View Full Version : Muzzle this, NBA: Your replacement refs are terrible

10-19-2009, 09:42 AM

When Deldre Carr, CJ Washington and Ken Washington left the Rose Garden floor on Sunday they wore dark slacks, tucked-in referee jerseys and each carried a jacket with the official logo of the National Basketball Association on it.

And that's where the story begins and ends today. Because Portland beat Denver 98-96 an exhibition game. And we can talk in circles about whether the Trail Blazers are good enough, or ready enough for the season, but the big issue is whether the best basketball in the world can ever really matter as long as the officiating is not the best available.

The NBA cannot and should not start its season with replacement officials calling the games, because if it does, it is giving you a lousy product.

The NBA doesn't want to talk about how awful the officiating has been in the preseason. It doesn't want players to talk. It doesn't want coaches to talk. It doesn't want you to know that everyone is frustrated, and confused. That's why the NBA sent out a memo warning of penalties for complaints, and has backed that up by fining individuals as well as the team they play for.

If you can't fix it, censor it.

Said Brandon Roy, who declined to comment on the officiating: "They told us in media training to ask you, 'Do you want to pay the fine for me?' Because if you want to pay the fine, I'll say anything you want."

What Roy would say is that there's a natural rhythm to the game, and a good deal of that depends on how the game is called. Anyone who watched the Blazers-Nuggets game understands that as long as the NBA trots out replacement referees the outcome is going to be sketchy, at best. And embarrassing at worst.

Should fans really have to pay full price for any of this?

The NBA locked out its regular officials at the beginning of training camp. The contract between the league and its officials expired Sept. 1 and the sides have been trying to reach a new two-year deal. They agreed on salaries, which would have held steady this season and increased slightly in year No. 2. But the league's attempt to reduce retirement benefits resulted in an impasse.

The real result, though, is lousy officiating.

On Sunday, the Blazers and Nuggets were called for a combined 67 fouls, many questionable. Center Joel Przybilla was slapped so hard across his arms by Kenyon Martin on an errant layup attempt that the "thwack!!" could be heard in the 200 level -- no call -- and Martin giggled all the way down the court. And Denver's Nene was called for a foul when he was the one being mugged on a defensive rebound. And Greg Oden, who fouled out in less than 16 minutes of play, was called for his sixth foul while standing flatfooted, barely brushing against Martin, who had fistfuls of Oden's jersey.

There were phantom traveling calls. And whistle-happy inconsistency on both ends. And Denver and Portland combined to attempt 90 action-stopping free throws, and so what we have is a league that is confused, reeling, and trying to pass a free throw shooting contest off as elite basketball.

The three replacement officials who worked Sunday's game had a combined four seasons of Developmental League experience -- 99 total games. None of those were playoff games. None of them featuring the speed, athleticism or pressure of what they're encountering now. And it was evident that the guys with the whistles are not just going to become a major part of the story this season --- they are the story until the league ends the lockout.

Don't let the league fool you.

This isn't the best basketball in the world. Not with replacements calling the action. Not when it takes three hours to complete a game. Not when the athletes are unsure what a foul is, or isn't.

Understand, I'm typically slow to criticize officiating. Bad calls happen. Good teams overcome. But I can't defend the mess I saw on Sunday at the Rose Garden, and what's gone on throughout the league this preseason. When you have an epidemic that detracts from the quality of play everywhere it makes no sense for the league to charge full ticket prices, and attempt to pass the play off as top-notch, because it's far from that.

The Blazers are working hard to improve for the season, they're experimenting with lineup combinations. They're testing new players with returning players. They're watching Oden grow -- and he played five inspiring minutes in the fourth quarter on Sunday. The Nuggets are working hard, too, for what should be an electric season of the best basketball in the world.

But what's become evident with inconsistent officiating is that the players will matter less, and what the teams want to do will matter less, and what will replace that for emphasis is how the games are officiated. The replacement officials are shaky, often minute to minute. They lack confidence. They lack experience. They're painful to watch, because you can't help but empathize with them the minute you realize they're in over their heads.

The job is guesswork. And right now, everyone is guessing this lockout is going to bleed into the regular season. But it's time to bring back the regular officials, "the best officials in the world," the league always told us, and give the replacements a rest.

No amount of preseason experience is going to get 60-plus underqualified officials ready for the regular season. It's asking too much. And the league is woefully ignorant if it thinks otherwise.

Oden? Roy? Chemistry? Right now, I'm worried more about the officials and how they'll change the outcome of games more so than any problem the Blazers might encounter this early season.

By the way, the NBA's league office is free to dislike this column all it wants. Sing it to the rafters. No fine here.

We'll just call it even.

10-19-2009, 09:57 AM
I cannot believe that the writer even makes up excuses even when the Blazers win.

10-19-2009, 10:01 AM
let the blazer excuses start

10-19-2009, 10:13 AM
Blaming the refs is Blazer fan's favorite past time.

10-19-2009, 10:31 AM
Once again, it's going to affect all teams equally. It may not exactly be fair (as few things in life are), but any team can get a bad call at any time, and probably will. Thus, anybody who tries to use it as an excuse is wasting breath.

That being said, we've seen a pretty consistent littering of these games with 70, 80, 90 FTs attempted in preseason. These are going to happen in the regular season, and they're going to slow down the game and turn it into a free throw contest at times.

I'm one of those "it is what it is" kind of people, but I still can't help but see the writing on the wall.

10-19-2009, 10:39 AM
To be a good NBA ref, all they gotta do is make note of how many fouls get called per quarter on average. Countdown the fouls in the flow of the game and for the most part, don't call anything except the obvious muggings.

10-19-2009, 10:39 AM
He's not making excuses for the Blazers you twats! He's telling you that the league is putting an inferior product out there with the replacement referees!

10-19-2009, 10:45 AM
He's not making excuses for the Blazers you twats! He's telling you that the league is putting an inferior product out there with the replacement referees!

Having "the league" permit 30 teams to chase product that will stock half that number is no better.

10-19-2009, 02:12 PM
Three hour games?! Hell yes! That's the shit! Seriously though, the officials in the preseason have sucked. How many games have been called close to 70 fouls, in this preseason? Preseason dammit! If that shit continues (not just being a Spursfan, where depending on the line puts us at a disadvantage) the whole league is in for some shit with fans. Who wants to watch a boring game decided more by the poor judgement and lack of experience of scab refs and their ticky-tack shit more than a true(-er) exhibition of skill?

10-19-2009, 02:22 PM
most writers just want to give any union complainer whatever they want. I hate the mind-set that says "oh ok, lets give all those union guys whatever they demand...whenever they demand it". "It's the NBA's fault".

the fucking refs can make a few concessions regarding retirement stuff. They already have 200k job, and tons of benefits. Jesus, make a few concessions in this economy...

10-19-2009, 04:45 PM
I was at the Rose Garden and it was definitively the worst officiating work I've ever seen.

10-19-2009, 04:48 PM
I understand the whole "they are doing the best possibly expected" bit the NBA wants to preach, but the outright fascism they exhibit by making players or coaches unable to complain about ANY aspect of the officiating, is simply incredible.

10-19-2009, 04:55 PM
First i was going to agree with you, then i saw that this had to do with a blazer game, why am I not surprised?

Do you guys, even your writers, bitch about the reffs after every loss? How is this any different than the playoffs last year?

This is starting to get very annoying and the blazers fanbase with the exception of penny on here, is beginning to move down my list.

Its the same shit with you guys everytime, even in a preseason game.

It is true, that the reffs may have sucked. But these replacements officiate the rest of the NBA teams as well. Why aren't they bitching as much?

10-19-2009, 04:58 PM
Once again, it's going to affect all teams equally. It may not exactly be fair (as few things in life are), but any team can get a bad call at any time, and probably will. Thus, anybody who tries to use it as an excuse is wasting breath.

That being said, we've seen a pretty consistent littering of these games with 70, 80, 90 FTs attempted in preseason. These are going to happen in the regular season, and they're going to slow down the game and turn it into a free throw contest at times.

I'm one of those "it is what it is" kind of people, but I still can't help but see the writing on the wall.


10-19-2009, 05:00 PM
First i was going to agree with you, then i saw that this had to do with a blazer game, why am I not surprised?

Do you guys, even your writers, bitch about the reffs after every loss?...

The Blazers won the game.

10-19-2009, 05:00 PM
The Blazers won the game.

Then its something even worse to be bitching about.

10-19-2009, 05:14 PM
It's not like those guys were doing a bang-up job. The regular NBA referees have sucked hugely over the last several years, and it's mainly because the NBA keeps issuing "points of emphasis" that they forget about some time later while they tweak the rules to try to allow for more scoring. Due to that micromanagement, the consistency is completely gone, and even the guys that have been there, good as they are at their jobs, are guessing half the time.

I suspect that some idiot in the NBA front office is counting free-throws as a measure of how "fairly" the game was officiated which just adds fuel to the fire. Nobody's going to do a good job in that environment, but unless the players who are bitching want to put up some money to pay the salaries of the regular officials, they're just going to have to wait and see with the rest of us.

10-19-2009, 05:32 PM
It will have to clean up once the season starts, I think.

The TV stations don't want their advertising schedules messed up on a regular basis.