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10-08-2009, 10:58 AM
Could someone translate this


Motivos para estar contento

Manu Ginóbili
08 de Octubre de 2009 - 00:45

SAN ANTONIO.– Se imaginarán que no estoy hecho una luz, pero no tengo dolor y después de seis meses volví a sentir esa sensación tan linda de ir vestido con la 20 y, sobre todo, de jugar. Son suficientes motivos para estar muy contento.
A diferencia de un esguince, cuando uno sabe que se puede repetir la lesión, yo vengo de una fractura en el peroné, que soldó y ya está, así que no sentí miedo, para nada. Me voy acostumbrando al impacto de los saltos, a frenar... Puedo estar un poco lento, algo torpe, por decirlo de alguna manera, pero nada para preocuparse. Hoy puedo decir que estoy entre 6 y 7 puntos. El ritmo se va a ir dando naturalmente.
Contra Houston, me habían dicho que iba a jugar unos 15 minutos, aproximadamente, y así fue. No le doy importancia al hecho de haber sido titular. Faltaba poco para que comenzara el partido y con Roger Mason nos mirábamos porque no sabíamos quién empezaba. Me tocó a mí, pero no sé qué va a pasar de acá en más. Me imagino que tengo chances de ser suplente. Todos sabemos que eso no es lo más importante.
En cuanto al equipo, es difícil no tener un poco de nostalgia. Se fueron tres tipos con los que conviví en muchas temporadas: Fabri estuvo cuatro años; Bruce Bowen, siete, y Jacque Vaughn, tres. Se generan lazos de amistad y cuesta separarse. Pero todos estamos en esto hace tiempo y sabemos de qué se trata. Se los va a extrañar.
Los que llegaron, Richard Jefferson, Antonio McDyess, Theo Ratliff y Keith Bogans, que vino sobre el final, son grandes personas, como siempre se busca en San Antonio. Se van a amoldar rápido al equipo, sin individualismos, y deportivamente nos van a dar muchas variantes en ofensiva.
También está Dejuan Blair, que jugó su primer partido; lo estamos conociendo, tiene 20 años... y la rompió en el primer juego (agarró 19 rebotes).
Al tener más variantes en ataque, seguramente seguiremos en la línea de cambiar ese estilo que nos distinguió durante algunos años. Ahora no somos tan distintos al resto. Estamos tratando de jugar más libres, menos esquematizados, correr más. Además, sumamos talento y ya no se va a dar que en ataque nos busquen exclusivamente a Tony, a Tim o a mí. Vamos a tener variedad y un estilo de juego no tan estricto como lo era antes. Igualmente, dependerá de los resultados. Si las cosas no salen bien, seguramente se nos pedirá que volvamos a lo que alguna vez funcionó.
Más allá de eso, lo primordial va a ser defender mejor que en las últimas dos temporadas. Siempre estuvimos entre los tres mejores equipos defensivos, pero en los últimos años fallamos ahí. Queremos volver a ser la pared que fuimos. Después, en ataque, creo que no vamos a tener problemas. No vamos a pasar los 100 puntos en todos los partidos, como Phoenix o Denver, pero creo tenemos variedad para sumar mucho. Si estás sólido atrás, el resto es más fácil.
El primer partido de la pretemporada nos tocó jugar contra Houston y a Luis lo veo muy bien. Sin Yao Ming todo el año y si Tracy McGrady no vuelve rápido, él se va a convertir en el referente del equipo. Va a compartir la ofensiva con Aaron Brooks. Claro que al perder a Yao todo el año van a sufrir mucho y no sé si van a ganar tantos partidos como en la última temporada.
No creo que Chapu tenga muchas expectativas en Sacramento, porque no tuvieron una elección de las principales en el draft y tampoco hicieron incorporaciones de peso. Seguramente estarán entre los equipos con menos victorias en el año. No conozco tanto a Milwaukee, donde va a jugar Carlitos Delfino, pero creo que Washington puede dar una sorpresa. Tienen talento, poder ofensivo, y si juegan al nivel de un par de años atrás, el equipo de Fabri va a tener chances. Vienen de sufrir muchas lesiones, pero ahora recuperaron a todos y con Gilbert Arenas, Caron Butler, Antawn Jamison y Mike Miller, que se sumó ahora, es un grupo interesante. Si todos siguen sanos, pueden hacer cosas importantes.
Y sobre nuestras posibilidades..., creo que es lógico aceptarlo. No hay muchos jugadores que puedan decir al inicio de la temporada "podemos salir campeones". No va a ser fácil, hay muchos equipos buenos, pero ya estuvimos ahí. Este año se nos da una oportunidad y no sabemos si la vamos a tener otra vez, así que hay que hacer todo lo posible para aprovecharla. Tenemos un gran equipo y soy muy optimista; estamos muy entusiasmados y queremos llegar a la final y ganarla, por supuesto.

En acción, medio año después
La temporada pasada no fue buena para Manu, por esa seguidilla de lesiones. Volvió a sentir esa rigidez en la pierna derecha el 5 de abril pasado en un partido contra Cleveland (81-101), por la temporada regular. Se confirmó la fractura por estrés en el peroné y desde entonces no volvió a jugar. Anteanoche, contra Houston, volvió a actuar después de 184 días, algo más de seis meses.

10-08-2009, 11:02 AM
The first thing I saw was "Dejuan Blair", that's how much i've seen about him:lol

10-08-2009, 12:01 PM
y'all need translation?

10-08-2009, 12:12 PM
y'all need translation?

Are you translating already? If not, I could do it.

10-08-2009, 12:13 PM
Uru, you got this one? Or you want me to do it?

10-08-2009, 12:14 PM

many more offensive options for the spurs. The big 3 will not carry the team as much.

10-08-2009, 12:21 PM
Uru, you got this one? Or you want me to do it?

Are you translating already? If not, I could do it.

I'm on vacations in Charlotte, NC so if any of you can do it and cover my back I promise I'll give you back the favor during the season...

Thanks and Go Spurs!

10-08-2009, 12:38 PM
I'm on it.

10-08-2009, 12:47 PM
I love Manu's Spanish articles/interviews... they are far more revealing than his English ones.

Great read. :tu

10-08-2009, 12:58 PM
Reasons to be happy

Manu Ginóbili
08 de Octubre de 2009 - 00:45

SAN ANTONIO.– You would imagine I'm not made out of light, but I'm pain free and after six months I played again and felt that wonderful sensation of wearing number 20 and above all, play again. Those are enough reasons to be happy.

Unlike a sprain, when someone knows the injury can happen again, I came from a fibula fracture which "weld" and that is it, so I'm not scared at all. I'm getting use to the impact of jumping, to sudden stops...I can be a little slow, clumsy but nothing to worry about. Today I can say I'm between 6 and 7 points. The rhythm is something it will come naturally.

Against Houston, they told I was going to play for 15 minutes approximately and that is how it happen. I don't give any importance to the fact that I was a starter. Shortly before the game started Roger Mason and I gave looks at each other because we didn't know who was going to start. It was me, but I don't know what will happen from here on. I imagine that chances are of being a backup. We all know that is not the most important thing.

As for the team, is difficult not having a little of nostalgia. Gone are 3 guys who I lived a lot for many seasons: Fabri for 4 years; Bruce Bowen 7 and Jacque Vaughn 3. Friendship ties are created and it's hard to split up. But we all have been here for a while and we know what is all about. They are going to be missed.

Those who came, Richard Jefferson, Antonio McDyess, Theo Ratliff and Keith Bogas, who came last, are great people, as usually is looked for in San Antonio. They are going to blend quickly with the team, with no individualisms and, as far as the sport, they will give us a lot of options on offense.

There is also DeJuan Blair, who played his first game; we are getting to know him, he is 20 years old...and he broke it in the first game (grabbed 19 rebounds).

By having option on offense, we are surely to keep it in line with changing that style that distinguished ourselves for some years. Now we are not that different from the rest. We are trying to play more freely, less on a scheme, run more. Also, we added talent and it is not going to be just to look exclusively for Tony, Tim and myself. We are going to have options and style of play less strict than before. It will depend on the results. If things don't work out, we surely are going to be asked to go back to what worked before.

Beyond that, the most important thing will be to defend better the last 2 seasons. We were always one of the 3 best defensive team, but in the last few years we have failed there. We want to go back to being the wall we once were. Later, on offense, I think we will have no problems. We are not going to go above 100 points in all games like Phoenix o Denver but I think we have the options to add a lot. If you are solid in the back, the rest if easy.

The first game of the preseason was against Houston and I see Luis doing well. Without Yao Ming all year and if Tracy McGrady doesn't come back quickly, he is going to be the main player in the team. He is going to share the offense with Aaron Brooks. Sure by loosing Yao all year they will suffer and I don't if they will win as many games as last season.

I don't think Chapu has a lot of expectations in Sacramento, because they had no good choices in the draft and they didn't make heavy changes. They will surely be among the teams with less win this year. I don't Milwaukee that much, where Carlos Delfino will play, but I think Washington can surprise. They have talent, offensive power and if they play like they did a few years back, Fabri's team will have a chance. They come from a lot of injuries but they everyone back and with Gilbert Arenas, Caron Butler, Antwan Jamison and Mike Miller, is an interesting group. If everyone stays healthy they can do big things.

About our chances..., I think is logical to accept it. There is not a lot fo players who can say at the beggining of the season "we can be champions". It's not going to be easy, there is a lot of good teams, but we have been there. This year we are given the oportunity and we don't know if we are going to get it again so we are going to do everything possible to take advantage of it. We have a great team and I'm very optimistic; we are enthusiastic and we want to get to the finals and win it of course.

Back in action, half year later
Last season was not a good one for Manu due to that streak of injuries. He felt stiff on his right leg on April 5th in a game against Cleveland (81-101) in the regular season. The fibula stress fracture was confirmed he hasn't play since. The night before last against Houston, he played again after 184 days, a little more than six months.

10-08-2009, 01:05 PM
Good article. Thanks for the translation :tu

It'll be interesting to see how the lack of reins affects the offense. Hypothetically, with the added talent, the Spurs should be pretty damn good on offense. We'll see if that happens in real life, though.

10-08-2009, 01:08 PM
...December/January they should have it together....

10-08-2009, 01:28 PM
Thanks for the translation.

10-08-2009, 01:29 PM
There is also DeJuan Blair, who played his first game; we are getting to know him, he is 20 years old...and he broke it in the first game (grabbed 19 rebounds).

Damn right he did!

10-08-2009, 01:33 PM
thanks for translating! one of these days i'll learn some more spanish. one of these days...

10-08-2009, 01:39 PM
Thanks for the translation

10-08-2009, 02:21 PM
Typical of Manu to mention His Dearly Departed Friends of many years.

10-08-2009, 04:19 PM
His reports on the Argentinians around the league are cool. He sounds like a ST poster

10-08-2009, 09:21 PM
Thanks for the translation

10-08-2009, 09:32 PM
Thanks Shifty

10-08-2009, 11:14 PM
Manu is looking traslators for his forum!

Anyone that usually traslate his articles interested?

Alguien sabe quien es el/la tal Shifty que hace la traduccion??? Es confiable? Los que entienden ingles, la leyeron y la idea es la misma???

Si es asi, tengo un par de consultas importantes

a - Lo hace siempre que hay columnas?
b - Lo podremos poner en el sitio en ingles?


10-08-2009, 11:22 PM
Manu is looking traslators for his forum!

Anyone that usually traslate his articles interested?


I could do those too. As for the literal translation you are commenting over there, I do them that way to avoid losing what the original author says but if you want me to be more "interpretative" then I could do it. No problem.

However I do have to warn you, a lot of words and sentences could be lost during the "spanish to spanish translation" since I'm from Mexico. If I have learned something translating things, it is that there are a lot of variations of the same language depending on location.

10-08-2009, 11:47 PM
I didn't mean to critize you or anything it was a fantastic job you did traslating it. If you're interested log on Manu's forum and answer him!

Manu read your traslation be proud, lol


10-08-2009, 11:56 PM
Typical of Manu to mention His Dearly Departed Friends of many years.

Jeez, they didn't die, lol.

I love Manu, but I can't help but wonder why people never mention Haislip when they talk about the off-season additions, not even his teammate. I think he might be able to bring more to the table than Bogans can.

Nevertheless, great article! Manu should have written more while he was injured.

10-09-2009, 12:35 AM
Nice piece.:tu

Thanks for the translation, Shifty.:toast

We are trying to play more freely, less on a scheme, run more. Also, we added talent and it is not going to be just to look exclusively for Tony, Tim and myself. We are going to have options and style of play less strict than before. It will depend on the results. If things don't work out, we surely are going to be asked to go back to what worked before.

There's been hints from Pop and the Spurs that the type of play would change because of the addition of talent and the desire to cut down the playbook in order to accelerate the learning-curve for the newcomers, but it's nice to hear that there's a philosophical change to the offense that Pop is looking to experiment with to start the season.

The fact that Manu said if it doesn't work they'll be going back to what worked before, I have to believe is a statement from Pop that Manu's just repeating. Pop really is looking for the team to go more up-tempo, while, at the same time, getting back to their roots defensively.

I really believe it's the best way to go, given the personnel and where the respective stars are at this stage of their career.

So, here's hoping this tweak works a lot better than Pop's Thibodeau-like defensive experiment to start last season..

10-09-2009, 05:48 AM