View Full Version : Today's Teleconference with Manu

Kori Ellis
04-15-2005, 04:01 PM
Here is the transcript from today's teleconference with Manu. Anyone who can translate, please do.

Hablemos de los Playoffs. ¿Cómo llega San Antonio para esta serie y qué tan bien regresa Tim Duncan para la postemporada?
La lesión de Duncan nos ‘retrasó’ un poco. Pero volvió, ha tenido minutos limitados pero poco a poco está recuperando su nivel y creo que tenemos un gran chance. Hay mucho por jugar y nosotros tenemos mucho por trabajar igualmente.

¿Te gustaría enfrentar a tus compatriotas argentinos en la postemporada?
Claro, porque eso significaría que llegamos a la final. Eso sería una gran felicidad y desde hace tiempo estaba convencido de que en algún momento yo no sería el único argentino en la NBA. Creo que era cuestión de tiempo y sigo pensando que el próximo año y en las próximas temporadas habrán muchos más.

¿Qué tan determinantes han sido las lesiones para este grupo?
Favoreció en el sentido que muchos jugadores que no estaban sumando suficientes minutos lograron acumular tiempo durante la ausencia de los titulares. Han ganado en confianza y ritmo. Ahora Duncan, Nesterovich, Brown regresan y tenemos jugadores que ya han ganado tiempo y experiencia para el momento que el técnico los necesite.

¿Qué opinas de tu próxima participación en el campo Básquetbol Sin Fronteras en Argentina que incluye una visita a Bahía Blanca, tu ciudad de origen?
Me encanta todo esto. La idea es grandiosa. Se que esto se ha hecho en varios países del mundo y en varios continentes. Tenía muchas ganas de que se hiciera en Argentina no sólo por la oportunidad que tendrán los jóvenes jugadores sino por todo lo que envuelve socialmente un evento de la NBA. Creo que socialmente es más importante que deportivamente. Estoy muy feliz que se haga en mi país y de que la NBA haya puesto sus ojos en mi ciudad. Espero que el básquet siga creciendo y que logremos dejar huella con nuestra visita en el invierno de Argentina.

¿Cómo puede repercutir esta visita de la NBA en el crecimiento del baloncesto argentino?
Seguramente mucho. No muchas veces la NBA aterriza en Argentina y hace un evento de esta magnitud. Además hay que tener en cuenta que estarán los 50 mejores jugadores de Latinoamérica y el caribe en Argentina. También estará el aspecto social que ayuda a las comunidades. Le va a dar un empujón a nuestro básquet y quien dice que en un futuro no muy lejano se puede organizar un partido o algún otro evento NBA. Es un primer paso que será muy determinante.

Sabemos que te tomarás un respiro con la Selección durante el próximo verano. Pero vas a regresar y quisiéramos saber ¿cuál es tu motivación para seguir logrando triunfos?
Yo creo que todo jugador quiere seguir ganando. Cuando se gana y se vive la sensación de hacer parte del mejor equipo del mundo no hay vuelta atrás. Se siente tan bien que se quiere de nuevo. Repetir esas sensaciones y demostrar que no fue casualidad, fue un logro.

¿Cómo ves la rivalidad en la Conferencia del Este?
Detroit y Miami han sido los equipos con mayor regularidad en la presente temporada y con más chances de llegar a la final. Detroit es el campeón, que sabe lo que se necesita para ganar en el momento indicado y tiene un juego de conjunto muy bueno, sólido y ‘aceitado’. El caso de Miami es diferente porque es un equipo nuevo, con menos experiencia en la postemporada pero con dos jugadores muy determinantes como lo son Shaquille O’Neal y Dwyane Wade que pueden lograr muchas cosas. Creo que de uno de esos dos va a salir el finalista y cualquiera será un equipo muy temido para el finalista del Oeste.

¿Qué opinas de los posibles rivales en la primera ronda de los Playoffs?
Creo que Denver es uno de los equipos con más nivel en este momento en toda la NBA. Desde que George Karl asumió la dirección del grupo han mejorado mucho su ritmo, con confianza, rapidez y con mucha seguridad en varios aspectos del juego. Son muy peligrosos y además tienen el factor a favor de jugar en la altura de Denver, una ciudad que a muchos equipos les cuesta. Frente a nosotros les va bien y tienen una defensa agresiva que nos complica. Pero en general cualquier equipo va a ser complicado no sólo en la primera ronda sino en toda la postemporada.

¿Cómo llegas tu a los Playoffs en comparación a las dos temporadas anteriores?
Todavía falta una semana para los Playoffs. Ahora llego un poco más golpeado que en el pasado y eso es normal por la cantidad de minutos que he jugado hasta el momento. Pero confío en que de acá a que comiencen los playoffs pueda descansar un poco para recuperarme mejor. Además la adrenalina y todo lo que despiertan los playoffs te hacen estar muy preparado para la competencia.

¿Qué tan importante puede ser para los jóvenes el aporte de un campeón olímpico como tu en el campo que se realizará en Argentina?
Creo que va a ser una buena experiencia para todos. Para mí el estar al lado de chicos con mucho potencial y a pesar de que no los conozco creo que se puede aportar y darles algún consejo. Ellos pueden aprender de alguien que ha vivido situaciones que muy seguramente tendrán a lo largo de su carrera y así sacar el mejor provecho para todos. Espero con muchas ganas el inicio de este campo.

Solid D
04-15-2005, 04:25 PM
Translate, no. Google-fish, yes.

Here is the transcript from today's teleconference with Manu. Anyone who can translate, please do.
Let us speak of the Playoffs. How it arrives San Antonio for this series and what it returns Tim Duncan for the postemporada one so well? The injury of Duncan us ' delay '' a little. But it returned, it has had limited minutes but little by little it is recovering his level and I believe that we have great chance. There is much to play and we have much to also work.

You would like to face your Argentine compatriots in the postemporada one? Sure because that would mean that we arrived at the end. That would be a great happiness and a long time ago it was convinced that at some moment I would not be the only Argentinean in the NBA. Creo that was time question and I continue thinking that the next year and in the next seasons there will be many more.

So determining what have been the injuries for this group? It favored in the sense that many players who were not adding sufficient minutes managed to accumulate time during the absence of the holders. They have gained in confidence and rate. Now Duncan, Nesterovich, the Browns return and we have players who already have gained time and experience for the moment that the technician needs them.

What you think of your next participation in the Básquetbol field Without Borders in Argentina that includes a visit to White Bay (Bahia Blanca), your city of origin? It enchants all this to me. The idea is huge. That this has become in several countries of the world and several continents. It had many desire of which one became in Argentina not only by the opportunity which they will have the young players but by everything what socially surrounds an event of the NBA. Creo that socially is more important that sport. I am very happy that one becomes in my country and of that the NBA has put its eyes in my city. I hope that básquet continues growing and that we manage to leave track with our visit in the winter of Argentina.

How it can repel this visit of the NBA in the growth of the Argentine basketball? Surely much. Not often the NBA lands in Argentina and makes an event of this magnitude. In addition it is necessary to consider that will be the 50 better players of Latin America and the Caribbean in Argentina. Also it will be the social aspect that helps the communities. It is going to give to a push to ours básquet to him and that says that in a future not very distant a party can be organized or some other event NBA. Is a first step that will be very determining. We know that you will take a breathing with the Selection during the next summer. But you are going to return and we wanted to know which is your motivation to continue obtaining triumphs? I believe that all player wants to continue winning. When one gains and the sensation is lived to be part of the best equipment on the world is no return back. One feels so well that it is wanted again. To repeat those sensations and to demonstrate that it was not chance, were a profit.

How you see the rivalry in the Conference of the East? Detroit and Miami have been the equipment with greater regularity in the present season and with chances to arrive more at the end. Detroit is the champion, who knows what he is needed to win at the indicated moment and has a game of very good, solid set and ' aceitadó. The case of Miami is different because it is a new equipment, with less experience in the postemporada one but with two very determining players as they are it Shaquille ÓNeal and Dwyane Wade who can obtain many things. I believe that of one of those two it is going to leave the finalist and anyone will be an equipment very feared for the finalist of the West.

What you think of the possible rivals in the first round of the Playoffs? I believe that Denver is one of the equipment with more level at this moment in all the NBA. Ever since George Karl assumed the direction of the group have improved much his rate, with confidence, rapidity and with much security in several aspects of the game. They are very dangerous and in addition they have the factor in favor of playing in the height of Denver, a city that to many equipment costs to them. In front of us it goes to them well and have an aggressive defense that us complica. But in general any equipment is going to be complicated not only in the first round but in all the postemporada one.

How you arrive your a the Playoffs in comparison at the two previous seasons? Still it lacks one week for the Playoffs. Now I arrive a little more struck than in the past and that is normal by the amount of minutes that I have played until the moment. But I trust that of here to that they begin playoffs can rest a little to recover to me better. In addition the adrenalin and everything what playoffs wakes up make you be very prepared for the competition.

So important what can be for the young people the contribution of an Olympic champion like your in the field that will be made in Argentina? I believe that it is going to be a good experience for all. For me being next to boys with much potential and although I do not know them I believe that some advice can be contributed and be given them. They can learn on whom she has lived situations that very surely they will have throughout his race and thus to remove the best benefit for all. I wait for with many desire the beginning of this field.

04-15-2005, 04:26 PM
Detroit is the champion, who knows what he is needed to win at the indicated moment and has a game of very good, solid set and ' aceitadó.



04-15-2005, 04:35 PM

Here is the transcript from today's teleconference with Manu. Anyone who dog translate, please do.

Let us speak of the Playoffs. How it arrives San Antonio for this series and what it returns Tim Duncan for the postemporada one so well?

The injury of Duncan us ' delay '' a little. But it returned, it has had limited minutes but little by little it is recovering his level and I believe that we have great chance. There is much to play and we have much to also work.

You would like to face your Argentine compatriots in the postemporada one?

Sure because that would mean that we arrived at the end. That would be a great happiness and a long time ago it was convinced that at some moment I would not be the only Argentinean in the NBA. Creo that was time question and I continue thinking that the next year and in the next seasons there will be many more.

So determining what have been the injuries for this group?

It favored in the sense that many players who were not adding sufficient minutes managed to accumulate time during the absence of the holders. They have gained in confidence and rate. Now Duncan, Nesterovich, the Browns return and we have players who already have gained time and experience for the moment that the technician needs them.

What you think of your next participation in the Básquetbol field Without Borders in Argentina that includes a visit to White Bay, your city of origin?

It enchants all this to me. The idea is huge. That this has become in several countries of the world and several continents. It had many desire of which one became in Argentina not only by the opportunity which they will have the young players but by everything what socially surrounds an event of the NBA. Creo that socially is more important that sport. I am very happy that one becomes in my country and of that the NBA has put its eyes in my city. I hope that básquet continues growing and that we manage to leave track with our visit in the winter of Argentina.

How it can repel this visit of the NBA in the growth of the Argentine basketball?

Surely much. Not often the NBA lands in Argentina and makes an event of this magnitude. In addition it is necessary to consider that will be the 50 better players of Latin America and the Caribbean in Argentina. Also it will be the social aspect that helps the communities. It is going to give to a push to ours básquet to him and that says that in a future not very distant a party can be organized or some other event NBA. Is a first step that will be very determining.

We know that you will take a breathing with the Selection during the next summer. But you are going to return and we wanted to know which is your motivation to continue obtaining triumphs?

I believe that all player wants to continue winning. When one gains and the sensation is lived to be part of the best equipment on the world is no return back. One feels so well that it is wanted again. To repeat those sensations and to demonstrate that it was not chance, were a profit.

How you see the rivalry in the Conference of the East?

Detroit and Miami have been the equipment with greater regularity in the present season and with chances to arrive more at the end. Detroit is the champion, who knows what he is needed to win at the indicated moment and has a game of very good, solid set and ' aceitadó. The case of Miami is different because it is a new equipment, with less experience in the postemporada one but with two very determining players as they are it Shaquille ÓNeal and Dwyane Wade who can obtain many things. I believe that of one of those two it is going to leave the finalist and anyone will be an equipment very feared for the finalist of the West.

What you think of the possible rivals in the first round of the Playoffs?

I believe that Denver is one of the equipment with more level at this moment in all the NBA. Ever since George Karl assumed the direction of the group have improved much his rate, with confidence, rapidity and with much security in several aspects of the game. They are very dangerous and in addition they have the factor in favor of playing in the height of Denver, a city that to many equipment costs to them. In front of us it goes to them well and have an aggressive defense that us complica. But in general any equipment is going to be complicated not only in the first round but in all the postemporada one.

How you arrive your a the Playoffs in comparison at the two previous seasons?

Still it lacks one week for the Playoffs. Now I arrive a little more struck than in the past and that is normal by the amount of minutes that I have played until the moment. But I trust that of here to that they begin playoffs can rest a little to recover to me better. In addition the adrenalin and everything what playoffs wakes up make you be very prepared for the competition.

So important what can be for the young people the contribution of an Olympic champion like your in the field that will be made in Argentina?

I believe that it is going to be a good experience for all. For me being next to boys with much potential and although I do not know them I believe that some advice can be contributed and be given them. They can learn on whom she has lived situations that very surely they will have throughout his race and thus to remove the best benefit for all. I wait for with many desire the beginning of this field

04-15-2005, 05:08 PM
I am translating it right now. Just wait a few minutes.

Kori Ellis
04-15-2005, 05:09 PM
Thanks, kolko. You are becoming our official translator. :)

04-15-2005, 05:10 PM
take your time

04-15-2005, 05:29 PM
"They can learn on whom she has lived situations that very surely they will have throughout his race and thus to remove the best benefit for all."

That is so moving. I think.

04-15-2005, 06:01 PM
My translation:

Talk about the playoffs. How San Antonio arrives to the first round and in what conditions Tim Duncan is back for the playoffs?

Tim Duncan's injury "delays" us a little bit. But he returned, he played limited minutes but little to little is recovering his level of play and I think we have a great chance. There is a lot to play and we have a lot to work.

Do you want to face the other argentinian players in the playoffs?

Of course, because that would mean that we are in the finals. That would be great and I was convinced that sometime I wouldn't be the only argentinian in the NBA. I think it's only a matter of time and I still thinking that in the next years there will be many more.

How much determinant were the injuries to the team?

It helps us in the fact that many players that weren't playing, got the chance to do it. They gained confidence. Now that Duncan, Nesterovic and Brown return, we have players that gained time and experience for the moment the coach needs them.

What do you think about your participation in the "Basketball Without Borders" program, which includes a visit to your natal city, Bahia Blanca?

I love it. The idea is great. I know that this was made in a lot of countries of the world and in all the continents. I wanted this program to arrive in Argentina, not only for the opportunity that the young players will have, but for all the social things that an NBA event involves. I think it is more important socially. I'm very happy about the NBA putting their eyes on my city. I hope Basketball in my country continue to grow and to leave a mark in our visit this summer.

How can this program help to the growing of Basketball in your country?

Surely a lot. Not many times the NBA arrives in Argentina and makes this event. Besides, we will have the 50 best young players of Latin America and Caribe in Argentina. And they will also help the community. It will help to grow Basketball and we may have a pre-season game in the future. This is a first step to something very important.

We know that you will have a rest this summer with your national team. But you will be back and we want to know which is your motivation to continue obtaining championships?

I believe that all players want to keep winning. When you win and you live the sensation of being the best team of the world, you have no return. You fell so good that you want to do it again. To repeat these sensations, it is something unique.

How do you see the rivalry in the Eastern conference?

Detroit and Miami have been the most regular teams in the current season and they are the teams with most chances of reaching the finals. Detroit is the champion, they know what to do in the indicated moment and they have a team play very solid. Miami's case is different because they are a new team, with less experience in playoffs but they have two great players in Shaquille O'Neal and Dwyane Wade. They can win a lot of things. I think that one of this teams will be in the NBA finals and it will be very hard to beat them there.

What do you think about your possible first round rival?

I think that Denver is one of the best teams right now in the NBA. Since George Karl is their coach, they improved a lot their ryhtm, playing with confidence, fast and with a lot of security in all aspects of the game. They are very dangerous and playing in the altitude is difficult. They do well against us and their aggresive defense hurt us. But every team in the playoffs is hard to beat.

How do you reach the playoffs comparing to the last seasons?

We have one week until playoffs. Now I am more tired than in the past and that is normal because of the minutes I have played this season. But I think that in this week I will rest and slowly get better. And all the adrenalin of the playoffs makes you prepared to the competition.

How important is to young players the advice of an olympic champion like you in the "Basketball without Borders" program?

I think it will be a good experience for all of us. For me, to be near kids with a lot of potential and to give them an advice is great, even if I don't know them. They can learn from someone who has lived situations they will probably have in their careers. I'm waiting with a lot of expectations the start of this campus.

Kori Ellis
04-15-2005, 06:10 PM
Thanks very much.

04-15-2005, 06:37 PM
I am more tired than in the past and that is normal because of the minutes I have played this season.

Actually, he'll play less minutes this season than he did last season? Why is he so tired this season?

Is it only the Olympics or could he be more injured than we know? Could he be sick?


04-15-2005, 06:48 PM
I've been beginning to wonder if he's sick and doesn't know it. A lot of illnesses have fatigue as as a symptom. Epstein-Barr, perhaps?

04-15-2005, 06:49 PM
actually manu said he is more "golpeado" this season than last, that translates to "beat up", not "tired"

good job all the same, kolko

04-15-2005, 07:18 PM
dude needs to talk to someone and change his diet so he can play 35 minutes a game..........

04-15-2005, 07:19 PM
actually manu said he is more "golpeado" this season than last, that translates to "beat up", not "tired"

good job all the same, kolko

where are you from? :smokin

04-15-2005, 07:32 PM
Was his girlfriend living with him last season?
I assume his wife is now, maybe that's the problem.
First year married can be "fun". And his injury was in the groin area! :lol
Maybe not enough sleep? :))

I'd like him to get a total, deep, thorough physical in the off-season.

04-15-2005, 09:00 PM
Manu's new uniform for next year.


04-15-2005, 09:11 PM
Thanks very much for the translation :smokin

04-16-2005, 09:03 AM
where are you from? :smokin

I'm a mutt- european parents, born in South America, lived in the US (east and west coast), Asia, now I live in Chile... so I guess I'm from planet earth :spin

can't wait for the playoffs to start so i can actually see some games!

04-16-2005, 09:23 AM
I'm a mutt- european parents, born in South America, lived in the US (east and west coast), Asia, now I live in Chile... so I guess I'm from planet earth :spin

can't wait for the playoffs to start so i can actually see some games!
Damn, you've been everywhere!

In which country were you born in?

04-16-2005, 10:07 AM
Thanks Kolko.

These translations almost make up for your blatant cheating in the trivia comp :)