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10-26-2009, 09:37 AM
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DHS loses track of 18 percent of illegals placed in Intensive Supervision Program
BY: kimberlydvorak San Diego : CA : USA | 1 day ago 40 VIEWS: 1,301
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Nearly 20 percent of illegal immigrants placed in a highly-touted Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Intensive Supervision Appearance Program (ISAP), failed to appear in court on deportation orders.
The program which allows those caught in the U.S. illegally, to remain under the guise they will appear in court at a later date on deportation charges suffers many red herrings.
“This data is not surprising. Individuals who broke our laws to come here illegally in the first place will not automatically comply with our laws after they are caught and ordered to leave,” said a spokesperson from Congressman Lamar Smith’s-R TX office. “We cannot afford to pretend they will, particularly when history and common sense dictate otherwise.”
In a report from the Houston Chronicle, the Obama Administration promotes this “catch and release program” and didn’t request any further funding for detention beds despite a Congressional order to do so.
Illegal aliens enrolled in the program are required to check in via phone, wear ankle bracelets and obey curfews, yet approximately one in five simply disappear.
According to the Justice Department’s Inspector General, only 13 percent of non-detained aliens with final removal orders were actually returned home. Even more disturbing are only 6 percent of non-detained aliens from countries designated as state sponsors of terrorism who had deportation orders were actually deported.
The Judiciary Committee was also provided data during the Bush Administration that revealed one-third of the supervised aliens in the ISAP program ignored their deportation orders.
Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) claimed once the illegal aliens absconded, ICE simply terminated their records from the ISAP program; or essentially allowing them to continue living in the U.S. despite breaking yet another law.

10-26-2009, 09:42 AM
80% complied.

thanks for the good news!

keep us updated!

10-26-2009, 09:46 AM
"they want to manage our health care"

no, they want to offer a competitive, strong public insurance option (that will screw the private insurance companies).

Repugs did NOTHING about illegal immigration for 8 years. Magic Negro has a couple more important items on his agenda this year.

llegal immigration is announced for next year (but the Repugs will obstruct whatever MN tries to do)

DHS is a creation of the Repugs, by the Exec that was supposed to be the "MBA" experts. :lol