View Full Version : Boston beats Miami

04-15-2005, 09:15 PM
101-99 Pierce hit game winner.

Great game, Miami had a chance to win when they were down by 1 with 9 secs left, but missed...Pierce got reb and was fouled with .8 left, made 1st and missed 2nd with .5 left....Miami did not get LA miracle and Boston won.

SA just about locks up HCA in Finals....magic number is 1 for them now.


04-15-2005, 09:16 PM
In the 2-3-2 Finals format, it is imperative to get HCA.

Although, Detroit beat LA last year w/o it, but still, history has shown that the team with the 4 home and 3 away has won most of the Finals since the adoption of the 2-3-2 format,

04-15-2005, 09:25 PM
WOW, Can't believe Heat have lost 4 in a row. So much for SVG's idea of resting Shaq for the PO's (with his so called stomach virus). It might just come back and bite them in the ass.

04-15-2005, 09:28 PM
101-99 Pierce hit game winner.

Great game, Miami had a chance to win when they were down by 1 with 9 secs left, but missed...Pierce got reb and was fouled with .8 left, made 1st and missed 2nd with .5 left....Miami did not get LA miracle and Boston won.

SA just about locks up HCA in Finals....magic number is 1 for them now.


Sweet! That just bought us some breathing space. Here's a meaningless prediction though. We won't face Miami in the finals. We will face Detroit. Their defense will put them over the top in the East.

Guru of Nothing
04-15-2005, 09:42 PM
Dammit, I started vegging on the Memphis-Denver game and forgot to flip it back.

Newsflash - Memphis is sucking bad.

04-15-2005, 09:47 PM
So much for the Heat winning 60 games, they can kiss having the best record in the NBA goodbye.

Guru of Nothing
04-15-2005, 09:55 PM
Memphis down by 8 at the beginning of the 4th.

Seems like Denver was up by 20+ for most of the game.

04-16-2005, 12:18 AM
Best case scenario, Spurs beat Memphis 2 straight then just to get Wolves hopes up run out a reserve team that kicks their tails.

04-16-2005, 09:21 AM
Best case scenario, Spurs beat Memphis 2 straight then just to get Wolves hopes up run out a reserve team that kicks their tails.

Spurs are going to have a very hard time beating the Griz in the next two games IMO. Grizz know they have to win them in order to stay in the Playoff's and hold of the Wolves. A team who's back is against the wall is capable of doing winning a hard fought game...just ask the Sixers.

Hopefully, Spurs still fight for these wins, even though they have the 2 seed pretty much locked up.

04-16-2005, 09:59 AM
I think the Spurs' CONFIDENCE and MOMENTUM need stoking by Ws in these last 3 games.

Worst would be to try to win them and lose.

Next would be to lose them and say "we weren't trying".

Next would be to come out flat, and give them away. Mid-April is not the time for motivation and focus to go missing. We are essentially in the playoffs, so play like we are.

Simply win all 3 as playoff tune-ups, and roll into the playoffs.

Tonight specifically, the Spurs have had 2 days rest, and are @SBC. A decisive win, even a blow-out, would be very welcome, re-stating loudly Spurs dominance at home.