View Full Version : Cool Drafthouse Stuff

04-14-2005, 03:27 AM
New movie premieres like this really are events at the drafthouses in Austin, and I can only assume they are going to put on the same kind of production here in San Antonio. It's usually awesome stuff.

Star Wars: Episode III-Revenge of the Sith

http://www.drafthouse.com/images/episode3.jpg (http://www.drafthouse.com/images/episode3.jpg)
Scroll Down to Show Times (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/show_details.asp?show_id=2606#showtimes)


Three years after the Battle of Geonosis, the Clone Wars are coming to a close. Obi-Wan Kenobi, now a general dispatched by the Republic to bring down remaining Separatists Count Dooku and General Grievous. And Chancellor Palpatine has become corrupt, proclaiming himself Emperor, and, with Anakin Skywalker's help, begins to turn the Republic into the Galactic Empire. As Anakin ultimately becomes the evil we know as Darth Vader, Padme goes into hiding, and, at the end of one war, another conflict we know all too well is about to begin. Showings (click on a show time to buy tickets):
Wednesday, May 18

11:45 pm (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/buy.asp?showing=77312) (No Passes)

04-14-2005, 03:30 AM


http://www.drafthouse.com/images/MADMAX.bmp (http://www.drafthouse.com/images/MADMAX.bmp)
Scroll Down to Show Times (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/show_details.asp?show_id=2402#showtimes)


Join the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in celebrating the Anniversary of these cult classics with a Mad Max Movie Marathon!

Mad Max: Rockatansky (Mel Gibson, in his first starring role) is a cop of the desolate, post-apocalyptic Australia of the "near future". He and his comrades have to regularly go after the goons and punks who terrorize the highways. Until Max quits his job and sets out to seek revenge for his partner's incineration, and wife and child are attacked by a gang of bikers. This energetic cult hit has some amazing stunt work and action scenes and is also subtly atmospheric.

The Road Warrior: Even better - with cooler, creepier villains and LOADS of action. Still in the post-apocalyptic Australian wasteland, a cynical drifter (Max/Mel Gibson) agrees to help a small, gasoline rich, community escape a band of bandits.

Beyond Thunder Dome: Mad Max (Mel Gibson), still wandering the post-apocalyptic Outback alone, stumbles across the corrupt Bartertown, led by Auntie Entity (Tina Turner) and must compete in the "Thunder Dome".

3:15 pm-ROADWAR 151: A Fan sponsored "RUN" down Hwy 151 culminates in our parking lot. Come and mingle, see the costumes, movie replicas and inspired vehicles. Or contact [email protected] to register and take part in the "RUN".

4:00 pm-MAD MAX (the one that started it all, and Made Mel Gibson a house hold name)

6:10 pm- Mad Max II "The Road Warrior" (When all that's left is one last chance, pray that he's still out there ... somewhere!)

8:15 pm-Beyond Thunder Dome (Mad Max III, "two men enter, one man leaves") Showings (click on a show time to buy tickets):
Saturday, April 16

3:15 pm (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/buy.asp?showing=64314) (No Passes)

04-14-2005, 03:31 AM

http://www.drafthouse.com/images/forbiddenzone.jpg (http://www.drafthouse.com/images/forbiddenzone.jpg)

http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/images/imdb.gif (http://us.imdb.com/Title?0080752)

Scroll Down to Show Times (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/show_details.asp?show_id=2312#showtimes)


Director Richard Elfman Live in Person!!

Autographed DVDs will be sold at each showing.

www.RichardElfman.com (http://www.richardelfman.com/)

Check out the Official Forbidden Zone webiste at forbiddenzonethemovie.com (http://forbiddenzonethemovie.com/)

7:00 Q&A with Richard Elfman
7:45 1st screening

10:15 Q&A with Richard Elfman
10:45 2nd screening

A mysterious door in the basement of the Hercules house leads to the Sixth Dimension by way of a gigantic set of intestine. When Frenchy slips through the door, King Fausto falls in love with her. The jealous Queen Doris takes Frenchy prisoner, and it is up to the Hercules family and friend Squeezit Henderson to rescue her. Showings (click on a show time to buy tickets):
Friday, April 29

7:00 pm (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/buy.asp?showing=74699) - Director Richard Elfman Live In Person!!
10:15 pm (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/buy.asp?showing=74700) - Director Richard Elfman Live In Person!!

04-14-2005, 03:32 AM

http://www.drafthouse.com/images/stripes.jpg (http://www.drafthouse.com/images/stripes.jpg)

http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/images/imdb.gif (http://us.imdb.com/Title?0083131)

Scroll Down to Show Times (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/show_details.asp?show_id=2164#showtimes)


Murray is John Winger, who is convinced to join the army after viewing a recruiting commercial. Because he had nothing else better going on that day, pal Russell Ziskey joins too. When they come to their senses, they realize the Army is actually hard and boring work. Who knew? Showings (click on a show time to buy tickets):
Monday, April 25

10:15 pm (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/buy.asp?showing=74721) - $2 Admission!!
Saturday, April 30

10:30 pm (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/buy.asp?showing=74727) - $2 Admission!!

04-14-2005, 03:34 AM

These types of movies are HILLARIOUS there. And for only 2 bucks, you can't complain!

Desperate Living

http://www.drafthouse.com/images/desperateliving.jpg (http://www.drafthouse.com/images/desperateliving.jpg)
Scroll Down to Show Times (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/show_details.asp?show_id=2581#showtimes)


A rich housewife murders her husband with the help of her overweight maid, and the two go on the run, ending up in Mortville, a town providing refuge for criminals. They shack up with a lesbian ex-wrestler and her murderess lover, before running into the tyrannical Queen Carlotta, ruler of Mortville... Showings (click on a show time to buy tickets):
Tuesday, April 26

10:15 pm (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/buy.asp?showing=74722) - $2 Admission!!

04-14-2005, 03:39 AM
The Day of the Triffids

http://www.drafthouse.com/images/dayofthetriffids.jpg (http://www.drafthouse.com/images/dayofthetriffids.jpg)
Scroll Down to Show Times (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/show_details.asp?show_id=2584#showtimes)


A shower of meteorites produces a glow that blinds anyone that looks at it. As it was such a beautiful sight, most people were watching, and as a consequence, 99% of the population go blind. This chaos results in the escape of some Triffids: experimental plants that are capable of moving themselves around and attacking people. Showings (click on a show time to buy tickets):
Thursday, April 28

8:00 pm (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/buy.asp?showing=75530)


http://www.drafthouse.com/images/dagon1.jpg (http://www.drafthouse.com/images/dagon1.jpg)
Scroll Down to Show Times (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/show_details.asp?show_id=2582#showtimes)


Based on a short story by H.P. Lovecraft, the undisputed master of the macabre, Dagon tells the story of Paul Marsh, a young man who discovers that the truth will not set him free instead it condemns him to a waking nightmare of unrelenting horror. A boating accident off the coast of Spain sends Paul and his girlfriend Barbara to the decrepit fishing village of Imboca looking for help. As night falls, people start to disappear and things not quite human start to appear. Paul finds himself pursued by the entire town. Running for his life, he uncovers Imboca's dark secret: that they pray to Dagon, a monstrous god of the sea. And Dagon's unholy offspring are freakish half-human creatures on the loose in Imboca... Showings (click on a show time to buy tickets):
Wednesday, April 27

10:15 pm (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/buy.asp?showing=74723) - $2 Admission!!

The Professional: Golgo 13

http://www.drafthouse.com/images/golgo-13.jpg (http://www.drafthouse.com/images/golgo-13.jpg)
Scroll Down to Show Times (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/show_details.asp?show_id=2580#showtimes)


Indestructible to his enemies and irrestible to women, the professional assassin codenamed GOLGO 13 is shrouded in mystery and anonymity. If you're on his hit list your already dead. Always hired on his reputation alone, GOLGO 13 never breaks a contract. But can he survive the combine forces of the FBI, CIA, The Pentagon and the U.S. Army? Has the nameless agent finally met his match against the superhuman powers of the Snake and the twin evils of the psychopathic mercenaries, Gold and Silver? Showings (click on a show time to buy tickets):
Sunday, April 24

10:15 pm (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/buy.asp?showing=74729) - $2 Admission!!

This one is just for Mouse!!!!

Up In Smoke

http://www.drafthouse.com/images/upinsmoke.jpg (http://www.drafthouse.com/images/upinsmoke.jpg)
Scroll Down to Show Times (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/show_details.asp?show_id=2578#showtimes)


Cheech and Chong meet up by chance on the highway somewhere in California. They go in search of some dope and are accidentally deported to Mexico where in their desperation to get home they agree to drive a van back to the States so they can get back in time for a gig they are due to play. Unaware of the properties from which the van is constructed they make their way back having aquired a couple of female hitch-hikers whilst all the time avoiding the cops whom they are not even aware are following them. Showings (click on a show time to buy tickets):
Wednesday, April 20

10:15 pm (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/buy.asp?showing=74718) - $2 Admission!!

Raising Arizona

http://www.drafthouse.com/images/raisingarizona.jpg (http://www.drafthouse.com/images/raisingarizona.jpg)
Scroll Down to Show Times (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/show_details.asp?show_id=2577#showtimes)


Recidivist hold-up man H.I. McDonnough and police woman Edwina marry, only to discover they are unable to conceive a child. Desperate for a baby, the pair decide to kidnap one of the quintuplets of furniture tycoon Nathan Arizona. The McDonnoughs try to keep their crime secret, while friends, co-workers and a feral bounty hunter look to use Nathan Jr. for their own purposes. Showings (click on a show time to buy tickets):
Tuesday, April 19

10:15 pm (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/buy.asp?showing=74716) - $2 Admission!!
Saturday, April 23

10:30 pm (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/buy.asp?showing=74720) - $2 Admission!!

The Jerk

http://www.drafthouse.com/images/thejerk.jpg (http://www.drafthouse.com/images/thejerk.jpg)
Scroll Down to Show Times (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/show_details.asp?show_id=2573#showtimes)


Navin is an idiot. Hew grew up in Mississippi as adopted son of a black family. But at his 18th birthday he feels he wants to discover the rest of the world and sets out to St. Louis... Everyone exploits his naivety, but then a simple invention brings him a fortune. Showings (click on a show time to buy tickets):
Saturday, April 16

10:30 pm (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/buy.asp?showing=74713) - $2 Admission!!


http://www.drafthouse.com/images/krull.jpg (http://www.drafthouse.com/images/krull.jpg)
Scroll Down to Show Times (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/show_details.asp?show_id=2579#showtimes)


The indescribable monster and its army the Slayers attack the planet Krull. To be able to stop the invaders two hostile nations decide to join their forces by the marriage of Princess Lyssa and Prince Colwyn. During the ceremony the Slayers attack the palace, kill both kings, wound Colwyn and kidnap Lyssa. At the next morning the wise Ynyr seeks and finds Colwyn. With Ynyr's help Colwn gains possession of a magic weapon the five blade sword and together they go on their quest for the indescribable monster's black fortress to free Lyssa. Showings (click on a show time to buy tickets):
Thursday, April 21

10:15 pm (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/buy.asp?showing=74719) - $2 Admission!!


http://www.drafthouse.com/images/rockyhorror.jpg (http://www.drafthouse.com/images/rockyhorror.jpg)

http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/images/imdb.gif (http://us.imdb.com/Title?0073629)

Scroll Down to Show Times (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/show_details.asp?show_id=2219#showtimes)



D. Richard O'Brien 1975 100 min. Rated R for polymorphous perversity

All-American couple Brad Majors (Barry Bostwick) and fianceé Janet Weiss (Susan Sarandon) decide to visit their old professor. Unfortunately, their car breaks down outside a sinister house, and they are forced to stay the night. Inside the house Brad and Janet find a world filled with subversive sexuality.

The film itself is filled with great tunes and a slightly loopy plot. So it's just like your common-or-garden musical in that way. Where the film really takes off is in its subversion of sexual mores as Brad and Janet break free from their normality.

Richard O'Brien created "The Rocky Horror Show" for the London stage, and in addition to writing duties also shows up as butler Riff Raff. But the film belongs to Tim Curry as cross-dressing scientist Frank N Furter.

And if you've seen it so many times that you're tired of singing along, you can gain new thrills by seeing it at the cinema and entering the world of audience participation. Dress up! Shout at the screen and enter conversations with the characters in the film! Many claim that audience participation is the essence of the Rocky Horror experience, and the film itself merely an excuse for this mayhem.

Will it appeal to everyone? Certainly not. But for those willing to experiment with something a little bit different, a little bit outré, "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" has a lot to offer.

Showings (click on a show time to buy tickets):
Thursday, April 28

10:00 pm (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/buy.asp?showing=75531)

Top Gun

http://www.drafthouse.com/images/topgun.jpg (http://www.drafthouse.com/images/topgun.jpg)
Scroll Down to Show Times (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/show_details.asp?show_id=2583#showtimes)


Take three of Austin's sharpest comedians, mix in some of the worst movies in history, and what do you get? THE SINUS SHOW, of course! Jerm Pollet, Owen Egerton, and John Erler sit front row center before the movie screen with microphones in hand. Bad actors and incompetent directors beware! These clever watchdogs, with keen observation and lightning fast wit, can actually turn your sloppy films into comic gold?and draw in big crowds!

In Top Gun, serious-minded young studs set out to squash the Red Monster in the height of Cold War frenzy. This time, however, they mostly wear Village People moustaches, hang out in towels in the locker room or in tight jeans. Add a slapped on romantic angle, some inventive insult-slinging (ie:You Stink!), a cheesey '80's synthesizer beat and some of the best flight action ever filmed, and wha-la: instant '80's classic!

http://www.drafthouse.com/images/mrsinusweb.jpg (http://www.mrsinus.com/) Showings (click on a show time to buy tickets):
Thursday, April 28

7:30 pm (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/buy.asp?showing=75529) (No Passes)

04-14-2005, 01:36 PM
I'd be at the Mad Max marathon in a heartbeat! Of course, The Jerk and Episode III also.

04-14-2005, 01:50 PM
No way in hell is "The Road Warrior" better than "Mad Max".

04-14-2005, 02:12 PM
it would be fun to watch up in smoke on the big screen......thanks for the heads up man.

T Park
04-14-2005, 06:44 PM
Raising Arizona.

One of the most underrated funny movies of all time.

04-14-2005, 06:52 PM
Raising Arizona.

One of the most underrated funny movies of all time.

That is my favorite movie of all time!

"With a table and four chairs, you got a dinette set. Just a table and no chairs, you got dick!"

"Son, you got a panty on your head."

"I'll be taking these Huggies...and whatever cash you got."

04-15-2005, 12:21 AM
Guys theres no WAY in hell that the new star wars movie is going to tie up what has happened in parts 1 and 2 (and what has happened in books taking place after part 2) successfully with the original part 4 star wars

the entire concept of doing a trilogy of parts 4-6 before even writing the 1-3 trilogy is so flawed its unreal.
not one of these new movies is better than any original star wars movie.

Honestly, who really liked part 1? That little anakin kid totally ruined the franchise from the get-go.

Then, the only thing that was really cool about part 2 was Yoda going AWOL on Count Dooku, and that happens in the last 10 minutes of the movie....

What possible surprises or twists could part 3 offer? Anything they try to pull is just going to make it harder to tie in with parts 2 and 4

i love star wars just as much as the next guy, but these new movies have totally ruined it for me. To me, they don't really exist in the same timeline as 4-6.
krull and raising arizona own though

04-15-2005, 10:05 AM
STRIPES!!! fucking awesome!

04-15-2005, 11:26 AM
Dude, they're just movies.

Kori Ellis
04-15-2005, 11:27 AM
Are they playing the Spurs road games next week there?

04-15-2005, 11:29 AM
I think so, I'll look at the schedule again. I think Monday and Wednesday are both showing though.

04-15-2005, 11:33 AM
Has anyone been there yet? I have a co-worker who has and she said it was great.

Kori Ellis
04-15-2005, 11:41 AM
Looks like we'll GTG there for Wednesday nights game.

04-15-2005, 11:44 AM
Mike, we go all the time. Jess and I both like going there because you can drink while you watch a movie, and there are no kids. The special shows are simply hillarious as well. We've seen some fucked up movies there for two bucks.

The food is decent. They have a pretty decent beer selection. They have good specials certain nights of the week.

We've gone to one Spurs game there, and it was great. They have easy trivia, and we ended up winning 3 movie passes even though Dallas kick their ass. Oh, and it's free to get in to watch the game there. So I spent 25 bucks on beer and dinner (it's not pricey at all) but I got 18 bucks worth of movie passes.

04-15-2005, 11:54 AM
sounds good to me. count me in.

04-15-2005, 12:01 PM
Has anyone been there yet?I've been to two of them up here in Austin. It's a good time, but for God's sake, let anything stuffed with cheese and fried there cool for a bit before chomping into it.

04-18-2005, 12:07 PM


http://www.drafthouse.com/images/MADMAX.bmp (http://www.drafthouse.com/images/MADMAX.bmp)
Scroll Down to Show Times (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/show_details.asp?show_id=2402#showtimes)


Join the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in celebrating the Anniversary of these cult classics with a Mad Max Movie Marathon!

Mad Max: Rockatansky (Mel Gibson, in his first starring role) is a cop of the desolate, post-apocalyptic Australia of the "near future". He and his comrades have to regularly go after the goons and punks who terrorize the highways. Until Max quits his job and sets out to seek revenge for his partner's incineration, and wife and child are attacked by a gang of bikers. This energetic cult hit has some amazing stunt work and action scenes and is also subtly atmospheric.

The Road Warrior: Even better - with cooler, creepier villains and LOADS of action. Still in the post-apocalyptic Australian wasteland, a cynical drifter (Max/Mel Gibson) agrees to help a small, gasoline rich, community escape a band of bandits.

Beyond Thunder Dome: Mad Max (Mel Gibson), still wandering the post-apocalyptic Outback alone, stumbles across the corrupt Bartertown, led by Auntie Entity (Tina Turner) and must compete in the "Thunder Dome".

3:15 pm-ROADWAR 151: A Fan sponsored "RUN" down Hwy 151 culminates in our parking lot. Come and mingle, see the costumes, movie replicas and inspired vehicles. Or contact [email protected] to register and take part in the "RUN".

4:00 pm-MAD MAX (the one that started it all, and Made Mel Gibson a house hold name)

6:10 pm- Mad Max II "The Road Warrior" (When all that's left is one last chance, pray that he's still out there ... somewhere!)

8:15 pm-Beyond Thunder Dome (Mad Max III, "two men enter, one man leaves") Showings (click on a show time to buy tickets):
Saturday, April 16

3:15 pm (http://www.drafthouse.com/online_tix/buy.asp?showing=64314) (No Passes)
'Mad Max' fans run afoul of the SAPD
Web Posted: 04/18/2005 12:00 AM CDT

Mariano Castillo
Express-News Staff Writer

Spooked motorists called police to report a scene so bizarre it could've come from a movie: a convoy of armed men apparently trying to hijack a tanker truck.

In fact, it did come from a movie.

"Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior," to be exact.

Eleven "Mad Max" movie buffs were arrested and charged Saturday afternoon with obstruction of a highway during their theatrical convoy from Boerne to the Alamo Draft House in San Antonio for a movie marathon.

Police received several calls from motorists near U.S. 151 and Loop 410 who reported a "militia" armed with machine guns surrounding a tanker truck, a police report states.

The guns were fake and the tanker truck was part of the act, but two of the collared movie buffs were also charged with possession of prohibited knives.

Someone in the group told police that they were filming a documentary. But instead of sympathy, they got a citation for filming without a permit.

One of the organizers of the event, Chris Fenner, said the arrests were unfair to the group.

Fenner said he was riding a motorcycle behind the tanker truck, and the rest of the convoy was lined up behind him, not speeding or weaving in traffic.

Fenner had even e-mailed police spokesman Gabe Trevino to give the Police Department a heads-up on the event and invite officers to attend.

Along the route to the theater, Fenner had to pull over for a little while, and he arrived at the Alamo Draft House last, only to see a group of police cars there.

"I thought, wow, what a great turnout by the San Antonio police," Fenner said.

Some cops found the situation humorous, but some others were quite agitated and made the arrests, said Fenner, who was confounded that anyone would have confused the costumed crew for a real threat.

"I honestly don't know how that could be, because 'Road Warrior' was so over the top," he said.

About 25 people participated in the convoy, some from across the country, and more than twice that number were expected to attend the movie marathon.

Most were die-hard "Mad Max" fans, like Fenner.

He remembers watching the first "Mad Max" with his father and the second on a date with the woman who would be his future bride.

"I really like cars and motorcycles, and they're great car and motorcycle movies," he said.

The convoy was part of an event dubbed "Road War 151," which was to culminate with the movie marathon.

The marathon was canceled after the arrests.

According to the Web site roadwarusa.com, actor Vernon Wells, who portrayed the character "Wez," was to appear at the marathon.

Of those arrested, Jeffrey Kuykendall, 25, was charged with three counts of obstruction of a highway and possession of a prohibited knife. William Rodriguez, 20, faced one count each.

The others, charged with single counts of obstruction were Fenner, 42; Sean Richmond, 20; Joseph Goss, 45; Kevin Wright, 35; Robert Castro, 35; Manuel Salgado, 25; Gary Minter, 43; Karol Bactoszynski, 29; Christopher Medellin, 35; and Steven Shelton, 58.

04-18-2005, 12:10 PM
hey wtf? either manny got busted in his road warrior outfit, or that's a helluva coincidence.....or did you just start talking shit to the cops about the marathon being cancelled?

details please.

that's a hilarious story.....would have been funny to see live.

04-18-2005, 07:11 PM

That was NOT me. That's some crazy shit, but Manuel Salgado is a pretty common name. Fucking unorigional hispanic parents.

04-18-2005, 07:12 PM

04-18-2005, 09:59 PM

That was NOT me. That's some crazy shit, but Manuel Salgado is a pretty common name. Fucking unorigional hispanic parents.

lol! nah, i added that. here is the original story... but i could see manny doing this... if he only had a car!


04-18-2005, 10:19 PM
LOL, I would never do anything like that.

04-18-2005, 11:09 PM
LOL, I would never do anything like that.

plus you had just asked about getting a motorcycle!

04-19-2005, 04:12 PM
We've gone to one Spurs game there, and it was great. They have easy trivia, and we ended up winning 3 movie passes even though Dallas kick their ass. Oh, and it's free to get in to watch the game there. So I spent 25 bucks on beer and dinner (it's not pricey at all) but I got 18 bucks worth of movie passes.

Are those games shown at the Drafthouse, heavily attended? Plan on heading tomorrow but wonder if we should get there early for seats.

04-19-2005, 04:24 PM
We went on a Thursday night and the theater was about half full.