View Full Version : Its official! Golf is a Sport!

10-09-2009, 08:19 AM

After more than a century-long hiatus, the sport of golf will return to the Olympics beginning with the 2016 Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro.

The much-anticipated addition became official Friday when International Olympic Committee members in Copenhagen, Denmark, voted in favor of golf's inclusion along with rugby sevens. The two sports received the approval of the IOC Executive Board in August, but weren't guaranteed admission until they won the entire IOC's support.

The outcome led to exultation -- and likely relief -- for the world's golf leaders, who worked under the banner of the International Golf Federation and lobbied 18 months to earn the blessing of the IOC.

Though the IGF made a concerted effort to a show a united front for its cause, golf's return to the Summer Games wasn't without its detractors.

From a competition standpoint, some questioned the need for Olympic golf, considering the sport's highest honor is linked to its four majors. From a business perspective, naysayers scoffed at Olympic advocates who, they said, gave the impression that the sport's addition would ignite a global golf boom.

But there's little debate that golf officials now have an unprecedented opportunity: To draw the world's attention to their sport every four years.

Focus, however, now quickly shifts to finding an appropriate venue for golf's return. For all of its natural beauty, Rio is not a golf destination. It may have approximately 100 courses, but it's questionable whether any of them are truly championship caliber. Only one within the city's borders might meet competition criteria, and two other courses in the surrounding region could warrant consideration.

Limited options explain why there's already much discussion about building a new facility, and that could lead to PGA Tour Golf Course Properties unveiling a TPC-branded layout in Rio, Golfweek has learned.

"It's a possibility," confirmed David Pillsbury, president and chief operating officer of PGA Tour Golf Course Properties. "We will be evaluating all the courses in Rio de Janeiro and talking to prospective partners in Rio about building something similar to TPC San Antonio, with a resort, a couple golf courses and a location that would be ideal to the Olympic city."

According to PGA Tour executive Ty Votaw -- one of the architect's of golf's Olympic bid -- key leaders from the IOC, the host city and the IGF will need to sort out the site selection process. In the immediate aftermath of the IOC vote, it was unclear who or what organization would have the final say in determining a location or authorizing the construction of a new course.

The prospect of designing an Olympic venue, especially for such a watershed moment in golf's history, is sure to attract architects eager to bid on the project. The biggest names already were at the front of the line.

"Nicklaus Design would be very interested in creating a Jack Nicklaus Olympic Golf Facility for Brazil," said Paul Stringer, the course design firm's senior vice president, in an e-mail.

Course architects won't be the only ones seeking to capitalize on Olympic golf. From agents to TV executives and from corporate sponsors to equipment makers, the race is now on to cash in on the summer sports spectacle.

After all, the modern Olympics bears little resemblance to the Summer Games in St. Louis that last hosted golf in 1904. Back then, Canada's George Lyon topped a 77-man field to win gold, but only the U.S. and Canada competed.

In 2016, athletes from more than 200 nations will descend upon Rio -- and the world will be watching golf's return.

10-09-2009, 08:47 AM
They're just trying to make money off of Tiger's popularity.

10-09-2009, 08:49 AM
About time. And,

They're just trying to make money off of Tiger's popularity.
so what? You think the PGA or anyone else isn't? They can make all the money in the world for all I care. As a consumer of televised golf coverage, this is good news for me.

10-09-2009, 09:19 AM
They're just trying to make money off of Tiger's popularity.

That's cool, I love golf. Even without Tiger, I think the only big money will come from advertising. Golf is such a specialized sport with limited appeal, that huge audiences aren't gonna be tuning in like they will for the more appealing sports.

10-09-2009, 10:31 AM
"I think the only big money will come from advertising"

where else would big money come from?

10-09-2009, 11:12 AM
I guess what I meant is that it doesn't take Tiger to do that.

10-09-2009, 11:35 AM
There is a trampoline event in the Olympics and so I don't see how anyone can object to golf, which is a time honored sport, being included in the Olympics.

10-09-2009, 12:03 PM
F Yeah!!!

10-09-2009, 12:20 PM
There is a trampoline event in the Olympics and so I don't see how anyone can object to golf, which is a time honored sport, being included in the Olympics.

Actually, over the years the "is golf a sport?" question has been vigorously debated in here.

10-09-2009, 12:24 PM
Actually, over the years the "is golf a sport?" question has been vigorously debated in here.

:lol That does not surprise me. Many more ridiculous questions have been posed and argued here.

I am not a fan of golf at all. I find it quite boring to watch. And I have no interest in playing it- although my dad, bless his heart, did try to teach me.

But I recognize that it takes talent and coordination and practice in order to play golf well- which makes it a sport in my book.

10-09-2009, 12:29 PM
Well, since it is a sport, are all golfers athletes?



10-09-2009, 12:39 PM
I would say so.

Granted there are levels of skill in everything. For example, some people are professional photographers while others do it as a hobby.

Are all the people who play basketball athletes? I don't know. Is a group of kids playing a pick up game of basketball a group of athletes? Maybe not.

But basketball is played as a sport by professionals and so is golf.

To me it is important to recognize those good enough to make a living playing golf as athletes because their talent exceeds the norm.
Tiger Woods is an athlete. So is Jack Nicholas ( He was also my dad's fave).

An interesting question is: Did golf make Tiger and Jack athletes or did Tiger and Jack make golf a sport?


10-09-2009, 12:58 PM
I would say so.

Granted there are levels of skill in everything. For example, some people are professional photographers while others do it as a hobby.

Are all the people who play basketball athletes? I don't know. Is a group of kids playing a pick up game of basketball a group of athletes? Maybe not.

But basketball is played as a sport by professionals and so is golf.

To me it is important to recognize those good enough to make a living playing golf as athletes because their talent exceeds the norm.
Tiger Woods is an athlete. So is Jack Nicholas ( He was also my dad's fave).

An interesting question is: Did golf make Tiger and Jack athletes or did Tiger and Jack make golf a sport?


Angel, you take things way too seriously. You should really consider re-inventing yourself. :p:

10-09-2009, 01:12 PM
Angel, you take things way too seriously. You should really consider re-inventing yourself. :p:

You are saying I should be less thoughtful? Okay, got it! :lol

10-09-2009, 01:13 PM
Golf is not a sport.

10-09-2009, 01:21 PM
if you go by the textbook definition

then yeah, golf players are athletes.

10-09-2009, 01:31 PM
Cosmic, you should check out a more recent picture of Daly. I think he's dropped 50 LBs.

10-09-2009, 02:15 PM
A little dated, but still funny:


10-09-2009, 03:08 PM
No to be OT, but since when Poker is a sport ??????????????????

Sometimes, I switch to a sport network to see if any real sport is on, and they have poker on

Poker, for fuck sake!

No wonder people are getting fat

10-09-2009, 05:17 PM
Never considered hitting a ball and walking to it a sport. It's just a hobby for middle aged men

10-09-2009, 05:26 PM
Gold is a sport. It takes more skill and practice than any other sport in the world. Despite their age, pro golfers are athletes. People who play it necessarly arent. People that play pick up basketball and soccer arent athletes either. Pro Golfers are in excellent shape, keep your John Daley comments aside. Golf has been around longer than most sports have, so it is about time it is in the olympics. Props to golf. :tu

10-09-2009, 07:18 PM
Golf is a sport. It takes more skill and practice than any other sport in the world. Despite their age, pro golfers are athletes. People who play it necessarly arent. People that play pick up basketball and soccer arent athletes either. Pro Golfers are in excellent shape, keep your John Daley comments aside. Golf has been around longer than most sports have, so it is about time it is in the olympics. Props to golf. :tu


Half of golf is hitting the ball. The other half is walking to it. No defense, no offense, no different positions to consider. YOU HIT THE FUCKING BALL IN A HOLE IN THE GROUND. I'm not saying it doesn't require skill...but what doesn't require skill?

baseline bum
10-09-2009, 07:44 PM
Half of weight-lifting is picking up the bar. The other half is walking to it. No defense, no offense, no different positions to consider. YOU LIFT THE FUCKING BARBELL OFF THE GROUND. I'm not saying it doesn't require skill...but what doesn't require skill?

Half of gymnastics is jumping off the springboard. The other half is walking to it. No defense, no offense, no different positions to consider. YOU JUMP OFF THE FUCKING SPRINGBOARD AND THEN LAND. I'm not saying it doesn't require skill...but what doesn't require skill?

Half of the high jump is jumping off the ground. The other half is walking to it. No defense, no offense, no different positions to consider. YOU JUMP OFF THE FUCKING GROUND AND OVER THE BAR. I'm not saying it doesn't require skill...but what doesn't require skill?

10-09-2009, 09:41 PM
Half of weight-lifting is picking up the bar. The other half is walking to it. No defense, no offense, no different positions to consider. YOU LIFT THE FUCKING BARBELL OFF THE GROUND. I'm not saying it doesn't require skill...but what doesn't require skill?

Half of gymnastics is jumping off the springboard. The other half is walking to it. No defense, no offense, no different positions to consider. YOU JUMP OFF THE FUCKING SPRINGBOARD AND THEN LAND. I'm not saying it doesn't require skill...but what doesn't require skill?

Half of the high jump is jumping off the ground. The other half is walking to it. No defense, no offense, no different positions to consider. YOU JUMP OFF THE FUCKING GROUND AND OVER THE BAR. I'm not saying it doesn't require skill...but what doesn't require skill?

:lmao You're so offended it's funny. Did I say any of those 3 sports require more skill and training than any other sport in the world? Cause that was the comment I was responding to. You were too pissed to realize that made obvious by the fact that you copied my post 3 times over to try to get your point across.

Lord knows anyone can do flips off a balance beam or springboard in gymnastics just like anyone can swing a golf club...wait, at least that's half right

baseline bum
10-09-2009, 10:14 PM
I am offended by the fucking asinine logic you're known for here.

10-10-2009, 01:42 AM
I am offended by the fucking asinine logic you're known for here.

I'm known for asinine logic? So you're saying I have a reputation here?

When you compare swinging a golf club to gymnastics, that's pretty asinine

baseline bum
10-10-2009, 01:49 AM
I'm known for asinine logic? So you're saying I have a reputation here?

When you compare swinging a golf club to gymnastics, that's pretty asinine

Why? Any idiot, even you, can jump off a springboard and fling himself over the horse.

10-10-2009, 01:57 AM
Why? Any idiot, even you, can jump off a springboard and fling himself over the horse.

...what the fuck are you talking about?! I really don't know if you're being sarcastic or not

Of course! ANYONE can do flips off of a springboard. Hell, I've been doing that shit since I was 5. Now swinging a golf club on the other hand; THAT requires athleticism

baseline bum
10-10-2009, 03:09 AM
...what the fuck are you talking about?! I really don't know if you're being sarcastic or not

Of course! ANYONE can do flips off of a springboard. Hell, I've been doing that shit since I was 5. Now swinging a golf club on the other hand; THAT requires athleticism

I didn't say anyone could do it well; just that anyone could do it.

10-10-2009, 07:19 AM
Archery arguably demands less of a person physically then golf.

If that's an Olympic sport, I don't see why golf shouldn't be.

10-10-2009, 09:14 AM
I would say so.

Granted there are levels of skill in everything. For example, some people are professional photographers while others do it as a hobby.

Are all the people who play basketball athletes? I don't know. Is a group of kids playing a pick up game of basketball a group of athletes? Maybe not.

But basketball is played as a sport by professionals and so is golf.

To me it is important to recognize those good enough to make a living playing golf as athletes because their talent exceeds the norm.
Tiger Woods is an athlete. So is Jack Nicholas ( He was also my dad's fave).

An interesting question is: Did golf make Tiger and Jack athletes or did Tiger and Jack make golf a sport?


golf has been a very popular sport for most of the last 100 years. arnold palmer was far more popular than jack ever was. tiger brought it back to the masses.

10-10-2009, 09:59 AM
I don't have a problem with it but I'm a good sport.

10-10-2009, 10:55 AM
You don't have to run, jump, or swim in every single activity you do to have it be called a sport. Infact people call card games such as poker and board games such as chess sports, which would annoy me more than something like golf which actually takes into account both mental and physical ability.

10-11-2009, 02:37 AM
At a recent birthday party I offended one of my relatives by saying that golf is not a sport. Here is my reasoning.

1. How quickly can you get from one point to another? Doesn't matter if you are on foot, in a boat, on a bike, or a horse...that's a race.

2. You perform a skill that generates a score. While you are performing that skill your opponent is waiting for their turn. Your opponent performs that skill while you wait and they get a score. Best score wins. Horseshoes, diving, gymnastics, archery are competitions.

3. When your opponent is on the same playing surface as you and they are actively trying to prevent you/your team for scoring...that's a sport. Rugby, basketball, tennis, football are all sports.

Being in the olympics or being difficult doesn't make something a sport. It's the nature of the activity itself that determines it for me.