View Full Version : Conspiracy Theories not Race Unifies GOP

10-17-2009, 04:21 PM
Interesting report by Greenberg on what drives the GOP loyal and surprisingly, it's not race against Obama...

GOP Base Driven By Bizarre Ideology, Not Racism, Report Finds

When Stan Greenberg and fellow Democratic researchers launched a study of the conservative Republican world's reaction to President Obama, he figured they'd find ample evidence of racism.

They didn't. Not at all.

"Race just wasn't brought up," said a surprised Greenberg on a conference call with reporters Friday. He said that the focus groups were given as much time to talk about race as they could possibly need.

"If there was any kind of a racial element, we thought we'd pick it up. We didn't," said James Carville, who also worked on the report.

And when asked who spoke for the Republican Party, the answer was overwhelmingly: Fox News.

The study was done by Democracy Corps and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research and was also authored by Karl Agne and Jim Gerstein.

What drives the GOP base, rather than race, was a genuine belief that Obama has a "secret agenda" to drive the country in a socialist direction, said the authors. These voters want more opposition, not more cooperation.

"They want more opposition," said Carville. "If you don't wanna get primary-ed, there's nothing in this [report] that tells [a GOP member of Congress] to go compromise on anything. Quite the contrary."
Story continues below

While the GOP base was feverishly opposed to Obama, it wasn't happy with its own party either. "Their negative opinions of the Republican Party were really startling," said Agne. "They're very dispirited about their own party."

The report concludes that the extreme GOP voters are not simply at the far end of a standard political continuum that runs left-center-right, but rather they stand fully apart.

The basic belief is that Obama -- a former community organizer who seemingly came from nowhere -- must have been propelled by some secret forces. This is no small segment of the population and represents almost one-in-five voters and nearly two-of-three self identified Republicans.

"Instead of focusing on these intense ideological divisions, the press and elites continue to look for a racial element that drives these voters' beliefs -- but they need to get over it," the authors write. "Conducted on the heels of Joe Wilson's incendiary comments at the president's joint session address, we gave these groups of older, white Republican base voters in Georgia the full opportunity to bring race into their discussion -- but it did not ever become a central element, and indeed, was almost beside the point."

The authors did say, however, that while Obama wasn't seen through a racial lens, the voters did view and speak of illegal immigration in a racial way.

The researchers also spoke with swing-voters and independents and found a crucial difference: The independents wanted Obama to succeed, while the GOP base wanted him to fail. That's a logical extension of their belief: If they really do think Obama has a secret agenda to destroy the nation, it's patently patriotic to want him to fail. One author referred to it as an "ethical imperative" given what they think the agenda is.

"While these voters are disdainful of a Republican Party they view to have failed in its mission, they overwhelmingly view a successful Obama presidency as the destruction of this country's founding principles and are committed to seeing the president fail," reads the report.

Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/16/gop-base-driven-by-bizarr_n_323796.html

10-17-2009, 04:28 PM
so fox news is the leader of the republican party not michael steele or limbaugh? makes sense

10-17-2009, 04:45 PM
I guess the obvious is finally obvious to the dense.

The Republican Party is chocked full of conservative blacks and, the racist meme is starting to look a little ridiculous.

This study throws a whole bowl full of rhetorical spaghetti against the political wall in the hopes something will stick.

Good luck with that.

10-17-2009, 04:46 PM
The Republican Party is chocked full of conservative blacksHow many?

10-17-2009, 04:58 PM
How many?
I have no idea but, the left ignores their presence or, worse, demonizes those that excel; (i.e. Clarence Thomas, Condoleeza Rice, and Colin Powell [while he was Secretary of State]). The Republican Party isn't in the habit of practicing identity politics like Democrats so, how many isn't the issue.

Even in the latest attempt to smear a Republican as racist, Limbaugh's opponents relied on two notorious race-baiters in Jackson and Sharpton -- both of whom have a well-documented past of racism and criminality --to inform their argument and, they chose to attribute totally fabricated quotes in an effort to smear Limbaugh because the argument was a farce on it's face.

Limbaugh's chief employee and one with whom he often shares the microphone is a black conservative named Bo Snerdley...who is satirically referred to as the "Official Obama Criticizer" because he is black and can't, therefore, be tagged as racist. Two of Rush Limbaugh's most frequent relief players who sit in for him when he is absent are black conservatives -- Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell.

If Rush Limbaugh is a racist -- And, this is something Carville's group apparently has finally noticed -- then, you're going to have to start calling the Walter Williams, Thomas Sowells, Bo Snerdleys, Clarence Thomases, Colin Powells, and Condi Rices of the world racists too.

The fact is, as Carville partisan group think shows, they're not racist and the jig is up...we need to find a new kind of tar to throw on Republicans and here's my vomit for the day...

10-17-2009, 05:08 PM
I feel bad for Yonivore to have to endure three more years of this but I give him props for standing his ground. :tu

10-17-2009, 05:15 PM
I feel bad for Yonivore to have to endure three more years of this but I give him props for standing his ground. :tu
Don't feel bad for me...it's all good.

10-17-2009, 05:47 PM
But is it getting any better?

10-17-2009, 05:50 PM
But is it getting any better?
For me? All the time, mouse. All the time.

10-17-2009, 06:20 PM
if blacks are in the republican party ask them to get out of the witness protection program

10-17-2009, 06:24 PM
I have no ideaSo when you said the party was "chocked full" of black conservatives, you were not being honest.

10-17-2009, 06:29 PM
Like I said, Democrats choose to ignore they exist because it prevents them from advancing the narrative the Republican Party is the party of racists...unlike the Democrat Party, home to the only known, former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan serving in Congress.

If you'd bother, they have a website.


Here's a few history making black Republicans:

http://www.nbra.info/index.cfm?fuseaction=pages.blackgop&x=6253623 (http://www.nbra.info/index.cfm?fuseaction=pages.blackgop&x=6253623)

10-17-2009, 06:32 PM
You named, what -- six?

Including one that endorsed Obama.

"Chocked full!"

10-17-2009, 06:40 PM
You named, what -- six?

Including one that endorsed Obama.

"Chocked full!"
So, are those six racists?

How 'bout the members of the National Black Republicans Association?

Or, the two-dozen, or so, they pictured on their page of historical black Republicans?

10-17-2009, 06:44 PM
So, are those six racists?Never said they were. They could be conspiracy theorists.

How 'bout the members of the National Black Republicans Association?I don't know each one of them to make that determination.

How many of them do you know personally?

10-17-2009, 06:48 PM
Never said they were. They could be conspiracy theorists.
Are they? And, which ones?

I don't know each one of them to make that determination.
Do you know any blacks that are racists against other blacks?

How many of them do you know personally?
I don't know that I know any, I've never asked my friends if they're members.

10-17-2009, 06:51 PM
Are they? And, which ones?I said "could be."


Do you know any blacks that are racists against other blacks?Who said they were racist against other blacks?

I don't know that I know any, I've never asked my friends if they're members.So, none.


10-17-2009, 06:55 PM
I said "could be."

Why would you say that?

Who said they were racist against other blacks?
So, you don't believe the Republican Party is the party of racists?

So, none.

Unknown doesn't equal none. For all I or you know, all of my black friends are members. Well, there are a couple who voted for Obama that I'm guessing aren't members.

10-17-2009, 06:58 PM
Why would you say that?Because they could be.

So, you don't believe the Republican Party is the party of racists?Not entirely.

Unknown doesn't equal none. For all I or you know, all of my black friends are members.So they could just as easily be conspiracy theorists.

10-17-2009, 07:03 PM
Because they could be.
They could be perfectly normal. But, to the point, if the Republican Party is home to racist America, why would any black person be a member? Even one.

If Rush Limbaugh is a racist, why does Bo Snerdley work for him or Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell fill in for him?

Not entirely.
If it were, at all...why would a black person be a member?

So they could just as easily be conspiracy theorists.
Or not.

10-17-2009, 07:07 PM
You know, Chump. You might be a more interesting poster if, instead of trying to lead posters you don't like down rabbit holes of silly back and forths, you'd actually argue a position.

Somehow, I don't think you're capable.

10-17-2009, 07:18 PM
They could be perfectly normal. But, to the point, if the Republican Party is home to racist America, why would any black person be a member? Even one.

If Rush Limbaugh is a racist, why does Bo Snerdley work for him or Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell fill in for him?Money could be a possibility.

If it were, at all...why would a black person be a member?Because they felt like it. There are plenty of reasons to be a Republican. Being a racist is only one. Being a conspiracy theorist is another.

Or not.Or they are.

10-17-2009, 07:20 PM
You know, Chump. You might be a more interesting poster if, instead of trying to lead posters you don't like down rabbit holes of silly back and forths, you'd actually argue a position.I've argued plenty of positions. You merely parrot and plagiarize the positions of others. If you spent less time whining about me and regurgitating blogs, you might be less boring.

Somehow, I don't think you're capable.Somehow, I don't care if you think that. You've proven you aren't capable.

10-17-2009, 07:21 PM
Money could be a possibility.
With Sowell and Williams, they were successful before ever meeting Limbaugh and I'm not sure a guest gig is that much money over which to compromise a principle -- particularly one where the person for whom you're filling in thinks you're an inferior human being.

Could be they know what you refuse to acknowledge. Limbaugh isn't a racist and, in fact, the Republican Party isn't the home of racism in America.

Because they felt like it. There are plenty of reasons to be a Republican. Being a racist is only one. Being a conspiracy theorist is another.
Name one that would cause you to join a party that thought your race was inferior.

Or they are.
Or not.

10-17-2009, 07:25 PM
With Sowell and Williams, they were successful before ever meeting Limbaugh and I'm not sure a guest gig is that much money over which to compromise a principle -- particularly one where the person for whom you're filling in thinks you're an inferior human being.Of course they became much more widely known and read after being on Limbaugh's show -- so it could still be money. Principles are tossed aside all the time for money.

Name one that would cause you to join a party that thought your race was inferior.I don't join parties, so you are asking the wrong guy. I think the whole business is kind of stupid.

Or not.Or they are. Can't be proved either way.

10-17-2009, 07:35 PM
Of course they became much more widely known and read after being on Limbaugh's show -- so it could still be money. Principles are tossed aside all the time for money.

I don't join parties, so you are asking the wrong guy. I think the whole business is kind of stupid.
But, they exist, nonetheless.

Or they are. Can't be proved either way.
A typical sinister ploy -- most recently employed by Al Sharpton and his compliant media. Suggest something is true and let the target try to disprove the negative.

You must have learned at the Master's feet, Chump. In this forum, no one does it better.

10-17-2009, 07:40 PM
But, they exist, nonetheless.Exactly, as do people who compromise principles for money.

A typical sinister ploy -- most recently employed by Al Sharpton and his compliant media. Suggest something is true and let the target try to disprove the negative.So the possibility exists that they are conspiracy theorists. I'm not saying any are, just allowing for the possibilty.

You must have learned at the Master's feet, Chump. In this forum, no one does it better.Nah, I think Wild Cobra and you do a much better job of jumping to conclusions.

I'm not making that jump. they may or may not be conspiracy theorists, although their being Republicans makes them more likely to subscribe to some conspiracy theories, just as being a Democrat would make them more likely to subscribe to others.

10-17-2009, 09:05 PM
Like I said, Democrats choose to ignore they exist because it prevents them from advancing the narrative the Republican Party is the party of racists...unlike the Democrat Party, home to the only known, former Grand Kleagle and Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan serving in Congress.

If you'd bother, they have a website.


Here's a few history making black Republicans:

http://www.nbra.info/index.cfm?fuseaction=pages.blackgop&x=6253623 (http://www.nbra.info/index.cfm?fuseaction=pages.blackgop&x=6253623)

LOL at the GOP drafting the corpse of Jackie Robinson to be a Republican.

"I was not as sold on the Republican party as I was on the governor," Robinson wrote of Rockefeller. "Every chance I got, while I was campaigning, I said plainly what I thought of the right-wing Republicans and the harm they were doing. I felt the GOP was a minority party in term of numbers of registered voters and could not win unless they updated their social philosophy and sponsored candidates and principles to attract the young, the black, and the independent voter. I said this often from public, and frequently Republican, platforms. By and large Republicans had ignored blacks and sometimes handpicked a few servile leaders in the black community to be their token "######s." How would I sound trying to go all out to sell Republicans to black people? They're not buying. They know better."

"I admit freely that I think, live, and breathe black first and foremost. That is one of the reasons I was so committed to the governor and so opposed to Senator Barry Goldwater. Early in 1964 I wrote a Speaking Out piece for The Saturday Evening Post. A Barry Goldwater victory would insure that the GOP would be completely the white man's party. What happened at San Francisco when Senator Goldwater became the Republican standard-bearer confirmed my prediction."

"I wasn't altogether caught of guard by the victory of the reactionary forces in the Republican party, but I was appalled by the tactics they used to stifle their liberal opposition," Robinson wrote of that 1964 convention. "I was a special delegate to the convention through an arrangement made by the Rockefeller office. That convention was one of the most unforgettable and frightening experiences of my life. The hatred I saw was unique to me because it was hatred directed against a white man. It embodied a revulsion for all he stood for, including his enlightened attitude toward black people."

10-17-2009, 09:22 PM
Ah, that's a good one. I didn't bother to look at the link, but I knew about the Jackie Robinson story.

Maybe you have to be a liar to be a Republican.

10-17-2009, 10:34 PM
Do you know any blacks that are racists against other blacks?

I would like to point out that a few blacks ARE racist towards other blacks, or at least, towards certain blacks. See the "black vs n*gger" skit by Chris Rock for an example.