View Full Version : Is It Oden's Time to Shine?

10-03-2009, 11:27 AM

Is It Oden's Time to Shine? This time of year every team is optimistic. Every team has a player they gush about, a player who improved a ton, and player they think is going to make "the leap" in their career. For the Portland Trail Blazers that player is oft-injured center Greg Oden.

If you follow the Blazers at all, you can't go past a single article, blog post, message board, or tweet without seeing something about how Oden is doing. He's impressing his teammates and coaches with his expanded face-up jumper and spin move post game. He's blocking shots like a maniac. Grabbing boards in a frenzy.

So is it true? Will this be when Oden lives up to the expectations? He's talked about being healthy and in shape, a little lighter, and how he feels last season he was a half second late on everything, hence the foul trouble. He feels the offseason has cut off that half second, allowing him to stay in front of plays instead of lagging behind them.

You have to be no better than cautiously optimistic at this point, knowing we saw all these same things last year at this time, but at the same time it's different.

Last year was when people first got a look at this physical specimen and saw the tease for what he could bring. We saw the raw strength, the power, and thought of what could be. His teammates were in awe of his power, and practically drooled over the possibilities.

And then Oden suffered through a season with few bright spots while fighting foul trouble and injuries.

So what makes this year different? Why should we pay attention and think it could be any different?

Oden had serious deficiencies in his game, apart from being a half-step slow all the time. He had very few post moves and almost no jumper in his game. Now, the team can give him the ball in the post and his teammates trust he has move game than just trying to dunk. No longer are his teammates in awe of his pure physical and athletic gifts; now they are impressed with his true production.

The young center has been playing fantastic in scrimmages and has whetted the appetites of a fan base the way few things could. Don't take my word for it if you don't want, but it's worth noting that Dwight Jaynes, a Portland writer who has covered the Blazers and other local sports for over a quarter century for the Oregonian, the Portland Tribune and other outlets, is also quietly optimistic.

"He's running better, for sure," writes Jaynes. "He seems to jump well. He's being aggressive and much more animated with his teammates. He's finished his chances around the basket and looks more comfortable on the floor. I don't see a lot of the awkwardness we saw last season. It's all good so far — I just want to wait a little bit longer before going too nuts about it."

Most sportswriters don't get too excited about the sports they cover, because there is a sense of having seen it all before. So when you see a writer with as lengthy a career as Jaynes writing those words, it's a reason to sit up and take notice.

I'm with him – cautiously optimistic.

10-03-2009, 11:31 AM
Sinus infection? :lol

10-03-2009, 11:33 AM

10-03-2009, 11:34 AM
Never seen a troll with so many posts.

10-03-2009, 11:42 AM

10-03-2009, 11:46 AM
Promise that if he sucks again this year you'll finally give up and stop with the Oden posts.

10-03-2009, 11:51 AM
Promise that if he sucks again this year you'll finally give up and stop with the Oden posts.

He didn't suck last year so why would I do that? He's going to be dominating this year.

10-03-2009, 11:54 AM
Never seen a troll with so many posts.

Pot, meet black kettle.

The Franchise
10-03-2009, 12:11 PM
Shoes? Yes.

10-03-2009, 12:41 PM
http://www.forumammo.com/cpg/albums/Upload/thread%20sucks/Thread-Crap-Jesus.gif (http://www.forumammo.com/cpg/albums/Upload/thread%20sucks/Thread-Crap-Jesus.gif)

10-03-2009, 01:36 PM
Dude is going to be injured this year...again.

10-03-2009, 01:52 PM
LMAO Blazers


10-03-2009, 02:33 PM
lol hoopsworld

10-03-2009, 08:11 PM
Pot, meet black kettle.
yeah..except for I'm not a troll, flamer.

10-03-2009, 08:34 PM
yeah..except for I'm not a troll, flamer.

Well, Hell no, not now. Once Kobe rung/sans Daddy you wanted nothing more to do with trollin'. Now you want to act decent & do things right.

Uh, uh. Not on yer sweet bippy, sassafras.

You ain't even got the courage of your convictions. Yer as phony as a $3 bill.

10-03-2009, 09:46 PM
Well, Hell no, not now. Once Kobe rung/sans Daddy you wanted nothing more to do with trollin'. Now you want to act decent & do things right.

Uh, uh. Not on yer sweet bippy, sassafras.

You ain't even got the courage of your convictions. Yer as phony as a $3 bill.

Banana, meet @ss'ol.

10-04-2009, 06:06 AM
How many seasons do we have to ask this question?

Maybe its Kwame Brown's time to shine too.

10-04-2009, 06:19 AM
Banana, meet @ss'ol.

O & 41!

tee, hee.

10-04-2009, 07:34 AM
O & 41!

tee, hee.

0 & 41, Precisely.

10-04-2009, 09:45 AM
0 & 41, Precisely.

Yep, yep.

10-04-2009, 10:34 AM
Well, Hell no, not now. Once Kobe rung/sans Daddy you wanted nothing more to do with trollin'. Now you want to act decent & do things right.

Uh, uh. Not on yer sweet bippy, sassafras.

You ain't even got the courage of your convictions. Yer as phony as a $3 bill.
Seriously..I didn't understand a thing you just said. Secondly, you need to watch who you're talking to. I'm the guy who always said Kobe was the best player in the league, and I still say that. I wasn't one of those guys who talked shit about him not winning without Shaq...so, wrong again, flamer.

10-04-2009, 10:38 AM
Is it Mbenga's time to shine?

10-04-2009, 10:40 AM
Just call me the logo.


10-04-2009, 11:07 AM

It won't change Kobe goin' sans Daddy, DPG. You guys put all your hopes & dreams in that Kobe can't win one without Daddy Basket. Now you have to pay the piper.

10-04-2009, 11:09 AM
It won't change Kobe goin' sans Daddy, DPG. You guys put all your hopes & dreams in that Kobe can't win one without Daddy Basket. Now you have to pay the piper.
As obsessed as you are with making fun of people for thinking Kobe couldn't win without Shaq, you're leading me to believe you're flaming ass believed it yourself. It's sad that that's your only argument anymore. You even use it on people who never said it (me).

10-04-2009, 11:15 AM
Seriously..I didn't understand a thing you just said. Secondly, you need to watch who you're talking to. I'm the guy who always said Kobe was the best player in the league, and I still say that. I wasn't one of those guys who talked shit about him not winning without Shaq...so, wrong again, flamer.

One is known by the company one keeps, 092. You must suffer along with the rest of your ilk.

EXPLANATION: Your ilk figured that Kobe would never ring sans Daddy so your ilk went about trolling & flaming for 3 years, secure in the belief that he'd never be able to sans Daddy. Your ilk didn't give a hoot or a holler about protocol or decency, your ilk just cut a swath thru every Board and Forum your ilk could light on. Then lo & behold Kobe rung sans Daddy and forever more your advantage went up in flames (POOF!). Well, now see your ilk takes umbrage at trolling & flaming. Your ilk is too good for that now. They want it to end.

Uh, uh.

He rang/sans Daddy.
Your ass got kicked courtesy of the Mavs.

Now it's your turn, ilk. Bend over and say: "Hammer me like trout meat, Cubby, I richly deserve it."

10-04-2009, 11:17 AM
As obsessed as you are with making fun of people for thinking Kobe couldn't win without Shaq, you're leading me to believe you're flaming ass believed it yourself. It's sad that that's your only argument anymore. You even use it on people who never said it (me).

A course I believed it. Done said said so on this Forum.

10-04-2009, 11:23 AM
One is known by the company one keeps, 092. You must suffer along with the rest of your ilk.

EXPLANATION: Your ilk figured that Kobe would never ring sans Daddy so your ilk went about trolling & flaming for 3 years, secure in the belief that he'd never be able to sans Daddy. Your ilk didn't give a hoot or a holler about protocol or decency, your ilk just cut a swath thru every Board and Forum your ilk could light on. Then lo & behold Kobe rung sans Daddy and forever more your advantage went up in flames (POOF!). Well, now see your ilk takes umbrage at trolling & flaming. Your ilk is too good for that now. They want it to end.

Uh, uh.

He rang/sans Daddy.
Your ass got kicked courtesy of the Mavs.

Now it's your turn, ilk. Bend over and say: "Hammer me like trout meat, Cubby, I richly deserve it."
My "ilk?" What the hell is your flaming ass talking about? I always said Kobe would win a ring without Shaq. Just because Spurs fans said he wouldn't doesn't mean I didn't think he would. If one is known by the company he keeps, I guess that means you like to set things on fire and damage police vehicles when you win championships, and you think it's ok that Kobe cheated on his wife. And while we're at it, since I'm sure a Laker fan somewhere has murdered someone, I guess you're a murderer as well.
http://www.inkbyte.com/c_Josie_Martin/090525-FireThisTime/iconWildFire.jpg + http://www.charviinternational.com/images/big_vaginal_douche_spray.jpg + http://teachers.greenville.k12.sc.us/sites/ggratz/Lake%20Forest%20clipart/brown%20paper%20bag.bmp

10-04-2009, 11:26 AM
My "ilk?" What the hell is your flaming ass talking about?
http://www.inkbyte.com/c_Josie_Martin/090525-FireThisTime/iconWildFire.jpg + http://www.charviinternational.com/images/big_vaginal_douche_spray.jpg + http://teachers.greenville.k12.sc.us/sites/ggratz/Lake%20Forest%20clipart/brown%20paper%20bag.bmp



- Buford T. Pusser wannabe//a.k.a. Culburn369

10-04-2009, 12:41 PM
One is known by the company one keeps, 092. You must suffer along with the rest of your ilk.

So this is you?

You should be thrown in jail.

10-04-2009, 12:50 PM


- Buford T. Pusser wannabe//a.k.a. Culburn369
Ah...you don't even respond to my questions about your retarded logic. Should have expected it.

10-06-2009, 03:11 PM
NBA At 2: Oden Tired Of Durant Talk (http://www.hoopsworld.com/Story.asp?story_id=13974#)
By: Bill Ingram

Perhaps it's because the Portland Trail Blazers once drafted Sam Bowie over Michael Jordan. Perhaps it's because Kevin Durant, whom the Blazers passed up to take Greg Oden, is having hands-down the better career so far. Perhaps it's the injuries that have plagued Oden throughout his college and pro career. Whatever the case, Blazers center Greg Oden is already tired of hearing about how he was taken over Durant in the draft two seasons ago.

"All I know is that I am on a playoff team, and we weren't a playoff team before I played that season," Oden told 95.5 The Fan in Portland recently (http://sportsradiointerviews.com/2009/10/05/greg-oden-“i-am-going-to-do-whatever-i-need-to-do-to-help-this-team-win-even-if-that’s-not-playing-as-much-as-i-think-i-should”/). "That's what I like to tell myself. I like it here, I have great teammates, they should've, could've, would've, but they didn't. They got me and I am here and I am working hard. Whatever everyone says, they can say it because I am not worried anymore."

Like that Blazers team of the mid-80's the current roster needed a center more than anything else, and with that in mind the Blazers took chose Oden over the smaller Durant when they made their first overall pick in 2007. Oden then missed the entire 2007-08 season due to a knee injury and appeared in just 61 games last season due to several stints on the injured list. Now Oden is trying to put all of the injuries behind him and stay positive.

"I can't get down on myself. Me getting down on myself was wearing me down a lot. I was up and down, but this summer I had a really good summer and I worked on a lot of stuff. For me it's not like I am going to get down because I worked on it so it should work or it's going to work. Because I put the time and the effort in."

Ultimately, the 2007 Portland Trail Blazers made a similar decision to the one made by their counterparts in 1984. The Blazers then had Clyde Drexler, and didn't feel the need to draft another guard in Michael Jordan when what they really needed was a center. Likewise, the '07 Blazers needed a center, not another potential power forward, which they had in LaMarcus Aldridge. Given the lack of quality big men in the NBA today, it was a calculated gamble . . .one that may still pay off for Portland if Oden can stay healthy this season. As for Oden, he's willing to do whatever he needs to do to help the Blazers win the West this season.

"Well when we all have the same goal in mind, somebody, whoever it is, is going to have to know," said Oden. "Look, you're not going to get the same amount of playing minutes . You might be able to contribute but the guy who is putting you in for the minutes might not think so; he might think that guy is better. And for us all to have our mind on the one goal, you have to accept that. You have to know with me not getting these playing minutes; I am going to do whatever I need to do to help this team win. Even if that's not playing as much as I think I should."

Listen to Greg Oden on 95.5 the Fan in Portland with John Canzano (http://sportsradiointerviews.com/2009/10/05/greg-oden-“i-am-going-to-do-whatever-i-need-to-do-to-help-this-team-win-even-if-that’s-not-playing-as-much-as-i-think-i-should”/)