Kareem, and he still wants him as a mentor. He just doesn't want the handholding daily. I can understand that.

From what we've seen of Bynum he has what it takes when he's on. The problem is him being in shape/healthy enough to do it.

Yeah, Kobe would learn from MJ, just as he did from GP or Hakeem. But after a weekend, he'd be on his own. its been 4 years, time for the grasshopper to leave the master and
become one on his own.

Black's comment was interesting though. I wonder if Kareem publically politicing for a coaching job anywhere had anything to do with it.

But back to Bynum, he would have been in this years's draft if he went to UConn for 4 years. The Kareem learning never was going to be forever. What does he hear or get in 5 he doesn't get in 4?

Time for Bynum to grow from boy to man. And its not like Kandiman where he's cutting all ties. Kareem is still on the batphone when needed.

For once, I would say, I agree with lakers fans, Bynum cannot be teached full time by a mentor untill he retires ! I don't know if it is a good decision or not but I understand it. He is feeling it is the right time for him to be more independant and to grow like a man. What's wrong with that ?
Sometimes fans are bashing just for bashing which is lame.

10-02-2009, 02:49 PM
We did a commercial together and were briefly involved in teaching at a bball camp. I am not a part of the Laker organization which has nothing to do with anything. You just cannot handle that I have forgotten more about basketball than you could ever hope to know. Don't you have some floors to sweep? Bathrooms to clean? Move along...

because Phil Jackson is such a nice gentleman. Being an ass does not mean shit. Bynum is an ignorant egocentric dumb big man. just face it.

10-02-2009, 02:50 PM
For once, I would say, I agree with lakers fans, Bynum cannot be teached full time by a mentor untill he retires ! I don't know if it is a good decision or not but I understand it. He is feeling it is the right time for him to be more independant and to grow like a man. What's wrong with that ?
Sometimes fans are bashing just for bashing which is lame.

Ewing taught Yao for years and years. No peep from Yao. I beleive Ewing is now teaching Dwight. No peep from Dwight either.

10-02-2009, 02:51 PM
Being an ass does not mean shit.

Pop notwithstanding.

tee, hee.

10-02-2009, 02:51 PM
Hmmmm. Let me get this straight.

Bynum, whose game is still developing, whose game can best be described as having unfulfilled potential, and a player who has more years in front of him than behind him, breaks off his mentoring sessions with a basketball Hall-of-Famer.

Kobe, who is at the top of his game and recent MVP of the NBA Finals, 4-time NBA Champion, and a player who has more game behind him than in front of him, seeks out a Hall-Of-Famer to work with over the summer.

What's wrong with this picture?

10-02-2009, 02:51 PM
Ewing taught Yao for years and years. No peep from Yao. I beleive Ewing is now teaching Dwight. No peep from Dwight either.

& the circle is complete:::Bynum made Dwight quit.

10-02-2009, 02:52 PM
Pop notwithstanding.

tee, hee.

thanks for helping me make make point. Pop can be an ass yet still a good coach.

10-02-2009, 02:53 PM
What's wrong with this picture?

ANSWER: your insistence in not acknowledging the part where they'll still be working together.

10-02-2009, 02:53 PM
I know Kareem to a degree. I have worked with him. He is a condescending ass. Not many people like being around him. I don't see the Lakers being upset or saying anything about it. I see Bynum saying its all been good and will continue...just not as extensive. The only one complaining is...go figure... Kareem. Could it be he has ulterior motives? Could it be that in 4 years he has given about all he can give? Could it be that he's just not the greatest teacher? If he's so great at it why has he not received more coaching offers? Ill tell you why.... He's an arrogant ass and not well liked. It's not breaking news. He was always that way throughout his career.
I know he's condescending, and I know he's an ass...that's not front page news...but he's still one of the greatest...I just think it wasn't intelligent for Bynum to turn down more knowledge.

10-02-2009, 02:54 PM
thanks for helping me make make point. Pop can be an ass yet still a good coach.

Yes, Phil was his mentor.

10-02-2009, 02:55 PM
I know he's condescending, and I know he's an ass...that's not front page news...but he's still one of the greatest

You talkin' about Pop or Alcindor?

10-02-2009, 02:57 PM
Ewing taught Yao for years and years. No peep from Yao. I beleive Ewing is now teaching Dwight. No peep from Dwight either.

If I understood correctly the article, Bynum will continue to work with Kareem but less intensively. Reading between the lines I imagine that Kareem mentoring was a little bit too much for Bynum and for Lakers FO too, he just wants to take some distance. I just don't see an outrageous arrogant attitude. Once again this is just MHO.

10-02-2009, 02:59 PM
because Phil Jackson is such a nice gentleman. Being an ass does not mean shit. Bynum is an ignorant egocentric dumb big man. just face it.

I have never heard anything that suggests that PJ is a jerk or difficult to work with. In fact, probably his greatest skill is that of managing players and thier egos. PJ is the coach and you either tow the line or sit. Kareem is a consultant and nothing more. And you call Bynum ignorant... :lmao

10-02-2009, 02:59 PM
If I understood correctly the article, Bynum will continue to work with Kareem but less intensively.

You got it. Don't lose it. Now pass it along.

10-02-2009, 03:01 PM
I have never heard anything that suggests that PJ is a jerk or difficult to work with. In fact, probably his greatest skill is that of managing players and thier egos.

...& the checks those ego's cash,,,I mean write.

10-02-2009, 03:06 PM
Hmmmm. Let me get this straight.

Bynum, whose game is still developing, whose game can best be described as having unfulfilled potential, and a player who has more years in front of him than behind him, breaks off his mentoring sessions with a basketball Hall-of-Famer.

Kobe, who is at the top of his game and recent MVP of the NBA Finals, 4-time NBA Champion, and a player who has more game behind him than in front of him, seeks out a Hall-Of-Famer to work with over the summer.

What's wrong with this picture?

What is wrong is you paint an inaccurate picture.

Kobe sought out and worked with Akeem for a grand total of TWO hours.

Bynum has worked extensively for 4 years with Jabbar and did NOT break off the mentoring sessions. Again, did you not read the part where he said they would STILL be working together at practice and in viewing game films? Just not as extensively.

10-02-2009, 03:07 PM
:lol @ Spurfan. None of this will matter when were kicking your ass up and down that dirty ass riverwalk, as usual.

Clever. Thanks, Buttfuck, your input is always welcome.

10-02-2009, 03:09 PM
it was always agreed that they wouldnt work together that much, it has gone down every season. nothing huge

10-02-2009, 03:10 PM
There is a time for every person to graduate.

Bynum didn't diss Kareem, and he still wants him as a mentor. He just doesn't want the handholding daily. I can understand that.

From what we've seen of Bynum he has what it takes when he's on. The problem is him being in shape/healthy enough to do it.

Yeah, Kobe would learn from MJ, just as he did from GP or Hakeem. But after a weekend, he'd be on his own. its been 4 years, time for the grasshopper to leave the master and
become one on his own.

Black's comment was interesting though. I wonder if Kareem publically politicing for a coaching job anywhere had anything to do with it.

But back to Bynum, he would have been in this years's draft if he went to UConn for 4 years. The Kareem learning never was going to be forever. What does he hear or get in 5 he doesn't get in 4?

Time for Bynum to grow from boy to man. And its not like Kandiman where he's cutting all ties. Kareem is still on the batphone when needed.

I agree with you.

Kareem himself will be the 1st to say it's time for Andrew to learn on his own.

There is so much Kareem can do; it goes as far as teaching the basics, but each player has his own style.

10-02-2009, 03:10 PM
What is wrong is you paint an inaccurate picture.

Kobe sought out and worked with Akeem for a grand total of TWO hours.

Bynum has worked extensively for 4 years with Jabbar and did NOT break off the mentoring sessions. Again, did you not read the part where he said they would STILL be working together at practice and in viewing game films? Just not as extensively.

Cobbster, they know. They're desperate. The 15th drove 'em near batty. I thought getting ToD would calm their sensitive asses, but, they're off on another tangent.

10-02-2009, 03:10 PM
A lot of Bynum bashers are going to eat a lot of crow this year.


10-02-2009, 03:12 PM

That's what you were doin' after the Mavs put you ta sleep.

tee, hee.

10-02-2009, 03:12 PM
That's what you were doin' after the Mavs put you ta sleep.

tee, hee.

Oh no, i'm so angry. :lol

10-02-2009, 03:14 PM
Oh no, i'm so angry. :lol

Ashamed you should be.

The Franchise
10-02-2009, 03:17 PM
Let's hope you people defending his decision stick to the same opinion if/when Bynum starts to suck at some point. I think it is pretty stupid but that is just an opinion. You can't have it both ways.

10-02-2009, 03:17 PM
Ashamed you should be.

No, not at all. There's no need to dwell, I have moved on, and so has the team I invest my fan support in.

10-02-2009, 03:20 PM
What is wrong is you paint an inaccurate picture.

Kobe sought out and worked with Akeem for a grand total of TWO hours.

Bynum has worked extensively for 4 years with Jabbar and did NOT break off the mentoring sessions. Again, did you not read the part where he said they would STILL be working together at practice and in viewing game films? Just not as extensively.

Fair enough. Yet the point you're missing is that if there is any player who could be backpacking across Europe - it's the Black Mamba. Instead, he chooses to keep adding parts to his game. Which is why he is the best player in the game.

Bynum may eventually turn into a fine player at some point, but he's still a kid and obviously has a lot of work ahead of him.

10-02-2009, 03:24 PM
No, not at all. There's no need to dwell, I have moved on

That's all well & good, but, I ain't moved on. We're going to be revisiting your ass kicking at the boots of the Mavs during this season.

10-02-2009, 03:26 PM
That's all well & good, but, I ain't moved on. We're going to be revisiting your ass kicking at the boots of the Mavs during this season.

Why you obsessive cunt, you. :nope

10-02-2009, 03:26 PM
Bynum may eventually turn into a fine player at some point, but he's still a kid and obviously has a lot of work ahead of him.

Thank goodness then he'll still be working with Jabbar.

10-02-2009, 03:29 PM
We did a commercial together and were briefly involved in teaching at a bball camp. I am not a part of the Laker organization which has nothing to do with anything. You just cannot handle that I have forgotten more about basketball than you could ever hope to know. Don't you have some floors to sweep? Bathrooms to clean? Move along...

You are an idiot with regards to basketball as evidenced by your time on this board. The fact that you were allowed to teach kids anything about basketball is astonishing and no wonder the fundamentals of the game are going to hell.

You doing a commercial with someone does not mean you know them, and working a camp does not mean you know shit about the game.

Go puff a cigarette, stalk some movie stars and enjoy being a part of the dumbest and most bandwagon fanbase in all of the NBA.

10-02-2009, 03:29 PM
Why you obsessive cunt, you. :nope

Oh, I get it, Morg...you all could obsess endlessly on Kobe's inability to ring/sans Daddy, but, you're immune to me teasing & tormenting your fandom over the Mavs bustin' off a piece of their Kit Kat Bar in your rump-a-rooney.

Bring it\\\don't sing it.

10-02-2009, 03:31 PM
Fair enough. Yet the point you're missing is that if there is any player who could be backpacking across Europe - it's the Black Mamba. Instead, he chooses to keep adding parts to his game. Which is why he is the best player in the game.

Bynum may eventually turn into a fine player at some point, but he's still a kid and obviously has a lot of work ahead of him.

Agreed. But you have to take time away as well. Kobe himself this year said he did nothing basketball related for 6 to 8 weeks while traveling to Europe with the family. You have to get away to gain some of the hunger back. Most everything I have read says Bynum is a good worker and attentive pupil. Time will tell if the kid develops. There is bigtime pressure on the kid this year and we will see if he steps up.

Comparing anyone's work ethic with Kobe's is a loosing formula.

10-02-2009, 03:36 PM
That's all well & good, but, I ain't moved on. We're going to be revisiting your ass kicking at the boots of the Mavs during this season.

That's all fine and well. I'm sure we'll appreciate your attention. You seem like a good person to hold conversation with.

10-02-2009, 03:38 PM
That's all fine and well. I'm sure we'll appreciate your attention. You seem like a good person to hold conversation with.


10-02-2009, 03:40 PM
That's all fine and well. I'm sure we'll appreciate your attention. You seem like a good person to hold conversation with.

Don't try charmin' me, I ain't in a charmin' mood.

10-02-2009, 03:51 PM
And most successful.


10-02-2009, 03:53 PM
Eh it really isn't that big of a deal. This will be Bynum's 5th year, and the article even said they will still be working together but not like in the past. In Bynum's defense, last year was truly his first playoff experience. If these freak injuries don't happen this year, it will be very interesting to see how he carries his hot streak of games. He was playing damn good ball in January when those freak accident injuries happened. He has all the tools to be a damn good player. He is only what? 21 years old?

10-02-2009, 03:53 PM
Don't try charmin' me, I ain't in a charmin' mood.


10-02-2009, 04:05 PM
but if you look at it like a Spur fan, you'd go with consistency and total wins, right DPG? fucking tool.:lol

Luva is correct here, DPG. That's how your fandom would tote it up. And you know it.

Way to put the schnitzel to 'em, Luva!

10-02-2009, 04:06 PM
Agreed. But you have to take time away as well. Kobe himself this year said he did nothing basketball related for 6 to 8 weeks while traveling to Europe with the family. You have to get away to gain some of the hunger back. Most everything I have read says Bynum is a good worker and attentive pupil. Time will tell if the kid develops. There is bigtime pressure on the kid this year and we will see if he steps up.

Comparing anyone's work ethic with Kobe's is a loosing formula.

Totally agree. It would be damn near impossible for anyone to duplicate Kobe's regimen. That said, if I'm a young player and I see the best player on the team, who is also the best player in the NBA, doing his thing in that "workaholic" manner that he does, I might feel a bit guilty.

10-02-2009, 04:07 PM
In terms on winning consistency, the Celtics do not belong at the top . That 20 plus year drought is why. It only took LA 3.5 years to go from average to elite. Hell the worst situation they were in was 04-05 when they had unstable coaching/system, injuries, and not very much talent yet they competed for a playoff spot until April. Hell I knew the minute they dealt Shaq that summer, they would be back as elites in 3-4 years. Lakers aren't an average team for very long.

10-02-2009, 04:09 PM
Based on what, titles, or regular season wins. If you look at it like most sane fans, you'd say the C's because of titles, but if you look at it like a Spur fan, you'd go with consistency and total wins, right DPG? fucking tool.:lol

Titles. They are the most successful franchise. If you want to talk about recent history then you can argue the Lakers or Spurs.

GTFO of the Blazers Forum or quit complaining b*tch.

10-02-2009, 04:10 PM
By the way Cobbler, I am just messing with you....Just giving Laker "fans" a hard time for all of the shit they dish out. Blame the DBA Finals MDP, Lakaluva.

10-02-2009, 04:15 PM
By the way Cobbler, I am just messing with you

You damn poon-tanger, you.

10-02-2009, 04:17 PM
You talkin' about Pop or Alcindor?
Alcindor...4 rings in 9 years and 3 in 5 doesn't need teaching..thanks though, eccentric fruitcake.

10-02-2009, 04:21 PM
Who cares what Bynum does? I don't really know the point of this article. Everyone has room to grow and could always be doing "more". The fact is that Bynum is going to be a good player, and how hard he works will dictate how good he can become (health as well).

It is not like Kareem is being cut off from all contact and I don't think either Kareem or Bynum are making a huge deal of it. Yall are.

10-02-2009, 04:52 PM
This is just a ploy to sell tickets, newspapers and get TV ratings. It usually happens when people know that the team they cheer for is good. They do not buy tickets because they assume that their team is going to win every time. The public needs something to get butts in the seat and eyes glued to the broadcasts.

If it isn't a ploy... then I think Bynum is retarded. Who cares if Kareem is an ass or not. He is an ass who could possibly make you a better player.

10-02-2009, 04:52 PM
You are an idiot with regards to basketball as evidenced by your time on this board. The fact that you were allowed to teach kids anything about basketball is astonishing and no wonder the fundamentals of the game are going to hell.

You doing a commercial with someone does not mean you know them, and working a camp does not mean you know shit about the game.

Go puff a cigarette, stalk some movie stars and enjoy being a part of the dumbest and most bandwagon fanbase in all of the NBA.

You are correct. Doing a commercial with someone doesn't mean I know them. You must not have comprehended the "to a degree" part of that sentence. However, Being around someone for several days and watching their demeanor when interacting with others did allow me the opportunity to form an opinion on the person. Add to that the numerous articles written along the same line about the guy only confirmed my opinion and thus my comment.

As for basketball and my idiocy as you called it. I was hurt in a auto accident when I was 21. I took up wheelchair ball and excelled at it. I played 26 consecutive seasons. I was on a club team that won 8 national championships in 11 years and holds the record for longest winning streak (98) of any sports team. I have played on numerous USA international teams and won a bronze medal in the 96 Paralympics. My picture along with other teamates hangs on a wall in the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield. I have been involved in many camps and international goodwill tours to both teach bball and promote our sport. What's your experience with basketball other than spewing BS on a forum?

I don't smoke and never have. I could care less about movie stars. And I am proud to be a longtime Laker fan and season seat holder. Our dominance over the spurs is just a bonus!

So in other words... your post FAILS completely!

10-02-2009, 05:01 PM
this writer is trying to make things look worse then they really are..Andrews biggest obstacle is health & we all know what he's capable of when he's 100% healthy & conditioned..Kareem will still be watching & giving pointers but they probably wont spend as much time together as they have in the past...

10-02-2009, 05:26 PM
Complete and utter ignorance. One of the greatest C's ever is trying to help you, and because you have a lot of hype, you're too good for that.

This. Dumbass Bynum

10-02-2009, 05:51 PM
Jackson to spend more time working with Bynum (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/sports_blog/2009/10/phil-jackson-andrew-bynum-lakers.html)

With Lakers center Andrew Bynum deciding to scale back his work with assistant coach Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and with former Lakers assistant Kurt Rambis -- who also spent plenty of time working with Bynum -- taking the head coaching job with the Minnesota Timberwolves, Coach Phil Jackson said he'd spend some time working with Bynum.

"My own focus is going to be in that direction because Kurt was really the guy that spent a lot of time with him, working on some of the details of his game," Jackson said.

Jackson joked that "just about everybody on my staff wants to have a piece of Andrew," meaning that assistants Brian Shaw, Frank Hamblen and Jim Cleamons all will work with Bynum.

Jackson said Bynum has been running the court pretty well during training camp and that his condition looks good.

-- Broderick Turner

10-02-2009, 05:59 PM
"My own focus is going to be in that direction because Kurt was really the guy that spent a lot of time with him, working on some of the details of his game," Jackson said.

Looks more and more like a Laker decision.

10-02-2009, 06:34 PM
Thread reads like it was from Lakersground.

This is such a non-story.

10-02-2009, 06:41 PM
Who cares about Bynum? He's going to be pwned by Oden for the rest of his career anyway.

10-02-2009, 06:49 PM
Having too many trainers at the same time is a bad thing. The odds of contradictory training are really high.

10-04-2009, 11:32 AM
Kareem is not a great coach he showed bynum moves but we camn get another big man tutor hell Gasol could teach Bynum some moves ...

10-04-2009, 11:36 AM
Idk why so many people are arguing with Cobbler for saying Kareem is an asshole, he's widely known as a douche bag. It's not like everyone else who's ever interacted with Kareem views him as a nice guy.

10-04-2009, 04:54 PM
Who cares about Bynum? He's going to be pwned by Oden for the rest of his career anyway.

:rollin :rollin:rollin

10-04-2009, 04:59 PM
Who cares about Bynum? He's going to be pwned by Oden for the rest of his career anyway.

Bynum > Blair > Oden

Seriously, your team sucks tlongII. They'll never win a thing this decade.

10-04-2009, 05:02 PM
Ewing taught Yao for years and years. No peep from Yao. I beleive Ewing is now teaching Dwight. No peep from Dwight either.

Ewing stopped teaching Yao, and do you really think that Ewing will teach Dwight for Dwight's whole career

10-04-2009, 05:06 PM
Who cares about Bynum? He's going to be pwned by Oden for the rest of his career anyway.


10-04-2009, 05:49 PM
Typical Laker. Such garbage.

10-04-2009, 10:48 PM
Lakers season is going to be fun to watch. It's gonna be hard for them to win the Ship with this all that shit going on.

You have the Mavs buried in yer ass. We have "all that shit going on."

tee, hee.

10-05-2009, 08:26 AM
I can't go into details but Kareem being gone has relatively little to do with Bynum.

I'll put it this way. Him tweeting from the stands during the playoffs instead of sitting on the bench rubbed people the wrong way.

10-05-2009, 08:51 AM
I can't go into details but Kareem being gone has relatively little to do with Bynum.

I'll put it this way. Him tweeting from the stands during the playoffs instead of sitting on the bench rubbed people the wrong way.

Uh, Clev, good morning, chappie, but, one thing:::if it ain't Bynum's fault...STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-05-2009, 08:58 AM
We will trade Tmac for him....


10-06-2009, 07:14 AM
I had to bring this back up.

*Regarding the Kareem thing, Bynum said he's not sure what all the fuss is about, or at the very least, why this has become such a big story. "I have no idea where it's coming from. We haven't even got into the season yet. I only work with him during the season, so they'd have to be talking about offseason work, but I wasn't even here. I was overseas, and when I came back, I was in Atlanta working out," he said. Certainly PR director John Black wasn't making things up when he said last week that KAJ's role would be "generally lessened," but I was left with the impression in our (albeit short) conversation that Bynum really didn't know much about it. Personally, I'm not so concerned about from whom Bynum takes his instruction, just that he feels a continuing need to learn. Bynum noted that he's still coming in early every day to get extra work, and doesn't consider himself a finished product by any stretch.


10-06-2009, 08:07 AM
[*Regarding the Kareem thing, Bynum said he's not sure what all the fuss is about, or at the very least, why this has become such a big story.]

Because you rung, youngster. And yer a Laker.

Everybody has been mighty raw since D. Fish sighted off the top of Nelson's gourd for that 3.

Shaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmm mmmm!!!!!!!!!