View Full Version : Flat Earth Society

10-20-2009, 01:01 PM
I think its time to get our troll on. :lol


10-20-2009, 01:13 PM
What. The. Fuck.

10-20-2009, 01:14 PM
What. The. Fuck.

I was hoping you would take a gander at this thread.

10-20-2009, 01:17 PM
Normally I would jump all over this but the real world has zapped me pretty good this morning.

They're begging for a full on assault though.

10-20-2009, 01:20 PM
that is awesome.

10-20-2009, 01:21 PM
this is old, i thought you guys knew about them

10-20-2009, 01:22 PM
...and God said, "Let there be ignorance"

From the FAQ.


Q: "What is the circumference and diameter of the Earth?"

Circumference: 78,225 miles
Diameter: 24,900 miles

In John Davis's model, the Earth is an infinite plane and is 9000 kilometers deep.

Q: "What about the stars, sun and moon and other planets? Are they flat too? What are they made of?"

A1: The sun and moon, each 32 miles in diameter, rotate at a height of 3000 miles above sea level. As they are spotlights, they only illuminate certain places. This explains why there are nights and days on Earth.

A2: In James McIntyre's model, the sun and the moon are metallic discs. These discs are being held above the Earth by photoelectric effect. See: Photoelectric Suspension Theory.

The stars are at a height of 3100 miles above sea level, which is as far as from San Francisco to Boston.

Q: "Please explain sunrises/sunsets."

A: It's a perspective effect. Really, the sun is just getting farther away; it looks like it's disappearing because everything gets smaller, and eventually disappears as it gets farther away.

UPDATE:The theory of Electromagnetic Acceleration is currently being developed and reviewed by members. Once completed, Electromagnetic Acceleration will be used as an alternative in explaining sunrises, sunsets and horizons for the general model only.

Q: "Why are other celestial bodies round but not the Earth?"

A: The Earth is not one of the other planets. The Earth is special and unlike the other bodies in numerous ways.

Q: "What about satellites? How do they orbit the Earth?"

A: Since sustained spaceflight is not possible, satellites can't orbit the Earth. The signals we supposedly receive from them are either broadcast from towers or any number of possible pseudolites. However, temporary space-flight is possible.

Q: "What's underneath the Earth?" aka "What's on the bottom?" aka "What's on the other side?"

A: This is unknown. Some believe it to be just rocks, while others believe the Earth rests on the back of four elephants and a turtle.

Q: "What about gravity?"

A1: In the general model, DE accelerates the Earth and all celestial bodies in the universe at 9.8m/s2. This is commonly known as Universal Acceleration, which produces the same effect as "gravity" in our local reference frame. See: Equivalence Principle.

A2: In James McIntyre's model, Universal Accelerator is an object that sits underneath the Earth and pushes it up at an acceleration of 9.8m/s2. This mediates observable gravitational effects in our local reference frame.

A3: In John Davis's model, the infinite plane produces a finite gravitational field with a downward pull. Here is the mathematical formulation behind this model.

Q: "Isn't this version of gravity flawed for the moving Earth? Wouldn't planes/helicopters/paragliders crash into the Earth as the Earth rises up to them?"

A: No. By the same argument, we could ask why planes/helicopters/paragliders don't crash into the Earth as they accelerate down towards them. The reason that planes do not crash is that their wings produce lift, which, when the rate of acceleration upwards equals that of gravity's pull downwards, causes them to remain at a constant altitude.

The same thing happens if the Earth is moving up. The plane is accelerating upwards at the same rate as the Earth, which means the distance between them does not change. Therefore, the plane stays at the same height and does not crash.

Q: "Doesn't this mean we'd be traveling faster than the speed of light, which is impossible?"

A: The equations of Special Relativity prevent an object from accelerating to the speed of light. Due to this restriction, these equations prove that an object can accelerate at a constant rate forever, and never reach the speed of light. For an in depth explanation: Click here.

Q: "In the moving Earth, why does a feather fall slower than a bowling ball"?

A: It's due to air resistance. The Earth accelerates the air, and the air in turn accelerates the feather up faster than the bowling ball. In our reference frame, it seems that the feather is falling slower than the bowling ball.

Q: "If gravity does not exist, how does terminal velocity work"?

A: When the acceleration of the person is equal to the acceleration of the Earth, the person has reached terminal velocity (Diagram).

Q: "If the world was really flat, what would happen if you jump off the disc's edge?"

A1: In the general model, you would become directly affected by DE as the Earth is, creating the illusion that you are standing next to the Earth.

A2: In James McIntyre's model, if you were to come into contact with the UA, which is functionally a physical object, you would consequently rise at an accelerating rate equal to that of the Earth. The local effect would be the appearance of just standing next to the Earth. Since nobody knows what the UA looks like, this might not even be distinguishable from just standing on more ground.

Q: "If the Earth was indeed a flat disc, wouldn't the whole planet crunch up into itself and eventually transform into a ball?"

A: If the Earth generated a gravitational field, it would eventually happen. Of course, it would take a billion years for the process to complete. FE assumes that the Earth does not generate a gravitational field. What we know as 'gravity' is provided by the acceleration of the earth.

Q: "Why does gravity vary with altitude?"

A: The heavenly bodies have a slight gravitational pull. However, not all FE'ers believe that gravity varies with altitude.

Q: Follow-up to previous question: "How is it that the Earth does not have a gravitational pull, but stars and the moon do?"

A: This argument is a non-sequitur. You might as well ask, "How is it that snakes do not have legs, but dogs and cats do?" Snakes are not dogs or cats. The Earth is not a star or the moon. It doesn't follow that each must have exactly the properties of the others, and no more.

10-20-2009, 01:23 PM
half the posts there seem to be people trolling anyway.

10-20-2009, 01:31 PM
What's their objection to "astronauts have orbited the earth and explicitly saw its roundness"

...I thought I was in a scientific minority ... these guys take that cake right away ...

10-20-2009, 01:32 PM
half the posts there seem to be people trolling anyway.
I didn't bother looking.

10-20-2009, 01:39 PM
That is pure gold. Good enough to ship in an envelope for money.

10-20-2009, 01:48 PM
I am on my third thread.

This site is gold.

10-20-2009, 01:52 PM
The real value of that site can only be appreciated when you eliminate us REers (thats "round-earthers").

Go to the sub-forums that only let believers discuss amongst themselves. Its...

Inexplicable, really.

10-20-2009, 01:53 PM

baseline bum
10-20-2009, 05:08 PM
OMG, you have to be a special kind of retarded to believe the Earth is flat, going way beyond even the 9-11 truthers and the teabaggers. I can somewhat understand the conspiracy theories about our trips to space being faked and the anti-intellectual attitudes that ignore why gravity would ensure the Earth would form as an ellipsoid, but how the hell do you explain seeing ships' masts ahead of their decks when they come from the distance on a flat earth?

baseline bum
10-20-2009, 05:16 PM
Oh man, someone's gotta go in there and advance his theory that the earth is a one-sided mobius strip, which explains why it can be sailed around. It would be so cool to see our planet as a non-orientable surface!

10-20-2009, 05:23 PM
did these guys go to utsa or a&m

10-20-2009, 06:02 PM
Has anyone registered yet?

tell them to explain the following:

Lunar eclipses

The geometry of a lunar eclipse has been known since ancient Greece. When a full Moon occurs in the plane of Earth's orbit, the Moon slowly moves through Earth's shadow. Every time that shadow is seen, its edge is round. Once again, the only solid that always projects a round shadow is a sphere.

even assuming the Earth was a disc with the sun, moon and stars rotating around it, a disc will only show a round shadow when a light source is directly on the opposite side.

Also, keep in mind the 24 hour time zones. When it is noon in Hawaii, it is approximately midnight in the Middle East and vice versa. How can it be noon and midnight simultaneously on a flat surface? It is certainly impossible with a flat earth and a sun millions of times more massive.

10-20-2009, 06:17 PM
are people really this retarded?

10-20-2009, 06:59 PM
?? I clicked on the site, and was re-directed to the national GOP site, and asked for a contribution. WTF?

:lol:rollin J/K

However, if you're a Biblical literalist, and think the Earth is like 5,000 years old, I'd better not catch you in here throwing rocks at these OTHER idiots.

10-20-2009, 07:23 PM
Fucking wow...this stuff is golden.

I cannot believe there are actually people out there that believe, and have taken the time to attempt to explain, this stuff.

From their FAQ

Q: "When traveling in a straight direction, you will always reach the same point on the globe from where you started. How can this happen if the world is flat?"

A: You need to have evidence for this to be true. Also, define "straight." Remember, the northern point on the compass is, under most circumstances (unless near the center or deep in the ice wall), pointing toward the center of the Earth. If you follow your compass due east or due west, ending up at the same point you started from, you've just gone around the world in a circle. Thus, circumnavigation is possible on FE.

What??? The Ice wall? Haha...i am just floored...

10-20-2009, 07:26 PM
This stuff is going to make my head explode...i mean...DOUBLE EWWW TEEE EFFFF???????

Q: "NASA and other world space agencies have pictures of the Earth from space, and in those pictures the Earth is clearly a globe; in this day and age, hasn't it been proven beyond any doubt that the Earth is round?"

A: NASA and the rest of the world's space agencies who claim to have been to space are involved in a Conspiracy to keep the shape of the Earth hidden. The pictures are faked using simple imaging software.

Q: "Are you saying NASA had Photoshop in the 1960s?"

A: Of course not. Back then the pictures taken were of far lower quality and were likely produced using analog means.

Q: "Why has no one taken a photo of the Earth that proves it is flat?"

A: Only those connected to the Conspiracy have access to heights from which the shape of the Earth can be discerned. Also, nobody has been to the edge of the Earth and lived; conditions on the Ice Wall get increasingly treacherous the further you get out, and navigation methods become unreliable that far south. It is also possible that the Conspiracy is guarding the edge to prevent people from getting too close to the truth.

Q: "How did NASA create these images with the computer technology available at the time?"

A: NASA did not send rockets into space; instead, they spent a fraction of their funding on developing increasingly advanced computers and imaging software to cover their lies.

10-20-2009, 07:51 PM
seems to me like it's just a place for religious fanatics and people who are trolling by making believe they are flat earthers

10-21-2009, 07:16 AM
I dont really see the tie to religion, but i wouldnt be surprised that the majority of the people there arent just taking the piss.

I just have a hard time believing people could put all their apples in a completely unfounded idea that completely contradicts many LAWS of physics and science...all in the name of a conspiracy.