View Full Version : Un-Doing The Dew

10-26-2009, 06:54 PM
Caron Butler is one strange man. lendale white again type of story : from his blog in nba.com:

I lost 11 pounds this summer by giving up Mountain Dew. That's right Mountain Dew. A lot of people don't know I'm a Mountain Dew addict so I guess this is my confession.

To try and give this up was CRAZY for me! I was going through withdrawals. I was in the bed sweating. My wife would turn over in the bed and ask "Are you OK?" .Honestly, those first two weeks without The Dew was the roughest two weeks of my life. I'm talking headaches, sweats and everything. Before that I drank at least six 12 ounce Mountain Dews a day.

It was so bad at one point that I had to have a cold one right there at the night stand before I went to bed. I had to get the coasters and let it drip a lil' bit and just have it waiting on me. Come 2 a.m.., I'd wake up out of my sleep, I'd pop one open and hear the fizz sound...and just down it! Then I always had to have another one in the morning when I woke up. Before practice I had one too and before games I would knock back two.
