View Full Version : Dallas cop cites woman for not speaking English

10-24-2009, 08:10 PM
DALLAS — A Dallas police officer, just out of the academy and still under supervised training, ticketed a woman recently for leaving her drivers license at home, making an illegal U-turn, and being a "non-English speaking driver."

"At first I thought it was a joke," said Brenda Mondragon about the ticket issued to her mother, Ernestina. "We moved from California two years ago, so I thought maybe it's a law here."

Ernestina Mondragon got the ticket as she took her youngest daughter Vanessa to elementary school on October 2

"She was upset and worried," Vanessa, 11, remembered about the traffic stop.

Officer Gary Bromley issued three citations to Mondragon, the first for failing to carry her drivers license. She said she left it at home darting out the door.

Bromley also cited her for making an illegal U-turn in the 500 block of Easton in Northeast Dallas.

Finally, the rookie policeman ticketed her for being a "non-English speaking driver."

The City of Dallas has no such law on its books

"I'm upset," Brenda said. "I'm really upset; I was really mad."

Dallas police later apologized to Ernestina Mondragon.

"We regret this happening, and although we believe this is a sincere mistake, there's no excuse for it," said department spokesman Sgt. Warren Mitchell.

Mitchell said the department believes the rookie policeman was likely confused. There is a federal law under 49 CFR 391.11 which states drivers must speak English to operate a commercial vehicle, but no such law exists for a private vehicle. Sgt. Mitchell said that specific federal law was never adopted by either Dallas or Texas.

A court dismissed the "non-English" charge and also the license charge after she presented hers.

Brenda Mondragon said her mother is still learning English. She added that she believes Officer Bromley -- who is still in training -- clearly needs more of it.

Mitchell said Bromely's commanders will review previous tickets he has written for any other problems.

The department also wonders why Bromley's trainer, Senior Cpl. Daniel Larkin, failed to catch his trainee's mistake.

Police said Bromley will face more more training.


im sure Lou Dobbs will masturbate to this story all night

10-24-2009, 08:30 PM
They should target Asians.

Although the 4 hermanos in the single cab utilizing 250% of their truck bed going 20 mph under the speed limit due to an absence of insurance are a close second.

10-24-2009, 09:50 PM
Bigotry police